Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, March 24, 1906, Image 1

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V O L. X V I I
NO. 49
A village blacksmith in Mt. Ver­
nates in administrative circles, as j
non; New York during a recent
the Forestry Bureau is determined j
storm won the election as
\ to make this withdrawal permanent!
mayor on a Municipal ownership
with few eliminations. The several
ticket by having got a corner on ali
communication seul to Senator Ful- j
Happenings at li e National Capitol ton already indicated to him that
Some of the Happenings of the Busy the sleighs in the town.
a majority of the people directly af­
| A Helena, Mont. Bachelors club
Entertainingly To'u for Our Busy
World, Gathered Here and There.
fected were against the reserve. As
\ is in trouble.
It was recently pub­
there had not been full expression |
lished that they intended to raise
France is in the throes of a great I mouey to advertise that there were
of opiuions, all the Senator could 1
Washington, D. C. (Special Corn»- say to the President in this regard j |
strike of 80,000 miners.
io unmarried men to every eligible spondence.)
was that he believed the people 3 op- ■ t
The Cash Register that was
That all Oregon land now em- posed. Developments within the
stolen in Eugene last Monday was any advertising. loiters are ar­
braced within forest reserves which I n <xt few weeks will prove whether
located Wednesday under a lodg­ riving by the thousands.
is more valuable for other than | there is a majority sentiment
ing house.
Woman Suffrage Lecturer to be Here. timber purposes, may be opened t o ' against or for the proposition,
A toll road in Linn county has
Miss Gail Laughlin, a prominent private ownership and development!
abanded their rights there, as they
of New York will speak here Senator Fulton has inaugurated a
could not make enough out of the
Thursday night in the movement to have presented to the
road to pay.
Secretary oi State of
Opera house in the interests of Uni­ Interior
th e
Colorado is suffering terrible ca- versal Suffrage. She
is easily
m e in w r i t i n g t h a t
lamatiea from saow slides. Many first among the brilliant women who and most interested. The Senator I pursuant to the provisions of an act
thousands of dollars worth of prop­ espouse the cause ana are using began with Lane county, which, 'entitled “ An act making effective the
seemed to offer n j initiative and referendum provisions
erty has been destroyed
their tolents to forward its progress. from report«,
r .i
r j
1 of Section 1 of Article IV of tile Con-
sin k in g exam ple of the evil. Judge j 8titlltion ol; the state of Oregon, and
Bertrand N. Rounds, who has I
. ~
* * ----------
been working here organizing a Citizen s Ticket Nominated Tuesda y Llirisman of Lane says tnat at regulating elections thereunder, and
least !>o,ooo acres of land within providing penalties for violations of
Fraternal Brotherhood Lodge, is
the boundaries ot his county and provisions of this act, "approved
Mayor— Dr B. R. Job
apending a few dais at his Eugene
24. U103, the People’s Power
embraced in the forest reserves February
League of Oregon duly tiled in ids
Alderman— ist Ward, Jim Porter.
— 2nd Ward II. Venske. is amenable to agriculture, horti­ office on February 3rd, 190(5, an lnl-
The Eugene Merchant's Protec-
petition containing 8302 signa­
— 3 rd Ward, G. Mc- culture and livestock raising. This ntive
tures properly attached to n copy of
t i v e Association is protesting
| Queen.
measure, certified in accordance
against the blocking of the road
to be informed bus been taken as said
wi til law, demanding that a proposed
Recorder— Joe Young.
between Eugene and Springfield by 1
the basis for Rction. Senator Ful amendment to Section 2 of Article X I
a Southern Pacific trestle on the I City Treasurer— Herbert Kakin. ton seeks the signed statements of of tiie Constitution of tlie State of
Oregon shall be submitted to the le­
cut off line.
A. Hogate, and J. H. Bartels bold all citizens of Lane county who are gal voters of the State of Oregon
for their approval or rejection at the
until next year, the retiring
Greiving over the death of his ¡over
playmate, a young collie dog jump-i j councilmen being C. H. VatiDen- gathered, if these bear out the re- general election to be held in said
and Oliver port will present them to the for- state on the 4th day of June, being
ed overboard from an Atlantic Liner berg, Chamberlain
estrv bureau as reason whv such the first Monday in June, 190(5, (lesig-
a few hours after having seen her
, „ .
