Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, August 24, 1909, Image 3

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Money Saving Values
G et in Line W ith
the P e o p l e
D on ’t
C om e to O ur Store
O v erto o k
for Trade
Our F in e
and go Home with
Sum m er
O rders for
F resh
G r o ce rie s
Under- their
G o o d s, H ats
and Savings in their
IVtain 25
F o o tw e a r
R ees -W a lla c e C o
“ W h ere Y o u
D o B e tte r *
Inexhaustible Well for City.
Notice to Hop Pickers.
Spear N Rawlston, the well
I’ iclfiug will c o m m e n c e at
drillers, completed a fine 75-foot
Brady’s yard, Creswell, August .11,
j drilled well for the city at the
and pickers will receive $ 1.00 per
I Bartel's ice plant Saturday, where
hundred pounds. Pickers should
' they secured an unusual strong
bring their own baskets or boxes
flow o f pure, cold water, which is
to pick in. There will be a. board­
pumped into the city water mains
ing house in yard but no sleeping
by the machinery o f the ice plant,
apartments provided, so pickers
it being found impossible to lower
should bring their own tied and
the water in this well by means of
tent. Those wishing to pick hops
pumping through a two inch pipe
will please write me so 1 may list
continuously. This will have the
their names.
R. O. B r a d y ,
effect to greatly relieve the dry
Sept. 1*
Creswell, Ore.
weather water stringency in this
city, and as soon as the fall rains
Mrs. Mounts Sells Little Farm. co m e the pump will be shut down
as the gravity water system will
On Monday
Adelaiue thereafter be more than ample to
•Mounts sold her well improved supply the demand until
eight acre farm three miles south August and September when so
o f this city to I,. J. Green, a friend much water is used to keep lawns
o f Mr. I.athrope, who recently growing through those dry summer
purchased the Spray farm. The months. However, a supply of
consideration was $2,300.
Mr. water equal to the demand for irri­
Green also bought Mrs. Mount’s gating has not yet been secured,
household goods, cow and other but another such a well would sup­
personal properly aliout the place. ply this demand.
Attorney II. J. Shinn and wife
o f Broken Bow, Nebraska, are
guests of their son and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Shinn of this city. They
are on their homeward trip from
the Seattle Exposition, with which
they were very favorably impressed
and they also express themselves
as being pleased with Oregon.
They will renew their homeward
trip Thursday.
Capt. J. C. Johnson and Messrs.
Emerson and Ilambrick left Sun­
day for a month’s trip into Klam­
ath and Crook county.
went via the Middle Fork and will
return via the McKenzie.
Martin Anderson put his silk
bathing suit in his vest pocket Sun­
day and hied himself to the sea­
shore at Newport where he spent
a couple of days basking in the
suuny smiles of the mermaids.
A meeting o f thé Calapooya
You cannot afford to miss the Poultry Association will be held
fine entertainment at the Armory at the office of Chas Walker on
Thursday eveniug.
The hot wave is always n short concerning the holding o f the
one in old Lane.
second annual poultry show this
Saturday was a busy day for whiter will lie up for consideration
and all memliers of the association
Cottage Grove merchants.
Mrs. Orvil Spear is a guest of as well as all of those interested in
poultry are requested to lie present.
Mrs. M. C. Harris at liugene.
F. H. R osenberg ,
All kinds o f sewing machines at
best prices at Marion Veatch’s. 5tf
25% off on ladies’ and children's
See the new ad for the state fair
ready to wear dresses at Hampton on page four.
& Co’s.
The Beidler Brothers have rent­
Miss Mary Driscoll, o f Salem, is ed the Cochran place one mile
visiting this week with Mrs. C. S. north o f town and will soon move
Miss Mabel Rosenberg is visiting
Friday and Saturday we will
with friends at Monmouth, Ore., sell $1.50 and $1.25 loug silk
for a couple o f weeks.
¡gloves for 51.2^ and 98c.
Mrs. King and little daughter Lurch’s.
returned home from a visit with
A man won a championship by
friends at Yoncalla Monday.
¡eating fifty-six ears qf corn at a
Mrs. Sarah Knox and daughter sitting. Only know of one other
returned to Eugene Monday after animal that could compass such a
a visit with ralatives at this place. feat.
Friday and Saturday we will
Mrs. David Griggs and children
sell $1.50 and $1.25 loug silk and Miss Grace Bingham went to
gloves for $1 29 and 9Kc.
