Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, August 17, 1907, Image 1

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portant Opinion Rendered
Dv Attorney Skipw orth.
of Their Lands.
River Street Im provem ent
Still Held Up
"T lio Living Temple” . I am glad the other houses.
Bcferred to the
lawful act, is a m ortgage.”
hi support of this rulo the court to commend it to the hearing ot all | Street Committee,
thinking people. She is o clear in
j|r o i ea90n. the brickmaker,
eites the following authorities.
Harford vs. Harned, 0 Ore. 962. ] her statements that no one :an mis I)avj„ g made connection with n city
Stephens vs. Allen, 11 Ore. 188 .! take her meaning, but w.thal is so water raajn and furnished some
Albany and Santiam W. D. Co. happy in her choice of language jpe)) gn(, considerable wo.k in con-
Pacific Company Apparently
Planning Wholesale Disposition
A. Welch of Willamette Valley Com­
pany Asks for Thirty Years
In connection with a plan to build
electric transportation lines from
Portland south to Kugeue and
eventually to the southern boundary
of the stato, A. Welch last night
NS SECURED BY DEED ¡presented a petition to the city PENDING LEGAL ADVICE.
I council for a franchise granting
him the right to operate electric cars
Iject the Lender Who is to Redeed over certain principal streets in this Ordinance No. 128 Passed to Third
city. The petition presented to the
Reading, is Defeated by a Vote
hen Loan is Paid, to be As­
council last night is similar to one
of Four to Two.
sessed as Mortgagee.
which Mr. Welch presented to the
Salem city council last Monday
Au adjourned regular session of
gene, Ore., July 90, 1907.
In naming the streets which he
j the city couucilinen on Monday
Ion. B. F . Keeney. Assessor for i dwire„ |he
na *
*hr°ugh in ujgjjt, the Mayor and all council-
ie county, Eugene Ore:
is city, it i ; evident that the pro­
men being present. It was a thor­
iKAR S ir :— I have carefully con ^ .
posed electric line is the oue de­
oughly business session, but al-
red the question heretofore pre
signed to co meet with the interur- , though ihere was not n great deal
ted by you for an opinion as to
ban Ime from Salem to thiscity and |to do
quest,ons that arose
itlier or not a deed executed
southward toward Eugene. It also j needed a good deal of ()iscUB8io„.
delivered conveying real estate
seems apparent that the road, when |gu that the plborE of lhe com)cji
perty as security for money loan- j
I built, will have a branch mossing was ,,ot completed until quite a late
s taxable under the laws o f the
j lhe Willamette river at this point hour.
e of Oregon.
and goiug to Corvallis.
The matter of the River street
Action !t(i:t7 of B. it 0 . code, as
The franchise asked lor is to be
improvement took up quite a con -
•mled by section 1, of page 485,
, , for a period of thirty years. A tare
siderable time, for the report o f the
¡he Session laws of 1907, reads |
. r
| o f 5 cents will be charged for rides
committee appointed to investigate
. I in the city limits.
the matter in regard to what rights
All real property within this
. . .
, ..
’ r
. , work, according to the terms of the the city had, was not such as to
and all personal property sit- ,
. . .
... .
franchise, to commence within six ] justify it going ahead with ’ he pro-
or owned within this state,
t sin'll as may he specifically '" “ i h f fr° “ the dat6
posed improvements.
ft would
of the franchise as passed by the
bptedbv law, shall be subject ° f *he.
” , PT
, * ‘ M seem that the street is in a bad tan-
: i
¡council, flio road is t<> be in op gle, being mixed up with an old
issessmont and taxation in equal
¡elation within 18 months from the territorial road, from which it is
ratable proportions.”
passage of the franchise by the
| inferred by some that it is outside of
iectiou 9098, of It. A l C. code, as council and its acceptance by Mr.
the city’s power to order it improv­
nded by section 9, of page 4SI!, W elch.— Albany Herald.
ed, and until this matter is cleared
be Session Laws of 1907, pro-
up, the council’ s hands are tied.