. ,... , ,
, , ■ •__ .
nuted by said People's Power League
QregOI1 aM “ Constitutional amend-
body buried at sea. He was faith-! Dr. Job is a wr 11 known pliyri- .amis should be reopened to private
giving cities and tow ns exclu-
ful even in death.
tho G overn m ent’ s experts often dif- sive power to enact nml amend their
| residence here have made him ac- I
quainted with every man, woman fer with local resident’ s regarding charters,
. aud c)lild in tbe country
He has the real value of forest land f o r i K r t h ! “ * here,nft,ter 1,artlcularly
these ex- j X o w , Therefore, I, Geo. E . Cham-
gervod the city before in this office various purposes.
and wiU go l)efore |ll0 people on Ms perts are not alw ays familiar with | berlain, Governor of I lie State of Oro-
local conditions and tlio residents I - on- ' n obedience to the provisions of
, rPcord of his p,evioua work
* . i>
I said act hereinbefore! hrst mentioned
the com m unity who are a c c u s-. do j)erepy lllake and issue till« I’ rocla-
Jim Porter is one of our local
capitalists and progressive farmers tomed to build hom es in forests nmtion to the people of the .State
and lias many interests in the town, should be, a full expression o f sen-,] of Oregon, announcing that the I’eo-
timent and ju dgtu on t by tho practi- P!e ? Power Leugue of Oregon has
Mrs. Mary A. Huntington, wife anil has only recently with liis cal man is so u g h t, T n n„ i , ' . f n„ nj tiled said initiative petition witli tho
lanu is .01 na req Ujsjte number of signatures thereto
of Henry E. Huntington, a nephew brother and Mr. Stewart built the most valuable for 11
its timV ■' the attached dcmnniiing that there be
of the lata Collis P Huntington new brick block and remodeled tbe Senator says he will not be a party
submitted to the legal voters of the
was granted a divorce from her Hotel Oregon.
to any effort to throw it open, if State of Oregon for their approval or
husband in San Francisco on Thurs­
the reserves are held to reasonable rejection at the regular election to be
day. We always hear of the rich man, and has a wide acquaintance bounds. After getting at the bot­ held on the 4th day of June, 1906, said
being the first Monday fn said
people that have divorces, but sel­ throughout the town. His home is tom of existing conditions in Lrne day
month, a proposed amcndinout to
assembly house for High school
dom of those whose lives are as !
county it will ba the purpose to Section 2 of Article X I cf the Constl-
A Sweedish professor ban re-
ceutly died, who has been in bed
practically all his life. Taken sick
early in life, and kept in bed for a
good while, he developed a tondness
for lying »
with - the result
11‘ that
l .
he has done all his teaching from
hi* bed for yenrs.
f,« ï £
J o n a th a n
L lo -
Repnblican Candidate for United States
Senator. Champion of Statement One.
Jonathan Bourne, Jr. candidate before the Republican primaries for tho
nomination oi United States Senator in Congress, for tho long term com ­
mencing March 4, 1907, ivni born in Now lioilfor I, Mass., February 23,
was a member of the class of 1377 at Harvard University; came to Portland
May K(, 1878; was a Republican member of the Oregon Legislature In the ses­
sion of 1885 and the extra session of 1880; was one of Oregon’s delegates to
the Republican National Convention of >888 and Oregon la member of the Re­
publican National Committee from 1333 to 1832, and a delegate to the Re­
publican National Convention of 1892- mi l was elected as a Mitchell Repub­
lican to the Oregon Legislature in 189(5.
Mr. Bourne has b -en more prominently identified with the development
of the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man in the state, having
expended in the last 20 years over $1,000,000 of his own monev in the acqui­
sition and development o ' Oregon mines.
While Mr. it xirne has li id ids residence and main office a t Portland
since 1878, he lias had ¡mu! h :r office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried
on the business of hie father's estate since 1889, which makes him familiar
with many of the large Inter o ts and leading men in the East. These quali­
fications. in conjunction with his energy, originality, executive ability and
experience in business and political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for
making an aide and influential Senator for the State of Oregon,
Geo. McQueen is the proprietor , f ke up other Counties iflo it s d by on,7,1 bv «sufP eople's ¡ i S T C & S S
G1 a confectionery and cigar stand, the reserves, un til all a g r ic u ltu r a l! of Oregon as “Constitutional Araend-
Iu the ment giving cities ami tow ns exclu-
and bns a oU111ber 0f other business and lias been clim ated
! sive power to enact and amend their
jnt0rests here as well as in Bo­ last the agents of the forestry 'charters,'’
which saul
bureau have been traveled over ; amendment is as follows:
--------- --------------
withdrawn areas, sounding lo c a l! “ Section 2. Corporations may be
! There will be a meeting of the sentim ent, b u t com plaint has been formed under general laws, but shall
Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the
Woman’s Suffrage Club at the made that some of these agents not be created by the legislative
assembly by special laws- The lcgis-
Christian Church on every Monday were , ovey-zealous in the . reserve lative
over their government as fur as possiblo. He was one of tho
assembly shall not enact,
night at 7:30. The public cordi- work an d instead o f reflecting local amend or repeal any charter or act of leading spirits in the Initiative and Referendum movement from 1896
ally invited.
