More New Homes. COME INTO THE OARDEN But Maud likes the Parlor best and so I * will yQu if you dress your reception il room with a few of those elegant center tables and stands.. Carried in stock by SIMERAL& VANDENBURQ COTTAGE GROVE LEADER. THE GREAT COMIC O. I.. Willard aud Mr. Allison commenced work Monday morn­ ing on a fine modern bungalow for Hert Willard on the lot on “ C” street near W all street, which he recently purchased of Mr. Haw­ kins, which includes part of Mr. Hawkins fine winter apple trees. This buugalow will contain five large rooms, bath room, toilet, pantries aud will be modem in every particular. Ben Lurch, the merchant, has the lumber on the ground ou the opposite side of ‘ ‘C” street for two neat modern cottages which he will build to rent or sell. Many new homes are being built, rnucff permanent street work is being done aud concrete sidewalks laid in west Cottage Grove this season, as well as in other parts of the city. suit in a hardship for the poets Alton Hampton spent Sunday at when the next big war comes on. Cottage Grove. He says the south Lane city is growing rapidly, and Tired of its experiments with there are good prospects for street booklets and folders, the LaGramle paving there late this fall or next Commercial Club has agreed to in­ spring. Four or five new brick vest a certain sum for extra copies buildings are going up on Main pf the home newspapers, and here­ street.— Eugene Guard. after the homeseekers who write that organization for literature will Architect J. R. Ford returned be furnished a three months’ sub- Saturday from Cottage Grove ' scription to one of tire local papers. where the directors of the Cala- This is a little more like business, pooya Springs Association accept­ and will bring bigger and better ed his preliminary plans for the returns for the small investment associations new bottling works to than all the folders and pamphlets be erected there.— Guard. that could be sent out from a com­ Roy Riggs and Sam McKernon munity. An eastern visitor to this city recently infonned the writer commenced work Monday morn­ that the homeseeker and Investor ing ou a nice modern cottage for is beginning to look with suspicion Orin Robinson in west Cottage upon the flood of western promo­ Grove in the vicinity of Mr. Robiu- tion literature with which they are son’s home property. This cot­ almost overwhelmed. tage is being built for rent or sale. Each of the chief or­ gans of the hody is a t link in the Chain of ■ Life. A chaio is no ' s t r o n g e r than ita weakest link, the body no stronger than ite weakest organ. I f there is weakness of stomach, liver or lunga, there is a weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-called ” w eakness" is caused hy lack of nutrition, thn result of weakness or disease o f the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diaeaaea and weaknesses o f the stomach and its allied organa are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’ s Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is cured, diseases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but which have their origin in n diseased condition o f the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. T h e s tro n g m a n hma a » t r o u t atom ach. T a k e th e a b o v e r e c o m m e n d e d “ D i s c o v ­ e r y ” a n d you m a y h a v e a s tro n g a to m • a ch a n d a » t r o u t b o d y . O ivon A w ay .—D r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt o f stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the hook in paper covers, or .11 stamps lo r the cloth.hound vol­ ume. Address Dr. R. V . Pierce. Buffalo, N . Y . just what is contained in hie "F a v o riU Prescription.” ITS IN G R E D IE N TS ARE : Golden Seal root (Hydrastis Cana­ densis), L a d y ’s Slipper root (Cypri- pedium Pubescens), Black Cohosh root fCim icifuga Racem osa), Unicom root (Helonias Dioica), Blue Cohosh root (Caulophyllnm Thalictroides), Chemically Pure Glycerine. Am ong the prominent medical men o f the country who recommend the above ingredients as superior remedies for nervous conditions depending upon disorders o f the womanly system and for the cure o f those catarrhal condi­ tions in the affected parts are : Edwin M. Hale, M. D., Professor o f Materia Medica. at Hahnemann Medical Col­ lege, Chicago ; Prof. John K ing, M. D., Author of the American Dispensatory, W oman and her Diseases; Professor John M. Scudder, Doctors Hale, Ives, W ood, Bartholow and others. Address a postal card to Dr. Pierce for a com­ plete treatise on the subject—sent to you without cost. Martin B- Robinson Monday evening at the Armory and commenced work ou that great aud popular comic opera, “ Pinafore,” which will he presented at this place in about three weeks under the able direc­ tions of Prof. benefit Robinson, for the of Couipauy F. Prof. Robinson has most successfully di­ rected and staged two cantatas at this place heretofore, ‘ ‘ Belshazzar's Feast” aud ‘ ‘Queeu Fsther” aud both proved rare treats for the many music loviug people of Cot­ tage Grove, and “ Pinafore” prorn- is