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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1909)
Or» H is to r ic a l S o ci» tT (Stift* I f jrovj L ik « TH E LEADER B o o st fo r It. If n o t. S e n d y o u r C ritic is m to th i s P a p o r . V A i v i r l l M In TH E LEADER T k la la W h a t R aln«a B u a ln a a a a n d glvaa lh a P a p a r L ila . PUBLISHED S E M I-W E E K L Y B O H E M ÍA n 5 8 g ETL E A D E R I C . . . o l l d a l . d J a n u a r , 9. 1908. PO f 10 Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip CO TTAG E GROVE, OREGON, TU ESD AY, SE PTE M B E R 28, 1909. V O L . X X I. N O . 24 TWO NEW STAMP MILLS FOR THE BOHEMIA MINES HEADS G. A. R. OF BEACH CAES A Five Stamp Mill For the Mayflower Group and Lane County Reunion to Nearly a Hundred Lum a Two Stamp Mill for the Sweepstakes be Held in Cottage bermen Make Mer Plenty of Good Ore in Sight Grove in 1910 ry in This City Eugene, Sept. 24.—G . W . Mc- Perry Ely of the Mayflower S. J. Brunet h as just installed a Group, of m ines in Bohemia was two-stamp mill to lie operated by Reynolds of Cottage Grove, was in town Saturday p u ttin g in sup- a five-horse power gasolene engine elected president of the Lane plies. A fine new five stam p mill in Ins “ Sweep S takes” m ine on C ounty V eterans’ Association at the business sessiou this m orning after w hich the an n u al reunion ad journed sine die. T h e other offi cers chosen are as follows: E. F. C hapm an, of Eugene, first vice president: Wm. J. G ardiner, of Cottage Grove, second vice presi dent; J. 1C. Butler, of Juuctiou City, third vice president; C. J . Dodd of Springfield, fourth vice president; Fred Meinzer of Yon- calla, fifth vice president; W . M. Dickey of Cottage Grove, treasurer. T he secretary is to be appointed by the president. T he ex act num ber in attendance is not know n, but over ISO regis tered w ith Secretary Albert Rogers. T his is a sm aller num ber th an at previous reunions, but one by one the old soldiers are dropping off and th e m em bership of the associ ation is becoming fewer and fewer. “ Every dog has his day, but the night is reserved for the c a ts ,” is an old saying which was exem plified in Cottage G rove Saturday when Black C ats took the town aud a large class of kittens had their eyes opened upon the m ys teries of Hoo Hoo. T he show windows about town fairly bristled with white aud black ribbons an d black Tomases, some real and some not so real, but which dem on strated the fact that Cottage Grove, the center of a great and growing lum ber industry, has a warm spot in its anatom y for every lum ber m an, whether owner of the plant, superintendent, or “ T im ber J a c k .” In one store window a coal black cat kept com pany with one of pure white, aud before another store a black kitten hung suspend ed iu a bird cage. T he concatenation was held u n der the direction of F rauk H. Rosenberg, vice-suark of the order for the southern district of O re gon— from Salem to the state line. A T C O T T A G E G R O V E N E X T Y EA R T h e C oncatenated Order of Hoo Hoo is a social order composed of It was voted to hold the n ex t ilô & sssï] an n u al reunion at Cottage Grove men engaged in the m an u factu re on a date to be chosen later b e aud sale of lum ber and the c a ts tween Sept. 10 and 2.S, 19f0. T he and kittens who cam e were out for Agents Agents Leader can assure the old veterans a jolly good time, and they got it. For Fur th at they will receive a hearty and Business cares were left at home. International S E N A T O R JO N A TH A N B O U RN E ----------------------------- (EL - --------------------------- A. E. Anderson cordial welcome here and every Many arrived from southern Ore Tailoring Tailoring Senator Bourne recently returned home from W ashington, D. C., th in g will be done by the busiuess gon: a good sized delegation cam e Company Company and has been active iu perfecting plans for the reception of President men an d citizens to m ake their in th e afteruoou from Eugene and T aft upon his visit in Portland, October the 2nd an d drd. visit here pleasant an d enjoyable on the local at uight more Hoo and their an n u al reunion a great IIoos came iu from Portland. Witnesses Summoned to Portland. Tw enty kittens, blind as yet to is being installed in th e Mayflower Elephant m ountain iu the Bohemia success. A ROSEBURG LINEMAN the benefits of Hoo Hoo, appeared mines to replace the S yauide plant m ining district. Mr. Brund has a to take the obligation of the Order. DIES ON LIVE WIRE. United States Deputy M arshal which did not