Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, November 17, 1906, Image 3

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    Lodge Directory.
duction and Mr. Harris is now
going to start in on practically a
new field to him.
A . F. & A . M.
Before he went to Blackbutte he
J. H. Hawley is visiting iu Eu­ was interested with some Seattle
Cottage Grove Lodge No. 5 1 .
capitalists, who were about to in­
Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
vest in the Bohemia camp under
o f each mouth.
Carpets and Curtains at Veatch his advice.
They had deposited
L. F. Wooley, W. M.
& Lawsons.
¡considerable money in a bank to
I uuy certain claims when it was
J. B. Lurch, Secy.
Pictures framed to order at j found that the titles were not good,
Veatch & Lawsons.
and for that reason they dropped
G. A . R.
out, and entered the Blackbutte
Don’ t forget the dance at the field. Mr. Harris’ mission to Se­
Appomatax Post No. 34 .
Opera house tonight.
attle is to go after his old friends
Meets at 1 p. m, on the 2nd and
again, aud to try to reinterest them
4th Saturday of each mouth.
Mrs. L- E. Kerr of W ildwood is largely in Bohemia, and if he suc­
ceeds as he expects ho will return
Dr. D. L. Woods, Post Com.
in Eugene on business.
and give his entire attention to Bo­
G. W . McReynolds, Adjutant
Vaudeville-of the highest class at hemia, and will hope to be one 01
those who get in on the ground
Opera House Monday.
floor and will see the day when Bo­
Bohemia Camp No. 2G0.
Musical comedy and vaudeville hemia becomes a gi>at camp.
Mr. Harris iu a cull at the Leader
Opera House Monday night.
Meets each Friday evening.
office in taking over mining con­
L. W. Baker, Consul Com.
All kinds of willow rockers and ditions found that the editor’ s
Chas. VanDenburg, Clerk.
father had been his pastor in a
chairs just in Veatch & Lawsons.
Colorado mining camp in the early
Henry Lincoln is now moved to days, and that later in Denver he
his new shop in the old Martin was a frequent visitor at his home,
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4 .
and later a member ot Mr. Fisher’s
church there, so it was quits a talk
Meetings held on 2nd and 4th Fri
See us for holiday goods, waste of old times that resulted.
day of each mouth.
baskets, jardineers, pictures, etc
Mrs. C. H. Burkholder. W. M.
Veatch & Lawson.
Car Shortage Worse Right Along.
W. S. Bennett, W . P.
J. D. Rockefeller was indicted iu
Miss Celia Lurch, Secy.
W. F. Hankins o f the Star Lum­
Ohio in connection with the Stand­ ber Co. was in the city on Monday
ard Oil inquiry on Wednesday.
and said that their plant was out of
K. of P.
commission on account o f the car
Father O’ Farrell of Eugene will shortage and that the worst of it
Juventus Lodge No. 48.
conduct Catholic services 'n church was that the S. P. people could not
Meets every Wednesday night.
on Saturday morning of this week give them any prospect of relief for
S. R. Piper Chancellur Com.
a* 9 a. ra.
some time to come. They liko all
Chas. VanDenburg, K. of R. A R.
Rev. Beatty of the Methodist the other mills, have lots of orders,
church has placed in the church 24 but are unable to fill any of them
little red chairs which will be occu­ ou account of the lack of cars.
pied by flie little children during
Cottage Grove No. <¡8.
preaching services.
Must Have More Room.
Meetings every Saturday night.
Veatch <fc Lawson are showing
F. G. Stiller of the Cottage
S. S. Shortridge, N. G.
the resistency o f a bed spring they Grove Creamery says that the loca­
Gus 1). Gross, Secy.
handle, and how well it retains its tion occupied by the creamery is
ehsticity by laying a 451 pound too far from the main portion of
barrel o f paint on the spring, the tow n, aud also that he has not
which when rolled to one side, the enough ground there. He is now
R oyal Neighbors. spring instantly resumes its origi­ figuring on a new location closer it
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday ot nal position.
to the business portion of town>
each month.
where he can erect a much larger
Ethel Bisby, Oracle.
