\w NEWPORT Don’t Mistake the Cause of zen Show s How to Cure Them. O r e g o n ’s M a t c h l e s s B e a c h R e s o r t .Many people never suspect tlicir kid­ neys. If suffering from a lame, weak or aching back they think that it is only The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv­ a muscular weakness; when urinary trouble sets in they think it will soon able Form ol Healthful and Delightful Recreation correct itself. And ■so it is with all the other symptoms of kidney disorders. ITS FACULTIES ARE COMPLETE— I test o f food and an abundance of it. That is just where the danger lies. You must cure these troubles or they may Fresh water from springs. A ll modern necessities, such as tele­ lead to diabetes or bright's disease. The graph, telephoue, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel iu best remedy to use is Doan’s Kidney abundauce. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to Ire had pills. It cures all ills which are caused cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. by weak or diseased kidneys. Cottage Grove people testify to permanent cures. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern l’acific to Albany or Mrs. Klla llisby, living on tlie east Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. K. Train service daily side, Cottage Grove, says; " I suffered and the trip a pleasure throughout. for a long time with an irregular action of my kidneys accompanied by an in­ tense weakness and pains in my I Kick. R a te fro m C o tta g e G ro v e In spite of the use of many remedies 1 was unable to find relief. 1 suffered Season six-months ticket $6.00 from headaches anil dizzy spells fre­ quently annoyed me. As a consequence Our elaborate new Summer ltook gives a concise description of N ew ­ my general health became very mnch port, Including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, run down and I was very miserable, telephone o r w rite was feeling very much discouraged at the time Doan's Kidney pills were J. M. ISHAM, Local Agent, Collage drove brought to my attention. They were so highly recommended that I decided to W m . M cM u rra y , give them a trial. 1 procured a box at Benson's pharmacy. They acted up to General Passenger Agent, Port land, Oregon. their representations anil in a short time gave me relief. I steadily im­ proved and almost before I realized it I was enjoying excellent health. 1 kno\v_ of others who have used Doan's kidney pills with just as satisfactory results.” Bor sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Footer-Mi (burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Awbrey of • I)r. C. \V. I .owe informs us that Remember the name— Doan's—and Cottage Grove visited iu Fugene they will not move to Portland take no other. EUGENE AND COURT HOUSE NEWS the early part of the week. j until about the first of September. Last week the Allen canuery put ]>. ||. Cockrell and Lou Kibbey up a total of 57.16 cases or an aver- , leave this morning for a deer hunt age of 6 22 cases per day. This • above London Springs iu the beats the best record the cannery Black Butte country. has ever made. The local Southern Pacific offi Lee Henry, a former employe of cials expect to enter the new depot the Register, who has been run- j building August 1, and to give up ning a paper of the same name a t! the old frame building which has Butte, Boyd county, Nebraska, lieeu the home of passenger traffic, has sold out and is coming to the and will be turned into the freight coast again, probably to Fugene. emporium. He is a brother-in-law of Henry The city council Tuesday ac­ Schweritig. Mr. Henry was for­ merly editor of the Bohemia Nug­ cepted the proposition of the W il­ get at Cottage Grove. lamette Valley company to turn If. W . Mahon informs us that over the water plant, the pipe lines the Corvallis plant of the Suuset and the lands and appurtenances Lumber Co. will start their mill to connected with the maintenance running with full capacity on Mon day uext. They have received and operation of the plant. As over 2,000,000 feet of saw logs, soon as a few minor details are ar­ picked up from those lost by the ranged bv the fire and water and Booth-Kelly Co., and will have finance