.SAfcSifcSSsííS* « S S v v A w s V á w íw w v v fM 88M M 8M I SSs* SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS A m a t e u r P lu m b in g On the Sunday School L «««o n by Rev. Dr. Linecott For the In­ ternational Newapaper Bible will have few charms for you af­ ter you’ ve once indulged in it— what you “ save” at first you’ll lose afterward—lose your temper too, and make “ confusion worse confounded.” Why not come to us — experienced and fair priced plumbers — at the first sign of trouble with your water, gas or steam pipes and get things in order promptly? Study Club. (Coprright, I9IU. by Rev. T. S Linacott, D.D.) Lessons for Sunday, March 21. 1909. —Review. March 21st. 1909. (Copyright. 1908, by Rev. T. S. I.inscott, D .D.) Phillips Brothers ! s p ie CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. P ro fe ssio n a l C a rd s. w Host Washington Cedar shingles J. — free of sap, worm holes and A T T O K N E Y -A L L A W * knots, constantly on hand. Prices % Practice iu all courts o f the State. v times. Inquire of ? Office Phillips Building. Suit 5 and 6 » to suit the 4 Phone Main 1611 Cottage (¡rove, Or. O k k i n R o b i n s o n , Cottage ( ’.rove. M. C. CO C NTK R. Notary l’uïtlic ; f ; J. 4 J For bargains in fruit, stock and farm lauds see Scarbrough & i -t I Cochran, Creswell, Oregon, or Clias. Cochran, Cottage Grove, Or. I K. YO U N G ; ATTORNEY AT LA W Offlce: Young Building, Main street, West Side. è I f Shingles for sale at Vcatch & 26tf H t * V .* Y V lV .4 l1 ^ 1 * * 1 * * ’l * W * * * | Lawson’s. ^ W. KIMK, M. 1). • P H Y S I C I A N and SU KO EON t omoe In MeKarlaud Building jP Over Cochran’s Furniture Store 4 once Phone, 341 Itesldenco Phone, 531 '-A | J^.S. MEDLEY, \ Paint your hen roosts with Ave- uarius Carboliiieum. Buy it at 26tf ^ Veatcli & Lawson. ? -f \ c 4 £ CATARRH * ATTO RN EY AT LAW C A. 9 Special Attention C.iven to Mining and Corporation Law. i O ffic e , S a lto 3. B ank B u ild in g 4 T O . JOHNSON, j J. ATTO RNEY AT ? I 5 ! J f LAW Estates Administered, M ining Patents Procured. Mining and Corporation l,aw a specialty, office over Griffin, Vcateh Hardware. Office Phone, Main 113. Resilience. 85. P L. IN G R A M $ ^ DENTIST ^ Phone 1451 J Hours 8.30 to 12, 1 to 5 * P“ H . C. M A D S E N , W S u ro to C ivo S a tis fa c tio n . CIVE8 RELIEF A T ONCE. Stewart-Porter Building ^ E l y ’ s C r e a m B a l m atchm akrr . If. cleanses, soot lies, heals and protects the diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in atomizers, 75 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York. Kepalrtng at reaRonablo charges. A ll work guaranteed first-class. Watches, Clocks and Jew elry a t Lowest Price COTTAGE GROVE. ORE D R A Y IN Q Titles Examined. Drafting and Blue Printing. Present Ownership Maps Furnished. Farm I.oaus at Lowest Rates. Notary Public. A n d evil K inds of C. S. FREELAND a C onpan ? H A U L IN G ABSTRACTORS Rooms s and 10 McClung Building Corner Kiglith ami W illam ette Sts. Telephone Red 1151 EUGENF., OREGON E. R. Wells A R C H IT E C T Unique «and beautiful rie- • • • ■ signs, Plans and Specifica­ tions o f all kinds of buildings 'of any cost. Fees reasonable. Kootn 10,1st Nat. Rank Bldg, Eugene, Or Leave orders at Cunningham's Con­ fectionery Phone 73 or phone residence 406 Hauling Done Promptly at Reasonable Charge W . A. H O G A TE (T r o ve (G a lle r y M I L L E R ’S M a c h in e S h o p N e w Management N e w Equipment. Com e and see us. W e w ill do our utm ost to please you. All kinds of machine and repair work done promptly and at reason­ able prices. OLD LLADFR BUILDING A . J . A rm s tro n g . Third Street, COTTAGR GROVE, OREGON lW 0W W »eflfl66Si!e6$S$#6S8S$$ j CO TTAG E GROVE Hospiliil anil Sanitarium ASK^ v D IA M O M ) ^BRAND All the latest treatments. Electrical PLAIN ami MEDICATED BATHS §1 X -R A Y LABORATORY Kor further particulars address I H r . H . C. S C H V iR R F . S f e f iS Grown for Pnrlflc Sorthw M t Roll ind Cllmsts. Plow on display at all h « t dralrr*. Ask for Cata­ logue. I ( not on win In your nelchhorhoo«!, writ« n«. liv ln i name o f your denier, soil we will msll too • parket o f flow er «e««.!