Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, November 13, 1908, Image 1

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Great forests o f lim ber tributary to Cottate
(•rove; liftecu saw m ills; three shingle m ils ,
withiu a radius of 15 miles. Head«waiters
for Bohemia gold mines and Black Hutte
quicksilver nuues; valleys and foot hills
w ell adapted to frnit growing. Canning and
dairying. For information regarding this
great country subscribe for the L «n 4 W ^
Located on the upper W illam ette River
144 miles south o f I'ortlaml on Southeru l*a
cific an*t Oregon tk South l%a»lriu Railroad*.
1‘opuUtiou 23U*. tw o Itaukb puMic and high
schools. live churches; water, light and *r\v-
er systems;creamery. Hour mill, tw o I»riclc
vards. saw mills, wood woi k factoi v . match
factory; steam laundry and the L e a d e r .
( C * * * oll4» ,,d J“ " » »
■ t s t o r lc t l e .c t . t y
C O T T A G E G R O V E . O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , N O V E M B E R 13. 1908.
9. 1908
V O L. X X .
NO. 31
W ealth of the Camp as Viewed by John Hartog of
Other Circuit Court Cases—Renne
Buildings Nearing Completion-No
Eugene—Late Mining New s from the Camp.
Gets Damages—A Lengthy
arg^ .
Building Connecting Link of Belt Road,
Session of Court.
hibits of any Kind.
The District Fair Association is
progressing with their fair program
which will be held in Cottage
('.rove next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. A list of the premiums
has been arranged and the various
committees have worked hard and
diligently to make this a grand
success and from the present indi­
cations, it will he. A meeting
was held in the Commercial club
rooms this week in regard to busi­
ness connected with the fair and a
very optimistic report was given.
Farmers should bring their pro­
ducts and make an exhibit. There
are a lot of blue ribbon producers
in the vicinity of Cottage ('.rove,
and everybody would like to see
some of their products on display.
Remember it costs you nothing
to make an entry of slock, jioultry,
vegetables, fruits, timfier. lumber,
fancy work and all of those things
School Items.
which go toward making a coun­
try fair a success. A few small
cash prizes are offered and many
pretty and suitable ribbon premi­
ums are offered. The baby show
Saturday is free for all and will no
doubt be a great attraction.
I-'riday is W . O. W . day and the
choppers of the county will be out
in full uniform add will give a
public drill. They will initiate
alxiut 100 new members in the
local lodge room in the evening
jiud give a grand banquet. Apply
to C. C. Hazleton, secretary for
entry blanks and shipping tags.
Space may be engaged by apply
iug to F. B. Phillips and F. 11.
A ll exhibits must be presented
by N o ’clock
Nov. 19th.
Thursday morning
livery body come.
Eugene Items
Elder Babcock visited the school j Albany is proud of her new
de|iot, and Eugene of hers.
Architect Y. 1). lleusill went to
Miss DeSpain visited the school
Grove Wednesday on some
matters he has in hand
Mrs W . N. Wheeler and little
were visitors there.
1 John Whitford atid James Potts
Misses Amanda and
Helen of Cottage Grove, who have lieen
Foster were visitors at the school ; down since Monday on court busi­
ness. returned home Wednesday
Carl Larsen is with us now, he
Marriage licenses were issued
is taking the shorthand ami type­
Wednesday to Milton lies of Port­
writing course.
land and Miss Nellie Thornton of
W e were made glad last week
Junction and to Louis M. Sovern
by a visit from l’rof. M. F. Cady
o f Junction and Miss Iirma L.
principal of Walla Walla college.
Kirkpatrick o f Eugene.
Several young folks met at Mrs.
I)r. W. W. Oglesby, Ernest
Deardroff’s place Saturday eve­
Wills, Charles Abrams, S. II. Mc-
ning and had a very pleasant time.
Kernati David Griggs, and others
Miss Nellie McCord, teacher of were down from Cottage Grove
the Lynx Hollow school, visited Wednesday evening, attending the
with friends at Royal Saturday and Elks lodge.— Register.
Ray Dean of Coquille City came
Elder's Hansen and Detamore in Wednesday to join his wife and
were here in the interest of the mother here. Ilis father, who is
educational and missionary work editor of the Coquille Herald, will
the first of the week.
shortly be here and may locate.
