If r o u L ik * THE LEADER Boost for It- If not. S on d you r C rlllo ls in to this Popor. TH E LEADER T k lo Is W h a t B rin g s B u s tn r s s o n d glvos Ik o P o p o r L ifo . P U B L IS H E D S E M I -W E E K L Y Oto S851Ä« WSSS t “ *“ " i e .« ..— i— - ». •»«• C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R EG O N , T U E S D A Y , M A R C H 30, 1909. V O L. XX. NO. 50 MISS EMERY MARRIED JAP THE RAILROAD BRANTON AND COEEYAR MAKE HAMPTON & CO. IN TACOMA EAST WEEK LAND (RANT BOLD DASH FOR FREEDOM Where Cash Beats Credit. Lonsdales Bleached Muslin, 10 cents per yard Dress Ginghams, 12 cents per yard Good Calicos, 5 cents per yard Linen Towling, 8 V 3 to 20 cents per yard Outting Flannel, 10 cents per yards 6 and 84 Laces, 5 cents per yard C. C. C. House Lining, 4*/a cents per yard Heavy Shirting, 10 per yard Unbleached Muslin, 12 yards for $1.00 Ladies’ and Children's Black Hose, 1214 cents per pair Children’s Heavy Ribbed School Hose, 10, 15 and 25 cents per pair Challies, 5 cents per yard Bleached Table Linen from 25 cents per pard GENTS’ D EPARTM ENT Men’s Fancy Hose, 12V6 cents per pair Men’s Work Shirts, 50 cents each Men’s Linen Pongee Shirt, $1.25 Gordon Hat, $3.00 Goodhat, $1.50 Boys’ Knee Pant Suits from $2.00 to $6.00 H a m p to n Co. LUMBER COMPANIES ROYAL INTERMEDIATE ARE INCORPORATED! SCHOOL NEWS NOTES A rticles of incorporation for the I O scar W heeler spent S aturday Fischer & Hally I.um ber com pany at the Divide. were filed F riday w ith the county H iram W heeler spent S un d ay clerk, the incorporators being Carl evening at W ilson’s farm. K. Fischer, Milton Hally and J o n a ­ A rchie Wilson called on H iram than R. M cKibbeu. T he articles W heeler S unday afternoon. allow them to engage in the m er­ W alter Babcock was a caller at cantile business, cattle, tim ber, the McCoy sawmill Sunday. lum ber and other kindred business Mr. L. Parm ele has been doing and the capital stock is $.25,000. some clearing on his place. ANOTHER ONE. It is very pleasant to play drop A rticles of incorporation were the handkerchief by the m oonlight. W e are all glad to see m other filed Friday for t h e ‘‘Fischer b ro th ­ ers Lum ber C om pany;’’ the incor­ Johnson back at the Dormatory porators being Fred Fischer Sr., again, Henry Fischer, Fred Fischer Jr., Mr. Johnson has returned from Carl R. Fischer and W alter F isch­ Portland and reports a very pleas­ er. They will engage in a general ant trip. merchandise, cattle, lim ber, log­ It seems as though some of the ging, lum ber and other kindred m arried men are worse than the businesses. T he capital is $100,- young people about staying out 000, says the Register. late of nights. M. D ittebrandt, M. I). Physician Do hogs pay, asks the Drain and Surgeon. Special attention N onpareil. W e regret to say that given surgery and obstetrical some of them do not. They will cases. Office in F irst N ational take a paper for several years and Hank building. Phone 561. tf then try to avoid p ay in g for it by G et prices on house lining aj having the postm aster m ark it ‘re­ fused.” H am pton's before buying. Cash Paid for Wool and Mohair There is great satisfaction in know­ ing that when you buy GROCERIES You are getting New, Fresh Stock of the best standard brands. IN SHOES W e can fit any foot and give you Style, comfort and durability. Cottage Grove Mercantile Co. Phene Mai* 643— Our own Delivery. Daughter of Archdeacon John Emery of Episcopal Offers Land for the Ask- Both Men Sent Up to Penitentiary from Cottage Diocese of California— Parents Give Grove— Branton Suicided When Plans ing With no One to Consent and Attend Wedding Were Foiled by the Guards. Kick You Off. Helen G ladys lim ery, d au g h ter M ISS E M E R Y W E D S J A P . of A rchdeacon John Kmery of the Seattle, W ash. March 27.