LOCAL AND PERSONAL Rees-Wallace Co. The Hal hat aa much to do with "making the man as does the Suit T fH * Mr. an d Mrs. Cam ptiell were Stephen H arris was lioru Feb. visitors in town M onday. 26, 1*430 in the town of Lindou, It only costs 10 cents to see the Mr. F ran k I.ajoie was u p from harvest fair and it is well worth it. C atterag u s county, N. V’., died at E ugene S unday for a visit at home. Silk Creek, Oregon, Nov. 17, 1908, Fverybody should attend tomorrow, aged 7H years, 8 m onths, 22 days. Mr. Rasch is im proving his the la st day. In boyhood he moved with his i place by settiug out a young or- parents to Bellville, Mich, where chard. P atronize Leader advertisers. H ave you secured your turkey? at the age of 22 years he was mar-1 M r. , )ale ( ; ujley of Rujfen e was Bran $1.40 per 100 pouuds at ried to M ary A. Brown July 4, callin g on friends in the “ H ollow " the flour m ill. ■40tf 1852. T h ree children were born S atu rd ay . Good roads m eetiug W ednesday to them . T h e second child died iu Miss L ulu Jackson au d brother, infancy. of next week. Melvin, attended church iu S ag i­ Bad h ealth compelled him to S Smeed, of Huge- is atten d ­ naw S unday. ch an g e clim ate and iu the year of ing the fair. Miss P arthena Porter of P ort­ A good soakiug rain last night, 1859 im m igrated with his wife and lan d is visiting with her brother oldest child, Charles, to the fron­ sunshine today. tier border of M innesota, where he Mr. R. V. Porter. Look over the line of xm Mr. Fred K illeubtck au d family built up a nice home and acquired booklets at the W ave. considerable property. Iu 1859 of Eastern Oregon have moved Prosecutor Ifeiiey continues to their union w as blessed with their out to the Lebow place. improve at San Francisco. Miss Nellie McCord au d Mr. youngest child Lillie A. Mr. Schroteu of the Homestead, In early mauhood Mr. H arris Rowe atteuded a concert iu C ot­ Salem, is atten d in g the fair. ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H aw ley of joined th e M. E. church, to w hich tage G rove M onday evening. Mr. S ylvauus N eal of Roseburg Creswell attended the fair F riday creed he cluug until death. In A fine line of ladies suits an d 1861 at th e beginning of the Civil has Ireen visiting with his uncle coats at W . A. H em euw ays. 27tf war, also com mencem ent of the Mr. Joe Neal this last week. Sioux In d ian war, he was appoint­ Several of our young people a t­ J . E. Y aruell and A ndy Heiz- inan, of Eugene, are attending the ed C aptain of th e Horae G uards, tended the entertainm ent given by in w hich capacity he served his the Chorus Club at Silk creek S at­ fair. co u n try ’s call until the hostile In ­ urday evening. Big Good Roads convention at th e arm ory n ex t W ednesday after­ dians w ere repelled and driven noon. back to th e wilds. Iu the year Royal Intermediate School Items Chas. G ates left this week on a 1876 M innesota was visited by a Messrs Johnson an d M ehan are business trip to Portland and grasshopper scourge and he, like Seattle. m any other farm ers, becam e d is­ erecting a new barn for th e school. V an Allison is building an a d ­ couraged an d dissatisfied with the L. M. Owens spent a few hours dition to his cozy cottage on the future farm ing prospects and was iu Lynx Hollow Monday. west side. siezed w ith the prevailing iin m r We were glad to welcome two Mrs. Johnnie Cole of W allace, gration fever au d in Sept. 1877 new students to our school last Idaho, is a guest of relatives and started w ith his family for the S u n ­ week. friends here. set laud, O regon. Iu 1898 the Miss W innie Dresser visited the Mrs. Ira Conner is a guests of A ngel of D eath visited the home “ Royal School” T uesday after­ her sisters, Mrs. H ow ard an d Mrs. an d bore aw ay the loving wife and noon. Lee, at Junction. m other. In A ug. 1901 he was it Mr. Prescott W heeler m ade a A ttorney J . S. Medley h as been m arried to Mrs. F an n y Leman, it business trip to town T h u rsd ay in atten d an ce at Circuit court at who with his sou and d au ghter it afternoon. Eugene this week. deeply m ourn th eir loss. F uneral i At the recital one of the Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Bogart of services were Conducted at the Silk i t “ u au g h ty lioys” lost his little E ugene are attending the fair an d Creek ch u rch W ednesday by Rev. i f m ustache. visiting with friends. G ardiner of th is city, the