T his piece of work is well under Professional Cards. way aud a quaiter of a mile is now ready for use. The plan is first a J. McKEAN FISH ER. Manager. systematic grading and drainage which is thoroughly doue, then a J I \K E. 0 M ALY PU BLISHED KVKKY SA TU R D A Y ,, ,, , . , 5 -iuch coating of coarse crushed Meth.Hhst Episcopal Church. rock U)orou h, ro„ eJ> when wet - o m ce . A w broy HullUlii*, Maiu Street «V THI Pastor Hev S. h. Memmger, morn- |lud ,ho fi* coating of fiuer V K H T I I T I.K A U hlí 1U H U 8U 1N G COM PANY mg services at 1 , evening 7 do cru«hed rock sprinkled and rolled V.-A'W»)' Epworth League b.do p m. A 1 until the print of a team and wagon % A**) ■W.WW.'Wl'V.») Kntered at Ihe C otta«« Drove postume« aa sec- are cordially invped to he present, j cannot l(e oiid-elass matter. noticed after having Fir:.t Presbyterian Church, Pastor passed over the finished surf ice. J y K. C. T. HOCK E l T R. C. Grace. Morning service, 11 , This feature alone is worthy of a SUBSCRIPTION KATES t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON P. S. 0 . H. 7 p, trip to the Fair. tine Y e a r * t* N> evening 8, Y. niv Months •"5 in. I o n ice ill Stewart & Purler ImiMing,Main All strring' rs aud sojourners fiireeii Months • * * street. Cottage (¡rove. otite,- plume P o o r W id o w H\_it O w n s T h re e H o u se s. 9 Mum 303. R esidence phone Main jh > l paid 1 ». a d v a n c e but il not so paid a welcome. k ilf hh rate of $2.00 per year w ill be charged. Morning subject “ (ioil’s Work­ “ I ’m a poor widow woman and A d vertisin g rates made known on application manship:” evening subject, “ The if you destroy uiy fruit I don’t know what I will do.” These | Wooing aud Wedding.” CLUBBING LIST words were addressed to Richard Episcopal Church Services held B. U. JOB The C o l l a g e »¡rove L ea d er for one Deicb. county fruit inspector, who year, ami a n y or the follow ing publi­ the second Wednesday evening ot ’ H Y 8 1 C IA N JUKI S U R G E O N cation for oiih ye ar, for tile price set each mouth at 7 :.‘ 50 in Masonic ball. discovered several boxes of apples All calls prom ptly attende,I. The Oltlce: opposite • There will be services every fifth badly infected with disease Main St. Phone ¡14. fruit w a s in a wagon driven by the Ntiw York Tribune Kariner *1 75 Sunday of a mouth. T oltslo W eek ly H lm le ....................... 1-75 widow. Portlanil W eek ly (»re^onlun t-< 0 Catholic Church, Father Carrol. Portluli'l W eekly J ourn al 2.00 “ We must treat all alike in this Portlanil Semi W eek ly J ou rn a l '-•.aft Services the second Suuday in cadi inspection business, hut in tins in­ San Praui'lK O Call '•¡•50 mouth. San K raueen'o E x a m in er.................... ‘.¿.50 stance l will temper justice with Sunset Mauaxlue, San Krauclxeo 2 . 0 ® Christian Science services held mercy,” replied Mr. Deich. ‘ ‘I ? r E. YOUNG .h it W est, l . i « Anireles . 2.50 T ow u « m l C ountry J ou rn al I ">•' j| over Allison’s Barber shop every will allow you to go with your ap­ ¡ it A T T O R N E Y A T .L A \V N orth w est P oultry J o u r n a l L75 O u r o w n m o ,k e . 1*. el tie llou ie^ lea o Kiindiv morning at 11 o’clock and ples. Generally I coal oil all in­ M on ice : Young Building, Main Street, «N W est Side. £ Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. fected fruit.” J ÍKX» Al (il ST SATl.'ltDAY Clitisliati Church, Kev. D. E. T his happened in front of a Olson Pastor. Services at 11 in Stephens’ Addition home. The Cjment Sidewalks on Main Street the morning aud 7.30 in llie even- wagon was standing in front of the 3 The City Council should follow mg. Y. I S. C. Iv meeting at house at the time. A mom, nt la 9 A A . W. K IME, M. D. i ÿjg t ie