I {re lU U v ta l I m i »** IN0USTK1KS AND »SOURCES. C O T T A G E G N O V C . OREGON l.ocaUri on the upper W illam ette River 144 miles south nl I’oi tlaml on Southern k*E cific aud Oregon Jk South KaMtern Railroads. Population .’SO); two l>uuk.s; public and high schools, live churches; water, light und sew er systems;ciearner> ; Hour m ill; two brick yards, saw m ills, w o o d w o rk factory; mutch factory; steam laundry uml the L e a d e r . « ‘.real fortrsls o f timlier tributary to Cottage < '.rove; tifteeu saw mills; three shingle mills, within a radius o f 15 miles, lleailuuarte.s for Uohemia gold mines uml Hlack mate quicksilver mines valleys and foot hills w ell adapted to fruit growing, farming ami duirying. For information regarding this great country subscrilie lor the Laador. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1908. H O H E M ? ! NVGGETL I:A D E R i C o M o lU .t.d J « ^ u .r r 9. 1908 At Saginaw Last Sunday Free of Indebtedness. BASKET DINNER SERVED Dedication Sermon Preached by Rev. Mickle of Cottage Grove. Pre­ siding Elder Present. Last Sunday a large crowd as­ sembled at Saginaw from Creswell, Lynx Hollow and Cottage Grove to attend the dedication services at the new Methodist Kpiscopal church. The services were held at 11 o ’clock a. in. in the new church and were conducted by 1’residing Elder Wire of Eugene, Rev. Gard­ ner of Saginaw aud Rev. A. S. Nickle, pastor of the Cottage Grove M. Ii. church, the dedica­ tion sermon being preached by the latter. • The afternoon service was conducted by Rev. Skidmore of Creswell. Presiding Elder Wire made the introductory remarks, and the ser­ vice was conducted in the follow­ ing order: Sotig............................................... Choir Prayer.............. «...Presiding Hitler Wire Sacred Ouartette.............................. Dr. anti Mrs. Van Winkle, Mrs. A. Hrnnd anil J. M. Ishain of Cottage drove. Reading of text................ Rev. Gardner Song............................................... Choir Scriptural reading.........Presiding Hitler Dedication sermon. . Rev. A. S. Nickle Trustees report....................... Mr. Angel Ritualistic service........ l’resitling Hitler Collection Song............................................... Choir Benediction The trustees of the new church are Rev. Gardner and Messrs. Angel and Neat. The beautiful, sightly lot upon which the church is located was donated by Mr. Angel. It has an elevation of about 50 feet alxive the town and is partially surround­ ed by au evergreen grove, a most picturesque location. The build­ ing is 24x40 feet with arched win­ dows and ceiling and the interior wood work is oil finished, the ceil­ ing and walls bfeing papered and decorated. According to the trus­ tees report the cost of the bujlding was $1005.50. The subscriptions amounted to $850.25 of which all but $56.1,1 has lieen paid in. The M. E. church extension subscribed $250 and this neat little church ed­ ifice was therefore dedicated pract­ ically free of indebtedness, which speaks well for the energetic trus­ tees aud the public spirited people of that community. The collect­ ion at the close of the service amounted to $02.. 1.1 o f which $27.- 50 went to the Presiding Elder, the balance of $64.83 being designat­ ed as a church organ fund. Following the dedication service a splendid basket dinner was served at the edge of the grove at the rear of the church, which was highly enjoyed by all. Judge H. M. Cake at Cottage Grove. A good sized audience greeted lion. 11. .\1 Cake, republican can­ didate for F. S. senator at the arm­ ory Monday afternoon. In open iug his remarks Mr. Cake outlined the history of the republican and democratic parties and contended that a government for and by the people could not exist without parties, one serving as a kind of balance wheel for the other, and thereby preventing either from go­ ing to extremes. ‘ ‘ There is no such thing as a non-partisan in the United States senate, and the democratic aspirant for this position will be as vigorous a partisan, if elected, as any man on the floor of the senate. He must and will vote for and with his party, lie must uphold party alignment and party principles. “ The range of influence of a dem­ ocrat in a republican senate would be no greater than that of his party. Nearly all effort and suc­ cess in tile senate