Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, February 23, 1907, Image 3

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Three Important
■ --.vSSA-vysXSS.
Transfers ot Main
S. V. Allison, the barber haa pur­
chased of Milne & Atchison the
property known as the Opera house
property situated ou the west side
of Main street- This property has
a frontage of 32 feet. The price
paid was $2700 Mr. Allison will
remodel the building making it
into two rooms, one 20 feet wide
which will be occupied by W. C.
Johnson, with a complete liue of
General Merchandise aud Groceries,
and one 10 feet to be occupied by
Messrs. Milne & Atchison, as a
real estate office. This will leave
Cottage Grove without an opera
house for a while, but we under
stand there is already a stock corn
pany being organized, for the pur­
pose of building a first-class theatre
in the near future.
pointed a Member of the Rail­
Mayor B. R. Job was in Eugene
'ast Sunday.
road Commission.
The Cottage Grove Development
David Finn returned from Salem
which was organized
earlier in the year, gave place to
W . S Bennett visited the county the Commercial Club iu the fall of
seat Tuesday.
i!>o 4 and with the birth of the Cot­
Grove Commercial Club the
J. W. Baker was in Salem the
agitation and resolutions were pre­
first of the week.
pared and the general fight for the
B. Lurch made a business trip to shippers’ rights was conceived and
Eugene Monday.
has borne fruit We have the
Edwin Tullar made a flying trip Chapin Bill and a Railroad Com­
to Voncalla Monday.
mission to look alter .ts observation
The oldest and best man on the
J. H. Bartels was a business visi­
is T . K. Campbell of
tor at Eugene Thursday.
Cottage Grove, appointed by Secre­
C- H. Barhite of Eugene was in tary of State Benson, Monday even­
Cottage Grove Wednesday.
Miss Anna Oglesby of this city
spent Sunday iu Roseburg.
H. H. Veatch was doing business
in Eugene the first of the week.
Messrs. Stewart A 1 ’orter have
Attorney Knox was in Eugene
bought the Crowley block on Main Monday attending legal business.
street situated west of the Hotel
J. D. Cochran, left Thursday lor
Oregon and will erect a handsome a business trip to San Francisco.
two story brick building this sum­
Hugh Curriu of this city spent a
few days in Eugene this week.
Bert Lawson has also bought ot
S. W. Bennett the property on
Main street now occupied by flip
Vogue millinery shoe, Thos Gill's
cigar ami stationery store, Coif-
man’s barbel shop and J \ Tlioin-
ton’s cigar stoic, ilus property
has a frontage of do feel and the
consideration was $4000. Mr. I,aw-
Bon also contemplates building a
two-story brick this summer.
T. K. Campbell of Cottage Grove Ap­
Street Property Made This
James Sears and family of Bo­
hemia are spending the week in
the city.
Mrs. J. C. (Jurrin went to Rose-
burg Thursday to visit her dntigli-1
ter, Mrs. Grle.
Work Commenced.
George Roblman, the tailor made
W ork has commenced 011 the
new brick block to be built on the a business trip to Drain and Yon-
corner of Fifth and Main streets. calla yesterday.
The occupants in the old buildings
C . P. Dovereaux of Eugene, was
have vacate.!. The Western Ore­ in Cottage Grove Wednesday on
gon office lias moved into the build­ timber business.
ing facing Fifth street. The T og­
Mrs. Fi. A. Hodkins of Eugene
gery has temporary quarters across
has returned home after a few days
the street in the Willamette Valiev
visit in this city .
Co’s building until the new • >1 *<-k.
Mrs. W. C. Johnson and daugh­
is finished. They will occupy one
of the rooms in the new building ter Fannie, returned Tuesday from
with a first-class line of Gent’s a visit at Eugene.
furnishiug goods. The building
Mrs. Herbert Eakin went to Port­
now occupied by the post office «ill land Monday where she will visit
be moved around the corner on with friends for a week.
Fifth street aud will serve as the
Miss Sarah Bartels is in Port­
post office until new quarters are
land where she has a position in a
a millinery establishment.
The Leader tells the news.
Finest chocolate creams in the
city at Holmden’s.
Fresh chocolate bou bons at
Holmden’s, near the bridge.
A ll kinds of tresh taffies at Holm­
Read the Leader.
Choicest candies at Holmden’s
candy store.
L. L. Woods, the piano tuner
for Shennan J. Clay Co., Portland
will l>e in town May xst 13 o 7 . Leave
your tuning orders with Veatch &
Lawson Music House.
Commercial Stables
The Hazelwood, Corvallis and
Eugene creameries will build cream
stations at Creswell. The Cottage
Grove creamery runs a wagon there
A ll kinds o f First (dass
Rigs, ;it reasonable prices
Large Feed Barn in connection
Miller and Corbit are closing out
at cost.
