L IE AND PERSONAL Dug Litnbaugh and fumily of Cot­ tage Grove, arrived here last Thurs­ day. Mr. l.imbaiigh has rented his farm for live years and has eome up A flBe line of hats at the Toggery to this section Intending to look the Lurch ha» a tine display or (Iordan country over, and make his perma- nent .........somewhere In Central Ore­ hats. Call at Lurch's for bargains In »uni gon. We extend to Mr. Limbaugh tiler goods. and family a cordial welcome and Get one of those fam ous (Iordan hope he will find something to his liking here ami become one of us._ hats at Lurch’s. Silver Lake Leader. Miss Maggie Veatch w as a Huge Miss Frances Shortrldgo of Cottage visitor this week. G rove, was operated upon yesterday 1 Qrcl) Is offering some big burgai In shoes this month. by Hr. \\ . O. Prosser for the reuiovul Dr. J. Harris of Eugene visited of her tonsils. The young lady hus tu ien in ill health for a long time and thecltv Wednesday. has had great difficulty in breathing j m . Williams of Eugene w as la ' night, but last night she slept (let­ the city this week. ter than she lias for years.—Guard. F, B. Phillips went to the county Clarence Thompson, died at Ku­ seat on business Monday. gene this week from tho effects of a A tto rn e y DeNelTe of Eitgeno was in gun shot wound In his left leg made Cottage Orove Wednesday. by his brother Henry Thompson of Old Glory now floats over the public "’endleton. They were hunting to­ school building in this city. gether when the latter’s gun was ac­ J. K. Knox attended legal business cidentally discharged the shot hit­ ting his brother. at the county seat Wednesday. A large crowd attended Co. E ’s Don't (all to see “ The Montuna grand ball at the armory last night. Girl” at the Masonic hall tonight. Tho tnuslc, furnished by the Eugene All well dressed men wear the G or Theatre orchestra, was good and iliui but. Keetliem at Lurch’«. everybody enjoyed themselves. The Miss Edna White of Eugene spent Company will give a series of dances Sunday In this city with friends. anil entertainments during the Call at the Toggery and see those winter. beautiful shades of brown and grays. The Register Hays the Allen Fruit It will pay you to call at Lurch' company shipped a carload of canned store and Inspect his fine line of dress Royal Anne cherries Tuesday and tw o goods. cars o f prunes Wednesday. There 10 acres In G owdyvllle, fine im­ provements price $2500. F ixo AI. are still some tomutoes being canned and apples in gallon cans will come H inds . * next. Dr. H. C. Sehleef of this city made The Leader Job office has finished a professional visit to Eugene Tues­ printing the minutes of the last day. Grand Session of the Pythian Sisters Clande Spencer of Eugene is visit­ of Oregon. Ills u book of 100 pages ing friends in and about Cottage nicely printed and bound and a credit Orove. to the office. J. W. Phillips of the Nugget was a Attention of our readers Is called visitor at Albany last Saturday and to our clubbing rates with some of Sunday. the leading magazines and the weekly Rev. Father Fitzpatrick of this city Oregonian. Before subscribing for attended a church meeting at Rose- your magazines for the coming year btlrg this week. it will pay yon to call at the office. Mbs Anna Hohl, who has been vis­ iting friends In Eugene for n few days returned home Monday. Rev. Billlngton occupied the pulpit at the Christian Church in tills city last Sunday morning. 44 acres, river bottom , 0 under cus tivutlon, no Improvement, 3 m ile, from town. $400 cash. F inoal H inds - John H. Hartog of California has been engaged by the Eugene Commer­ cial Club to boost Eugene, at a salary of $5000 a year. lOOacreB bottom land, 00 acres un­ der cultivation, 3 fine springs, bouse barn and orchard 10 miles from town adjolnlnar Dorena. Price $4000 Easy terms. F is O al H ingai ., SO acres, 35 under cultivation, small orchard, good barn and springs 5 miles from town, % mile from school good orchard land price $1250. F ixoai . H inds . The engines and dynam os that went through the electric light plant tire, were shipped to Portland last week. They were not so badly in­ jured but what they can be repaired and put In commission when needed. N. P. Clirlsman, B R. Job and Her­ bert Eaktn, appraisers of the proper­ ty of th eestateof J. H. Teeters, tiled their report with the cou n ty clerk this wepk. They found $50 In cash and $2500 worth of real property. Bon't tall to see the new hats at The Ideal Millinery ju st in from Chl- vngo. any price you want. Shy-Ann’s from 75 cents to $2.50. School lints as cheap as caps. Ask to see the Hen­ derson front laced corsets. It»A F rancks B a r r e t t . Mr. Frank Crabtree of Cottage Grove, returned home last evening after attending the funeral o f his life T ng friend Henry Cyrus at P rovi­ dence. a big crow d was present, ■ev. W. P. E'.more preached the ser- vnon.