HARK Your D uty is to be W ell. TO T H E BANANA M AN. 11« Telia o f She F r a i l w ith a M on­ But you cannot be well If 7 0 a neglect eyed F uture. taking Hood's Sarsaparilla when you know Bananas are u simple and a handy you should take It. Impure blood, poor commodity. But, h a r k ! They have a appetite, beadacbe, nervousness, that tired future. There’s money In them. Lis­ feeling - by these and other signs your sys­ ten to J. F. Klnseley, banana dealer, tem demands Hood's. Get a bottle today. formerly of Honduras, ut the Midland C l o w o f H e a lt h - " My blood was very hotel this morning, aaya the Kansas poor. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I bare more color In my face, sleep and eat City Star. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer­ well, aud work la a pleasure." M e *. A. A. ‘‘W e banana promoters are optimists. liow*Ei>, Taunton, Mass. tainly cures coughs, colds, Hid you see that Germ any has taken In W o r s t F o r m - “ I had catarrh In the bronchitis,consumption. And worst form and was advised to try Hood's the tariff off bananas? It w on’t be Sarsaparilla. 1 took seven bottles and am it certainly strengthens weak now in good health, 1 hope everyone who long before the Germ ans w ill be eat­ b » » •atarrh will give Hood’s a fair trial.” ing us much o f my favorite fruit as th ro a ts and w eak lungs. Mua. W ii . u a m Mere a nr. Farkerford. Pa. Americans do. N ew York city last A l w a y s P r a l s e - * ‘l first took Hood’s Sar­ There can be no mistake about s a p a rilla 1 1 years ago. and always speak in year got outside, of a billion bananas, fa v o r of it." H. Cowmtix, 237 i'erry btreet, though, ami the Germ ans w ill have to this. You know it istrue. And Lowell, Mass. hurry. your own doctor will say so. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is sold everywhere. "The vegetarians? W e have lots ot ** My little boy hart a terr'hln rough. I tried In the usual liquid, or in tablet form called everythin* I could hear of but in vain until faith in them. They are growing S a r s a t a b s . 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre­ 1 tried Ayer’s Cherry Perioral. The first stronger every year— In numbers, I night ho was better. *• d hr «rewdllv Improved pared only by C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell, Maas. until ho was | erlecti/ well.” — M u*. £». J. mean. Banana flour is better than any 8TUKLB. Alton, ill. other flour. T ou r bread w on’t taste ¿ i Maa.) Moa ,* 'ey i'V . J. C. l y » r Co., Lowell, M etallic. flat any more. It’ll taste sweet, like A n a inanuUuturera or Poe was writing “The Bells.** bananas. And If you ever eat a pan­ SARSAPASuJJL **It jingles,” he said, "a* if there mighi cake made of the new flour you’ll nev­ PILI.S. ItAlB VIGOR. be a lot of coin in it !’* er touch another buckwheat cake, even Cheered by the thought, be tintinnabu though it be o f the kind mother used H o o p t h e b o w e l s r e g u la r w i*h A y e r ’* lated with redoubled energy. to cook. P ills and thu3 hu3ton recovery* “ Mills for making this flour are be S im p ly In fa m o u s . St Intimate Friend— They suspended you lug built all over the country. C o m i n g to T h i e f from the Hot Sporta’ Club? W hat had | liOuis has the largest one In the world. First Broker— IIow is business? you doue? Second Broker— Improving a little. I ’ve | You see, this Mississippi valley Is the Victim (choking with w ra th )— Not a j l»est place In the w orld to locate the got a good barker out in front of my blank thing! All they could prove against I mills. The fru it Is shipped In barges office now. me was that I had trimmed a sucker and A n o th e r R a fn rc S to ry . across the G u lf of Mexico and then up jot his wad, just as you or any other To the tad of the dog ‘he river to the factory. man would hove done! They tied a big log, “ W hat makes the banana business Apd patted him on the head. such a good one is that everything N o t L i k e l y to B e a t K o in e . Old Tray couldn’t make Mrs. Neighbor— Aren’t you going to «'oncerned In It is utilized. T he stalks H is narrative shake, call on our old schoolmate who has may he used for