action of the Eugene Council (i: 3 o p. in, Sunday school at lo tfr an inspector of the city knocked j Ç P H Y S IC IA N and SU R G EO N ....... at the door of the home anil sai l Intermediate Endeavor ituii puss nn ordinance requiring o’clock, fC its» o n ic e in Me Far laud Building Over W ynne’s Hardware Store ¡ite that all new sidewalks or wornout Society a t - :3 c an I Choir practice he would have to inspect the plumb Oltlce filo n e , 34) „ Residence m u e r, , 126 jfc c a . u c t u flu » liu every Saturday evening at 7 :3c. iug, as its condition had been re­ sidewalks on Main street must be Él ported as had. laid of cement, stone or some winii- At thp Christian Church. “ That’s my house, so I must be ì '. k 1 r substance It not only would v. v.-*: <- XLs'i, Ladies Aid Wednesday at 2 p. going,” said the widow by way of A ** “ improve the looks of the city, by W 4 9 farewell. ‘ ‘I own all these three ¡R J^ JA R IO N V E 4T C H making uniform sidewalks iu the houses. ” P.ayer meeting Thursday at 8 course of a couple of years, but it | h FUNERAL DIRECTOR and LICENSED 7 We are the people to fill your order for ‘ •Diet you ever?’ ’ said Inspector C EMBALMLR would tost the property boldets no p. m Winter Supplies. We have the best Diech to himself a few moments 9 ’ Choir practice Saturday 8 p. m. 1‘a rlois Ht V eatch a Lawson’s. i ore iu the long run. The present later. ‘‘That’s the last time the groceries, etc., to be had at the lowest Sunday services: sidewalks on Main street, of a hun 'A ■ ♦ 'A - O ' 9 poor-widow dodge will hi worked Bible School 10 a. m. prices. If you don’t believe us, come dred different heights are u dis ' on me. I shouldn’ t wonder hut Social and s o n g service 11 a .u i. grace to flic town. They ami the and investigate. Our Dry Goods stock what she was worth a fortune in Sermon by 1). K O lson 1 1 : 3 0 , irre&ulaiily of the building line are is complete. real estate. But what’s the use, subject “ P r a t e r ’ ’ , Wh it, W h y unci about on a par anyway?” — Portland Journal. How. Junior Endeavor 3 p. m. Very few people are on the Y. P. S. C. E. 7 p. in. How s This? streets these days as every man Sermon by 1). Iv Olsou 8 p. tn., Has the largest Stock of School and hoy that is big enough to work subject, "The Meatiest Thing in We offer One H u nd red dollars Ite- w n rd fo r a n y c a s e of C a t a r rh th at lim a job, and the women and chil- Cottage G rove.’’ supplies ill the city. Our line of ca n n o t he cured b y H a l l 's Ca tarrh dien are bus» at home, with ihe Y o u are c o r d i a ll y in v ited to a t ­ m Books. Artist's Material, Sundries ¿ n W exception of those families that are tend and e n jo y w ith us all these Cure, F. J . ( ‘ IIK.N'KY & Cl)., -&Á fortunate enough to get away to the services. Toledo, O. are now complete. mountains or Ihe .seashore for an We, the u n d ersigned , h a v e know n b>îfi VVe are giving special care to outing. K. .1. Cheney for the l a s t 15 y e a r s , and Hoppickers Wanted. believe him p erfe c tly honorable in all business tr a n s a c t io n s and tinam ially Hoppicking will begin at the a b le to e a r r y o u t any obligations A sight to cheer ones eyes is that Our Presciption Counter Win Neiss hopyard one mile above m ade b y his firm. of peeing "Aunt Jau e” Veatcb go­ W a l d u n g , K in n a n a M a k v i x . ing to the afternoon trains to see Springfieid on Tuesday, September Wholesale D ru g g is t s , T o le d o , (>. which at all times ,get the best her sons, both of whom are conduc­ 4 . Fine hop yard, pleuty of slab- H a l l ’s C a t a r rh Cure is taken inter­ attention, using only the purest, tors. She always has some of the wood on place furnished free. Good nally, aetillg