S A Y ! GRIFFIN-VEATCH COMPANY Want to See You C a r p e n te r T o o ls G ood H e a tin g S to v e s S p o r tin g G o o d s F in e C u tle r y Headquarters for the Famous and W arranted Stanley and T h e Famous C o le ’s Air-tight, Bridge-Beach, C rebben -Sexton Great W estern and Favorite. All kinds of Guns and Ammuni­ tion, Hunting Coats, and Belts. W e have them all skinned on Carving Sets. Butcher Knives Peters Shot Gun Shells. Razors and Pocket Knives Keen Kutter Carpenter Tools. E V E R Y T H IN G IN T H E H A R D W A R E L IN E The Most Complete Stock in Cottage Grove BARTLETT Soup That’s Hot CAPT. SHOOT UP TOWN Soup That’s Not jg a It really matters little how you serve it, or how many will “sit up at the table.” Our Extension Tables meet the demand for small or large serving. Economy of space, elegance of design, durability, attractive prices, all happily blended. SIMEIUL « VANDENBURG COTTAGE GROVE L E A D E R . O ur esteemed contem porary, W estern Oregon, announces change iu its m anagem ent, the T H E I.KADEK P U B L IS H IN G CO. (In c.) Messrs Hath being succeeded by E d ito r« C o n n e r A D u B r u ii . i . e , Lew A. Cates of St. Louis, Mis­ T his change is m ade owing E n tered a t th e C ottage d ro v e postoglce as sec­ souri. ond-clans m a tte r. to the failing health of the elder Bath. Mr. Cates is a practical SC B S C K IP T IO N K ATE« O ne Y ear ...............................................»1.50 new spaperm an an d w ithal a genial Six'. Months ■ - ■ ' ' - 75 ritrae 'Month* - * So fellow. lie will assum e charge of 'the W estern Oregon S aturday and the Leader joins the citizens of the F R ID A Y , SEPTF.MBF.R 24, 1909. -------- - , town in extending E ditor Ca tes In the election of Dr. A. W . and his estim able wife a cordial Kirne to succeed as councilm an, welcome to Cottage Grove. H enry Fischer, who left this city re­ H arry M urray, a form er printer cently, the council made a wise and iu the Leader office, is now editor most satisfactory selection, as I)r. and m anager of th e Gold Hill Kime is a prom inent property News. H arry is a good printer owner, a booster for a greater Cot­ and a genial, all round good fel­ tage Grove, is progressive and en­ low. T he Leader wishes him suc­ terprising, but safe and conserva­ cess tive withal. W hile he will repre­ Cook an d P eary are both de­ sent to the best of his ability the serving of all the honors th a t are m unicipality generally, his select- j ion gives that part of the city east ! being bestowed upon them . T here of the railroad a persona! repre-1 are few more perilous and difficult sentative, which that part of the ; undertakings th an a prolonged town lost in the resignation of Mr. search for the pole. T u e s d a y s &r»d F rld e v y s . Fischer. The Leader congratu­ T he Leader is th e only uews- lates the city council upon its wise j j papes published in W estern O re­ selection of a councilm an and Dr. gon w hich cam e out T uesday with Kime upon the honor thus thrust a sem blance of a correct report of upon him. the m inisterial assignm ents of the Congressman Hawley says there are only six great newspapers pub- lished in the United States fit for the home reading table and names the Portland Oregonian and Boston Herald as two of them. O f course the Leader is one of the other four not mentioned. Oregon Conference District A ttorney M ulkey of Jackson county, has just m ade a round up of the blind piggers in that county and has secured .AO in ­ dictm ents through a single grand jury. “ D rain, Oregon, Sept. 18.