C O T T A G E GROVE L E A D E R COVTAGE GROVE • MIL!. MEN PROTEST OREGON (Continued from lirst page.| PUBLISH*» KVKKY SATUHiJAY. BY THK LKAUKK PI B L IS H IN U « O Knter**ii ut thr Pottage Urove p«u*t(>ltlee as ser- oiid «'I u - m mutter. Uue Year • H-fiO hix Months .75 I'lireee Months • • • M . paid in advance but If not so paid a •on rm rate ot f.voo per year «vili he charged. Advr-rtismjc rates made kuowu on application CLUBBING LIST New York Tribune Farmer Toledo Weekly Blade................ Portland Weekly Oregonian Portland Weekly Journal ....... Portland Semi Weekly Journal Sail Francisco Call ........ San Francisco Examiner Sunset Magazine, San Francisco .lilt West, l.os Angeles Town and country Journal Northwest Poiiltn Journal Pacific Homestead SATURDAY $1 75 1*75 2 50 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 A P R 1 I. 27 , 1807 . man >u n l,Hug the world o f such a j fm , 1|inbfr |mrges OII tbe K u lie..e- brute. Had the murder been the Corvallis canal. If lumber m anu­ outcome ol 1111 effort of each to pos- facturers want real competition and ssesHion of the girl, the murder an adjustment of rates they (dron'd would not have b ent justified, but iuterest thems-lves in the cniml T h a w w h s protecting his wife, and project. It they fail to secure res. 110 iimn dare say there wae no titration ol the id . 1(1 rate to Califor­ line hety.een them, iu the face off nia they will ask tin- I’m ilroad c o m ­ the I not that lie knew of her luis- mission to see to it tlmt they get a ih e d s before he married her,and she | Irate to Portland that will justify sufleied the degrdalion of relating them iu dockin g their lumber and all the fact» to the public in order shipping it south by steamer. W ith to save him from the vengeance of a canal in operation the lumber rate the law. ____________ problem would he solved without T h e srmi annual rental of thc lam iera telephone is .hie A p ril 1 st D a m i . ( ¡ k mua, Manager. Come and See for Yourself ig & ìÉ iß i m m m m S T O C K O liv e r s V eatch . * r i EUGENE i HOSPITAL LU M BER !! in- 01 tin- hospital. T he medical and single. 1! <-tali’ of t <■ hos pita I e 1 isti". .ae faculty. For rates n, information, ad LU M bER!! 1 want 20,000,000 feet of good merchantable Oregon pine. W ill contract for a years cu t and pay highest market price; will m ake liberal advances on 11 . ol I,. G. W . P e ik , the hull a banquet was .serve ! in j 269 Bnrlett S t., San F i n u c f e o , Cal. the d inin g hall and » splendid time H o m e - M a d e C a t a r r h Cure. was had. T h o s e present from this Auy one win mix right at home the | c ity were: -J. I lones, F. FI, R o­ best remedy of its kind known The j «enhurg. Armor.d W y n n e, Henry name "C.Velolie" Is given In tl.e fill- ! Veatch, J. C . Johns, o, . j . s. Med­ low in g prescription, it is upposid, ley, J. < :. Howard, C i r Van D ,n - bemuse of Its prompt nes i ill driving! berg, S. V. A l i i ' m , Dr Oglesby, ; from the blood nu I 1 stem every ve“-¡ Thos. Jenkins, ■ l.unes Osti ander, t i g e of c a l a i i Imi |„.i: nil. relieving t h i s f o u l and d r m d di- cuse, no mnt- Earnest. Lock mod, Hairy Melca it. ; r p a r e th e te r w h e r e loe.dial T< m i x t u r e : 1 i. i f r o m a m dress W. K F Y K E N D A f b. \l I). Su p t. M M H H H H M tW I T at m m W hite t he& $ tmi See O ur R a iiÌ W in d ow d is p la y W e have received a fine new, special lot, o l handsome, hand-fonted, h ollow ground Radium ite Razors that usually sell at W.UO each at retail, which we vsill give away abso­ lutely tree to advertise the wondertul THE RADIUMITE DOLLAR RAZOR STROP which is light, pliable, durable, convenient, and s a f e , and ( h e a r t o f s h a v in g . which is STROP revolutionizing