Co,ta§e Grove ha8 !lbo,n soo°, C O TTA G E G RO VE L E A OREGON DER A t t h e C h ia r e lle * population but its citizens arc _ COTTAGE GROVE -----j am ong the most active in the state. Methodist episcopal Church, i! i f B eatty. Pastor. Preachi T o our neighboring city is due H 1*1' Ki 1.1 SI I KI > KVKKY S A T U R D A Y . services a t 11 a. in. nmt 7:30 P ' largely the result o f the legislative m. Sunday School, lo a. in., 0 J. D U B R U I U E . Pu bli sh er. action, givin g Oregon a railroad hpworth league. U;:io p. m.. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 ¡ 0 . •Entered at tlie Collare Grove postoBee as »ec- oomroission and appointment of 01 A ire cordially invited to lie present ond-cuss matter. i 1 leading citizen of that place as a | s u b s c iìip t io n k a t e s member of the commission is onh | F in t Preshyterian Church, Pastor One Vear deserted recognition of the d ro v e lit. C. Grace. M orning service, 11 , bis Muntili furi*et* Muntili - - • •*** for the work it has done. W estern evening H> \ . p. S. C. E . 7 p, I pani in aUvauc*4 l>ut if uot so pa;er year wlll be tliarneil. ! Oregon cau doff its hat to Cottage ^ elco^ 'e RtranS ''rH ttn<1 sojourners Advertislnit rate» luatl«' KnuwQ ou applicatlnii 1 Grove without m aking a mistake ! — Eugen e Register. j Episcopal Church Services held CLCBBINU I.IST " I the second Wednesday evening oj The Cottage Drove L eader for one year, and any of the following |>ut< 1 i- A newspaper declares that there each month at 7 :30 in M asonic hall. ! ••ation for one year, for the price set There wilj he services every tilth would be more Rockefellers in the opposite * Sunday of a month. .$1 75 New York Tribune l inner world if yo u n g men spent as much j !>7 S Toledo Weekly B la d e ............... .. 2 .5 0 Portland Weekly Oregonian effort in money m aking as they do' Cathf Church, Father Carrol. Portland Weekly .l«»urnal ......... . 2.00 l end Sunday in each J in love m aking. Perhaps, but J Service:* the Portland Semi-Weekly Journal. 2 .5 0 San Francisco rail .............. there is something wrong about tbe j t,l< ,!l*■,I- San Francisco Examiner.............. .. 2 .5 0 Sunset Magazine, San Francisco. .. 2.00 . 2 .5 0 Out West, Los Angeles 1.75 Town and Country Journal . 1.75 Northwest Poultry Journal Pacific Homestead tSATFKDAY .............. MARCH young man who would rather make money than to make love. Besides, haven’ t we enough ltocke-fellers 1907 now?- E x . , Christian Science services held | over Allison’ s Bnrtier shop every j Sunday morning at 11 o ’clock and I Wednesday evening at 8 o ’ clock. •G ra p h o p h o n e : F R E E Bran 12 0 per ton, averaging *70 cents per sack. Shorts $23 per ton; 80 lh. sack $ 1 . Rolled bar ey $r 05 per sack; special rate ou ton lots. Compare our barley with the imported varieties and note the difference. Vetch Hay! We have a lot o f clean Vetch ha.V, splendid for cows; see it at our warehouse. We pay 4 cents for second hand feed sacks. Respectfully, Harturvg; & H ansen. NOTIONS and NOVELTIES The Bazaar. : wrong, There’s so little <{tiit«* right that they ilo, And with mind and my memory strong I am willing to help them 011 tli rough. F o r my insight's remarkably clear And mv Judgment yon cannot dc Hpisc: 80, you see, it would be rather queer If I didn’t tak e hold and advise. —Chicago Nows. Manufacturers of K loup and Feed. occasionally poisons 1 -m ug to purchase a tirhpuphotie con­ clude that they can secure a low­ er price on n machine by buying at Eugene, Portland! or hy sending B ast. We want to make thorn* persona the billowing