^ free for your trnnbte haruM tinM . pmtum . iiim n uoimtm. « i n LADIES’ BAGS "0,N,I AT AND PURSES COST MEN S PURSES A Fine Line to Select from. A m closing out this line of goods. Leather Belts, Dog Collars and M en ’s G loves at bed­ rock prices. STOCKS* HARNESS SHOP Review. Golden Text— They that were scat­ tered abroad went everywhere preach­ ing the word. Acts v lil: 4. The following review scheme can be used with profit by all the newspaper clubs who are taking up the Bible studies, whether having actually stud­ ied the eleven lessons here reviewed, or only one a." them, or whether this Is the first le ,nn which has captured a reader’s attention; for while It Is a “review," It Is also complete In Itself. The date and title of each lesson ind where found, the Golden Text, and one question on each lesson follow. Jan. 3—Acts 1:1-14. The Ascension yf Our Lord Golden Text: Luke xxlv: 51. It came to pass while lie blessed them, he was parted from them, and cat rkd up Into heaven. Verses 10, 11— Would the coming of the Spirit of Jesus on the day of Pen­ tecost, be the return of Jesus as these two men meant? Jan. 10—Acts 11:1-21. The noscent of the Holy Spirit. Golden Text. John glv:16, 17. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you Torever. even the Spirit of Truth. Verses 6-12— An educated ministry Is desirable but which will make the most converts, a man with fair Intel­ ligence and a common school educa­ tion. filled with the Holy Spirit, or an university graduate larking that ex­ perience? Jan. 17— Acts 11:22 47. The Begin­ ning of the Christian Church. Golden Text. Acts 11:42. They continued steadfastly In the Apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread anil In prayers. Verse 22—How is It that Jesus has Impressed Himself upon th.* world as no other man has ever done, and that he has swayed the hearts of the lowly and mighty alike and that Ills In fluenee ts Increasing with the years? Jan. 24—Acts lit: 1-26. The Lame Man Healed. Golden Text. Acts 111:16. His name, through faith in Hts name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know. Verse 6— Need the lack of money or ability ever prevent any man from doing the work tn life which God has appointed him to do? Jan. 31—Acts Iv: 1-31. The Trial of Peter and John. Golden Text. Arts lv 31. They were all filled with the llolv Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. Verses 1-3—Have priests and preach­ ers. in the past, been quick or slow to see Gods new revelations of truth, whether In science or theology? Fob. 7.—Acts lv:32 to v:11. True and False Brotherhood. Golden Text. Prov. x ll: 22. Lying lips are ar. abom­ ination unto the Lord: hut they that deal truly are His delight. Verses 34. 35— Is faithfulness to God a sure cure for shortness of money? Feb. 14 —Acts v: 17-42. The Apostles Imprisoned Golden Text. Matt. v:1fl. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake; for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Verses 34-40— Is It not true that the heretics of one generation have been the saints of the next? Feb. 21—Acts v i: l to vll:3. Stephen, the First Christian Martyr. Golden Text. Acts vii:59. They stoned Stephen, calling upon God. and say­ ing, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Verses 11-13— When a man with right views of truth, gets angry at the man with wrong views and perse­ cutes him, which the latter takes with meekness, which Is likely the better man of the two? Feb. 28 — Acts v lll: 4-25. The Gospel In Samaria. Golden Text. Acts v lll:6. The people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. Verses 9-11—Is there any evidence to believe that there are. or ever have boon, persons with the power claimed by witches, conjurers, fortune tellers and similar fakirs? March 7—Acts v lil:26-40. Philip and I ■ Ethiopian. Go'den Text. Johnv:39. f 'arch the scriptures for In them ye liink ye have etarnal life; and they h e they which testify of me. Verse 28.