SCHOOL TEACHERS SHORT Being one of lhe most important
Tim terms personal estate and ¡
thoroughfare« leading into town,
ional property shall be construed ;
: Some Districts in Lane County May and also being in a very bad con­
include all things in action,
dition, it is absolutely necessary
hold Limit.,re, goods, chattels
» ave Difficulty in Supplying
that something be done to improve
Beys, gold dust, on hand or on
it before the winter rains set it. On
>sit; all boats and vessels, wheth-
motion, therefore, the street com­
¡at borne or abroad; all debts due
[jatl(. county will bo short this mittee was empowered to consult
to become due from solvent debt-j ycnr ¡„ achool teachers, and it will and „ et Ief?,d advice at once.
whether on account, contract, 1 not i,e uulikely that some of the
The matter of the contract tor
te, mortgage, or otherwise, either \ districts will not be unable to ob-
the sewer on Fifth street was
bin or without this state,” etc.
tajn pedagogues at all. About 290
brought up, it being claimed that
The usual methods in transactions ' teachers are required and from the
although the contractor was going
pve mentioned is for tlio person present outlook a couple of scoro
on with the work, no written con­
prowing money to execute and de­ will not be found. What makes
tract iiad been entered into with
ter to the person making the loan the situation worse is that the same
the city, or had any bouds been filed,
Warranty deed conveying the real predicament exists all over the
Mr. II. C. Hart, the contractor, be­
bperty offered as security for the state and the only remedy seems to
ing present, said that he was and
n, the grantor retaining posses- be an increase in the salary of the
had been ready lor seme time lo
of tlio land, and the grantee teachers so that capable men and
sign a constract ami furnish his
tering into a contract agreeing to ^ w0men may he induced to take up
bondsmen, but did not consider it
sonvey the land described in such lbe profession and stay with it.
his business to run after the coun­
ed upon payment, within a cor- i An increase in normal school will
cil, but, however, he had prepared
in time fixed, the amount of tbe|nol help the supply of teachers,
the necessary pipers, which if they
in with ¡Merest.
, ,il,,,. bee lose as soon as a graduate met with the approval of the coun­
It is conceded that under the j from them or any other institution cil could be signed immediately,
¡atutes of Oregon mortgagees are I ¡s through with tbc-ir preparation, and named as his bondsmen, J. S.
bject to taxation. That being the t(iej jjnd they can make far more
Henson, Metcalf & Brund and
w, then Hie next question to de j money in some other occupation, Le Roy Wood. The contract was
rniine is the legal effect and eon- \ a a result many of the teachers then read by the recorder and was
fraction o f a deed absolute upon who obtain positions arc not thor­ unanimously accepted by the cotin-
fico given for tbo purpose of Be­ oughly capable, though they pass cil; and tile ruavor and recorder in­
ring a debt-
the examinations in some sort of structed to attach their aiguatures.
The supreme court of the State ot fashion.
Mr. Lurch made application for
Many of last year’ s teachers in
egon has held in a number of
sewer to be laid along his property.
ses that a deed though absolute the county will not be in the ranks
It seemed to be in the memory of
loon, il intended as security for this year, for marriage has given
the oldost councilman that the nec­
ouey, is held and construed to lie them what they consider better po-
essary preliminary work for the
newer askc l for had been performed
I In the case of Adair vs. Adair, 22
by the council a long time ago, but
bre. page 131. Judge Strahan, de-
the recorder was instructed to look
I'ering the opinion ot the court,
Mrs. Belle Waterman Findley up the matter, and il found to be
as stated to advertise for bids.
“ It is too well settled in this will speak on "The Living Temple”
Mr. Lurch made application to
Itate to admit of any kind of coti- at
purchase the five foot jo g m the
rovrrsy that a deed, though abso- evening, Aug. 20, at 8 o ’clock.
Mrs. Clara G. F.sson writes, j street, stating that he lesired to
“to in form, if intended by the par-
heard Mrs. Belle Water j build in the future and wanted to
lies to it as security for money or
lor tlie performance of any other man Findlay in her address o n . put the building on a line with
»M a U
NO. 17.