proposition: Anyotie laying proof before us to tbe effect that they or any of their friends have purchased or can purchase, any type of Edi­ son, Columbia or Victor uraph- ophone or records at any of tho above mentioned places, any cheaper than wo are selling the same, will be given u l.rnpho- phone a b s o l u t e l y free. Every agent is hound by t lo* same cast- iron contract to s *11 only at tho prices fixed by the factory ami any agent doing otherwise is promptly suspended. When you buy elsewhere you are simply out the express, freight or your ear fare In trans­ action. Buy from your local dealer who is lien* to stay and make good all guarantee. Christian Church, Rev D . E. Women ticket sellers are to he Olson I ’astor. Services at 11 in * From my youth I have hated like sin employed on the New York L le va- the morning and 7.¡50 in the even­ ♦ To mix up with my neighbor’* con- ted road. T h e reason given is that ing. Y . B. S. C. E . m eeting at I am much disinclined to butt in— they are more dexterous in band­ • * :*Jo p. 111. Sunday school at lo ; Interm ediate Endeavor referonce to travel , . ra i, or with „ it's 11 trick that a fellow soon ling and m aking change than men I o ’ clock, I Society at - : .5 y> • ami t;noir learns, (h o ir prac practice ; rig for a firm of , $250,000.00 * ......... . ............. capi : T h e real reason is that they can be For Its certain as older 1 grew every Saturday evening at 7 :3c. I tal. S alary $1,<172.00 per year and And the scales bisapear from tny secured for about half the wages expenses, salary paid weekly and eyes All headac ll(‘H f.() I ’m impelled to tell things that I that men deman I. expenses anvanced. A ddress, with j When you grow wiser know; And learn to Use I stamp, Jo s. A . A lexan der, Cot-! I ’ve a longing, in short, to advise. * An “ Enrlv Kiser.” Candidates for city officers arc ^ tage Grove, Oregon. DeWi tt’s I.itt 1 .* Enrlv Risers, sui**, It's nil impulse I constantly tight. now 111 order and already the names sure* jlilis. Benson 's Btiarmney. But a word now and then will slip Improve Your Laying Stock. of several prominent citizens are out When I know very well I am right being mentioned. T h ere will no Classified Advertisements, j Tom A w b rey has just imported a [ And my neighbor ts somewhat in ! ¡pen of the celebrated White Minor doubt be several ticket- in the field. doubt. cas, noted for their heavy produc- But I ’ve noticed a lot in my day. Cash For Your Timber. . tion of extra large eggs, and good I And experience makes a m m w is e . So 1 feel I h a v e something to say. Believes Thief an Insane Man. j W’ e arc in position to secure j table qualities. IIo can start you And I ’ m glad If they let me advise. Chicago, F eb . 28.— T h e deed ot highest cash price. Exam inations . at one-fifth the cost of importing. Then*’« so much that good people do insane man. This is the latest made without r elay. H ave clients In quire at Express oftic. The World Needs Him. Cottage G ro ve F lo u r M ills i C T D C l x E b C C . A T OUR S TO R E W h ile Th e y Last s e e o u r Window Display W e have received a fine new, special lot, o f handsome, hand-forged, hollow ground Radiuraite Razors that usually sell at I2.UU each at retail, which wc will give away abso­ lutely Irte to advertise the wonderful THE STROP THAT HONES RADIUMITE DOLLAR RAZOR STROP which is light, pliable, durable, convenient, and safe, and w h ich Is revolutionizing th e a rto f shaving. A RAZOR GIVEN FREE To The PURCHASER of EACH STROP CALL TODAY AS THEY ARE COINC FAST. ,lt , !l)0ifr ■ » ..tint all