Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, November 30, 1907, Image 1

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    Bis High T im e Y o u W e re Telling Y ou r Customers About the Many Things Y e*"«
the f a r m e r s
Executive Board of Portland Commer­
cial Club Approves Extension.
T h at tho bank holidays should j
is the opiuiou of the
Here Last W ednesday
a Success
Board o f Governors of the Portland
Commorcial Club, as expressed in a
ShOOld beM(>re Than Thailk=
fill This Year
An American Club Organized to Make
People Smile.
The Optimist Club of America
lias been organized at Salt Lake
City, one it is purposed to have
spread all over the country. Kvery
city is invited to form a club. Pres­
ident Roosevelt has been made an
honorary member. Here is the
philosophy of it, something worth
considering and imbibing. Let
Cottage Grove people read it, smite
and keep smiling:
God reigns, the Union still lives
and the sun still shines, even
though the clouds obscure it.
There are more people dying tor
the lack of a kind word, a pat on
the hack and a little encouragement
than there are from disease.
A smile is potential, magnetic
and dispels trouble.
The man who never makes any
mistakes never makes anything
Bard luck stories are like overdue
“Go bury thy sorrows, the world
hath its share” . Just smile.
Before money was invented some
people were happy.
Successful Meeting Held Last Sunday
Evening at the Methodist
Incorporated This Week With
a Million Capital
rousing service on last Sunday
evening. T he Presbyterian aud
resolution passed at its regular
Christian churches united with the
m eeting yesterday indorsing the
Methodist people in a union service
action of Governor Chamberlain in |
at tho Methodist church.
extending tho bunk-holiday period
of interest to f a r m e r s
800 MILES OF NEW ROAD Kov. F,. F. Zimmerman, a firm er
It was the senso of the Board that j
pastor of the Methodist ehur< h of
their continuance is advisable and I
Cottage Grove, but now tho field
for the best interests not ouly of
The Institute Was Well Attended at
A Few Facts About the Substantial
A. Welch and the Willamette Valley ageut of the Anti-Saloon i- ,ue,
the community but ot the entire]
was invited to be present mid re­
all Sessions and Much Good to
Company Will Build Road in Cen­
state. T h e resolution as passed is j
tho cause of the h ague.
Farmers Will Result.
as follows:
tral and Western Oregon
large audience filled the t-hur li and
W hereas, The Governor of Ore- ,
seemed to be in full sympathy with
gou, in oi>edience to requests by |
the work that the league is doing.
The Firmer-, Institute was well bankers, business men, stock-grow- ] The heavy movement of grain for
A larger plan of electric railway
Mr. Zimmerman mad • a strong
attended amt proveil ho satisfactory ers and other interests throughout the tremendous crop of the present
development in the Willamette V al­ address against the saloon. He
that both resident atten d an ts and tlie state, lias seen fit to coutinuo j year has been temporarily delayed
ley anil Central Oregon than has gave the reasons that are usually
visitor» became enthusiastic over the holidays, and
ever before been undertaken is be­ given by the defenders of the sa­
by the financial situation, but is
the succesH of the m eeting.
ing launched by A. Welch, and the loon. why we should have 1 . enscd
W hereas, There seems to be a : now on, and the months of Novem-
The committee front the Com mer­ misunderstanding of the purpose of lier and December will make the
Willamette Valley company, own­ saloons and thon ausw ie i them so
cial Club that had the arrangem ents this act and a misconception as to record shipments of all history,
ers of electric light plauts at vari­ effectually
Cent no honest man
incbsrge had left nothing uudone. its having been made especially for Tin-re are twenty-three vessels in
ous, points and builders of the Ku- j could be fooled iuto the belief that
The entire program went on w ith ­ the benefit of Portland hankers, Portland Harbor at this time, in-
gene street railway and other pro­ prohibition does not Ic-sen tin- evil
out a hitch- The dairy cow, the aud
jects, says the Portland Journal.
done by tile Haloon or that the rev­
j eluding steamers and sailing craft,
draft horse, poultry and fruit were
With a notniual capital ot 1 , 000 ,- enue derived from lie u-e is any-
W hereas, Tbe present liuancial and their principal cargo will be
the «objects bandied by those who stringency is by no means local I grain and flour. The equipment in
000 they today incorporated tlie |tb iDg but the "dn.;i of blood,
h«d prepared addresses, and the and was not brought about by the i Puget Sound ports is similar to
Portland, Flugene & Kastern Bail- j squeezed out of tbe lee li tin ’, has
lessons taught gave new thought to banks or people of Oregon or the j that here. A few months must of
way company, for the purpose of just filled itsu f from oar If o i i d
Shake hauds as though you building an electric road from Port -1 we swallowing the blood expect to
the farmer who had not studied Pacific Northwest, and
necessity make the financial situa-
meant *t, and smile.
land to Salem, Eugene. Yaquina, |]ive and grow fat on :t.”
these subjects and the whole affair
Whereas, The distribution of tion in this part of the United
Nobody can compute the value of prineviHe and Ontario, with branch
He spoke of the till .1 wav - of
will tend to make better farm ers. inonoy and the payment of actual States lietter than it ever has been
a smile; a frown has cost a king- es to numerous towns.
that is sweeping over
More cartful breeding of stock and cash upon checks in Portland has i before ami in the face of figures
The total mileage contemplated the United States at tho pri out
systematic cultivation oi th e noil been larger in proportion thau in such as these it is impossible for
Nobody eau really harm you but ¡n
undertaking is in excess ol time. One stnte after another
will produce more profitable pro­ 60 per cent of the other large finan- anyone to present a substantial
They propose to de adopting prohibition and other
ducts as well as raise the value of cial centers oi the country, it must reason for a continuance of the
McKeuzie, the Sail- states increasing in dry territory
the land.
not be forgotten that it devolved present inconvenience as to actual
man on earth.
tiam and the Deschutes rivers and ] through local optiou until over one
These institutes are aw akening upon the banking institutions of cash.
\ou can’ t put influence in a glass streams in Central Oregon the enor ),alf of the territory of the United
an interest which will make of the this city to handle at least 65 per
The output of lumber from the case.
moiis power necessary for operating j States is “ dry” aud over thirty mil-
Willamette valley a gardou spot of cent of the entire agricultural pro­ sawmills and shingle mills as well
When in doubt take Optimism.
the system planned.
lion of the inhabitants ot tne
fruit and flowers and the home of ducts oi the Pacific Northwest and as the products ol box aud fur­
In darkness, in light, in sorrow,
Paper« were filed today in the ] United States bvo where the saloon
fine stock owned by prosperous that payment for these products niture factories, and all industries
in blight, be an optimist ever, and Multnomah county clerk’s office by has no legal existence. He ex-
men. The following is th e pro­ cannot he received here in actual using native woods has been great­
things will come right,
Attorney John A . McNary and C, j pres ted tffe belief that an iucreas-
gram as rendered:
cash inside of from 60 to 120 days, ¡ er during the present year than
Optimism is the first-born of L McNary of Salem, acting for the ing number of people join in, 'h at
aud ns a consequence patience is an j ever before, and the cash for this is hope, the mother of confidence, the
company, completing its incorpora- ¡the day is not tar distant when the
Call to orde r President Fingnl Binds
executioner of adversity and the tion and settiug forth an outline ot legalized saloon will not exist- in
Address of welcome......F. 1!. Phillips absolute necessity until the actual ] constantly coming in.
Ur. Ja m e s W ltliyconilie
The livestock industry has had a undertaker of pessimism.
its purposes. The incorporators are ¡Oregon or the United State *.
