COTTAGE GROVE LE Of the Willamette Valley Development League. HELD AT COTTAGE GROVE JUNE 26. An Outline of the Work Which Will be Taken up and Discussed— Prom­ inent Wen Will be Here. City Hall 4 COTTAGE O ROVE. OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 15,1907 VOL. X IX ANHUAL CONVENTION Oregon l i s t Soc presentafive of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. I had a long and ex tremely interesting talk with her. The conditions of Mrs. Eddy's home at Concord are, briefly as fol­ lows. Those about her are devot­ ed to her- She is in absolute con­ trol of her own movements and mistress ot her entire household, that is evident. Mrs. Ivhly is thor­ oughly competent to take care ol herselt and of her business. ‘ ‘The suggestion that she should be deprived of her personal liberty or of the property that -.lie has earned, is preposterous and shame­ ful. For a woman of her age— she is 86 years old— her mental vigor and clearness of thought is most, unusual. I had every opportunity of convincing myself thoroughly as to her mental und physical condi­ tion. She talks clearly, logically. She reads beautifully, with a voice very musical and o f great power. Slit- understands business matters thoroughly. She speaks with in­ tense feeling and gratitude of her fiiends and their devotion. T o ac­ cuse tlnse fuends of conspiracy agaius' her welfare is, in my opin­ ion disgraceful. “ I shall say at length in the Cosmopolitan what I feel most dteply, namely, that if Mrs. Eddy in her old age should he deprived by law of her fortune, of the right to dispose of it, or the right to dis­ pose of herself, the act would he outrageous. And it would cause just apprehension in the minds of all women past Ihice scare and ten and possessed of properly that might arons » the cupidity or the interest o f outsiders. ‘ Mrs Eddy lives under ideal conditions o f comfort, happiness and contentment. It. would he sheer brutality on the part of the so-called ‘ next friends’ or any other to interfere with her life as it is to­ day. “ To interfere with Mrs. Eddy’ s life, to take away fiom her her com ­ plete liberty of action, would he a shameful outrage, and I am con­ vinced that no court will encourage the effort. I shall write you more fully before preparing the article that I have promised. TUe annual convention of the Willamette Valley Development League will he held at Cottage Grove Wednesday June 2t!th, with afternoon and evening programs. T h is meeting will witness the dis­ cussion o f some of the burning questions belore the people of Ore­ gon. Cottage Grove has beer, noted for being the home o f out-spoken sentiments, the center of the ugita- tiou that led to the creation ot the railroad commission. The general tone of this convention will be ag­ gressive and decisive aud aloug new lines of thought.. Three greut issues— waterways, public lauds, and transportation will he handled without gloves by men o f state wide reputatiou. Speak­ ers like Governor Cüamberlam, Congressman Hawley on the rail­ road land grant, Chairman Camp­ bell on the work of the Oregon Railroad commission will he star performers. Hou. B. F. Jones ol Polk county will tell of the battle for free locks and canal at Oregon City. The heroic fight of the people o f koselmrg aud Coos Buy to get an electric line will ha re­ vived by Hon. Louis Barzee of Xoseburg. Hon. T. N. Campbell, the humorist aud hard fighters ol the Oregon legislature will be on hand and break into the arena as one of the leaders of public discus­ sion in Oregon. Of course there will be music and addresses from the mayor and officers of the club. Cottage Grove will show liospi. tality to the visiting delegates— five from each commercial organiza­ (Signed) “A rthur B risbane ” tion of the valley. London miueral water will flow on this occasion j with the sparkle and vivacity for j which is is famous, at a smoker to From Junction to Siuslaw— Seattle be given at the handsome quarters | People in the Deal— Right of Way of the Commercial club. Men Now at Work. There will he no suppression of free discussion of vital issues at Which shall it be ? A railroad ithe Cottage Grove convention. It ns more than likely that all the from Eugene to Suislaw, Junction promises made by Ilarriinan to to Siuslaw or Cottage Grove to build railroads across the state and Siuslaw. Agitation of the past year to Coos Bay will be reviewed at or more has stinted the people to the convention and that gentleman action from flies»- three points. The will he invited to show cause why line from Cottage Grox'e lias fre­ quently been discussed and the res­ he lifts not made good. There will he committees ap­ idents along the route, especially pointed and resolutions adopted at at Lorane urge construction o f such Cottage Grove that will mean a a road. Now we are assured that Seattle capital is* behind a well or­ deal to all western Oregon. The newspaper men of this state ganized movement to build from are made delegates to this conven­ Junction and that a representative tion and so are the mayors and is already in the field securing right of way and getting ready for county judges. The people of Cottage Grove will active operation. ANOTHER ELECTRIC LINE. It is no longer a question of ad­ he found putting their city to the visability in building a road to tho front at this meeting as usual. coast, it lias become a vital necessi­ BRUTALITY OF ‘ NEXT FRIENDS." ty and the town that gets the east­ ern terminus of such a line will reap the benefits of such well di­ Attempt to Take Property of Mrs. Ed­ rected enterprise. dy Thus Defined By Arthur Bris­ The time is at hand when such u road is to be built, and Eugene bane. as Result of Interview. must get in an l bustle or some oth ­ er point will beat us in the race.