Dr. Schieef is thoroughly remod- building, and install apparatus for
Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Recorder.
deling the downstairs of his build­ making a groat deal more butter
ing at the end of Main street. aud ice cream. He states that be
Morse, the groceryinan now occu­ will have to have more room before
pies one store room, and the part spring as he will then be getting so
formerly the doctor’s office, now re­ much cream that his present plant
Meetings ist and 2rd Tuesday.
fitted with a big glass front will be will not handle it.
If Mr. Bartels does not put in a
used by a confectionery store. Its
Leltoy Woods, Consul.
location right at the entrance to the plant, Mr. Stiller says he will have
C. W. Wallnce, Secy.
bridge should make it a good stand. to do so, as be cannot afford to be
at the mercy of the outside ice
and not be able to get ice
T. K. Campbell returned on
R eb ek ah s
when he wants it, and also to have
Cottage Grove No. 24.
trip down into California. Mr. to pay such a terrific price for the
Meetings ist, Hrd und nth Friday ot Campbell thought that thoso of his ice then. If Mr. Bartels gives up
each month.
customers that wanted lumber and the idea of an ice plant, he will im ­
piling delivered had better sond air mediately go ahead and put one In
Etta Baker, N. G.
ships after it, as they would be as and will put one in large enough to
Katie B. Veatch, Secy.
likely to get it that way as by any supply uot only his own needs, but
Southern Pacific cars. There is those of the town.
no difficulty in getting orders, only
in getting cars.
M odem Brotherhood of America
Saginaw Items.
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at I. O.
From Blackbutte to Bohemia.
The sawmill is not doing much
O. F. Hall.
days, they expect to get some
Wm. Harris, late superintendent
T. W. Jenkins,Sec.
of the Blackbutte mines for the new donkeys soon then they will
past nine years, resigned, and is do a rushing business right along.
now on his way to Seattle for a
Mrs. LaRaut came up from Eu
Saturday to vi i: a few days
St. Valentine Circle 121.
superintendency' of the mine, it has with her son S. A . LaRaut.
Meets ist and 3 rd Tuesday in W. been worked along and now it is
Frank Johnson is laid up with a
O. W . Hall.
about ready to begin active pro-
tm hid thumb.
Flora J. Miller, Clerk.
I. F. Neat has sold his residence.
w. o. w.
O. E. S.
I. O. O. F.
M. W . of A.
w. o. w.
Lady Lamson Hive No. 42.
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. GG.
Meets every Thursday night.
O. H. Veatch, Com.
R . K. Bennis, Cootcr.
E y c s la s s fittin g Is to o Im porta n t a
m atter to rush in to " w it h y ou r eyes
shut ” I f y ou r ey es w ea r out th ey 're
g on e fo re v e r. W h en y ou bu y glasses,
see to It th a t y o u g e t g la sses th a t an :
Just right.
W'e h a v e the k n ow led g e,
ex p erien ce, e x p en siv e u p -to -d a te a p ­
p aratu s an d skilled em p loy es to m ake
them Just righ t.
C on su lta tion costs
y ou nothin g. W rite fo r o u r booklet
It con ta in s va lu a b le In form a tion ab ou t
the ca re o f the ey es. W e w ill sen d It
to y ou fre e —p ost paid.
W lL L L M M E T T E
Musical Comedy
: Company :
Whiting Bros.
In High-class Vaudeville
F R E E Knowing w hat It w;is to
■ n e t gufferi j w m give FREE OF
CHARGE, to any afflicted a positive
cure for Keveinu, Suit Rheum, Erysip­
elas, Pile« and Skin Diseases. In­
stant relief. Don’t suffer longer,
Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 4on Manhat­
tan Avenue, N. V. Encloso stamp.
----- A t ------
The Leader tells the new«.
4M N O W » - . *
The Togs
For the Togger at
W. H. Shane went to Eugene on
business on Wednesday.