THAT HONES A RAZOR GIVEN FR EE To The PURCHASER of EACH STHOP good plinr CA sells LL i T ODAY AS THEY ARE COINC FAST. t $2 00 at reta il, to acq uaint a ll w ith th e m arvelo u s am i instantaneous honing an d t'lQixhia^ Mine Solti macy "m half ouiii-f Fluid K\trii«'t| that pro perties o f the R a d io m lte S tro p * , w h ich w ill n o t harm th e finest an d m ost d elic a te ra z o r . T h e y m i k e sh a v in g a con ve n ie n ce am i a d e lig h t, e v e n t o m en h a v in g th e hardest beard s. I r í e V o t n L ‘i! r p <^ í.tJ tAÍLean dtH*a n o t u ® ,0 m u ch In a good r a iu r a s i n a goo d i t r o p W ith T h e Oregon Sei u .ties Go’ s mine I Uiud'diou, uui-."inn’ ('«impound K .I - < K A iH U M lT L S T R O P S the m o st in ferior r a z o r s are Brought u p to a fine e d g e , am i the erfei t o f the gon and tli 1 " ill'" Compound ■ »ops upon the finest razo rs is to keep them at a ll Mines In the b e st p o ssib le con dition, r e a d y to shave the hardest beards e a s ily an d d elig h tfu l!\ E a c h R a d io m ite S tro p la to ld under th e p o s itiv e g u a ra n te e and property in :• hernia was sold Syrup Sur almi ilia. Shake well und t h a t i i i t la n o t s a tis fa c to r y m o n ey w i ll be reftinded T h e y a t e fo r e ith e r O rd in ary o r S a ie t y K&zoro in Eugene Mend iv W.i hu e 'h use ¡11 tenspilonful doses dter euch ! R a d iu m ito S tro p s , SO c t o $ 2 .5 0 : R a z o rs , $1 t o $3 OAMO'tR IfJRKS iM THF USF OF AMY STH.'tt HUÍ ñ f/AOlUMITF t Camaut to John \\ \\ hi 1 -r of meni and at bedtime. 0 A N C E B B A R B E R S ’ IT C H . E C Z E M A a n d Bi.OO; c‘ ‘ tly *■ troj.'pt 1 1 a • tl.a t t. ;it, irritate an d o p en the sk in. tl.u . . i t . r t.. t< in th e a n im a l T i l l s i h h liu ru iles s, in e\ |i"iis iv.i Boston for $ 10 o 0 (l(t, Mr. \\ heelei p a r t s . ! sh a v in g sl ap s, hair s h a v in g tr u c h e s , a n d In the air Itself. m i x t u r e , wh ic h Inis a p ecu liar a c t i o n , m e r j M i v F F ftF F o r s r / t o t - .» t h f r a u s i w v i f actiug tor the bondholders. T h e ()• ii . :• ■ liiC 'T r r - . r . . •*' u ble, n-iiiiiu tz v. v s tr .4.-. so . ll\ - \ ’>ctr- • i;t ..f ten w ill company will he reorganized as soon is the sale is confirmed, the plan being to form 1 new company with 11 5 ......MM) 1 .. 1 l in- shares of ix-k will b- I *>()(>,out» the ¡ m i . . . will he divided mi tv. > cl 1 • ! ’■ ' h (U.- '/ a c ? u U t p b u t a The Lei tier ollii'c has nild- I this wick t«f its already we I eciuipiK'd jolt ment, several depart­ fonts of the latest job type, and other material, and is now better pn -pam j class to do only first- job printing and see. Trv íc ú : t . The word 1 id k c u u -uL stitu to— o um att«« l»-bv lian..'._usc i ns ti j y i ; , t . . . D tr g n . - tn p i v > r in tlw % B a n I; of C ottaoc G io ve m n m C a p i t a l S t o c k , $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 É m n « i :G r a p h o p h o r v e ‘: i Do they rit? If they're not KA \CTIaY right, lef ns make them s< • “it ' you AC CURATKLY. Long experience, every n“ot> « iry tifTo apparatus and th" !>■»« j li ;; * il knowledge en­ abling us to correctly use the sain»- our own complete workshop, wii every facility ev n to the grinuiiu. of special l a?e»—are ail at your Itspo nl here, assuring a service not posslhb» ;vl*h others less fortu­ nately equipped. A gain —do your * s F IT >r nearly fit? ^ Mansell Optical (b. (iO O D .lO B P R IN T IN G ot c á U ü ia ^ie . (ir iil'in «Vi V e a tc h (c o m p a n y . ai noil, s e l l ­ busy yesterday exa m in in g a large cents, tile 1 .11 uu T e s t im o n ia l. ing at 20 cents each. It is mid number o f witnesses in the prelim ­ that development w i i , at the C ottage G rove. O regon, March, '07 inary hearing ol Mrs. A nnie James and Bert K elsa y for the larceny mines will begin ju-t ns toon as T o v bom it tnav concern: T h is is to certify that I h a v e ' and conversion of a check lor $240. the new company is org .ni/.e l. taken treatment of !