Mid - Summer Money Saving Values Get in Lint*. With Phone the P e o p le who Come to Our Store Your Orders for Fresh Our Fine and go Home with Summer Under their ^Goods Arms and Savings in their Main 25 Overlook for Trade Bargains Re l i abl e Groceries Don’t Goods, Hats and Foolwear Pockets..................... Rees -W a lla c e Co “ W h ere Y o u Notice to Hop Pickers. Picking will c o m m e n c e at Brady’s yard, Creswell, August ,U. and pickers will receive SI .00 per hundred pounds. Pickers should bring their own baskets or lioxes to pick in. There will be a board ing house iu yard but no sleeping apartments provided, so pickers should bring their own bed and teut. Those wishing to pick hops will please write me so 1 may list their names. R. O. B r a d y , Sept. 1* Creswell, Ore. New Way to Can Tomatoes. Last summer I tried a new % method of canning tomatoes, and it proved so satisfactory that I want to" pass it on. Scald and peel the tomatoes as usual. Have the cans sterilized, place the raw tomatoes in them whole, pour in boiling water to fill the cans, run­ ning a knife around iu the cans, so that all the crevices are filled, then put on the cover. Place the cans in a boiler or large vessel, pour iu boiling water till it reaches the neck of the can, put the lid on the boiler, wrap it with a blanket or rug, and leave until the water Is cold, which will be next morning. The cans are then ready to put away. I did not lose a can out of forty quarts. When the cans were opened, the tomatoes were whole and firm enough to slice easily.— W om an’s Home Companion for September. C O L U M B IA Double-Disc Records, 65c The Grove Studio Nesmith county 1910. Friday and Saturday we will sell $1.50 and $1.25 long silk gloves for $1.29 and 98c. At Lurch’s. CALAPOOIA SPRINGS A NOTE FROM THE SECURES A LOT SUNFLOWER STATE Greet the strangers cheerfully and socially. The Calapooia Springs Company have at last secured a lot in this city on which to build a bottling and (lacking plant. The lot is lo­ cated just north of the ice plant and was transferred by Fingal Hinds to the Springs Company last week. This looks like they meau business aud that the lxXtling works will soon lie a reality., Prof. Ralph Korngold, the So­ cialist speaker, is delivering a Develop the country; the towns series of lectures at the Masonic will take care o f themselves. hall closing Saturday evening. Harry W ynne was transacting They are said to lie quite interest­ business at the county seat Thurs­ ing. day.''1' Esther Mitchell, of Holy Roller 25% off on ladies' and children’s ready to wear dresses at Hampton uotoriety is said to lie at Waldport & C o’s. with her father and the recent Forest Ranger Thos. Hunt was Chinese opium story originating at looking after business matters iu Seattle is declared a fake by Miss this city today. Mitchell. Pity the vacationers on their re­ W e have $50,000 for immediate turn home. Just think what a loans on farms iu amouuts from hard time they have had. $500 up; low interest and long Mrs. John Barker and aunt were time, if desired. Call on or ad­ guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brau- dress Daniel S. R. Walker, agent, stetter at Kugeue this week. Roseburg, Oregon. , 19tf D. T . Awbrey aud wife are en­ Some fine free gold liearing joying their annual month’s vaca­ quartz was exhibited iu this city tion at points north in this state. yesterday from Cochran & Gilbert­ Geo. McOueen went to the Bo­ hemia mines today_ to do his an­ nual assessment work on his min­ ing property. F or S ai . k — Or would trade for lots and acreage: Light spau mares, double harness and light wagon. Enquire Box 327, City. This Saturday evening the prize silver cup in the prettiest baby contest will be awarded at the Arcade theater. The contest has been a hot one. son’s property iu the Bohemia 0 camp. Free gold was plainly visi­ ble all through the quartz. Their property is near the Music mine. o f fish aud clams. Dray Team Ran Away. The large black dray team of Dennis Slagle became frightened at a large sheet of paper drifting across the street and ran away be­ fore Mr. Slagle could secure the lines and check them. They dashed across the bridge into west Cottage Grove and ran into the sidewalk 011 the east side of H. C .' Madsen’s home on Wall street which broke the coupling and loosened the front running gears, whereupon the team came to a halt. Very little damage resulted, fortunately. The game between DeNeffe’s All-Stars and the Eugene Colts, to be played at Midway park next Sunday has keyed up the local fans to a high pitch of expectancy. It will be a contest long to be re- memliered with Ray Baker in the box opposing either DeNeffe or Morris. It makes no difference which visitor steps onto the mound it willl be another case of sending them back to Portland to try and explain away another defeat.