JOffa0C W O to I f y o u L ik e TH E LEAD ER B oost fo r It- I f not. S e n d you r C ritic is m to th is P a p e r. ^ A d v e r tis e In . TH E LEAD ER 4 j Or. Historical I • ss and gives i n « P a p er L ife . PU B LISH E D S E M I- W E E K L Y C O TTAG E GROVE LEAD ER B O H E M IA N U G G E T { January9. 1908 . C O T T A G E GROVE, OREGON, T U ESD A Y, N O V E M B E R 2, igog HAMPTON ® CO. C a s h T o A ll Phoenix inuffieis $ .SO Spun Silk Scarfs ‘)0c to 4.50 Slack hand hags 75c to 4.50 Latest styles in notions Flannelette skirts 25c to . .50 Knit Corset Covers ... 5o Laundry bags-------------- .25 Hand made doilies 12%c to .75 Ilatul embroidered center­ pieces___________________ 2.25 Hand crocheted center- pieces_____ ____________ LOO Half Price Sale VOL. XXI. NO. 29 SISKIYOU, PROPOSED NEW STATE BUSY SESSION OF CITY COUNCIL V ___________________ ___________________ 1 To be Created From Seven Oregon and Eight Cal- Lang Creek Water Ordinance Passed— Congress- ifornia Counties— Would Take Half of the Bohemia Mining District man Hawley Will Personally Investigate the Lang Creek Timber Sale Collar pins. Shirt W aist sets. The Leader is in receipt of a copy of the Yreka, California, Journal, which contains a large map of the much talked of new state, “ Siski you,’ ’ which it is proposed to create from a part of Southern and South­ western Oregon and Northern California. The territory embraced within the boundaries of this pro­ posed new state includes seven Oregon counties as follows: Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath and Lake: eight California counties as follows: DelNorte, Siskiyou, Modock, Hum­ boldt, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen and Tehama. This arrangement places Yreka about the center of this ter ritory and makes that place the logical candidate for the new state capital. The proposed sew state includes within its northern bound­ The eitv council met in regular this sewer, as the S. 1’ . Co. and aries that part of Douglas county monthly session Monday evening, others interested had not yet been Tie and Scarf pins. included within the proposed new a full board being present ex ­ heard from. A motion prevailed that an ordi­ Solid Gold Bracelets. county o f Nesmith and would place cept councilman \V. A. Ilogate. nance be drafted providing for the Necklaces and many other ar­ A petition from the property printing of 150 copies of the city our 'Hohemiu mining district not ticles in our Notions case to nu­ only partially in two counties, but owners on I) street remonstrated ordinances at $ 1 . 12 tier page to be merous to mention. This Sale also in two states. Cottage Grove or protested against the payment bound in paper covers. Council­ of the assessment levied against man Kime advocated charging a would be the extreme southern city Affords a splendid opportunity for their respective properties for the small price for copies of these or­ within the remaining state of Ore­ recent improvement in grading and dinances. Councilman Flledge anyone warning to select articles gon and situated only four miles graveling this street, on the opposed this proposition and Coun­ for Christmas presents. from the Siskiyou state line. Jack- grounds that the graveling was not cilman Lawson suggested that the son, Klamath and Lake counties done according to the terms of the books be distributed very judicious­ .50 Joeger fleeced heavy contract, the required amount of ly and this proposition was accept­ are said to strongly favor the .25 Hoys fleeced heavy ------ gravel not having geen placed 011 ed. creation of this new state, which this street. After considerable dis­ Hoys natural wool 65, 75 to .90 Ordinance No. 245 providing for however, will require national cussion in which councilman Law- the issuance and sale of bonds not Mens heavy wool, $2 and- 1.50 legislation to establish and the son, Bartels and Atkinson partici- to exceed $ 100,000 and to bear in- Values to $2, 15c each. 1.40 Mens light wool, #1 to Leader is therefore uot losing any pated and also Engineer Kurtz and terest at the rate of 5 per cent, to. sleep over the probability of the citizen (). L. Willard, a motion run 25 years, for the purpose o f state of Siskiyou absorbing a por­ was made by Councilman Bartels constructing a pipe line from Lang tion of our proposed Nesmith that the D street matter be referred Creek to Cottage Grove, was read county, or anv other Oregon terri­ to Jhe street committee for investi­ the first time. 1.50 Helgian hose for men. tory. It’s a huge joke. gation. This motion was carried. Councilman Lawson objected to The Dutchess trousers A splendid hat, and will wear Mayor Job stated that in his blank dates in ordinance and sug­ are sold under a positive opinion when the street committee gested that dates be set now ami with any, $2 to $2.50. We have and property owners confer togeth- tilled in the ordinance regarding- a good selection in color and guarantee, $2 to_______$5.00 er oti I) street matters an amicable date when interest shall commence- If iti two months, a sus­ shape. settlement of these differences will ion bonds after sold, Gordan hat “ always” . . .Loo pender button comes off, we be promptly brought about. Councilman Hartels suggested Since October 19th the Leader] Col. Yoran is holding the com- Colors blue, green, gray, Letters of recommendation con that an accnrate estimate of the will pay you 10 c, if they rip has been publishing the official no- , petitive rifle shoot among the com cerniug the competency of engineer cost of the construction