with the marvelous auJ instantaneous honiu gasd finishing properties «4 the Kadiumlt»» St ■ p j, which w ill not harm the finest an*l most delicate razor. T h e y make shavinif a cunvenien e an.t a delight, eveu to men having the hardest L-arils. . ,h a v e “ o t He so much In » good r s n o r a t In a good strop. With r e K A D lU M lT E STROPS the must inferior razors are Lrought up to a line ed ge, and the effect o f the » tr. I >; n the hnest razors i? to keep them at all tim es in the best possible condition, ready to shave iv • 1 r and d eligh tfu lly Each Radium ite Strop leeold under the positive guarantee th at H i t Is not e atia& ctory Qi.—ey w il) be refunded. Th ey are for either Ordinary or Safety Razors and probably tho most likely e x - [ " ’ho want investment in tim ber and Radiumite S tro p s, SOo to $ 2.5 0; R azors, $1 to $3 LUMBER!! LUMBER" DANGER LU R K S IK THE U SE O F A R Y STR O P B U T A R A D IU M IT E t planation o f the theft o f $ 173,000 will pay value of property. List H orrible km diseases, surh as CANCER. B A R B E R 9 ’ IT C H , ECZE M A and BLOOD F0180N, often result from the u s« I want 20,000,00« feet of good • o f imperft tly stropped razors that cut. irritate and op« n the skin, thus admitting the terrible bacilli that lurk in the animal from the United States sub treasure j w ith us at once. Quick service parts o f shaving soaps, hair shaving brushes, and lu the air Itself, a merchantable Oregon pine. W ill THE O N LY PE R F E C T S T R O P IS THE R A D IU M IT E in Chicago on February 20. More- guaranteed, Don t use the worthies . heavy, double, common cow strops so gen erally s- Id. and with whii h nine dealers out o f ten w ill fry to afflict you. T h e y are so much o ld ju n k , purr and simple. T h e word Kadlumite stands for perfection in razor strop contract for a years cut and pay C o a s t S rcu u i t i e s Co. over, that this madman was ami P a c iiic •naking. Buy a Radium ite strop and u k c no substitute— no matter huw handsome V may appear. Danger luxkj In tho highest m arket price; will m a k e ; Oto o f any strop h a t a Radiumite Portland, Oregon, still is an employe of the govern- liberal advances on B. of I,. , m ent, lias hidden tho money he Wanted. G . W . P eek , took anil is lw elling calm ly under ’ Gentleman or lady with good 20 !) Barlett S t., San Franci°co, Cal. tho belief that he is not suspected, G r iffin An Associated Press dispatch says. “ Japanese children are to be admitted to the white schools of San Francisco under cortain restric­ tions; skilled and unskilled laborers com ing from Japan barred from the main land ot tb s United State* and American laborers, skilled and un- is the conclusion of some of the most astute operatives d > w at w ork on tho great m ystery. Who this man is and where he is are probably* known. His name, it is asserted, has been connected with velt, Secretary lb»it, M ayor Schmitz and the San Francisco school board as an adjustment of tho anti-Japa* ncae agitation brought about b y tho iegregation ot Japaneae children in the San Francisco schools. Th e agreement means the schools o f San Francisco will he conducted in the same manner as they were before the board of education adopted the resolution last October providing for tiie segregation o f the J », who are in the primary grades, m ust continue to attend tin* Oriental school and that the Japanese cliil- dren under sixteen will he admitted to classes with white children o f their own ages. W hile the resolu- tion of the school board, as amended reads ‘ Children of alien b irth s,’ it is freely admitted by M ayor Schmitz and his associates that the resolu- tion will apply only to the Japanese children, and the change in the wording was to make it plain to the Tokio government that no di-crimi- nation was intended against lap.