making paper after And the tail wagged the dog instead. Just moved Into the next block? the spruce forests are eaten up. The * Chicago Tribune. Mrs. Homer— I would like to call on fruit may he used In flour and the lit­ S o m e th in g T e r r ib le . her, but I don't want to meet her hus­ tle black knobs on the ends o f the Tommy— Teacher, may I go out U husks are made Into cereal coffee. Beet band. sneeze? M m Neighbor— Oh, there is no dan­ in the world, too, If I do say it my­ Teacher— That is unnecessary. Tommy. ger o f meeting him. They have been self. You can sneeze in here without disturbinf m arried nearly a year. “Bananas are groat moneymakers anybody. They are grow n upon swam p lands Tommy— I guess you never heard mi P a r e n t a l M la ln fo r m a t lo o . that are so thick with underbrush be­ sneeze! **Paw, whnt is a guillotine?” “ It’s an instrument hearing some re­ fore they are cleared that even a cat after semblance to a shirt collar that has been couldn’t penetrate them. But three or four times to the laundry, Tom­ nine months the plants bear fru it; 350 my, but it is much quicker and more mer­ plants to the acre. They aren’t much ciful in its operation.” trouble to take care of and the crop is harvested every month. The Canary TELLS READERS HOW TO PROMPTLY M O W A HD E. B U R T O N .—A u a j i r a r3 Chemist, islands raise the host bananas but that CURE RHEUMATISM AT HOME. ■■ L amu I v UI«, Coloriuiu. Specimen prices: Oold, Is because the business Is better de­ Silver, aU, | l; Oold, Silver, 7 k .* : Oold, 60 c; Zinc or frl. <-y*nUlo tests. M ailing envelopes and veloped there than In Honduras, where füll price list sent on application. Control and Um ­ Directions to M i, a Simple Préparation pire work solicited. llelerence: Carbonate N or I came from.” LouaJ Hank. and the Dose to Take— Over­ comes Kidney and Bladder Trouble Promptly. LEARN TO A ue yers ADVICE TO VICTIMS I D ANCE __________________ USIONS 250 Walla. Two Step, Threa Step, ete. Dance completely tanghi snd gan ran toed In foor lessons P ro f W ill W illson . IS Bsttlor. (tirarti Bids , Portim id. Oreyou Hr, Firmer ar Hr. Herchut, 0« Ton Ino« WDM Fuir Legal Risiiti ira? W a will placa In your hand*, on approval, th e lat­ est aath ority and 1 mtu guide post­ ¡de on the subject. Send post- al fo r our offer enabling you to exam ine the work without coot or obligation to purchase. 215,000 copies sold. I f you are satisfied w ith the book, we have a v e ry interesting proposition fo r your con­ sideration. t D i* r butins Co., N o. 7 Han­ cock Bldg.. Senttle, W ashington. Legal Inform ation ï Old Favorites 5 9 • F alae I Ap y en rauvra. Ths world is still deceived with ornament In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt. But, being seasoned with a gracious voice, Obsecures the show of evil? In religion, W hat damned error, but some sober brow W ill bless it, and approve it with a text. Hiding the grossness with fair ornament? There is no vice so simple, but assumes Some mark of virtue on his outward parts. How ninny cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins The beards of Hercules and frowning M a rs; Who, inward searched, have livers white as milk ! And these assume but valor’s excrement. To render them redoubted. Look on beauty, And you shall see ’tis purchased by the O f O ld Sat F re e d o m on th e There in her place she did rejoice. Self-gathered in her prophet-mind, Bnt fragments of her mighty voice I Came roiling on the wind. Then stfP ‘ sho down thr0’ town and field To mingle with the human race, And part by part to men reveal’d The fullness of her face— 0r#T)) mothpr of maj„ tic worVp, From her isle-altar gazing down, Who, God-like, grasps the triple forks, And, King-like, wears the crown. ] I> r . B e la R eveas. A fte r an exhaustive examination of . . . ,be ca,,ROa that d<' tern,ine the size and Wl,|* bt o f newI-v born <’blldr,‘n- n r - ® ela Revesz comes to the conclusion that heredity has nothing to do with M U L E llE A M BORAX Pacific Coast Borax R e a l S in e w » o f W a r . T o achieve a perfect powder Is the dream of every w a r chemist of to-day. So writes W illia m George In the Tech­ nical W orld