He has leased his paper to his
Goldendale, Washington,
has step-sou.
given all the communities of the
Pacific coast a record in raising
money for advertising purposes,
by giving $2.00 for every man,
woman and child within the city
limits, or a total of $3500,00, and
this came ill at the rate of $125 a
John Wait, who has been on the
W allis place west of Eugene for
some time, moved this week to the
John Buoy place, recently pur-
cliasd by F. E. Sly near Creswell.
He thinks he can get (letter results
for his lalxir on the farm to which
he is moving.
There is great satisfaction in know­
ing that when you buy
Y ou are getting New, Fresh Stock
of the best standard brands.
W e can fit any foot and give you
Style, comfort and durability.
Phone Main 643— Our own Delivery.
( “ Ku tcne” in Suu«lay Oregonian^!
The name itself fascinates. I
had long wished to see that part of
Lane county. Receutly the oppor­
tunity came and the recollections
linger pleasantly in the mind.
From Eugene one goes by the
Southeru Pacific train to Cottage
Grove, ,he gateway to the Bohemia
mining district. From there by
the Oregon Kc Southeastern one is
hurried along through gently roll
iug fields, golden with gathering
harvests, past apple orchards green
and regular, near commodious,
old-style farm houses with large
bams, through pasture lands dotted
with slock, by rail fences looking
as familiar as if fresh from the
Atlantic states half a century ago.
But this delusion is soon rudely
dissipated as the train begins to
jienetrate the edge of the mountain
wilderness. The Row river plunges
along by the side of the roadbed.
Huge sawmills with great piles of
Oregon fir lumber are passed as
we begin to climb and penetrate
the forest. W e are catching the
whiff of mountain air. Instead of
the sweet smell of the harvest it is
the breath of the pines. The way
grows rugged. I'ew habitants ap­
pear. The valley is narrowing
down. The gateway is shutting
close now as we climb. The
shriek of our engine echoes
through the timber; we have
reached the end of our journey by
Now for the ride of a life time.
Put it down as a red-letter day.
Twelve or 14 miles into the heart
of a primitive forest, winding to
and fro up the narrow mountain
valley, crossing and recrossing the
mountain stream. There is a
quick plunge into the shadows of
the dense forest and all behind is
lost to sight. The sunlight comes
filtering down
patches, lighting trunk and branch
and foliage and leaf-mould with
many a touch of silvery splendor.
Twelve miles of forest, 12 miles
of a scene that makes the blood
throb and the heart sing. Bo­
hemia is about and above us.
Now after a sumptuous dinner,
the climb is on. Six miles more
and every step a tug. Higher and
higher we rise under the crack of
the driver’s whip and the thud and
clatter of the horses' feet over the
rocky way. Now the last switch-
back comes and in a few moments
more, with an indescribable moun­
tain scene spread before us, we
step down at Bohemia postoffice.
every purpose for which the min­ always present their most lively
Wednesday morning Harry Mur­ the shooting followed, with the re­
ing industry wants timber, from appearance in the winter time.
phy and Rolicrt Harvey, found sult that Stuckey was killed.
the building of a bunk-house to There is every indication for a real
guilty of assault upou W. V. De-
The grand jury had examined a
the timbering of a tunnel or the boom in evidence. The Mayflower
Wald at Cottage Grove, were sen­
construction and fueling of a company has a large crew of men
number of witnesses from that
tenced by Judge Harris to serve
stamp-mill or smeller. Water for installing machinery under Super­
part of the county before return­
nine years each tn the penitentiary,
every need of a quartz mining intendent Fastabend. The West
ing a verdict.
whither they were taken the same
community is in evidence on every 1 Coast Mines company will soon
Indicted by Grand Jury.
start their mill; the Golden Slipper
The grand jury, which has been
These mountain slopes
are compauy have a contract for tun­
dotted everywhere you look with nel work; the Combination mine
Sheriff Harry Rown and Depu­ quietly gathering evidence for the
the tunnel-dumps of prosjiector or under the management of Sher­ ties F. II. Snodgrass and George past ten days, brought in another
miner. These square miles are man Clark are doing good work Croner took the hold-ups Murphy batch of iudictments last evening
closely covered with mining claims and hope to get their plant at work aud Harvey to the pen Wednesday before adjournment of court.
