Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, April 17, 1908, Image 6

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    The birch has been returned to the
muteutn by the New York board o f
When enough Incurable grouches can
be got together to form an organization
it takes the shape o f a group of an­
The Duchess o f Marlborough denies
that she has become a socialist, and it
ought to be easy for her to get her
denial believed.
A Judge Is cited who condemned a
man to death while lu a trance. Wo
trust the accused also found the sen­
tence entrancing.
that In
will be
husbands ever stop to think
tile years to dbiue their sons
talking about the plea their
ustd to make.
A fte r a man has paid the premiums
on an accident policy for a few years
lie Is more than half ««onvlneed that he
Is being dlmflammed by fate.
It seenia like old times to have Wu
Ting Fang in our midst uttering his
bland opinions and asking his Inno­
cently lui|a>rtlnent questions.
The mere fact that some men live to
celebrate their golden wedding anni­
versary should be accepted as evidence
that uiarrluge la not always a failure.
(lonsuelo, Duchess o f Marlborough, Is
reported to be d riftin g toward social­
ism. It Is rather curious that the rich
have never hit upon the scheme o f mak­
ing socialism unpopular by espousing It.
W ith 80,000 more women than men
In Massachusetts, the bachelors In that
State must be exercising unusual vigi­
lance this year In the presence o f a
female wrlth a determined gleam in her
First one navul expert tells the Sen­
ate committee that the armor belt Is
not needed above the water line and
then another one says It Isn’ t needed
below. Why not save compromise by
not having any belt at all?
The American eagle has made up his
ndnd to fly. Advertisements for bids
for supplying the government with fly­
ing machines heavier than air brought
forty-one replies, and contracts for
three machines hare been awarded.
Just when we are growing eloquent
In our denunciations of foreign noble­
men who marry wealthy American girls
the raidlug o f some matrimonial bureau
reveals that a considerable number of
our countrymen have been playing the
same game— with less success.
The young Connecticut man who
called for a young lady with the Inten
tlou o f eloping with her and was re
«•elved with a shower o f hot water
should cheer up. He might have found
himself In hot water a little later any­
how If bis plans had not miscarried.
Millions o f tons o f sand, flung on the
senconst by winds and waves, are cur
rled back again lu the undertow, hut a
New York man who owned property al
Coney Island recently found a way to
“ put It where It would do the most
good," and keep It there, lie moored
an old schooner near the beach. In
eighteen months the sou built up behind
It an area o f one hundred thousand
feet; and “ little grains of sand" make
"pleasant land" Indeed at that spot, for
the Coney Island bench Is worth a dol­
lar a square foot.
ttaisult, one o f the professional politi­
cians o f Morocco, flnds kidnaping pro­
fitable. He forced the Sultan, In 1!KH.
not only to (my a big ransom for the
release o f ion I’ erdlearls, an American
cltlsen, but also to make him governor
o f a considerable province.
celebrated last Fourth o f July by kid­
naping Sir H arry Maclean, a Ilrltlxh
subject, who was serving as commander
of the Sultan's bodyguard. Some weeks
sgo he received from the British gov­
ernment a hundred thousand dollars
and a guarantee o f protection In return
for the release o f Sir Harry. He has
also held for ransom the Moroccan cor­
respondent o f the liondon Times, as
well as other leas noted persona Noth­
ing sliows more clearly than the appar­
ent freedom with which Katault carries
on Ida trade how disorganised society
mid government are In Morocco.
A new piece o f machinery for the as
»Initiation o f Immigrants Is the night-
school In labor camps. Dike so many
other useful agencies o f the day. It
has been carried to successful develop­
ment by a woman, who has organised
such schools among the unskilled labor
ers whom contractors employ. In most
o f the camps wheru these schools have
been established, about one-third o f the
men usually attend. Instruction In En­
glish, which Is the bait, has been given
In a most onususl way. Instead o f
learning from primers that " t b li Is a
cat,” the adult pupils learn from spe
clal text-books that "this is a pick."
and discover the Importance o f under
standing and knowing how to say. "tiet
out o f the way." “ Msten." ‘ Here comes
the train," and "D o you want a Job?"
Not the least Interesting o f the effects
which these schools have had Is the
transforming o f disorderly and danger
ons camps Into quiet and peaceful com
Ths relation o f laborers and labor
nnlons to national law has recently
been defined by the Supreme Ooort In
three Important particulars. The law
o f last yaar holding railroad companlas
responsible for Injnrlsa to tbelr em­
ployes has been declared Invalid on the
ground that It does not distinguish be­
tween pereona engaged In Interstate
omnmerce--the only commerce over
wftkii On ag r ees has Jurisdiction—and
those employed entirely within the
M sten The President has urged that
M m law be repasrad with such
ju w ill cuul H ui Its operation to em*
| ployes engaged ,n Interstate business.
