COTTAGE GROVE LEADER NO. 45 CO TTAG E G R O V E, OREGON, SA T U R D A Y . FE B R U A R Y 23, 1907, VOL. X V III To Kilt Gophers Passed Over Veto. R E S U L T S ASTONISHED HIM Salem, Or., Feb. 19 .— The Uni­ The Outcome of Judiciously Placed versity of Oregou wou a decided Advertising Opened His Eyes. victory over Governor Chamberlain For a number of years I adver­ tised only in my windows and in some of the street cars, because I did not feel that I could afford to advertise in the daily papers. Tw o years ago last September I was hav­ ing a craveuette coat sale, and 1 succeeded in selling for a couple of weeks about 50 coats a day. I thought I would try a column ad. in one of the evening papers. The result was that the next day the sales, which formerly had been about fifty coats a day, jumped to I42, and in fifty days 1 sold over 3,500 raincoats For the year following that sale I continued to advertise in this one paper. Last fall I felt that I could afford to invest, say, about $ 5,000 in advertising in some of the other papers. I used three morning papers and three evening papers, the best in Chicago. The results have been phenomiual. I did not have to invest $ 5,000 The profits came back from the newspaper ad­ vertising before their hills came in, and I do not figure today that I have a dollar invested in advertis­ ing, In my opinion, the only way to advertise is to give them plain, comraou sense talk Tell them of the truth. Do not, get a customer to come to your store and find that you have faked him, for that is poor advertising, besides being dishon­ esty.— From “ Autobiography of a Business Man” in Everybody’s. Subscribe for the Leader. today when both houses overrode the executive’s veto of the $ 125,000 appropriation bill. In the house Representative Eaton and his colleagues wou an easy victory, the vote iu favor of the university standing at 45 to 15. In the senate, however, the fight was close, and there was not a vote to spare when the roll was called, the vote staudiug £7 to 7 for the school and against the governor. Senators Bingham and Booth had made a hard fight, Bingham mak­ ing the only speech when the ques- tion was called. The senator spoke for 2o minutes, and his telling points uo doubt had much to do with influencing the result. Senator M. A. Miller, of Linn, a regent of the school, was one of the seven who voted to sustain the veto. Flat Salary Bill to Take Effect in 1911 . Salem, Feb. IS .—The house this morning killed the lull providing for an appropriation to build and equip a state printing plant, and so amended the bill providing for plac­ ing the state printer on a flat salary that it will not affect Mr. Dtiniway. It takes effect in 191 t Smoot Will Stay in Senate. The senate Tuesday voted to re­ ject the report of the investigating committee in favor of expelling Smoot of Utah. A majority of the senators favored the Mormon apostle and he will retain his seat. The California Experiment sta­ tion has found a sure way to kill gophers: Carbon bi sulphide is to he put on cotton on pieces ot cloth probably one half teaspoonful to each piece of cotton and placed in their run ways and then stop up the hole tight, the gas being heavy will follow the run ways, will kill all gophers and moles. M. L a m m o n . Brain Leaks. bread. But more have been wrecked by failure to keep the crew well provisioned. “ Hitch your wagon to a star,” was Emerson’s advice. But would it not be better to pull your wagon yourself and travel iu the direction of the star? The man who learns to look up­ on death as merely the finishing touches on an education for life, has learned the first real lesson in right living. This is tho season of the year when a man who complains about the work of keeping a lawn the size of a postage stamp in good condi­ tion in summer, imagines that he would make a first-class manager of a farm of 320 acres. 1’ luck uever complains or poor luck. It is a waste of time to give or listen to advise that you know will not be heeded. Seeds of doubt are not likely to sprout if sown in a heart full of abiding faith. Irish Wit. The more money a man has the An Irish priest had labored hard easier it is for him to talk about ' with one of his fiock to induce him the ‘‘ blessings of poverty.” I to give up whiskey. ‘T tell you, A lot of people claim credit for j Michael,” said the priest, “ whiskey being charitable because they give is your worst enemy, and you away -tuff they want to get rid of. should keep as far away from it as When men sow the wind it is the you can.” “ Me enemy, is it innocent bystander who usually Father?” responded Michael, ‘ and suffers most in the resultant cy­ it was Your Riverence’s self that clone. was tellin’ us in the pulpit only ,Vhen a man marries in order to last Sunday to love our enemies!” get a housekeeper, a woman who “ So I was Michael,” rejoined the wants a home, there is bound to be priest, “ but I uidn’t tell you to trouble. swallow them.” Reforms flourish best when al­ lowed to get a fair start at borne LUMBER!! LU M BER!! before being thrust across your I I want 20,000,000 feet of good neighbor's fence. Some people make such a virtue merchantable Oregon pine. W ill of promptness that they forget to contract for a years cut and pay consider the matter selected to dis­ I highest market price; will make 1 liberal advances on B. of L. cuss at the appointed hour. G. W . P *» M_ny a matrimonial craft has been wrecked on a reef of poor j 209 Barlett St., San Francisco, Cal. 5>tiill B u sy V h ar e goinig to get Busier 15 p e r c e n t o f f on a n y S u it 25 p e r c e n t o ff on a n y O v e r c o a t in th e house d u rin g th e m o n th o f F e b r u a r y w ith ca sh m IEEL ER-l HQMPSON GO. th e le a d in g C lo th ie r an d Sh o e H ou se j [S u c c e s s o r to W e lc h & W o o d s.] j agent