Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, May 15, 1908, Image 2

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Conage Grove Leader
tmmmé Cm* IM M
T O R N A D O E S IN N E B R A S K A .
D e stro y F o u r T o w n s and Kill at Least
Fourteen People.
-------♦ ------ -
Omaha, Neb., M ay 13.— T w elve per­
sons are known Jo have been killed and
a score injured by a tornado which
. swept over the northern part o f Sarpy
; county at 5 o ’clock yesterday after­
noon. The storm, which gained in ve­
locity on its way south, startd in Omaha
■ about 4:30.
A t Bellevue the college buildings
were damaged to the extent o f prob­
ably $50,000, and several persons were
A Resum e o f the Less Im porta nt bu t
injured, nqpe fa ta lly The storm then
N o t Less Interesting Events
moved on to Louisville, Litchfield and
o f the Pest W eek.
Springfield, where the principal dam­
age and loss o f life occurred.
A street car strike is impending in
The storm was the most severe that
ever struck Eastern Nebraska. The
Tonopah, Nev., is rapidly recovering damage to the college buildings at
from the effects o f the recent fire.
Bellevue was heavy. The tower was
Railroad company officials admit they blown from Park Ila ll, and the building
are charging wheat farmers all the tra f­ wrecked. L o w ry Hall and Rankin Hall
fic w ill bear.
were unroofed. The panic-stricken stu­
The thousands of visitors who gath­ dents ran to the basement and in this
ered at San Francisco to see the fleet way many fatalities were probably
avoided. The
are returning to their homes.
wrecked and all the horses killed. A
The grand duchy o f Mecklenburg-
number o f small buildings and stores in
Schwerin has ceased to be the only state
the village were blown down.
in Germany without a constitutional
M ovin g south, the tornado struck
Fort Crook, damaging several o f the
Awards have just been made fo r sup­ barrack buildings, but nobody was in­
plying the battleship fleet with prcr* jured. In the town o f Fort Cook, how­
visions fo r its journey across the P a­ ever, a number of buildings were en­
tirely wrecked and other damage was
A fte r 11 years o f m ilitary occupation done.
C O T T A G E G R O V E .............. O R E G O N
la a Condensed Form (or Our
Busy Readers.
Great Britain, Russia, France and Ita ly
have decided to withdraw and turn the
government over to Greece.
Disgusted with the California dele­
gates to the governor’ s conference,
Roosevelt has appointed ex-Governor
Pardee to represent that state.
General Bliss, as governor o f the
Moro province, Philippine islands, de­
clares the effort to establish a judicial
system in that province a failure.
The father of Mrs. Howard Gould,
Seldon Perry Clemmons, has le ft his
daughters but $1 e*eh, because they
did not care fo r him in his old age.
Republican members o f congress f a ­
vor emergency currency.
L ittle progress is being made in the
Parkside trolley trial of Abe Ruef.
Central Kansas has been visited by a
rain storm that bordered a cloudburst.
The corner stone o f the bureau of
American republics has been laid at
Chinese rebels are becoming more ac­
tive. Large forces o f troops are being
sent out to check them.
A tornado in Mercer and Henry coun­
ties, Illinois, did considerable property
damage and killed one woman.
The National Industrial Traffic League
has appealed to the interstate commerce
commission to prevent an increase in
freight rates.
The British house o f lords is discuss
ing a plan to tax American hops that
are being imported to the detriment of
the English crop.
W hile officers from the battleship
fleet were being given auto rides, two
o f the b ig machines collided, with al­
most serious results.
The United States is enlisting other
nations in the war against opium trade.
The Methodist general conference has
asked that presidential candidates be
total abstainers.
Chicago street railw ay men are to
vote on a general strike.
There is an increase o f tippling
among English society women.
Indications point to T a ft men con­
trolling the Oregon republican conven­
N ew Y o r k ’s unemployed have formed
an association and w ill hold a national
The Union Pacific reports an increase
in earnings, and is putting shopmen
back at work.
The Interstate Commerce Commission
is to investigate the proposed increase
o f freight rates.
A French mob tried to lynch a woman
who had murdered many children, but
was prevented by the police.
I f the weather permits the battleship
fleet will stop off Coos Bay on its way
from San Francisco to Seattle.
A number o f senators are preparing
to denounce Roosevelt as a usurper be­
cause he claims supremacy over the
Methodists have called on Speaker
Cannon to aid prohibition.
Heinze has been sued for the losses
o f the Aetna Bank, o f Butte.
There have been several serious out­
breaks in Ohio against the tobacco
The man who blew up the Burlington
train at Butte has proven to be only
half witted.
Prince Philip r.u Eulenberg, once f a ­
vorite o f the kaiser, has been arrested
for perjury.
Japan has issued a peremptory de­
mand that China stop the boycott o f
Japanese goods.
