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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1909)
Iff y o u L i k « T H E LI B oon! ( o f Son d you r C rlttclam io ih io V aM r> (Æ*rtfct0je (Btûfot tmtte* In TH E LEAD ER T k ia 1« W h at B rin g« B u ain o aa an d |1 v m lh « P a p a r L ifo PU BLISH ED SE M I-W E E K L Y S o H c íu A n 5 o « Í t ' ,C A D ,:" | C . . . . H 4 M . 4 J . n u . r , » , ISOS C O T T A G E G R O V E , O REGO N , F R ID A Y , J U L Y 2 , 1909. RELIABLE 0111 ON THE FRANCIS J. HENEY WAS A BOHEMIA MINING CAMP COTTAGE GROVE VISI VO L. X X L BIG NO. 12 M SWEET PEA AND CELEBRATION P A W Embodied in Geological Survey Bulletin in Report Talked Freely About His Long Automobile Trip and Time, Place and Order of Parade and Some Prize of D. F. McDonald— Important Clause Many Important Legal Matters Which Features— Sweet Pea Show Program in Mining Laws is Defined. Absorbs His Attention. Prior to Grand Celebration. T he lioheuiia m ining district, iu Lane iiud Dougins comities, Ore- gou, is descrilied iu a brief report by 1). !•'. MacDonald that form part of the I'nited Slates theologi cal S urvey's Itulletin .ISO—“ Con tributions to economic geology, 190«, l'a rt t . " T h is district lies on Calnpooya m ountain, in a region of Imld relief and lu x u ri an t vegetation—a region noted for its tim ber resources. T he ore deposits are fissure veins that contain free gold, which have been developed by several m ines. Mr. McDonald sketches th e general geology, the ore de posits and the m ining development of the district, and iucludes notes O il the mode of ore deposition. T h e rei>ort is included in an ad vance chapter of Itulletin 380 known as Bulletin 380 A, which m ay lie had on application to the Director of the Survey at W ashing ton, Mining Laws Defined. T he following circular letter from W ashington, D. C., dated Ju n e I t , 1900 and signed by Sec retary Ballinger, is as plain in com prehension as it is important to prospectors and m ine owners: T he attention of the departm ent lias been called to the last clause of p aragraph 41 ol die m ining regulations, approved March 39, 1909, w hich provides as follows; “ T he vein or lode m ust be fully descrilied. the description to in clude a statem ent as to what kind and character of m ineral, the ex- leut thereof, whether ore has been extracted and of w hat am ount and value and such other facts as will support the applican ts' allegation that the claim contains a valuable m ineral deposit.’’ It seems that the expression, “ that the extent thereof" is being construed as m eaning that the ap plicant must affirmatively show by proof of exploration that the vein exists ill fact throughout the whole length of the claim. This construction of the p ara graph is erroneous. By the words ((noted it was intended to require the claim ant to show existence of a vein ill such workings as he re lied on to establish a discovery. By the extent of the vein was m eant i(s sj/e and quality as dis closed. T hat being done, the pre sumption exists th at the vein ex tends on its strike throughout the whole length of the claim as lo cated. T he sole purpose of that part of paragraph 41 quoted was to enable the land departm ent to know so far as applicant can reasonably show, the definite facts upon which the right to the patent is predicted so as to determine whether a valu able m ineral dejiosit exists iu the land claimed. NORMAN HICKEY KILLED AT A ROW RIVER SAW MILL CHUTE N orm an H ickey, whose family reside on Mill street iu this city, was killed while working for the Row River Lum ber Com pany W ednesday eveuiug. It seems th a t he was helping shoot logs into the pond, when a log strikiug one of the sheer poles caused a dis- lodgeuient of the pole w hich struck Ilickev 011 the back of the head with trem endous force fracturing liis skull, causing instant death. H e was aliout .15 years of age and leaves a wife and two children, a boy and a girl to m ourn their sad loss. T he body was brought to this city for burial, the funeral services lieing conducted today at the M. F . church b y Rev. N'ickle, interment in the I. < >. O. 1<\ ceme tery. Deceased was esteemed by all who knew him. H e was a prom inent memlier of the I. O. O. F. lodge, w hich order attended the funeral in a body. C. A. Harlow and A. Iv. D avis witnessed his u n timely death, deceased having pre viously cautioned Mr. H arlow re garding standing too near the chute where he himself was killed. W. R. WALKER ON TRIAL FOR MURDER F ra u d s J. Ileuey, the noted I Mr. Ileuey said he had enjoyed Following is the order in which Wall street and will joiii the g en prosecutor, and his autom obile | cam ping out nights in the m o u n the Fourth of Ju ly and Sweet Pea eral parade at