— Register. II. O. Thompson and little son, Mark, left Tuesday for Seattle, where they will attend the exposi­ tion after which they will visit with Mr. Thom pson’s father, mother aud brother, who reside near Seattle. assistant . carpenters went to Eu­ gene today to commence work on a $3,000 modern cottage for W. II. Abrams of Cottage Grove, for which he has the contract. Mrs. Hart aud son and daughter will accompany Mr. Hart to Ivugene »o remain during the time he is com ­ pleting his contract there. Mr. Hart has just completed a beauti­ ful modern cottage for Dave Scholl, the jeweler, ou Wall street. AJN EW Bvirglacr Proof Window Locker AND S a sh H o ld e r *■ Protect your windows from burglars by using Hart’s Burglar Proof Anti-Rattler, Automatic Ventilation Sash Holder and Locker. One always thinks of locking the doors but leaves the windows unlocked, therefore you are not safe in your house from burglars. We have the liest all round window lock aud holder on the market. 1st. Because the lock works automatically and always locks itself aud the wiudow caunot fall and break the glass. 2nd. Because the lock keeps windows from rattling, which no other lock will do aiul is worth more than the price of it. 3rd. Because you can ventilate your rooms from top or bottom, which ought to be done for health's sake, and no one can enter from the outside, and you will feel perfectly safe. 4th. Because they are made out of steel aud are stronger and better than all other sash holders. W ill hold any win­ dow, large or small. Spray - W ynne f x ^ x f x Company f x f -.SS.V - x f >&«i%SSSS*SSSS} R W E SELL— =— = TRAVELLERS CHECKS They Are Safe Money for Travellers. Good in AH Parts of the World. First National Bank OF C a p ita l $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 COTTAGE GROVE S u r p lu s a n d P r o fit s $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 SECURITY AND SERVICE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS I s .w '-v '-'-w v * .' vvvvvvsa.'vvv*. REST-ROMP-eECnrERATfi Misses IV»xy and Mildred Pringle, Ruth Nickle and Mar­ garet R|ley returned home from a two week’s vacation at Newport Wednesday evening. They thor­ All kinds of sewing machines at oughly enjoyed camping near the best prices at Marion Veatch's. 5tf lieach and report a most delightful The benevolence aud charity of time. the local M. W . A . fraternity is Geo. Lea, the water works con­ practically illustrated in a worthy The tractor, was home from Newport, act performed this week. today. He has completed the sur­ clerk’s atteutiou was called to vey aud estimate for a $30,000 the fact that a certain neighbor water works system at Newport, was deserving of assistance owing and will probably lie given the to protracted illness in his family, contract for putting in the system. and in less than a half day the He also has a water works propo­ clerk succeeded in making up a sition from the Central Point city purse of over $50 for the needy council which he will investigate neighbor, which was a most wel­ come gift at this particular time. early iu September. At Rlieims, France, Thursday, Latham was the star performer in the great air ship tryout in which forty-five machines were engaged. Latham remained in the air two hours and fifty-eight minutes and covered a distance o f nearly 96 miles. Latham had not been up long when a sharp squall o f wind For Sale or Exchange and rain broke. The spectators did not believe it possible for Lath­ Twenty-five naintie g o a t s , am to ride out the storm, but to twenty-five weather goats, or will their delight he only mounted exchange for cows not over four higher and took his machine over years old. B. M. H aw lk y . the tribunes at a height o f 300 feet. The Leader is iu receipt of a post card from Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinney stating that they ar­ rived at Oska’.oosa, Kansas, A u­ gust 23. They barely missed a cloudburst iu Colorado, saw corn and wheat without limit iu Ne­ braska aud Iowa, one mau thresh­ ing 30,000 bushels of wheat. "H ot, oh, m y!” they say, “ 84 de­ degrees at miduight in Kansas.” Melons and sweet corn iu abuud- ance. Laud at Ellis, Kansas, quoted at $15 to $50 per acre, at Solomon $60 to $110. Mr. aud Mrs. Kinney will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary this winter iu the Kansas town where they were married and then return to their pretty Cottage Grove home. Spray-Wynne Co. Has It Bert Richmond made a business W ho would use a health destroy­ trip to Klktou the first o f the week, ing alum-phosphate baking powder D o B etter’ returning home iu an auto driven when you can get the pure cream by a tourist. o f tartar kind iu 3 lb. cans