prove the desired large quantity of fiue ore in sight Mine sold at Sheriff's Sale. Nichols, of Portland, cam e to T h e formal, sessiou was called to success, but the fine prospects in w hich he will proceed to run Cottage Grove S aturday to su b T he T reasure m ine in the Blue order about 8 o ’clock, the follow through his new stam p mill this this mine fully w arranted the extra Koseburg, Ore. Sept. 27—Jam es poena several witnesses to ap p e ar River District consisting of the ing officers occupying the chairs: E aston, an apprentice employed by gnd give testim ony before the expense of installing the new stam p w inter. Some of this ore m ortared claim s know n as the “ A m elia,” S nark, F. H . Rosenberg; senior the Pacific Telephone com pany, United States Circuit Court at mill and th e Mayflower group will and washed in a pan leaves a long “ C rude No. 2 ,” “ Lone S tar” and Hoo Hoo, J. J. K enny; ju n io r H oo string Of gold, which dem onstrates yet become a producer. Mr. lily was instantly killed S aturday by Jkirtlaiid, on m atters pertaining to Andrew Brund of “ T reasu re Consolidated y u a rlz ” IIoo, R. W. M artin; bojurn, L. S. ts certainly deserving of success, its richness electrocution while at work for the govermeut land affairs. Among with all properties belonging th ere H ill; scriveuoter, David I^avis; com pany. Me was engaged in those subpoened and citied to and the Leader believes he will the firm of Metcalf & Brund, has to, was sold at sheriff’s sale yes custocatian, Fred Russell; arcan- been assisting his father in the open a good paying m ining prop ta k in g up the slack in wires lead appear at Portland today, were terday on an execution issued to opener, F. A. A nderson; gurdou, work of installing this little plant erty. ing to a house, when, evidently, Hon. R. M. V eatch, W alt C ochran, Mrs. Jen n ie Gillette for $240.87.— A. M. H agen; jabberw ock, G. II. in his m ine the past two weeks. . he crossed a high voltage wire from W . H. Shane an d F ran k Flesher. Register Kelly: official barber, R. W . M ar How can any m an sleep well at W inchester carrying 2.400 volts. E d Jeuks was also wanted, but b e tin, m edical expert, J. S. M agla- H am pton & Co. will disequtinue ] Shorts $1.40 a sack at the Flour night when he has scolded and H is hands and feet were terribly ing iu the Bohemia district was dry. Mill. giyiug out tickets on Sept. .10. whipped his horses all day. burned and he was instantly killed. not subpoened. W hat happened is not a m atter H is belt prevented his falling. of record—it never is, b u t the He was 20 years old and had k itten s know. After the initiation been with the com pany six m ouths. a banquet w as spread—the Iiest H e leaves his widowed m other and th a t could lie had, and ahead of two brothers and a sister. Mrs. any other banquet ever held here. E astm an conducts a sm all grocery T here was milk for the k itten s and store. suitable refreshm ents of more JITRY F I X E S B LA M E. nourishing character for the old felines. S ixtv men attended. Late this afternoon the coroner’s T he success of the co n caten a jury investigating Jam es E asto n ’s death, returned a verdict reading tion is due to the uutiriug efforts in p art as follows: of Snark Roseulierg and J. S. Hill, “ We find th a t the Bell Telephone the only Hoo IIoos resident here. Com pany is at fault iu the con Containing Lead Pencil, Slate Pencil and Pen Holder goes W ith E very Pair S nark Rosenlierg m ade no effort struction of their wires leading of Our School Shoes and E very B oy’s School Suit. to get attendants from far southern from the pole to the residence of Oregon, but is planning to hold a A lbert A braham .” Our Stanley Brand M en’s W inter Underwear is Unequalled in Quality, . Fit concatenation later at A shland or Price. Everwear Hosiery.. Medford. Sunday School Institute. HAMPTON COMPANY t A S unday School Institute will be held at the Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening, S aturday after noon and evening, and on Sunday; October 1, 2, and 3 . Rev J. V. M illigan, D. I)., of Portland, and Rev. I. G. K notts, of A lbany, will conduct the Institute. Every one interested iu S unday Schools is invited to attend. W HEELER - THOMPSON "WE HAVE IT FOR L E S S” COMPANY Tillam ook county to the front. T he sound of progress h as smote upon her ears and $90,000 has been and will be expended on roads th is year. T his aud ten times more can be levied ou the tax- shirking tim ber barons without punishing home builders for their industry or business men for their enterprise.