Roosevelt denies the power o f eon
gross to restrict authority over the
army and navy.
Kentucky continues to have trouble
with night riders, who are burning to­
bacco warehouses.
The Ruef bribery trial is the scene
o f many threats and almost open fights
among the lawyers.
California people have drawn up a
memorial to congress asking fo r the
promotion of Rear Admiral Evans to the
grade o f admiral.
Senator Heybum, o f Idaho, wants
the government to survey all unsur-
veyd lands in Idaho. Washington, Mon­
tana, Oregon and California.
Great Britain is considering sn old-
age pension.
Japan denies the report that the Co-
rean emperor is to be banished.
The cashier o f the Allegheny N a ­
tional Bank, o f Pittsburg, has been ar­
rested for embezzling $429,000 o f the
bank's fnnds.
Great B ritain ’ s financial budget, just
inuod, shows conditions to be in such
eood shsne that tbs duty on sugar is
to be reduced.
The senate has confirmed the nomina
tion o f W illiam R. Wheeler, o f Cali­
fornia, to be assistant secretary o f com­
merce and labor.
President Gompers, o f the America?
Federation of Labor, has written a let-
•w te eesgross nrgiag the passage o f
mmmj bills e f interest H labor.
T h r e e T o w n s A re W re ck e d .
Springfield, Neb., M ay 13— A tor­
nado late yesterday afternoon wrecked
the towns o f Louisville, Bellevue and
Richfield and killed several persons and
injured large numbers.
The heaviest losses o f life and in ­
jured are reported from Louisville, a
junction point o f the Missouri Pacific
and Burlington railroads, in Cass coun­
ty. The number o f deaths is unknown,
and no names have been secured, but
it is said between 40 and 60 are injured,
many seriously and some fatally.
The town o f Bellevue is declared
practically wiped out, but it is not
known that there are any fatalities.
Bellevue is the seat o f the Presbyterian
The storm destroyed part o f the v il­
lage o f Richfield, where Elmer Leader
was killed and his father was badly in­
jured. Ed. Faller, a farm er near Rich­
field, was fa ta lly injured.
Louisville Is Blow n Aw ay.
Lincoln, Nob., M ay 13.— I t is diffi­
cult to get any definite nows from
Louisville. Reports are to the effect
that the town is blown away and the
people are in a panic. The Burlington
station was torn to pieces, most o f the
business houses were wrecked and 30
residences destroyed. The Missouri P a ­
cific station is standing, but both the
telegraph and telephone wires are down.
There were four distinct tornado
clouds as seen at Springfield, and they
made their appearance shortly before 5
o ’ clock.
H e a v y damage was dono in the coun­
try, and it is feared there was some
loss o f life.
Dispatches received at Lincoln say
there were severe storms along the M is­
souri riv er further south at Nemaha
C ity and Falls City.
P R E P A R E F O R C H E R R Y F A IR .
C O L O N Y IS A S S U R E D .
Salem Exposition to S u rp a s s T h a t of S ettlers A rriv in g to Found N ew C e n ­
Last Y e a r.
ter of F ru it C ulture.
Salem__ Extensive preparations are
W o lf Creek.— W o lf Creek colony is
being made for the annual cherry fair now n settled fact. Development work
to be held in Salem about the first of goes ».„a d ily on. The freighthouse has
July, and from information received shown a congested condition for some
it is apparent that the fa ir this year time, several Eastern families bringing
will surpass that o f 1907» Cherry- considerable of their belongings with
growers at The Dalles are planning to them, and on their great satisfaction
household goods shipped from Pennsyl­
come to the Salem fa ir and capture the
best of the prizes in competition with vania less than two weeks before they
W illam ette Valley growers. Last year started awaited their owners on arrival
30 silver cups and as many diplomas
For a week a surveying party has
were offered as premiums. This year
been at work on the outside lines, run
the number will be considerably in­
ning through to government section cor­
creased, an effort being made to offer
ners, then making corrections so that
a premium for every class o f fruit ripo
the work may be o f a satisfactory char
at that season o f the*year. Special at­
acter. Several tracts have been staked
tention w ill be given to cherries in com­
off in subdivision No. 1, and tracts Nos.
mercial pack. The Salem Btoard of
2 and 3, comprising 78 acres, were pur
Trade has taken charge of the prelimi­
chased last evening by a young man
nary arrangements, and has commit­
from Chicago, who has been on the
tees at work.
ground fo r three weeks, awaiting the
survey. Inquiries are being received
B row nsville A dd s Vehicle Facto.y.
from all parts o f the country, and the
Brownsville.— Brownsville has a new
no-saloon” feature is commented on
manufacturing enterprise. W. J. Moore, and commended more than any other
a hardware dealer o f the north side, has single feature.