. » * “ , ’SiSS’on.221
«■— ‘W.-*r*lh“ L‘ *•
Portland, Or., Aug 12.— There
has suddenly appeared an active
awakening of the Southern Pacific
Railway Company in relation to its
Oregon grant lands
A force of
twenty-six cruisers lias been sent
into Polk county, and is at work
cruising the rnilroad company’ s
timber lauds there. The same lorce
of cruisers are also cruising certain
contiguous areas o f timber, and it
is reported that a large sale is in
Southern Pacific timber lands in
Southern Oregon are alBo being
cruised in various places, and the
air is rife with rumors of sales. The
belief is growing that the company
iias planner! to make extensive sales
or to offer its lands lor sale in large
tracts. A few sales have already
been made.
Alarmed by the wholesale filings
made upon their lands by settlers
and others who hope by some in­
terpretation of the law to acquire
the lands at the statutory price,
the railroad company is believed to
have settled upon a policy for the
future in relation to the grant. One
theory is that the company is ac­
cumulating evidence to establish a
claim that, it has always stood ready
to sell in lands to actual settters at
a price o f $2.50 per acre, and that
large areas o f lhe land are not suit­
able for agricultural purposes as
has been claimed by alleged set"
tiers Another theory is that the
company has in preparation a huge
plan for wholesale disposition of the
timber lairds before they are re­
strained by an actual government
proceediug that might lead to for­
feiture of the grant.
Item s
o f Interest in a
Condensed Form
in charge of the mill ever since it
was built bere has been compelled
by failing health to give up his po­
sition.— Harrisburg Bulletin.
While at the Bay recently, Chas.
j Carter, o f Albany had a fish hook
1 accident, a hook running into the
middle finger of the right b,
past the barb. He had no assist­
ance at the time and bad to take it
out himself, which he did after
much difficulty. Blood poisoning
set in, but it is being gotten under
control and it is thought the finger
will he saved all right.
A Resume of the Week's Local Hap-
W. H. Jenkins has succeeded J.
P. Jones as traveling passenger
pennmgs of the State and County
agent on the Southern Pacific. Mr.
Briefly Told.
Jones is still sick in a Portland hos­
pital with little chance for recovery.
Express-Advance: —
Eugene has r“fused a $1000 offer
for its fire team, one of the best in Thirty-five Italians are cutting wood
for the paper mill company. The
the state.
company is short of wood and is
The Jacksonville Post refuses to
unable to float it down the river on
publish fake medicine ads, and all
account of low water.
oilier papers should fall in line.
The Echo Register says wheat is
king in Umatilla county but the
time is last approaching when fruit
and dairy products will ascend the
Albany Democrat:— Everything
possible sbould be done ¡o help our
electric line enterprise up the val­
ley. It is the great need of the
A smail home-made trunk came
apart in the middle, the top coming
off, at the depot ill the dry town of
Picking Will Begin Next Week— 55
Albany and tlie principal contents ;
Cents a Box Will be Paid.
were a
gallon keg of whiskey, '
and n box o f cigars.
Hop picking in Lane couuty will
"Not only in quantity, but in |
begin in some places about August
quality, the 1907 wheat crot
i 20 , while at others not much will be
throughout tlie inland empire sur-j
| done until Septemlier.
passes any crop ever grown here
Most o f the hop owners around
before,” said Robert Burns, the
j Harrisburg will commence picking
general agent of the O. R. & N.,
| about August 20. The crop this
of Walla Walla.
year will compare favorably with
A Corvallis man lias several bear­ that of last year, although there
ing tig trees Irom which two crops are some hops that do not look as
ripen every year, and they are as well.
large and well-flavored as the Cab­
Lower down the valley picking
fornia product. They came from a j wj|l n0t begin until in September,
twig brought by him from Missis -1 at|d growers are already scouring
sippi, 1 C years ago
the COuntrv for pickers.