committees with the W il­ enough logs to last them until they lamette Valley company the papers can ship in more over the new Alsea route, but will probably will lie signed, and within 60 days have to ship in some on the C. & $140,000 will be paid the corpora E. route for a while. They are tion for the property. now shipping in lumber from their County Superintendent W. B plant on the Mohawk to supply the local trade at Corvallis, where Dillard has his rejxirt ready for the state superintendent and it con­ much building is being done. tains some interesting statistics. The July number of Nolxidv’s There are VI 57 children of school magazine, issued by the promotion age iu the county, of which 4696 department of the Commercial are inales and 4461 are females. club may lie said to be the best There are 558 teachers in the yet. It contains a comprehensive j county, of whom 66 are males and write-up of Cottage Grove, finely I 212 females. There are 179 dis- illustrated with farming scenes tricts in the county and 179 school around that fertile section of Lane houses. Some of the districts county. The articles contributed have no school houses and others to the number on Cottage Grove have three or four. The total reflect the lioosting spirit of that i amount received for taxation and section, making the magazine j otherwise for school purposes is highly valuable as an advertising $180,292.79 and the expenditures medium by which to draw home- were $142,8.18.41, so that there is seekers to that locality. One not­ now iu the hands of the treasurers able feature of the July issue is of the districts the sum of $.17,- the publication of a sample list of 444..18. The value of school real inquiry letters showing the effective property in the county is $245,097 work being done by the promotion and the furniture is esttinated at department. A total of 4000 $.1.1, .124. The insurance on the copies of this number have lieeu property is $108,725. The aver issued, and the edition will soon, age salaries paid were $52 per no doubt, be exhausted.— Eugene month for males and $42 for fe Register. males. CLUB MAKES SPLENDID SHOWING The Civic Improvement commit­ tee of the Woman’s club liegs to submit the following report and to thank all those who contributed toward making their first annual sweet pea show a success. We wish especially to thank Mrs. L. Taylor for her donation of sweet pea seed in January and those who donated the splendid prizes for the sweet pea show aud floral parade. The Brown Lum­ ber Co. for lumber donated and the Willamette Valley Co. for elec­ tric fixtures and the press for their kind assistance in advertising. PAID OUT Prizes for sweet pea............... . . . 4 25 Dray age ......................... * ........... 2 50 Band. . . . .................................... 10 00 Help............................................... 5 00 Icecream bootl;........................... 17 40 Lemonade booth.......................... 5 05 Children's flower exhibit............... 2 95 Miscellaneous................................. 2 25 Armory........................................... 7 50 $9(1 50 AMOUNT COLLECTED. Jan. 1, New Year's tea.................$ 4 60 April 18, entertainment................ 51 50 July 10, Sweet pea show.... ....... 00 50 Lemonadelioolh. ....................... 5 65 lee cream tiootli ............................ 25 00 *147 85 Balance.................................. *57 .15 This amount' will lie used for during the Flower need for children..............#13 uO Miscellaneous. . . . ...... ............... 5 001 town improvements, Mr. Scott, judge for sweet peas...... 15 ort coming year. ffe a n ik f r Depart incut of the Interior, Cottage G rove, No. I 1 S Laud Office n t Itosehurg, Or. 24, M eeting* i*t. 3rd. and áth. F ri­ M ay 26, 19(18. day o f every month, Notice Is hereby giveu llm t E t t a U a k k i », N O. FKAICL A. S W E E T K a t i k H. V hatch , Sei'. o f Eugene, Lan e county, Oregon, who on the 26tli day of May, IIKIs, made a tim ber application No. 10100, a n ilflt i Wednesday o f each month. for tlie wJfVif 8 w '7 anil the N K '4 of M um M aiiv II ak k k . O raci . k . the S W 1, Section 28, Tow nship 19 M um . ('. \V. W a i . i . ack , Itec. South, Itange 4 west of the W illam ­ ette Mericlnii. has ft led notice of W O . W .