the armory. party, arrived ill Cottage ('.rove at tains immensely, but had fouud carnival p arad e will form in the the noon hour W ednesday and little gam e or fish. I le w as severe big joint p arad e next M onday! Decorated buggies. Decorated horses ridden by girls dined at Hotel Oregon. A stop of ly tanned and wore a weeks growth m orning: and liovs. an hour an d a half w as m ade in of beard, but looked the picture F O l'R T H O F i n . V FA R A I) I\ Decorated bicycles ridden by this city to enable the chauffeur to of health and said he felt fine. A Each one will please give a tle u -, girls and lioys. clean up an d adjust the m achinery few grains of powder imbedded tion to the parade formation so as! Drum m er lxiy, E d K ing. in the big W hite Steam er after its ( under the skin of his right cheek to avoid confusion. Begin to ( Boys m ilitary drill, G eorge M at hard trip over the m ountains be was about the only evidence of form 9:30 a. m. start 10:00. thews, captain. tween this place and northern C al the very severe gunshot wound Band. Young ladies carrying garlands, ifornia. After dinner Mr. Ileuey which lie received in the San Militia . iu charge of Mrs. O rville Spear. was afforded an opportunity to Francisco court room early last C olum bia’s chariot. Hoop drill by girls, in charge of meet m any Cottage G rove citizens spring. Goddess of L iberty’s car. Mrs. F . D. Wheeler. to whom he w as introduced by Being questioned by a press rep I.ilierty wagon. All riding oil j Judge J. S. Medley and Attorney resentative, regarding the Calhoun liberty wagon assemble at Chris-1 W and drill by lioys, iu charge of Mrs. A. I,. Briggs. R. R. G iltner, the latter of P ort prosecution, Mr. Ifeney said: tian church at 9:30. Toy floats, in charge of Mrs I'. land, both of whom had met Mr. I shall try Mr. Calhoun again Chariot representing islands. 11. Phillips. Heuey during his prosecution of as soon as possible. We have not Car with G oddess of Justice and! Bow and arrow drill by girls, in the Oregon laud fraud cases. yet begun to fig h t.” A ngel of Peace. charge of Mrs. Will H art. A Leader representative, upon Commenting on the Calhoun Speakers carriage. F lag drill by boys, in charge of being introduced to Mr. Heuey, trial, Heuey rem arked: “ T he Business m en ’s floats. Mrs. Delure llem euw ay. assured him tliat he was not seek trial which has just closed at San Secret Society floats. ing an interview, to w hich Mr. Francisco shows conclusively th at Any other feature wishing to j Decorated baby buggies, in charge ot Mrs. J. C. Johnson. Henev replied th at He was “ pleased conditions' were against the prose enter. Decorated toy wagons, iu charge to know it as he had little to talk cution. I have nothing to say as T h e above assemble south from ab o u t.” However, he then talked to how the second trial of Calhoun the city hall. of Mrs. George H all. freely an d gave an interesting, b u t will term inate, especially when the SW KF. t P F A p a r vnF. ! Decorated doll buggies, iu brief account of h is , autom obile defense has plenty of money iu T h e Sweet Pea p arad e forms on charge of Mrs. N . E . Com pton. trip from the Golden G ate city to easy reach of the jurors. I am this place, saving that the m oun convinced th a t certain jurors were Prizes will be aw arded for the following in the parade: tain roads of northern California brilied in the C alhoun trial, b u t of Best decorated buggy. and southern Oregon were m uch course 1 am un ab le to furnish Best decorated horse ridden by a girl. Best decorated horse ridden by a boy. belter th an he had anticipated proof to substantiate my asser Best decorated toy wagon. finding them. W hen told that this tio n ," Best decorated doll buggy. was the home of Jas. S. Henson "As to the H erm ann case, I am Best decorated baby buggy. against whom he had secured an as yet undecided. I have been Most original toy float. indictm ent during the Oregon land asked to u ndertake the prosecution Best decorated bicycle ridden by a girl. West decorated bicycle ridden by a lioy. trials, Mr. Heuey, upon being in of Binger H erm ann, but at the < hie of the features of the parade will lie groups of boys aud formed th a t Mr. Henson’s place of present tim e I have so m uch on girls in drills. business was just across the street my bauds th at it looks well nigh PROGRAM. from the hotel, expressed a wish im possible." Friday E vening.— Band Concert. 7:.K)p. i l l . ; M ilitary E xhibition at to meet him, upon being assured “ Binger H erm ann will be tried F air Grounds. that the wish was m utual So far as during the present year, if at a ll,” Saturday livening.— Hand Concert. Mr. Henson was concerned. T he said Mr. H euey. “ I received a M onday.