of a pipe holly, olive, tan, brown and at the waist banu, we will tiqe, of the biggest proposed sale of patties of the Fourth Regiment O. Roberts of Medford, who has an line from Lang Creek to this city black. pay you 50c, if they rip in timber ever planned bv the forestry N. G., and these companies have application before the council for be secured before Ordinance No. service in Oregon. This notice j already made their records. Co. Consulting Engineer for the con­ 245 be passed. the seat or elsewhere, we will struction of the Lang Creek pii>e Councilman Lawson made a may still be found in the Leader, K of Cottage Grove shot under the pay you $1 or give you a new line, were read and placed on file. motion, which was carried, that ragarilitig which the Oregonian | Letters from Forest Supervisor Section I of Ordinance No. 24Tv, had this to say recently: ! mos adverse conditions of wind W ill keep them dry . $2.00 pair. "Recording one of the biggest i ant* weather and their score while S. C. Bartrum and Congressman he amended , to read, “ Said bemds; sales of timber ever planned by the ! good is not up to what it would Hawley concerning the sale of to bear interest from the date ot forestry service, bids are being re have been under better conditions timber 0,1 La" K Creek tlle !*n,,ce the delivery of said money to the- ceivedby the goverment on 175,-!The m.” bids to be adver assumed expense and criticism o f ! tised in one Cottage Grove and one a fine herd of 150 head of Jerseys carefully housed for the winter. ; at least $2 a thousand feet. Only may invest. sam e, was accepted and filed Portland newspaper. '1'his ordi- which they will bring to Cottage Mr. McCormick has recently pnr-|the timber and not the laud will -------- --------- The committee on proposed east j nance then passed to the second Grove providing they can find and chased 50 head of good cattle and 1 be sold by the government. The ; A llew Btock of Columbia graph Cottage Grove sewer was allowed and third reading and come up for , , . purchase a suitable dairy farm near is stocking the place up in fine forestry service figures that suffic-’ , shape and will mpke a model place ient unmerchantable timber will be j ”11,10111 s al,< rcco>'1 s R ' i " u more time torejKirtoii subscriptions adoption or rejection. this city on which to place them. I of it.— Register. received tor the construction of Upon roll call ordinance No. j left on the tract to reseed the area.” | studio. They are looking over the Jones j ) 245 was adopted without opposi- I lion farm north of this city today and A petition to the county court will also look over a few other; I asking for permission to lay a places. These gentlemen have ] water pi|Ye along the county road! been conducting a dairy at Port- j j at various points between Lang land where they owned a tract o f ! Creek and Cottage Grove was read.. I endorsed and ordered presented to .420 acres. They recently sold I the county court. forty acres of this tract for $80,000 j Ordinance No. 246, providing and will plat and sell the rest of it j for letting a new contract for light­ in small tracts. They will put 011 ing the city of Cottage < '.rove for a a milk wagon and sell milk and 1 iieriod of five years passed the first \Ve are always busy. livery day gets busier. • ; and second reading and was held cream as well as manufacture and ¡over for the third reading antS sell butter at this place. We are always right and are getting Tighter. # adoption or rejection at the next Mr. Stiller, we are pleased to an­ | regular meeting, when the new Get in liue and get yourself right- How will yon do it? Get one of those Nifty P A R IS IA N SUITS. nounce, will remain in Cottage [style arc light will he exhibited Get one of those Nobby Hats. Grove and look after his own prop­ | and demonstrated to the city coun- j cil lx>th in the council chamber erty interests and possibly engage Get a pair of those Snappy Shoes. and on the street- in some other business when the Get Staley Underwear. Councilman Lawson reported it opportunity is afforded. I proposed contract for lighting the Cet Everwear Hosiery, The Leader welcomes Messrs city proposed by the Cottage Grove Bleuer and Eggers to this city and I Electric Co. which company agrees Get them all at Wheeler-Thompson Co’s, and then vou will be getting right. You know that when you want something good ! to light Cottage Grove five years as wishes them success. and right you have to come to us. W e always have been leaders in these lines and always will, or bust a hame-string. | follows: Incandescent arc lights % | $ 8 t) jx-r year each, the old contract The Grove studio is now j providing for $ 1 1 0 jier arc light equipped with an Aristo lamp, j i per year up to ten lights. For in Satisfactory pictures made at any j , candescent street lights 42 caudle- time except the noon hour and i jlMiwer $40 |ier year, 16 candle- power $|N per year, alxiut the same- Sundays. If you can’t come in price as at present, lights to bwi> the daytime, let us know and we all night, and new contract to go- will he ready at your time. »• into effect Jan. I, 1910. This con­ tract was placed on file. Registered Angoria Billie Goat (C O N T IN I’ KD ON PAGP TH R K K j for sale. Inquire of Curtis Veatch. Hell Buckles Underwear Ladies Belts Gordan Hats Dutchess Trousers SELL 175,000.000 FEET COTTAGE GROVE LANG CREEK TIMBER COMPANY LEADS Boy's Slickers HAMPTON COM PANY COTTAGE GROVE CREAMERY SOLD NOTICE, NESMITH COUNTY CITIZENS W h e e le r-T h o m p so n C o m p a n y “ Have If For Less