—Jtolieiiiia Camp, No. 2BB, ten tion to make final proof, to es­ tablish claim to t he land ab ove de­ Meets every Friday evening. scribed, l**foie W, W. Calkins. U. S. A. H hkivkk , Consul Com. Commissioner, at his office in Eu­ C ham . Y a i U r m i i ' mi. clerk. gene, Lane county, Oregon on the Prill day of .Septemlier, Unix K O . T . Df.—Cascade Camp No. 260 Claimant names ns witnesses: M eet» every Thursday night. E d gar E. Def'ou of Eugene, Ore­ (). II. V k a t c ii , Com. g o n ; Clark I’ . Deverenux of Eugene, R. K. H i n m h , Cooler. Oregon; Jacob l>. W lgle of Coimrg, Oregon; Frank A. Trip p of Eugene, I. O . O . I\ —Cottage G rove, No. 68, Oregon. B enjamin L. E iiiiv . Meet every Saturday night. 13-23 Itegister. G ko . U o m kr , N. G. A. II k k w e r , St*-. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Your K t . B k h A H S Troubles— A Cottage Grove Citi­ YAQUINA BAY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lodge Directory. IT 'S YOUR K ID N EYS FIRE INSURANCE A . If. King is agent for the “ Horticultural Fire Relief of Ore­ gon,” a mutual fire insurance com­ pany with home office at Salem, which is 40 per cent cheajier than the old line companies. Why send your money away for insurance when you can buy just as good in­ surance for less money right at home. 7tf. LOW EAST SOUTHERN PA C IFIC Cottage Grove, Oregon M. W . o f A . — Meeting* l*t and Bril Department of tlie Interior, M onday ln euch month, I'. 8. Land Office a t itoseburg, Or. A. S. I’owKi.i., Consul. June 'kith. l'.His. C. W . W a i . i . ack , Clerk. N otlee is hereby given that J A M E S V S’i EW AUT G. A . R. -Api iimtiix Post No 34, of Goshen, Lane county, -Oregon, Meets at 1 p. m., on the 2d and 4th w ho on June 30tli 1908 made applica­ Saturday ot each month. tion under the Tim ber and Stone Du I). L. W omis, I*. C. nets No 10188 for L o t 12, Section 6, G. W. R k y n o i . uh , Adj. Township 20 South, Itaugo 1, west May 4, 18 w illam oltc M erldan, lias filed notice M. B. A . — Modern Brotherhood of of intention to make final p roof to June 5. 6. 19, 20 America. Meet the 2d mid 4th Tues­ establish claim to the land above day o f each month at i.O .O .F . Hall. descrllied, before W. W. Calkins, U. July 6 7, 22, 23 8. Commissioner ut his office a t Eu T , W . J e n k in s Sec. gene, Oregon on the 2nd d ay ol Angust 6, 7, 21, 22 W 0. W . - S t . Valentine Circle 121, O ctober 1908. G ood for return In 90 days w ith stop­ Claim ant mimes as witnesses: Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in each over privileges nt pleasure Clement M. Parker of Dexter, Ore­ m onth in W. 0, W. Hall. within limits. M rs . A lice C offman , Clerk. gon: Joseph B. Wilhelm of Dexter, [ Oregon ; ivesley L. Matlock ot Go­ shen, O regon; Ira H iggins o f m REMEMBER THE DATES F o r e s te r s o f A m e r ic a - M eeting; | shen, Oregon. 13-24 Hr.it and Third Thursdays. B enjam in L. E d dy , Register. F or any further inform ation cull on E dwin Tri. l a u . Chief Hunger J. M. ISH AM . L oca l Agent, o r w rite F. C. C o k f m a n , Fin. Sec. Portland and Return Only $5.30 Registration of Land Title. L . O . T . M.— Lady Lainson lllv e . No In the matter of the application of 42. Meets 2d and 4th Frlduy ol Jane Harrison to register tlie title to the each month. of SW% of «Section 7 in Town­ Ms* M a iiv Seni m tz , L. C, ship 21 South, Range 2 West, of Will. Miss L k t a S an f o k ii , It, K, Mer. against all whom it may concern defendants. K. o f P . —Jliven til« Lodge No, 48, To all whom it may concern. Take Meets every Wednesday nignt. notice that on the Mil day of July, l ‘X)S, .1. E. O stu a n iik r , C. 0. application was filed by said Jane liar C il ia . V a n D kn B kiio , K .of It. & S. rison in the Circuit Court in and for bane county for initial registration of O E , S,—Coll.-lire G rove Chapter N o the title to the land above described, 4. M eeting« held on 2d and 4th F ri­ Xow unless you appear on or before the d ay of each month. loth day of August 1008, and show M rs . M as T hompson , W. M. cause why such application should not M rs . T C. W i ie il k h . W. P. be granted the same will lie taken as M rs . G race B rund , Sec. confessed, a decree will lie entered cording tp the prayer of the application W . R C . — Appom attox W , It, C, No. and you will be forever barred from dis­ R. U. I.HE, 12, M eets ¡it 1 |>. III. on the 2d and puting the same. Clerk. 