— Boston, Mass., June 9 .— The re Register- cent light thrown upon the mental condition ol Mrs. Mary Baker G. F. J. Denny, who owns a large Ivldy, upon which question a hear bop field four miles east of Jeffer­ ing is to be held tomorrow in the son, lias contracted with the E. .Superior Court at Concord, N. H., \ Wattenberg company o f New York cotnes from an interview had with to sell 10,000 pounds of bis 1007 tier Saturday by Arthur Brisbane, crop. The price agreed upon is the newspaper and Magazine writer. 11 cents per pound. The contract Mr. Brisbane tonight outlined his was filed for record with the Linn observations while with Mrs. Eddy county recorder. as follows: The Leader leads— never follows. ” 1 visited Mrs. Eddy as the re -1 NO. ». SALE NOW CONFIRMED1 ¡'•'«./J:" " " "“ vi”8 , NEW TEXT BOOKS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS It has been known for some time that seven companies of the Ore- H a r rim a n tn T a lfp n v p r h’ uu National Guard would partici- narnman to laite ,uver pate m the m(lneuver8 this summer | All New Selections E x - l ^ y Ä a ^ i Ä " cepting Four. I Buehler & Hotckiss’ Modern Corvallis & Eastern. | tinder government appropriation. English Lessons............... 111 ) 1 U 0 40 The commands that have been se­ 5Ó “ English Grammar...... lected a re: Company A, Baker Civil Government— OUT I Companies C and K, Portland; WHAT THEY W ILL COST PARENÎS No separate book adopted— iris- PRESIDENT A B HAMMOND ] Companies A aud C, separate bat- tor v to be used. 35 First book in Hygiene . . . . itiliou, Eugene. These companies Graded lessons in Physiolo­ yy ¡11 will go to Fort Stevens. Company The New Books Will be Introduced Expected Ihat J P. 0 Brien OU gy and Hygiene................. B, Portland, and Company M, Sa­ Agriculture tor beginners at the Beginning of the Next Head New Set of Officials. lem, are assigned to Fort Columbia, 75 (Burkett Stevens & H ill)... School Term. W. Talbot as Vice-President Washington Lieutenant John M. 05 Outlook writing book, 1 to 7 05 “ Copy slips, 1 to . captain L. H. Knapp, quar- egon, and in the common schools Third book ....................... 35 from the Harriman ranks. A. B. termaster Third Infantry, First all are new selections excepting Fourth book....................... 40 Hammond, president ol the road, Lieuteuant Rease Leabo, battalion, four, and the books retained are Fifth book........................... 50 tendered his lesignation at a meet- adjutant and Captain M. B Mar tire fourth aud filth Cyr readers, Art Education Drawing book ing ot the directors in Albany on cellus, assistant surgeon. These of- Thomas Elementary History and 1 to 8 , first three books 15 cents; last five.................. 20 Monday. His sure ssor lias fleers will he stationed at F’ort the Reed Speller. The eight course will require 25 books, the aggrega­ yet been elected, but it is expected j yt even8 The loregoing list was adopted that .J. P. O ’ Brien, general rnana First Lieutenant J. B. Hibbard, ted cost of which ir $9.11! If n by unanimous vote of the Text ger of the Harriman lines in the battalion adjutant, aud Second pupil should exchange an entire sot Book Commission, composed of H. Pacfic Northwest, will be president Ueutenant Carl Ritterspacher. bat- of old books for a complete set ol W. Scott, 1>. L. Campbell, W. M. of the road. It is said that the ta,jon ciuarterma9ter aild eommis- new ones the difference he will have Colvig. B. A. Jones and M. A. Mil­ ter. Corvalhs A Eastern will be operated Mry> wiU accompany the Fort Col. to pay is $4.51. The new hooks will be introduc­ as a separate line and will retain its i umbja divi8ion These officers are ed at the beginning o f the next T E X T HOOKS KOK T H E h ig h SCHOOL. name and individuality. directed to to report report to Lieutenant Following is a list of the text school year. The date has not yet been set for Poorman in Portland at 8 o ’clock The new adoption distributes the books which will be vsed in the the meeting of the directors to on the morning of July 6 , but books among a larger number of Oregon High SL’hoc . • the Rankin building 7th der designates troops that have and Willamette Sts send for « ata logue. Address W. J Hooker, Prin.. been assigned for this duty and Eugene, Oregon. 7-3. CROCERS 1 1 to the FINEST 1 WADE. t 1 P E A R C E BICOS. uilUuiiuliliuiltiuiuiuiuiUilhuliillilUlUuiMilliiHi !