put in a wagon and vehicle plant. He
W o lf Creek is the first valley south
w ill make a specialty of wagons and o f the Umpqua divide, introducing the
wheelbarrows. Several men and boys traveler southward on the scenic South­
w ill be employed. The plant w ill bo ern Pacific to the famous Rogue R iver
running in a short time. It w ill be a Valley. In formation, soil and climate
credit to the city. Brownsville has this southernly sloping valley is much
many manufactories, but the citizens like the first valley north of the Sis
are after more. It is doubtful i f any kiyou divide, in which is situated, on
other city in the state o f like size can rich red soil which so abounds here also,
boast o f as many automobiles as are the A. D. Helms Newtown apple or­
chard, which, without a single failure,
owned here.
hac yielded its owner net annual aver­
age profits of $791 per acre fo r the
A sk fo r F re ig h t D epot.
Salem— Citizens o f Lyons, on the past seven years.
Recent showers have wonderfully
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, have pre­
sented to the railroad commission a for­ stimulated growing crops, and a consid­
mal complaint, alleging that the Cor­ erable acreage o f corn is now being
vallis & Eastern, through lack o f enter­ planted.
prise, has negleeted to build a freight
M arket Day Is Success.
shed at that station and w ill not main­
La Grande.— Saturday, M ay 9, prom
tain an agent there. Freight is le ft
exposed to the weather, and all articles ises to be a most successful and enter­
must be shipped prepaid, which is an­ taining market day. In addition to the
noying sometimes. The complaint is attraction of the automobile parade and
signed by several persons. Formal an­ races there will be .a public auction of
swer must be filed by the railroad com­ everything that any one wants to sell.
pany within 10 days.
The auctioneer, M artin Larsen, is mak­
ing a thorough canvass o f the valley,
and is listing all articles that w ill be
T im b e r C laim s in Bly C o u n try .
brought to La Grande Saturday and
Klamath Falls, Or., M ay 4.— Several
offered fo r sale. No charge is to be
good timber claims have been secured made fo r the services of the auctioneer.
recently in the B ly country, and others The list o f all articles to be offered for
are said to be obtainable, on account o f sale w ill be published in the local pa­
the recent ruling in land cases against pers before Saturday.
homesteaders on timber land. In many
instances the homesteaders have either
relinquished and placed timber and
stone filings or have sold their relin­
quishments for the mere locating fee.
Travelers returning from B ly state that
claims having several settlers on last
fa ll at the time o f the rush, appear to
be deserted at this time.
C o m m issio n Remedies E xto rtio n .
Salem. — Acknowledgments o f ma­
terial assistance rendered by the state
railroad commission are coming to Sec­
retary George Goodall daily. The most
recent instance is that o f the Blue
Mountain Fruit & Produce company, of
Cove, overcharged $33 bv the O. R. &
N. and $255 by the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fc railroad, both o f which over
charges were refunded by the railroads
through the offices o f the Oregon state
railroad commission.
Klam ath Canal H olds W ater.
Klamath Falls.— Klamath county land
holders w ill pay but $1.50 an acre for
water again this year. It is expected
that 10,000 acres will be signed under
tho temporary arrangement, and i f
more is signed the rate will be reduced,
as it is intended to charge only for
maintenance and operation. N ext year
tho regular rates w ill prevail. W ater
is now flowing in tho main canal, and
out very little trouble has been experi
enced with the breaking of banks. They
have settled during the past season, and
the squirrels have done but slight dam­
G O O D -B Y E .
Venezuelans S h o w N o [C o u r te s y
M inister Russell.
W illem stad!, M ay 12
W. Russell,
the American M inister to Venasusla,
«ailed from here today on the steamship
Caracas for the United States, where h>>
will spend his vacation o f two months.
The American M inister arrived here
from Puerto Cabello, sailing from that
port yesterday afternoon after a visit
to the United States gunboat Paduach.
His departure from Puerto Cabello was
signalized Ly a salute o f 15 guns. That
there is tension in the diplomatic rela
tions between the United States an I
Venezuela was shown in tho fact that
none o f the local officials was on hand
to bid Mr. Russell good-bye.
Thomas P. M offatt, the American Con
sul at La Guairn, is still in that city
without means o f communication be­
cause o f the plague, and it is feared
without necessities o f life.
It is thought that the United States
may send a gunboat there fo r the pur­
pose o f transferring the consul, because
at present there are no American in
terests requiring his presence.
President Castro’s decree shutting off
L a Ouaira may be prolonged indefinitely
or until a fu ll week without new
cases o f plague appearing. There is
great distress among the unemployed, of
which the number is large. Morchants
in La Guaira are doing little business,
and are no longer able to support the
poor. An appeal has been made to the
chamber o f commerce in Caracas for
help. A second re lief train was sent to
the isloated city yesterday with pro­
visions. The death list is growing, and
the whole town seems to be infected.