>i II. A . F o s ­ T he surprise to all was the testi ter, chiropractor, for nv eyes. T he mnny of W111. James, who swore : Dealing 111 Human Corpses, treatment has been of great b en e fit' that he had seen his mother, Mrs. lx»s Angeles, \ : 1 1 2 o VVliolr- to iuv e v s. 1 can sec better than A nnie James, give the check to sale honihh- ti dli. 11 .1111 b. ».li­ I have h f ' i i ;di|e to rrr in ten years. 1 Bert Kelsav. Under this evidence has lie-n c ini- I o 1 1 •., I l i e has also trialed nr- for vertigo 1 and given me the only relief I have the Justice could do nothing e k e ing to evidence unearthed by th ever had from th:.t malady which | but hind both Mrs. James and Kel- countv authoritii and the board is of tilin', five years standing. My eyes lia 'e lieen had for thirty years. ] s«v over to the circuit court for of sup rvi.ois lui I ¿un ill i u v I most ch eerfu lly rccotnineinl1 tiiiil.aiid he did so fixing their tigation. There are four me lie d j bonds in the sum of $400 each, colleges in the oitv citv .1 ml repre-enta- him to tlie public as being compe­ w h ich was furnished. tives of these institutions stated tent in his chosen profession and a It will remain for a Lane county that 10 c id iv, 1 . v, irly slioni I courteous gentlemen. j u r y to iiiiliintje the lia.’ ly gnai led servo the ptt.| ■ ! all. Respectfully, U k v . R. C . G k a c R. m i" t w i s t e d evidence which was There are, ho •- r more t h a n Y o u will find me at my office, preseuted at the bearin'. today. iOO dentils ini tially o f person* over M Isen'a from U> to 12 a. tu in. and 7 to It p. m. Snn- ' • ------------ whose remain- nnciainu J u 2 to ppomtment. K n o w lto n (Joes to A s to ria . many ol 'in «.,■ n.-li red «lux L an e cou nty can produce a n y th in g grow n 011 t«p or under­ neath the soil becomes more patent e v e r y day. T h e latent evidence of this fact is shown by an orange tree on A. S. W a lke v’s place near Lou Knowlton, a tu-kG agent ill I® ^,0 b u t " , I tu 1 .’tia ¡c • the old B an g's park. VV. E . Wills, the city office of the Harriiuan Startling rw lav 1 . made it th, deputy assessor, w ho haa been m a k ­ line*, ha* been appointed assista nt , opening of tin n; m, n 'itc in g assessment* in that n eighb or­ ticket agent of the Aatoria A Co a scandal that may involve m any hood, inform* u*that Mr. W a l k l e j ' s lutnbia Hiver Railroad, at Astoria. and cudertaker*. it is oran ge tree ha* three nice ripe Mr. Knowlton will he in the office ph>«tciai un orange" on it and the tree i* in a of Ralph Jenkins. He lias been in intimated that t •nt more than healthy condition. T h e time is railroad Work aome time and :s well dertakiu co m in g when orange grove* will he known. The appointment take- ^,,l>oi|i in i i c i d y for dis- a* common in Oregon a* in Calitor effect May 1 — Telegram . position an l th arc not used n ia .- - R e g is te r. Mr. Knowlton i* wcli know n in I WSH ms BI m tor legitimate ana i .cal research. W e hojie your surmise may prove this city having lived here a mini ;o he a Uistri- correct, but d o n 't you really think her of years. His mother and sister i,u l „ , n , f dc id by Su- y o u are a trille optimistic. are "till residents of this city pent.tendent Bar I the county hospital, and >1 i l>oml* guaran The semi annual rental of the T h e fetni-annual rental of the dl l>e required tarmers telephone i* due A p ril 1 st. tarmers telephot e i* due A p iii 1 st. b eili * J I ■: ■ .tied to them, from the \ D i v i n G uinea, Manager, D a v i d i í k i g i i s . Manager. The surplus will I iried. A St. Louis dispatch announces Patronize the Leader’s adver- that a wedding is set to take place tisers. The Leader tclla the news. That ' 1 ?