COTTAGE GROVE LEADER COTTAGE GROVE • hard worker to bring about the Union of tLe various interests of the state on a basis for the cotnmou good and the development oj Ore­ gon. OREGON J. McKEAN F I>HER, Manager. Church notices Professional Cards. £ J ^K. K. PUBLISHED EVEKY SATUKDAY Methodist Episcopal Church. ¿ Pastor Rev. S, E. Memingtr, morn­ fe L K A D E K P U B L IS H IN G C O M PA N Y If la m nominated ns Republican, ing services at 11, evening 7 3o, candidate for State l'riuter, April | Epworth League G.3op. m. A ll Entered at the Cottaue Grove jxystofflce a« sec­ 2 0 th. it will be by a direct voice of, are cordially invited to be preeent. ond-class matter. the people arid no political boss will Morning subject, •‘The Humiliation have any strings on me. I know and Exaltation of Christ.” Even­ 8 UBHCKIPTION KATES iiow to print and everyone knows it. ing, "The Philosophy o f Miracles.” f 9 One Year . 91.50 Hix MontlM .75 I w ill manage the office as econo­ First Presbyterian Church, Pa6tor Í fh n e e Months - - - .50 mically ns I do my own printing I paid \ t. advance hut If not so paid a R. C. Grace. Morning service, 11, s amt rm rate of fci.oo per year will be charged. busin ssand give it my personal evening 7 :30, Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 p, \ rs and sojourners An Economical Administration NY THK W’ m . J. C l a r k e , CLUBBING LIST Candidate from The Cottage Ur ove L e a lek for one year, and any of the following publi­ cation for one year, for the price set opposite * Marion County. Subscribe for ihe Leader. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT New York Tribune Farmer .$1 75 Toledo w . ekly Blade................... 1-75 Portland Weekly Oregonian......... 2 50 Portland Weekly Journal.............. 2.00 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal..... 2.25 San Francisco C a ll....................... 2.50 San Francisco Examiner................. 2.50 Sunset Magaziue, San F'raucisco ... 2.Ó0 Out W est. iats Angeles • SJ9 Town and Country Journal . 1. 75 NorthweHt Poultry Journal .. 1.75 Pneitic H om otcad . 2.25 For Governor. I hereby announce myself ns a candidate upon the Republican ticket for governor of the State of Oregon, subject to the action of primaries to be held A pril 20, S A T U R D A Y ............MARCH 31 , 190 V . » ! ‘V; Ri‘f . »•<►. 4 V . RlV. » . .V » * 1 1 o ’clock. if 4 v ài » V. » V » V . » J^JAP.ION VKATCH t *■ We are Lite people to fill y our order for Winter Supplies. We have the best groceries, etc., to be had at the lowest prices. If von don’t believe ns, come and investigate. Onr Dry Goods stock is complete. . . . FUNERAL DIRECTOR and LICENSED * EMBALMER ~ 4 Parlors at Ventoh a Lawson’s. I hereby announce myself as a rías M illin e r y O p e n in g candidate for the office of Sheriff of ms Lane County, subject to the ap­ Ida Francis Bairett, anrounces proval of the democratic v o t e r s at the spring and summer opening of Herbert Faklti the piimaries to he held 111 Lane a nice line of dress hats, street Pr e s i de nt County on April 2oth, 19 0 1 ». shapes and all the newest ideas of T. C. Wheeler F r e d F is k . Cashier the season. A ll ladies are cordially ;*v/’ invited. I d k a i . M i i . i . i n e r y S t o r e For Sheriff. Saturday, March 31st. CAP I T AL I hereby announce myself as a re­ N ext door Griggs Pharmacy. Joseph Medill Patterson, son of publican candidate for Sheriff ot 25,000 11. W . Patterson, editor of the Chi­ Lane County aud promise if elected Fair Play In Politics. cago Tribune, who has recently to conduct the office in ns economi­ A Keneral banking In the course of an editorial on come iuto national prominence cal a manner as possible and to the bushi s transact •d :: :: :: the subject of ‘ ‘Fair Play’’ tha Coos through his espousal of the Social­ best mterests of the people. Bay Harbor, published at North istic cause, is stated to have been W . J. W a b n o c k . Bend, Coos County, says. deen T A OEÎÎGROVfc! cut off by his father will with only O R G O N Constable. The Harbor’s attention has been 4o cents, which probably is quite a Socialistic advt rtisement, although I hereby auuouncc myself as a called to certain misrepresentations the blow to his father must be candidate for Constable for Cottage about Hon. W . C. Hawley who also j“ heavy. The young man has beeu Grovo Precinct, Lane County, Ore­ seeks Congressional honors. Cir­ prominent in political and civic life gon, subject to the approval o f the culars are issued giving him the Horseshoeing a specialty. for sever ..1 years and his step Is Democratic voters at the Primaries title of Reverend. Mr. Hawley is a Wagon and carriage re- professor iu Willamette University ing. A ll work guaranteed aausing much talk. to be held in Cottage Grove on Have your horsesteeth ex­ and is in no wise connected with amined and repaired. Shop April 20th, i906. at rear of Hemenway & the ministry. W hile a man cannot Eugouo’.« brick yard has started A- B. A t k in s . Burkholder’s St< re :: :: have a higher title than that of up for the seasons run, and has a For Representative. 