comes through position, on committees and it could hardly be expected that a representative of a minority party would receive prominent or influ­ ential positions upon important committees, or lie able to inaugu­ rate, direct or affect to any extent tlie’ legislatiou of the country.” Salmon Again Scarce. Ten days of salmon fishing in the Columbia river show the sal­ mon supply still oil the wane. This is the season of the finest salmon of the river—the best in the world. Soon these fish will be an extinct breed. They are the fish that made the Columbia river .famous. The few remaining specimens should be protected with closed season. The open season should be put off from April 15 to May 15. After that there should be the closed Sunday and rigid regula­ tion of all kinds of gear— gillnets, traps, seines and wheels. Master Fish Warden Van Dusen quits his office May 1, leaving the industry in a bad plight. It is too much to say that he is wholly to blame for this condition of affairs. But the fish faction with which he has been allied is as much to blame as any other, and none is more grasping and none has de­ feated as much remedial legisla­ tion.— From the Oregonian, April 27th 1908. The IT. S. Bureau of Fisheries has for a long time been endeavor ing to secure just such remedial legislation as is being objected to by the lower river interests. A short time ago, Secretary Strauss, of the U. S. Department of Com merce atid Labor, set forth a list of things necessary to save the indus­ try. Initiative bill, No. 318 X yes, was framed to carry out their ideas. We commend it to your favorable consideration. 4-4t WHEELER-THOMPSON CO. H ave it F op Less. W E LEAD Because we Lead the Procession In Quantity, Quality, V alu e In Style, Fit and Fashion In Men’s Suits,Hosiery, under­ w ear, Dress Shoes, Shirts In Boys’ Clothing, Ladies’ Fine W a is t s and Skirts, Hosiery and Spring Oxfords. A L L FOR LESS jTHE REDDY E I ROUSING CONVENTION Would Undermine State Supremacy. Republicans Elect State and District Delegates. less hands of the saloon element. I predict an overwhelming defeat for the jirojxised amendment. , The jieojile from the country, who, by the way, constitute the very Ixme and sinew of our na­ tion— will cast a stroug vote against this projxised amendment. The reason is plaiu. If adojited the amendment would jirevent the country jieojile from heljiiug drive the saloons out of the towns and cities where they do their trading. As it is now they are getting very tired of having saddled ujxni them that tyrannical, detestable prin- cijile which every true American hates— taxation without rejiresen- Propose to Rob Sheriffs and Prosecut­ tatiou. They have no voice in the disjxisition of the blood money— ing Attorneys of Their Of­ jiardou me, I should have said ficial Duties. license money. Their imjxirtaiit part is to scud around and rake together hard-earned dollars to “ Well, how about the Reddy lielji jirqsecute saloon-made crimi­ Amendment? Isn’t it fair and nals. It is very comforting to our country friends, no doubt, to know situare home-rule?” Friend, we’ve reached .the limit. that they have such au inijxirtaiit Let us rub the dust off of our jiart to play. If you have any glasses and look into this thing. doubt as to enormous amount of It’s worth the while to do so. After money required annually to prose­ a careful examination of this mar­ cute drunken criminals just invest­ velous stroke of modern statesman­ igate a little and you will soon cut ship I am of the opinion that there your eye teeth. Murder is only is one of two tilings true— either one of many crimes. But the red- Mr. Reddy supposes that the people handed carnival of the saloons of of ( Iregon were born fools or that this country is something appal­ they all became fools after they ling. It is a matter of statistics were born. W e produce a great that in 1890 there were two thous­ deal of wool and moss in Oregon, and cases of murder in these but 1 am jiersuaded that there isn’t United States which could lie enough wool and- moss in the Pa­ traced directly to the saloon. The cific Northwest to enable Mr. annual bloody harvest is about the Reddy to blind the eyes of my same. fellow citizens to the deadly error “ Look here, Mr. E your jien that lurks lieiieath the surface of cuts too deep.” this proposed constitutional amend­ In this case the end justifies the ment. To propose such au amend­ means. W e are living in an age ment is nothing short of offering in which the probe and lancet are an outrageous insult to intelligence. very much in evidence. 