taM ÌM M M M M M M M 8 8 ai WaMMeSSSMSMMSMMSI .SjiiStfSSNSSiA.' *<>*>' A W id e -A w a k e W om a n looks after the sanitatiou o f her home for the sake o f her husband, her children, her­ self. Careful and scientific plumbing counts for much, and costs not much more than the old, indifferent, slapdash style o f work. Only oue word more: W e are modem, sani­ tary plumbers. C L A S S IF IE D A D V ER TISEM EN T S. Gasoline Engine Irrigation. Spraying SUMMONS. and Pumping Machinery. In the Circuit Co»»rt of the Slate of Ore­ C H IC K B N SF O R SALE— a nice flock Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for of prize winning Black Minorca», pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. young and ol«l, apply to 1>. J. Du- ( mtfits complete. B k iu i . uk , Cottage Grove. Eairlianks Scales for weighing. WANTED —Success Magazine requires Pairhauks-Morse Dynamos and Motors lor power and light. the services ol a man in Cottage C*rove to look alter expiring subscrip­ Fairbanks-Morse Windmills & Towers. tions and to secure new busiuess by Fairbanks-Morse Grinders, Feed Chop­ pers, Well Pumps. means of special methods unusually effective; position permanent: prefer All first quality goods at low prices. Al­ ways in Stock. Liberal terms. one with experience, but would cou sider any applicant with gtx»tl natural G R IF F IN A V C A T C H . A g e n t s qualifications; salary >1.50 per day, C otta ge G rove. Oregon with commission option. Address, Fairbanks - Morse Co., with references, R. C. 1*F. ACOCK, Room 102, Success Magazine Bldg., r O R T L A M ). OREGON New York. -ru-.: ------ t — -. j - ■ . — - -~m Lodge WALTHAM PIANOS. R t.B t h A H S Phillips Bros. ittUMS¡SPSS$S, V VWVWJ .v'V'.S 3«M6MWSlMSM0WSSH9l Directory. C.dtnge d ro v e, No. II. C. Madsen is the agent for 24, M eeting« 1st ini. unii òtti. Fri­ day of every month, the celebrated Waltham piano, E i . u a iik t ii El l.l.MKIt, N O . which is equally as good as the M in n ie E i . i . kimik , See. Chickeriug and Hamilton and Mason. Call in and see and hear R O Y A L N E IG H B O R S Meet Sod the tones. Workmanship fully and till Wednesday of each month. guaranteed. 20tf M um M ar y B aker U baci . k . M b *. ('. W. W a i . i . ack , Kec. HARNESS SHOP Harness Making and General Repairing Fine Stock o f Harness constantly ou Hand. Saddles, Whips, Extra Collars, Harness Hardware, Shaps, A x le C.rease, Riding aud W ork Gloves, in fact everything usually kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Columbia Stock Food and Remedies. P r ic e * H a v e B e e n R ed u ced o n E v e r y th in g Call aud make your wants known. You Need Fire Protection. W O . W .— Bohemia dump. No. 260. Meets every Friday evening. Tom Aw brey can git ; you good reliable insurance at reasonable rates, put your residence insur­ ance in the Oregon Fire Relief A s ­ sociation and your business prop­ erty in the Hankers and Merchants Mutual. Call at the express o f­ fice for rates. Albert Stocks, Prop. Notice. S u ccessor to Geo. C o in s r M y wife, Mrs. Alm ira Jenkins, having voluntarily left my home in this city on August 5, 1908, without cause or provocation, I hereby give notice that 1 will not be responsible for any liabilities that well No. 2 will, with a greater contracted by her after the above depth, produce a large aud in ex ­ date haustible supply o f oil as are the ! Titos. W . J e n k i n s other wells on adjoining proper­ ties. W e are offering a limited number o f shares in this company at twenty cents per share. Do you realize what that means? It means that in purchasing this stock you become interested in a company that can produce the oil. It is not a case o f “ they m ay,” “ they should,” but “ they are.” Let us again impress upon you these highly important facts: The property is a producer, is entirely surrounded by reliable producing properties, that there is sufficient acreage ( forty ncres) to justify the drilling of forty more wells all of which would be in the very core of oue o f the richest oil producing districts in the