(Stxiibc If yovj Lik» TH E LEA D EN D oout fo r It- I f n o t. S e n d y o u r C r it ic is m to t h i s P a p a r . er A d v e r tls a In T H E LEAD EN T k la la W h a t B r in g s B u s in e s s a n d g lv a s th a P a p a r L if e PUBLISH ED S E M I-W E E K L Y C O TTA G E GNOVE LEA D ER B O H E M IA N U G G E T C o n s o lid a te d J a n u a r y 9 , 1 9 0 ft COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, F R ID A Y , A U G U S T 13, igog. ! BACK FRÜM A TRIP • TO WINCHESTER BAY P 10 “ Cents 1» a Button Mr. and Mrs. George Hall and family and tbeir eastern guests re­ turned home Wednesday evening from a week’s vacation at Win­ chester Bav and report a most en­ joyable time. Their guests, in­ cluding Mr. Hall's brother and Mrs. H all’s brother and their fami­ lies, returned to their eastern homes today. Mr. Geo. Hall in­ forms the header that a great deal of permanent work is in evidence along the line of the new Drain Coos Bay railroad on which work has been temporarily suspended. Mr. Hall says Douglas county has purchased several thousand of the railroad ties which were piled up along the railroad bed and will use ihem on the eouirty road between Drain ami Elkton instead of jxrles I for corduroy. This should make a fine winter road— far better than poles or even planking. Mr. Hall is again at his desk in tli- Bank of Cottage Grove of which he is cash ier. $1.00 a Rip § Dutchess Trousers are worn with Prince Albert or Cutaway Frock C oat COTTAGE GROVE MAN Theyarein good taste and GETS A HOMESTEAD gopd style for every oc­ Among the lucky Oregonians in I the great government land draw­ ing contest in the Couer D’Alene Indian reservation district was Rev. S. M. Nickle, of Cottage Grove, who js nuniberpd among the first 1500 applicants who are to | receive homesteads in that district. | Rev. Nickle will investigate the i matter thoroughly and will put ' forth an effort to secure a good claim. The first choice claim which falls to Mr. Selig, of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, is said to he worth $50,000 while the five next best are valued at $25,OOQ eaefi. We congratulate Rev. Nickle upon his good fortune. casion. T he best medium priced trousers and every pair sold under a money warranty. See Us for Bargains Hampton Company AND Heating Plant tor Woodward Block Briggs & Son, of Eugene, have landed the contract for the installa­ tion of a large Ideating plant in the fiaseu(ent of tfie new two-story brick of C. C- Woodward of this City, which is now under course of construction, the pressed brick front being nearly completed. Mf. anti Mfs Nf. T Awhr-ay, es­ teemed Lane county pioneers, came up from Eugene Wednesday to en­ joy a few days visit with their son, E|. T . Awbrey. The Elder Awbfey crossed tfie plains wilh an ox team and located in this conuty in 1S50, his wife arriving here a few years later. They are still quite active, the burden of years resting lightly on them. It c o s ts y o u no m ore to g e t th e b e st grad e of AVIO M. PFAELZER & GO'S C lo th in g ' th an you pay for ord in ary prod ucts T h e s e Illu s t r a t io n s d e m o n s t r a t e th e s n a p , d a s h a n d ir r e p r o a c h a b le s t y le o f t h is m a k e . <0 * We carry a com plete line o f * ' W earbetter ” Young Men** and Children's Su its and O vercoats Inspect our atock o# th em . T h eir attractiveness will Influence you to buy. Wheeler-Thompson Co. We Have It For Less NEWS SOUGHT AND SORTED FOR LEADER'S SUSY READERS Interesting News in Brief of the City. County and State— Good Crop in Brady s Hop Yard. Geo. Lea Buys Orchard Tract The concrete foundation work i s ' C. 1*. Jones cut his thumb severe- uearlv completed for B. K. I.aw ly Sunday while splitting kindling, son’s big two Htory brick. I Another warning to men who in Miss Ethel Eakin of Cottage j s'st l,P0" relieving the women of Grove is visiting Miss Getta Bris , *Uis ,itt,e household duty. low iii Ku^tnt. ! l*rof. 11t?nry Nnvc, >i soil of Ur. „„ r > ^ , I Nave, formerly of this city, was a I he third kiln of 200,000 brick 4 ,,, . , . - , . . - - . 