1 am pro­ “ W e have “ home-rule” already ceeding on the theory that it takes — “ subject only to the constitution deeji cutting, thorough probing, aud general criminal laws of the and an electric shock to awaken state.” There’s the rub. Mr. the average voter from the apathy Reddy lias left out this important of indifference. Do you exjiect clause for the evident purpose of me, after years of burnishing and nullifying the local option law. sharjieiiiiig the instrument which Towns and cities dominated by is said to be mightier than the the whiskey-ring would be kept sword, to help defend our homes wide ojien in spite of the vote of with a goose quill gently dipjied in the county as a whole. The su- sweet oil? Should a foreign foe premacy of the state would lie un­ land on our shores and liegin cut­ dermined. Under the sway of ting down our jieople right aud such an amendment our sheriffs left, do you supjxise that we would and jirosecuting attorneys would limit our means of defense to jjop- have to lie turned out on pasture to guns? Would we meekly confront “ brouse around” for there would that foe and meekly say, “ It is lie little else for them to do. The true you are slaying our jieople by municipality could defy interfer­ the tens of thousands and plunder­ ence with this wonder-working ing our homes, but we trust thht “ home-rule” machine. in time you will be constrained by Mr. Reddy’s argument for “ ma­ the gentle influence of moral sua­ jority rule’ ’ must have been com­ sion to desist from your bloody posed when he was mentally unac­ work. Please don’t! Please go countable. His apjieal for major­ away, for we don’t want to disturb ity rule is but a jioorly gotten up the serenity of your minds by mask to conceal his real motive, using serious means of defensive and that of his liquor-dealing al­ and aggressive warfare." Indeed! lies— minority rule. This brazen W e would rise as oue man and effort to jilace the saloon and its hurl our enemy into the depth of attendant evils in a jxisition to de­ the sea. Vet we American people fy tile will of the peojile as a whole are nourishing in our midst, as is a sjiecific examjile, friend, of one might nourish a vijier in one’s what 1 said recently— “ the saioou liosom, a foe that is to lie dreaded is an outlaw aud an educator of more than any foreign foe what, or outlaws.” The Devil himself is whomsoever. capable of assuming a mask of Up! Let us blot out this vice- virtue, which is likewise true of breeding saloon jiestilence. Up! his junior partners. Let us remove this disgraceful Anarchy is the logical conclus­ stain from off the grandest flag ion of this attitude of the saloon that ever floated o ’er any land or element toward law aud order. sea. W . A. E l k in s . Note this definition of anarchy, by (T o lie Continued.) au authority— “ A social theory ■ ■ ■ ■ > which would do away with all authority except that sanctioned by conviction and which is intend­ ed to secure individual liberty against the encroachment of the Geo. li. Chamlierlain, governor state.” The last clause finds a of the state and democratic nomi­ clear echo in the proposed Reddy nee for United States senator, amendment. In all the history of the struggle pledged sincerely and fully to between the saloon and anti-saloon Statement No. 1, and ex-United INSULT TO INTELLIGENCE GOV. CHAMBERLAIN AND GEARIN MAY 21 elements in this state there is no record of the liquor jieople making a worse blunder than in proposing the amendment under considera­ tion. A ten year old school boy ought to know 1 letter than make such a move. Any sane jierson ought to know that the substantial, •law-abiding citizens of this state VHEELEB-THOMPSON CO. VOL. XX. NO. 5 are not going to lie sujiinely on their backs in peaceful slumber and jjermit their state constitution to lie tampered with by the ruth- State* John M. Gearin will address the citizens of Eugene on the pres­ ent jxilicies and tendencies of pol­ itics in the state on the evening of May 21 at ojiera house. In the afternoon of the same day Gover­ nor Chamlierlain will sjieak at Junction city, while Senator Clear- in will address