As a result of their findings
located or patented. Very little, as a fine body of ore is now to serve out their nine-years sen­
if any, surface remains open. In blocked out, says the Guard.
tences for assaulting W. V. De- Sheriff Bowu placed under arrest
The Riverside, Oregon-Colorado Wald and lieatitig him so badly at Hynson Smyth of the Smyth
nearly all of these projierties the
ground has been merely scratched. and Virginia mines will work all Cottage Grove some six weeks ago. Transfer Co., John Williams of the
Assessment work and limited de­ winter. The Golden Rule com­ They are alxiut as desperate a pair Williams Transfer Co., and Joe
velopment has been done. Most pany is preparing for winter work of men as ever went up from this Jacobs, each on a charge of sell­
of this ground is held by men of and the North Fairview Co., head­ county, and would have made a ing liquor contrary to the provis­
small means. Here and there a ed by Herbert Leigh, will continue break for liberty if the first op ions of the local option law.
The trio of accused were ar­
company is prosecuting systematic mining throughout the winter. portuuity had offered, but the
at the night session of
utmost vigilence was exercised by
and expensive work. The ordi­
court and the separate indictments
nary miner of little capital is in supplies and a general good the sheriff and his deputies.
The assault that they made was were read by District Attorney
greviously hampered here. Stamp- feeling prevails.
part of one of the most note­ Bryson. The defendants took the
mills and concentrators are the I
only process available. The gold [ routes-r-one by Row river to Or- worthy episodes in the criminal statutory time in which to plead
and concentrates derived thereby I seco, where S. I). Regan is post­ history of South Lane county, aud will enter their pleas at 1 p.
are easily marketable. But few j master; the other by Sharp’s creek Their object was to hold DeWald m. today. Smyth aud Williams
miners have the capital to push de- j to Bohemia post office, where F. |. up, and when he showed fight they furnished the requisite amount of
bail bonds, $5<X) each, but the at­
velopment and put up mills for re­ Hard is postmaster and has a gen­ tried to stun or kill him.
for Jacobs being required
duction of ore. Hence the vast'
It looks as though Lane county captured by Marshal Snodgrass to raise $HXX) for their client, were
majority of these projierties await
concentrated capital of sufficient is going to have a genuine mining and a posse, after one of them still looking for the necessary
had lieen filled wi<h buckshot. surety and M t . Jacobs languishes
magnitude to successfully extract movement.
Both men gave evidence of being pending the outcome of their ef­
the ore and prepare the product for
Belt Wagon Road in Mines.
professional hold-up men.
The graud jury has practically
Continuous, well-defined, often
Walter W. Cochran is down
immense ledges of ore through | from the Bohemia mining camp V. II. Hitikson to recover money, finished its work and will easily
these hills and valleys, upon which | after having spent the summer in the jury brought in a verdict for clean up its calendar by the end of
the week.
are clustered large groups of claims : the district. He brought out a plaintiff for $409..50.
Last Wednesday evening the Waddle Leaves For Greener Fields.
covering the network of veins that j fine lot of ore from his “ Cripple
follow these ledges, which groups Creek" mines, which is rich in jury in the case of S. L. Renne vs.
The Eugene Register says: That
in coming days will constitute m in -: copjier and lead ami he expresses John McCubbins to recover money, the blind pigs are to find life a
ing properties of untold richness himself as well pleased with his brought in a verdict for the plain­ most strenuous one in this com­
and duration. Depth
here is prospects. He says a movement tiff, assessing his damages at $70.- munity under District Attorney
synonymous with increased miner­ is on foot to build the last connect­ 60.
Bryson’s regime is already appar­
This promises to be the longest
alization. These hills hold no ing link of wagon road to com­
ent. By reason of some well direct­
disappointments for
the deep plete a lielt road encircling the term of court held in the county ed detective work, W. Waddle of
miner. Every enterprise is demon­ camp, whereby teams may go in for some time.
the Gross hotel, who is charged
strating that the longer and deeper by way of Sharp’ s creek route,
Tabor Indicted for Manslaughter
with violating the law, is said to
the work the richer the reward. visit the various mines and come
Harry Tabor of Alpha in the have left the city and his business
Gold, silver and copper are the out by way of Disston, or vice
western portion of the county was and his whereabouts are not
minerals found. Assays of fabu­ versa. This can lie accomplished
indicted by the grand jury for known. Meanwhile there is gen­
lous values are not infrequent, but without a great outlay of money
shooting Harry Stuckey, a neigh- eral consternation among those
the usual ore encountered is a low- and labor from the fact that a
lx>r, on October 3, at Talxir's who are said to have frequented
proposition greater jiortion of this road has
place. The charge is manslaught­ the hotel just to pass the time
bringing steady and uniform re­ already lieen completed.
er. Talxir will lie arraigned this o ’day and greet an “ old friend.”
turns for investment.
