Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, January 12, 1907, Image 1

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Some of the Cottage Grove Street Scenes taken just after the Flood.
tographer, will celebr ite bis first
business anniver irv in Cottage
Grove on Jan. 15th. He is well
pleased with the years business.
11. Holmden, who recently came
hero from Michigan and started a
candy kitchen is well pleased both
with tho country and Lis business
Wheeler Co’s window look good
this cold weather. This store is
really a credit to the town and
compares favorably with stores of
the same kind in some cities.
1 Turin A Veatcli tells us that
they not only experienced an in­
ert' i 'tin tininess duiing the last
year but that the credit business
some art square f*>r the window glance it looks like an ordinary toy l'iorce Pros, are displaying a nice
line of shoes and slippers in one
carpet and artistically displayed ou , engine ol large proportions.
it will be seen desks, a side board,
window and a nicely arranged as­
hall piece and other furniture of a W. A. Hemenway, who runs the sortment of groceries in another.
store on the other side ol the river J. 15. Lewis, who has a select
high grade.
has one of the neatest, best arrang­ stock of general merchandise has
W. C. Johnson, who bought out ed
in town. Although lie
Mr. Morss has a neat store and is stores
a 25 per cent increase
hi til here but six months lie | i experienced
well pleased with his business out­ has
in business over 1905 which is a
i very satisfactory state of affairs.
Perhaps tho most mechanical Y. S. Gourley, our popular pho- The blankets m Thompson &
vv is mu 'h f s as people seem to
have the rea ly cash with which to
buy goods.
Griffin X Veatcli Hardware Com­
pany’s window display tells the
story of our loggiug and lumber in­
dustry. Logging ami carpenter
tools are attractively displayed. In
another window is seen a nice lino
of plumbers supplies, pipeing etc.
window in Oregou will be seen at
Wynne Hardware company’s. C.
Metcalt A Brunii lias experienced ^ Hazleton constructed an eugino
at least a 2-> per cent increase ID , , j n ,, , n i. u , prop )
tu lu ib
business in tbe past year. T heir j material as i,e found in tho store,
window display is a very creditable rho |)()Iy of tlie e u g i l u . j, mfuie of
an oil stove' pipe. The cab and
Veatch A Lawson have one of the tank of cooking unti rials and the
prettiest windows iu town. A hand- wheels of slave brackets. At first
Business Notes
F. D. Wheeler
H. O. Thompson
L. R Woods
Always Busy
Thats why you some­
times have to wait a
minute; But it pays you
to wait if you can get it
NO. 39
This firm reports a handsome in­
crease in business for tbe past year.
The bank deposits of Cottage
Grove show a very healthy state of
affairs. The First National hank
books show that the deposits in
that institution was uearly doubled
during the year past as compared
with i9o5. Tbe bank of Cottage
Grove has not beeu in existence
long euough to make a comparison
Robinson A Anlauf’s machine
shop is doing a nice business in
John M. Forest. Resided at Turner.
Had Bought Ticket but Was
Riding in Engine.
I)r. E J. Thompson returned
this noon from Turner, where yes­
terday he preached the funeral ser­
mon over the body of Joliu M. For­
est, who was killed in the wreck at
their line. They > ;ct iiy hushed Comstock, sa\n Monday’s Albany
a job on the carrying bucks for the Democract. Forest was mentioned
Brown Lumber Co The work in the papers as a hobo, but ho was
done on tho lumber > onipany’s don­ no hobo. He was riding on a ticket
key engine is a demonstration of as a passenger, and being an old
the ability of this ompany in their acquaintance of Engineer Weichlin,
lino We .i;c informed that they got on the engiue with him for a
are gettin ; g.n J lnisine ;s from out­ 1 visit, hoiug with him when the ac­
side points, os- n.g recently turned cident occurred. His homo was at
out a larg: i< ‘> for t’u Page Lum- ! Salem, though he had formerly re-
i sided at Turner. Guard.
bev compa n of Dr- i
Geo. Comer, our harness and sad­
dler has- i'1 cntlv enlarged his store Eugene Prinlers Short ori Water,
buildin The new part is fitted u| lf thè Mugolio tiewspaper people
fora w ori re sa and basa sxyjhadjust spoke about it wo could
liglit ami .aigc end wiudow whicli ! bave scnt them some water Iss*
makes a very light work room His
business has increased lo per cent
over the former year.
Under the captuiu “Sbortorder
house for the baby" tho New lira
Drug store has a largo display of
nursing bottles. I wonder if they
had a hunch.
Garmuti A. Hemenway have a
very nice window display this week.
In one window is a nice line of
ladies skirls. Wo forgot to notice
if they were "half off.” In another
is a pretty lino of dress goods and
the third contains gent’s furnish­
week, as it is they are badly tied
up foi want of watei pjwvr. There
is no use ol kicking, just get ready
for emergency by providing your­
self with all kinds of power. The
Leader lias installed a splendid
water motor, also a large gasoline
engine and as soon as duy service is
commenced will put in an electric
power, and if any other powor
companies want a franchise we say
let them • n, the more tho better,
aud the one that finds out that it
pays to try to servo its patrons in­
terest will be wise.
Read the Leader.
For We Have it for Less
[Successor to Welch & Woods.]
First National Bank Bldg.
Mr Broom’s daughter is See us lor holiday good;, wasto
much improved from a severe a t- 1 baskets, jardinccrs, pictures etc,
j tack of erysipelous.
Veatch & Dawson.