d ire c tly upon the blood grandchildren along, and a merry water. Will pay the ruling price mid m ucous s u rfa c e s of the system , of chemicals, having the largest party they make to greet file hoys. per box. W m . N kiss . te s tim o n ia ls sent free. Price 75 cents stock in town it makes shopping per bo ttle. S< Id by nil d ru gg ists. Aunt Jane is alwa.' s on hand and easy iu our place. Take H a l l 's F a m ily Pills for Con­ can hurry pretty fast to get to Farmers Attention. s tip a tio n . the truius, even lor all her years M ailorders receive the best of We have hunting notices already attention. N igh t M an at th e P o st O f f i c e piinted. Get some and protect Hop pickets will be very scarce vour farms by posting them up. There is a night manat the post- this year, and the growers of hops Leader office office now, so that mail put in the are making more efforts Ilian ever postoffiee half an hour before any Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing I > secure not only good pickers hut train will go on that train. This Wood Wanted. goods, Miners’ Loggers’ and mill DEALERS to book them iu good time. They Will uccept wooii for renewals of will save taking late 1-tiers to the supplies, Wagons, Buggies, Agri­ i re providing better aceommoda C it t a p Gryvj. Oregon hotels to he mailed. The extra lions aud furnishing more con subscriptions at this office. cultural Implements, Sporting man was made necessary by the IN veniettc.es than ever before, and the local beginning to eairy mail goods, Guns, Ammunition, Hercu­ hop pickers life will soon he one International Convention of Christian les powder, Caps, Fuse, Etc. dream of bliss (during hop season) Churches. Buffalo. N. Y., October l ‘ 2 th to Weather Summary for week Aug. 20. to lllth, 1110(1. During the first day of the week General B l a c k s m ¡ t h i n g People should he very careful in Horseshoeing a specialty. For the above occasion Ihe round showers occurred in the not them lighting any bon files at this time Wagon and carriage re- trip rate from Cottage Grove will coas* counties utpl in the northeast inn. All work guaranteed tune of the year as every spear of Have your horsesteeth ex­ he as follows : portion of the state. The-e showers, amined and repaired. Shoi. grass aud every stick of wood is as at rear o f Hemenway Si Both ways through Portland as a rule, were light, and droughty dry as tinder, and a fire once Burkholder’ s Store :: :: $ 88 . 90 . conditions continue in practically slarf(d would he very difficult to T . ZE3I One way through Portland and ali portions ot the h ! u e. B A K E Ä Forest control; with the great quantities ol one w y through California $ 98.00 tires «te burning in many places grass aud weeds covering all va Sale dates, Oct. 5th and 6th, and the atmosphere has become cant lots it is a wonder that before iifoti. very smoky. It is not expected i,,isw e have not had some very Herbert Kakln Limits- Going transit limit te n that the fote-t fires will bn put out l* r e s i d e n t tevere lit«s. T. C. Wheeler days from date of sale, filial return or (lie tmospbere cleated of smoke Cashier limit November 15th, 1900 . until, good, soaking rains occur, Silk Creek. and they are badly needed at the In t Ills 11 is not necessary to s erve CAPITAL Threshing has been in progiess a five d ay 's notice lor eviction of 11 present time. The temperatures averaged about six d* grees lower since Monday morning. 25,000 o ld . 