!,Tt ü l.t o r lu jl fioeltty 0tfe*0je (Stabe C O T T A G E G R O V E . OREGON. I.oc&te u .ry 9, 1 9 0 » TO E S T U I was the session held this afternoon at the session o f the Northwestern Fruit Growers’ association. The , commission heard the opinion of various members of the farming communities, agricultural specialists, and others as to what would tend to uplift the farmers. C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , D E C E M B E R 4, 1908. GREAT COMEDY COMING TONIGHT “WE ARE KING” PROCEEDINGS A. W . Cross is presenting three or four plays this season that have scored all sorts of success. He has “ The Bishop” and “ We are K in g,” the latter being the bill at the Star this week. The leading part is played by Edmund Carroll who siipixirted Walker Whiteside last season iu this play, and who makes quite as much of the dual part as did Whiteside. The Raven a mysterious man in black, is played by Guy B. Kihlte, a Port­ land boy. Charles Williams Let Off With $100 “ We are King” is one of the Fine and a Promise to Quit best and cleanest comedies seen in Joe Jacobs Gets $500 Mining Congress Plans RANK in TIMBER LANDS And 30 Days SOLD BY THE SHERIFF Some Great Work. TO PROTECT MINERS Necessary Federal and State Legis­ lation Will be Recommended in Interest of Mines Pittsburg, Dec. 2.— What is e x ­ pected to prove the most important convention ever held by an Ameri­ can mining congress met here to­ day. While the sessions were of routine nature, considerable interesting work was accomplished. It was clearly shown that within,sixty days congress will take steps to es­ tablish a bureau of mines in the department of the interior; that plan will be advanced to protect the public from mining frauds; that great effort will be made to prevent great sacrifice of human life in coal mines and the neces­ sary federal and state legislation will be recommended. In response to an address of welcome, by Lee M. Smith of the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, J. H. Richards of Boise, president of the mining congress and dele­ gates from a score of states made brief addresses. A t the session tonight Director G. O. Smith of the United States Geological Survey spoke on "D is­ tribution of the Nation’s wealth.” Smith declared that in three dec­ ades the mineral production of the uatiou had increased sixfold or two billiou and sixty-nine million dollars. Wednesday afternoon at the courthouse, Eugene, Sheriff Bown sold at sheriff’s sale between .500 and 600 acres of timber belonging to M. B. Rankin, of Portland, to J. P. Porter o f Porter Bros., con­ tractors, who built the North Bank railroad, for $10, .121. This was laud levied upon to satisfy the judgement secured iu the Lane county circuit court some time ago by H. C. Mahon, of Eu­ gene. Mahon secured a judgment for $45,000 and the amount of laud levied upon was 000 acres in Lane county and 4701) acres in Benton county. The remainder will be sold some time next week. Much of this land contains some of the finest timber in the coast and is worth more by a good deal than it is bringing at sheriff’s sale. It will be remembered that Mr. Mahon sued Mr. Rankin for $45,- 000 as a commission on the sale of several big tracts of timber in Lane and Benton counties, and wou his suit in the circuit court. Blind Pig Business. EDMUND CARROLL Circuit court reconvened Tues­ day morning at nine o ’clock. The grand jury is working ou a num­ ber of criminal cases, but the trial jurors will not l>e called until next Monday morning iu order to give the grand jury time to finish up its work when the cases will be tried in court. Joseph Jacobs, who was found guilty by a jury a couple of weeks ago of violating the local option law, came up for sentence. Judge Harris imposed a fine of $500 upon him and sentenced him to serve a term of thirty days in the county jail. This is the maximum sen­ tence. In pronouncing sentence the judge said to Jacobs; ‘ ‘Since you are so insistent in violating this law, you can bear iu mind that you will get the maximum penalty prescribed by the law every time you are convicted and brought be­ fore this court for sentence.” W IL L IA M S G O T ORCHARDISTS IN SES­ SION AT METROPOLIS Portland, Dec. 2.— President E. L. Smith of Hood River called to order today the Northwestern Fruit Growers convention. The visitors were invited to make them­ selves at home by Mayor Harry Lane, and responses were made by various delegates. During the morning session, the convention appointed a committee to Co-operate with the Iowa growers iu securing a law prohibi­ ting the sale of impure insecticides, and a resolution was passed re­ commending t h a t legislation be enacted fixing the size of apple boxes at 2156 cubic inches. President Roosevelt’s country life commission held two meetings here today. The more important RETURN INDICTMENTS CLEMENT A. E V A N S . Prominent among the men who served in tile t 'onfedgrote army is Gen­ eral Clement A Kvans of Georgia, commander of the Army of Tennessee, department of the United Confederate Veterans. A BIG TIMBERLAND DEAL IN DOUGLAS $100 F IN K . ’ Charles William, clerk at the Gross hotel under the W . Waddle regime, who was promised protect­ ion by the proprietor, went before the circuit court and changed his plea of not guilty