S w in d le rs Sell B ogus Tic k e ts
fo r T r ip s to W arships.
San. Francisco, M ay 12__ The thou­
sands who wished to visit the warship:,
today furnished « rich harvest field for
a '' number o f petty swindlers. Bogus
tickets were sold without interference
from the police by venders who repre­
sented no launch company whatever.
None but invited guests were taken on
the flagship, although thousands bought
tickets which they thought would en­
able them to board the Connecticut, and
many o f the excursion steamers did not
land passengers on any warship, but
merely cruised among them.
Because his indignant passengers de­
manded the return o f their money when
he failed to land them on the battle-
shin Vermont today, Captain Henry
Frisch, o f tho excursion steamer St.
Helen, drew a revolver and threatens!
to shoot John Babcock, the spokesman
o f the protesting excursionists. Police
Officer Charles W edeking was on the
dock when the trouble began, and he
lost no time in disarming the steamboat
c a p t a i n . ___________________
IS L A N D S .
Basilan M o ro s Lay D o w n 'A rm s W ith ­
out S erio us Tro u b le .
Manila, M ay 12— The disarming of
the Basilan Moros is progressing With­
out serious trouble. The Lanao dis­
tricts are quiet. The trouble against
which the troops were recently operat­
ing was sporadic and neither general
nor serious.
Major-General Weston, who has re­
turned to Manila from an inspection of
the entire district, reports that con­
ditions are quieter than usual. lie pro
nounces the recent operations to have
been police rather than military.
The government is being urged to
secure a loan for the purpose o f install­
ing an extended system o f irrigation
The islands must purchase 10,000.000
pesos of foreign rice this year, making
a total purchase, during the past ten
years, of 100,000,000 pesos Worth. It
is believed that irrigation will restorj
the c r o p s .__________________
Cyclone Sweeps Louisiana, Doing
Damage to Property.
C om m unication Interrupted and Later
R esorts M ay Increase N u m ­
ber o f Casualties.
W ants to O u td o A ll the O th e r ;Cities
W h ere Fleet Has Stopped.
Tacoma, Wash., M ay 11.— Tho local
fleet committee has made arrangements
for the review o f the 15 battleships in
Tacoma harbor, M ay 27, and the conse­
quent festivities that will make their
stay o f four days in this port the most
memorable in the history of the flee t’s
cruise thus far. Preparations are being
made for the entertainment o f thou­
sands o f people all over the Northwest,
who have made known their intention
o f attending the Tacoma celebration
This will conclude M ay 30 with a me­
morial day parade, having in line thou­
sands o f marines and sailors from the
ships, members of the Grand Army of
the Republic from every post in the
state, with the uniform rank of the fra ­
ternal bodies.
There will be no lack o f entertain­
ment for visitors, who will have a fine
opportunity to view the fleet from the
high bluffs on which the city is built.
Massed bands o f the fleet, with nurner-
our musical organizations o f Tacoma
and the surrounding country, will play
m ilitary airs. These, with the New
York Symphony Orchestra, led by Dam-
rosch, in a four-day engagement, will
give Tacoma the greatest assemblage
o f musicians ever got together in any
city ia Washington. In addition, there
will be athletic contests, boat races
between the crews o f the various battlo-
ships, a grand illumination parade o f
the harbor craft, nightly illumination
o f the warships and Japanese fireworks.
Shreveport, La., M ay 14.— Seven per­
sons are known to be »lead and many
others are injured as the result o f a
tornado which swept across Northwest
Louisiana late yesterday. The little
town o f Gillian», 25 miles north of
Shreveport, was destroyed and the town
o f Bolinger, on the east side o f the
river, iu Bossier parish, was badly
Communication with the greater por­
tion of the storm swept section is inter
rupted, and it is believed certain that
the later reports w ill increase the num­
ber of dead and injured. It is said the
work o f destruction at Gilliam was com­
plete, only two houses remainin intact.
The town had a population of about 200.
The dead at Gilliam are said to be Mrs.
T. F. Gardiner and three negroes. A r­
thur Vaughan is 9aid to be badly in­
jured. A t Bolinger the dead are Mrs.
Mitchell Davis and two negroes. Mrs.
D avies’ mother is reported to be dying
A D J O U R N I N X T W O iW E E K S .
from injures. Charles Isora and fam ily
o f six are reported among the injured.
It was reported that Oil City, in this C o n g re s s Leaders Prepare to Rush
T h ro u g h Business.
parish, was wiped out by the tornado,
but this rumor is probably untrue, al­
Washington, M ay 11.— Strong efforts
though great damage is thought to have
occurred, involving the wreckage o f a will be made to have" congress adjourn
not later than two weeks from today.
great many oil well derricks.