world. Remember that Keru county produces as ly s ream a lm much oil as any other three oil S u re to C lv o S a tis fa c tio n . producing counties in California. GIVES RELIEF A T ONCE. Shipping facilities could not be It rleanws, anothoH, heals anil prnteets the iliwas. it membrane resulting from Catarrh better for the property adjoins the ami ilrivea away a Cold in the Head quiekly. Southern Pacific tracks. The Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. company has valuable assets in Easy to use. Contains no injnrinus drugs improvements. T w o wells, der­ Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by rick, tanks, tool and bunk houses, j Large mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in etc., etc: •tomizers, 75 eents. Hefore accepting the fiscal HA BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York agency of the Keru Associated Oil company we thoroughly investi­ gated every detail pertaining to the Notice of Sheriff's Sale on Execution. company and its property. W e Notice I h hereby given that by did not take snap judgment, we never do, consequently want to as­ virtue of an execution issued out fir the C lteiiit Court o f the state of sure you that the stock o f this Oregon, for the county of Lane, on company at twenty cents per the SOtli day o f September, 1‘Mts. on share is the most unparalleled op- a judgm ent rendered in the C ottage FORTUNES OF THE WORLD FOUNDED ON OIL I Ut. J. O. V a n WiNKi.it, Consul Com. C ham . V am D k . n h i ’ K i i , Clerk. K O . T . M. -Cascade Camp No. 260 Meet* every Thursday night. SUMMONS. O. II. V k a tc h , Com. In the Circuit court of the State of Ore­ H. K. H knnih , Cooler. gon, for Lane county. C. K. Stewart, plaintiff, vs. Thomas M. 1 O . O . F .—Cottage Grove, No. IN, Riley, defendant. Meet every Saturday night. To Thomas M. Riley, the above named G ko . C om Kit, N. O. defendant: A. B iik w k r , Sec. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint file«l against you M W . of A .— Meetings l « t and .'Ird in the above entitled suit within six Monday in emdi month, weeks from the date of the first publica­ A. S. P o w k i . l , Commi. tion of this summons and if you fail to C. W. W a l l a c e , Clerk. appear and answer as herein required, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ G A R .—Appoinntux Post No 34 ply to the court for the relief demand­ Meet« at 1 p. in., on (lie 2d and 4th ed in said complaint, which is for a de­ Saturday of eneii in mill. cree that all adverse claims of the de­ Du D. L. Woons, P. C. fendant in and to the following describe«l O. W. ItKYNol.n«, Adj. premises, to-wit: The SW Jq of the S\V >4 of Sec. .V», Twp. 21, South, Range 1, M B A . —Modern Brotherhood of West of Willamette Meridian in Lane America. Meet the 2d and 4th Tues­ county, state of Oregon, containing K> day o f each month at f.O.O. F. Hall, acres, lie determined, and that by said decree it lie declared and adjudged that T , W . J k . n k i . nm See. the defendant has no estate whatsoever in or to saiil land or premises and that W 0. W .—St. Valentine Circle 121, the title of the plaintiff thereto is good M eet« iHt and 3rd Tuesday in each and valid, and that defendant be forever month in W. O, W. Hull. enjoined and debarred from asserting M rs . A i . ick C o w m a n , Clerk. any claim in or to said land or premise« whatever, adverse to plaintiff and for F o r e s te r s o f A m e r ic a — M eeting: such other and further relief as to the First and Third Thursdays. court may seem equitable. E dwin T i i . i . a r , Chief Hanger This summons is published once a F. C. C o f f m a n , Fin. Sec. week for six successive weeks in the Cottage (»rove Leader, a newspaper of L. O . T . M.— Lady Lainson Ulve, No general circulation in Lane county, state of Oregon, published in Cottage Grove, 42. Meets 2d timi 4th Friday of in saiil county and state, by order of the em-li monili. Hon. L. T. Harris, judge of the above M rs . A. W. K im s , L. C, entitled court, made on the 22nd «lay of M as L il l ia n B b k iiai t , li, K, September, 1908, K. o f P .Inventus Lodge No, 48, The first publication of this summons Meets every Wednesday nignt. is on the 25th «lay of September, 190X, .1. E. O strander , C. C. and the last publication, on 6th day of C ii is . V a n D r n H kril K.of It. & S. November 1908. J. C. J o hnson . A. F. &. A M.