The act o f 18!>* which was passed a f­
ter the great Chicago strike, which for­
bids the discharge o f an employe for
membership In a tabor union, was de­
clared invalid in an action growing out
o f a suit brought by a locomotive en­
gineer who had been discharged be­
cause he was a member of such a
union. The court decided that “ It Is
not within the functions o f government
— at least in the aboence o f contract
between the parties— to compel any
person In the course o f his business and
against his w ill to accept or retain the
personal services o f another, or to com­
pel any person against his w ill to per­
form personal servl<*es for another.”
The court has also decided that the pro­
visions o f tha Sherman anti-trust law
o f 1800 apply to the acts o f labor
unions when those unions or their mem­
bers enter Into a combination to Inter­
fere with the business of a manufac­
turer who sells his goods in more than
one State. This decision was reached
In a suit for damages brought by a firm
against the Hatters' Union and the
American Federation o f Labor for boy­
cotting their business. The opinion o f
the chief Justice, concurred In unani­
mously by his colleagues, announces
that “ The combination charged falls
w ithin the class o f restraints o f trade
aimed at compelling third parties and
strangers Involuntarily not to engage
In the course o f trade except on con­
ditions that the combination im pose*”
and la therefore forbidden by law.
I The Firm of
C H A P T E R X.
During the months which Ezra Girdlo-
itonc had spent in Africa the affairs of
he firm in Fenchurch street bad been
•xceedingly prosperous. Trade upon the
“oast had been brisker than usual, and
hree of the company’s ships had come in
u short intervals with excellent cargoes.
Among these was the Black Eagle, which,
> the astonishment of Captain Hamilton
Miggs and the disgust of his employer,
lad weathered a severe gale in the Chan­
nel, and had arrived safe and sound once
nore. This run of luck, supplemented r»y
the business capacity of the old merchant
and the indomitable energy of youug
Dimsdale, made the concern look so flour­
ishing that the former felt more than ever
•onvinced that if he could but stave off
the immediate danger things would soon
right themselves.
Hence he read with
ielight the letters from Africa, in which
ils son narrated the success of the con-
jpiracy and the manner in which the min
era had been hoodwinked. The old man’a
Baby Made U nprejudiced C riticism
figure grew straighter and his step more
A ft e r the Com pany Had Gone.
firm as the conviction grew upon him
" I ’m so sorry Cousin Helen’s gon e:” that the company would soon return once
M arjory remarked, plaintively, as the «gain to ita former condition of affluence.
fam ily gathered at dinner time.
It may be imagined, therefore, that
“ Why, dear?" Anna asked. “ Do you when the rumors of a bona fide diamond
miss her so much?"
find in the Orange Free State came to
The child shook her head. “ I don’t his ears John Girdlestone was much agi­
mean that— I mean that we’re so much tated and distressed. On the same day
that he saw the announcement in the
politer when we have company.”
The Masons looked at each other In papers he received a letter from his son
announcing the failure of their enterprise.
consternation. “ ’Out o f the mouths o f
After narrating the robbery, the pursuit,
babes!’ ” Fortla murmured. Then she
the death of Farintosh and the announce­
turned to M arjory. Portia had the kind ment of the new discovery, it gave an ac­
o f chin that meant determination. count o f his subsequent movements.
“ H ow are we politer?” she asked.
“ As to our speculation, the letter said,
M arjory’s grave eyes traveled round it is, o f course, all up. Even when the
business proves to be a hoax, the
the table as she thought It all o u t
"W h y, papa talks,” she said, slowly. price o f stones will remain very low on
“ Papa’s real Interesting when he talks account of these new fields. It is possi­
ble that we may sell our lot at some small
to company. And mother Axes her hair
profit, but it won’t be the royal road to a
prettier, and Jack passe* things with­ fortune that you prophesied, nor will it
out being asked, ami Anna lnughs at help the firm out of the rut into which
the stories people tell, and you— "
you have shoved it. My only regret in
"Y e s ? " Portia encouraged her reso­ leaving Africa like this is that Williams
lutely. “ W h at do I do. M arjory? W hat will have no one to prosecute him.”
This letter was a rude shock to the
rare and elusive grace o f mine appears
only In the fostering atmdsphere of African merchant. Within a week of the
receipt of it his son Ezra, gloomy and
‘company?’ ”
travel stained, walked into the sanctum
"I-—don’t know how to say It.” Mar­
at Fenchurch street and confirmed ad
jo ry replied, wrinkling her forehead In the evil tidings by word of mouth. The
the effort. “ You seem nice and soft, old man was of too tough a fiber to break
anil not loud and quick and bangy, the down completely, but his bony hands d o l­
way yon are sometimes."
ed convulsively upon the arms of the
It was too much for the fam ily, and | chair, and a cold perspiration broke out
laughter relieved the tension. Portia’s upon his wrinkled forehead as he listened
mouth had a funny quirk ns she repeat­ to such details as his son vouchsafed to
ed, gravely, “ ‘Nice and soft.' Somehow afford him.