/&. * - alike for Portia ml an I valley mills, to remain in effect for the benefit gjs of the v i l l e v points and at the same time as-aim- a position ad­ verse to that principle with regard to the movement of lumber from «ós O regon to San Frauei-co an 1 the south if J. J. K en n y <>f C ottage G r o v e said his com pany and mills in the 'M vicinity have suit« re,l almost fatal losses fr< 111 Hie car shortage, and are in no condition to fair- the ad­ 4 B. F. Sfateti M I» land to San Francisco bay points at 4 i. B. Hurtle, M l>. a revenue of $72 per car, while the 4 Ueo. O.B Ih B-ir, M. I) I . K . M i 1 »> i r . ' i t l , M . I» company received at the old rate on lumber $lttfi per car tor each car For the care and treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Modern op’ of lum ber hauled from the valley peraling room and equipment Appliances for \ ray work Sp.umn and to S h i Francisco. Mr. Miller ad­ blood examinations- Full corps of trained nurses. Rales on application mitted these rates, but said that if the com pany moved all its tonnage 1 T R A IN IiN ü S C H O O L F O R N U R S E S . at the same rates it would go into b an kruptcy Regular course of lectures by the fa ulty an I pr 1 -i i .1 t alii- u p o n th e e l i m i n a t i v e t i s s u e s o f Hie k i d n e y s , a ssis tin g; th e m t o tille r a n d s t r a i n f io m th e blood m id s y s t e m nil e u t n r r h a l p o i s o n s , w h i c h , ii n o t ern d- ie n t e d , a r e a h sorlie d b y the in ueotis m e n ilo u n e . m id 1111 o p e n so re o r eu- t m rh is th e result. P r e p a r e s o n i" u n d t r y it, n s it Is B ound O v e r to Cir cuit C o u r t. tinually keep after the Insurance th e p r e s c r i p t i o n o f an e m i n e n t eu companies until they couqicl them T h e Register of Tu esda y says: I - 40 <*,OtM) being prcb i • d, bearing 7 tu r r il sp e c ia lis t o f n a t io n a l r e p u t a ­ to giv e them a rate that is at least J ustice B ryson ’s court was very p e r c e n t interest and ii lliiig at <»<• tio n . The semi-annual rental of the | the aid of the commission. U pper farmers telephone is d n e April 1 st J »alley lumbermen would do well to look into the cnnal scheme and givn D avid (Interns, Manager. it their substantial support.— Rag T h e merchants, property owners jster. - and citizens generally should con­ the rates are almost prohibitive. In this we refer m ote paiticularly to isolated or residence property, the late demanded equaling the cost o) tk e house every ten years. ' M Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they are “ cheap.” Housekeepers should stop and think. If such powders are lower priced, are they inferior? Is it economy to spoil your digestion? «he | WO|lder the G o v ern o r is a success- but ful politician.— Oregonian. Bad Of a There would he plenty o f room just. The present rate is a lt o g e th ­ er out of proportion to the risk in- c u r te d .a n d soars away above the per cent for which money can he secured. A town with the excellent lire protection tnat C ottage G rove poSHi'SHes, should he considered one of the most desirable riska, yet those who desite to carry insurance ^ OUR R O YAL Baking Powder is indispen- «able to the preparation o f the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. Alum is used in some baking pow­ T h e only surprise at the verdict ders and in most of the so-called The " R oyal Baker and Pastry o f the jury in I he T h a w trial is that phosphate powders, because