MARKET REPORT. IN D IG E S T IO N . Lodge Directory. PBODÜOH. (Prices quoted are retail.) Butter, country 3 °c 25 c Butter, cooking Butter, creamery, lb 40c Butter fat 34 ° 30 c Eggs Chickens IOC Onions, cwt. $3.00 Apples, bushel, according to quality 72 c Cbittem bark, old 5 C Mohair 2!» }á Hides, green 7c Salt hides, dry 8c Potatoes $o.9o Cabbage, cwt $2.00 Turnips, cwt $ 1.5 0 Carrots, cwt $1.50 Parsnips, cwt $2.00 HAY, ORA IN , ETC R K B K K A H S Cottage Urove, No. it, Meetings 1 st. 3 rd. and Mh. Fri­ day of every month,| K t t a B ake », N. O. K a t i e B. V e a t c h , K ec . R O Y A L N EIGH BORS- Meet 2 nd and 4 th Wednesday of each month. M rs . M kh M au i B a k e r . O r a c le . W . W a l l a c e , Rec. W O. W.—Bohemia «'amp, No. 2*MI Meets every Friday evening. L. W. B aker , Consul Com. C ham . V a n D enhi ro , Clerk. K O. T. M. -Cascade Camp No. 200 Meets every Thursday night. O. H. V e a t c h , Com. It. K . B s n n i s , Cooter. Cows Sheep Veal, dressed Hogs oressed 2% 40 6 to 7c iM W 0. W . -S t. Valentine Circle 121, Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in each month in W. O, W. Hall. F lora .1. M i l l e r . Foresters of Am erica Monday evening. C. As there is no conspiracy law on the statute books of Oregon, F,. E. Radding and Mrs. Rose Waymir cannot he prosecuted on this charge That there was a plot to destroy the reputation of Mayor Harry Lane, and that Badding and the Waymire woman were instruments, if not the actual plotters, is generally con­ ceded by the public. The prosecu­ tion says tho fact that there was such a conspiracy was clearly proved in the hearing held in the Municipal Court last week, but in­ asmuch as Oregon has no law cov­ ering the case Raddiug and the woman will have to be dealt with under some other section of the code. Munsell Optical Co. MAClf.rf BLD 4«rWASH &*■ PORTLAND K. of P.— JurentiiN Lodge No, 48 , Wanted. Meets every Wednesday night. Gentleman or lady with good 8 . It. P iper C. C. reference, to travel by rail or with C has . V a n D e n B eru , K.of It. & S. a rig, for a firm oi $250,000.00 I. O. O. F.— Cottage Grove, No. OS, capital. Salary $1, 072 .00 per year Meet every Saturday night. and expense»; salary paid weekly G e o . C o m e r , N. G. and 1 xpenses advanced. Address, A. B r e w e r , S e c . with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, 7-1-7 M W. of A. —Meetings 1st and 3rd Cottage, Grove, Ore. (Retail prices are quoted) Wheat, bushel $0.90 Wheat and vetch, chopped ton $32.00 Oats, bushel 45 e $21.00 Bran, ton Clean wheat chop, ton $ 3 3 °° Oats and vetch choppod, ton $25.00 Tuesday in each month, Mixed, ton $24.00 A. 8. P o w e l l , Consul. Shorts, ton $28.00 C. W. W a l l a c e . Sec. Flour, valley, cwt $2.20 Flour (hard wheat, cwt $2.60 M. B A . —Modern Brotherhood of America. Meet the 2d and 4th Tues­ Rolled barley, per 751 b sack $1.10 day o f each mouth at 1 ,0 .0 .F. Hull. Rolled barley, standard, sack $1.00 T , W . J e n k i n s Sec. Hay, bnled, ton $ i 3 .oo LIVK STOCK MARKET. D o th ey fit? I f th e y ’ re n o t E X ­ A C T L Y rig h t, le t us m a k e them so. W h en w e flt you , w e fit y o u A C ­ CU RATELY. Long experience, e v e ry n ecessary scie n tific apparatu s and th e requ ired k n o w led ge en ­ a b lin g us to c o r r e c tly use tho same, o u r ow n co m p le te w orksh op , w ith e v e r y fa c ilit y —e ve n to th e grin d in g o f special len ses—a re a ll a t your disposal here, a ssu rin g a service not possible w ith oth ers less fo rtu ­ n a te ly equipped. A g a in —d o you r 'la sses F IT . o r n e a rly fit? £ C oi Clerk. M eet every fman , ( ’. It. K en S a n p o h ii , F .8. A. F, 6, A M.— C ottage U rove, No. 51. Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednes day of each month. O liv e r V la t c h , W. M. 1). E. W o o l k v , 8ee. G. A. R.