“ You have your stones all safe,
the words do not present a particularly
alluring ideal, but doubtless that is the though?” he stammered out at last.
“ They are in my box at home,” said
fault o f my dislike o f the terms em­
Ezra, gloomy and morose, leaning against
ployed. not o f the ideal. I call unon the white marble mantelpiece. "W e ’ll '»e
the fam ily collectively to clear tills lucky if we clear as much as they cost
matter. Am I too ‘soft’ In the pres­ and a margin for my expenses and Lang-
ence o f company?”
worthy’s. A broken head js all that I
The reply was a prompt and unani­ have got from your fine scheme ”
“ Who could foresee such a thing?” the
mous “ No.”
Portia drew a long breath. “Then.” old man said, plaintively. ’’The fall in
prices is sure to be permanent?”
she declared, “ since I seem to be the
“ It will last for some years, anyway,”
greatest sufferer under this exceedingly Ezra answered.
clear and unprejudiced Judgment. I gravel is very rich, and there seems to be
move that hereafter the Masons amend plenty of It.”
their w a ys : that mother look her pret­
“ And within a few months we must r-s-
tiest. that father entertain his family. pay both capital and interest. We are
that Anna show her graceful ‘company’ 1 ruined!” The old merchant spoke in a
interest even In our old tales— splen- broken voice, and his head sank upon his
did practice. N a n !— that Jack extend ■ breast. “ When that day comes,” he con-
Vompanv’ solicitude in the matter o f ■ tinued. “ the firm which has been for thir-
passing things to his own people, that
**■“ " lb o ’ * " ‘>ro* eh’ * nd a modH to
the whole city, will be proclaimed as a
Portia— well, 1*11 promise to wrestle
bankrupt concern. Worse still, it will be
with Portia. In short, that we wear shown to have been kept afloat for years
our prettiest manners every day to each by means which will be deemed fraudu­
other. Are you ready for the question? lent.
I tell you, my' dear son. that sf
All in favor say aye.”
any means could be devised which would
avert this— any means— I should not hes­
“ A y e !” cried the Masons.
itate to adopt them. I am a frail old
“ Contrary-minded
man, and I feel Hint the short balance of
There was ne response.
“ Ladies and gentlemen,” Portia an­ my life would be a small thing for me to
give in return for the assurance that the
nounced, "the revolution Is on.“ —
work which I have built up should not be
Youth’s Companion.
altogether thrown away.”
“ Your life cannot affect the matter one
T h e K I tn I M o v l n i c . P i c t u r e « ,
’Pile tieghmlng o f moving pictures way or the other unless it were more
was In this wise: Sir John Herschel heavily insured than it is,” Ezra said,
callously, though somewhat moved by iiis
after dinner In 1826 asked his friend
father’s intensity of manner. “ Perhaps
Charles Babbage how he would show there is some way out of the wood yet,”
both sides o f a shilling at once. Bab- * he added, in a more cheerful tone.
bage replied by taking a shilling from
“ It ’s so paying, so prosperous— that’s
his pocket mid holding It to a mirror. what goes to my heart. I f it had ruined
This did not sutiafy Sir John, who set 'itself it would be easier to bear it, nut
the shilling spinning upon the dinner jit is sacrificed to outside speculations —
table, nt the same time {minting out |my wretched, wretched speculations. That
that if the eye is placed on a level with i* what makes it so hard.” He touche«!
the rotating coin both aides can be seen \
bell, and (»ilray answered the sum-
at once.
Babbage was so struck bv j ,non* " [ >i«t™ to this. Kira. What was
. .. , ,,
. ,
our tarn over last month. Uilray?
tile experiment that the next <lav be
.. .
.. . . . .
, . .
"Fifteen thousand pounds, «it, said the
described It to n friend. I>r Fttton. ,|ttl# cl#rk. bobbing up , nd down ,ik* ft
who immediately made a working mod- buoy in a gale in his delight at seeing the
el. On one aide o f n disk W U drawn junjor partner once again.
a bird, on the other side an empty bird
“ And the expenses?”
cage: when the card was revolved on a I “ Nine thousand three hundred. Uncom-
eilk thread the bird appeared to be In ¡won brown you look. Mr Ezra, to bo
the cage. This model showed the {>er j *ure. uncommon brown and well. I hop»«
elstence o f vision upon w hich sll mor- ■*
« ‘ J0* « * .»ourself in Africa. «Ir. »n.l
a f
. ¡was too much for them Hottentots and
I t , pictures . l o t « »
for their effect ^
w ith thi, profollnd , thnoloci, „
l'hc eye retains the Imsge o f tin- object r„ mark Mr 0iln|,
seen for a Iraction o f s second after | th, room , nd went
radiantly to hi.
the object ha* been removed.