the citizens of Cot­ tage Grove at 1 o ’ clock in the af­ ternoon in the armory. Both men are eloquent talkers, ( ’»earin hav­ ing the reputation of being the greatest orator in the state. their influence and cast their votes for *'**1egates favorable to the nom­ ination of Wm. II. IVaft for presi­ dent. Further, all delegates unable to attend either convention shall give their proxies only to those who do attend who shall be ewjxiwered to cast the full vote to which a dele­ gation is entitled. LOYAL SUPPORT OF CAKE. onus MID-DAY EIRE Cottage Grove Match Fac­ tory Burned Whereas, the republicans of Orégoti sjx-akiug through the direct primary law. have chosen Hon. II. M. Cake as our candidate for United States senator, therefore, be it Resolved, that the republicans of Loyal to Cake and County Ticket. Lane county in convention as­ Part of Machinery Saved. Loss Will sembled do hereby pledge our Favor University Appropriation Aggregate $1700 No hearty aud unqualified sujijxirt to and County Convention. Insurance. the nominee for U. S. senator aud urge all republican voters in the county to give him their votes aud Pursuant to call the Lane coun­ assistance at the forthcoming elec­ Tuesday at the noon hour the ty republican convention was held tion . Gauging of the fire bell called the in the circuit court room at Eugene FOR COUNTY CONVENTION. fire laddies and citizens from their Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Call for Whereas, we believe the ojiera- dinners to witness a very hot aud the convention was read by County tion of the primary law can lie difficult fire to control, it being lo­ Chairman E. R. Munimey. made more satisfactory as au ex­ cated iu the two story match fact­ S. L. Moorehead of Junction pression of the wishes of the re­ ory building. This new industry City was nominated by Dr. Jayne publican voters of Lane county by had only been in ojieratiou for a of Springfield for chairman aud he holding a county convention, few weeks, but had accumulated was unanimously elected. J. M. therefore, be it about 4(K> cases of matches, which Williams nominated R. S. Bryson Resolved, by the Lane county burned with great fury and while for secretary and he was likewise republicans in convention as­ the fire boys resjxmded proinjitly made the unanimous choice of sembled that the rejmblican coun­ nothing could lie done but keep a the convention. The following ty central committee lie and they stream of water oil the machinery committees were then apjxiinted by are hereby instructed to call a con­ aud the matchwood corded uj> out­ the chair: Credentials, J. M. W il­ vention of the republicans of Lane side of the building and by this liams, R. D. Hawley, T. C. Wheel­ county during the first week in jirocess both of the principal ma­ er. Resolutions, W . Kuykendall, March 1910, to recommend a ticket chines and the matchwood was R. A. Jayne, H. W . Thompson, I. to the rejmblican voters of Lane saved, but the chemical stock, N. Edwards, W . C. Conner. . • county to lie voted ujxm at the matches, l()-horse jxiwer electric primary election. STATK DELEGATES. motor and much other machinery Resolved, that in such conven­ On motion the convention pro­ tion due notice lie given that in was totally destroyed, the loss be­ ceeded to election of 12 delegates case any delegates is not able to ing conservatively estimated at to the state convention. Fred attend the convention he may give $1200, not iucluditig the building, Walker, A. L. Briggs, and L. E. a jiroxy but only to some republi­ which was owned by Mrs. Stauffer can of his own precinct. and was valued at about $500. Bean were apjxiinted tellers and STAND BY COUNT'. TICKET. the vote resulted in choice of the There was no insurance cm build Whereas, no nominating con­ ing, stock or machinery, L. I following: W . Kuykendall, S. M Yoran, C. vention was held liv the republi­ Woods, an employee, roomed up­ cans of this county, but a full stairs iu the building aud lost most H. Van Denberg, L. II. Potter, W. county ticket was nominated uu- G. Gilstraji, I. N. Edwards, J. B. der the working of the direct jiri- of his clothing, but saved his trunk. Bell, S. II. Friendly, D. A. Paine, niary law, and Whereas, the ticket thus uotni The factory had been shut down J. M. Shelley, J. I. Jones, C- Cole. nated is made up of men of high for a few days on