to selling booze to “ guilty,” and under a strong plea from the prosecutiug attorney, who said Mr. W illiam was not to blame, but Waddle and that he had not only lteen put out of busi­ ness, but was put out of the state and the United States, the judge fined him $100, which Mr. W il­ liams at once paid. He says he has “ washed his hands” of the whiskey business, and from this time on will have nothing what­ ever to do with it. In -‘We are King *' Portland for a long, long time, and while having a suspiciously close resemblance to “ Tl:c Prisoner of Zenda,” is yet different enough to save a charge of plagiarism. A wandering newspaper correspond­ ent is fonnd iu the grounds of a tyrannical and despotic king of a small North German state, and a scheme is hatched up to exchange places with the king by Iris pre­ mier and other members of the court. The corresixmdent enters into the conspiracy with great en­ thusiasm, atid until he gets the hang of being a king makes some of the most ludicrous mistakes MISS MAUDE SHAW G R A N D J U R Y D O IN G B U S IN E SS. From the number of persons be­ ing subpoenaed before the grand jury as witnesses, it is evident that that body is still grinding on vio­ lators of the law with reference to selling booze, and it is more than likely some other indictments will be returned of this character. C I V I L CASES. GROCERIES Y ou are getting New, Fresh Stock of the best standard brands. IN SHOES W e can fit any foot and give you Style, comfort and durability. PEARCE BROTHERS. Phon« Main 643 —Our own Delivery. NO. 34 A CITY PARK SITE SELECTED LOOKS BETTER FOR BOHEMIA By Ladies Civic Improve­ ment Committee Mining and Other Secu­ rities in Demand. THEIR FINANCIAL PLAN MINES INCORPORATED Grove to the extent of purchasing these 30 lots at the rate of $200 for corner lots and $1.50 for inside lots at which price the sum of $4750 will lie realized which will pay for the entire tract and result in the dedication to the city of this Iteatt- tiful grove for a permanent park. It is needless to describe this grove as nearly every one in town has attended some of the public celebrations and picnics that have been held iu it for several years past. Those who have already sub­ scribed for lots are: Mayor B. R. Job, J. F. Spray, J. C. Long, A. B. Wood, Henry Fisher, C. J. White, Ben Lurch, Clinton Stew­ While Assisting Financially this Wor­ art, Howard’ s Agency, Charles Combination Mining Company Organi­ Matthews. zed With a Capital Stock ol thy Cause Our Citizens are The subscription will be circu­ $450.000 -Shares $1 Given Value Received. lated and other names will be added and published as rapidly as the committee can present the Mine owners look a little more When a village becomes a city mattei to the citizens and secure cheerful now that the public that their subscription. and the values of land increase, invests and speculates is beginiug the size of the tracts occupied by to feel that the time is ripe for the homes grows smaller until unlocking its purse and seeking a there remains little ground for the larger interest than savings bauks children’s recreation and no rest­ generally allow. The good feel- ing place for those who wish to iug manifested iu quarters that are gather in a quiet shady place iti San Francisco, Dec. 5.— Francis known to be buying the better the opeu air. Then public parks, whereuixm a J. Ileney lias so far recovered from class of mining shares, railroad small portion of the landscape the effects of the wound inflicted and other securities, is the incentive that has given hope for renewed beautiful nature is allowed to hold by Morris Haas, on November 13, prosperity iu the early future. her sway, becomes a necessity in that lie was able to leave Lane That we shall see greater activity every progressive community. hospital today for Kentfield, Marin iu the promotion of new mines Public parks are ever a pride county, where he will remain until and the operation of old ones in and pleasure to any community fully restored to health. the Bohemia mining district dur­ possessing them, and millions ’of ing the forthcoming season is a dollars are freely spent in securing forgone conclusion, new companies and embellishing them. already filing articles of incor­ People seeking homes are at­ poration, the latest being as follow; tracted by the beauty of fine Robert II. Clark, Jerry W. Disch streets, public parks, and the and lacksou Audier, as incorpora­ civic pride of the community pos­ tors, have filed articles of incor­ sessing them. These attractions poration for what they call the indicate a public spirited, progres­ Combination Mine Co., of Bo­ sive people. hemia. Their capital stock is The earlier in the growth of a $450,0(X), divided into as many city that desirable tracts can lie shares at $1 each. The purposes secured and dedicated as parks indicated by the name, is to carry the lietter it is. The land is on geueral mining. cheaper, and the tracts nearer the business center are available. F. J. Hard returned home re­ Owing to the large expenditures cently from a trip to the Bohemia that have been made for works of mines. He reports that the snow public necessities such as our is going off rapidly. He was ac­ water system, sewers and street companied on the trip by Professor improvements etc. and the con­ Barker of the School of Mines at tinued needs of such expenditures the~Uuiversity.