This | nk stained desk.
model wns called
the thaumotrope I "Look at that,” the old man said, when
N ext came the soctnqie, or wheel o f ! the click of the outer door showed that
life. A cylinder w s» perforated with the clerk f t , out of earshot
"Ovei live
a series o f slots and within the cylln- Ithonsnnd profit In » month. Is It not ter
business should go to
der was placed a band o f drawings o f rible that such
What a fort uns it would have
dancing men. On the apparatus being
been for yon !”
slowly rotated the figures seen through
" I t must be aavrd !” cried Esra with
the »lots appeared to be In motion. The meditative brows snd hands plunged deep
fleet systematic photographs taken at in his trouser pockets. “Thers Is that
regular Intervals o f men and animals rtrl’s money. Could ws aot get the tem­
were made by Muybridge In 1877.— porary use o f it?”
“ Irapoanbto !” his father answered with
Chicago Tribune.
s sigh. " I t Is so tied up In ths will thst
When married women alt and stare she cannot sign It sway herself until she
at tbe fire, what are they thinking romes of age. There Is no way of touch­
about? They usually have such an odd ing It except by her marriage—or by bar
look around the corner* o f their death.”
"Then ws must have It by the only
mouths, and so many wrinkles In their
means open to ns.“
foreheads, l i can’ t be anything very
"And that I s r
" I mast marry her."
Too w l l i r
W e would Ilka to personally know ■
“ I shall. Here 1s my hand on It.”
m illiner who wns on good terms with
"Ih e n see are saved.” cried the old man.
another milliner, or a singer who could
throwing np hie trm uleas hands. “ Ole-
run across another singer's name In ths
d lest one * Son will Wsathar the etans
paper without turning up her nose.
n V
“ Bat GhafWtone become« • ■leepin* prom I mo which would lead to our earlier
partner,” said Ezra. “ It’» for my own union ?”
stake I do it and not for your»;” wit!l
“ That la settled tlieq. lu the meantime.
which frank remark hr drew hi« hat down 1 should he obliged if you would go down
over his brow« and *et off for Ecclezton to the docks snd look after the loudiug of
aqua re.
tbe transferable corrugated iron houses
for New Calabar.”
One day, a* Thomas Dimsdale wan
“ All right, sir. and thank you for your
making hi* way cityward at a rather kiudneas," said Tom. bowing himself out.
earlier hour than was* cuatomary with He hardly knew whether to be pleased or
H ow to M a lo lo lo I ho K e r t llltr .
him, he misaed the usual apparition at th*» grieved over the result of his interview :
It le a nott-d feet that where legume»
window. I/»Hiking round blankly in search but on the whole, satisfaction prevailed,
are grown on laud, nay two-flfths of
of some explanation of this absence, ho since at the worst it w’as hut to wait for
the time, which certainly should he the
perceived in the garden a pretty white a year or so, while there seemed to be
case, tbe nitrogen supply is held. It la
bonnet which glinted among the leaves, some hopes of gaining the guardiau’s con­
aud on closed inspection a pair of bright sent before that. On the other hand, he
also well known that the feeding o f
H o M . m . d . Post or W r it D river.
eyes, which surveyed him merrily from bad pledged hiinseTT to separate from
I’osts may be drlveu with sliced aud the «Tops grown on the same farm, the
underneath it. The gate was open. .*t Kate, but that would, he reflected, only
wonorny on maDy farms. If well sharp­ priqier care o f the baruyanl manure,
may be imagined that he was somewhat make their reunion the sweeter.
and the right method Is followed and Its application to the lamia, will
late at the office that morning and on
When the hour of luncheon arrived no
return all the fertilizin g Ingredleiita
many subsequent mornings, until
the thought of food was in the lad’ s head, A real post d river Is one o f the most
wltb tbe exception o f such as compose
clerks began to think that their new em­ but. burying himself in the back parlor easily made things aud one o f the
ployer was losing the enthusiasm for of a little Blackwall public house, he call­ moat useful that a farm er can get up. tbe animal body, and such other prod­
business which had possessed him.
ed for pen, ink and paper, and proceeded Uprights are bolted across to a sled, ucts as wool, cheese and butter as are
It chanced that one morning the inter­ to indite a letter to his sweetheart. Never or a rough plank sled may be made for sold from tbe farm. They are actually
lost to the soil forever.