— T he tax p ay ers of th is portion of D oug­ las county met iu the grove at Drain todhy, beginning with a ( from pa g e o n e ) basket dinner. T he atten d an ce was fair. T h e object w as to as­ though not more th a n one shot certain the sentim ent iu regard to a division of the county. had been fired. A uuniber of speeches were Capt. Bartlett ca rrie s eight guns m ade strongly in favor of quick of different m ake with him, hut action. A com m ittee of eight was m uch of his work here was done appointed to ta k e charge. T his w ith rifles ta k eu from the Griffiu- com m ittee will com m unicate with Com mercial Clubs iu th e country V eatch Co’s., large stock. He was christened “ W ounded to get united action. T h e question of location of the K uee” in a fight w ith Sioux horse county seat was iguored and only thieves near the Rosebud agency a proper division of th e county in the D okotas where he was was discussed. Stroug opposition w ounded iu the knee. C apt. B art­ to the formation of N esm ith co u n ­ lett was a witness of the Pine ty out of a portion of Douglas, owing to ' the irreg u lar shape of Ridge m assacre in D akota, led by the proposed county, com es from “ Big F oot” Dec. 20, 1890, in sources which it is believed will w hich 400 In d ian s an d 40 soldiers defeat th a t project as one u n te n ­ gave up their lives. T h e captain able au d against the vVishes of a b ran d s this slaughter as wholly m ajority of people throughout the co u n ty .” unnecessary on the part of the If the irregular shape of the soldiers. T hree days later he was proposed N esm ith county, is the sent to this battlefield in the snow only objection its opponents can to bury the dead and found a cry raise, th e proposition will carry ing Indian baby lying under its by an overw helm ing m ajority, as dead m other and several other squaws, w hich had protected it this is generally considered as a most flimsy and paltry excuse from the storm an d cold. T he upon w hich to base opposition from little waif was christened “ Lost the fact th a t M arion, W asco, B ird" an d w as adopted by the W ashington, M ultnom ah, Yamhill, wife of G eneral Colby who now Union an d m any other old estab ­ resides a t P ortland, Oregon, lished an d im portant Oregon c o u n ­ w hile the w aif of the D akota Bad ties are ju st as “ irre g u la r” in shape L ands is now a beautiful Indian as the proposed N esm ith county. m aiden, well educated, cherished We would inform our Drain n eig h ­ by her foster m other an d a favorite bors, w ho seem to have little am ong her distinguished associ­ know ledge of O regon’s geography ates. D uring the c a p ta in ’s con­ an d typography, th a t valleys, finem ent with his w ounded knee w atersheds and river courses have he was uursed by the noted frontier alw ays figured largely au d almost woman “ C alam ity J a n e ,” who solely in the establishm ent of dressed in a buck sk in shirt aud county boundary lines in this state trousers, high top boots an d white instead of section or tow nship felt hat, w hile her long black h air lines as is the rule in a level or h u n g dowu to h e r waist, prairie country. Therefore the es­ could ride aud shoot with the best tablishm ent of N esm ith’s bound of the frontiersmen, yet was k ind ary lines were m ade to include hearted au d m otherly. She pre only such territory as is remote vented the doctors from am p u tat­ an d not trib u tary to the old couuty ing the c a p ta in ’s leg and showed seats of Eugene an d Roseburg, a him m any kindnesses d u rin g his little em pire w ithin itself, yet easy illness which he says he can never of access and directly trib u tary to forget. a n atu ral center where the county T he Leader was favored w ith a seat m ig h t be established. T his p leasant call from the cap taiu , in has been the param ount considera­ com pany with H. H . V eatch, and tion in th e creation of th e other he very kin d ly gave us the th rill­ Oregon counties and alw ays will ing incidents of his life related be. above which, however, is only a few of them . W hile in P ortland Bran $1.50 per hundred pounds recently he gave a thrilling shoot­ at F lo u r M i l l . ing exhibition for the N ational M oving Picture Association an d a fine film was recorded, w hich will go o ut to all of the m oving picture theaters of the world an d will be a great advertisem ent for Capt. Bartlett an d the Peters C artridge Co. (\ negro boys’ brass b and from Koseburg has ju st accepted the Lang creek water for Cottage ! curbiug an d paving on three of its th e E cksteiu & Norton In stitu te at Grove will be w hat Bull R u n ! principal business streets— Sheri- Cane Springs, K entucky, arrived water is for Portland. ! dan, Cass an d Jackson. here