Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, December 29, 1906, Image 3

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    Lodjfe Directory.
A. F. & A. M.
Pictures framed
V eatch & Lawson.
. d.
Lodge No. 5 1 .
3rd Wednesdays
Cottage Grove
Meetings 1st aud
of each mooth.
L. F.
at •
*■. V.
Mr. Ed Underwood is very ill,
suffering from bronchitis and heart
Veatch, W . M.
A F and A M and 0 of E S. In-
Wooley, Secy.
stall Officers.
Geo. Knowles came down from
Thursday evening Cottage G rove
Bohemia on Saturday for over
| Lodge No. 51 A . F. & A. M. and
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4 O. of
bee us for holiday ;oods, waste K s . Lel(J a joint meetiu„ at the
Appomatix Post No. 34 .
baskets, jardineers, pictures, etc., Masonjc Hal).
Meets at 1 p. m. on the 2 nd and
\ eatch & Lawson.
Th e followii g officers were m-
4th Saturday o f each month.
Don’ t miss seeing the funniest stalled in the A. F. & A. M:
Dr. D. L. Woods, Post Cora.
Irishman on the stage, up-to-date.
Oliver Veatch, W. M.; W . S.
G. W. McRoynolds, Adjutant
Bennett, S. W .; T. C. Wheeler, J.
Jeriy from Jerry
W .;W . V. DeWnld, T r e a s .;L . F.
Wells Fargo Express business
Wooley. Secy.; Mari >n Veatch, 8 .
this Christmas was by far the larg­
D.; Joseph Fort r, J. D.; Albert
est ever had here.
Wood, 8. S .; Au lr* \ lit und, J. S .;
Bohemia Camp No. 2C0.
Go see Jerry from Jsrry. It is W. T Kayser, T yler.
Meets each Friday evening.
the greatest laughing treat of your
O of S. E.: Mr*. Jennie G. Ros­
L. W. Baker, Consul Com.
life time. Don't miss it.
enburg, Worthy Matron; T . C
Chns. VanDenburg, L’leik.
Patron; Mrs.
John Patten as " je r r y ” is consid­ Wheeler, W orthy
ered by press und public to be the Nancy Porter, Associate Matron;
funniest Irish comedian in Am eri­ Mrs. Maud Wheeler, Sec.; Mrs.
Lena Lurch, Treas.; Mrs. Clara
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4-
Burkholder, Conductross; Mrs. Joe
Phonographs will be given away Porter, Associate Conductress; Mrs.
Meetings held on 2 nd and 4 th Fri-
by the W ynne Hdwe. Co. with Lillian Brebaut. Ada; Mrs. Katie
day of each month.
trade. Go and find out about it-
Wood; Ruth; Miss Celia Lurch,
Mrs. Rosenburg, W. M.
Free phonographs, Wynne Hard­ Esther; Mrs. Myrtle Veatch, M ar­
T. C. Wheeler, W. P.
ware Co. will give away phono­ tin ; Mrs. Geo. Atkinson, Electa;
graphs with their 3 ales. Investi­ Mrs. Abrams, Organist; Mrs. Lydia
Mrs. Maud Wheeler, Secy.
¡Stoffer, Warder; C. J. Miller, Sen-
G. A. R.
w . o. w .
O. E. S.
K. of P.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage Grove No.<18.
Meetings every Saturday night.
S. S. Shortridge, N. G.
Gus D. Gross, Secy.
M. W . of A.
Meetings 1 st and 2 rd Tuesday.
Cottage Grove No. 24.
Meetings 1 st, 3rd aud 5th Friday ot
each mouth.
Etta Baker, N. G.
Katie B. Veatch, Secy.
The Toggery
= L a m m (§L C o ’s.=
ade to measure
ade to fit
ade to wear
W illia m Carey o f Portland is vis­
itin g friends and relatives in the
Edw in Tu llar of the Commercial
.Livery Stable spent a few days in
Yonealla this week.
Herbert Leigb, manager of the
North I-airview Mining Company,
was here from Eugene yesterday.
Miss Bessie Hutchinson cam« up
from W endling to spend the holi­
days with her parents in this city.
Mrs. Mike Kebblebeek and sons
cume up from W endling, where
they have beeu for some time to
spend tiie holidays.
Mrs. Annie .Steunet of St. Johns
has returned home after visiting old
time friends in the Grove and
around G ow dyville where she has
Headquarters For
Mining and Commercial Men
Mrs. l)r. Best is spending the
holidays with frieuds iu Portland.
Ou account o f business the Dr. re­
mains iu the G rove and is trying to
look pleasant.
C. T. LONG, Prop.
New Idea Woman’s Magazine
Our Refrigerator
w . o. w .