This loss Is
view between the lovers had lasted rather was so much love and comfort and ad­ the purpose.
longer than usual, and had been concluded vice and hope compressed into the limits
T be standards may be 12 or 15 feet represented on phosphorus and potassi­
bv Kate's returning to the house, while of four sheets of paper or contained in
high. To them is bolted a cross bar um compounds, aud can be supplied In
Tom remained sitting upon the garden the narrow boundary of a single envelope.
They can
which supports the hoist fo r the three distinct ways ouly.
seat lost in such a reverie as affects men Tern read it over after he had finish*^,
be purebused In the Turin o f feeding
in his position.
While thus pleasantly and felt that it feebly expressed his weight. For this a block o f Iron or stuffs for farm animals, flndlng tbelr
employed, his thoughts were suddenly re­ his thoughts; but then, what lover ever lead weighing not less than 25 pounds
way to the soil through the m anure;
called to earth by the appearance of a yet did succeed in getting his thoughts must be obtained, and It must have a
dark shadow on the gravel in front of satisfactorily represented upon paper. staple or ring In It so It may be lifted. or, they may be secured directly by
him. and looking up he saw the senior Having posted this effusion, in which he The post Is placed where It Is to be commercial fertilize rs; and again by
partner standing a short distance away had carefully explained the conditions im­ driven and the weight lifted and al­ tbe subsoil running down to a depth o f
and regarding him with anything but an posed upon him. Tom felt considerably lowed to fall on It. A little practice 3 or 4 feet from the surface.
Roots o f alt cropa go down Into the
amiable expression upon his face.
He more light-hearted, and returned with re­
had himself been having a morning stroll newed vigor to the loading of the corru­
soil from 2 to 6 feet, and take directly
in the garden, and had overseen the whole gated iron. He would hardly have felt
the Ingredients from the subsoil, and
of the recent interview’ without the pre­ so satisfied had he seen John Girdlestone
upon their decay tend to increase Its
occupied lovers being aware of his pres­ receiving that eame letter from the hands
This assists the capillary
of the footman, and reading it afterwards
movements o f water, which reacts as
“ Are you co-rqlng to the office?” lie in ttye privacy o f his bedroom with a sar­
an agent to carry fertilizin g Ingredi­
asked sternly, "iff so, we can go together.” donic smile upon his face. Still less con­
ents as they become soluble I d the low­
Tom rose and followed him out of ¿he tented would he have been had he beheld
er soils up to near the surface, where
gardens without a word. He knew’ from the merchant tearing it into small frag­
they are readily available to the feed
the other’s expression that all was known ments and making a bonfire of it in his
Ing roots o f succeeding crops.
to him, and in his heart he was not sorry. capacious grate. Next morning Kate look­
His only fear was that the old man’s ed in vain out of the accustomed win­
F or P ic k in g t 'h c r r lc .
anger might fall upon his ward, and this dow, and was sore at heart when no tall
he determined to prevent. They walked figure appeared in sight, and no friendly
W ith the aid o f an Improved fruit
side by side as far as the station in com­ hand waved a morning salutation.
gatherer designed by an Indiana man,
(T o be continued.)
plete silence, but on reaching Fenchurch
the most delicate o f small fruits, sucb
street Girdlestone asked his young part­
as cherries, can be
ner to step into his private sanctum.
“ Now, sir,” he said, as he closed the
steins without mutila­
door behind him, “ I think that I have a
tion, Infecting or soil­
right to inquire what the meaning may I . r r m , , “ S i l v e r ” f r o m C h i n « — T e r m
w ill enable one to drive poets In soil ing o f the fruit In tbe ,
o f “ T u r k is h B a th .”
he of the scene of which I was an invol­
Apropos o f the assertion that pana­ that seems too hard. The rig Is useful least, and without the
untary witness this morning?”
necessity of the ^ands
“ It means,’’ Torn answered firmly but ma hats do not come from flonama, it also In putting down driven wells.
T o d rive a well l*4-lnch pipe Is pre­ o f the person coming
gentfy, "that I am engaged to Miss Hair­ Is Interesting to see how often things
The lengths should not be In contact with the
ston, and have been for some thne.”
are called by names to which they ferred.
“ Oh, indeed,” Girdlestone answered have no relation, says "the London P. over 6 feet. The first pipe to be driven fruit. As shown In ths
coldly, sitting down at his desk and •turn-1
T. O. For example, kid gloves are not must have a point o f Iron or steel. Illustration, tbe gath­
ing over the pile o f letters.