Magazine for January. For upon this uncertain stulT does Simplest, StronjJfrt, the destiny o f nations depend. In spite Eniert II an died of H ague conferences and the am iable Grabber Made. | platitudes o f peace envoys. G reat Will pan MORB Britain has her cordite and lyddite; and LARGER France puts her trust in poison-reek­ STUMPS wui. ing melinite; Japan has her Shi mo- LBSS EXPBNS8 nose powder. In short, every w a r o f­ | L d any other. fice has Its own formula, but all are Write for Dcacrlptl*« Clrcaiar and Prtcaa based on a “ nltro-oompound” like gun­ JOHN Manufacturer cotton. T h is Is a high explosive al- 821 Hawthorae Avenue Portland, Oregon 1 most entirely smokeless, and enormous- j ly more pow erful than ordinary gun­ powder. long since relegated to the lim­ bo of other days. Just ss gas has been IN S U R E Y O U R HEALTH superseded by electric light In the more AND C O M FO R T jueaceful w alks o f life, j Unfortunately the compound cannot v on stormy days h* relied upon. T he absolute requisite V a by wearing a Is stability— the ensuring that the pow ­ der will endnre without change any % | & heat or climatic variation. An unsta­ ble explosive— the terror of every w a r­ ship afloat, which stocks many tons of it— looks like sn y other In the labora­ Clean - Light tory, and will shoot as well ss the best, Durable provided It be used before It has time to burn Itself np T h e trouble Is that no chemist on earth knows when spon­ taneous combustion w ill take place through decomposition with the powder Itself. Hence many terrible disasters of recent years ! • all navies. Steel-C!ad Grubber S. BEALL, H ow loud the voice o f the man who hates os. and how wenk and trembling tlie voice of the man who adm ires oa! i throat, Into D I S O j S D E D E Ö l hawking the refuse stem. to a ll ____________________ ____________ l up by H e ig h t s O f old sat Freedom on the heights. The thunders breaking at her feet; Above her shook the starry lights: j She heard the torrents meet. This sim ple recipe is said to strength- It, says tlie N ew York Sun. T he size en and cleanse the elim inative tissues of the child depends entirely on the nge of the Kidneys so that they can filter of the mother, he thinks, and the older and strain from the blood and ByRtem she Is the bigger and stronger the child the poisons, acids and waste matter, la likely to be. regardless o f the sta- nhich cause not only Rheum atism , but ture and strength either of the parents numerous other diseases. Every man ->r grandparents. or woman here who feels that their kid- Speaking generally, he finds that the The bidding In of the property by neys are not healthy and active, or w ho children o f very young mothers are | one who has taken an assignment of suffers from any urinary trouble w hat- llkoly t0 tlc „maII m lrtured, a mortgage as collateral security at his ever, should not hesitate to make up w i,ue those born to women more than own foreclosure sale Is held, In An der­ this m ixture, as it is certain to do , ro apt to ^ ]n rg e and rolmRt. He son vs. Messinger (C . C. A. Gth C .), 7 much good, and m .y save you from m n „|d e n fhe rpason" simple, the L. It. A. (N . 8 .) 1094, to give him a much misery and suffering after w h .le . wom an o f K M u g fulIy matured. good title to the property, and to trans­ The population of men in the United Hint no nourishment is expended upon fe r the trust In favor o f his debtor to Slates, from statistics compiled from th« her development. I the proceeds, although such assignor, reports of the census of 1900, is 39,039,- ! From this position the doctor nt- I because not within the jurisdiction. 