Go to Miller anil Corbit for bar­
at cost at Miller and
Mrs. Ann Lester died recently at
Creswell nt the age of 80 years.
v . -i. .j. -1- .r- -1- a- -4.
1 -i i- ;• q. q. q q-_q- «4. t i n ,4.
E ^ ^ H iq h
Miller and Corbit are closing out
at cost.
A beautiful 56 niece dinner set
at a special price of $ 7.50 for 10
T K. C A M P B E L I . .
days only can be seen in the show
T. K. Campbell was born at St. window of Metcalf & Brttnd.
G o to Miller and Corbit for bar­
Anthony, Minn , Sept. 23 , 1857 ,
going with his parents at an early gains.
age to
Leaven worth,
Furniture at cost at Miller and
where he received his education and Corbit’s.
served bis time as a stone cutter,
Cooking stoves and heating stoves
not content
with journeyman’s
at cost at Miller and Corbit’s.
woik, lie followed the steps of his
father, and embarked in the con­
tracting business, working west­ keeping at Miller and Corbits.
Crockery at cost at Miller and
ward, in iHifo he established him­
self in Salt L ike where he built the Corbits.
Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed,
Knutsford hotel, the Dooley block while
wintry winds whined weirdly.
and other large buildings in that Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win­
city In 1892 Mr Campbell reached ter
winds work wheezes. Wherefore
Portland and innnediatelv opened we wiite, “ Use Kennedy’s Laxative
Cough ¡Syrup,’’ Nothing else so good.
a plant on the old Stevens place, Hold
by Henson's Pharmacy.
East Portland, from where he sup­
Tiie Star Lumber Company have
plied all the cut stoue lor the City
Hall. His entire occupation had closed down their saw mill for a
been iu heavy stone work until week to make repairs and some
1837 when lie became a resident of changes.
J. S. Henson and F. D. Wheeler
Lane County and engaged iu the
timber business (which added to his have each bought a full blooded
knowledge of the shippers needs) registered bull pup, 10 weeks old,
which he has followed until now. which were shipped to them from
Mr. Campbell has been a resident Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. David G riggs were
Eugene for an over-Sunday visit
Last Saturday evening February
of Cottage Grove since 1001 , and
lfith the United Artisans held a re­ with Senator and Mrs. Bingham.
ha*7 been closely connected with the
ception in the W. O. W. ball, in
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Eakin of lin ­
honor of Dr. W. ft. Mauion, Su­ gerie, visited for a day this week at business interests of the city, Mon­
preme Medical Director of the the home of Herbert Eakin in this day he will go to Salem, file his
bonds and enter upon the duties of
order. A class of 13 were initiated, city.
his new office. His family will re­
a fme lunch was served and a most
Forty-one teachers passed the re­
here during the summer and
pleasant evening spent. The fol­ quired examination at the teachers
go to Salem in the
lowing program was rendered and examination held at Eugene last
greatly enjoyed
■ ■■
■ in
■ ■
Vocal Solo,
..........J, M. Ishain
The question to be debated by
Dr. W. C- Mauion
The Commercial Club held its
two Portland ministers is “ Resolved
Vocal Solo,.................L. F. Wooley
That Women Gossip More Than regular business meeting last Mon­
Recitation,.......... .Sophia A. Osberg
day evening. The time was e x ­
Legerdermain, . . . Prof. J. W. Ely
tended tor receiving applications
Frank Rosenborg was in Com­
Cornet Solo
.. Clias Cochran
for membership at $10 to March
The new order is growing rapidly stock Monday on business connect­ 1 Sth. A letter was read from Sena­
and promises to become one of the ed with the Campbell <fc W alker tor Bingham thanking the club lor
leading fraternal orders of the city. Lumber Co.
its appreciation of the stand taken
John Lee, of the Fisher Lumber
by tlie I.ane County delegation at
Company of this city was in Eugene
New Millinery Firm
Salem on railroad legislation. The
Miss Helen McGee has purchased last week on business connected following letter from Chairman
with his company.
from Mrs. Martin her interest in
Teal of the Portland Chamber of
The Drain Nonpareil says: C. Commerce was read;
the Vogue millinery store and the
firm name will hereafter be known Ross King, the energetic Cottage Portland, Oregon, Eeb. 14 th, ly o 7 .
Cottage Grove Commercial Club,
as Misses Harms & McGee. The Grove banker and capitalist, was
Collage Grove. Ore.
young ladies are now iu Portland
Dear Sirs;— Now that the fight
buying thoir spring and summer
Principal Worth Harvey and is over and the battle won, I want
stock. They will return about Miss Nora E. Beebe of the West you to know that we all appreciate
March 1st.