Fresh Fish each Tuesday and F:riday.
O. W . Hall.
Flora J. Miller, Clerk-
J. H. Bartels ® Co.
L. O. T. M.
made tho top of his lioad look like
Lady Lamson H ive No. 42.
an island surrounded by mouth.
Impersonator Coming.
M e e t s 2nd and 4th Friday of each •‘ What in the world are you laugh­
Chas Edwards Hicks of Portland,
ing at?” “ I was just thinking of
that show I saw at tho Opera House an impersonator, reader and hu­
Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. C.
morist will appear at the Opera
last night, Jerry from Jerry.”
Miss Lets Sanford, K. K.
House Jan. 4, I 907 . Be sure and
Daily Cypress, Monterey, Cal.,
hear him. Tickets now on sale at
Feb. 9 , ilMWi.
the New Era Drug Store. Adm is­
Jerry from Jerrv Co. scored a big sion 25 and 35 cents.
hit at the Theatre last night. They
Cascade No. <»(>.
made good their promise that their
Meets every Thursday night
performance would be up to-date.
O. H. Veatch, Com.
The theatre was well filled by
Gentleman or lady with good
an appreciative audience. For clean reference to travel by rail or with a
R. K. Bennis, Cooter.
fun they cannot be equalled. Jerry 1 rig for a firm of $ 250 , 000.00 capi
captured the house by storm.
Ini. Salary $ 1 , 072.00 per year and
"Annual Convention American expenses, salary paid weekly and
oxpeuses anvanced. Addross, with
C D C C Knowing whnt It was to Livestock Association Western L ive­
stamp, Jos. A . Alexander, Cot­
r n C C s„ffer 1 will give FR E E OF stock show.”
CHARGE, to any afflicted 11 positive
Denver, Colo., Jau. 2 I- 26 , 19O7. tage Grove, Oregon.
K. O. T. M.
cure for Eczema, Suit Rheum, Erysip­
elas, Piles and Skin Diseases. In­
stant relief.
Don’t suffer longer,
Write F. W. W IL L IA M S , 400 Manhat­
tan Avenue, N. V. Enclose sta m p .
Keep bright and you'll bo kept
Ligh t is the magnet that draws
lighted with electric lights makes
many a sale "the night before.”
It a t t r a c t s attention,
makes it easy for your display to be
examined, and shows your goods to
the best advantage.
Eleotric light is the best and
only illuminant.
When may our man see you
about it?
G eorge Steadham left the Grove
tor his camp in Bohemia this morn
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal
always ready.
St. Valentine Circle 121.
Meets ist and 3 rd Tuesday in W.
a t . i . i
= ^ H ig li Grade M e a ts ^ =
Modern Brotherhood of America
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday nt I. O.
O. F. Hall.
T. W. Jenkins,Sec.
Geo. Knowles, tho Bohemia mer­
chant, returned to camp yesterday.
LeRoy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace, Secy.
il l l m m e t T f
Meets 2nd and 4 th Wednesday ol
each month.
Ethel Bisliy, Oracle.
Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Recorder.
Next Winter Reading
Royal Neighbors.
Johu Kebblebeck
W endling Thursda>
R. C. Scotch Collie puppies for | tiuel.
After the business o f the evening
sale. Pedigreed and eligible to
all participated iu a banquet and a
Mr. Glen Sigel of Portland a
general social evening was passed. nephew of D. T . Aw brey has been
II. K. M e t c a l f .
spending the holidays here and left I
For cliupiHsl nnd cracked hands
ou Thursday to visit his grand-1
nothing i- quite as Rood as an appli
iliuu ul I»c W ill’s Witch Hazel S iih t.
George R. W hittington of Se­ parents in Eugene.
Put it 011 before going to bed. use an
W illiam Potter, representing the
old pair of glnv s and see ivlial a dif­ attle. W'aslr. and Mrs. Carmen Jen­
ference the morning will bring. s,,|,| nie Burkart Dunbar, only daughter Thomas Richie Lumber company of
by Benson's Pharmacy.
of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Miller of Cot­ Portland and Seattle is spending
t is a mistake to
use a violen tage Grove, Oregon were united in several duys visiting the lumber
cathartic to open I lie bowels. A gen­ marriage on the evening o f Dec, i5, producers close to the Grove.
tle movement will accomplish the 19 OO bv Rev. M. A. Mathews,
W e have arranged with tho
same results without causing distress
Mrs. H . O. Thompson surprised
or serious consequences later. De- pastor of the First Presbyterian Mr. Thompson by
cutting her
W itt’s Little Early Risers are recoin Church. The young couple are re­
mended Sold by Benson’s Phar­ siding in Aberdeen, Wash, at the visit short with her pareuts at
W eed, California and returning to
for a clubbing combination with thin paper
the G rove several day -9 sooner than
Griffiu it Veatch’ » display of
razors, knives and razor strops is
A t the resideuce of Mr. S. B. she was expected.
very effective when the colored elec­ Mores on Christmas eve Miss Annie
T h e N e w I dea W oman ’ s M a g a z in e keeps up to its name,
O. A . M arlow with wife aud
tric lamps that are to go in the E. Morse and Mr. David A. Rissue children arrived at the Hotel Gra­
It is a woman,s Magazine, and a good one. It tell all about
window are swung, they will gleam was united in marriage. Rev. C. ham Wednesday
irom uear Ft.