— Miss Rpiscopal diocese of California, Helen G ladys Rmery, of Corte falls iu love with G unjiro Aoki, a M adera, Cal., has at last realized Japanese school boy an d cook, her h e a rt’s desire. At 11:45 o ’clock said to be a relative of General this m orning she became the bride Aoki of the Japanese arm y. of G unjiro Aoki, who claim s to be T rouble in the Rmery family en ­ a Jap an ese of high rank and a sues, and Mrs. Rmery sides with former journalist, but whose recent the daughter. M arriage is pre­ avocation is reported to have been vented at Corta M adera, a suburb that of a dishw asher iu the liniery of San F’rancisco, where the household. Rm erys lived, and the girl deter­ T he ceremony was performed by mines to leave California, claim ing the Rev. If. II. Gowen, rector of the state showed her no sym pathy T rinity parish church, the only on account of common prejudice witnesses present being the bride’s agaiust Japanese there. parents, A rchdeacon Rmery and Mother leaves Sau Francisco his wife, a countrym an of Aoki with girl determ ined to meet Aoki and A. Patterson, secretary of the in T acom a, where the Japanese rectory. says he will return to his i>ots and A ccom panied bv Archdeacon kettles and m ake a living for his wife. A oki’s countrym en offer Emery, Aoki appeared at the m ar­ him $1001» to desert his sweetheart, riage license clerk 's window about but he refused and averred th at he 10 o ’clock this m orning and se­ would m arry her despite protests cured a license, there being no of all classes. Southern Pacific train reached hesitation in issuing the docum ent. P ortland Friday m orning and the W ith the coveted paper, Aoki and girl an d her m other left it on the his future father-iu-law hurried to east side. They went to the Sar-1 the Savoy hotel, where Miss Rmery gent hotel and rem ained there halt and her m other had been left. an hour, then in autom obile to St. I 1 Then the party entered a carriage Johus, leaving the city oti the Seattle-Tacom a train No. 8 for an d were driven to the church, T acom a. T he wedding will prob­ where arrangem ents for the cere­ ably occur at sea. mony had previously been m ade. EDWARD UNO SHOT END KILLED BY BILLY WALKER HEAR EUGENE A deplorable shooting affray took place at the W alker residence on the Campbell and W alker hop ranch between Eugene and Spring- field shortly after noon Friday. W . A. W alker sent a charge of shot through the left knee of lid- ward Lang, crushing the lxrne and tearing the flesh so badly th a t a m ­ putation was necessary and it is not at all certain th a t he will recov­ er, though he slowly revived from loss of blood and the shock. ST O R Y O F T H E S H O O T I N G W illiam A. W alker, better know n as “ Billy” W alker, is one of the best know n men in the coun­ ty, having served as county clerk for two terms, from 1890 to 1894. H e is one of the m ost genial of men an d has a host of friends, b ut is u nfortunate in his appetite and when under the influence of liquor is not him self at all. O ne of the strongest traits of his character is his devotion to his aged m other, whom he loves with a love akin to adoration an d it was this filial devotion th at caused him to do the rash act Friday. E dw ard Lang, the victim , is a laborer whom Mr. W alker has em ­ ployed on his place at various times and they were well acquainted. Lang h ad been in Ivugefte in the m orning and w ent out by the W alker farm h av in g w ith him a | well-filled l»ottle. He met Billy and they went together to the barn and took several d rin k s together and then went to the house. Aftei talking for a while Latig becam e ' abusive and m ade some slighting rem ark against his aged mother. W alker at once went to another room and got his shot gun and gave L ang the contents of the left barrel iu the left knee. Dr. Day was telephoned for at once and some one else phoned for Sheriff Mown and a doctor. He and his deputy major H am m ond, found I)r. Scaiefe immediately and they went at once to the scene in an automobile, Dr. Day cam e also with the am bulance. T he w ound­ ed man was taken to th e G eneral hospital with the physicians, and his leg was am putated, and the sheriff brought W alker to the court house. A w arrant was m ade out ch arg in g him with assault with in ­ tent to kill W alker, through his attorneys, waived exam ination an d he was placed under $2000 bonds for his appearance liefore the grand jury and he too was taken to the G eneral hospital to get straightened u p.