—May any person, who ts not playing double with God. safely trust ’’the Inward voice” to direct as to outward circumstances? March 14 — Acts lx:31-43. Aeneas and Dorcas. Golden Text. Acts lx :34. And Peter said unto him. Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise and make thy bed. And he arose Imme­ diately. V e ra «* 36-38— How do you classify those who content them selvet with going to church and prayer meet­ ing, and talking, and praying, but are not follow in g Jetus. In going about doing good? (T h is question must be answered in w ritin g by members of the club. The business men of Portland have definitely determined to make the Publicity fund of the Portland Commercial Club $100,000 annu­ ally, and this sum will be spent iu advertising the resources and ad­ vantages of the whole state of Oregon as heretofore. Notice to Electric Light Patrons. Some owners of porch lights burn them all night, others burn them day and night. To these notice is hereby given that after March first an additional charge of V) cents per month will be made for all porch lights found burning after midnight. C. G. E lectric C o . Fashion Stables Lodge Directory. RIDDLE MERCHANT HAS DISAPPEARED I. O . O . F .—Cottage G rove, No. Its, Meet every Saturday night. A. R rkw jg i , N. U. 12.— J ohn B. P nit.i.ies, Sec. Koseburg, Or., March Nothing has as yet been learned as to the whereabouts o f Chas. Stauf­ fer, manager of the Kiddle Mer­ cantile company, a general mer­ chandise concern at Kiddle, this county, who left that city last Sat­ urday. The busiuess is now in the hands of K. !.. Sabin & Co., Portland. Stauffer left no letter of explanation. He is a son-in-law of J. B. Kiddle, a prominent pio­ neer citizen for whom the town was named. Stauffer has always borne an excellent reputation. K C B E K A H S -C olla g e G rove, No. 24, Meetings 1st. .’lixi. ami 5th. Fri­ day o f e v ery month, Mas. J. H t o n b ii A ro , N Q. M in n ik E m . edge , K« h *. A . I\ & A M .—C ottage Grovo, No. 51. Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednes­ day o f each month. A nohbw B ui nd , W. M. L. F. W o o i . r v , See. First Class Livery, Sale and Feed Barn in Connection O . E S.—C hapter No. 4, Meetings 2nd and 4th Friday each month. M kx . M ahki . C iiam hers , W. M. Mas. G race B iii n ii , Sec. Eleven airships of various types W O . W .— Bohemia Camp, No. 2C0, Meets every F riday evening. have already entered for the air­ 1) r . J. O. V a n W in k l e , C. C. ship show at the Alaska-Yukou- C ham . V a n D icniuh g , Clerk. Pacific Rxposition, which opens in Seattle ou June 1. W. 0. W ,—St. Valentino Circle 121, M eet« 1 Mt and 3rd Tuesday in each The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific E x ­ m onth in W. O, W. Hall. position is the first world’s fair M rh . D. J. D i R r d ii . le , li. N. which has not asked financial as­ M rs . A i . ick C o w m a n , Clerk. sistance of the government. Uncle Sam is spending $600,000, but is M. W. o f A . —Meetings 2nd and Itli TluirHday inondi month, doing it himself ou his own ex­ A. 8. P o w k i . i ., Consul. hibits and buildings. C. W . W a l l a c e , Clerk. Gold dust valued at $5,000,000 has arrived in Seattle where it will M. B. A . —Modern Brotherhood of America. Meet the 2d and 4th Tues­ make one of the exhibits at the day o f each month at I.O .O .F. Hall. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition F 1). W iie r i . er , Pren. which opens June 1. It was D r . M a c y , Sec. brought out over he winter trail from Dawson City, Nome and G. A . R .