1 st, t h e o r ig in a l l a x a t iv e p r o m p t l y f a n d , i ; n e a t l y neck. The • 'iigli sy ru p , K e n n e d y ’s L a x a t iv e 1 than the preceding Henry Long's grain is threshed, llotic.v and T a r No o p ia t e s Sold by nights were ubout three degie^s E J X E C 1U T E D A T |,T H E A neniTiil banking i Iso John Ashby’s, an I Wednesday Itelison’s I'linrmncy. cooler than usual in the western business transact­ nnd Thursday they were threshing ed :: :: :: :: There Is not hiñe s o pleasant as that counties aud about two degrees on Mr. Thomson’s place. bright, cheerful, ut-peaee with the cooler than usual in the eastern O RG A N IZED w orld feeling when you sit down to Mrs. Della Mai tin and sous vis- y o u r b reakfast. There is nothing so counties. The afternoon temper- C O I T A -IE G R O V E utiiies were about normal in all 1900 O R E G O N ited friends here Wednesday and a nduclvc to good w ork and ...... I re suits. The h e a lth y man with a turls of the state. Light frosts rJ liursday healtliv mind and body is a better vvete reported in a few expose Miss Alice Wheeler lias !> days by State Authority Interference with convictions ol the halter end nose of the animal m noy nnd held on until two of his sons Ironi date ot sale, with stop over of non Catholics is scrupulously avoided Academy Is ideally located amid inspiring scenic advan privileges returning Children: tnges came tor. scue him in answer to his Government Experts at the Fair. Social opportunities such as are available One-half of above rate'-. “ hellos” for help. in no other citv on the Coast . Buildings large and Visitors at the Oregon St .te Fair commodious well lighted heated and ventilated; J. M. I s ii . wi Agent Miss Amy Owens lias letumed during the week (Sept. 10-15) will dormitories and private room* supplied with all oxHlern convenienses, rite institution is liberal recently from a long vistt to her uut only find the various lines of and progressive without sacritu :ng the character uncle O 1 ). Wheeler and family on agricnlluic, horticulture, mechani­ Redrced Round Trip Excursion and traditions of age and achievement Terms moder.t. Satisfactory references require A Write for Indian Creek. cal and tine art exhibits of interest, Rates. announcement booklet Board and tuition$1N0 per W e h a v e a full >line of L e g a l B l a n k s and but siso a d< monstration of the lead­ year. Address Sister Superior. St Man —Academy Miss lama Buicham visitad Alt ‘e ing topics in all of oui rural dis­ T r e s p a s s Notices. 'c ^ Hound trip passenger rates Chi­ P O R T L A N D . OR E G O N, U .S .A . Wheeler Wednesday. tricts at tins time, namely “ good cago to Portland and return, via M. F. Babcock is expecting his ronds” . Just outside of the north direct line will lie $75.00 anil front son Clyde who lias been in C oon fence line of the State Fair grounds Missouri Kiver points $(¡0.00. county two inontliH to return soon cat* be seen from beginning to end These tickets will be on sale daily Notice to Hop Pickers. this year will please let me know the building of u modern highway. commencing June ¡sta n d continu­ All pickers who have picked for at t*je e>rbest opportunity so their W \ mie Hd we C>> »re putting in The 1'nited Stab s government road ing until Sept. 15th with final re­ are ** nt work me in the Hays yard near Creswell, fam es can be booked. a large line ol Petaulœa incubators I ‘ (xperts x I)er.,s ftro " “ r upon a mile of turn limit ot October 31 st Ore , and who wish to pick again J . M. I s h a m . ready for the coming season. experimental road. R . O. .B rady . COTTAGE GROVE LEA D ER COTTAGE GROVE - OREGON fl>atvont 3 e Monte % 1 inbu8tr\> ir 1 I Only. Î S Mining Orders! ■ i M ‘ M Í m m m Benson’s Pharmacy p il ■ li Currin &. Veatch. Griffin ® Veatch ¡¡■ C o m p a n y Benson’s Pharmacy First National Bank PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING L eader O ffic e AÄRyä A cademy - k Pamphlet Work a Specialty