Any blacksmith who to an expert at erer Is o f a size to be
During the long silent walk the mer­ made o f kid, but o f lambskin or sheep­ welding can reudlly make a point solid
easily manipulated by
orlr v * u it .
chant had been revolving in his mini
In the end o f the pipe, and then bore the band. In one end Is an opening,
what course he should pursue, and he nad ns Irish stew, most o f us lose sight o f
numerous %-lnch holes In It for the to freely admit the fruit, a stationary
come to the conclusion that It was more the fact that It Is unknown lu Ire­
first 18 Inches o f Its length above the blade and a movable blade being placed
easy to guide this impetuous stream of land. while Herman sliver Is not sli­
By this
youth than to attempt to stem it. He did ver nt all. nor of Herman origin. It point. Before driving a coupling must In advance o f the opening.
not realize the strength of the tie that lias been used in China many centuries. be screwed down tight and fast on the novel arrangement o f the fixed blade
bound these two young people together, The term "Turkish bath" Is ludicrous; thread that Is to connect It to Its mate, and the disposition o f the movable
and imagined that with judgment and pa­ this bath Is unknown to the Turks, and so the thread may not be Injured. Also blade and Ita arm, the movement o f
on top o f this coupling must always the one blade past the other, beslJea
tience it might yet be snapped. It wns.
so are most other kinds of baths, for
therefore, with as good an imitation of
rest a block o f lead or seasoned hick­
effectively severing the stems, tends to
geniality as his angular visage would per­ In Turkey cleanliness does not rank ory. to receive and distribute the con­
mit of that he answered his companion’s next to godliness. Milton, again, says cussion, to preserve the pipe from de­ Impel the severed fru it Into the open­
ing. In practice the device la held In
In Paradise L o st:”
either hand, and as the stems o f the
“ You can hardly wonder at my being "Thick a» autumnal leave» that strew the
The pipe Is driven the same as a
fru it are cut it slides down the Incline
brooks in Vallombrosa."
surprised,” he said. “ Such a thing never
post, another length being attached ua
entered my mind for a moment.
You There are no leaves In Vallnm brosa; fast as one Is sunk In the ground. One and Into the receptacle. When the lat­
ter Is filled the contents are easily dis­
would have done better to have confided most o f the trees are pines.
rule must never be forgotten;
charged through the hinged lid at the
The list o f misapplied terms might
in me before.”
length o f pipe must lie threaded ao long end.
" I must ask your pardon for not hav­ be prolonged almost indefinitely. Cat­
that It screws Into the coupling and
ing done so.”
gut. for Instance, Is sbeepgut: and why
rests (huts, they call it ), on the end
B e o n t h e S a f e S id e .
“ As far as you are concerned,” said should blind worms be so called when
o f the pipe beneath It. T ills prevents
I f the herd milk is separated on the
John Girdlestone affably, “ I believe you they can see quite well? Take a glance
home farm and only the cream sent to
to be hardworking and right principled. at ii map o f northeastern America, and
the factory there Is no danger o f the
Your conduct since you joined the firm .von w ill see that Baffin bay is any­ —Julius Brown, In Farm and Home.
has been everything that I could desire.”
patrons getting an Infected supply of
E xp erim en tin g w ith L am bi,
thing but a bay. One might just ns
Tom bowed his aeknowledements, much
The Iowa Experiment Station
re­ skim milk from a source outside their
well suppose that rice pnper was made
pleased by the preamble.
cently marketed some lambs that had own farms. The farm separator will
“ With regard to my ward,” continued from tile rice plant as that Dutch
protect him from acquiring tubercu­
the senior partner, speaking very slowly clocks are manufactured In Holland. been fed to determine the value o f d if­
losis from the neighbor’s herd, which
and evidently weighing his words. “ I As a m atter o f fact, rice pnper Is made ferent rations. Lot one was fed man­
may he spread through the medium o f
could not wish for her to have a better In China from a tree peculiar to the gels, lot two sugar beets, lot three corn
husband. In considering such a question Island o f Formosa and Dutch clocks silage and lot four grain and alfalfa. the skim milk returned from the cream
I have, however, as you may imagine, to come from Hermnny. The shrewmouse There was no material difference In ery. Farmers and dairymen who are
consult above everything eles the wishes Just escapes from being a mouse by the the condition o f the lambs In lots one feeding young stock the creamery
of my dead friend, Mr. John Ilarston, the merest chance, hut there Is not the and four at the finish. W hile the lot skimmed milk should by all means
have a good separator and by so doing
father of the youug lady to whom you say
slightest justification for the
word given corn silage was In better shape
you are engaged. A trust has been repos­
than the one given sugar beets. It was Insure their herd against Infection.—
ed in me, and that trust must, of course,
F. U Risley.
tom and usage have reconciled us to not as good as lots one and four. It Is
be fulfilled to the letter.”
