Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, August 25, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 19
amusement. At present the Cu­
ban government is experiencing
minor revolutions, in which
FORCE RULE 1 several
already auumber of guards insur­
the bride’s parents a short distance
Sherman Clarke received this
west of town, on Wednesday even­
week for the Combin'.tion property
ing of this week by Rev. R. C.
in Bohemia a new forge aud assay­
Grace of the Presbyterian Church.
ing outfit.
A company of about thirty people
J. B. Rouse is iu town and says Three Lynchings Within Ten Days in
City Council Lets Contracts for Im- were present to join in the service Cottage Grove is Not Having a Boom-
his mill is n t doing much, not
and speed the young folks “ God­
South Carolina.
provment of Four Streets.
But a Steady and Lasting
only on account of the car shortage,
speed’ ’.
but also because be is afraid to haul
After the marriage a splendid (
A problem that is facing tho law
At an adjourned meeting ot the
his lumber to the I,atlmm switch
feast awaited the people, in which
makers and executives of every
City Council on Thursday night,
young and old folks surprised
Cottage Grove is going to be the
state is the growjug number of
the council let contracts for the
themselves with their joyousnes« town of Lano county, and that too grass.
lynchings. The laws seem to be so
grading and surfacing with gravel and ligbtedness.
in the course of a few years. The
W. A. Cunningham and family f lax and slow of actiou in many
of Perkins, Mill and Weber streets,
town is steadily going ahead. Aery returned from a camping trip to cases that angry, excited mobs, of
and the west end of Wall streets,
Labor Day Celebration at -T h e Oaks'' few houses are unrented, and fhose Newpoit on Friday. Mr. Cunning­ bloodthirsty men have a chance to
the bids being as follows:
mostly of a poorer class. The ham reports having had the finest murder men, accused of terrible
Wall street, Geo. Comer $1271,60; Portland. Ore., September 3rd, 190G. are
mills are running all around the time ever. While there they found
crimes, and sometimes not even
Harry Hart $1239.60 and $1269.60.
A rate of $5.90 to Portlaud and
agates, probably half proved, before an effort can be
On petition ot property owners the return will be made for the above town; the pay roll is larger than three valuable
ever before in the history of the worth about $00. This was Mr. made to protect them. If our laws
council with Mr. Hart’s consent occasion.
Grove, and practically every mer­
changed the width of gravel to be
Sale datHB, Sept. 2nd and 3rd, chant not only says that his busi­ Cunniugbam’s first sight of the sea, offered more prompt punishment,
and so his trip was t. pocially . s- and more sure and certain results
laid from 16 feet to I2 feet and cut i 9oG.
ness is almost double of not only ant.
for crimes there sould he less
his bid, which was the lowest to
Limit: Final return limit for all last year, but of previous yeare,
The last of three
$920.50, which
was accepted. tickets Sept. 5th, i 9oG.
Few automobilDts care to tackle lynchings in South Carolina was
and offer to prove it by their
Mill street, W. L . Hubbel $2356
Children of half fare age, one books, but also show it bv the in­ the proposition of crossing the
and L Taylor $2248, awarded to half of above rate.
J. M. Isham, crease in cash sales. Bank de- mountains from California into the result of a negro attempting to
enter a home. He did not even
Taylor. Perkins Ave W. L. Hub­ Agent.
posits are growing daily, and ev- j Oregon, yet a few make the trip enter the house, yet was murdered
bel $2163 L.
Taylor $2 o 7 i ,
J erywhere is felt the steady' increase j through each year lo Portlaud and by the mob. His purpose may have
awarded to Taylor. Weber street,
Old Pioneer Very Low.
of values and business.
1 farther north. Wednesday J. M. been more than stealing, yet was
only one bid H C. Hart $252.10,
New families are coming into ! Carpenter of Los Angeles and bis his punishment justified.
which was accepted.