—Guard. iu the future, our city is uot finan­ J A N P O U R EN . cially prepared to purchase a park itu s s lm revolutionist whom the H uh at the present time. Beautifying alan government Is trying to extradite must come later in the city’s work from the United States on charges of unless it is taken up and carried compIMty In murder, arson and other crimes ou by the citizens. Denver., Dec. 2.— Thousands of Iu view of these facts the Civic cattle on the ranges of Colorado Improvement committee of the are reported to lie starving with Woman’s Club have for a number the prospect of an unprecedented of years been taking up the work loss to cattlemen. The winter of lieautifying the city. It has opened early and caught a majori­ encouraged the improvement of Sam McKernon, who owns a ty of the stockmen uuprepared. the public school grounds, distrib' beautiful little farm one mile west Feed is selling at almost prohibi­ uted flower seeds to children to en­ of this city has recently ordered tive prices, hay ranging $25 to $30 courage them in the interest of 300 Comice and O’ Anjou iiear per ton. Thousands of cattle beauty and offered prizes for things trees which he will set out this perished iu a recent storm and tending to improve the general ap winter. He will order more pear cattlemen are desperate. Many of pearanee of the city. Also it has trees and set out a larger tract as them will be ruined and all will held two annual flower shows soon as he can get his laud in be embarrassed financilly. which have been a source of pride shape for the trees and will devote to our people and the admiration almost his entire tract to [tears and Spray & Co, buys veal, chick ¡ of visitors. winter apples. ens, eggs, etc. In making permanent its work this committee desired to secure a suitable park to lie the property of the city. For some weeks plans for the accomplishment of this de­ sire have lieeu maturing. It now wishes to place this plan before the public to secure the co-opera­ tion and assistance of all public spirited citizens in carrying it out In looking for a suitable site for a park it is desired to get a tract capable of being immediately utilized for public gatherings and other park purposes With this in view they have se­ cured an option from Mr. J. C Long on a tract of about 10.8 acres of land in the eastern edge of the city frouting on Main street comprising the grove commonly known as Long’s grove. The option on this 10.8 acres is for $4700. It is proposed to plat into lots and streets conforming to the adjacent plats about 7 acre» of this land which will give 30 lots and leave the balance, a tract 343 feet by 472 feet fronting on ; , »♦ * * » r t* ’ * • * Main street for the park. The committee hopes to secure the aid of the business men and public spirited citizens o f Cottage RtNEY ABLE TO LEAVE LANE HOSPITAL The Oregon Laud company this week closed a deal by which 4000 acres of timber land on the lower Umpqua river iu Douglas county was transferred to a New York gentleman. The consideration was Four more indictments were re­ $70,000 cash, being the largest turned by the grand jury Thurs­ timber deal consummated in this day. As the persons indicted are section for some time past. not in custody, the names are not given out. There is great satisfaction in know­ ing that when you buy V O L. X X . T . G. Hendricks vs. Mary A. Withhrow as guardian of Samuel C. Withrow, an insane person, Leading Lady in -W e are King." foreclosure of mortgage. Judge­ ment of $245.45, with interest at 8 per cent per annum, attorney fee imaginable. In the meantime the of $20 and decree of foreclosure. former king languishes in an asylum and as there is a striking resemblance between the two men County Court Meets. it is not difficult for the arch-con­ spirators to keep him there under The regular session of county the announcement that he has an court met Wednesday and save a hallucination that he is the king, little road business and the allow­ which of course he i». ing of the bills made by the last The company is excellent, the term of circuit court, there is ltttle stage settings adequate and in one business to transact. A good scene elaborate, and altogether many road districts are returning a “ We are K in g” is put.on and special tax to be levied for road acted in a manner one expects at purposes in their own district. the high-price theaters. Probably, however, some of the Marriage Licenses Issued. audience felt they were being cheated with only a single pistol Marriage licenses were issued as shot during the whole perform­ follows: T o William D. Glaspey ance.— Oregonian. of Fall Creek and Miss Maudie L. A t the armory theater this Neet of Lowell; to Charley J. Hills evening. First three rows of seats and Miss Vina M. Kelsay, both of $1, other seats 75, 50, 55 and 2.5 Lowell; and to Earl W . Gordon c f cents. Springfield and Mrs. Bertha W il­ The finest candie»— Bee Hive. liams of Eugene. MANY CATTLE DYING IN FRIGID COLORADO SAM MCKERNON WILL PLANT ORCHARD WheelerThompson Co.’s BIG $10,000 STOCK Men and Boys’ High Class SUITS, OVER COATS, CRAVENETTES at Slaughtered Prices For Benefit of Creditors. W . H. ABR AM S, Assignee.