“The Toggery
J. S. Benson left for Portland on
Wednesday for a short trip and j
while them will lay iu a stock of j
Chrismas novelties and books.
f t
= L a rrvm
C o ’s.
ade to measure n. .,
ade to fit
ade to wear
Mrs. F J. Hard came down from ’
Eugene 011 Monday aid spent a
couple of days with Mr. Hard
while he was down from the hills.
Geo. Knowles came down from
Bohemia Monday on business and
on Tuesday went to Dorena to at­
tend the meeting of the Farmers’ &
Miners’ Telephone Co. Wednes­
day he went to Eugene.
Mr. J. E. Edwards and wife of
Corvallis, who have been visiting at
the home of J. S. Benson left for
their home on Wednesday. Mrs.
Edwarns is an ex-resident of the
Grove and sang most delightfully
at the Methodist church last Sun­
day night.
O. P. Hnff) State Labor Commis­
sioner, was a visitor at the Leader
office on Thursday. His report is
fast being wurked out, and he has
made it a point to have the report
as accurate as possible, as its value
is in its absolute verity. Mr. Hoff
believes that when prospective
Oregonians want faots end figures
of Oregon, and get them from his
report they will never have any oc­
casion to criticise the raport, for he
has sought instead o f padding
figures to make them all conserva­
tive, believe that in that is the
surest success.
Week End Rate for Cottage Grove.
Next W inter Reading
The S. P. Co. announces a special
week end rate to Portland and re­
turn. Tickets good from Saturday
noon to Monday night are now
issued for $ >.30. These tickets are
good on No, 12 Saturday noon re­
turning on the local Monday night.
Special rates have been extended
to most of the valley towns for
some time and the Commercial
Club has been working on the ex-
tention of time to Cottage Grove
and recently drafted a letter to the
Supt. of the road asking that thev
be extended here and in reply re­
ceived a letter stating that such
rates went into effect Oct. 3 1 st, ’ 06.
We have arranged with the
W e s t S id e
for a clubbing combination with this paper
T he N ew I d e a W o m a n ’ s M a g a z i n e keeps up to its name.
It is a woman,s Magazine, and a good one. It tell all about
Fashions, Needlework, Crockery, Household affairs, etc. It con­
tains many bright stories and clever descriptive articles.
Cottage Grove Leader, regular price $1.50 per year
The New Idea W oman's Magazine 50 cents per )rear
Needs Day Current.
The impossibility of getting
brick aud other materials in delay­
ing J. H. Bartels in building the
addition to his meat market. Mr.
Bartels had expected to put in an
ico plant this winter, but states
that he is afraid that it would be
too expensive to operate such a
plant with a gasoline engine such
as he now uses, and he has no
room to install a boiler and steam
engine, nor does he care to go to
that expense. At the present time
he is waiting hoping that the Wil­
lamette Valley Co. will decide to
furnish a day electric current. If
they do that he will at once begin
to put in an ice plant
New Idea W om an’s Magazine
Sample Copies Free.
Cottage lirove Lea.der,
“Jr*—■ s L l - L ie
jn L?.
\ = H i g h
■ - n I v -1 • _ .
s L r
Cottage G rove, Ore.
i •.
js *-..
*]*:._£> £
Grade M e a ts = =
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal l
always ready.
Our Refrigerator
S c h o o l Note®
is the finest in Oregon.
Fresh Fish each Tuesday and Friday.
See our plant, cvn \ thing new and up-to-date.
-si • H. Bartels
. . .
Classified Advertis rnents.
Wood Wanted.
Mrs. James Powell was down
Director W oods visited the diff­
W ill accept wood for nui a rt's of
from Drain last week visiting rela­ erent grades last week, as also dul
subscriptions at this office.
Miss Woods, who consented to
W. J. Gardner has sold eighty speak on some nature study to( ic
Good Pasture.
acres of bis farm to Mr. Kayser of in the near future.
I have good pastnre and shelter
Cottage Grove.
The class is doing good work on with oat straw for a few head o f
0 . H. Taplin is down from Bo­ compositions on the Legend of horses.
Sleepy Hollow” .
hemia visiting with his family.