—C ottage G rove, No. Attorney for plaintiff, .31. Meetings lMt and 3rd Weilnes Cottage ('«rove. Oregon. day of eaeli month. 3’ . C. W heeler , W. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION L. F. W ool to v, Sec. Joe Chauslor, now several times a millionaire, was not so long ago, a clerk in I,os Angeles. 1 le bor­ rowed some money for the pur­ pose of operating in California oil; the result was that it made him one of the richest men o f the state. John A . Hunting, formerly a brakentan ou the Southern Pa­ cific, through the investment of $170 in California oil laud became a millionaire. W e could tell you of innumerable others. W hy were Hunting, Chauslor and the many others, who made their money through investments in oil successful? Hecause they were shrewd, level headed, observing men jiossessing unbounded con­ fidence in the great future of the California oil fields aud the oil in ­ dustry. T'he demand for oil is in­ creasing daily. The consumption far exceeds the output. Several oil companies pai d substantial d iv ­ idends when oil was selling at fifteen cents |ier barrel. O il is now selliug at sixty cents per barrel at the well. The total d iv i­ dends for the year 1908, from all the oil companies doing business in California, not including the Standard, will probably reach the $6,000,000 mark and reach the $10,000,000 mark for the year 1909. Therefore the natural con­ 0 .C rop destroying clusion to arrive at, is, invest in furred and feathered oil securities, invest at once. W e rpests are made s h o rt are offering for sale a limited num­ shrift o f with a reliable, ber o f shares on what we consider unerring STEVENS. to be one o f the best companies operating in Kern county, in fact, fl.For Sport or Service in California. W e refer to the ^ S T E V E N S R IF L E S — oo o rtim for r m the investor tnat that e e v ver in on fllvor o f c tiny 'S H O T G U N S —P IS T O L S company. T h e stock of the Kern cam e under our observation. are unsurpassed. Stewart, plaintiff, and against .1. S. P W e sincerely b elieve that the Milne, and Cora M. Milne, defendanlM Associated O il company is the l>est rflQH IN QUALITY oil proposition ever offered the in­ Kern Associated Oil company is for the mini of one hundred nineteen LOW IN PRICE vestment public. This company destined to pay dividends as sure­ and no loo dollars, w ith interpst thereon at the rate of 10 per cent |ier owns free o f incumbrance forty ly and as regularly as are now lie annum on $164.00 from Ncptemlier A, If y«u cannot 8«nd » cent« In acres in the very heart o f the Keru ing paid by the Associated Oil and 1!RM, t o May 20, I DOT«, and |o per rent obtain from your stampa for river oil district and situated on other companies operating on ad­ |ier annum on f1 10.00 from May 20, Denier, we a hip ltO-Fog* 100.3, until paid and tlie further aimi direct, express HI tu tra ted and the Southern Pacific railroad. It joining projierties aud we see no of $3.40 costH, and also the costs of prepaid, upon Descriptive adjoins the San Joaquin Oil & De­ reason why within twelve months and upt.ii this writ, also attorney's receipt of Cat» Catalog. log Price. Replete with velopment company’s property the Kern Associated stock should fees $25.00 and making transcript ¿¡I; Always lnalat STEVENS and which was recently merged with not lie quoted at many times its which said judgment was enrolled on KTEVEN8 general firearm and docketed in the office of the clerk when orderlag. the Associated Oil company, whose selling price. information. of the Circuit Court on the 1st day of stock is now selliug at $.11.75 per You can • invest auy amount November, 1!MI7, ny which writ I was J. STEVENS ARM S ft T O O L CO. share. It also adjoins the justly from twenty (2 0 ) dollars up to commanded lit it nut of tit • personal P. 0. Bax MRS. famous discovery well where oil twenty thousand (2 0 ,(MX)) dollars. property lieloiiging to said defendant Chicopee Falls, Mas*. was first discovered in the Keru W e allow you five ( 5 ) i>er cent on or of giillh-iciit could not I h - found ■ i c . . . > m . r A I 1 ■ • .