should give out uis theories as what the secretary is supposed to Interesting Reading Front the Na­ thiuk. If the ideas take, he could modestly acknowledge them. They tional Capitol By Our Regular all do it that way. Correspondent. The people of the capitol who have been wanting an old fashioned Washington, Feb, 1 1 , iyo7 . winter have the chance to take a What will the people of the sleigh ride. country say when they know the Young Rocxefeller’ s advice that facts regarding the “ salary grab” it is easier to tell the truth than a put through Congress this winter? lie will not apply to politics and Alter much talking and scheming the Brownville case. the salaries of Senators and Repre­ Why not pay our national legis­ sentatives were raised from $ r> 000 lators space rates iu the Congres­ to $7,500; reason, advanced cost of sional Record? Some of them living. This reason is sufficient, for would make a pretty penny. not only are tho members of Con- j 1 Will Senator Beveridge reap all gross held up on every turn, but tbo Blory brought about by years the cost of living ill \\ ashiugtoti- : 0f agitation l>v labor uuious for the already too h ig h -lia s advanced at abolition of child-labor? least 50 percent iu the last two Is it possible that a j(lry can be years. But does this increase settle j lound williDg to accept the profes- tlie matter" sions of iunoceut childhood ex­ it is generally thought that the bibited iu tbe Tbllw trial? government pays enormous salaries. How much longer wU1 the Tu.s is not the case. The workers oountry stand for the raisadvent. in the departments who are in the uros uf l>jerCe, late of the State De­ pul,lie eye are the petty Griefs of partmeut and nearly every other division, who receive from $i,ooo branch of the government" What to $ 2,400 a year There is in each S a o pull. . be must bnve? division an average of about five j _______ _ _______ clerks who receivo from $1,200 to $r.8oo a year, and from UO 10 100 Senator Beveridge and Child Labor. The February number of the who receive from J&4OO to $ l,lo o Woman’s Home Companion con­ per year. Now the question is, wili Con­ tains a comprehensive description gress give to the workers of the of Senator Beveridge’s national bill Federal government a proportionate to abolish child labor. The senator raise in salary to their own, or even tells how he worked in a logging any raise at all. A goodly share of j camp at fourteen years of age, be- tlie members of Congress live at S ‘ n'»'ng before daybreak and end­ boarding houses 01 $2 a day hotels, *"S alter dark ,and the lessons he and some have been so “ cheap” as : teamed there served as the founda- to sell to a local book dealer the tiou ,0' ' llis Present fight against volumes ot governmental publica- *bo horror of child labor. After lions contained in their quota, describing the evil, he adds: Some hire their clerks for $<¡0 or *>ut 's uwt *110 worr undeveloped brain, in tbeir euceis given to Christian Science weakened hearts, in their cramped treatment! But we may rest as- ' 3 »d deformed souls and fires of an sored that it is all but completed, -'»extinguishable wrath begin to since ex chairman Shouts t. 11s us burn. They go through life hating so! He has finished his work and sociel>’ . hatinK everybody and oiled his spade and hung it up in everything. For, while they do the tool shed; why do not the other " « k,,ow ,UU,’L- do know ll*rt workers do likewise" The canal is 3 system of industry and a state of d u g ! Slionts has a good job. society lias worse than murdered Everybody’s happy except Engi- t,10'u There is your material for m c i Wallace who waa foolish nnarehy We bear a good many enough to also accept a better job. «P<-*ecbes about the danger of anar- (>„«• man resigns to accept $50,000 c,'ists coming to this country from a year, he is a man beneath con­ Europe. The truth is that child tempt, another does exactly the labor is creating some two hun­ sarno thing for the same salary he dred thousand grown-up unurchists is a gentleman and a scholar, lie can of native American blood in this NEWS FROM WASHINGTON go about the country delivering couulry every year. lectures about how he brought | ---------- - • • ■ ■ order out of ch aos1 That’s Wash County Printing, ingtou life with a vengeance. Ju dgin g from Hie list of allow Keep your weather eye 011 W il­ anees made by tlieo unity court at liam ” Ja v ” Bryan. He has not tlie Jam tury term, the out of town been heard from for several months printers should have a day of reck- and must be primed for another ou t-, ,, ,, ,, . .. oiling, the allowances were as break Do not allow your better , ,, 0 ... . .. , , . .. follows: W. E. Yoran, printing judgment to lead you estray on the ‘ “ Register Publishing Co., ubject of the next presidential print in . 11 W Guard Pubi Ml« candidates, for ‘ William ‘Ja y , . . 1 1 ing Co. , printing, $ 2 i,40; Junction * 1 will not be the democratic standard , City, ( iittage (»rove and Npringheld „ ... . bearer if he 5 persists in hi, embrace pa|iers, $000 During the past two of government ownership. Govern­ years and .1 halt the Springfield ment ownership in the East incaus News lias done not to exceed $20 socialism, and that creed bus no worth of work for the couuty and standing in court. all but $2 came from tbe sheriff's Speaker Cannon is about the office. Springfield News. only smoking volcano that does not have a periodical eruption. 1 * r The Kansas legislators who ubol- The Register says. Tho Eugene ¡shed capital punishment in that Lumber Co. received four cars of state probably considered residence logs at one shipment Monday morn- 111 th< commonwealth sufficient ex mg. They will have plenty of logs cuse for eratie actions ut times. to commence on when they ge; Secretary Shaw's advertising j their mill ready for business.