Fashions, Needlework, Crockery, Household affairs, etc. It oon-
very brightly.
II, Wallace, the brides grandfather W orth, Texas. Mr. Marlow came
tains many bright stories aud clever descriptive articles.
direct from his southern home to
It Is noticeable a cold seldom conies officiating.
on when the bowels are freely open.
Twenty-six years ago Rev. W a l­ Cottage Grove anil expects to lo­
Neither can it stay if tliev nr ■ open. lace married the grooms father to cate in this vicinity.
Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup
tastes as pleasant as maple sugar. Miss Vaughn.
Ira H ardin g is again quite sick
Free from all opiates.
having overdoue in working on the
Cottage Grove Leader, regular priee $1 ,.)(> per year
Honey and Tar. Conforms to the
National Pure Food an I Drug law
The New Idea Woman’s Magazine 50 cents per year
Christmas morning he went to
Sold by Benson’s I ’linrmsey
Mrs. Harriet Reese, wife of Col-
Chaw. Hull, .1 graduate o flh '06 mau Reese of this city passed away and hopes to recover his usual
Sample Copies Free.
27th at
class o f tliu Collage Grove High at !>:30 Thursday, Dec
health without suffering a relapse.
school is home fiom C 01 valiis where their home in tho south part of the
he is taking an Electrical course in city, after a lingering illness of
W illie llarrisou N olta aged four
Cottage G ro v e Lea.der.
Cottage Grove, Ore.
years, nine mouths and twenty-two
the (4. A. C. He states that he is nearly o d o year.
She leaves au affectionate hus­ days, died W ednesday, Dec. 2<itli,
having a pleasant year ol it along
with his studying
After spending band aud sou as well as many at the homo of his father, Mr. Geo.
-r-jg. •8Í'-
. ai». -*4»..?!»-
a weeks vacation out on the farm Irieuds to mourn her loss.
M. Nolta of this city, o f croup, af­ * ^ «X« -sL- ■ L*
Mrs. Reese was a member o f the ter a briet llluoss ol but few days.
he will return lo Corvallis about]
* r
L O. T. M. order aud the funeral T h e remains were shipped to Yon-
Jan. 2 , and resume his work.
will be conducted by that order colia for burial Dec. 28th.
The County Super ntendeut ol who will meet at the residence at
schools recently stated that he be­ one p. tu. Sunday Dec. 80, and the
Mr. and Mrs. ( ) O. McClellau
lieved that the next legislature services will be held from the Chris­
und children, of Salem, are visiting
would extend the proceedings now tian church at 2 p. m.
Mrs. M cC lellan’s pareuts, Mr. and
given to the Juvenile court iu Mult­
Mrs. W . H. Abrams, this week.
nomah county to the circuit court
Miss M yrtle Purvance is now
in every county in the state and de­ S P Trains in a Bunch at Cottage
teaching six miles from Springfield,
linquents will be forced to go to
is the finest in Oregon.
but w ill probably return here with­
school by tho sheriff or give a good
Three north bound passenger in a short time to teach the school
reason why not.
trains were at the depot about the at Latham-.
See our plant, everything new and up-to-date.
What are you laughing at?” we same time yesterday afternoon. A
said to a fellow this morning, with slide of rock in Southern Oregon
Organizes Classes.
a grin on his face so broad that it was the cause.
•Juventus X.odge No. 48 .
Meets every Wednesday night.
S. R. Piper Chancellar Com.
Chas. VanDenburg, K. of R. <fc S.
For the Togger at
ODice 1’hone uiO, KosMenee 771
» V. » V . * ' w * 'V. »
The Togs
The Leader tell* the new s.
T h e gymnasium classes o f the
•'T* *T*~
& -T*
Methodist church met Christmas
night to get some idea of the work
they w ill have in the gymnasium Classified Advertisements.
and to agree on a uniform costume
Wood Wanted.
for the boys and a coslume for the
W ill accept wood for renewals of
gitls. T h e younger boys will wear
suits o f red jersey shirts, and white subscription* at this office.
knee pants, and white rubber shoes,
FOR S A L E — SJvor Gray Dork­
tile older boys and m-jii long light
ing and French Houdun Cockerels.
trousers with ligh t jersey shirts.