rem ains it Some of the young jieople around Assessor B. F. Keeney of E u ­ being laid to final rest in th e Silk Royal like a jolly, good hearty gene is atten d in g the fair an d is Creek cem etery. lau g h now adays. judging the poultry ex h ib it. A few of the young folks of the R. W. V eatch of Eugene was a Death of Will Harris. creek meet at the home of Mr. Cottage G rove visitor th is week M onday’s A lbany Democrat G ildersleve S aturday evening. and was in atten d an ce at th e fair. Four of the young folks of said: W ill H arris, for years a Mr. an d Mrs. S. B. E ak in of L ynx Hollow atteuded the recital resident of th is city, died yester­ Eugene, is a guest of his brother an d wife, Mr. an d Mrs. H erbert day m orning at St. M ary’s H os­ given at th e school home Nov. 14’ pital of ty phoid fever. H e was T he m usical recital held at the E ak in . brought to th is city for care and school home Nov. 14, 1908 fu rn ish ­ A m arriage license was issued If you adhere to attention about one week ago from ed enjoym ent for nearly one h u n ­ T uesday to H arry J . C astle an d D uusm uir, California. T h e de­ dred persons. the fashion in suits, Miss N ellie E. Patton, both of ceased w as born in Benton county, waists and cloaks, C ottage Grove. Milch Cow For Sale. A ug. 17, 188.1 and lived p ractical­ you must follow it Mrs. Mable M errimau of P o rt­ ly all his life in A lbany an d this A good, gentle m ilch cow for closely in Corsets. land, is a guest of her m other, vicinity u n til he enlisted in the sale. Inquire of C. D. M a n n i n g , Mrs. W ynne and other m em bers Unless your Corset United S tates N avy an d there foot of Knox hill, opposite Robt. of the fam ily here. is stylish your other served w ith honor and-great credit A lva L. M cDonald, representing for four years. On being dis­ G riffin's. stylish cut garments the “ Oregon A g ricu ltu rist” p u b ­ charged from the service he took will not fit. T he c le rk 's office issued the fol­ lished at Portland, is in atten d an ce up his residence in various parts of low ing m arriag e licenses W ednes­ Now what is requir­ at our harvest fair. the west. He was a valued and day: To Jam es C. P arker and ed? First of all, tight- Mrs. Ida Swan cam e up from active mem tier of Com pany “ G ” E u la A. Lillwall, both of E ugene; fitting waists and Corvallis T hursday to spend sev­ of th is city for a n um ber of years an d Robert W. M cOuigg a m ljo sie Princess gowns necessitate a perfected Corseted figure eral days visiting her sister Mrs. as a m ilitiam an. A wife, mother, M. Sm ith of Ju n ctio n . W illie Veatch and other friends. I he H e n d e r s o n H abit D a c k C o r s e t is the one sister an d two brothers survive him. I h av e some of the best W hite for the present styles. For sale at the Ideal Millinery Booster H arto g and E ditor W m . T h e funeral will be held tomorrow G ilstrap of the Register, were afternoon at 2 o ’clock from the le g h o rn cockrels and pullets in Store. Come ladies and inspect them. am ong those who cam e up from F irst Presbyterian church and u n ­ the state which I am obliged to IDA FRANCES BA RRETT. der the auspices of the E lk ’s Lodge disjtose of at once. If you w ant Eugene to attend th e fair today. some choice birds cheap call this T h e pastor has returned from of th is city. F . B. P h i l l i p s . 29tf (M r. H arris was well know n in week. Dorena and will preacti in th e C ottage G rove h av in g been em ­ First Presbyterian church n ex t T h e well established M illinery Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 :5 0 p . m. ployed in P ark er’s b akery for a n u m b er of m ouths d u rin g which business of Ida F rances B arrett is R. R. W ood of Roseburg, rep ­ tim e he m arried a C ottage G rove for sale. For futher p articu lars resentative of the Rural S pirit, is girl, Miss Lena F redericksou.— inquire at T h e Ideal M illinery attending the Cottage G rove fair E d .) store. .11-8t in the interest of his popular farm If one th ird of life is spent in journal. Miss Luella Morey possesses sleep, why not buy a B. M. O. K. T h e m ilitary club will soon co n ­ th a t deep, intense au d convincing m attress of V eatch & Lawson an d 26tf duct a bask et ball try o ut gam e personality th a t carries her m ag ­ ta k e life easy. an d select a team from the best netic influence over th e footlights P ain t your hen roosts with Ave- B ARLEY rolled by the famous O lym pic process. A ll seeds players with Capt. Lawson as au d into the very h earts of the n ari us Carlioliiicum. Buy it at a a d foreign m atter taken out. leaving the barley free from audience. On noticing an au d i­ m anager. V eatch & Lawson. 