4th Saturday of oneli month. A. E. W h e e l e r . M a r y D ick ey , Pres. Attorney for Applicant. 13-18 E, J e n n ie W oods , Sec. The Southern Pacific Co. is now selling round trip tickets to Port­ land from Cottage Grove for $5.,10 good going Saturday on No. 16 at 1.50 a.m . train, returning Monday evening on No. 13 leaving Portland at 7. 30 p. m., giving all day Sat­ urday, Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same arrangements Brick Laying and Plastering apply from Portland giving Port A . F , & A . M .—C ottage G rove, No. 51. Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednes land people a chance to visit d ay o f each month. Anyone itt need of brick laying valley points at greatly reduced T. C. W iie z i . fr . W. M. or plastering should call on C. W rates. L. F W o o l e v , Sec June, residence on Wall street, Fire Notice. near Adventist church. Chariot* FOR SALE OR TRADE- -A McCormack reasonable, [''lues and fireplaces binder. Inquire of I. D. Anderson. Th e dry weather is coming on, a specialty. 9-18 Oottage I'.roi e, Oregon. 10-lf look out for fires, have that house or barn insured. Tom Aubrey can save you money in the most popu lar fire Insurance Co. in Oregon, the Oregon Fire Relief Association Call at the Express Office or write Harness Making and General Repairing for rates. Fine Stock of Harness constantly on Hand. Saddles, Whips, Notice of Application for Patent. Extra Collars, Harness Hardware, Shaps, A xle Grease, Riding and Work Gloves, in fact everything usually kept iu a F'irst D epartm ent of the Interior. Class Harness Shop. Columbia Stock Food and Remedies United States Land Office at Itose- HARNESS SHOP hurg, Oregon. Itoseburg, Oregon, June 13, 1908. XINKKAI. APPLICATION NO. 182. N otice Is hereby given that I, Ben­ jam in L. Eddy, register of the United .States Land office n t Itoseburg, Ore­ gon, have doHlgnated the Cottage drove Leader, a paper o f established character and general circulation, ns being the newspaper published near­ est the land herein described, anil In which this notice Is to be published T h a t William M. M oore, whose postoffice address Is Elkton. Oregon, has applied fo r a patent to the Clucky Fraction m ining claim, (q u a rtz) as shown bv Mineral Survey N o. 06«, a copy of the p la t of which survey has liecn filed la this office, aud also posted on the claim , which said claim Is described more particu­ larly as follow s: Beginning a t Corner No. 1, whence the Mineral M onument established In Mineral Survey No. 221! bears N. 8G deg. 11 min. and 10 six'. 15 0703 M ft. and the X Six-. cor. on the north line ol Six'. 14. Tp. 23 8 . >d It 1 East (sn* pended su rvey) bears N. In deg. 8 min. W. 1N0I.5 ft., thence S. 02 deg. 7 min. and 2o six-. W. (v a r . 20 deg. fit lulu. F. ) 596.31 ft. to cor. No. 2: thence N. :(6 deg. :!0 min W. (v a r . 22 deg. 10 min. E. I 271,01 ft. to c r . No. 3; thence N. 62 deg. 7 min. and 20 sec. K ( var. 23 deg. 20 min. K ) 5U5.50 ft. to cor. No. 4; thence H. 35 deg. 2s min. E (var. 21 deg. 12 min. E ) 271.03 ft to cor. No. I and place o f ticgtnning, con tainin g a to ta l urea of 3.0S4 acres. The names of the conflicting claims are the Lns Angeles hide o l Survey N o 020 and the Defiance lod e o f Sur­ vey No 020. T h e nren in conflict w ith the Los Angeles Is 062 aery* aod the area in conflict w ith the Defiance is ,S35 acres T h e area in conflict between said L os Angeles and sahl Defiance claims Is .001 acres. The net area o f the sahl Clueky F raetlon In conflict w ith the sahl two claim s Is 1.487 acres. The net area of the sahl ( lucky Fraction to lie patented is all o f the said Clucky Fraction n o t In conflict w ith said I * « Angeles and Defiance claim s ns aforesaid, » r 2.107 acres. The name* of the adjoining claims as shown by the pint of survey are the llp htr on the southeast, no other claims Is'lng shown. Sahl claim Is .