it is C o o k " — containing over 800 most cheap, and makes a cheaper pow­ it took them so long to bring in the practical and valuable cooking re­ der. But alum isa corrosive which, ceipts—free to every patron. Send verdict they did. T o a large ma­ taken in food, acts injuriou ly upon postal card with your full address. the stomach, liver and kidneys. jo rity of the American people there was nothing to disagree about. T h a w never denied rolling White, KOVAL BAAINU POWDER CO., NEW YORK. so that it would seem that all the ju ry had t<* decide was w hether or n j theie was any extenuating c ir ­ in A u g u s t , the bridegroom being K . of P . C o n v e n tio n . cumstance w h y they should not 101 yearn old and the bride too, thus T he District Convention of the give Thaw the full punishment p r e - 1 proving true the old ndage, nil K n ights of Pythias was held in C a s ­ scribed by the law for such crime. th in gs come to him who waits.” tle Hall at lvugene. Thursd ay even- ThouHandsof lathers and motliera ” ■ ing. D elegations from Rosehurg, throughout the civilized world G overnor Chamberlain makes the Drain, Cotta: e (¡rove and Jui tion would have applauded a verdict of clever suggestion that th e Oregon were present. "not g u ilty .” Not but what they girls at Jamestown wear military The contest between the R e s e ­ m e as-ured that he killed White uniform s instead of Indian garb. lling, E u g e n e and C o tta g e Grove with malice nforthought, but real­ Both side: of the controversy will teams was won by Eugen« . T he ize tliat the man deserved death at probably he glad to accept the c o m ­ w inning team «ill g o to Portland his hands. T h ere is no law on the promise. The G o v er n o r ’ s adroit to compete at the state convention statute hooks prescribing adequate methods of bridging difficulties has tor the grand trophy which i“ a punishment for such a low beast as made him Chief E x e cu tiv e tw ice, magnificent silver cup vortli more W hite. No matter what Ins and and now it helps out the gi Is. No than $ l t i 0 After the exercises in the g i r l ’s relation» were, when married T h a w it euded them, he continued to hound her. as ’1 haw is, tie acted the part : Entirely IMcw Stoch of <3oote Comino SI MS< K i l l ION KATKS The Cottage Grove L eader for one year, nod any of the following publl- cii lion for one year, for the price set opposite * - sr. NftTum rw icn ":.11 W a n te d . Gentlem an or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with a rh; for a fi rn of $250,000.00 capi- tol Salary $t.t»72.oo per yea r and expenses, salary paid weekly and expens. anvaneed. Address, with stamp, Jos. A . Alexand er, C o t ­ tage Grove, Oregon. The semi-annual rental of the fanner* telephone is due April 1 st. Diotn G r io g s , Manager, j F R E i: i Occasionally persons desiring ill« to purchase a t irapophone con­ clude that they cun " ‘cure a lo w ­ er price "ii a machine hy buying at I'.iigcne. Portland, or* liy sending Bast. We w ant to make those person:- the following pn iposltion: Anyone lay ing pi 'if liefore us to the effect that they or any of their frlcml- have purchased or cun I'urelm e, any type of Edi­ son. Columbia or Victor Grnph- ophone or i ....... ril - at !• 1 *»ni . it any o of f 't h e above mentioned pin, cheaper than same, will ho- phone a b s so lu H tely oh o l y fre e. I I v o r y agent is hound liy the came cant Iron contract to soli only at the price“ v n d liy th e factory ninl any agent lining otherwise j* promptly suspended. When you liny e|-ewhere you an- simply out the express, freight or your car farcin trans­ action. Buy from y o u r local denier who is here to stay and make good all guarantee. ♦ NOTIONS The a nd NOVELTIES Bazaar. J & « T J