The Dairy Herd......Win. Selnilincrlch cash can he received, nud
Whereas, W hile conditions are j goo<) year the wool clip lias been
A frown is a renegade smile that J. O. Stoiey, J. C-Braclier, George i The outlook has never b.rai so
.»t'TKKNOOS SESSION 1.30 p. m.
rapidly improving, it will re<iiiire | enormonB, while fruit in 1007 has is afraid to look himself in the face. bra(,ber \ Web-b, E. W. Hall and bright as at the present,
I I, t ui-
patience until it is known that all ! added to the wealth of Oregon and
On the faces of the happy aged j obn jfcN arv.
' perauce forces hove fai'h in the out-
Jolo................. *.............J. M. I sham
,Q , he incorporation come aud they showed their faith
Fruitgrowing............ Prof. (!. I. G-wls banks throughout Oregon can re­ Washington at loast 30 per cent, it is a well known fact that wrinkles
sume without fear ot any more sus­ more than during prosperous 1006. are only the footprints of smiles.
lines of elec- \ »'*
Vnli irdoou 1 . 1 ,tl-
fruit Culture a t Cottage (¡rove
On the vehicle of modern pro­ tric road will be Guilt: From Port- serdung ninety dollars to forward
No figure» are available on the
................................ 8. \V. Boyd pensions; therefore, he it
Resolved, By the board of gover- lairy products of Washington, but gress the creak of the wheel is the land to Salem, thence lo Eugene,
work of lemperan c iu t
............ ................... Blair Sisters
Organization........................C. Grelsdn nors of the Portland Commercial j o reg OI1 has jumped from nothing pessimistic protest; a little optimis­ from which point they will hianch
Oregon. King
Amomil ;nay
Club, that we indorse tho action ol teu y(.nrs ag0 to $ 5 , 000,000 five tic lubricant will silence both the out in several ,I1rectu.11». A H„e well tremble. A revolution is on.
kvemmj nkssion 7.30 p. no.
the Governor, and while realizing | yearg ag0, and 4I7, 000,000 during creak and the croak.
Iroin Flugene via Springfield and | He will he deposed from his throne
“ The optimist wins,” — Depew.
the inconvenience to large numbers
The progress in irrigation
McKenzie valley will extend to ill American politics. He will l>e
2 ?,0g-........................................Dr. Van Winkle
The greatest smiler is the greatest
The Draft horse.........Hon. K. T. Ju d d of people, are sure the continuance ^ uever been so marked as during
PrineviHe and thence across the routed from behind the bill works of
D ,
of the holidays is wise and for the t,le ,el) months just passed, both in healer.
"legalized by law .”
H<- will U-e
state to Ontario.
Poult|,y ......................!•’. H. Rosenborg
"They that are whole need not a
best interests of not only those re government and private projects.
forced out of hie hiding places in
Another line from. F.ugene will
t-ndii H quartette
siding in Portland, but everywhere
back rooms
He will be slain.
More homebuilders have come physician, hut they that are sick."
Stereoptlcon Illustrator] Lecture
Yaquina Bay points, and lines
A smile is God’s own medicine.
• Dr. James W ithycom ho else throughout this state. Ore into the Pacific Noithwcst than
will also connect Eugene with Flor­
A grin is a counterfeited smile,
ever before, one system of railroads
the nucleus, which is the Eugene
ence, Cottage Grove, Corvallis,
reporting for Oregon points alone and does not pass current because W euJliug, Mehnrna and Dallas, electric railway, anil that they have
How the Other Half Gives
230 colonists for every day between the heart stamp is not on it.
To Fruit Growers
! passing through Lane, Folk an*l r'ffhts of way and water powers al­
Optimism and pessimism have
ready secured for a large part of
______ _
I September 81 st and October 31 st.
battles; if op- | Lincoln counties
That sentiments of tonder cliar-
, the lines
The fruit crop of I907 has been j Mauy of these new settlers bave fought many bloody
timism had not been a victor to
This is the mest ambitious
1 J are innate among the poor can gathered and with the exception o f : conic to the stale with Irom
They have been at work for more
of electric railroad develop ¡th at a year on the preliminaries of
, ,,'l'n fmm a ease which presented part of the apples, has been maiket- j to £«>,000 and have invested . t -
rneul vet undertaken in Oregon.
itself among a group of little ch il­ ed at good prices. Let us now turn 1 the result will be a great increase ago.
jtb a project. It i» »aid their pro-
How long it will take to develop it j pose(i ,ine from Portland t . Salem
dren at a school where we visited,” our attention to preparing for a in the productiveness of both states
is tho optimist, the crow is the pes- IS of course problematical. The a n <i Flu gene will pass o n th
writes Mrs. John Van Vorst in her
larger crop and better quality of
Building operations throughout
hackers say they have completed | side of the Willamette river.
simist. W hy he a crow?
Christmas article in the W om an's
fruit for I908.
Oregon ami Washington have been
The optimism of the optimist
Home Companion. “ T h ey were of
Insect pests and fuDgous disease* wjtj,ont precedent, and while there destroys tbe last hope of the pessi­
the most destitute, this little class, have invaded our orchards and we are uumeious skyscrapers office
but as regular as soldiers in at­
must keep up a relentless war if we boi|dings and apartment houses,
Dallas, Or., N ov, 23 . - Hooch
After an unusual ab-
would eradicate them.
the building of homes has lo
Andrew Spores imprisoned in tho gfe
8enc* of two days, one of the small
The time is again at hand for ^jore m0ney has been placed in tn- j
county jail in »his city, under ac- m
Pupils, Mary by name, was, closely pruning and spraying.
dustria! phots and transportation
of having murdered his ^
questioned by the teacher on her
There is scarcely an orchard that facilities than through any other
Very reluctantly she re- is not more or less infected with an- avenue, Wholesale and retail trade wife, Adeline Spores, committed
suicide last night by hanging him-
•ponded that they had been without thracnose or dead spot, and now is h„
bPen uuparalled. surpassing
f°''d at home and that she was the time to spray to do the most ef even the largo »ales of 1'H)b and self from a steel bar in the corridor
W e h a v e a la r g e
our in front of his cell. The body was
ashamed to come hungry to school. fective work in destroying it.
I this dtfVing the weeks when
comment was made before
Use the Bordeaux mixture, if j bft„ks, like those all over the
___________ s t o c k o f h a n d -m a c le
M Grant when be went to take
the oilier children. N othing fur­
there is no scale. Where there is' ted S ta le y are paying m clearing | the prisoner his breakfast, early
ther was said.
scale too, use the lime and sulphur 1 bouse certificates.
* ijj?
L o g g in g S h o e s Lo
and j this morning.
The following morning a small
he effective in both | The products of the farm
procession filed before the teacher’s
orchard are bringing the highest
s e le c t f r o m .
desk, a procession of little people, cases.
« .v
tifj, poor, ignorant.
Yet not one
on a chair to fasten it to the bar.
° f ,hcm ca«ne empty handed. One
ami then kicked away the chair.
f°ught an apple, one a piece
' the next ninety days is absolutely
Two letters were found written
cheese, one a roll, one a slice of
For the benefit of those wbo ? ° 1 assured, it people c n
suicide upon scraps of paper
®eril And each, as she put her
the habit of looking through optt | uy "
K„ .
n. <(h«r
not understand how to liso the I __
in his cell, but in neither
offering down, whispered
is not a
j mislic glasses, and »here
did he definitely declare his guilt,
prepared lime
w the teacher: 'I t ’ s for M ary.' ”
for trees' •ingle
fe sound reaoon why anyone
I will give the following
although he indirectly admitted
be pessimistic,
«m istic. How t ey that he might have slain the woman
1 have .i head of gentle work I during the dormant season: To should -------
lorses-—three drive single— which each gallon of lime solphnr sola rsn be other thsn confident it is im while he was intoxicated
possible to conceive.
i,, " u1 . lo **H. Address: S. K.
Continued an page
pusirk, Dorena, Ore.
.. r ' ,
r i s s iL E S S iS iE
Prices: $ 4 . to $7.00.