— Register. L A N G D I E S FROM W O U N D . Edw ard Lang who was shot in the left leg by W. R. W alker at the la tte r’s home between ICugene and Springfield Friday afternoon, died at 7;15 Saturday evening. T he charge against W alker will probably be changed to a more ser­ ious one. D eputy District Attorney G. F. Skipw orlh went to the hospital sev­ eral tim es to try to secure an ante mortem statem ent from the de ceased, but l>oth times l.ang was in no condition to do so, as he lay m uttering incoherently most of the tim e, not having recovered suffice eiitly to m ake a connected state m ent. Ornamental Shrubbery. Dretsmaking Lilies, lil.tcs ( budded, new sh a d es) clim atis, ( th e fin est) roses, evergreens and a long list of o rn a ­ m entals on h and as well as a fine lot of fruit trees an d sm all fruits. Get our prices, ask us for any th in g I in our line from a “ puckery pir- simmon to a perfect p each .” ICedar Springs Nursery, Rhone 471. Mrs. Sanford desires to announce that she is again prepared to do all k in d s of dressm aking and solicits the patronage of both old and new custom ers. Call at her residence on Locust street or Rhone 277 Ladies tailored suits a specialty. Order your new suit for Raster at W. A. f lernen w ay's. Salem, March 29— By saw ing officials and the progress upon it An interesting state of affairs has developed as a result of the re­ their way through the bars of a noted, until last night it was found cent Oregon & C alifornia land the bar was completely severed, g ran t forfeiture suit th a t was su b ­ window on the basem ent floor of everything was put in readiness for m itted to Ju d g e Wolvertou in the the building, four convicts m ade a lacal Federal court last week, says bold attem pt to escape from the the reception of the would-be es­ the Portland Telegram . penitentiary shortly after 5 o ’clock capes when they emerged this A nalysis of th e situation in c i­ this m orning. T h e prison officials m orning. Branton was accom panied in his dent to argum ents on the dem urrer knew of the scheme, however, and of the Ilarrim au system to the with five armed g u ard s aw aitiug daring expedition by J. P. Collyar, governm ent’s bill of com plaint in ­ their ex it the convicts were held employed iu the bakery, who was dicates th a t 2,300,000 acres of the up at the point of as m any guns as sent up from Lane county for two dom ain of Oregon, valuable chief­ they m ade the bolt, and with years February 21, 1909 for rob­ ly for agricultural and tim ber p u r­ hands high iu th e air all four of bery. C. II. Spaulding, a cook, poses and worth iu the aggregate them were ordered back into the who is doing two and a h alf years approxim ately $40,000,000, is prison through the same whole for larceny in a dwelling from C lat­ sop county, September 24, 1908, practically “ no m an ’s la u d ” at from which they had emerged. the present tim e and subject to in ­ John Branton, the alleged leader au d J. B. Lethridge, hospital clerk discrim inate settlement and occu­ and principal organizer of the o u t­ who is serving three years for for­ pancy for ail indefinite i>eriod w ith ­ break, lies dead iu the prison gery com mitted in I'm a tilla county, out danger of protest from any morgue, having com m itted suicide Septemlier 26, 1908. These three source. By tendering $2.50 an by cu ttin g his throat with a men are let out of their cells at 4:30 acre as the purchase price which buicher knife taken from the prison each m orning to attend to their re­ the railroad com pany, for obvious butcher shop. His three colleagues spective duties, while Brantonfcwho reasons, is bound to refuse, a are locked iu their cells, and will was the prison butcher, was turned quasi right to enter into possession l>e punished according to the rules into his apartm ent at 5’clock, as usual. is established and any jierson is of the institution in su ch cases. thereby privileged to go on a W A R D E N C U R T I S ’ T I C K L I S H JO B . Branton, the dead convict was quarter section, cut sufficient tim ­ serving a 10-year sentence for as­ W arden Curtis proceeded very ber to b u ild a house and m ake sault with intent to kill, having cautiously through the corridor of other necessary improvements, and been com mitted from Lane county, th e basement, w hich is filled with live in com parative ease an d com ­ Ju n e 26, 190.5. I le w as considered d ark recesses on every side, with a fort the rem ainder of his earthly a desperate man, an d has lieen flash lantern iu one hand and an days without having his ]>eace of kept under close surveillance by autom atic revolver in th e other. mind disturbed by such phantom s the prison guards and officials for Kuowiug th at all convicts im plica­ as anticipated visits from the ta x some m onths. ted would doubtless be arm ed with collector, rent agents or anything Branton was serviug tim e in the butcherknives and cleavers from else of annoying character. In penitentiary for attem pting to kill the butchershop, and ready to fight short, he can m aintain an e x ist­ a man in Lane