• * i then out of the real property lielong- rtver oil district. 1 he Kern A sso-1 cash subscriptions. You can pur- |nt; to defendants on or after the ciated Oil company has two wells ¡chase stock ou the easy monthly raid 1st day of November, too*, I ou its property, W ell No. 1 is in I plan if you so desire, one fifth ^satisfy said Judgment, costs and at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. oil aud gives about sixty five! down and one fifth per month, eriilug costs Being unable to llml personal property with which to barrels of oil per day. W ith a j Send in your subscription at once. satisfy said judgment, costs and ac­ greater depth ami more approved Don’t delay. The stock o f the cruing eon.-, I did on the llrst day of Department o f the Interior. pump the production will lie great­ Kern Associated O il company is October, ions, levy upon the fo llo w ­ I'. 8. Land Oltieo a t Rose burg, Ore. ing real pro|s-riv Is-longing to said August 26. 11X18. ly increased. The company de­ the liest buy on the market today. defendants mi tile 1st day of Novem ­ N otice is hereby given that sires to sink four more wells at Jos. J. H o g a n C o . ber, 11107, or Subsequently, t o - w it : O KO ItG E II T R IP P once and to install modern com­ 802-.1 Metropolis Hank Kuildittg, T h e S E ‘ 4 of the HE1* of Section 13, of Eugene, Lillie county. Oregon, 1 m viisliip 21, S, It 3, west VV. M. con­ who, on August 26, l!HVs. made tlm- pressed air pumps. W e believe San Francisco, Calif. CATARRH E TUP 11 \\r 1 Li Ü Edison, Columbia Victor GRAPH0PH0NES Records Notions, Novelties A CLEAN, BRIGHT LIGHT Cheaper than Oil ! ELECTRIC LIGHTS She Beat anb onlç Illuminant Safe and C on ven ien t , QA Show W indow brilliantly lighted with Electric Lights make many n sale “ the night before." No exploding lamps, homes in ruins nor burned children, when y o u h a v e electric lights installed. C o tta ge G ro v e « e le ctric « C o . ’ C B taining 40 acre*, more nr less, in Lane county, Oregon. Now. therefore. In the name of the state of Oregon, and in order to sat­ isfy said Judgment, costs and accru­ in g coat*, I w ill on Monday the Oth day of Nnvciiilier, ions, between the hours of 0 o'clock a. in. and 4 o'clock p. m., to -w it: A t 1 o'clock p. in. on said day at the south west door of the county court house In Eugene, lame county, Oregon offer for sale for cash, subject to redemption all ol the ab ove mimed defendants, J. 8. Milne and Cora M Milne, right, title and Interest, In and to the above de­ scribed real property. lier application No 0986. for the .South VVest one q u a ite r o f S>c1lon 34, Tow nship III, South. Rn ge 4, West of the W illam ette Meriiln i, hits hied notice of Intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land nhnvr described, hclopp W. W. Calkins. I". S. Commissioner, a t Eu­ gene. Lane couniy, Oregon, on the 13th day of November. 1008. <’Inilimitt names as witnesses. Clark P. IVvereaux of Eugene, O re­ gon; Jacob 1». W igle o f Coburg, Ore­ gon, Edgar E. D.-riou, of Eugene O r­ egon : Frank A. T rip p o f Eugene, O r­ egon. 21 3i H knjamiy I,. E d d y , Register Dntel this6th day of October. l!Rr>. I I a iik y L. lion s, .Sheriff of Lane county, Oregon. A p p le B o x e s ! W e have ou ham! standard * apple boxes in lots from one to one hundred boxes. L o f s o f III or less, 15 cent* each I.ots o f .SO __________.$6.75 Lois o f 100...... ...........