The recent arrest of two wit­
(F rid a y) morning.
Bohemia Mining Notes
The work already done as faint­
in the Jacobs case on the
The trouble grew out of a neigh
ly suggested by the snap-shots
F'. J. Hard started a crew of liorhnod quarrel and altercation, ground of perjury in giving their
taken is amazing.
men at work Tuesday on the Tabor, it is said, having notified evidence in that liquor case, is
Surely a prophet is not without
Riverside mine. He also started Stuckey to keep off his place. liable to make witnesses who are
honor save in his own land.
another large crew building a road On the day of the shooting, called on to testify in future blind
Thousands of Oregonians are in­
from the Oregon-Colorado mine to Stuckey, in company with his pig cases careful alxiut the correct­
vesting in mines in other states,
the Riverside mine. He bought a wife, went to the Talxir ranch and ness of their testimony.
while here in Bohemia, in the
large quantity of supplies in Cot­
southeastern part of Lane county,
tage Grove Monday for both these
lies untold wealth, known to but
crews and there promises to be a
few, doubted by many who have
great deal of work done this
never been on the spot, but by
winter in that section of the Bo
none who have taken the trouble
hernia mines.
to investigate.
K. Thom, a mining man who has
Bohemia has never had a boom,
spent the liest part of ten summers
its work has been carried oti quiet­
in the Bohemia mining district and
ly, unostentatiously and some day
who has been here for several days
there will be amazement among
conferring with F. J. Hard, went
our own people, that they allowed
home to Lebanon to spend the
Eastern investors to snap up what
winter, say the Eugene Register.
was lying so close to our doors.
I). V. McIntosh has filed his
One of the surprises was the
location of the mining claim
splendid mountain roads and the
known as the “ White I’oplery, ’ ’
abundance of rhododendrons. It
in the Bohemia district.
was a sight never to be forgotten,
whole mountains of magnificent
Creswell Notes.
rhododendrons, as if placed there
by some primeval king on the
Mr. aud .Mrs. Hager have gone
terrace of his erstwhile palace.
to Ixmdon Springs for a ten days
Mining facilities, smelters and visit.
scrupulous management, backed
Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family,
by sufficient capital are the needs have moved to Creswell from New
which cry out from these mighty Mexico.
The Bohemia mining district has
its jieculiar characteristics. We
note some of them as we gaze out
over it trom a towering point of
view. Not a tree or hill-top ob­
structs our sight. The whole circle
of the horizon is ours. From
where we stand draw a circle with
a radius of five miles and you
have enclosed this district. It lies
in sharp ridges, rising now and
then into peaks, and deep, dark,
narrow valleys, closing in occas­
ionally so as to form precipitious
gorges. It is a district formed for
the most desirable mining pro­
cesses. Not a shaft need be sunk
in all this region to develop prop­
erty save for ventilation purposes.
A ll work may be done by tunnels.
Such descents are everywhere that
almost any desirable depth may lie
gained by running tunnels into the
slopes. Great depth is gained in
comparatively few feet, in these ridges of precious rock.
tunnels which give perfect drain­
Bohemia Camp Busy this Winter.
age and easy movement o f ore.
Gravitation waits to propel all ore-
cars in this favored region.
The Bohemia Mining District is
Stately and high tower the grand following a well-known rule ill
old trees. Felled and sawed on mining districts, for it is known by
the spot, they serve to perfection those familiar, that mining camps
WheelerThompson Co.’s
BIG $10,000 STOCK
Men and Boys’ High Class
A jolly crowd of university
students came up from Eugene
Saturday and spent the evening
with Misses Frances and Marion
Mr. aud Mrs- Henry Melton pre­
sented school district No. 178 with
a large picture of Mis* Frances
Willard last week.
Slaughtered Prices
For Benefit of Creditors.
W . H. ABRAM S* Assignee.