Gold Beach G lobe: Gold Beach ! While it is yet too early to pre-
lias been all activity during the diet a scarcity, it is evident that
Girl Accused ol Murdering Her Father past two weeks, our little town hav there will be no surplus of avail-
ing been full of strangers, two den able help. Another question, too,
Made no Statement.
tints, Dr. Tatoin aud Dr. Beacom, that m worrying the hop grower at
A special tr the Telegram from have Loth been doing a good busi­ this stage ot the game is the price
August 14, ness, while both the liot'ls have to he paid for picking. Except iu a
Grants Pass. dated
had all they could accommodate.
i lew isolated cases the ruling price
Dora Jennings, the Granite Hill I While three Washington county ! heretofore has never been above 50
girl who was acquitted after a boys were leading their lenses 1 cents for a nine bushel box, or $1
lengthy trial on the charge o f mur­ along a wooded road a big cougar i Per hundred pounds, but there is a
dering her father in 1906 , died here jumped out from the brush and question if the growers will lie able
yesterday. The cause was tuber­ sprang on the neck of one of them to get their crops harvested nt that
culosis. She made no statement The two others, with rare presence price this year. It is reported that
before death that would clear up of mind, whipped out their revol­ Krebs Bros, have decided to offer
the Grnnite Hill mystery in any vers and both shot, striking the 55 cents per hundred pounds claim­
way. Her brother, Jasper Jennings animal in the tuck and iu the head. ing they cannot otherwise secure
is still in jail here, awaiting a sec­ She fell and before the I oys could enough pickers to harvest their im-
ond trial on thepatracide charge.
get another slrot had lisappeared j ,nense crops — Guard.
Jasper Jennings was not at the into the bnisli.
house when his sister died, hut was
Election at Eugene.
A. Wilielm f i Sons who own the
allowed to atte nd the fuuernl this
Monday Oct. 14, the people
flouring mill at this p'ace have de­
Dora has been sick
cided not to operate the mil! dur­ of Eugene will vote tin the question
since last May. She has been liv­
ing th,e coming season and there­ of bonding the city for $300,000 to
ing with her mother and brothers
fore will not take in wheat at the put in a municipal watei plant and
here since her acquittal last year,
mill here. They have operated the from the present indications the bill
and having been reared in the wild
mill here for several years and our will pass. There will, however, be
free mountain country, it was con­
people regret to see it closed down quite a fight as the proposition has
jectured she may have coritr -cted
now. Mr. Douglas who has been a good deal of opposition.
the malady in tlie county jsils of
Jackson and Josephine, where she
✓ J* X4* ✓ 4'« f f < ¿✓ {y»
/j-* ^4'w
was ronfined for many months to
await trial.
For two weeks before death Miss
Jennings was delirious. Toward
the last she said neither she nor
Jasper killed her lather, but her
mental condition was such that it
is doubtful if the statement would
have any weight with a jury.
persons selling liqnor, was read for
the second and third time. A pro­
longed discussion followed, and the
roll call showed: Porter, Conner,
Bartels. Venskc— No; Hubbeli, Van
Den berg— Yes.
The recorder was instructed to
draft an ordinance requiring the al­
leys on either side of Main street
to be graveled to a deptii ot eight
¡nches, and a width of ten feet.
Alter the usual grist of bills wore
read and acted upon the council ad-
o ,,
_flto II A
* the hearty allowed compensation for tlie same,
. Wilhelm vs. W oodcock, 11 Ore. j 5 b„ ^ work
sympathy and support of all Chris-1 to be paid foi in water. Same was
And m t|,e case o f Adair vs Adair , 1 tian people.’
huPra> »be court further says:
The lecture is free a collection
Ordinance No. 182, amending
_ Ih« «* «qually well settled that ^ nK taIte“s practical and timely Section 1 of Ordinance No. 120,
having regard to the prosecution of ( ourned.
(Continued To page 2 .)
i and merits a full house.
B H O S.
W ith y o u r P r o d u c e
a n d L i c h e n i « fo r