Side school attended the teachers the splendid services given by your
club in behalf of the interests of
examination at Eugene last week. the people of this state. You were
Artisans Reception.
Furniture at cost at Miller aud
A- M. Sweeney returned home
Friday after a weeks stay in E u­
Mr aud Mrs. Fred Russell of
Dorertu returned from Portland
tir a d e i 1 e a t s = = =
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal ^
always ready.
Our Refrigerator
Llie finest ............
in Oregon.
" is ...................
'*■ >
Fresh Fish each Tuesday and Friday.
See our plant, everything new and up-to-date.
-I- -I- -1- - F
-T- -1
- T '- T -
Main 8
Fred Herren.
V -’T= -t
W - f - -T-
-T7 - F
Headquarters For
¿Vlining and Commercial Men
C. T. LONG. Prop.
Don’t forget the devotional meet­
ing of the Epworth League of the
M. E. Church Sunday night at 6:30
p. m.
John Corbit has sold his interest
in the firm of Miller At Corbit to
VV. C. Johnson and has moved
with bis family to California. Mrs.
Corbit will visit for several weeks
in Pendleton before joining her
husband iu California.
Chas. Matthews returned to his
home in Michigan yesterday.
Food don't digest? Been use the
stomach lacks some one of the essen­
tial digest ant* or t lie digestive juice- 1
are not properly balanced. Then, too j
It is lids undigested foisl tluil causes
sonnies- and painful indigestion. 1
Kodol fol indigestion should be used I
for relic] Kodol Is ¡1 solution of veg­
etable acids. It digests vvliat you cut 1
and corrects the deticience» of the di 1
gestion. Kodol conforms to the j
National Pure Food and drug law.
Sold here hy Benson's Pharmacy.
Next Winter Reading
We linve arranged with the
New Idea Woman s Magazine
for a clubbing combination witli this paper
T m . N kw Im-.i W oman ’ M aoazink keeps up to its name.
It is a woman,« Magazine, and a good one. It tell all about
Fashions, Needlework, Crockery, Household affairs, etc. It con­
tains many bright stories and clever descriptive articles.
Cottage («rove Leader, regular price $ 1 .aO per year
The New Idea Woman’s Magazine
cents per year
Accidents Will Mappen
Sample ( ’opies Free.
Coltaftc Grove L eader.
c.»»*. Cr.v., 0 »..
At The M E. Church.
not only one of the first to soe the
necessity for railroad control, bnl
you have never wavered in the
tight from the beginning to the end
and 1 trust that your city and your |
members will all receive some of |
the benefits which will flow from
the results of your work. Wishing
you every success, I am,
lu the liest regulated fumili«’*. When
His son in law, Win. Strelil and
they do happen there is often a rudi
Yours very truly,
A. B. Wood, mauager of the O.
to Um nearest drugstore for necessi­
family will follow in two or three
J. N. Teal.
ties. It Is always Is’tter to hu\c al
& S. E. Railroad aud Receiver of
weeks. -Brownsville Times.
of "home remedies’’ In the |
the Oregon Securities Co. left Cot­
lams«’, hut In ease y oil run short you i
After a several mouths visit in
know where to geteverything
tage Grove Tuesday for eastern
H AR T On Saturday, February should
are likely to lined on short noth«
cities, bis first stop will br St. this city Miss S. R. VitiDenburg ! 111, to the wife of Harry Hart, a 9 you
1er ling re that it Is of the h.,i «inai
Louie. Mr Wood is much inter and Mise Rena Blair, sister and pound boy.
it y while the price is most txusotinblc.
cateri in some Kentucky coal fields ; neiefl of Mr. Chas. VaoDenburg
and the construction of a railroad left for their home at Litchfield.
E. D. Baker, son of Game Warden
Mich , Monday
in the same district. — Nugget
Cottage Grove. Oregon
Baker was in the city yesterday.
George McQueen and wife were
Mrs. M. C. Wire will speak at in Eugene Monday where Mr. Mc­
the M. E. Church tomorrow morn­ Queen attended the annual meeting
ing and evening on General Mis­ 1 of the North Fairview Mining com­
sionary Work, under the direction pany.
of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
R. M. M oxley left for his new
I home in Cottage Grove Tuesday.
ACTiiY right, let m unk«» thorn *«*
«•xp*rtenr*. I
- v
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. • • • • « t . I • i
and thA require*! k n ow le d ge rn -
• M in « n s to e o rrse tty urn the ,ntnc
ou r o w n completi» w o rk sh o p , vit.«,
'. i r v fa c ility * li to tli« g « 1 1 llffg
<*f upc* la i Ipfuius or** a ll
p mi ! I •• a
»ring .» servie«
■ « .
Benson's Pharmacy < k. Munse!I
! ..
la «»•* F I T
or nearly fit?