Odds nnd Ends*
“ Certainly,” said Tom, wondering in his
own mind how he could ever have brought sense o f one who Is subservient, hut succulent feeds are necessary In secur­
Sheep growers near Itoseburg. Ore.,
himself for one moment to think evil of It Is a striking example o f the misap­ ing a good finish on lambs, but the are offering $40 per head for every coy-
this kindly old man.
plication o f words. The Slav! were a above experiment indicated that while ote killed.
“ It was one of Mr. Harston’s most tribe which once dwelt on the hanks the lambs fed such feeds made better
There are more than six and a halt
clearly expressed wishes that no words or o f the Dnieper, mid derived their name gains than others,
even thoughts of such matters should be from “ Slav,” which means noble and enough difference to warrant the buy­ million o f farm fam ilies In the United
States, and they produce enough food
allowed to come in his daughter’s way un­
Illustrious. In the later (lays o f the ing o f such feeds.
for themselves and the other 12,000,000
til she had attaineu maturity, by which
Roman empire vast numbers o f them
he meant the age of one-and-twenty.”
fam ilies who live In tbe cities and
“ But he could not foresee the circum­ spread over Europe In the condition
It will require 3 bushels o f oats to towns.
stances,” Tom pleaded. “ I am sure that o f captive servants, and thus the name seed an acre; barley, 2 bushels; tim ­
The telephone Is now being largely
year or so will make no difference in o f the tribe came to mean the very othy, 6 qu arts; tobacco, 2 ounces; blue
used In the country districts fo r the
antlthesla of its original sense.
her sentiments in this matter.”
grass, 2 bushels; clover, white and al- benefit o f the bedridden persons, who
“ My duty is to carry out his instruc­
slke, 6 to 8 pounds; clover, red, 8 to 10 nre connected with church pulpits and
tions to the letter. I won’t say, however,”
quarts; clover. Lucerne o r alfalfa, 13 are thus enabled to hear tbe semioD
A C a a « o f B luff.
continued Mr. Girdlestone. “ that circum­
“ T alk in g about bluffing.” said th , to 25 pounds; red top, 1 to 2 bushels; and singing.
stances might not arise which might in­
1 bushel; orchard grass, 2
duce me to short n this probationary pe­ horseman, “ there was a chap who millet. H
Luther Burbank's thornless cactus,
bushel; broom
riod. I f my further acquaintance with thought blacksmithlng looked simple bushels; buckwheat.
which promises to he a valuable forage
you confirms the high impression which I and easy, anil so. being out o f work, corn. 1-3 bushel; com. broadcast. 4
plant, grows to a length o f about three
new have of your commercial ability, that he decided to have a try at' It. He bushels; corn. In hills, 4 to 8 quarts;
feet by one foot wide, three Inches
of course would have weight with me; went to a smith aud asked for a job.
corn. In drills, 2 to 3 bushels; popcorn,
thick, nnd has a surface similar to that
and again, if I find that Miss Ilarston’s
" ‘ W ell,’ said the smith, ‘ voii are a 2 quarts; sweet corn. 6 quarts;, o f a watermelon.
mind is made up upon the point, that also
strong, likely looking young
fellow. garden, 2 to 3 bushels; potatoes, 10 to
would influence my judgment.”
A twenty-three-acre apple orchard re
12 bushels; rutabagas and turnips. 1 to
“ And what are r/e to do in the mean­ W hat experience have you had?’
c ertly sold by John Toocbette o f Cen­
‘"E le v e n years.' was the prompt an­ 2 pounds; mixed lawn grass. 3 to 4
time?” asked the junior partner anxious­
bushels; rye, 1 ^ to 2 bushels; vetches, terville, 111., fo r $25,000 cash. The or­
chard Is twenty-one years old, and Its
“ ‘ A ll right. I ’ll try you.” said the 2 bushels ; wheat, l 1^ to 2 bushels.
"In the meantime neither you nor your
annual crop has brought from $5,000 to
people must write to her. or speak to her, blacksmith. ‘Shoe that mare while I
S h o u l d B<* M o r e H e d g e r o w « .
$8,000 for several years.
or hold any communication with
her go home to dinner.*
T h ere ought to be more hedgerows
A bill has been introduced In Con­
whatever. If I find you or them doing
“ The smith on his return from dinner than there are on eentral
gress to establish postal savings hanks
so. I shall be compelled, in justice to Mr. frowned and said to the new h an d ;
farms, for when grown they not only
Harston's last request, to send her to
“ ’ W h a t! Haven't you got that mare a fence which w ill turn live which are to pay 2 per cent to the de­
some establishment abroad where she
positors snd to be under tbe supervis­
shod yet?"
stock, but provide birds which nest In
shall be entirely out of your way. My
"T h e bluffer hit Ills lip. flushed and shrubs the best possible protection dur­ ion o f the Postmaster Heneral and See
mind is irrevocably made up upon that
retary o f the Treasury.
ing th « summer season.