«limited In Bohemia mining district (u n organ ized) In Douglas county. Oregon. Notice o f tin’ Intention to apply for tills patent ns aforesaid was posted on tile ('lack ey Fraction claim together with n copy o f the p lo t survey No. (MM, on the 2Mh day of May 11107, Iu a conspicuous place. And any and «11 persons claim ing m lvw sely the m ining ground, vein, lode, premises or any portion thereof so ileM-rilsxl, surveyed, platted and applied tor, are hereby notified th a t unless their adverse claim s are duly filed ns according t o law and the reg­ ulations (hereunder w ith in the tim e prescrllied by law w ith (he register o f the United States I Kind Office at Itoseburg. in Douglas county. O n « gon. they will lie Imrred iu virtu re o f the provisions ol said la w s and regu­ lations. N o t coni lan-l. B e n ja m in L. F.nnv. ln-int Kcglstcr. P r ic e * H a v e B e e n R e d u c e d o n E v e r y th in g Call and make your wants known. Albert Stocks, Prop. S u cc ess o r to Geo. C o m er Cochran & Cooley HOUSE FURNISHERS Furniture, Paints, Oil, Glass, Wall Paper, Carpets, Linoleum, Matting, Rags and Picture Frames. ¡ A CLEAN, BRIGHT LIGHT| H Cheaper than Oil ! ELECTRIC LIGHTS £bc »cut ant' only Illuminant Safe and C o n ven ien t! \ (JA Show Window brilliantly | | lighted w ith Electric Lights make many n stile “ the night gf Itcfore.” No exploding lamps, homes in ruins nor burned children, when y o u h a v e electric lights installed. Cottage Grow * Electric * Co. WM Fashion Stables^ WM. M c M U R R A Y , General Passenger Agent, PO R TLAN D , ORKOON. TIM BEK LAND A C T J U N E 3, 1878- NOTIf'E FOB P U B L IC A T IO N . United State* Land Office Roseburg, Oregon, March 20,1908 Notice i* hereby given th a t Iu com ­ pliance with tlie provlaiona ol the act ol Oongress of June 3, 1878, en­ titled "A n act for th e Bale of tluilier land* In tlie Htate* of Ualifornln, Ore­ gon, N evad a and W ashington T e rri­ to ry ’ ’ a* extended t o all the public land Htate* by net of Auguat 4, 1802, LOUIS O. ( l E l i l 'M of C otta ge G rove, county of Lnpe, state of Oregon, hit* till« day. April 5, 1907, filed III till* olficfi hi* sworn statement No. 9070 for tlie purchase of tlie S' of V E ', «f id N W’ V ol N E 1« , lin in g lot 2i (J Section N o. 2 in Township \ 22 South, Itange No. 3 west W. , anil w ill offer proof to “ how Hull, tlie laud «o u g h t Is more , ’ ’ ¡able fur its tlin lx r or «tone than agricultural p ¡.pose*, and to es- i la in to Halil land b a to n I. ; ter and Itix'eiver ¡it their office m Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, tin iOtli day of Angnat, 1908. Hu names ns witnesses: Ell/.nlie!!i E.Uernm of C otta ge Grove, Oregon; Alfred S. P ow ell of C ottage Grove, Oregon; H arvey T a y lo r of Cottago Grove, O regon; G eorge T a y lo r ot C ottage Grove, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming ad versely tlie above-described lands nre requested to file tlielr claim s in Mils office on or before said 20th d a y of August, 1908. 8 1I kn . ia . min - L. Knnv, Register. P o w e ll 3k T u l l a r y P ro p . Notice for Publication. United State* Igutn Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 7, 1908. N otlee Is hereby given th a t in com­ pliance w ith the provisions of the net of ( ongre** of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act fo r the sale of tim licr lands In the States o f California, Oregon, N evada, anil W ashington T e rri­ to ry ,” M extended t o all the Public I .and H tate* by a ct of Aiigu*t4,189‘J, ROSE A N N C R O W L E Y , of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, did on Jan. 9 , 1!!0S, Ilk' in till* office her sworn statement No. !lfi42, fo r the purchase of the L ots ii it in I ier 2, 3, 7 and 8 of Section No. 32, In Tow n ship No. 21 south, Range No. 2, West, W . M., and will offer proof to show that the Inml sought is more valuable lo r ll«.tim la 'r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es­ tablish her claim to said land before W. W . Calkins, U. H, Conimls«ioner, n t his office In Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesday, tlie 18th day of August, P.HI8. She names iih witnesses: 'William Van Gorilen, Rufus Rollins, Drill Robison, of Cottage G r o w . Or gon: John C row ley, ol Pm Guild, On gon. An y and all person* claltnln, ad­ versely the above-denerilKNl land arc requested to file their vialins In Ibis office on or liefore the s“ l l ISV'i ('a y of A u gu st; 1908 . B kmja MIN L. E iid " , Register. Notice for Publication. United Slates Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 7, 1908, Notice is hereby given clmt Incom ­ pliance with the provisions of the act o f Congn-ss of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An a ct fo r the sale o l timber lands In the State« of California, Oregon, Nevada, and W ashington T e rrito ry ,” a* extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, S IM E O N R. B RA N D , of C otta ge Grove, county of Lane, State of Oregon, did on Feb. 11, 1908, file In this office Ills sw orn statem ent No. 9fi52, fo r tlie purchase of the N E k and HEJ( NK% ot Section No. 30, in T ow n ship No. 20 S., Range No. 2 W., W. M „ and w ill offer proof to show th at tlie land sought Is more valuable for It* tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es­ tablish Ills claim to said land Iiefore W . W. Calkins. IT. 8 . Commia«ioncr, a t his office at Eugene. Oregon, on Saturday, th e 2M M r of August, 1908. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H e names ns wltnessrs: Henry Fisher. E il Jones, Dan Brumbaugh, H. Veatch o l Cottage Grove, Oregon. A n y and all persons rlalining ad­ Department o f the Interior. I', s. Land Office, Roseburg. Oregon. versely tlte-nliove-deserllieil lands are requested t o file their claim * in this June 23, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that office on o r Iiefore sahl 22(1 d ay of August, 1908. CORA L. AD D .SO N B e n j a m i n I . E d d y , Register. of Lorane, lame county, state of Ore­ gon, who on June 23, 19(18, made a timber application, No. 10173, Tor the SE 1-1, Sixitlon 31, Township 19, TIM B ER LAN D ACT, JUNE J, 1878- N O TICE FOR PUBLICATION. South, Range 4 went, of the Willam­ ette Meridian, has filed notice of In­ United States Land Office tention to make final proof to eatab. Roseburg, Oregon, April 8, 1908. list, claim to the land above de­ Notice is hereby given that in com­ scribed, before W. W. Calkins, U. 8. pliance with tlie act of Congress of June Commissioner nt Eugene, Oregon on J, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlie 3ftih day of September, 190 k . timber lands in tlie states of California, t'laiinant names as witnesses: Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri­ E dgar E. DeCou of Eugene, Ore­ tory," as extended to all the public land gon ; Jacob I). W igle of Coburg, Ore­ states by act of August 4, 1892, g o n ; Clark P. Devoreaux of Eugene, M AR IO N VEATCH Oregon; Frank A. T rip p o f Eugene, of Cottage Grove, County of bane, Oregon. 14-25 State of ( iregon, did on Sept 7, 1907, B e n jam in L . E d dy , Register. file in this office his sworn statement No. 9559, for tlie purchase of S% of SEJi anil SJi of SW/4 of Section No, 2, in NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY SALE. Township No. 19 south, range No. 1, east, W. M., and will offer proof to show Under and by virtue of an order of that the land sought is more valuable sate made tlie second day of April, 1908, for its timber or stone than for agricul­ by the District Court of tlie United tural purposes, and to establish his claim Stales in ami for the southern district of to said land before W. W. Calkins, U. S. California in the matter of Klla Wall, Commissioner, at his office in Eugene, a bankrupt, which order of sale is now Oregon, on Tuesday the 25th day of of record in book 74, page 552 Lane Angust, 1908. He names as witnesses: James E. Os­ county deed records, Oregon, the under­ signed, as tnistce of the estate of said trander of Cottage Grove. Oregon; John bankrupt, will sell at private sale on or W. Veatch of Cottage Grove, ( iregon; after tlie loth day of August, 1908, to James Siuieral of Cottage Grove, Ore­ tlie highest bidder for cash, all that cer­ gon; Thomas C. Wheeler of Cottage tain real property located, situated anil Grove, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ being in the town of Cottage Grove, eonn- ty of Lane, state of Oregon, and more ly the above-described lands are request­ particularly described as follows, to-wit: ed to file their claims in this office on or Lots No. three (J) and four (4) in before the said 25tli day of Aligns! 