—Albany Democrat. Little Miss Hildred Hall enter­ tained six Of her little girl friends Wednesday afternoon at the home of her parents, on Third street, from 4 to 6 o ’clock, the occasion being the anniversary of her birth. J lie parlors were turned over to the little ones who enjoyed them­ selves for a couple of hours to their heart’ s content, after which a dain­ ty lunch was served. The table was prettily decorated with flowers and fruit, and in the center six lit­ tle candles burned, representing the age of the little hostess. The time passed pleasantly for the children- O. H. Taplin is home from Bohemia. Bill Abbott is working at the Lynx Hollow sawmill The B-K Lumber Company had to close down their mill here while they built some new ffuinebutthe hum of tho planer can la- heard from morn till night. Our school is progressing nicely un- ler the able management cff w m. Mc­ Queen and Miss Mary Angel. Charlie Pl.illippl has moved bac k on his ranch about tw o miles east of Saginaw. Henry Seifert has gone to Haxeldell to trap this winter. Hannah Seifert is working in Cot­ tage Grove for Mrs. .1.1. Jones. C. II. Sharon and part of his family ?ft Monday for a’ months visit in 'allf< irnla. Mrs. H. A. Millet and children vis­ ited here Sunday. G. N. Castle lias sold his farm. Some of the young people met at the school house last Friday night cd organized a literary club. Several young men of this place ift tills week on a fishing expedition o the coast. Mrs. Henry Bennett returned yes­ terday from a visit with relatives nt Wendling. Lorane News Bohemia Notes We have j its! received new sam ­ ples from Lamm & Company showing the latest styles in Knowles & Gettys aro about to quit Bohemia after their long resi­ dence there as General Supply Agents for the district. F. J. Hard has purchased their stock of goods and transferred them to the new store at the Vesuvius. Fall and W inter Suitings Let its show you something swell Mr. A. C. Burnett, one of the principal owners of the Bohemia Gold Mining Company arrived from Boston Monday with Mrs. Burnett. They expected to meet Mr. Lloyd and go at once to visit their proper­ ty in camp, but ow ing to some mis­ understanding Mr. Lloyd did not and Borne amusing prophecies were get hero until later in the week. made as !o what they would do Mr. and Mrs. Burnett waited at the when they became big ladies. Hotel Graham several days before getting started for Bohemia. in the New Corvallis has the champion Chi­ nese pheasant grower in the United Slates, Gene Simpson. He lias raise -1 to maturity this year, nine hundred birus, and of these he has sold 7 O 0 , teceiviug $7.5o a pair, $’ 2 (l 2 C in all. Besides these he has sold 3o pairs of golden pheasants at $ 10 a pair. Mr. Chris Vandran, of Albany, is perhaps next to Mr. Simpson. All of our suits are madeto your measure and have a distinguish­ ing air that is a winner. We carry a Good Line o f Fine Rats F. J. Hard has been appointed Post Master at Bohemia. Oregon, and by direction from the depart­ ment at Washington has moved the office from the former location at the Musick mine in Douglas county to the Vesuvius mine in Lane coun­ ty, which shortens the distance from Cottage Grove about two miles and cuts out carrying the mail over the lidge which had to be done on snow shoes two or liree months every winter. The right colors to match your new suit. The Toggery - Captured All the Prizes. Mr. E- E. Bright o f this city, had a pen of fine Silver Gray Dork­ ings on exhibition at the Gresham fair last week, which was awarded every prize that was offered for chickens and at the close o f the fair disposed o f the pen for $35 being $7 a piece for the chickens. Cot­ tage Grove is gaining quite a repu­ tation as being the home o f chicken fanciers, Mr. Rosenberg being awarded six prizes at the State l-'air on his display o f Buff Cochins, and now Mr. Bright gets away with every prize for his Dorkings. Poultrymen Preparing. 3 s - S ' ^ ^ -«k 'l l A RARE TREAT The wooden fountain built thir­ teen years ago, on the vacant lot of S. R. Piper on Third and Main streets was removed this week and the lot cleaned up. This is one of the best building lots in the city, and a handsome new brick may be built there in the near future. A first-class location for an Opera House. Browns—they are nolxby. Champion Pheasant Raiser. Those who were fortunate enough to be present at the lecture given by Hon. J. G. C amp, Friday evening at the Christian church speak in the highest terms of this gifted or­ ator, who held his audience almost spell-bound for nearly two hours. The next will be the Garber-Howe entertainers, who will appear Friday evening Nov. 22nd; they are musi­ Messrs. Clias. Bruneau, James cians of a high grade and will give Potts, Frank Snodgrass, Thos. Par­ an entertaining program, don’ t fail ker, Frank Sly, J. W. Baker, L. to hear them. Baker, I). J. Scholl and H. C. Mad­ sen attended a meeting of the Elks at Landmark Removed Eugene Wednesday night. D. J. Scholl has had the interior of Mrs. Nellie Simmons o f Vancouver, Wash., Is visiting her parents Mr. his jewelry store repapered, painted and otherwise beautified and now has and Mrs. A. McKinney. as neat a store ns you will find in any Chas. Blanton went to Cottage city. His stock also Is first class. Orove yesterday and w ill attend Eight freight ears were received at school there.