Representative Tawney announces that
F I F T E E N D E A D IN N E B R A S K A .
tho committee on appropriations, of
which he is chairman, began work on
Fifty P ersons Injured and a Property tho genoral deficiency bill today, and
Lo ss o f $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
he w ill try to report it by next Tues­
Omaha, Neb., M ay 14__ Reports which day. This is the last o f the big supply
came in slowly today from the tornado- i bills, and it will probably go through
stricken district south of this city add
three victims to the list o f dead, mak the houso without'much discussion.
The public buildings bill w ill bo re­
ing a total o f 15, and place the mone­
tary damage at half a million dollars. ported by the committee on buildings
The casualty list continues to grow as and grounds as soon as Chairman Bar­
communication is partially restored tholdi is sure o f a right o f way for it.
with the fivo towns which suffered most It is conceded that this measure will bo
from the storm, and the li-t o f the in­ |rushed through the houso.
jured, some o f whom are fata lly hurt,
A leader in the senate, who is an im­
will reach at least 50. Two railroad portant member of the finance commit­
laborers employed in a sand pit near tee, is quoted as saying yesterdav that
Louisville were found dead, and Ed. he believe»! congress would be able to
M iller, who was injured near Papillion, adjourn on M ay 23. The only legisla­
died o f his injuries. A t least three tion which he thought probable, outside
other persons are believed to have re­ o f the appropriation bills, are a child
ceived fatal injuries. Five Italian rail­ labor bill for the District and possibly
road laborers were injured on the lino a campaign publicity bill, and an emer-
o f the Burlington railroad between I gency currency bill.
Council Bluffs and Pacific Junction.
N early every one o f the five towns
G A T H E R \T W H I T E H O U S E .
in the path o f the storm— Bellevue, Pap-
pillion, Richfield, Meadows and Louis­
ville— were badly wrecked, and the vil G o ve rn o rs C o n fe r W ith "President on
lage o f Fort Crook, and tho post nt
C onservation o f Resources.
that point suffered
heavy damages.
Washington, M ay 11.— H istory w ill
There are battalions of tho Sixteenth
Regiment stationed at tho fort, and the be made at this w e e k ’s W hite House
men were put to work clearing up the , conference on natural resources. For
debris and putting tho barracks in
shape. Many o f the large buildings history-making conditions are remark­
were partially unroofed, and a dozen ably favorable. N ever before has a
or more large chimneys were blown President o f the United States con­
down and scattered over the fort ferred with all the governors o f the
grounds. N early all the trees were
states. N ever before has the W hite
blown down.
House, with its long record o f social
1 0 ,0 0 0 C H I N E S E K I L L E D /
and state functions sheltered a large
convention called for the consideration
Wall o f W ater 2 0 Feet H igh Sw eeps o f a great public issue. And never be-
D o w n R iver at H ank o w .
I fore has tho whole broad question o f
Victoria, M ay 14.— News o f one of the conservation o f this country’s nat­
the greatest disasters that China has ural resources been brought before a
known, a sudden tidal wave in the ereat deliberate bodv as the sole sub­
Yangtsekiang, which caused the loss of je ct o f its consideration.
nearly 10,000 lives at Hankow, was ’ The reception accorded to this project
brought by the steamer Titan, which indicates that the people o f the country
arrived Tuesday night. A wave 26 feet expect definite results of a far-reaching
in height, without warning, bore down character. A fte r hearing from experts
the river, overwhelming some largo the conditions the country is facing, the
river steamers. .Some 3,000 Chinese members o f the conference will them­
sleeping in sampans, and small craft selves decide whether anything ought
nnd mat sheds and huts by tho river to be done, and what. Some have sug-
side at H.ankow were enveloped by the rested the advisability o f form ing a
great tidal wave, which swept the great national organization to carry
broken junks, splintered sampans and forward the plans originated in the
a mass o f debris with swarms of conference. The probability as that, at
Chinese, mixed
with the the least, some basis will be laid for
wreckage. The scenes fo r many days futnro co-operation between the fed ­
after the disaster were horrible, with eral $and state governments in a vigor­
the river side strewn with dead, and ous policy o f conservation, for one o f
the debris o f wrecked craft for many the things which will be shown most
! forcib ly at the conference is that
I neither the states nor the federal gov-
| ernment can make satisfactory headway
Condensed H o g is Latest.
8t. Paul, Minn., M ay 14.— Minnesota independently.
C orva llis C ann ery C om pleted.
Corvallis__ The Corvallis cannery is
complete, and has been accepted by the
cannery company. It is a thoroughly
up-to-date plant, well equipped, and
IM P R O V E M E N T B O N D S V O T E D .
readv for business. L. W. Gill, o f W is­
consin, a man o f ten years’ experience,
has been engaged as “ processor,” and
S an Fra n cisco to Spend M illions for
F ro s t Nips P runes.
is already on hand. W. K. Taylor, man­
G re a te r C ity .