26tf dirt of any kind. Every sack guaranteed. ence leaving the th eatre after a Mrs. A. F . V eatch returned to If you w ant a good p aying little perform ance of "T h e Holy C ity ” Los Angeles th is week after a there is a certain serenity of some, business inquire at the B azaar. B est C e m e n t and L im e A lw a y s C a r r ie d it S to ck- sum m er’s visit with her son John, the u au g h ty whisk of the skirt is A g e n ts F a irb a n k s, M o rs e R oofing. p h o n e iy s Clean seed oats 50 lier cents of this city. She will spend the m issing au d all seem to w ant to do bushel at the flour mill. .10» f w inter with her d aughter, Mrs. som ething good for their fellow C aspar Lea in I .os Angeles. men and women aud it all comes A Eugene m inister recently d e­ from th is simple little w om an's ÌÉÌ06 livered a lecture on “ How to Pay power to hold an d convince. your Debts and P ro sp er.” If he C ritics have predicted more than has an effective and never failing once a great future for Miss Morey. formula, he should lie prevailed At the arm ory W ednesday even­ upon to deliver his lecture in Cot ing Nov. 25. See ad. tage Grove. Spray & Co. for I,eslie salt. All k in d s of m ach in e an d re p a ir ( )ne of the big nurseries is u til­ Prof. G. E. Johnson, principal PLAIN ami MKiMOAIKO BATHS ; work d o n e p ro m p tly am i a t reaso n ­ izing the block of ground ju st op­ of th e Royal Interm ediate school able prices. posite the Gross hotel to “ heel in ” was a G rove visitor T h u rsd ay and X -R A Y LABORATORY | their car load of nursery stock favored the I-eader with a pleasant sold to people about Eugene, until call. H e says the school chorus ÿ Kor further particulars address T h ird S tre et. it is called for. T here will he clu b recital was a success financi­ I O r. II. C. NCIILK K F. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON m any orchards set out this fall yet. ally both at home an d at Cottage esp ecially in lim e of sick n ess— is one — Register. G rove an d the school is well w h ich pu/.zles m any. But th e av erag e G ive us good plays, pure plays pleased with the appreciative audi d o cto r in town is n ev er in d o u b t as to and those whose n atu re em bodied ence and ttoe liberal patro n ag e re­ w h ere to send one for a p rescrip tio n . T h e m ed icin e is w an ted rig h t, pure, in their plots teems with the stim u ­ ceived at th is place M onday ev en ­ p ro m p t an d as econom ical as p»>ssible. lating inspiration th a t m akes the ing. C o n seq u en tly h e h as to sen d liere for it. Dr. G eorge W all of E ugene was You a rc su re of q u ick an d p o lite service, evil good an d the good better. Such a play as " T h e Holy C ity” a C ottage G rove visitor W ednes­ th e p u re st and fresh est of drug*, an d a should be welcomed with a rever­ d ay being called here on profess­ m ost co n scien tio u s ch arg e for same. ence seldom bestowed upon the ional business. stage. W ednesday evening, N o­ Miss M aggie V eatch visited with \ ..H A R D E M A N ^ C3QP HAT '*■*’“ BV Lynx Valley Item«. ¡F A IR W E E K ja e -j C E L E B R A T E D n U d U O lU tD Obituary of Stephen Harris. And the Time to Buy \ W e H ave a N ew L ine of NONE W AISTS THk BEST Logger Also and In a ll s ty le s . A lso th e b e st d isp la y of Best Brands Miners’ LADIES' SHOES Ladies’ Neckwear ■and C H ILD REN’S E v er sh o w n in th e C ity SHOES L U R C H ’S O u r G R O C E R Y D E PA R T M E N T is m ore com plete th a n ev er before, llrin g in y o u r farm produce. pRees-Wallace New School Building. Griffm-Veatch Co. Big Co-Operative Fruit Orchard. W hat will be the largest fruit Contractor I). B. Cham berten and assistant, Dennis Cooter, have farm in the W illam ette valley will completed tlieir work on the new be developed n in e miles n orth of public school buildiug in the Salem, by a com bination of about Hebron district on the Coast F ork, 22 Salem men on lau d adjoining six miles south of this city. T he the I.aFollette fruit farm w hich is building was erected on th e Weed- considered some of (he finest in en place some little distance from the valley. the old building. It is 24x40 feet i T he farm