for The millinery stock left here by $1.00 or the 5 lb. cans for $1.65. Ida Francis Barrett is lieing sold This is the price of Clevelands. Special Services of Unusual Interest. out this week under the directions Your grocer refunds your money if you are not satisfied. of Thomas Allen. Pastors and delegates from liu- In I'uiou county Charles Ret- Prof. Martin E. Robiusou went geue, Elmira, Spriugfield, Cres­ Dove. to Roseburg Thursday afteruoou to well, Horena, Roselnirg and O ak­ terfiekl married A guess land churches will meet with the Here’s hoping she has a better organize a “ Pinafore” chorus, which will be under the direction Baptist church at Cottage drove to field and he a dove. Architect John Ilunzicker is of Morton Hadley up to the last form a council for the purpose of recognizing them as a church iu preparing plans for a neat 7-room week when Prof. Robiusou will Mr. gospel order. Council will meet bungalow for A . J. Stewart o f Cot­ assume the directorship. Hadley will play a prominent role iu the Presbyterian church, tage Grove.— Eugene Register. The Ivugene Business College iu Pinafore when it is presented Wednesday, September 1st, at .1 o'clock p. in., to hear the history fall term opens Sept. 1. Send for here just before this piopular comic of the church. Services of recog­ catalogue. Address Ivugene Busi- opera is presented at Roseburg. nition in the evening at 7:30, con­ nessCollege, Eugene, Oregon. 9-15 The way a little railroad build­ sisting o f sermon, charge to the Mrs. J. W . Wilson has returned ing booms things is illustated iu church, hand o f fellowship and home from her extended visit with the following from Ilazeldell, on other devotional' service. A cor­ relatives in the middle west aud the Middle Fork: “ If you want dial invitation to all who may be with Mr. W ilson’s relatives iu Ida­ to see a boom that did not require interested to attend these services ho. She reports a pleasant trip. a “ booster clu b” to start it, just is hereby given. “ Come and see.” come up this way. Hay, $25 per Ouite a number from this city K. G. O. G r o at , Pastor. went to Rosebqjg today to attend ton or $1 per span of horses over the circus. A circus never grovys night, oats 2% cents per pouud, An Elopement Averted. old because there is always a new meals 35 cents without any extras, crop of youug folks “ to take to aud land, well you would have to be a millionaire to buy any laud.” a i The local police force is sur­ see the elephant.” II. II. Veatch added another fine prised at a clever piece of detec­ Jas. Benson, the druggist, and tive work done by one o f Cottage F. D. Wheeler, the clothier, spent specimen to his already large aud Grove’s prominent young men. It several days up to Cougar Bend valuable collection of deer horns is all the more surprising since this this week, fishing and hunting, aud heads this week, when he re­ I young man poses as a clerk and They didn’t get the cougar, but ceived from Grant’s Pass the head not as a detective. Matters are of found good fishing and some shoot­ o f a mature buck deer with pe­ culiar pronged and small horns, such a nature that it is not policy ing. to make it public just at present, Messrs. II. Venske and family one o f which turns down in frout but »lie readers o f this paper may and Geo. Atkinson and family re­ o f the ear aud then stands straight rest assured that everything will turned home Wednesday from a out at the side. It is certainly a be explained fully by Detective very enjoyable outing at W in­ freak and is prized very highly by Ren Sanford in the comic opera chester Bay. Mr. A'enske says Mr. Veatch. “ Pinafore” at the Armory Theater. they nearly depopulated *the bay Contractor W ill Hart and his Baker Will Pitch Sunday. They fit any machine, and outwear any other re­ cords in the world. Double value for your money ! Call i.i! (let a catalog! LOCAL AND PERSONAL. At the Seashore NEW PORT Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure grouud possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion o f recreation— jierfect bathing— lxiating— fishing— riding— driving, and explor­ ing, make Newport a most charming and popular play ground. S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC Friday and Saturday we will sell $1.50 and $1.25 long silk gloves for $1.2*1 and 98c. At Lurch’s. Special Summer Excursion Rate to Newport of Christian Church Services. $ 6 .4 0 HAS A AUGUST 29TII. From Cottage Grove in a. in., Bible school. 11 a. m., sermon by Dr. Fuller. 7 p. m., Christian Endeavor. 8 p. m , sermon, “ The Gospel to the Poor.” Everybody welcome. W . A . F.ucixs, Pastor. Ask for ottr booklet, “ Outing iu Oregon.” L. S. Taylor, Agent; Cottage Grove, Or. WM. McMPRRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I B