Portland. — Advices being received ager o f the plant, reports that he has a
San Francisco, M ay 13.— Citizens daily by Secretary W illiam s, o f the sufficient quantity of tomatoes con­
generally are enthusiastic over the re­ State Horticultural Board, show that tracted for the season’ s run, and all
Jo a q u in M ille r is C o m ir g
sult o f the bond election. The vote was the recent frost was productive o f con­ together the prospect is bright for a
P ortlan d , May 12.— One o f the pic­
successful season for the new enter­
10 to 1 fo r the bonds. The first step siderable damage to the prune crop o f
turesque attractions o f the P ortlan d
Rose fes tiv a l d u rin g th e week June
to be taken by the supervisors w ill be the Northwest. This state, it is now
estimated, will have only about two-
1-6, w ill be the n opea ranee here o f
to estimate the cost o f the’ improve­
T r o u t fo r E igh t Mile C re e k .
Joaquin M iller, the “ P o e t o f the
thirds the quantity o f prunes produced
Tho Dalles.— A shipment o f 10,000 S ierras.”
ments made possible by the sale o f the last year. This, however, w ill make the
M iller is a n ative o f O re­
bonds and the amount o f money to be crop fall but little le9s than normal, trout fr y has been received b y Victor gon, and when the request and In vi­
expended. Possibly by the middle o f because last y e a r’s production was Marden from the United Fish Commis­ tation was sent to him by the fe s ti­
sioner at Oregon City, and is being val m anagem ent to ta k e part in the
August work w ill begin on the projects more than ordinarily large.
“ The
which are to make San Francisco a
placed in Low er Eight M ile Creek. cn lrlt o f th » Ooldon W e s t,” he read ­
Railroad Doings at D o rris .
larger and more beautiful c ity than
Many o f the trout that have been ily accepted, a g ree in g to appear In
Klam ath Falls.— The depot on the placed in local streams previously have
som e featu re o f the cavalcade that
F or an auxiliary fire system and lands California Northeastern
railroad at got into irrigatin g ditches, and when w ou ld be typical o f th e life, habits
necessary fo r it, bonds amounting to Dorris is now in course o f construction. the water was turned off they died. and customs o f the e a rly days o f the
Newcomers are arrivin g in Dorris at the However, the farmers are being gener­ O regon pioneers, In th e tim es in
$5,200,000 were approved.
F or a c ity sewer system, $4/)00,000. rate o f 30 and 40 a day, and it is a com ally notified to put in screens in their
which he was a conspicuous figu re.
F or' school buildings and lands for mon occurrence for many to bo unable ditches to keep the young trout out.
T h is parade w ill sym b olize the ad­
to find accommodations at night. A
ample sites, $5,000,000.
vancem ent o f c iv iliz a tio n
in the
F or public hospitals and necessary large force is at work just over the hill
E xcursion to See Fleet.
N orthw est from the earliest days
from Dorris, and every indication points
lands, $2,000,000.
M any
Salem— An effort is being made by dow n to the present tim e.
F or a new city hall and county jail, to the completion o f the road in a few the Salem board o f trade to have an ex­ cities o f O regon w ill be represented
$ 1 . 000 , 000 .
cursion train run from Salem to N ew ­ by beau tifu l floa ts in the line o f
F o r a suitable garbage system and
port at the time the Atlantic fleet will march.
Asparagus at K lam ath.
crematory, $1,000,000.
pass Yaquina bav on its northern trip.
has developed a hog that is all hams
C h ild re n in Factories.
Klamath Falls.—,!. D. Carroll, o f the The train w ill also carry all who wish
Serum fo r Pneumonia.
Richmond, Va., M ay 12.— Dealing and shoulders. He is a stubby little
H enly ranch, has brought in the first to go to the coast to see the fleet from
Evans Reiterates Dem and.
Brussels, M ay 11— Dr. Bertand, o f
N orth Platte, Neb., M ay 13.— Stand­ asparagus o f the season raised in K lam ­ the valley towns along the Southern with the world wide topic o f children, animal, sadly lacking in spare ribs.
ath county. This section produces as Pacific and Corva’ lis & Eastern rail­ their education, training and the evil
ing upon the rear platform o f his car
One o f tho new variety has been sent Antwerp, claims to have discovered a
paragus o f the finest quality, and Mr. roads. It is expected that arrangements o f d rivin g them under steam pressure
us it lingered here for a few minutes
serum which w ill cure pneumonia, and
Carroll has been demonstrating what w ill be completed for the excursion at the wheel when their fra il limbs and to Chicago fo r exhibition purposes, and
today, * * Figh tin g B o b ”
Evans ad­
bodies are too weak to stand the terri­ to convince the world that this state has delivered a lecture on the subject
can be done here. Several farmers are within tho next ten days.