1 guest of Rev. Adams Mouday. Prof, for this season has just been fired v, , . . . . , . . i Nave was a member of tue high at («leasou s brick yard 111 west , . f , ,,, ,, ... ,, ^ 44 school faculty at Walla Walla last Cottave (»rove. ; year. Curtis Veatch shipped three pon't fail to procure your ticket more fine fox honml pupa this lo hear w Vaughan, one of week to Columbia river points. the lno8t entertaining impersoua He receives $25 per pair for these tors in , 1)e professioll Ile wiU ap. puppies. pear soon under the auspices of I.ess than a month until the the local Epworth League, second annual district fair at Cot- M. B. Stone, of Loraue valley, tage Grove opens. Will you be was looking after business matters ready for it with prize taking e x -! in this city Thursday, lie says h ibitsof stock, vegetables, fruit or | threshing has commenced in the other products? j I .or a tie valley and that grain is L. W. Baker, oue of the efficient t«r«»injg out much better than was conductors on the street car line, anticipated. The Grand Army Fjucamptueut has resigned his ixrsitjou to engage in the real estate business with W. parade had to lie given up at Salt II. O’Kelly, formerly ticket agent Lake Wednesday on account of the at the S. V. depot, says the Eugene intense heal. Twenty old soldiers were prostrated by the beat and Guard. Dr. Lowe’s superior glasses fu r-jtake" to ,he emergency hospital nishes all the eyes need except j ^ fo re the parade was hahed- water. Just how they relieve the Forest Supervisor S. C. Bari rum nervous system and strengthen the ¡ was a Cottage Grove v i s i t o r eyes takes longer to expound than Wednesday. He was returning experience. Consult him next ; front the reserve east of town where Monday at Hotel Oregon. he accepted the work of Contractor j Ernest Purvauce on the new Cottage Grove Chapter No. I, I Rangers Lodge on Lang creek, Order Eastern Star, held their an­ which has just been completed and nual picnic near Walden Station furnished on the O. & S. E. railroad on Tues­ .51 r. and Mrs. R. C. Barfield, re­ day. They invited all Masons and their families and members of the turned to their home at S ileni after Star and their families and had a spending their annual vacation on most delightful time. Ice cream tile farm near this city owned by Mrs. Harding, Mrs. Barfield’s and lemonade were served free. ¡mother. Mrs. Harding will re- R. o . Brady, the Creswell hop j maju over Sunday in ordet to visit yard man, spent Wednesday in wilh her brother, Will Keen, who this city looking after prospective j wpl up from (Jervais today or hop pickers. He will have a fine tomorrow (o SIiell(1 a few days on large crop this season for which he - j]Je fariu is assured a fair price. Picking, Geo. Lea, the water works con he says, will commence early in tractor, was home from Newjxirt September. Mr. Rrady also says Sunday and Monday where he has that Creswell and vicinity contin­ just completed specifications and a ues to improve and develop at a survey for a new water works rapid rate. The Leader was fa­ system for that town. He returned vored with a pleasant call. Tuesday to make out the call for Regarding Eugene’s success over bids and will himself bid on the the Grants Pass baseball team job. While at home he closed a Sunday, the Guard says: “ in the deal with Edgar King for forty afternoon game the victory was acres of fine hill laud, known as due to Pitcher Ray Baker, of Cot­ the “ Tom Knox Prairie” adjoin tage Grove, for he permitted only ing E. C. Conner's mountain farm. two hits, and pulled his team out 1% miles north of town. Mr. Lea of holes caused by five errors. will try a winter apple orchard on The only two hits came in the first this tract, which is sure to make inning, when Grant's Pass filled a profitable orchaul from tile fact the bases without an out. The that an apple tree set out there In team rallied behind Baker, how­ or 50 years ago, is healthy and pro­ ever, and not a man crossed the ductive and has never received any pan. care or cultivation. j VOL. XXI. NO. 18 JAMES FINCH IS DOOMED TO DIE MAIL ORDER E Salem, Ore . August 10.