— Appoinatax Post No 34, Meets at 1 p. in., on the 2d and 4th Fairbanks. Saturday of each month. DANGER IN DELAY. Kidney Diseases Are too Dangerous for Cottage Grove People to Neglect. The great danger o f kidney troubles is th at they get a firm hold Indore the sufferer recognize« them. Health Is gradually undermined. Backadie, headache, nervousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and B rig h t’s disease follow in merciless succession. Don’ t neglect yo u r kid ne.vs. Cure the kidneys w ith the certain and9nfe remedy, Doan's K id ney Pills, which has cured people right here In C otta ge Grove. L. Bouncy, 45!l O live St., Eugene, Or., sa y «: ‘ ‘ I siifTeied from kidney com plaint for many yea r«. I had severe pains in the back, which bothered m en great deal. The kid­ ney secretions were irregular, nnnnt- urnl and caused me iniieh annoy­ ance. My rest w as greatly broken and I felt miserable. I tried many remedies but obtained no relief until I procured Doan’s Kidney pills. After I Imd used one box I received great relief and on continuing my trouble quickly disappeared. I take grea t pleasure in expressing luy ap­ preciation of Doan's Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MIIburn l'o , Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Renieinlier the name—D oan’s—and take no other. Dit D. L. W oods , P. C. O. W. R f . y n o i . ds , Adj. F o r e s te r s o f A m e r ic a - Mooting: First and Third Thursdays. E dwin T t i . i . a r . Chiof Bangor F. C. C o f f m a n , Fin. See. Tom Awbrey can give you good reliable insurance at reasonable rates, put your residence insur­ ance in the Oregon Fire Relief As­ sociation and your business prop­ erty in the Bankers and Merchants Mutual. Call at the express of­ fice for rates. K M rs . ( ’. W . W eo . H a allac e , ll NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the shortest route East. There is but one short anil di­ rect route tietween the W est Oregon Short Line Notice of Publicatio n. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Lan d office at Itosehurg, Ore. Oct. 20tn, 1908. Notice is hereby given th at JO SEPH B. W IL H E L M of Dexter, Oregon, w h o on October 20tli 1908, made timber applt-ation No. 01906, for S W j, Section 32, T o w n ­ ship 19 Booth, Range 1 West, W illam ­ ette Meridian, lms tiled notice o f in­ tention to make final proof to estab­ lish claim to tlie land ab ove describod liefore Register and Receiver at Rose- burg, Oregon, on the 1stli day of March, 1909. Clnlmnnt names as witnesses: Reese P arker of Dexter, O regon; Rufus Wood of Dexter, Oregon; Thomas It. M alloy o f Fall Creek, Oregon; J a * w M ath ew s of Dexter, Oregon. B e n j a m i n L. E d iiv , Register. Roe. There Is unsurpassed through ilorsestioelug a specialty. , B A K E fast train service to Denver, Omaha, K ailas City, ( hlengo w ith direct connections t o all Wagon and carriage re- Ing. All work guaranteed *iave youahorsesteetli ex­ amined and repaired. Shoe at rear of lleinenway A Burkholder’s Store :: :: points East and South. There Is an abundance of matchless scenery, and nil op­ ® portunity to m a k ea d n v lig lit stopover a t S a lt Lake City if it is desired. B a rre ls cLWZ I.et us tell Marie to order and Satis­ faction guaranteed both as to workmanship and prices. Apply to | J. M. Com er near Adventist Cftvirch you ail about w h a t can lie done, liefore you C a rp e ts an d Rugs purpose ticket. & | FOR . Plain and Fancy SEW ING Address, MRS. I RENE EMERSON C O TTAG E GROVE, OREGON Registration of Land Title. In the m a tte r of the nppllcatlon of E v a C. W heeler to register the title to lo t No. 4 and the east half of lo t No. 3 ot block No. 1 J . E, Y ou n g’s addition to Cottage Grovo, Lane County, Oregon. T o till w hom tt m ay concern:— T a