— Sweet Pea Parade iu Connection with F ourth of July prosecutor and Mr. Henson chatted letter from the I'nited States A t Parade. G ran d celebration Monday following the parade. Baseball freely for half an hour in a friend torney-G eneral about two m ouths gam e Saturday, Sunday and M onday—Goldfield Team. Portland, vs N esm ith Coitulv T eam . Admission to cents to Sweet Pea C nrnival at ly m anner. T his case against Mr. _ ago, asking me to tak e up th e re the I-'air G rounds, livery liodv go. Henson, it has long been predicted, m ainder of the < iregou’lan d fraud will lie dismissed w ithout a h ear cases as soon as possible,” Ifeney T h e notarial commission of F. Come to Cottage t '.rove to cele- ing. Hon. R. M. V eateh was continued. “ O w ing to business B. Phillips of Cottage Grove, was brate Monday and see Snow ’s another citizen who enjoyed a m atters, 1 have not been able to filed with the county clerk Wed- G reater show near the city park , quiet talk with the great prosecutor answer the lette r.” nesday. ! See reader. who only a few m om ents before A sked whether his election as had inquired if this were not the District A ttorney at San F rancisco home of Col. Veatcli, an old dem would delay the H erm ann trial, ocratic warhorse. Ileuey declared th at it would not, Mrs. Ileuey took passage on the inasm uch as he would not ta k e the train from Medford to Roseburg office until n ex t year. and again from Roseburg to this I will m ake the run on an in city to avoid the m ountain roads dependent ticket and. you m ay rest in te rv en in g . Mr. and Mrs. Henev assured th at 1 will win by a vote are accom panied by Dr. Beards- of tw o to o n e .” I ley, Ja ck M cCarty, body guard, Mr. H euey stated th at he e x and a chauffer. T heir equipm ent pected to remain north but a short, consisted of a complete cam ping time, spending but a few days at outfit, guns and Ashing tackle and the Seattle exposition and Portland. F.ugene, July 2.—A ttention of fit was uot upon youth an a young ORDERS ARE OUI FOR ENTIRE STATE OF circuit court was taken up all day ; people, but upon the old who have 0. N. G. RIFLE MEET TENNESSEE DRY T hursday with the case of William lived for more than three score of W alker, former county clerk and years. T he sta te’s evidence iu m any Portland, Ju n e 39,—O rders for well know n pioneer held on the N ashville, T en u ., Ju n e .to.— The charge of killing Ld Lang at the ways this m orning w as distinctly the an n u al state rifle competition, statute extending the provisions of W alker hop yard in an alterca iu favor of the defendant. T he ; in which 34 team s of riflemen rep | the “ four m ile” law to the entire tion last March. T he jury secured I prosecution iu its exam ination did re se n tin g every section of the state becomes effective at m idnight. , not hesitate to bring out th a t Ed is as follows: H enry L. Chilsou, X. W. W hite, ! L ang abused the m other of the de- j state where N ational G u ard troops Crnler the provisions of this law it M. A. Fuller, W in. H . Fenton, I fendnnt and th at both W alker and | are stationed will com pete for tro- Win. Haiubridge, C. K. Buss. J. Lang were under the influence of , phies and medals, Were issued yes j will lie unlaw ful to sell or tipple M. H uglaud, John M. Smiley, whiskey and beer. At the same terday from headquarters of the 1 liquors, wines, ales or beers as a Geo. (>. Knowles, I. V. Jackson, tim e the prosecution endeavored to | Oregon N ational G uard. Four im portant contests to es le v erag e iu Tennessee. T h e bill show that m alice existed between F.. R. Black. W .J . Bryant. A. C. W oodcock and C. A. the two men. Prosecuting attor- ta b lis h the supretnSi’y in rifle to prohibit the m anufacture of H ardy apiieared as attorneys for I ney for the state W oodcock, and m arksm anship of the various or (liquors does not lieoome effective i W alker, the prosecution lieing I H ardy for the defense, presented ganizations are provided, together conducted by Prosecuting Attorney j their argum ents and the case will : with a m atch for revolver m arks until Ja n u ary 1, 1910, and counsel lie closed today following M cFad- men. T he competition will open 1 lias lieen retained by the interests Brvson. T he evidence in the case u n ! d en 's argum ent for the prosecu A ugust 1 and will continue until affected to test the prohilA inn I folded the old, old story of liquor Ition and the judg e’s charge to the t A ugust .1, or until the m atches are I measure. | completed. and its baneful effect. T his tim e jury. Do You Want To Be Well Dressed W e can Lit you. N ifty Suits, N obby hoes, Up-to-Date Hats, Swell Negligee Shirts, Latest Golf Shirts and Dashing Neckwear at Prices that Defy Competition. WHEELERTHOMPSON CO. W E HAVE IT FOR LESS