— Hav-1 ing carefully "examined every contention of counsel and every authority cited,” the supreme court [ this morning over-ruled every point ! raised bv counsel for the defend- i Attorney General’s Opin- ant, - affirming the decree of the' trial court and sounded the death ion Regarding Sale knell of James A Finch, convict­ ed ol the murder of Attorney by Mail Order Ralph B. Fisher, and sentenced to sutler the death )>eiialty. The opinion is written by Justice The question arising coucerniug T. A. McBride and so thoroughly is every point covered that it would the legality of selling liquor to seem that no ground for an appeal minors through mail or express to the United States supreme court orders. Attorney A. II. King ap­ could possibly exist. The opinion plied to Attorney General Craw­ is also unusual m that the supreme ford for an opinion and received court says that it could find no the following self explanatory ixissible reason why a new trial letter which should lie a warning should be granted. It is the opin­ to both minors and liquor dealers ion that Finch will soon hang. While his attorney, John A. Jeffry, in this state who have been shame­ is confident of getting into the fully and openly violating this United States supreme court at­ provision of the local option law; torneys generally do not believe S alem , Oregon, July 31, 1909, there i enough merit in Finch’s Mr. A. H. King, contention for the United States Cottage Grove, Oregon. supreme court to grant him a writ Dear Sir:— Yours of the 30th in­ of error. stant, calling my attention to sec­ tion 1977 of Bellenger and Cotton’s MAJOR HAMMOND TAKES code, and asking if it is a violation of that section to sell liquors men­ UNTO HIMSELF A WIFE tioned therein to a minor by mail order business, permit me to say Albany, Ore., Aug. 10.— A quiet tllat '» mY opinion it is. but pretty home wedding occurred I he law is intended to prohibit at 5 p. m this afternoon at 532 the selling, giving, or causing to Film street, when Major Creed C. be sold or given, any intoxicating Hammond of Eugene was united liquor to auy minor, and the fact in marriage to Mrs. Stephanie j that the minor orders the liquor by Schuecker of this city. Only th e! ma' l is no excuse or defense. Any immediate relatives of the con- minor then desiring to get liquor trading parties being presenj. could cause a letter to lie mailed Rev. 1*. K. Hammond of St Mary’s in some postoffice and receive the Episcopal church, Eugene, officiat­ liquor, and that is not the inten­ ing. The happy couple leave on tion of the law. The intention of this evening’s local for Portland the law is to thoroughly guard and will leave there on Saturday against and prohibit the sale of li­ for the east on an extended tour. quors to minors, and a person en­ Major Hammond will be with the gaged in the sale of liquor is en­ Oregon Rifle Team, as coach, at gaged in a business that is unlaw­ Camp Perry, Ohio, during the Na­ ful unless duly licensed, 'l e is tional Matches the latter part of bound to know that the person to August, after which they will visit whom he sells is authorized to with liis brother James at Water- purchase. The only effect of his ford. Conn Upon their return selling without knowleege that a they will probably make their home | person was a minor, or otherwise in Portland. I disqualified from making the pur­ chase, would Ire to mitigate the These days a woman takes severity of the punishment which Very something out of the oven which the court might impose. she calls a loaf of bread, and respectfully yours, which isn’t any larger than her A. M. C r a w f o r d , grandmother's biscuits. Attorney General. l ’rof. Martin E. Robinson, who j * * 1 I gave "Belshazzar's Beast” and JEFFRIES SIGNS "Queen Esther” at this place, is FIGHT ARTICLES taking his annual August vacation I on the farm with his old friends, Chicago, Aug. I I . —Sam Berger, I Mr. and Mrs. Maddox, who reside J two miles northeast of this city. representing Jim Jeffries, and lack The Professor, since giving “ Queen | Johnson signed articles at 1:27 Esther” at this place has present j o’clock this afternoon for a fight. I ed the great cantata “ Pinafore” at Berger announced that he held three different places in Washing- |effries‘ power of attorney and that ton. He is being urged to present i the agreement, signed by him, is! this popular cantata at this place legally binding oil the big Cali- fornian. I early in September. H. C . C O O K Successor to Pierce «S è # to ns /»v I è è &L. Shepardson y iJU will find very attractive * prices at my store. I offer Masou Fruit Ja rs as follows: Pints. 50c, quarts 70c and half gallon 90c per dozen. shoes. Also great bargains in For the present eighteen pounds best sugar for #1.00 with an order for five dollars worth of goods \t St \ t < t t \ from this store. V, it $ it it $ A ». ar—• «