At Eugene Monday to visit with Mrs.
Griggs’ parents, lion , and Mrs,
P a r r o t f o r S ai . k .— Fine young I. II. Bingham.
Panama parrot, just learniug to
W . V . DeWald, the east side
talk, $12.50. Inquire at Miller’s grocer, expects to be able to move
Store, west side.
It into his new store building on the
Clyde Nokes and wife have lo­ corner of Third and Tennessee
cated at West Scio where Mr. streets by October 1st.
Nokes has secured the position of
Nellie Williams has returned to
station agent.
the Vesuvius mine in the Bohemia
The clear, full, brilliant tone o f Columbia Indestruc­
tible Cylinder Records is the best reason fo r their grow­
ing popularity.
But it’s a fine thing to know they can’t break, no
matter how careless you may be, and that they will never
wear out, no matter how many times you play them.
35 cents ! Call for a catalog !
A splendid repertoire to choose from -and we are
adding to it right along.
A . J. A R M ST R O N G .
Last Sunday when Mrs. Verne
Buell and her sisters, Misses Nellie
and Ivah Quinn, were returning to
their home a short distance north
of Walker station from this city
in a buggy they met a freight train
where the county road follows the
railroad right-of-way at the Kiug
farm one mile north o f this city
and their horse became frightened
and turned so short that the buggy
was overturned. Mrs. Buell alight­
ed on her head in the hard road
and was quite severely injured,
her neck being nearly broken and
her head quite badly bruised.
The other two young ladies es­
caped with minor bruises. The
horse ran madly down the road
homeward with the buggy, but
was caught just north of Saginaw.
The trainmen witnessing the acci­
dent stopped the freight train aud
went to the young ladies assist­
ance, briuging all three of them
back to Cottage Grove where a
physician examined the injuries
sustained by Mrs. Buell, aud found
them to be of a painful, but not
serious nature. Miss Nellie Quinn
is staying at the farm home of
Mrs. E. J. Beidler, near this city,
and Chas. Beidler being iti town,
took Miss Nellie and her injured
sister out to the farm in a buggy
while Miss Alvali remained here to
meet relatives who were summoned
to Cottage < Trove by telephone soon
after the accident occurred. A
telephone message from Mrs. Beid­
ler conveys the intelligence that
Mrs. Buell is rapidly recovering
from her injuries aud severe shock.
H r 4 .y 4 .ify 4 ,- 4Y4y4r4x4x4r4)#I#&&T4 4^4'»4'4 y 4 x 4 x 4) ■
Spray-Wynne ^ 0 ^ Has It
W in d o w Locker < ►
Sash Holder
Miss Hefty, who has been the district, where she will finish her
guest o f Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Wire vacation with Dr. Franc I.ucile
over Sunday, returned to Cottage Hard, says the Eugene Register.
Grove M onday.— Eugene Register.
Miss Marian White, of Cottage
Tickets are on sale at “ The Grove, who has been teaching in
W ave” for the Vaughan eiUertain- the Medford public schools for the
ment. Better call early and get a past four years is in the city for a
good seat. Admission 15, 25, and few days. She has been visiting
35 cents.
in Portland.— Guard.
We have $50,000 for immediate
Prof. Ralph Korngold, a well-
loans on farms in amounts from known Socialist speaker, will be
$500 up: low interest and long in Cottage Grove Wednesday,
time, if desired. Call on or ad­ Thursday, Friday and Saturday
dress Daniel S. R. Walker, agent, and will speak at the Masonic
Roseburg, Oregon.
19tf Hall on each of these evenings.
A St. Louis wife has left her All are invited.
husband and applied for a divorce
They are shipping out from
because she couldn’t eat the heavy, Jackson county about ten carloads
sour biscuits he baked. It serves of pears a day now and expect
Uim 1-igUt. N o man w h o is n poor good returns. One man from the
cook has any business marrying.
east is shipping out his pear crop
A field o f 23 acres of oats on the and expects to realize $30,000 from
Jones farm a few miles northeast this, his first crop.