has been tak en over in dim ensions with a 12 foot ceil-1 by the H u b b ard Fruit Farm as- ing and is painted inside and out, j sociation an d includes .100 acres, including the roof. T he contract I T h is is divided up into tracts price w as #640 and it is am ple to a c ­ aiuoug the share holders h ut is to com m odate com fortably all of the lie unfenced. T he land w as purchased from L. needs and requirem ents of the d is­ 11. M cM ahan an d he is under co n ­ trict for some tim e to come. tract to take care of it for four years, until trees reach a certain •The Holy City ' growth. At th e expiration of that Just now when the country is contract the sale price will be flooded with cheap clap trap melo­ worth 5.1(H) an acre dram as, it will be refreshing to T he land will be p lanted with know th a t we are soon to have cherry, apple an d peach trees. “ T he Holy C ity ,” a play dealing It is considered some of the best wholly with the great lxrok of in this section for fruit growing John. T his is a theatrical occas­ purposes and the farm will lie con- ion th a t you can well rem em ber, l-dueted after latest m ethods with W ednesday evening, Nov. 25 at every care tak en to keep th e trees arm ory theater. Tree from any grow ths w hich m ight lie injurious to the orchard and A Handsome Pair of Pheasants. from all pests. T he I.aFollette farm im m ediate­ Robert Veatch, the taxiderm ist, ly adjoining h as produced some recently imported a pair of golden excellent fruit an d the trees are pheasants from Jap an , w hich are wonderful producers. Reach trees on exhibition in the show window on the I.aFollette farm furnished of the Eugene G un Com pany. five bushels to th e tree this year. They are about as handsom e a p air of birds as ever appeared in Worth Remembering. F.ugene.— Register. Housekeepers should bear in mind th at when asked by ca n v as­ Another Sewer Completed. sers or grocers to purchase a phos­ T he T h ird and Stephens street phate bak in g powder, that, if they sewer was com pleted by C ontractor value their health they will refuse H arry H art last week. It is 454 such powder. Phosphate b ak in g feet *in length and the contract powder is m ade from bu rn in g a t slaughter price was $.115.52. It will be a bones, gathered great convenience to th a t part of houses, w hether from diseased an i­ town in the vicinity of the Presby­ m als or not. It is (hen m ixed with a solution of oil of vitro!. terian church. Such b ak in g powder usually contains more or less alum and Invention of the Newspaper. sells for 25 cents per pound. Be on the safe side an d protect T he new spaper was invented by a Paris physician, who, finding his your health by dem anding the visits welcome whenever he brought Pure Cream of T a rta r kind, which any news or gossip, applied to is m ade from the purest of grapes. Read the latiel and d o n ’t lie de­ C ardinal Richelieu for a patent to .11-1 mo publish the Paris G azette in 1622. ceived —Springfield (O . ) Sun. Well Drilling. Notice. W hy not h av e a good drilled well w ith all surface w ater shut T he undersigned has been duly out? Call on M ala Miller for es­ appointed agent for the Cottage tim ates an d p articu lars. 29-.1.1* G rove F ruit Co. and all persons having claim s against th e com ­ Spray & Co, buys veal, chick pany will please present same to ens, eggs, etc. me at once. Shingles for sale at V eatch & ,12tf B. K. L a w s o n . Law son’s. 26tf Don’t Say DANK, S a y I FIRST NHTIONHLBHNK | ! OF COTTA«K «R O V E. gfBES ! $ 45 , 000 . 0 « ] P R O F IT S ( W TVf v v v ,v w \ LARGER You p r o t e c t y o u r h o m e fro m lire b y in s u r in g i t —T H A T ’S W iS E W h y d o n ’t y o u p r o t e c t y o u r H eeds, N o te s, a n d M o r tg a g e s . C o n ­ tr a c t* . T a x R e c e ip t* , a n il o t h e r V a lu a b le T a p e r s , K e e p s a k e J e w e l r y . E tc., from F IR E and BCR«LAKH hy renting one of our SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS—T hai’s Wise. Too. J n a t I n s ta lle d . C om e a n d See T h e m . T h e First N a t io n a l B a n k T h n O l d R e liab le < »anqSNnsSgSy ^ c Everything in HARDWARE Cottage Grove, FOLLOW THE FASHION * S PR A Y <& CO. Feed, Flour and Poultry Supplies The Drug Question M ILLER ’S Machine Shop OLD LEADER BUILDING I The Leader Leads! I s Oregon J 1' em’,cr - ’ * Benson’s Pharmacy i' rmory theater, her father at Eugene this week, Cottage Grovo, Oregon