county early iu for their lives when cornered, it ence there in a way that m akes an 1905 iu order to secure his life in­ was a ticklish task, aud the first Iilysium dream look like a hideous surance, which had been taken out oue of the q uartet discovered was nightm are, for as m atters now in favor of Branton. Branton left Branton, lying in the corner of a stand nobody know s who ow ns the his victim for dead, but the latter d ark recess adjoining the butcher laud, and the chances are the recovered and Branton’s arrest and shop, and he was groaning heavily. chaotic mists th a t have arisen iu conviction followed. W ithout investigating his condition consequence of pending litigation Branton was a brother of C laude or tak in g any chances of falling between the governm ent an d the Branton, who was h anged iu E u ­ victim to any ruse which he might railroad com pany will not be dis­ gene iu 1899 for the m urder of be playing to catch them unaw ares, pelled for such a length of tim e John Linn iu the Cascade m oun­ a guard was left at the place and that generations may come an d go tain s east of Iiugene the search for the others was con­ before the war of titles is ended. All three were found hid­ BAR I N S P E C T E D EVERY N I G H T . tinued. T h e prospective settler need not T he escape was very cleverly ing iu a recess on the other side of necessarily have any money to a t­ planned and doubtless would have the corridor, and all came out with tain this unprecedented goal. All been successfully carried out had hands in the air when challenged the requisite qualifications to be­ it not been th at one of the prison by warden Curtis. come eligible to m em bership in guards, in m aking his regular this Lazy M ail's Paradise Associa­ rounds of the ciiildiug last Wednes­ Big Log Drive In. tion is to write out any old check day night, discovered th a t some for $400 and tender it with a pleas­ one had been at work try in g to saw T he Booth-Kelly log drive of an t smile as paym ent to the ra il­ one of the bars lo the window on 6,000,000 feet from Little Fall way corporation for 160 acres. It the basem ent floor, opposite the creek arrived in the pond at is not at all essential th a t he butcher shop. T he m atter was re­ Springfield Friday aud the 16 or should have a deposit in the b ank ported to the head official who, in ­ 18 men who brought it in received to m ake the check good either, b e­ stead of locking Branton up immo- their pay yesterday. They are al­ cause they are obliged to turn up diately under suspicion, worked most all local men who have fam i­ their noses at it anyw ay, and m et­ out a scheme which resulted in the lies in this neighborhood. They aphorically give it a swift k ick out aptuie of all four convicts im pli­ brought the drive in iu 17 days, of their land departm ent. T o ac­ cated in the plot. livery day the w hich is considered excellent tim e, cept the am ount would m ean ruin bar was inspected by the prison w ithout incident.—G uard. to them, since it would be in the uatu re of a recognition of the governm ent’s contention th a t the two million or so ot the vast area m ust be sold to actual settlers only in quantities not more than a q u a r­ ter section to each purchaser, and AND ......... ............ - at a price not exceeding $2.50 .in acre. T he ch ance would be too great on a speculation of th a t kind. N either would LTicle Sam object to auy settlem ent on the land. In fact, he would hail such a proceed­ ing with joy, inasm uch as it would conform to lines th a t he has m ain ­ tained vigorously for a fortnight or more through able council, and from his point of view would carry out the term s of the gran t m ade by Congress to the railw ay corporation more than 40 years ago. Men’s All Wool Fine Suits, $10.00 to $25.00 In case the Ilarrim au people u n ­ dertook to treat a settler on these Boy’s New Buster Brown Suits, 4.00 to 5.00 lands as an interloper and attem p t­ Boy’s New Combination Suits, 4.00 to 5.00 ed to eject him for illegal trespass, Boy’s Extra Quality 2-piece Suits, 5.00 to 7.50 the t ’nited States would lie in honor bound to arise in its m ight, as it has done of yore, call out the arm y and navy, likewise the home guards and alt its available force, including the m o ral iSquad, W e Have it for Less W ill Sell it for Less It will pay you to investigate our line of Men and Boy’s Fine Clothing WHEELERTHOMPSON CO. ( c o n c l u d e d o n p a o n PÖ u r ) I