F. B. P h il l ip s .
It is rumored that there will be a
wedding in our burg Christmas.
Mr. George Neat and Miss Mary
Sharon being the contracting par­
Keep bright and you’ ll be kept
Light is the magnet that draws
lighted with electric light« makes
many a sale “ the night before.”
It a t t i a c t s at t ent i on,
makes it easy for your display to be
examined, and shows your goods to
the btr-t advantage.
Electric light is the best and
only illuminant.
When may our man see you
about it?
Those who were neither absent
nor tardy during the secoud month
of school were,— Marvin Jordan,
Clay Mosby, Thos. Campbell, Jesse
Lewis, Guy Whitlock, Kittto Brum­
Mrs. Davis went to Creswell Sun­ baugh, Jean Dorward, Elsie Brewer,
Allie Phillips and Hazel Gray.
Lee Thomason eame'dotvn from
The eighth grade hoys have or­
Dorena Saturday returning Sunday. ganized a basket ball team and
He says he has a new cook at liis elected Chas. Coiner captain. It
is proving a popular game.
L. O. T. M.
Meets 2nd and 4th Friday of each
Mrs. Mary Schuiutz, L. C.
Miss Leta Sanford, K. K-
Opera. House
Monday Night
Prices 15, 25, 35.
The program committee com-
W A N T E D —Good man in each
dosed of Gertiude Hogate, Stella county to represent and advertise
Thompson and Jean Dorward have co-operative department, put out
prepared a program for Thanksgiv­ samples, etc. Old established bos
ing. Guy Whitlock is president iness house. Cash salary $21.00
The Saginaw Literary Society is and Elsie Brewer secretory of the weekly expense money advanced;
literary society.
quite a success.
permanent position. Our refer­
Esther Bradley
the ence, Bankers National Bank of
George Mounts went to Irving
Chicago, Capital $2,ooo,ooo. A !
last week in response to a telegram eighth grade last week.
Manager, Tho Columbia
announcing the death o f his
Rev. Grace spoke to us recenllv House, Chicago. III. No. 1
on the value of ideals in life, aud
12 1
Bert Myser has returned home Editor Gault spoke on “ history.”
from Mill City where he has been These talks were appreciated by
both pupils and teachers.
working for several months.
riT T
H. F. Collins and wife went to
The heavy storms of the last few
M A IN 2029
days which reached tl eir height on
FAILING b l o c
XL* #. W A S H .
Wednesday night, in a fearful
George Wescarson went to Irv­ burst ot wind and rain wrought a
ing on the early train Monday to great deal of damage over the en­
attend the bedside of his father who tire coast, through the state of
is very sick.
Washington caught the brunt of
1. F. Neat went to Springfield the storm. Tho No. Pacific lost a Give children a remedy with n.
Monday returning on the afternoon number of steel bridges and the line pteaMiit taste. Don'I force u n pleas-
is closed to the south of Seattle. I ant medMne down their throats.
Kennedy's Laxative
The storm is the worst that has ever
Mattie Sharon is visiting here been known in the history of this | Honey and Tar Is most plen- i ntto
, take. Children like It, and ns a r>
this week.
part of the country. ¡Streams rose I lief for eolds. coughs, etc., tliei - Is
Bennie Jackson
has sold bis within a lew hours to heights never nothing hotter. No ophites, t n
forms to National Pure Food and
mules, the price received was $280. seen beforo and swept before them Drug Luw. Sold by Henson's Pliar-
1 for the «pan.
everything in their path.
* many.
Absolutely Pur©
A Cream of Tartar Powder,
free from alum or phos*
phatlc acid
S p e c ia l W od v jcod R tvto to K c v n 9 as C ity
a n d RbUirn.
Mi *■s-iMpi i Comm- rcial Congress’ ’
Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 20-23 ’ efi
Round trip tickets for this occas
ion will be on sale at this office
Nov. i t and 10 . Round trip (both
ways through Portland) $G4.-10.
Round trip (o-ie way through Port-
' ; O U gh Calif.,
J. M. I s i i a m , Agent.
Musical comedy at the Opera
House Monday night.