o f this city yielded 1610 bushels
Mrs. Felix Currin presented the
or 70 bushels of pats to the acre Leader with a box of beautiful
for the Easley Brothers, who are Gravinsteiu apples Monday. They
farming the place. Their other were large and free from blemish
grain crops were correspondingly and were as fine specimens as are
grown anywhere in Oregon. They
Mrs. Frank I). Wheeler, state
secretary o f the W . C. T . U., will
give an elocutionary recital at the
M. E. church Saturday evening,
August 21st, for the benefit of the
W om an’s Christian Temperance
Brick laying commenced on the
Friday and Saturday we will Union.— Myrtle Point Ivnterprise.
new brick of B. K. Lawson this) sell $1.50 and $l-.25 long silk
On account of his inability to
morning, the W allace boys wedd­ gloves for $1.29 and 98c.
secure the necessary assistance in
ing the trowels.
his hotel. Jack Brumbaugh has de­
cided to close his place until about
the middle o f September, to give
himself and wife an opportunity to
rest and recover from their im­
paired health.
Indestructible !
Poultrymen Take Notice.
Protect your windows from burglars by using Hart’s
Burglar Proof Anti-Rattler, Automatic Ventilation Sash
Holder and Locker. One always thinks of locking the doors
but leaves the windows uulocked, therefore you are not safe
in your house from burglars. W e have the best all round
window lock and holder 011 the market.
1st. Because the lock works automatically aud always
locks itself aud the window cannot fall and break the glass.
2nd. Because the lock keeps windows from rattling,
which 110 other lock will do and is worth more than the price
of it.
3rd. Because you can ventilate your rooms from top or
bottom, which ought to be done for health’s sake, aud 110 one
can enter from the outside, aud you will feel perfectly safe.
4th. Because they are made out of steel and are stronger
aud better than all other sash holders. Will hold any win-
dow, large or small.
Spra.y - W y n n e
C om pany |
Are Safe Money for Travellers.
Good in All
were grown on the fine Currin farm
east o f this city.
Harry Short of the Bank of Cot­
tage Grove, and his cousin, Roy
Smith are back from their vacation
trip o f last week to the Bohemia
mines. The boys found good fish­ I
ing in the streams of that district
and enjoyed their few days outing
immensely. They are too conser­
vative to state the nuuilier of fish
caught and the unusual length of
some o f them.
P. Newcomb aud wife returned
i home last Thursday from Ashland ■
Chas. Mathews, the flour mill where they have been visiting with \
man, returned home from a two friends for the past month. Mr.
weeks rest at Newport Sunday. Newcomb says the town is all
His family will remain at this pop­ “ torn up” as a result of street
He says the
ular seaside resort about two weeks paving operations.
longer. Mr. Matthews found his same may be said of every town of
stay at the seaside very invigorat­ importance between this city and
ing and beneficial to his general A s h l a n d , including Medford,
Grants Pass and Roseburg, all of
which are paving many blocks of
Furniture for sale and house for
their Main streets. Mr. Newcomb
rent. Enquireof W . II.Blair. I in,
says there is a good crop of fruit
Conductor R. E. Yeatch has se­ about Ashland and that prices are
cured the ruu on the Cottage Grove out o f sight, the best quotation he
local between this city and the could get on the early peaches
metropolis and made his first trip being $1 per box, which after add
Monday. This is very gratifying ! ini{ freight to Cottage Grove wcmld
to both Conductor \ eatch and hisi make them very
very expensive,
expensive, lie
many friends at this place, where said the weather was much warm­
he was born and raised. He has er out there than at this place.
seen very little of this city in the
past ten years and as he is afford­
ed a day’s layover every other day
here, it will give him an excellent
BURROWS— T o the wife of Bert
opportunity to renew old acquain­
Burrows, of this citv, August 19,
tances and get familiar with the
1909, a 7 pound girl.
scenes of his boyhood again. His
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. SIvARS— T o the wife of Jas. Sears,
H. C. Veatch, aud other relatives
in this city Aug. 19, 1909, a 9
pound boy.
reside in this city.
Parts of
W orld.
First National Bank
o r
Capital $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0
S u r p lu s a n d P r o fits $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
th e
S eash ore
Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure
ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation—
perfect bathing— lioating— fishing— riding— driving, and explor­
ing, make Newport a most charming and popular play ground.
Special Summer Excursion Rate to Newport of
$ 6.40
F rom
C o tta g e G rove
Ask for o u r booklet, "O uting in Oregon.”
L. S. T aylor, Agent; C ottage Grove, Or.
General Passenger Agent, P ortland, Oregon.
, »
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