to lie more interesting and enter­ taining than either of them. Re­ hearsals will lie held at the Armory each eveniug and those singers not able to attend the first rehearsals are given a special invitation to come and join the chorus just as soon as possible. It will lie vocal and stage training that you rarely have an opportunity to get in a place the size of Cottage Grove. Let all singers come out tonight. Rev. Zimmerman, of Portland, conducted a very interesting union temperance meeting at the Christ­ ian church Sunday evening. book la | l| fl coven. Griffin°Veatch Co. Everything in H ardw are Guns and Am m unition COTTAGE GROVE All Kinds of FLOUR Mill Feed G r a in M ILLS and Hay C H A S . M A T T H E W S . Proprietor. Administrator's Notice. Carlton Nursery Co. Large growers of local stocks suppliers of commercial plantings, clean, vigorous and true trees. Heavy on apples, in Newton, Spitzenburg, etc. In pears, Bart­ lett, Anjou, Cornice, Boscceto. In cherries, R. Anne, Lambert, Bing, etc. In prunes, Italian, etc. Small fruits, bushes, etc. Don’t miss it, but be sure, get our prices, it will pay you. Send list of wants. Stocks carefully grown and shipped. Catalogue free. Accuracy CAR LTO N, OREGON In compounding prescrip­ tions combined with the purity of all our Cotswold Bucks for Sale. Six head of fine Cotswold bucks two years’ old for sale at from H as given us an enviable $5.00 to $10.00 each. Apply to reputation with a long list Scott Jackson. I,orane, Ore. 17-tf DRUCS of patrons. If you w ant satisfaction in the line of Drugs or Patent Medicines, give us a trial. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the county court of Lane county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record the 24th day of July, 1909, in the matter of the estate of Irvin Awbrey, deceased, the undersigned was duly appoint­ ed administratrix of said estate. A ll persons having claims against said «state are hereby re q u ire d to present them duly verified, as re­ quired by law, to said administra­ trix, at the law office of A . II. King, Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated at Cottage Grove, this 7th day of August, 1909. M a l in iia A w b r k y . Administratix of estate of Irvin Awbrey, deceased. 18-23 THE PAGE WOVEN W IRE FENCE Benson’ s Pharmacy Cottage Grove, Oregon Sister s Academy Opens Sept. 7. The Standard High Grade Fence of the World. There is over 400 miles of this famous wire fence in Douglas county, Oregon. This is High Carbon Spring Wire which will keep its shape when properly stretched. Will carry a full stock of wire at all times. SP R A Y -W Y N N E C O M P A N Y AGENTS . Wood (or Sale by Brown Lumber Co. Now is the time to lay in your Winter’s supply o f wood so as to give it a chance to dry. Good 16 inch slab wood $1.50 per load. Call or phone your orders. 18-4t Dressmaking. H E A L T H A ND H A PPIN E S S. How to live in health and happi­ ness is the general theme of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical A d ­ viser. This greet work on medicine end hygiene, containing over luOO page« and more than 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt o f stamps to io pay p »y expense of mailing only. Send end 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth volume, Ct o ily 81 stamps lo t The new Glass O ven Door Range with Heat Thermometer, all Mal­ leable. The newest and Best. Largest stock of Ranges ever brought to this city. Refrigerators all sizes styles and prices. W e do quality printing at Port- land prices. The Academy of Our Lady of Perpetual help, located at Albany, )regon, will open on September 7th. By means of the new addi­ tion and the remodeling of the building the school is now equipped with all modern improvements and DR. PIE R C E 'S PL E A S A N T PE L L E TS cure biliousness, sick and bilions head­ with a corps of competent teachers ache, dizziness, costiveness, or con­ may be depended upon to do stipation of the bowels, loss of appe­ tite, coated tongue, sour stomach, thorough work both in the grades windy belchings. " heartburn,” pain and high school course. For par­ and distress after eating, and kindred derangements o f the liver, stomach ticulars, apply to Sister Superior, and bowels. 225 West Ninth street, Albany, Persons who are subject to any of Iregon. 8-10-lm these troubles should never be without a vial o f the "Pleasan t Pellets" at hand. In proof o f their superior excellence it can truthfully be said that they are always adopted as a household remedy after the firat trial. One little " P e lle t ” it a laxative, two are cathartic. They regulate, invigor­ ate end cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. As a "d in n er p ill," to promote digeetion, take one each day. To re­ lieve the distreee arising from over­ eating. nothing equals one of these little "P e lleta .” They’ re tiny, sugar- coated, anti-bilious grannies, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. F a v o rite Many of Cottage Grove’s lead­ ing singers met with Prof. Frank King is putting lumber on his sitely lot just north of the home of his brother, Attorney A. H. King, ou railroad street in the Perkins addition, for a barn aud new modern home. Mr. King has a fine young 12 acre pear orchard a short distance beyond the lot on which he is building a . home Mala Miller has just completed 40-foot drilled and cased up well for Mr. King on his home site, se Miss Rose Ferry of the “ Rose curing a fine flow of good pure Confectionery is taking her vaca­ water. tion visiting with relatives and friends in Coos county. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and Miss Ipha Widdersheim are conducting the A L C O H O L IN S IC K N E S S Rose Confectionery in Miss Ferry’ s A t one of the London public ho»- absence. Monday’s Oregonian contained two large pictures of scenes in and about Cottage Grove. The first T H E L K A D E B P U B L IS H IN G C O . (In c .) was a picture of Main street and E d ito r « C o n n e r & D u B r u il l k , was labelled: ‘ ‘ Progress in one southern Oregon dis­ E n t e r e d a t t h e C o t t a g e ( i r o v e p o s t o f f le e a s s e c ­ prosperous o n d - c la s s m a t t e r . trict. Street to be paved, looking west from S. P. R. R. depot, Cot­ S U B S C R IP T IO N K A T K S • *1.50 One Year tage Grove to the Coast Pork • 75 S i x M o n th s . 5.1 T h r e e M o n th s bridge.” The other was a farm nade of givini scene containing the foot note: pitala k special point is in. alcohol to the patients as rarely am 1909. “ Field of oats on the Stewart and sparely as possible; and each time T U E S D A Y . AU G UST 2 1 , Porter brothers farm on Mosby that one o f the physicians does so ha submits a special entry of the reasons Creek four miles from Cottage that actuated him. In the thirty-two Like produces tike. Nothing Grove, which will yield 75 to 80 years of the existence o f the hospital alcohol has only been given seventy- on earth could make the men at­ busels to the acre.” one times. The cases received are tending the Irrigation congress dry exactly like those received by all the up. A fellow went spinning through other hospitals. For 1904 they num bered 1337 in - patients only. Tha It will he a better equipped, town south Monday morning in an death-rate among these was 7.3 per cent. For the same year the average better attended and greater state automobile with the muffler re­ death - rate among the other London moved, which caused an exhaust public hospitals was 9.1 per cent. fair in every way than ever before from the cylinders that sounded Therefore the use o f alcohol in sick this year. ness is not to be regarded as a neces­ One of the Standard Oil lawyers like the approach of heavy artil­ sity. Although most physicians pre­ scribe alcohol in solution with drugs argues that the concern is not a lery and scared teams for blocks for their patients—there was one phy­ sician of national reputation who did around. The running of autos or trust. lie must think there is a not believe in using alcohol. Many prejudice agaist trusts in this motorcycles with mufflers removed years ago when Dr. R. V. Pierce 'd e ­ cided to put up his valuable "P rescrip ­ is strictly prohibited by law and country. tio n ” for the diseases of women in a should be enforced. The fellow " ready to use ” form — he used as a President Taft will spend two should have been promptly arrest solvent and preservative chemically pure glycerine o f proper strength, days in Portland during his tour of ed— while his machine was striking which is a better solvent and preserva- the coast, the dates being October some of the high places in g o in g J l've o i ttie active m edicin al. principle« . residing in most o f our oar mdi indigenous or 2nd and 3rd. From Portland he through town. native plants th*n is alcohol. Dr. Pierce found that tha glycerins, be­ will go south to California points. O. G. Gilbertson, manager of tides being entirely harmless, possesses intrinsic medicinal properties, of great the Wall Street group of mining value. Recent improvements in the No woman who is suffering from mechanism for aiming big guns claims owned by the Gold Hill inflammation, from the pains and Mining Co., in the Bohemia dis­ drains incident to womanhood can make it possible for an officer in afford to be without Dr. Pierce’s Fa­ trict is in the city on business, an observation tower to have com­ vorite Prescription. An honest medi­ plete control of the battery of a lie says the district is looking up cine which has the largest nnmber of cures to its credit and a deserved popu­ warship: The disappearance of and times are quite lively there.— larity for two score years all over the United States. Dr. Pierce tells you the man behind the gun will re Guard. T v ie s d t v y s tvrtd F r i d a y s . G e n u in e OPERA, PINAFORE “ THE SCHOOL O P Q U A L IT Y ” Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 3 3 Mrs. Sanford desires to announce that she is again prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking and solicits the patronage of both old and new customers. Call at her residence on Locust street or Phone 277. Ladies tailored suits a specialty.