— Appomatax Post No. 34, Meets a t 1 p. in., on the 2d and 4th Saturday of each month. Dit D. L. W o o d s , P . C. G. W. R eynold s , Adj. L. O T M — Lady Lamson H ive, No 42. Meets 2d and 4th F riday of eaeli month. M rs M a r t S c h i m t z , L . C , M i s s L e t a S a n f o r d , R, K , Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applicatlona, us they cannot reach the diseased portion o f the car. There is only one way to cure deaf­ ness, and th at is hy constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by nil inflamed condition of the mucous lin­ ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this till»' is inllumed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf­ ness is the result, and unless tlie in- tlaniatiou can lie taken out and this tube restored to itsnorm al condition, hearing w ill be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused liv Catarrh, which is nothing but 1111 in­ flamed condition o f the mucous sur­ faces. W e will g iv e One Hundred Dollars for an y case o f Deafness (caused by Catarrh)that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send fo r circulars,free. F. .1. C H E N E Y rt CO., Toledo, (). Sold by druggists. Sac. Take H a ll’s Family Pills for consti­ pation. ALSAN Y “ A cadem ic, C o lle g ia te , N orm al a n d C o m m ercial courses. E d ucatio n in a ll brunches, in c lu d in g 1 I hhb - ic s, sc ien c e, in a t hem atics, e tc ., a l l hosed on th e fo u n d a tio n t h a t has won g rea test successes f o r o u r g reatest m en an d w om en. W o h e lp boys w ho ca n n o t nay; sp ecia l d o rm ito ries fo r g ir ls , u n d o rca ro o f m a­ tro n . W R IT E T O D A Y f o r p a rtic a ln rs an d catalog. ALBANY COLLEGE, ALBANY, OREGON O E, S,— Cottage (¡r o v e Chapter No STRAIN TOO GREAT Hundreds oi Cottage Grove Readers Find Daily Toil a Burden. W. R. C .— A p pom attox W , It. C, No. A large number of Linn couDty 12, Meets a t 1 p. m. on the 2d and 4th Saturday of each month. farmers have advertised that they The bustle and worry of business M a r y D ic k e y , Pres. will prosecute anybody hunting on E, J e n n i e W o o d s , Sec. men. their premises. The hard work and stooping of workmen, PR O F E SSIO N A L CARD S. The woman’s household cares, Are too great a strain on the kid­ THE NEW ANO ENLARBED EDITION OF ? 1V/TARI0N VEATCH 9 neys 4 IVI Phone 66 Res. Phone Main -116 V Backache, headache, sideache. FUNERAL DIRECTOR and LICENSED Kidney troubles, urinary troubles ______ In Vocabulary. Tt is tho most use­ EMBAUMER fu l in size ami contents, ju diciou sly se­ follow. ^ rariors Parlors a at i Veatch a u Lawson’s. iw b o h s , a lected to exclu de corruptions o f »rood usage, and to avoid u n in telligib le tech­ H. Oliver of 1915 West St., Pen­ nicalities. Excels In Arrangem ent. Each w ord l>e- dleton, Oregon, says; “ I speak ins a paragraph Tn its co rrect nlphabet- i ial Excels place and is readily cau ght by the eye, from experience when I say that in Etym ologies. These a re com ­ Doan’s Kidney Pills are n remedy p lete ami scientific, and em body t he liest | J K. Y O U N G jjj results o f ph ilology. T h ey are not scrim p­ that has much merit and can be ed o r crow ded in to obscure (daces. Excels in Pronunciation which is indi­ t ATTO RNEY AT L A W * depended upon for euiing back­ cated by re spellin g w ith tho diacritically ache and kidney trouble. At a marked letters used in tho school books, J O fice: Young Building, Main Street, 4 the sounds o f which are taught iu tho pub­ W est Side. time when my back was so sore and lic schools. Excels in D efinition». T h ey are clear, lame that it was all I could do to terse, vet com plete, and aro giv en in the bend over or straighten up again o rd er in which tho w ord has acquired its shades o f meaning. Many o f tue défini and the kidneys were deranged, tiens are illustrated. Excels in its A ppen dix which is a packed | J*Jlt F R A N C L U C IL K H A R D ^ Doan’s Kidney Pills did more for Storehouse of useful knowledge. Excels as a W ork in g Dictionary. No me than everything else I had tried. Other Isiok era I mm lies no nnicli useful in­ OPTICIAN and REFRACTIONIST 4 Heavy work and colds have brought form ation o r is ¿ 0 indispensable In tho home, st udy, school, o r office. .