$12.00 Cottage Drove IBfg. Co, gon ,or I.aue county A man« la Hixson plaintiff, vs. Jack H ix­ son, defendant. T o Jack Hixson, the above named de­ fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the «late of the first publi­ cation of this summons and if you fail to appear anil answer as herein required, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ ply to the court for the relief demanded in saiil complaint which is for a decree that the lioiids of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant lie forever dissolved and that the plaintiIT t>e awarded the care and custody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, “ Freddy” and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published once a week for six successive weeks in the Cottage Grove header, a newspaper of general circulation in bane county, state of Oregon, published in Cottage Grove, in said county and state, by order of the Hon. L. T. Harris, judge of the above entitled court made on the 22nd day of September 1908. The first publication of this summons is on the 25th day of September, 1908, and the last publication on Mil day of H n f l w f . 1908 J, C. J o h n s o n , Attorney for plaintiff, Cottage Grove, Oregon. PERFECT PRINTING PLATES IN O N I OR M A N Y C O L O R » LARGEST FACILITIES I IN T H E W EST FOE ' T H E P R O D U C T I O N OR I HIGH G R A D E W O R K ■»Til I t I I » i l u n t i l l l l t t l I HICKS C H A T T E N E N G R A V I N G CO. XJ ft A l d e r . FORTI ANO ORE THE “O LD R K I.IA n i.K " HLBHNY NURSERIES (IN C O R P O R A T E D » Offer a larije stock of Harriett and Cornice Pears; Spitzenberg a n d Yellow Newtown Apples: Also the Vrooman S t r a i n , second jreilcration Francjnette walnuts First class trees, not the lowest in price, hut the cheapest. Catalogue Free. You can write n s direct or place ynur ortler wittt our local agent— A .M c K in n e y Cottage Grove, Or. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Oregon. T IM B E R L A N D AC T, JI NK J, 1878— T IM B E R L A N D A C T J U N E 3, 1878- N O TR E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . N O T IC E Ft)It P U B L IC A T IO N . United State* Land Office, United Slates Land Office Kosclmrg, Oregon. April lfi, 1908. Roseburg, Oregon, March 20, 1!H)8 Notice is hereby given tlm t In com ­ N otice is hereby given th a t in com ­ pliance with tin* pi «visions of the pliance w ith the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, en- act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en­ t i I led “ An net for the sale of tim lier titled “ An net to r tile sale of timlier lands in tile states of California, Ore­ lands la the slates of California. Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington T e rri­ gon, N evada and W ashington T e rri­ tory,'' as extended to all Public Ijiu d to ry ’ ’ as extended to all the public Srntes bv net of August 4, 1892, land states by uct of August 4, 1892, ANNA O G LE SB Y M II.L K K D M Y R T L E E V E A T C II of Cottage Grove, County of Lane, of C otta ge G rove, county o f Lane, S tate o f Oregon, liled in tills office state ol Oregon, liled In tills office on Sept 23. 1!K)7, tier sworn s ta te ­ on O ctober 22, l!KI7, her sworn ment No. ¡Mi ll fin i ' i ■ • ’tichnse of tho statement No. 9779 for the purchase N E 1, N El I of S e e . 11« . No. 2 ill T o w n ­ o f tlieNh. of N'k of Section No. 20 in ship No. 21 South of Range No, 2, Township No. 23 South of Range No. 2 West, W. M., Ore., and will offer west W. M , Ore., and w ill offer proof p roof to show th a t the land sought to show lim t tlie land sought is more is more vuluahle for its timtier or . valuable for its timber or stone than stone tlinn for agricultural purpose*, fo r agricultural purposes, and to es­ nnd to establish her claim to said land tablish tier claim to said la nil liefore liefore Hie Register nnd Receiver of Register nnd Receiver of this office tills office, a t Roseburg, Oregon, on i to Roseburg, Oregon, ou Saturday, Thursday the 5th day of Novenrlier, | the 14th d ay of Novemiier, 1908 1908. She names ns witnesses: J. W, She names as witnesses: W. W . Veatcli. C otta ge Grove, Oregon; Oglesby. Mrs. N. M. Ogleahy, D II. J iiiucm W hltfonl, Cottage Grove, Ore­ Brumbaugh nnd W. II. Blair, nil of gon; O. F. Brown, London. O reg o n ; Cottage Grove, Oregon, M T, Devereaux. Eugene, Oregon. A n y and all iiersons claiming ad­ Any and all persons claiming ad­ versely tlie ab ove described lands are versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claim* in this requested to flic their claim s in tilts office on o r liefore said ,3th day of office on o r before said 14th day of Novem iier, 1908. Novem iier, 1908. B kn . ia . m in L. K ddv , Register. 