*»- nose ch ildren.” H *'■ " " -1 " ! 1 '■ '!1 *' l ' )n‘ - J lt 1 " :ame circumatance corroborating the suspicion. I*.*! *” 'v ,,*crk s tin* snb-treasury s ill ®Hng to th< ■ ........ • 1 do hign* ■ ficials. In this case, however, the evidence necessary to convict is lacking. Tlte stolen cash has not been located. lSi V c a tc h C o m p a n y . the case daily, but until the m >n« > he is believed to have taken whi'c skilled, are to ho excluded from Under the hallucination is recovered Jap an . T h is is the basis of the and his guilt established, no one in agreement between President Rooso-! authority* dares make a diraci accu- How Few of Us Oo This. Don’ t take it out in wishin’ . If you want to he cheerful je s ’ set ver mind on it and do it. Can't nono of us help what we start out in lilt * But it ain't jes seem' the good in folks an’ savin' nice things when you’re feelin* go n T he way to git cheerful is to smile when yon feel had, to think ihout somebody else's headaches when yer own i*. m nt bustin’ , to keep on believin’ tli ■ -un i- u-shiniu' when the clouds is thick enough to cut. Nothin' helps you to it like thiukin’ more ’ boat other I'olxs than ibout yourself. I.uvey Maty in ' .Mrs W iggs. J . S. Medley*, the well known Forest O ro v®, Ore., Feb 2 ( 1 . C ottage G rove lawyer, and Ju d g e (Special.)— Sheriff Connell and M cFaddeu, of UorvaBis, are prom i­ Deputy Prosecuting Attorney nently mentioned for the position Tongue are hot on the trail of the o f district attorney for Lane, Men­ man who robbed William Thorn- ton and Lincoln counties, which ,. . . . . i , .i „ , burgh in A . Ilauk - saloon recen tlv district was created at the recent s ot $t(> 0 . Last night Charles Battoli legislature. Those three counties a negro, who lu'H lieen in thè ein are embraced in one judicial di- p io v o ! W. H. I,yda at a sawmill trict with Douglas, t'oos and C urrv near l ’orest Grove, confesscd that counties. District \ttornc\ tic • he had been given $ 1 40 of thè $ t t ’>t) M. Brown ol thi- citi , will now , bv th<* robher as hush money and h ave to attend to the criminal work thè ofiìcers are hunting thè mftì he ot only the I*tt« 1 > 1 names. Review. Uncle Snnt is robbed of some $ 17 ’l,ooo in cash l»y a thiel l’ hc State of Oregon has iust been robbed of considerably more than that, by polite plutocratic i i' t* who made oil with lulls that w * * 1 have compelled them to pi»' mere taxes for support ot the people s govern lueut. —O regonian. Vini sliould ls* vcrv v i i rpful ot vmir li uvrle wlieti voli lune a onhl. Senrly idi otlnT coligli «ynips an* constipa tlng, eappetnlly tliose coutaìning r>|>i- ntes Kennedy s l.axattve ( 'oligli Nyrup m on a thè liowela- centalns no t«piate-*, t ’onforms to National Bure Borni and l'ru g s Inw*. Benr- the enitorsement ot tnollien» e veri uberi Eh Udrei» llke K m pieni Hit t tasto. Ho’ «l t>v Hen«t>n'- rh a rn m c » $ I ll li c'C I ’ * p p I w.* a 'v .s v .a v .a v y i f A’' e À « OPriCUS and KEFR»CTIOSIST 4 Riunii M New < hriMnanBk. Knycno, Or. ■ A 4 j£ I * \ Y A W . KIMK. KI MI w M. D. • PHVSMIIAX .uni SLKOKON Á . ■ umee In Mt-Karlaad Hulldlng < ▼ u Hard 8 r* Office ninne, m i lieildencc Pilone, 126 } M a r io n v ra t c h Filone fiG K p 1 P "m e * Multi »H Y FUSERAI DIRECTOR and LICENSED EMBALMER l Y i l d n > 1 T w t t k a U A + A ’P.A " t m ’A * * ^ A * W - jf