O f all his
point. It is not a matter of personal in­ replied :
E xpert peach growers o f Michigan
•• ’ I can’t get her confounded foot In friends In the animal kingdom outside
clination. but of conscience.”
any that the hard freeze o f last year
“ And bow long is this to last?” cried the vise.’ ”
o f the farm animals none render the
w ill prove a benefit, ns It really cleared
farm er more valuable service than the
out and rid the State o f hundreds o f
“ It will depend upon yourselves.
H a «l R e f e r m e « ! .
many birds which range over his land,
worthless orchard*. New ones will be
you prove yourself to be a man of honor
Askltt What kind o f a man It and be to not only doing them a kind­
in this matter I may be inclined to sanc­
planted to take their place.
ness, but helping himself In a very
tion your addresses.
In the meantime, Il.vker?
T h e International Harvester Com­
N oitt— Oh. 1 guess he’s all right definite fashion. If be so
you must give me your word to let it rest,
pany has been found gu ilty on forty-
and neither to attempt to speak to Miss now. but he was engaged in a shady things that they can have as many
tw o counts by a Kansas Jury at Topeka
nesting places as possible.
Harston nor to see her. nor to allow your business a few years ago.
for violation o f the trust law.
parents to communicate with her. The
Askltt What was the nature of the
E lh a a n lln » the Soil.
penalty Is $1.000 on each count, but
last condition may «rem to yon to be business?
When a country has been farmed for the company has taken an appeal.
hard, but, in my eyes, it Is a very impor­
Noitt He manufacture«! awnings.
’ orty y «ars or more strictly on a graln-
tant one. Unless you can bring yourself
New England farm ers make good
to promise all this, my duty will compel
.'armlng basis, things begin to look money by selling ferns, which grow
H e lp fu l S n * * e «llo n .
me to remove my ward entirely out of
pretty desolate, unless legume crops plentifully In the rockyb fghlnnds. Pick-
Miss May Hupp- I Just can't bear to
your reach, a course which would be pain
have been raised extensively; snd. as era are paid 40 cents per 1,000, tied up
walk out in the w ind; it roughens my
fuJ to her and inconvenient to myself.”
a rule, where such short-sighted meth­ In bunches o f twenty-five and delivered
“ But I must let her know of this ar­ complexion so.
ods o f funning are la practice the value \ at the railroad station. A crop can
rangement. I must tell her that yon bold
Miss P ert— Mabe your com plexions
only be picked every second year.
out hopes to us on condition that we keep too th ick; if yon'd put It on thinner If o f legumes 1s given little heed.
The State o f Vermont has built a
apart for a time.”
might not do that.
“ It wond be cruel not to allow yon to
$00.000 dairy with a special reference
O p e r a t i n g T n h ln f o r H o r n e * .
do that.” Girdlestone answered.
“ You
A new operating table for horses It to teaching farm boys and girls hose
I f T h e y n ie .
may send her one letter, but. remember,
to make good butter and market their
described wltb Illustration In Popnlar products.
T w o o ld be a blessing without price
there shall be no reply to It.”
The lesson thus to teach.
“Tftjank you, sir: thank yon !” Tom
Mechanics. I t to ■ great steel frame
The farms of Kansas produced $1#.-
cried, fervently. " I have something to I f all the folks who give advice
which revolve« like a wheel on an 000.000 more produce last year then la
Would practice what they preach.
live for now. Thl* separation will bat
axle. T b e borse to be operated upon le 19»»V T b e wheat crop alone amounted
make oar hearts grow fonder.
What — Cleveland Plain Dealer.
led to tbe fram e and «ecurely fastened to nearly $00,000,000 and the corn crop
chance can time make in either of us?”
by «tra p « end padded barn. When all about $08,000.000.
“ Quite eo.” said John Girdlestone. with
Is reedy, end tbe tneatbetic adartnle-
The members at the Bee Keepers’ A »
a smile. “ Remember, there must be no
L ittle W illie— Hay. pa. to It proper
tered, the frame I* swung Into the po­ Boris tl oa o f the United I t s toe. which
mors wafting through the square. Ton
to refer to an airship a » aa aerial
must remain absolutely apart if you wish
sition most convenient fo r tbe oparn- met In Chicago recently, declared that
greyhound ?
to gain my consent.”
T be table le need at •
the pure food law haa Increased the
I t Is hSrd. very, very bard. But I will
«Vital la New York.
foe sad sale at p a n hmtap.
I t 4 » IL
What wow’< X we« the aky terrier clase«.