19(18. 9-a21 B k n j a m in L. E d d y , Register. block one (I), in D. G. McFarland's ad­ dition to tlie said town of Cottage Grove except twenty seven (27) feet off the T IM B E R L A N D . A C T JU N E 3, 1878- N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . east side of lot No. tlirce (J)t deeded to 8. M. Veatch and J. I'. Cnrrin. United States Laud Office, Sealed bids will lie received for said Itoseburg, Oregon, Mar. 23, 1908. property by the undersigned and each N otice is hereby given th at In com ­ bid must 1 -t- accompanied by a check pliance with the provisions o f the act certified by some responsible bank, pay­ of Congress of June 3, 1x7s, entitled able to Lynn Helm, referee in bank­ An act fo r the anle of timber lands ruptcy. In the States o f Oalifornln, Oregon, All bids should lie mailed to Tanner, Nevada anil Washington Territory,” Taft *Y Odell. No. 219 1». H. Coulter as extended t o nil the public hind Building. Nat 213 South Broadway; city states by act o f August 4, 1892 of I.os Angeles, county ot Los Angeles, JA M E S IT. H A W L E Y state of California. o f C ottage 11 rove, county of Lane, Dated this 17th day of Inly, 1908. State o f Oregon, Im* filed in this office TITLE G UARANTEE A TRUST CO. on April 18,1907 his sw orn statement By E. W. S arc . k nt , Vice President. No. 9145 fo r the purchase of tne X'WW I. C B r a n d , Secretary. N K * El* NE>< of Section No. 12 In Township No. 21 South o f Range N o. 2. w est W, M.. Oregon, and w ill offer proof t o show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timlicr or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses. and to establish his claim to said land Iiefore the Register and Receiver of this office n t Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday the 28th day of A Buslnrss Oirrctory of each A iigu st 1908. City. Town and V illa g e in He name* as witnesses : Or»*p«*n Tnd Washington. Hir­ Thom as Meadon, Hamilton Veatch, ing a rvseriptire SkHrh of oeorge Harrison and John W. Veatch arh plaeo. Location. Ship* all of C ottage nrove, Oregon pirn* Facilities and a riasai- Any and all persons claiming ad­ fied l>ircciory of each Bnsi- versely the above described lands are n*rt and rrof**«aioa. requested to file their claim* In this R. L. P O L K * CO.. Ate. office on or before said 28th day of Augnet, 1908. S£A rTLE, WASH. 11 B enjamin ' L. E d d y , Register, POLK’S GAZETTEER First Class Livery. Sale aid Feed Bara in Connection Notice for Publication. United S tate« Laud Office, K ow bu rg, Oregon, Muich 18, I ron . Notice Is hereby given I Inti In com ­ pliance with the p rovision « of the Act of Congreaa of Jane 3, 1878, entitled “ An A ct fo r the side of timber Lunds In the S tate« o f California, Oregou, N evad a,an d Washington T e rrito ry ,” as extended to all 1‘ uhlic Land States by act of August 4. 18(6), W ill be ninth» tliin Henson by th e H A H R IE T T E. S P A HR, of S tar, County of Ijuie, State ot Ore­ gon, tiled In this office on March 27, 1(107. her sworn statem ent No. 11021. fo r the purchase of the El-2 SW1 4, NW 1-48W I-4. NWI-4 NVil-4 ol Sec- I tion No. 12, ill Toivi.Hliip No. 21 t L IN E S IN OREG O N) | South, of Range No. 2 West, W. M., (b e ., aud w ill offer p roof to show FROM th a t the land sought is more valu a­ ble for Its lim ber o r atone than for i agricultural purposes, an d toestu b - ! fish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver **t Mils office, at AS F O L L O W S : Roseburg, Oregon, on Erlday, the 14th day of August, P. iok . One Way Hoth Way» Shcnair.es ns witnesses: Sidney Through Via TO I'orl land California Vaughn, o f Kosehurg, Oregon, J o ­ seph Wicks, Uollin Wicks, and Unr- $ 8 7 50 $ 7 6 90 Chicago roll H a rlo w , all of Star, Oregon. 82 50 71 90 St. Louis Any and nil ircrsons claiming ad­ 81 85 versely the ab ove described land« are 64 40 St. Paul requeatixl to file their claim « In this 75 0 0 Omaha 64 40 75 00 office on or before «aid 14th day of 64 40 Kansas City August, 1!H)8. B e n jam in L . E d d y , Register. TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE