Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, January 17, 1908, Image 7

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    We Hear o f More Cures
Of troubles originating In Impure blood, O t h e r « B e « l d e « t h e C a m e l E x h t f o r
scrofula, loss of appetite, catarrh, rheuma­
L o u g I'e rliid o W i t h o u t W u l e r .
tism, by Hood’s Sarsaparilla than by all other
From i-UIUltioud pic ture book daja
so-called remedies combined.
Somehow nearly everyone bus cherished tbe Idea
those cured by Hood's seem to stay cured, that tbe camel was the beast above all
and they gladly tell the good news toothers. o tb eri that could exist for exteuiled
S c r o fu la S o r o - ’My wife had a scrofu­ periods wltbout drinking- And so few
lous sore on her leg for years. Many differ­ have any Idea that there are other
ent medicines gave but little benefit. She beasts o f the earth quite us cnpuble us
This isone reason why A yer’s
turned to Hood's Sarsaparilla aud the eore
the bumped quadruped o f going for
Cherry Pectoral is so valua­
quickly healed. It Is a good blood medicine.''
days und weeks without water.
J. N. Darr, Crosby. Texas.
ble in consumption. If stops
8heep In the northwestern deserts go
A fflic t e d 16 Y e a r a - * ‘ Hood's Sarsapa­
the wear and tear o f useless
rilla ha» cured me of scrofula, with which 1 from forty to sixty days In winter
have been troubled 16 years, and caused by w ltbout drink, grazing on the green,
coughing. But it does more
My little daughter bad a
scrofula Hwelliug on her neck and Hood's succulent vegetation o f that season.
— it controls the inflammation,
Sarsaparilla also cured her." Mas. N ora Peccaries In the desert o f Sonora live
quiets the fever, soothes, and
H uohby . Hughey. Tennessee.
In little dry bills where there is no
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold everywhere. natural water for long periods. They
heals. Sold for 60 years.
In the usual liquid, or In tablet form called can not possibly And water, In fact,
•• A y o r’t Cherry Pectoral has heen a resmlar
life preserver to me. It broutfht me through
S a r s a t a b s . 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre­ fo r months at a time. T b e only mois­
a severe attach o f pneumonia, and I fe e l
that I ow e my life to Ite wonderful curative
pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. ture they can obtain comes from roots
properties.” — W i l l i a m H. T r u i t t , Wawa,
and tbe fruits o f cacti.
Hut tbe most extraordinary case Is
F a i l e d to R e lie v o .
J. C. A y e r Oo.. L o w e ll,
-------- a facturera o f
that o f tbe pocket mouse, oue o f the
O r the mighty deep.
s a r s a p a r il l a .
The great ocean liner rolled and pitch­ common rodents o f the desert. This
little creature, by the way, bus a genu­
“ Henry,” faltered the young bride, “ dc ine fur-lined pocket on the outside o f
you still love me?”
Its cheek. When It Is hungry It takes H a s t e n r e c o v e ry toy k e e p in g th*
“ More than ever, darling!” was Henry’ s
food from this pocket with Its paw b o w e ls r e n u la r w it h A y e r ’s P ills .
fervent answer.
Just as a man would pull a sandwich
Then there was sn eloquent silence.
U a d e r the N e w
H o lin g.
“ Henry,” she gasped, turning her pale, from his pocket
His Lawyer— The trouble is that
ghastly face away, “ I thought that would
It Is said that one o f these mice has they’ ve got half a dozen witnesses who
make me feel better, but it doesn't!”
been kept for three years with no other saw you whipping your wife. It will bs
food tbun tbe mixed bird seed o f com­ hard to establish an alibi in the face of
Borax. Nature's Disinfectant, Geanser aid Purifier
merce. During this period It had not that.
Kv* ryo e r alizen the necessity o f some
Prisoner— Gosh! I don’t need any
a taste o f either wuter or green food.
ni• thoti o f purification o f inks, drains and
direction alibi. All you’ve got to do is to prove by
utensils in which may lurk the germ of Other experiments In this
me that I was drunk.
dreaded disease.
hare shown. I d fact, that these mice In
Health is i qu* stw n o f cleanliness and
That T errible Boy.
proven ion.
Mrs. Kerruthers (making a calB)— Yes,
Most people are familiar with the use of ing to know that water Is good to
disinfectants in t eir ordinary sense—a I drink. The bird seed put before the Indeed, Mrs. Kajones, I put in nearly the
o f which are either unpl asa tly associated
whole blessed day in the dentist’s chair.
with disagreeable odors <*n which are <le- mouse referred to contained not more
Mrs. Kajones— I can sympathize with
pended o kill th* germ o f contagion ( which than 10 per cent o f moisture, which
I know how it hurts.
aisinfectam s must of necessity be of a more Is less than Is ne<-essary fo r digestion.
Kerruthers— My dentist hardly
or less dltiM fOUl eh ltd er), and must he
used for this purpose und no other, and in 8tuff bo dry as this can not even he ever hurts me, though. He’s so careful
consequence must be kept from children swallow ed until it Is moistened by and gentle that I don't mind it at all. I
and cu eless humll ng.
saliva, yet this remarkable mouse gave declare I slept half the time while he was
T ere is, however, within the reach o f all
o f 11 our reader- a simp e, safe and econ­ nothing but his time to the interests at work.
Johnny Kajones— That dentist wouldn’t
omical article that will not only answer for o f science.
He suffered nothing in
every dioinfeclimr purpose —but can also health or spirits during his captivity.
never do for maw. When she goes to
be used fora multitude of domes io clean­
sleep she snores like a thrashin’ machine.
sing and purlfyi g purposes—Borax
Borax is a p re, wh te arm lees powder
coming direct from Nature’s lftbiraio y ; in
fact Borax has o f en been « ailed “ Nature’s
Cleanser and Disinfectan
Two tablespoonfuis of Borax in a pailful ♦ s s s s s s s s s t s s s s s s s s s » » » « » »
of hot water poured down the greasea-ehok-
ed pipes of a "ink or Hushed UfOUgb • dfe-
“ Yes, Indeed, 4 o'clock will auit me
ease-1 den drain, cleanses and purities it, '
exactly as well, Mr. H arvey— I f you
leaving it cl an and sweet.
Bed clothing and clothes used in a sick children don't shut up, you'll be sorry
loom cun 1» made hygienically clean and
Buy the Ingredients from Any Druggist
snowy-white, if washed in a hot solution of In a m inute!”
Borax water.
The two sentences, one In tbe gay,
in Your Tow n and Shake Them
Kitchen and eating utensils used during sweet voice he knew so well, the other
in a Bottle to Mix This.
illness will he kept from all Dossibiiitv <?
contagion if Borax is used when washing sharp with anger, reached the young
them. Pure M snow and harnile s as alt. man at the telephone with nearly equul
and l>eca se it can be used for almost every
A w ell known authority on Rheuma­
domest c and medical purpose, Borax must clearness. He had alw ays thought '■ ose
be con-idered the one greut household no* Jessup's voice oue o f hor greatest tism gives the readers of a large New
charms, snd had smiled to himself to Y o rk d a ily paper the follow in g valua­
find how little the quality was chuuged ble, yet sim ple and harmless prescrip­
N e w M e tk ed .
over the w ire when, an unexpected tion, which any one can easily prepare
Do you wish to choose a wife?
business m atter detaining him down­ at home:
•flip a »in .
Flu id Extract Dandelion, one-half
town, he had telephoned to ask If he l
Or select your lot in life?
might bring
his sleigh round at 4 ounce; compound Kargon, one ounce;
Flip s coin.
Compound Syiup Sarsaparilla, three
O f two evils make no choice.
o'clock Instead o f 3. And then that
. ounces.
Rave your time, and strength, and vole* sudden bewildering revelation.
M ix by shaking w ell in a bottle, and
There’s a better way ! Rejoice I
Busy as he was. Jack H arvey stood
take a teaspoonful after each meal and
Flip a coin.
for many minutes staring blankly down at bedtime.
Into the street beneath his window.
He states that the ingredients can be
F e r ry ’s F ree S eed B o o k .
H is mother and sisters had uever liked obtained from any good prescription
For hall a century thousands snd
Hose, but he had taken the matter pharmacy at small cost, and, being a
thousands o f farmers and gardeners
lightly, saying that they must love lier vegetable extraction, are harmless to
have regarded " F e r r y ’ s Seed A n n u a l"
te the beet guide not only for the buy­ vhen they knew her, and pretty soon— . take.
T his pleasant m ixture, if taken regu­
ing o( seeds, but for their planting and that was as fa r as he had gone yet.
care. D aily reference to its text and Now standing at his window In a be­ larly for a few days, is said to overcome
illustrations proves it to be tb e actual wilderm ent o f pain, he was glad that almost any case of Rheumatism.
beginning o f a successful season. The he had gone no farther. H e fancied pain and sw elling, if any, diminishes
new edition foi 1908 is now ready lor that voice In the home he had begun with each dose, until permanent results
free m ailing to all who w rite to tbe to dream o f— be turned sharply from are obtained, and without injuring the
publishers for a copy.
the window and rang for bis otflee- stomach. W h ile there are many so-
called Rheumatism remedies, [latent
It is a high tribute to Ihe bouse of boy.
D. M . fe r r y <4 Co. that tw o genera­
T w o hours later Rose was
flying medicines, etc., some of which do give
tions have planted Ferry's Seeds, each round tbe speedway behind Jack H ar­ relief, few really give permanent re­
sults, and the above w ill, no doubt, be
succeeding year adding to the confi­ vey's splendid hoi'ses.
A ll the town
dence that "seed trouble” w ill never was out, and Hose grew gayer and greatly appreciated Dy many sufferers
• rise when Ferry’ s seeds are planted as lovelier to look nt every moment. She here at this tim e.
| In qu iry at the drug stores of even the
"F e r r y 's Seed A n n u a l"
knew that people were taking things sm all towns elicits the information that
should be.
for granted, and the consciousness o f these drags are harmless and can be
Another remarkable feature devel­
It went to her head. She was sure that bought separately, or the druggists w ill
oped by the house of Ferry is the m eth ­
things— wouderful
things— wore m ix tb e prescription if asked to.
od of distributing seels to dealers
throughout the country so that the coming true soon.
Iteprarfillaff J a c k .
The next morning Rose received a
planters everywhere can secure at their
"Jack always ends his letters te ms
home store exactly what they want note from Jack. She read It with be­ By saying, ‘ I remain, yours forever,’ "
He was going away
when they want It, with the absolute wildered eyes.
•aid tbe girl who had more money than
assurance that It is fresh and fertile. quite suddenly upon a three months’ beauty.
Everyone should send at once to D. M. business trip, he wrote, and took this
“ Yes,” rejoined her girl friend, who
Ferry A Co., Detroit. M ich., for the way o f saying good-by been use his hur­
oad more beauty than money, “ and If
1908 edition of “ F erry’s Seed A n n u a l." ried preparations le ft him no time to
yon w ere poor he would probably re-
call. I t was a pleasant note, but there
waln a bachelor.’’
T h e P o o r Cat.
was In It no hint o f any future hopes,
W h a t t h e r ' l o t h tr ot I n B o . t o a .
A young w ife called her husband on and Rose knew with a dull certainty
I f you go to San Francisco and meel
the telephone to tell him a tale o f woe that her happy world o f dreams had
| ■ friend he w ill ask you to stay a week
In tear-choked accents she said: “That vanished In a night.
you. dearie? W ell, you know that love­
“ I didn't deserve I t ! ” she cried, pas­ • with him. In Omaha he w ill take yon
ly chicken pie I made you— that horrid sionately. And In a way she did not. home overnight. In Chicago he will
old cut came In and ate it up before 1 It was one o f the terrible Judgments o f take jo u out to dinner. In N ew York
he w ill hurry you o ff to lunch. In New
could stop It?”
life.— Youth's Companion.
H aven be w ill hand you a good cigar,
l i e answered:
“ Never mind, dar­
C o n v e n ie n t A r r a n g e m e n t .
and In Boston be will give you au up
ling ; I ’ll get you another cat."
“ W hat are you buying now?"
pie.— Congregutioualist
“ I am looking fo r some present to
A W on derful R eco rd.
give my w ife on her birthday. I tell
M any so-called
“ specifics”
you, making presents costs a heap o f
“ cures” for rheumatism have already
been brought before the public; but
"W h y don't you do as I do? I have
of the W ell-Inform ed o f the W orld has
when rheumatism, neuralgia and kin­
always been for a simple, pleasant never failed to moke my w ife a present dred diseases have become chronic snd
on her birthday every year fo r twenty- threaten serious results, you may rest
and efficient liquid laxative rem edy of
five years, and I am not out n penny assured that they w ill help but very
known value; a laxative which physi­
thus far.”
little , If any.
Although not recom­
cians could sanction fbr fam ily use
"H o w do you manage It?"
mended as “ in fa llib le ,” the peculiar
because Its component parta are
“ It Is Tery simple. A fte r w e were qualities of 8t. Jacobs O il especially
known to them to be wholesome and married, when her birthday came adapt it to those cases which may be
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable round, I gave her a £5 note. When my termed “ chronic,” and which have
to the system and gantle, y e t prompt. birthday came round, she gave me the previously withstood a ll known “ spe­
In action.
note back, and we have kept that up cifics,” as well as the prescriptions of
In supplying that demand w ith its ever since, and neither o f us Is out a the beet physicians.
excellent combination o f Syrup of penny."-— London Tit-Bits.
S e T o t I « n t o t h « I d e a l.
It Q u ie ts
the C ough
F c d S In s
In B n
K ing Alfonso o f Spain Is preparing
to enjoy next summer the odd wedding
yreseut Chat some wealthy Spanish no­
bleman bestowed on him and Queen
Victoria, says the New Y’ork Sun. He
s having a palace built on the Island
>f fortegad a In the Buy o f Artwu, op-
jnslte the port o f C arrll and the suin-
ner resort o f Villagarcla, famous for
ts sulphur baths. The villa at San
Sebastian, at which he has heretofore
fiient a good deal o f time each Sum­
ner, Is the property o f bis mother, and
:he new summer home U designed to
five the youthful couple a place where
:hey can entertain guests Independent-
The Island Is about three miles ano
i half In circumference. It la dl verst-
led In surface aud beautifully wooded,
while In all directions It receives cool-
tig breezes and commands splendid
flews, varying from the broad Atlan ­
tic to the picturesque shores o f the
bay. Previous to Its purchase for the
tin g It bad a population o f seventy
latter folk, who Inhabited
Swellings. They sold out their rights
to the Intending donors, sharing the
desire o f the latter, as they put It, to
please their sovereign, upon tbe one
bondltlon that the Chapel o f the Incar­
nation, a far-famed shrine to which
pilgrims from all ihe Ashing villages
of the const resorted, should remain
untouched and should be always acces­
sible to pilgrims.
The king has placed the building ot
bis palace and the beautifying o f th«
Island In the hands o f the marquis de
Vtana and a Madrid architect, Senni
Rlpolles. The building Is to be o f semi-
Arab design, follow in g the general Hues
of some o f the most famous parts ol
the Alhambra. The harbor Is also to
be developed so that the king can In­
dulge In aquatic sports.
X ■
H u » tired
S torie«
O a lr
a i«h t.
Soulful Miss— You are familiar, I pre­
sume, wjth the Portuguese Hymn?
Col. Lumpkin (just returned from a
trip abroad)— Er— no; I saw him, of
course, when I was in Europe, but I never
met 'im. You mean King Carlos, don’t
Only O n « “ BROM O Q UIN IN E.”
That is L A X A T IV E BKOMO Q U IN IN E . Look
for the siKuature o f K. W. GROVE.
Used the
W orld over to Cure a Cold in One Day. ‘J6e.
J n »t
F a m ily
R . B U R T O N - A m a y c r a r i Chamist.
L e a d v ille , C oloran o.
B p ei’ im eit p rk -e s :
G o ld ,
B llv e r , L- ad , $1 ; G o ld , H IIv o r ,7ó c ; G o ld , to c ; Z in o o r
C op p e r, fel. C> a nirio tosta. M u illn g e u v e lu p e » an d
f i l l i p r ie « lis i s e n t o n a p p lic a tio n . C o n tro l an d D in *
p ir e w o rk sollellttd .
K a ie r v u c e :
C a rb o n a ia M ar
tlo u al B a n k .
W a lts . T w o fttep. T h ree Step,
etc- Dance com pletely taught
and guaranteed In fo a r 1
P r o f W i l l W i l l s o n . IS felli»«-
d i r » . - Bill«.. P o r t lu m i. O r ** *o n
J ar.
Fie (a n g r ily )— So there was a man
after you when you married me, was
She— Y ee; there was.
“ Poor fo o l! I wish to heavens you
had m arried him.”
“ I did.” — Boston Transcript.
F o r fresh ­
n ess,p u rity and r e li­
a b ilit y , F e r r y ’ s S e e d a
a re in a class b v th em ­
selves. F a rm e rs
h a ve con fid en ce
In them because
th e y k u o w th e y
can be re lie d up­
on. D o n 't e x p e r i­
m e n t w ith ch ea p
seeds— y o u r sure-
I ty lies in b u y in g
seeds sent o u t b y
a con scien tio u s
an d tru stw orth y
Mo ners w ill find Mr*. W inslow 's Soothing
By n ip the b st remedy to use for thair children
during the teeth iu g period.
■8j|jp jw ojif aq j ui pa;d(i9JVd
¿ [p jtfq ajB } « q j aetio jo o d A'jeuiouixe sne
-jtKunu djoui oqi pun p[JOM i q j uj s j o ; j
-adns ou a.\vq jwqa sjuo sbbjj lsjij iau iu
e q i UdJ.Yvioq Biuuanuisoj jo u o p jo d o jd
urns XjeA v seswMNKxl Xjif) q jo j
F e r r y 's S e e d Annual
■ kfl. fisBt A Ca.. Dcittn, M ca
for l ’JUSls FREE.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as m ercury w ill surely destroy the sense o f smell
and om pietely derange the w hole system when
entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on pres- j
eriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they w ill do is ten fold to the good y o u
ean possibly d e riv e from them. I la ll’ sCatarrh
Cure, m anufactured by K. J. Cheney <fc Co.,
Toledo, o .,c o n ta in s no m ercury, and Is taken
in te rn a llv , a ctin g directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces o f the system. In buying
Ha l ’s Catarrh « ure be sure you r e t the gen­
uine. I t is taken Internally and made in T o l­
edo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testim onials
I Bold by Druggists. Price. 75c, per bottle.
I Taka H a ll’s Fam ily Pills for constipation.
K & '
Every garment guaranteed
Clean - Light - Durable
Suits »3<IS Slickers ‘ 39?
j no K M T o u lli m nwutt
cUJU .04 m l m
a j ><y
For Infant« and Children.
and guaranteed
Peat briquettes are now bemg made at
Norfolk, Mass., with a machine.
peat is cut up by revolving knives like
a meat chopper and then pressed through
a die in a continuous bar, which ia sliced
into briquettes by a knife operated auto­
N . U.
w M M
tc y>i;
N o . 3—09
H E N w r it in g to ad vertlsero p
m en tion th la p ap er.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought W
Bears the
Signature o f
F l o w e r o f (h o
The lead In very cheap pencils is some­
times only coke.
F a m ily .
“ Uncle ’ Rastus, how old are you?"
"Das’ seventy nine. hoes. I'll noon be
a octogeraolura."— Chicago Tribune.
P lttS C U R fD IN 6 T O 14 DAYS.
T h e P e -ru -n s Alm anac In 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
H om es.
The Pernna I.ucky Day Almanac has
become s fixture In over eight m illion
homes. I t can be obtained from a ll
druggists free.
Be sure to inquire
early. The 1908 Alm anac is already
published, and the supply w ill so-m be
exhausted. Do not put it o ff. Speak
for one today.
P A / O O IN TM E N T Is guaranteed to cure sny
case of itch ing, Bi nd, deeding or Protru ding
Piles in 6 to 14 da., s or money refunded. 50c.
Re-enforced concrete buildings, 100
stories high, towering 1,000 feet Into
I “ It takes yon a long time to pass a
the air, may yet be seen by people now
given point,” said tbe minute band, en
living, according to a prominent New
York engineer and builder.
“ I may be slow,” answered the hour
such a feat can be accomplished, how-
hand; “ but it takes you all of sixty-six
minutes to catch up with me.”
sver, two grent obstacle* must be over­
come. The lack o f adequate fire pro­
r * T O St. Vitus' rvanre ana al! Nervous Dls^aaea
tection at auch a height Is one. and
IzettliiK th e C a t O n t.
j permanently cured by I>r. Kline's Great
Restorer. Semi for FR E E f 4
.!trial bottle and
Amelia— Herbert, dear, your office is on Nerve
the other la the Impossibility o f provid­
treatise. Dr. R. I L K lu r , Ld. Ml Arrh HL. PbUa.,Pa,
ing elevator service under the present Orange street, isn’t it?
Herbert— Yes; why?
The population of Oklahoma in about
Even now In thirty-story
Amelia— That’s what I told papa. He 1,500,000, and the increase in Oklahoma
buildings the weight o f the cables sup­
made such a funny mistake about you the City- the metropolis, which now has 32,-
porting the cars la enormous, and build­
other day. He said he'd been looking you 452, has been 232.3 per cent in sevea
ings o f over forty stories would pass up in Brad street.
the safety line In this respect
When, twenty years ago, a w riter
dewcrlbed a mammoth office structure
tow ering Into the clouds his picture
was but a toy for the Imagination. Now
It Is s w iftly approaching a reality.
Architects are at work this moment
rapidly developing plans fo r substan­
tially the aim e kind o f structure told
Every part of the body Is dependent ctl the blood for nourishment and
o f In his fanciful story.
Strength. When this life stream is flowing through the system in a state of
“ T h e 10O-atory building Is sure to purity and richness we are assured of perfect and uninterrupted health;
come,” says one New York architect because pure blood Is nature’s safe-gunrd against disease. When, however,
“ W e may not be ready for It yet, but the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of
the larger and higher buildings s e are Its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various
-ertaln to have In the near future. The ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections
next stage In the development w ill be show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased conauion as a result of too
die fifty and seventy-five- story build­ much acid or the presence of some Irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are
ing, constructed o f steel and concrete." the result of morbid, unhealthy matter In the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca-
Already tbe forty-story building has tarrl Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
been reached and passed In tbe com­ disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
pletion o f the Singer building.
T bs These impnrities and poisons find their way Into the blood in various ways.
fifty-story goal t* practleslly here with Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the
avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
tbe construction o f ths Metropolitan
form uric and other acids, which are taken np by the blood and distributed
L ife building, which, when completed,
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases i »
w ill be forty-eight stories high.
another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and
Less than a dozen years ago a twen
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get Into the blood In
ty-story building was a world wonder. Sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier o f disease instead of health. .Some
Now It Is Insignificant The o js n s o f are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old
•kyscrapers In New York, not taking constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are
Into account the Singer building, gives constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood Is the source of all dis-
a total number o f twenty-two buildings ■ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to
more than twenty stories In height, end suffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character 3. S. S. Is the best
40e buildings ranging from ten to twen­ remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any
ty stories high.— Popular Mechanic.
and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely
General Dem and
The hero of the play had just died te
«lew, tremulous, wabbling musi<* but tht
audience insisted on his coming before tht
curtain and kept up the applause for tht
vpace o f fire minutes.
A t last a aupe came out and stepped
“ Ladies and gentlemen,” he announced
In a high-keyed voice, “ he says he'll hart
the curtain raised and you ran look again
on his cold corpse if you want to, but he’ll
be d— d if he’s going to ri'late the pro­
prieties and degrade his art by coming te
life again before to-morrow evening.
Thanking you again, ladies and gentlemen,
I will new retire.”
Au ijers
Figs and BUxlr o f Senna, the C ali­
IV O n e P a i r C o a i d .
fornia FT* Syrup Co. proceeds along
John W. Oates was discussing wom­
ethical lines and m iles on the merlta en's Ideas abont business th* other
H e said a woman whom be
of the laxative fo r Its rem arkable night.
knew Once mailed her brother this
That Is one o f many reaaona why note:
"P lease buy fo r my account 1.000
Syrup o f F igs and E lixir o f Senna la
shares o f P. D. A Q. at .73. Sell at
given the preference by the W ell-
100, and be sure to send me the profits
Informed. T o get Its beneficial effects
by noon to-morrow, as I am going out
always buy the genuine— manufac­
o f town.”
tured by the California F ig Syrup Co.,
Some men Imagine they are natural
only, and for sale by all leading
leaders because they always w ant ta
druggists. P rice fifty cents per b ottle
boas the Job.
I’ r e a . a l
In B a r o f A r o a a
S it e n f S u m m e r Iflo m r .
C on sid era i«*
Itrld rirroon s.
A girl and a young man, both ot
whom bad sternly Job«, were married
the other day. T be day after they were
married tbe girl an Id to her fond hint-
band : “ Ob, George, now that we are
married, there It only one thing I re­
gret, and that is that I have to give up
n y fine position.” The fond young huo-
band Btroked the silken fremap« o f the
young w lfe ’a hair and soothingly re­
plied : “ Now, darling, don’t worry,
fo u needn't give up your poeltlon. I'U
(!? • up m in«.” — Kan— City Star
and permanently cures blood diseases of
every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
healthy so that disease cannot remain. It
cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sore»
PURELY VEGETABLE and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagion»
Blood Poison, etc., and docs not leave the
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature’»
greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and harks, and is absolutely
harmless to any part of the system.
S. S. S. is for sale at all first class
h u g stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write.
T H E S W I F T S P C C i n C C O ., A T U U t T A , GAm