k e notice that on the 10th day ol Fehninry, 1909, an application ivah filed by the said E v a C . Wheeler In the Circuit Court of the S tale of Ore­ gon for I nine com ity for Initial regis­ tration of the land above described. Now. unless yon appear on or liefore the 20th d a y of March, 1909, and sliow cause why said application should not. lie granted, the same will lie taken as confessed and a decree will lie entered according to tin* prayer of the application and you w ill he forever barred from disputing the same. E. IT. L e e , County Clerk. By F r e d G . S t i c k k i . s , Deputy. J. E. Y o i’No, Applicant's A ttorney. Department of the Interior, U. 8. I.ane Office at Botiebiirg, Ore. Nov. 23, 1908. Notice 1« hereby given th at JOHN CH A R L E S K IC K LI of S a gin aw , Oregon, who oil N ov. 23, 1908, made lim ber o r stone entry, No. 02431, for the N W >4 of NEW Section 18, Tow nship 20 S, Range 2 W, W illam ette Meridian, lias Hied notice of intention to make final proof t o establish claim to the land ab ove described, before Register and Receiver a t Rosetiurg, Oregon, oil the 10th d a y of April, 1909. Claim ant names iih witnesses : Henry Myers. Charles I ’hillipy, Perry Casteel O. Jarrett, all of S a gin aw , Oregon 42-52 B e n j a m i n L. E d d y , Register. Union Pacific , O racle . General B l a c k s m ¡ t h i n g COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. Of time, tra w lin g expenses and fatigue can tie made by and G ALTA KING, at the bridge S A V IN G The 0 . R. & N. rs I f you have real or personal property for sale, leave your descrip­ tion and price with He can make your abstracts examine the title to your property and do your conveyancing • • L , O , T . M .— Lady Lamson H ive, No 42. Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of eaoh month. M rs . M av H a r t , R. K. M rs . M in n ie U otikhw ood , F. K. M {f.al : Estate At Even M ONEY The Southern Pacific Department o f the Interior, U. S. (wind Office a t ItoHelnirg, Or February 19,1908. Notice is hereby given th a t. C H AR LES R. T O M P K IN S of C ottage G rove, Oregon, who, on April 9th 1902, made Homestead En try No. 11144 S. It. 40335, for NS of N W \ ; SWV, nf NWS, Section 10, Tow n ship 20 South, Range 4 West, W illam ette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make tlnal five-year proof to establish elnini to the land above described, before George E Notice for Publication Dorris, U. 8. Commissioner at Eu­ gene. Oregon on the 15th day of April 1909. Department o f the Interior, Claimant names a « witnesses : T.8. Land Office at Koselinrg, Oregon M . S. Tompkins o f C ottage Grove, Novemlier 12, 199«. Oregon; Win. M oore of Lorane, Ore­ Notice ts hereby given that gon; W. B. Hawley of Lorane, Ore OSCAR BARNES goniChas. F. Miller of Lorane. Ore­ o f Comstock, Oregon, w h o on August gon. 1st 1903, m ade ICome9tend Entry No. B e n j a m i n I,. E ddy , Register. 12838, 8. It. 01156, for E 'a of NEJf, Section 8, Tow nship 21 South, Range 4 West, W illam ette Meridian, has Notice of Final Account. filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish In the matter of the A lignm ent of claim to the land above described, tie- fore the Register and Receiver a t the Wheeler Thompxon Co., of Cottage Rosetiurg. Oregon, on the 25th (lav Grove, Oregon. of March. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses : Notice is hereby given that \V. It. Charles R. I.arcnve. John Wntklns, Abrams. Assignee lias filed hit account R. A, Allen, Roy G riggs, all o f Com for final settlement of »aid estate with stock, Oregon. the clerk of the court and that Monday, B enjam in I,. E d dy , Register. April 12. 