—Register. the yards at the Latham mills Wed­ If you want to buy or sell any kind nesday. The mill is shutdown this of property, either real or personal, week for repairs but will la-gin again list it with F. B. Phillips. Monday morning. 100 acres bottom land, 00 acres tin­ der cultivation on railroad, 10 miles Saginaw Items from town. F ixuai . H inds . Tho Brown Lumber Com pany’s mill at this city was shut d ow n for a few days this week for repairs. Sixth Birthday A Mountain Orchard I A few years ago the Bales Bros, purchased some land in the vicinity of Dorena and began to prepare the ground for an orchard. They were generally laughed nt and were told that they would have their trouble for tbeir pains, as an orchard could not be a successful venture in the mountain region. However, they quietly went nbout tbeir work, set out the trees and at­ tended strictly to the cultivation of them, with the result, that this year they have packed 1 200 boxes ot as fine apples there is grown, the va­ rieties being the King, Northern Spy and Jonathan, which are sell ing for $1.25 and $1.50 a box. The entire lot has been bought by Messrs Compton & Wallace and Metcalf & Brund. The Bales B us. had a few boxes on the market last year, but this year can be said to be the first shipment they have made. This shows what the soil ot the moun­ tain region of Lane county will produce when bandied by know l­ edge, backed by pluck and determi nation. ï ï GRIFFIN & VEATCH CO. D e n ie r s in AS * r (¡w _ ral __ Hardware, /•> _ _ _ _ _ Stoves _ _ __ anil __ _ Ranps. =í We also handle fill kind« of Fa-rming T Machinery C ream Separators, Sporting Goods G u n s a n d A m m u n i t i o n , K tc Remember We Buy for Quality. k - Call on G riffin & Veatch Co. - 4 ¿- í F- t 4*>’ 4 ‘' i 4*4 ‘ 4 í ,+'44: >+• ‘+• New Planer The Cottage G rove Manufactur­ ing Company this week received a large inside moulding planer, and it is being placed in position and made ready lor business. The inn- 1 chine is a fine one of the latest im­ proved and the only one of the kind in this part of the state. The company is doing an excellent bus­ iness, and is ono o f Cottage G lo v e ’ s best enterprises. GENERAL FEED STORE Ü. C Baughman. Poop r. Fine blooded poultry for the com­ ing poultry exhibit in December is beginning to arrive; last Tuesday HAY. GRAIN. D. T. Awbrey received “'White FLOUR. MILL FEED Vlessenger” the pride o f the D. V. POULTRY SUPPLIES Ault yards at Everett, Washington, a White Minorca Cockerel less than Cottage Grove, Oregon. 8 months old which already weighs Residence 215. about fi pounds, and bids lair to go Phone: Office US. above the required weight at one year old. Such importations as this and others being made will tell 011 the future grade of poultry pro­ Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Stone have duced in this vicinity. returned home from Washington where they spent a few weeks with Coming relati ’ ves Mrs G eorge Hawley is visiting her friends here. The Billy Bennett Repertoire Dr Petrie and wife, of Cottage Company will be in Cottage Grove L ocal representative for Grove, u rov e, who have just returned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, (IM ini < ottagp Grove and vicln the East, are here fora few days. u iv u |ty to look nfter renew- Nov. 7 th 8 th and 9 th at the Arm­ *"d increase subscription list of a Mrs. W entworth has gone to Eu- ory ball, opening the first night in L . m" " ‘nî monthly magazine, on a to spend a few days, then will 1 « !flry ” n'1 pommiss 1 on basis. Expier gene the melo drama “ Across the Des­ . w .... j , desirable —- u but ui m u n necessary. e c e s s a r y . g o to , California to spend the winter c not ' d opportunity for right person. with her daughter, Mrs Meecbara. ert.” The company will build Address PnbBsher. Box 85. Station 11 , their own stage, they carry their Messrs. Dell and Blaine Addison -V w A o rk. N&L 2 t own scenery. The company is went to Cottage Grove Friday. 11 all the improvements that are composed of 25 people and travel Quite a number o f the people in uow contemplated are carried out in in tbeir own private cars They the spring. Cottage Crove bids fair to this neighborhood b»v« gone « ° wn have a brass band and orchestra. have a boom o f no ordinary size. ft to Scottsburg after fish. The company is reported first class * not lie s speculation boom , how M r and Mrs. Foster made a ever, but one forced on the property j business trip to Cottage Grove. owners by actual demand for more For Job W ork; The Leader of j Saturday usiness houses o f modern design, Course. than can be had at present. f>an Job Printing—Leader Offlce. That youthful appearance can only be preserved by the use of good reli­ able Toilet articles. We’ re just a* particular about the grade of our Toilet articles ns about the most costlv drug in onr store. VoU can take our word for anything that w offer In this line. etc. Benson’s Pharmacy T H E L E A D R . Cottage Grove. Oregon The Most Popular P ap er of Cottage Grove