242. The population of women is 37^ tempts to explain the racial chnracter- ■ w a s not made a party to the proceed­ 244,145. _____________ _________ istics of various peoples. Tlius the ings, where. In a contract afte r the H e r R ecord A m in a t H er. I Scandinavians, who make late mar- i sale, assignor and assignee contracted Mrs. U p mo re (to applicant for position ringes. have maintained high stature For B a b y ’s F a h: for E a b y 's C othes: for for a settlement, one element o f which as cook)— Have you «ver worked for Mra and robust physique. •n E y e w a ^ h M cu h w a s h , Sterilizing w a s that the foreclosure proceedings High mas? | On the other hand in the south of the Bottle, W a ^ h n * N aplcin3. , should not be disturbed. A il dealt rs. Sample, i Applicant— Yis, ma’am : wan week. France and In southern Ttaly very Parlor Card Game, 10c. Co , Oakland, » al. S Y S T E M parts o f th e system . T h ese im p u ritie s in the b lo o d irritate a n d inflam e the different m em b ran es a n d tissues o f the b o d y , a n d the contracting o f a c o ld w i l l start th e secretions a n d o th e r d is g u s tin g a n d di agreeable sy m p to m s o f C atarrh . A 3 th e b lo o d g o e s to a ll p arts c f the b o d y the ca­ ta rrh a l p o iso n affects a ll p arts o f the system . 1 he head h as a tig h t, fu ll fe e lin g , n ose c o n tin u a lly sto p p ed u p , p ain s a b o v e the cyes, s lig h t fever com es a n d g oes, the stom ach is u p se t a n d th e entire system disordered and affected b y th is d lseare. I t is a w a ste o f tim e to t r y to c u t * C atarrh w ith sprays m o d w orse. I triod everythin;* w a sh es, in h alation s, ( . 2. Hue A treatm ent I c o u ld h o a r o f . b u t n o B°. « B a ? and docs “ < * « * ■ bloo<1. J can therefore, • u lt e d . I ‘ * could see » little improvement ¿ o nothing more than te m p o ra rily relieve from tho first bottle, and aftor f l nf trouble T o CUfC taking it a e h o r t w h ilaw a .'ic i're d . >r Protruding P ile » in 6 to 14 d ay» or Honey refunded. 50c. Physicians in various parts of hingland are complaining that the competition of departments of hospitals is ruinously un­ fair. ___ V H P ____________ _________ diins Byrup the b si remedy to uao tor their chlldrsa du rin g the teeth ing period. It. **The financial stringency doesn’t seem to have affected you much,” remarked Dinguss, touching him for ten. “ No,” answered Shadbolt, reluctantly banding it over, "and it doesn’t seem to have taught me any gumption, either.” H t re d llr. The baby wns learning to walk. “ B ’eaa its 'ittle heart!” exclaimed the fond mother. “ It waddle* dess like it» big fat papa, doesn't it?” C on aialcury In R eform . “ W h y w asn ’t Mrs. I)e Smytbe-Pey* ster at the meeting to take steps to suppress the gambling evil in big cities?” "S he couldn’t come. This is the day her bridge whist club meets, and she’a alw ays such a winner.”— Haltimor« American. r * T f l St. Vitus’ Dance und all ftirrvftna Dtsnooea l » l u permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Ureal ÎJerve Restorer. Heed for FRBE $3trial bottle and treatise. Dr. K. ILklLt«, Ll. 031 arch Hi.. Pblla.,P* Lumbago. T h is is really Rheumatism of the muscles of the loiua and is character Ized by severe, at times agon zing, pain in the sm all of the back, allow ing the lu ffe re r scarcely a m om ent’s rest, w h ile the ailm ent is at its worst. It can come from cold, exposure to draft, ftom getting wet feet or wearing wet or dam p clothing. It canees acute suffer­ ing, and if allowed to become chronic, it may permanently disable the suffer­ er. The way to secure quickest relief is to redden the skin over the painful part by rubbing with a flush brush or piece of flannel tag, and then app ly St. Jacobs O il by gentle friction with the hand. No Dead On the accession of a new euiperoi of China lie goes in solemn state to the Temple o f Heaven in Peking and form ally announces to his Imperial pre­ decessors the new titles and dignities which he has assumed. These ances­ tors are then dutifully invited to tho banquet of commemoration, where seats are duly reserved for them. S ig n . Sister— I know Jack is In love with me. Brother— W hat makes you think so?’’ Sister— IIis hand trembled when he buttoned my glove for me this morn- in g .. Brother— Guess again. I w as out with him last night.”— Cleveland Leader. A fi r e n t M n n 'a l.ltflr P leasantry. "Senator,” said the correspondent, "you are quoted as ntivoentin? the abolition of capita] puuisiimeut. How about that?” "W e ll,” answered Senator Lof.srmin, with a grin, "don’t you think capital baa been punished about enough?” How’s This? We ofTerOno Hundred boll* rs Howard forany case of Catarrh that cannot L) * ured by Ha l'§ Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY ACO., Toledo,O We, the undersigned, have kn »wn F. J. Cheney for the la.