Th o women and girls will wear K. B. B r i g h t . ______________12 1
dark blue bloomer suits with white
Wanted Wood Hewers.
rubber shoes.
A couple of good wood hewers at
The rules under which the gym-
nasiuia will be operated were read the Blackbutte mine at ouoe.
atul it was well understood that the
W A N T E D — Good man in each
gymnasium w ill bo a place for work county to represent and advertise
urn fuff. Strict military rules will co-operative department, put out
be kept and no talking will bo al­ samples, etc. Old established bus­
It is the intention to get iness house. Cash salary $21.00
the best out of tlie gymnasium for weekly expense money advanced;
Round trip tickets for this occas­
the strength o f every part of the permanent position. Our refer­
ion will be on sale at this office
body, and every person who at­
Jan. 14 - 1 5, 19 O 7 Round trip (both
Charlie Otterson has finished his tends will be expected to attend to ence, Bankers National Bank of
ways through
Portland) $5<i.i>5.
Chicago, Capital $2, 000 , 000 . Ad-
them­ dreis Manager,
Round trio (one way through Port­ first coutract at the Oregon-Colora­ business
selves, or they will not be permit­ House, Chicago. III. Desk No. 1.
land and one way through Calif..
I holidays.
ted in the gym nasium .
12 1 .
The big tunnel is in a fine body
J, M .I s HA x , Agent.
1 of ore and Mr. Otterson believes be-
Family Reunion.
j fore spring he will show the best
Arrange to Receive Bryan.
and largest pay shoot yet opened iu
Christmas time is an ideal time
Democrats will gather tomorrow the tunnel,
for lumily reunions. 80 thinks Mr.
In addition to the large amount J. R. Thompson, for on Tuesday
night under auspices ot the Bryan
Club in Ringler’s hall, Portland to , o f ore that has ocen opened by this last all bis fam ily enjoyed a good
arrange for receiving W. J Bryan, tunnel tho continued existence of Xmas dinner together at the Thomp­
who Is expected to visit Oregon new and letter ore bodies are fast son hotel.
Mrs. M adge I’.mingerj
some time between January 15 and making the Oregon-Colorado one com ing from Kendleville, Indiana;
2o. Mr. Bryan will make his chief of the most valuable mines in the Mrs- Stewart from W endling, Ore-
Xmas and New Year Holiday rates, j
address in Salem, where the Legis­ west.
gon; Arthur und W allace Thompson I
lature will be in session, and other
from Washington. Th ere
is n o , One and one third fare, round
Golden Wiandotts.
addresses in Portland and Eugeuo.
doubt but that they had a pleasant trip to ull points. On sale f o r ,
after wbich he is scheduled to go
f have a few pure bred birds for day, though tho weather was not 1 Christinas Dec 22, 2 . 1 , 2 ; and 25;
to Tacoma. The Bryan Club is - de at $2.50 ¡>er pair; cocks $1‘50. its very best, the atmosphere of for New Year Dec. 89 , 3o, 3i and
headed by Ueorge L. Hutchiu, Select eggs per setting of 15, $ 1 .
their home was full o f happiness Jan. ist. No stop-over privileges I
president, and W. T . Vaughn, sec­
M bs . J ohn O v k k h u . k u , Cottage and good cheer which was apparent­ ou these tickets.
8. P. Co., J. M. Isham, Agent.
Grove, Phone No. 9‘J8.
ly lelt by all.
•r* *r* 'î-
i. • . • .
. • ought to be giound
irlctly to order Ready-ground stock
lenseti no more tit than would ready-
• nad«- false teeth. The Munsell Op-
•Iral <’o grinds each lens /specially
each eye. Our workshops have
I the latent, modern and expensive
to the Optical
Out ' m ploys« are expert
Nt your glasses thr> will tie ex-
fly rlgl f
Consul',11 ton costs you
' ■thin* Rookie with v tfu.ible tnfor-
• ;it|o D ,i b n u t
11 t r i i i f 1 ,.xt,
i V
f.»R £ R
-.'¿--WOMEN w“*“
RobertIno Rives what every woman
»no.8t desires—a perfect complexion.
It brinR» that soft, smooth, fresh,
clear tint to tho cheek that denotes
It will brlnsr beauty
to those who Ia*ik it; It will retain
It for those who already ponses« It;
It will cnuhln you to successfully
combat tho rftV&ges of weather and
time. Don’t doubt—don't arRue. Just
try Robert!no.
Your druggist will
Rive you a free sample. All drug­
gists keep Ttritii rtlne,
^ B O R E R T IN J