▼ Room 1-1 New ChrismanBk. Eugene, Or. s® a twinge of stiffness in my back The International has 2380 quar­ since then at times, but a few doses to pages, 54 KK) illustration», 25,000 of Doan's Kidney Pills have quick­ new word», revised Gazetteer of the ly removed the symptoms. This World, and a revised Biographical Dictionary, etc. It received remedy can hr relied upon *0 end 1 For J f A ^ W W. KIMB, K I.MK, M. D 1> , . J sufferings similar lo mine.” THE CRAND PRIZE sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents (H ighest A w ard ) at the World's PHYNiriAN and ft (j KOKON J Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Fair. St. Louis. t onice In McFarland Building ♦ O ver W ynne’s Hardware Store j* York, sole agents for the United F R E E “ A T e . t in Pronunciation," In- £ Oftlce rim ile, 341 Residenci) Phone, 126 g; States. Uememlier the name Doans stru ctive and en terta in in g fo r the whole fa m ily . Also t v . » iv . #¡v. and take no other. illustrated pam phlet. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY G. & C. MERRIAMCO., PUBLISHERS, S p r in g f ie l d , M a s s . A l l kinds o f F irs t Class R ig s, a t r e a s o n a b le prices J L a rg e Feed B a r n in connectio : TVC-v. V'CCXVV'u CV il l l m mette V alley And get the news of the world T W I C E EACH WEEK, the local news once a week and an illustrated maguzioe once a month. This is the combination; Semi Weekly Oregon Journal, one year. MM copies $1.50 Collage (irove Leader, one year. 52 copies.................. 1.50 Pacific Monthly, one year, 12 copies. ...................... 1.00 Publishers’ price for the three.................... $400 All three one year for $2.30 Tin Semi-Weekly Journal. Portland, or., is a farm newapa|ier publish'd Tm tiny ami I rblav oi each week It has iiso w u leased wires Mini Its reports olevents« always the latest and without bias or prejudice 11s market, reports are corrected 1 tor r.ieh issue hy one whose business it is to do that and nothing else l liey are n hie. its store |u"e, ami page o f couth's are alw ay interestin'!, ami its farm depu (soon to he a feature) will contain original articles hy special paid writers. The P a c ific M o n t h ly , published at Portland, Or . is tho leading magazineofth West. It is henutirull) illustrated. Its stories are clean and wholesome and inte interesting. The C o tta g e L iro v o L e a d e r , is your local paper and you need it to keep in ti with local news and happenings. $ 2 .3 0 ROBERTINE A man who died at the age of years quit drinking whiskey at the age of 70. If he had kept on drinking it there is no telling how long he would have lived. 117 Jot» Work, the Lender of Course T h e Three For O n e Y ec r, O n ly $ 2 . 30 N ew or K e n e w o J s E lectric Tim e Table No. 4 To take effect November 1 1906 . Bound No 3 -N o i P.M j A.M 1 M 2 ::4U|7:30 0 ! 2:40 7 :ri 0 3.5 2:40 7 WJ 6.7 3:00 8:14 8 t; 3:18¡8:40 12 3:2tî 8:50 13 5 3:Jir» 9:0ft 15.9 3:38 9:1ft 16 6; 3:50 9:45 20.01 3 and 4 Tuesday W. Bound ami Sat on ly 1 and 2 Daily Ex- ¿pt Sunday. No 2 —No 8 THTIONS 1 Kiev 1 A.M. | P.M lo u a g e G ro ve... 671 12:00 5.16 W a ld e n ........ 710 11:25 4:f8 Cerro fio r d o .... 807 11:1G* 4 :50 . D o ren a .......... 841 11:08 4:4» ........s ta r............. 917 10:40 4:37 W ick s... 916 10:3.3 8 : 2:1 .Red B ridge...... 1020 10:28 4:50 .. W ild w oo d ........ 