33 IK ! TEH IFE Reverend yet this is supposed to j . largo number of orders already on hand. I announce to the Republican prejudice certaiu voters against Mr. Hawley. While our county seat is fussing voters of Lane county, mv candi­ What is a still more flagrant vio­ dacy for representative iu the st 'te over municipal ownership, they bet lation of all ethics and fair play is ter come down and look over Cot­ legislature, subject to approval at the stiry being circulation that Mr. tage Grove’s water plant and see the April primaries. Hawley was at one time insane aud B. A. W a s h b u r n s , how much cheaper it is to own their had to be confined in an insaue asy­ Springfield, Ore. own system, and got first class, pure lum. The only foundation for this water, and that too at a reasonable was an illuess in which he was at For Representative. rate, than to allow such a public Has the largest Stock of School times delirious with fever. Mr utility to be run by a company or I hereby announce myself as a Hawley was never insane. supplies in the city. Our line of individual. candidate ou the Republican ticket A n y candidate who is not w ill­ Books. Artist's Material. Sundries for the offico of representative from ing to stand on his own merits but The editor of the Guard was Lane Couuty, subject to the action who depends for his votes upon in­ arc now complete. rather badly injured Wednesday of the primary election. juring the character of another is W e are g ivin g special care to morning while riding hi« bicycle on I. N. E dw ards . not worthy to represent the great the sidewalks of Eugene, iu an at state o f Oregon at the National For State Printer. tempt to go by some people using Capital. the walk It seems that Eugene The undersigned announces him- has uot yet developed to that point *elf us a republican candidate for which at all times get the .best where her walks are reserved for renomination for State Printer, General News. the use of pedestrians only, as it is subject to the decision of the Re­ attention, using only the purest Tin Oregon Agricultural college here, aud that bicycle riders, ns publican voters at the primary elec­ ot chemicals, having the largest is Bending out to all interested, well as pedestrians have equal tion A p ril 2o. stock in town it make« «hopping rights oil her sidewalks. As long Now serving first term. The pamphlets ou the Sau Jose scale, »m l its treatments, also on canning easy in our place. as such is the case it is uufortuuute same courtesy that has been ac­ fruit and vegetables and preserv­ that there are some people who will corded to state officers generally, M ailorders receive the best of try to take up the whole sidewalk that of a renomination, would be ing fruit juice«. attention. when a wheelman cornea near, and greatly appreciated. The Miners and Operators are force the wheelman either into the J. R. W h it n e y , Albany, Oregon. »till in session ill Indianapolis figbt- fence or oil the walk. ng over the wage scale. I’ln diff­ For State Printer. erence in the scales pronose«! by the The City Council is working on a j I hereby announce my cat.didacy two side» are slight and it is revisiou of the water rates to make To 1 D om ination us State Printer at thought that there is a good chance Cottage Grove. Oregon them more equitable the whole city the Republican primaries, that the matter will be amicably ad­ over. W hile it is about it let them -W AV.» I pledge tLe people of Oregon an justed. set aside sufficient money to pur­ economical, business like adminis­ The Oregon Laud Fraud cases chase water meters, and at every trator, and a great reduction in the are to be delayed still further on place of business, install a meter, enormous cost of the office. “ A account o f the setting of the hear with a graduated scale of prices, square deal for the state.” ing of Binger Hermann for April Iff The first way to rid the «vstcm or from 1000 gallons up, so that the W in is S. D i n h v w . which will o f necessity keep Special ( n cold is to evacuate the bowels, owner of a place of business that Prosecutor Hcner in the East un- I Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar Togger E. V CARTER uses 100,000 gallons per month pays net« ns a pleasant, yet effectual enth- til that case is s id e d . nrt c on the bowel«. It clear« the much le s s per 1000 than the single Ashland. Oregon In Salem *he Pacific State 1 Tt-lr- hem!, cuts the plhcgtn out of tl < thousand user, winch would be just throat, alrvngthen« the lironchia! phone Co has commenced »nit, relieve« coughs, c. hi«, croup, to all, and then each mail would against a tival company to pi whooping cough, ct . Sold by Iten- pay for what he uses. their using tli> streets of the to" ,i. »\ i t\ to the s«T I eenth killed by a rival. The lady utation of the genuine PcWltt's tied pMiuiple« ot the party has Witch Hazel Salve. i« finely educated and is much n e'er Itecii questioned. During his ! thought of. residence in this stale ot nearly a 1 quarter of a century, lie has always j Brazil has a giK> I way of keeping i taken a stun J on the ng>>t -i le ol I accounts, a 'd money too it »eein«. every important public question, as only teceolly was a great sum and is now in thorough accord with | found lo be missing after having the President on cut mat issues. T h e * : lObcni-ea-t: ! 2 ' - t -nrjth« trial size, which Milt for SO t n li. been shipped lo a treasury th»ee PREPARED ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF His knowledge of the affairs of Ore­ year» ago; tbe consequent search| gon i* excelled by no man, having Candidate for Republican nomina­ j through vaults disclosed many other E . C. D t W I T T & C O M P A N Y . C H IC A G O . ILL. been, as is well known, for years a tion for Stato Treasurer. | overlooked chests ot bulliou, etc. Sold by Bensons Pharmacy. m General Blacksm¡thing Benson’s Pharmacy Carr in & Veatch. PLA IN AND FANCY J O B P R . IN T I N G PR O M PT LY A N D N E A T L Y E;X E|C5UiT E D A T T H E Leader Office Our Presciption Counter Pam ph let W o rk a Specialty Benson’s Pharmacy j We h a v e a full lin e of L egal B lan ks and T resp ass N otices. ^ ^ The Togs F o r th e at “The Toggery” j =-^Lanrvm 0?1. Co’s . = = ade to measure ifdtle to fit ade to wear Cloths ^ ‘ I P S ’A CURE D IG E ST S W H A T YOU EA T