-i l ’j V*r>s flnd believe him perfectly honorable in all lm>ncsn tr ansaction* and financially a bit* to carry out any obliga­ tion made bv hi*» flim. WALDINU, RINNAN A M ARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,O Hall’s Cararrah Cure is nken imernaily, act­ ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur­ faits of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7fi cents per bottle Bold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family PillB lor Constipation. O pen M in d e d . *'T7ncl« George, do you believe Mars iB inhabited?” “ Sometimes I do, my hoy, nnd some­ times I don’t. It depends altogether on w*hich one of the monthly magazines 1 happen to be reading at the time.” Mrs. I praore Well, if you suited hei young girls are given In m arriage, and for as long a time a« that you wouldn’t |n mnsof|nena(. , he race bas dwindled au.t me at all. Good morning. , hpI(fht nn(I fran)e and OVPn ,n ,,n. H a c o n ra g la g . Snld an ambitious youth one day to a young la d y ; "D o n 't you think I'd better dye my mustache?” caressing tha faintly visible progeny. " I think if you let it alone It w ill die Itself," said the young lady.— W om an ’! Home Companion. s (y ru sH d ixirifS e r n ia Clc canses the System E f fect- ually;JJ¡speU Colds andHoad- J j 1 i r i- a - aelios due to Constinoti ton; Acts natifrally. acts truly as a Laxative. Best forMcn\vomenond. Child­ ren -yound and Old To ¿et its D »efic'ia 1 Ejjects ÁI wq ^S huy the Genuine tlemiine which vvhich has the full name oj the Com- CALIFORNIA H o S t h u p C o . by whom it is m a n u fa ctu red ,p rin ted on tho fron t of r \ o r y packn g**. SOLD STALL LEADING DRUGGISTS •ne size only, regular price 5 0 «^ . bailie. ergy and Initiative. H e b re w . In I’o- land are n conspicuous exam ple o f the evil o f early motherhood, , The doctor thinks that the same principle may account for the sum II- ness of the Japanese, and he Is sure it does fo r the degeneracy of the Hln- I class, wherein girls m arry young, a* hullfl of city people to be Inferior to that o f peasants, and It tend* to cause jhyulcnl retrogression in the leisure class, wwherein girls m arry young, as compared with the class o f workers, In which the young women have to take ' np trades or domestic service for sev­ eral years before they can marry. fio o d Som e O th er " O U C H , OH M Y B A C K " N E U R A L G IA . S T IT C H E S . L A M E N E S S , C R A M P T W IN G E S , T W IT C H E S FR O M W E T OR D A M P ALL B R U IS E S . S P R A IN S . A W R E N C H OR T W IS T T H IS S O V E R E IG N R E M E D Y T H E Y C A N T R E S IS T ST JACOBS OIL T im e . “Just ns Jack w as about to klsa me fast night father w alked Into the room." "W b a t did yon do?” “ I gave Jack a rain yherk.”— M ilw au­ kee Sentinel. P rice 2 5 c a n d 5 0 c A n Keonom lat. “Y es," boasted an overdressed Indi­ vidual, “ t make my clothes last. This hat la an exam ple o f my th rift Bought It three year* ago, had It blorked twice and exchanged It once for a new one at a c a fe !” A P oor W ra p p e r. "Y e s ; poor Mrs. Elderly la all wrapped np In that son o f her*.“ "A n d he Isn't much o f a wrapper, -h r Love Is blind. therefore It can't Ita fin lab. su o ra at > u ’ e aicza. ro o zvenv » t e s t s orTMcrAMiLv, men , «ova. « o » ! * . Misaca and children . r* W. L. Dnugfma /neA re mnrl amila m ece n . „ m a rt ’• * 2 . 110 . * 3 . 0 0 a n d » a n o a lw a m o t lH u P r a v r r w In A - n . . I l i a n a a n y a o l h n r m a n v l i a f U wM I h n ___ __ w o r ld , h o c a u am I h a y h o l d I II h a t a - ^ A a h m n a , t i l h a l l a r , tt/ttar t o n pm a, , g fc 'f» o r a o t p r . a l a r r a t t i a t h a n a n y o t h a r O**/ sflfM ls i n #J m niru fi/ td% r4m w W. L Douglas $4 ind $8 6llt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled it Any Pilca J J F W . L. D '■*!»« nam# snd pr\f» Is support on bottom. f c U a ^ Â ^ T ü î ^ r ” ' 1" “ - “ u r c i « i/t ii T is h a R«* »a h s llt iila .