dressed a b ig crowd o f people who came
ble punishment and strain, the session can raise pigs that are all quality. A to the Medical Society o f Antwerp. “ I
planting celery this year on quite an
from miles around to greet him. The
of the National Conference o f Charities curious feature about the animal is that | first satisfied m yself o f the efficacy o f
form er commander-in chief o f the A t­ extensive »cole, os no section on the
and Corrections at St. P a u l’s Church he has to kneel down when eating in or­
coast can rival Klam ath fo r celery.
my serum,” he says, “ by experiment­
lantic fleet repeated the statement that
Apples— Select, $2.50 per box; fancy, tonight aroused the public to the im­ der to get his snout to the ground. He i
he has made on different occasions—
portance o f adequate laws to protect has no neck. When he moves from one in g on animals. Then trials were made
that the United States would be better
S tra w b e rry Day at M ilton.
P otatoes-S elect, 70c per hundred: them from the evils o f the factory place to another he turns around and this winter in the St. Elizabeth and
off with few er statesmen and more
M ilton — M ilton w ill have another
work. Professor W. n . Hand, o f the around as though waltzing.
Stnyvenburg Hospitals, in Antwerp.
battleships and added: 11 W e are in strawberry day this year. The Progres­ W illam ette Valley. 45c per hundred; U n iversity o f South Carolina, pointed
Several o f the patients had pneumonia
danger o f war and always w ill be as sive Club o f the citv has the matter in East Multnomah, ,55c; Clackamas. 55c out the imperative demand for compul­
O akland C h ild re n Visit Battleships. in an advanced stage, and were also
long as we have something that some charge, and committees have been ap­
sory education.
habitual drunkards.”
other nation wants.”
pointed and preparations will soon be 3.50 per crate.
Oakland school children clambered up
under way for the event, which, it is to
Vegetables— Turnips, $1 per sack;
the sides o f the battleships yesterday
C ro w d Bids Evans Farew ell.
be hoped, w ill oxcel all past festivities
F e w S ailo rs Desert.
Wenatchee, Wash., M ay 12.— W ith a and for six hours they gave the sailors
carrots. $1.50(3)1.75; beets. $1.25; par
Oakland, M ay 11. — Rear - Admiral
San Francisco, M ay 13— The numer­ o f the kind. This event w ill take place snips, $1.25; cabbage. $2 per cwt.; roar that could be heard fo r miles
a lively time. Eaeh boatload o f young
early in June, and is looked forward to
beans, wax,
per pound; around, the waters o f L ily Lake came Sters were permitted to remain on* board Evans was given an enthusiastic greet­
ous desertions from the Atlan tic fleet,
with keen anticipation by all who have
which it was prophesied would follow attended them in the past.
one hour, when another boatload took ing by a crowd which gathered at the
(^$1 per dozen; artichokes, 50c per rolling down the Stem ilt Creek Canyon, their places. In the hour’s visit that Southern Pacific ferry depot just be­
the arrival o f the fleet at this port, have
dozen; asparagus, 7(3)8c per pound;
each enjoyed nothing was overlooked,
failed to materialize. Less than 100
egg plant. 25(3)30c per pound; parslev. morning at 4 o ’clock, in a flow that and Jack had his hands full from the fore he entered his private car attached
W ill C le a r S tu m p Land.
to the overland train. On the trip
absentees are reported today, and a
Attoria.— Dr. L. F. H aw ley, the ex­
swept everything that came in its way. time the first crowd stepped on board
number o f these are men o f long service pert o f the forest service o f the United peppers, 20c per pound; radishes, 15c Just before it found is way into until the last crowd left. The children over on the ferry boat the admiral
who have overstayed their shore leave States, has arrived here with a plan per dozen: rhubarb. 2(3)3c per pound; the Columbia R iver, it washed out saw everything worth seeing, and what stood on the deck watching the fleet so
long as it was in sight. When asked
but are expected to report before the whereby the stump land o f this section spinach. 85c per crate.
about 90 feet o f the Great Northern thev did not understand their escort
fo r a statement, he said: “ There is
fleet sails fo r the north. V e ry few of may be profitablv cleared fo r agricul­
Wheat— Club, 89c per bushel; red roadbed, just a few minutes before the had to explain to them.
nothing to be said excepting that out
the young bluejackets who are on their tural purposes. He will be in this v i­ Russian, 86%e; bluestem, 91c; vallev. Great Northern overland eame speeding
first cruise and were expected to desert cinity all summer. Dr. H aw ley pro­ 89c
along, eastward bound, and was stopped T a k e C h ild re n F ro m L e p ro u s Parents there.” and he pointed to the fleet,
“ lies my first and last flagship, thé
are reported absent. The morale o f poses the calling o f a convention o f
Bariev Feed, $24 50 per ton; rolled. just in time to prevent a wreck.