! town every wesk, and the houses ¡£on came through taking it leis-
Mob rule is growing. How will
A bid for Second street had been Walker aud Mrs. J. M. Durham, is
that are vacant are being taken, j urely looking
out for a good it be stopped, except by more sum­
put in by L. Taylor but after hav­
New homes are being built and old | time, and incidentally to pick up a mary law punishments.
ing gotten two contracts he with is not expected to live but a few
good investment.
Mob rule does not stop crime any
drew his bi I 011 that street.
‘Dry” times may hurt Cottage
Some scrap iron collectors have better than punishment by law.
The franchise of the Willamette health for ye ars, and the last fo ir
Grove, and possibly it has 80tne- been scouring the town fsr old
Valley Co. which had been tabled months has been bed ridden
what, but it is not visible to the stoves and scrap iron the last week,
at the last regular meeting was
which they ship to Eugene and
taken up and afier considerable
there make up a car for shipment
John Cole and Miss Daisy D.
discussion, in which several citi­
The Brown Lumber Co is run­
to some of the big foundries or Watkins, both ol Cottage Groue,
zens spoke, next Monday night ning a good deal of time, doi >g
Local News Items.
was set as a special night to con planing for various sm ill mi Is
Beu Lurch returned from r trip steel plants. Steel iron and girders were united iu marriage at the
are coming in in such quantities Hoffman House this forenoon nt
sider the ordinance.
around the Grove that do not have north on Friday.
from San Francisco that the price 11 o’clock, Justice of the Peace
their own planners. J. B. Rouse,
Purvance returned from is low, and the scrap men cannot Bryson
officiating. — Tuesday’s
Mother and Child Die at Creswell,
afford to gather that quality of iron Guard.
others are having
their lumber 'lls trip south on Friday,
One of the saddest funerals that planed, by which they get a much
Drain wants some more lodging now, but the big plants must have
the writer bns witnessed for many higher price, for their best lumber, j houses to accommodate the many a lower grade of iron, such as stove
Card of Thanks.
years occurred at Creswell Mon­ and make considerable extra profit, j strangers in town.
plate, etc. to mix with the girders
to thank our friends
day’ , August 20, at 12 m. The
and steel when melting in order to
Application has been made for a get the proper grades, so the de­ for their assistance uiid their kind
writer was called upon to Hold the
D>’. Macey is five years younger,
funeral services ot Mrs. John Beak. and 10 pounds heavier since his va­ postoftice up Row river where the mand for stove plate and ordinary expressions of sympathy for us in
uew sawmill is being built, and scrap is way up, and extraordini re­ the loss of our dear utisbandand
The touching sceno was that of the cation.
have suggested the name ‘‘Distant” . prices are being paid.
mother and her infant babe ft few
A carload of watermelons ai­
M r s . A - H . H ubbard
Lours old, as they both lay so
C. C. Hazelton has a young
The Brown Lumber Co. has been
an d F a m il y .
sweetly in the casket together. m ed in town t is week and quickly
tTQ\ *hatifl % fuJ1 bloom at having hard luck with its donkey
The service was held iu the hall, disappeared, but just whether there
“ “ I'v T° haV? a tl0e engines recently. One of them
which was crowded with many sor­ were as many cases of stomach ache th e P «
Services Sunday.
lr‘ ful1 bloom at thfl tlnie other8 are has given enough trouble the last
rowing friends. This leaves Mr. as melons has not been stated.
¡loaded with ripe apples is a freak week to nearly put the engineer off
There will be service« at the
Beak with no relatives except his
Dr- Macey ha« returned after his urn enough.
the list of saints. It broke down Presbyterian
Church i- -morrow,
mother who lives in Engtand.
summer’s vacation and is ready to
Messrs. Richmond and Durham so completely Tuesday morning both morning and evenin' , preach-
Mrs. Beak was a member of the open up his practice again. He have just returned from a success-
Salem Baptist church, aud also a carried his dental tools with him j ful trip with their moving picture that it will take several days to re­ by Itev. R. C. Grace, who has re­
member of the AV. O. W. Circle at and did some work while on his show, and Mr. Durham is thinking pair it, and in the meantime con turned from his outing, refreshed
siderable repair work will be done I both in mind aud body.