T hursday noon an d played o:i the streets. T he hand is m ak in g tour of the country raising motiey for the institute by ta k in g W ere w e p e rfe c t, w hich w e arc not, medicines would up collections and playing for en ­ n e t often he n eed ed . B ut sin ce o u r systems have be­ com e w e ak e n e d , im p a ire d and broken down through tertainm ents, fairs and other g a th ­ in d isc re tio n s w hich have gone on fro m the early ages, erings. T he boys m ade good th ro u g h co u n tless g en eratio n s, remedies are needed to aid N a tu re in c o rre c tin g o u r inherited and otherwise m usic for youngsters and attracted acq u ire d w e ak n e sse s. T o reach the seat of stomach large crowds on the street. weakness and c o n seq u en t digestive troubles, there is Remedies are Needed n o th in g so good as D r. P ie rc e ’s Golden Medical Discov­ ery» * g lyceric co m p o u n d , e x tra c te d fro m native medic- inal ro o ts —sold fo r o v e r fo rty y e ars w ith great satisfaction to all users. For Weak S to m ac h , B iliousness, L iv er Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating, Heartburn, Bad B reath , B elching of fo o d , Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinnl Derangements, th e “ D isco v e ry ” is n time-proven and most efficient remedy. F A L L A C Y OF D R A IN ’S OBJECTION TO N E S M IT H T h e g e n u in e h it* o n i t s o u i t t a s i d ‘ e w r a p p e r th e S ig n a tu r e T h e P ortland an d Salem saloon men and th e brew eries of the state are bound to bring about state­ w ide prohibition by their indis­ creet actions. Let it come. T he state will he the better for it. Yon can't afford to accept a accrct nostrum aa a •uhstifute for thia noo-alco- • holic, medicine op inown coMPoaiTioN, not even thoufh the urgent dealer may thereby make a little hitfer profit. Dr. Pierce'« Pleasant Pellet« regulate and invigorate atomaeh, liver and bowela. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to taka as candy. T he special city election went “ w et” nearly eyeryone being in favor of bonding for more water. H. C. COOK Successor to P ierce Shepardson Carry the Best Grades in all Lines. Just Received a Line of School Supplies, as Pens, Pencils, Erasers, lets of all Kinds and Full Such Tab­ Box W riting Paper. Call and E x ­ amine the Stock ............................. Oregon Calls— “ M O R E P E O P L E .” Pass the word to your relatives au d friends to come now. L o w C o l in is t R a t e s T o O r e g o n w ill P r o v e .ll fro m th e E a s t S e p t e m b e r 15 to O c to b e r 15 V IA T H E R. R. & NAVIGATION CO. -------AND------- SOUTHERN PACIFIC (L IN E S IN OREGON) From C hicago......................... $3.1.00 St. Louis....................... 32.00 O m ah a....................... 25.00 “ St. P a u l....................... 25.00 “ K ansas C ity.............. 25.00 F A R E S CAN B E P R E P A R E D I)ep 0 9 ite th e am o u n t of th e f a re w ith th e n e a re st O. R. & N. o r S. P. A g en t an d tic k e t w ill be d e liv e re d in th e H ast w ith o u t e x tra cost. Send u s th e n am e an d ad d ress of an y one in te re ste d in th e S tate for O regon L iteratu re. WM. McMURRAY. G en eral P assen g er A gent, I*ortland, O reg o n . The “Old Reliable” Albany Nurseries [Incorporated] W e Have Quality and Quantity Com bined. If Y ou W ant one or a Thousand T rees W rite Us. Catalogue F re e .................................. ALBAN Y, OREGO N A c c u ra c y In com pounding prescrip­ tions combined w ith the p u rity o f all our DRUGS H as given us an enviable rep u tatio n w ith a long list o f p a tro n s. If you w a n t "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY” satisfaction in the line of Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orejón 2 3 A . P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal Drugs o r P a te n t Medicines, Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More give tts a trial. Benson's Pharmacy C o ttag e Grove, Oregon calls for help than we can meet — position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship department.% Write for illustrated catalogue.