account of the DISTRICT DELEGATES. character aud excellent ability, illness of the exjiert dijijier, Mr. Next in order was naming of therefore be it • Resolved, that we pledge our Duffy, but exjiected to resume op­ delegates to the district convention. The following twelve were placed hearty supjxirt to the whole repub­ erations Tuesday afternoon. Fire was therefore lighted iu the fur­ lican county ticket. in nomination and by. vote of the nace just before noon Tuesday in BACK STATE UNIVERSITY. convention were declared its order to have everything in readi choice: Whereas, the referendum has ness for the force to liegin work at S, L. Moorehead, T. C. Wheeler, been invoked against the reason­ one o ’clock and it is sujijxised that the fire originated in someway W . F. Walker, G. 11. Kelly, W. able appropriation, made by the from the furnace or flue at the last legislature for the supjiort of G. Griffin, S. B. Eakiu, J. M. W il­ the University of ( Iregon, therefore noon hour. liams, H. W. Thompson, A . L. be it The plant employed from ten to Briggs, J. IÎ. Martin, F. J. Hard, Resolved, that this convention thirteen jieojile and had a very W. S. Moon. place itself ujxni record as unalter­ snug pay role, and its loss will be ably favorable to the plan of high keenly felt by the town, providing SOME SPEECHES. er education in this state, and also the owners, Messrs Fox, Russell & About 200 jiroiniueut republi­ iu favor of the unstinted ’supjiort Alton do not decide to rebuild. On the uioruiug of the fire 106 cans were preseut from all over the of our higher institutions of learn­ county. State Senator Frank J. ing, and esjiecially our excellent cases of matches were shijijied and state university located in Eugene, it is unfortunate that the other 4< mi Miller of Albany, made an address Oregon, and we therefore pledge cases were not delivered to the de at the beginning of the conven­ our hearty supjiort to the measure jxit at the same time for shipment. tion and S. M. Yoran followed jiroviding for an ajijiropriation o f Mr. Fox, the manager, jiersonally with a thirty minute talk brokeli $125,IKK) for the maintenance of suffers considerable loss and the by frequent applause. By the this state institution of learning, Leader believes it would be a wise and further jiledge ourselves to move on the jiart of the Commer­ time he had finished the commit­ work diligently for its adojitiou by cial club and citizens of Cottage tee on resolutions were ready to re- the legal voters of this state at the Grove to encourage aud assist jiort, each resolution as it was read jxills iu June, Messrs F'ox, Russell and Alton in There being no further business rebuilding this manufacturing in­ by Dr. Kuykendall, chairman of stitution iu this city. the committee, being voted ujxni, the convention adjourned. aud in each case lieiug unanimous­ ly passed. INSTRUCTED FOR TAFT AND 400 CASES MATCHES M STRONG, RESOLUTIONS. The committee on resolutions re- jxirted as follows, the rejiort being adopted unanimously: F A M IL Y OROC ERIES TAF T ENDORSED. Whereas, a jiersistent effort is being made among the voters of Oregon to divert thought from the established principles of the repub­ lican party that its representatives exercising delegated [lowers shall lie faithful to the exjiressed will of a majority of said party, aud Whereas, various jxilitical ele­ ments uurepublican in sentiment and former jxilitical activity, are seeking to control the jxilicies of the party, and secure a delegation to the National republican conven­ tion uninstructed relative to the choice of the party for presidential nominee, therefore be it Resolved, by the delegates of the republican party of Lane county, Oregon, in convention assembled, that the delegates chosen by this convention to meet in state aud district convention to choose dele­ gates to the National republican convention lie instructed to use 0 ' r- e ¥ * /X ___________ ___________ l à ________ Fine Dress and Loggers Shoes • W e c a r r y o n ly the v e ry b e s t b r a n d s , w h ic h a r e m a rk e d d o w n c lo se t o th e w h o le s a le price— b a r g a i n s , e v e r y p a ir , f lo o d , s t r o n g , s e rv ic e a b le O v e r a lls , Juni|>ers, S h irts , S o c k s a n d G lo v e s . s 3 3 3 Produce Bought arid Sold / ___________________ a ____________________a PEARCE BROS. IP » à à