1040 I0:l5i 4:17 ... D issto n ......... 1060 10:00! 4:00 Subject to change w ithou t notice. A ll outward freigh t forw arded on ly at the Joint nsk o f shipper and consignee. Stage leaves W ildw ood after the arrival train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for Bonita and Orseeo. Returning on Tues­ days, Thursdays and Saturdays. F reigh t w ill not be received at the o . A- 8. E. K. R. Depot * te r < r> p. m. T o insure forw ard­ in g on n ext train freigh t must be delivered in am pi • time to perm it oi it b ein g billed . XVCCCCCCCVV< beautifully illuitrated, good »tone» and article* about »1miff Ualifomi« and articles California » yeu ' hamever TOWN AND COlIffTBY JOURNAL a monthly publication devoted to the farming intcrerts o i the Wert. o obtained at small Society at 2:30 and Choir practice cost from any good prescription pliar every Saturday evening at 7 . 30 . macy. Those who think they have kidney trouble or suffer with lame First Presbyterian Church, Pastor hack or weak bladder or rheumatism should give this prescription a trial, Rev. R. Q. White. Morning service, as no harm can possibly follow Its 11 , evening 8, Y. P. S. C. E. 7 p, use, and it Is said to tlo wonders for m. All strangers and sojourners w e lco m e. tome people. TULLAR & POWELL • COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON Keep bright and you'll bo kept busy. Light is the magnet that draws trade. A show window brilliantly lighted with electric lights makes many a sale “ tho night before.” It a t t i a c t s a t t ent i on, makes it easy for your display to be examined, and shows your goods to the best advantage. Electric light is the best and only illuminant. When may our man see you about it? W C o. Stable Commercial 209 Fast 4. Meetings held on 2d and 4th Fri- dav of each month. M rs . R osknburo , W . M. T . C. W h e e l e r , W . I ’ . M h s . M a u d e W h e e l e r , Sec. N o appetite, loss of strength, ner­ vousness, headache. r"nsii|mtion, Ltd hreiith, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach urr all line to indigestion. Kudol DyspepMA Cure cure» liiillgOBtioii. Tills uew dis­ covery represents the natural juices of digestion as they exist III a health.! stomach, combined with the greatest known tonie and reeonstructive prop­ erties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only eiire indigestion and d.vs pepsin, but the famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and siretigtbell­ ing the mucous membranes lining the st omieh. K od ol Dyspepsia Cure after meals IS not only thoroughly reliable digest- ant, but it contains great tonic and reconstructive properties as well. This fainoui remedy enables the stomach ami digestive organs to thor­ oughly digest. assimilate ami contri­ bute to the tissues all of the nourish­ ment that is contained in such food as may 1 h > eaten. K odol Dyspepsia Cure clears the way and makes sure the journey from sickness to health and weakness to strength. If tile stomach is disor­ dered K od ol will cure it. Kodol DysjiepslaCure lavs the foun­ dation for health, and the upbuilding of strength by cleansing, puritiying and sweetening the glands and mem­ branes of the stomach, and by sup­ plyin g natural juices necessary to perfect Indigestion, assimilation and nutrition. Kodol digests what yon eat, prevents colic,cholera, diarrhoea, Hnx, dysentery and summer com­ plaints generally, and Its use will cure indigestion and chronic dyspepsia permanently. Kodol is good a lik e for young and old. Your druggist sells it WEEKLY OREGONIAN ). OF P O R T L A N D > For the general news o f lhe Work) <1 1 o lor information aboil liow 1 o obtain tfie best result m a atin^ the soil, Stock Raising, Fruit Growing etc. ! 011 can secure this exce!!<'^ Pa Pe r and the COTTAGE GROVE LEADED Both for one year for $ 2.25