Honolulu, M ay 14.— Thirty-one boys Yorktown and Connecticut.”
the fleet is excellent.
owners o f all stump lands throughout $27(3)28; brew ing, $26.
Oats— No. 1 white, $27.50(^28 per
the Northwest, which the members o f
and four girls, non leprous children of
Lo n g W alk fo r $ 2 ,0 0 0 .
Representative Men G ath er.
legislatures shall be invited to attend. ton; gray, $27.
R o bb ers S ecure S I 6 ,0 0 0 .
Kansas City, M ay 12.— Across the leprous parents, have been brought here
Washington, M av 11.— Representative
Beattie, Wash., M ay 12.— E. J. Per-
from the leper island, Molokai, to be
rine, Great Northern express messenger
T h e Dalles M a rk e t Days.
narv. $15; Eastern Oregon. $17.50 a purse o f $2.000 is the task chosen by permanently housed away from the business men from various sections of
on the train which le ft Seattle at 8:10
leper settlements. The children range the country are arriving to attend the
The Dalles__ The first market day at mixed, $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12;
this morning for Vancouver, B. C., was The Dalles, held Saturday, was quite a
Charles Moyer, an Indian o f the Sioux in age from 2 to 15 years, and several
a lfalfa meal. $20.
congress next week o f the National
beaten over the head with his own gun success. There were about 1,000 out­
Butter— Extras, 24e per pound; fancy. tribe. M oyer is in Kansas City on his o f them were old enough to appreciate Draining Association. The object o f
and tied hand and foot by two men side people in town, and the merchants
return trip to San Francisco. H o le ft their situation. Despite their dreadful this coneress is to improve and indorse
23c; choice, 20c; store, 16c.
who entered the train just as it was had good sales. I t is intended to hold
there Oetober 29, 1907, and arrived in home surroundings, the unfortunate federal help to drainage as a national
Eggs— 18^0 per dozen.
leavin g Seattle, and who, a fte r over­ these market days the first Saturday in
Ponltrv— M ixed chickens. 13(3)14c per N ew York on January 23, 1908. He has youngsters were g rie f stricken by the policy, but not to recommend nor at­
powering the express messenger, looted every month. À commmittee o f busi­
June 29 to complete his trip back separation from their parents.
pound; fanev hens. 1 4 H # 1 5 e; roosters,
tempt to dictate what legislation shall
the strong box o f a sum o f money esti­ ness men has been appointed to make
old. 9c: fryers, dozen. $4; broilers, d o*, to San Francisco. He expects to reach
be passed by eoncress. W illiam .Ten-
mated at from $1,000 to $10,000. The arrangements for taking care o f the
Chinese Stucfe nts'U ph old Ja p s.
$4.50(3)5; dressed poultry, per lb., lc San Francisco two or three weeks ahead
nines Bryan and Senator Newland (N e ­
robbers eseaped. Perrine is in a neri crowds.
higher; ducks, 16(3)17e; geese. 8(3)9c; o f time.
Tokio, M ay 14.— Chinese students in vad a) w ill make addresses.
ous condition.
turkeys, alive, 17(3)18c; dressed. 19(3>
Tokio are protesting against the anti-
Fine "Flo a t fro m Klam ath.
Dying by the Hundred.
Japanese boycott being maintained in
'G r o v e r Cleveland Im p ro vin g .
Tillman Fears Partly*!«.
Klamath Falls.— M onev has been ap­
Hops— 1907, prime and choice, 4(3)
K iev . Russia, M ay 12__ A frigh tfu l China. T w elve hundred o f them have
Lakewood. if. ,T., M av 11.— That fo r ­
Washington, M a r
18— Threatened propriated by the Klamath chamber o f 6 H e per pound; olds, l @ l H c per epidemic o f exanthematous typhoid is joined the movement, and are daily
mer President Grover Cleveland is im-
with paralysis, 8enator Tillman is in a Commerce fo r the $600 float that w ill pound.
raging in the c ity prison. More than holding meetings to voiee their fee ’ ings.
sanitarium here, declining to see vis­ represent Klamath county at the Rose
Wool— Eastern Oregon, average best. 200 deaths so fa r have occurred, and Three hundred students who uphold the provine. and that his rendition today
itors. On Saturday ho w ill sail fo r Eu­ Festival ia .Tube, and a float is prom­ ll(3)15c per pound, according to shrink­ praetieally all o f the inmates are infeet- Chinese government in this matter are is more enronraeine than it has he«n
fo r the last few dars. |. the fis t o f a
rope, accompanied by his w ife, return­ ised that w ill be the equal o f any ia age; valley. lO ffrlSH e.
ed. The authorities are withholding de­ tryin g to break up the meeting by mak
statement iwtied b v Mrs. Cleveland
ing in November.
the parade.
Mohair—Choice, 18(£18H« P « t lb.
ing noisy demonstrations.
from the hotel at Lakewood.