20-101 B e n j a m in L. Enmr, Register. _ SUMMONS. In tlie Circuit Court of tlie state of Ore- Oregon lor Lane county. Nora M. Craton, plaintiff vs. O. L. Cra- ton, defendant. To O. t,. Craton, above named defend­ ant: In tlie name of tlie state of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the coiiiplnint file« 1 against you in tlie above-entitled court and cause within six weeks from tlie date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, on or iieiore tlie btli day of November, 1908, and if yon fail to appear and answer as herein required, for want thereof, tlie plaintiff will ap­ ply to tlie court for tlie relief demanded in her complaint, which is for a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing lietween plaintiff and defend­ ant. for the care and custody of her minor child, Glen Craton, and for such other and further relief as to tlie court may seem meet. This summons is published once a week for at least six successive weeks in tlie Cottage Grove Leader, a weekly newspaper of general circulation pub­ lished at Cottage Grove, Oregon, Ivy or­ der of lion. L. T. Harris, Judge of the Second Judicial District of Oregon, made the 21st day of September, PAW. 1'tie first publication of tills summons is on the 25th day o l September, paw , and tile last publication on Novemiier l'KW. Dated this 23rd day of September, 1908. United States Lnml Office. I r j j f , Oregon, April 23, Bus N otice Is hereby given th at in enm- pllnnee w ith the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, 1878, en­ titled “ An net for the sale of tim ber lands in the states o f California, ( >rc- gon, N evada and Washington T erri­ to r y ," ns extended to all the I ’ uldle Land States by net of Augilkt 4, 1802. N A T H A N IE L M A R T IN o f C ottage G rove, eouiity of Line, State of Oregon, filed in this otllee on Sept. 28, 1007, his sworn statement No. 0736, lo r the |iurehase o f the Nji. N W 'i SE)( NWJJ of Seetlon No. 11. iii Township No. 22 S., Range No. 4 W, W. M , and w ill offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable fo r its tlmlier o r stone tlmn fo r agricultural pimposes, and to es­ tablish his claim to said land In fore Register and Receiver at Roselmrg, Oregon, on Saturday the 7th day of November, 1008. He names ns witnesses: J. \V. Parrish, of Jefferson, Oregon: James Slyter, of London, O regon; N. H. M artin, of C otta ge D rove, Oregon; Oldlon F. Jackson of Yonealla, Ore­ R. W. M a rstf . rs a n d J. A. B u c h a n a n , gon. Attorneys for plaintiff. Any and all persons claim ing ad­ versely the above-desorllred lands arc requested to tile their eliiims in Mils Paint your hen roosts with A ve" office on or Is-fore said 7th day of narius Carbolitieum. Buy it a 1 Novem ber, 1908. Veatcli & Lawson. 26tf 10-29 R knjamin L. Ennv, Register. See our bran new stock o f up to T IM B E R L A N D ACT, J U N E 3,1878— N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . United Statc9 Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, April 28, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that in com pllanre with the provisions of the A ct of Congress of June 3, 1878, en­ titled “ An act fo r tlie sale of Tim ber Lands in the sta'es of California, Oregon, Nevndn, and Washington T e rr ito r y ," ns extended to all Public Land States by an act of August 4, 1892, ADDIE E JOB o f Cottage Grove, County of l.une, State of Oregon, tiled In tills office on O ctober 30, 1907, tier sworn statem ent No. 9798 for the purchase of tlie Ek of SE 1-4 o i Section No. 20 In Tow nship No. 21 South of Range No. 2 West, W. M., and w ill offer proof to show that, tlie land sought Is linin' valuable for its tim lier or stone than for a g ri­ cultural purposes, and to establish Ids claim to said laud liefore the Register and Receiver of this office, a t Rose­ burg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 17th day of Novem ber, 1908, She names as witnesses: 15. R. Job, Janies W hitefonl, ,J. M . Iluldieil anil William Westersen, nil o f Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any and nil persons claim ing nd- versely the above described •nnds are requested to file their claim s In this office on or before said IT til dav of Novem ber, 1908. R knjam in L Ennv, Register. A new line o f mens hats, latest shapes and shades at W . A . Hetn- enways— T h e Toggery. 27tt The G rove Studio for best T IM B E R L A N D , A C T JI NK 3, 1878- date rugs before you buy carpets. photos. Prove it for yourself by a N O TIC E FO R IM B R IC ATIO N . Veatcli & Lawson. 26tf visit there. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, May 5, 1008. N otice Is hereby given th a t in com ­ pliance with the provisions o f the net of Congress o f June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act fo r the sale o f tim ber lands In the Stat**s o f California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,“ as extended t o nil the public land states bv act of August 4, 1892 EM M A M. JOB o f C ottage nrovo. county of Lane State o f Oregon, bus tiled In this office on Feb, 29,1908 her sw orn statement No. It!(3.3 fo r the purchase of tne S W 1, lielng lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 o f Section | Are yoa doing what you can to populate your state No. 28 Township No. 21 South id Range N o .2, west W, M.. Ore., and OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE—Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics, w ill offer proof to show that the land merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing sought Is more vnlunhle for its tlmlier heart—capital or no capital. or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses. and to establish her claim to said land hefnyo the Register and Receiver of this office a t Roseburg, Oregon, on Thnrsday the 10th day of December, 1908. She names as witnesses : is sending tons of < >regon literature to the East for distribution Bennlnh Job, W illiam Wescarsen, through every available agency. W ill yon not help the good work W illiam Champion, James W hitefonl of building Oregon by sending ns the names an«l addresses of yotir nil of Cottage Drove, Oregon. friends who are likely to be intereste«l in this state? We will lie Any and all persons claim ing a d ­ glad to bear the expense of sending them complete information about versely the above-described lands are OREGON and its opportunities. requested to file their claims in this office on or liefore said 10th day of C O L O N I S T S T I C K E T S will lie on mie during SEPTEMBER Decemls'r, 1908. \ND OCTOBER from the East to all poteti m OftfUII. Mie ! m - 22 B us .? a m is L. Ennv. Register. froin a few principal cities rre: C «O regon»» Builders Tlie Southern Pacific Co-Lines in (¡won. Portland and Return Only $5.30 The Southern Pacific Co. is now selling round trip tickets to Port land from Cottage d ro v e for $5..10 good going Saturday on No. 16 at 1.50 a m. train, returning Monday eveningon No. 1.1 leaving Portland at 7. 30 p. m., givin g all day Sat­ urday, Suuday and Monday in Portland. The same arrangements apply from Portland givin g Port­ land people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. From Denver $30.00 “ Omaha 30.00 “ Kansas City 30.0«i “ St. I^onis 35.50 “ Chicago 38.00 From Louisville “ Cincinnati * “ Cleveland “ New York $41.70 42.20 44.75 55.00 T IC K E T S C A N B E P R E P A I D I f yon want to bring a friend or * relative to Oregon «lepnstt tlie proper .amount with any of onr agents. The tickets will then lie fur­ nished by telegraph. J \l. ISHAM, L o cal A g e x t S o f t h f r n P a c if ic C o . WM. M cM URRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.