Creswell. The Circle turned out in vacation.
ot making a trip East, but Mr. around the plant. As soon as the j
¡egalie. and marched to the depot.
All the schools are beginning to j Richmond will stnrt out again soon, rains commence so that a good j
Si:-, «.is taken to Seattle for inter­
Revolutionists in Cuba.
for the school year, the
The Eugene Council has passed supply of water can be depended j
ment. D K. Baker.— Guard.
school boards are looking things ; an ordinance requiring the removal upon, the company is going to dig j All of the countries of South
over, the school book houses are i of all liquor signs and notices, and out the pond, make it larger in | America and the islands of the
getting in their supplies, and lastly ' is introducing an ordinance requir- every direction and much deeper. Soother« seas seem to be forever
Miss Nellie II. Wheeler, adaugh- but not least, the children are get. ing cement, stone or flag in the The new doukoy engine ordered is j in trouble with little petty wars and
tei f Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wheeler ting ready and anxious. The at- center of the town. The council is to be : made by the Portland Iron insurrections, Ihe average citizens
of iowdyville and Olin W. Black- tendance this year should be larger progressive and wants to push the Works, but will, not be completed , of those countries being rnoro fo i
’ of fighting than of any oilier
t o w '-'icad.
within GO dav«
more were married at the home of this vear than ever before.
rv ^ o r/T w rtrA / j
. . &
t v
s f f w
.w .
j p c i " x
a j
rectionists have been killed.
General News Items.
A number of new families are
moving into the Grove these days.
The Oregon Guards have re­
turned from their outing at Camp
Tacoma, and took a good place for
their drilling.
Portland packers have been us­
ing preservatives on their meats
during the hot weather and are
being looked alter by the Pure
Food Commission.
A . H . Kelso and Chas. E . Peter-
kin each to 'k out notarial com­
missions, which were filed with the
county clerk Tuesday, and they
are now full fledged notaries.
The Sultan of Turkey is re­
ported to be rapidly failing in
health, and lias ¿elected as his suc­
cessor his seventh son, who is con­
sidered to be even more fanatical
than his father.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
are going to take up. the fight for
the portrayal of the Irishman, on
the stago, as he actually is, not as
ho is usually portrayed, with red
Lair, grt-eu whiskers, etc.
Tho land fraud trials kcop grind­
ing on. Iu the Mays trial very
damaging evidenco
has been
brought forth, and Heney and Bris­
tol are making a warm fight against
the opposing six lawyers.
A neat little pamphlet is just is­
sued by the Juvenile Court of
Multnomah County, with articles
by the different officers of the court
telling of the work aud what has
been accomplished and is planned
for the boys. It is a great work,
and t'. se in charge must be noble
S. P. Agent Isham informs 119
that the road is delivering two to
three cars daily for shipers at this
point, and that within a few days
more will be sent in. The princi­
pal shortage is 011 llatsand gondolas
and that to flat cars could be placed
here, and that the shortage is being
Having to run an automobile up
hills backwards because the hills
are so teop that the front end of
car would lie so high that the gaso­
line would not flow into the cor-
burator. is a new ons. Tha Ump­
qua Valley News is telling of such
a performance on hills near Rose-
burg. Those hills must be straight
up and down or very close to it.
/T w r < / T
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wsskkh :.-.".
What's the use of Paying
$10 for a Bunch of Hot Air
W h e n y o u b u y a S U IT
You are asked to pay the extra ten because a certain mini is sewed under the coat collar.
But not at this store. We have no interest in assistin g ' egotistical clothing makers to make
3'ou believe they are the only fellows in the world who make good clothing. You know
this is not so. There are many makers who produce “g< d” clothing— and wc buy our stuff
from several of them— we only ask you to pay what the g< Is costs us, with a small, sale-
margin added.
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