1900, at I o'clock p. tn., of said day has been set for hearing the same. W. If. A b r a m s . Assignee If you want a good paying little CtfcvKvi- B. D o r r is , Attorney. business inquire at the Bazaar. _k The Southern Pacific Co. is now selling round trip tickets to Port­ land from Cottage Grove for $.5.90 good going Saturday on No. 16 at 1.50 a.m. train, returning Monday evening on No. 13 leaving Portland at 7. 30 p. m., giving all day Sat­ urday, Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same arrangements apply from Portland giving Port­ land people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. O . T . M .—Cascade Camp No. 260 Moots every Thursday night. A. W. S m it h , Com. G. L. R f . eb , R. K. R O Y A L N E I G H B O R S Meet 2nd amt 4th Wednesday o f each inn nth P ro p . You Need Fire Protection. East. K j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T u lln r , & Portland and Return Only $ 5 .9 0 using K . o f P . —JuventUH Lod ge No, 48, Meets every Wednesday nignt. F rank W o o d r u f f , C. 0. C h as . V a n D e n iie r o , K. o f R. & H. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. I .aura Byrne, plaintiff, vs D. J. Byrne, defendant. To D. J. Byrne, the above named de­ fendant. In tile name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in tlie above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if yon fail to appear and answer as herein required, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, viz. That the lionds of mat­ rimony existing between plaintiff and defendant lie forever dissolved and that the plaintiff lx* awarded the care and custody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, Itarlie, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published once a week for six successive weeks in the Cottage Grove Leader, a newspaper of general circulation, in lame county, State of Oregon, published in Cottage Grove, in said county, by order of the lion. I,. T. Harris, Circuit Judge of said county, made on the 5th day of March, lbno. I’tie first publication of this summons is on the 9th day of March, 1909, and the last publication on the 20tli day of April, 1909. J . C. J o h n s o n , Attorney for Plaintiff. P o w e ll Administrator's notice. J. M. ISHAM. Agent. Cottage Grove. In the matter of the estate of Stephen Harris, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under­ W M . M c M U R R A Y , signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Lane county of the General Passenger Agent State of Oregon, administratrix of the estate of Stephen Harris, deceased, and PORTLAND. • OREGON. all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the claims to me properly ver­ ified as required by law, within six For Sale. months from the date of this notice at the office of Attorney A. II. King, Cot­ tage Grove, I^ine County, Oregon. A good light farm wagon and I.itU E A. C row , Administratrix. H. K in g , Atty. for Administratrix. double harness, inquire at this A. Dated this 3rd day of December 1908. office. -.39 LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY DURING MARCH A N D A PR IL From all Parts of the East via Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line The O. R. & N. Company Southern Pacific $ 3 3 from Chicago. $ 2 5 from Omaha. $ 3 0 . 5 0 from St. Louis. $ 2 5 from Kansas City. Correspondingly low from all other points. TO THE P U B L IC Write letters to everybody you know in the Fast and tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them literature about Oregon or send their addresses to us and we will do it. In this way you can be of great help in the growth and progress of your state. Y o u can P r e p a y F are s for anyone from any place if you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with your local agent and he will telegraph ticket promptly Inquire o f Agents or write to W M . M c M U R R A Y . G en era l P a e e e n g e r A gen t The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. (.Lines in Oregon) Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Co.