sentimr-ut as to the value of every Incorporation for any municipality, until it was approved by the vot >rs at the June election in 1902 . In
part ot the withdrawal for various city or town. The legal voters of
every city untl town ure hereby
purposes, were eager champions of granted power to enact and amend 19O4 ho was a member of the executive committee of the direct Primary
making the reserve as large as pos­ their municipal charter, suliject to tlie Nominations League, and holds tho same position with the People’s
sible. The work now undertaken Constitution and criminal law s of the Power League at this time. In all these movements he lias been one of
is to put in organized form local State of O regon.”
Done at the Capitol at Salem, tills the few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and proposing
thought on the values of limited 28th
(lay of February. A. D. 1900.
heir measures to the people
sections of the reserve, and finally
G e o . E . C h a m h e r l a in ,
He says that tho choice of United States Senator should belay direct
determine what may be developed
vote of tiie people, and that the Legislature should be compelled to elect tho
By the G overnor:
man the people select. T o nrt-ompllfh this result, tie is rhumpmnlng State­
i Signed i
J'. I. 1)1 N11AR,
( s e a l )
Secretary of State.
No doubt can be entertained of
ment No. 1 ol tiie primary election law as the only method by which public
the enactment by the House of the
opinion may lie crystallized and made effective upon (lie Legislature.
measure for the relief of Northern
In his petition for noinlimtiou he says:
Maple Sugar Making Tried at La
Pacific Land Grant sufferers
If I Ain nominated and elected I will, during my term J ofh \ favor:
vorable report of the committee ou
Republican polities.
La Grande, Or., March 2I.—
public lands has been made which
Amending National Constitution for People’s Election f I c
d States
assures enactment of the law by the Wbat is believed to be the first Senators.
House. When it becomes effective maple sugar produced in this sec­
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
the settlers will at last be assured tion of Oregon is that made by Mrs.
National Control of Corporations in Interstate Commerce.
enjoyment of their homes while tbe L. F. Proebstel, who has about a
Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good Citi­
company will be amply remunerated dozen sugar maple trees on her zens.
pursuant to the decision of the Su­ farm, grown from seed imported
Legal Limitation Labor hours for Safety on Railroads.
from Illinois 18 years ago. She
premo court.
Parcels Post, Including Rural Delivery.
has been making some experiments
Pure Food Laws.
Eastern papers have taken up in the sugar industry on a small
Liberal Appropriations for Panama Cana), Const Defense, River mid
discussion of tne matter of putting scale. Tho tapping of the trees
reclamation work more directly was superintended by a former resi­ Harbor Improvements, Including Columbia, Willamette Rivers, Coos, Ya-
under Congress
Note is being dent of the sugar districts of Ohio. quina and Other Oregon Harbors, Celllo Canal, Government CanaiH at Ore­
made of the fact that in no other Tbe amount of syrup turned out gon City.
Fair Share of Irrigation i'tind for Oregon.
department has one official such was not large, but it is of excellent
Loyal Support of Successful Candidates.
enormous power and latitude as in |
i9 of lightcr
Rigid enforcement Statement One. reclamation work. The ^
tbe same
Roosevelt for Second Elective Term.
theory o
of ine
the cnazige
change is to have
nave pro-1
pro- t
as tbe eastern product.
I desire that the follow ing statement be printed after my name on tho
'jects submitted for approval and
110 mhint ing bal l ot :
appropriation by Congress. This
1 will support President Roosevelt's determination that justice be done
agitation is without any charge of
Alfalfa Seed Coming Soonr
all men.”
dishonesty or misappropriation by
Farme,e who have taken con-
, the Secretary of the Interior, being
fo r
« h IU m I í m the axneri-
1 based upon the general practice mell¿ai alfalfa tracts in the Willa-
Packers Win on Immunity.
an hour before giviug tho slightest
. that the power ia too vast and the
mette Valley for the Harrimau lines j Chicago, March 21 — All the indication as to what Hie ultimate
i duties too exhaustive for the offi-
sent tbo aecd for pi8nt¡n g ! packers indicted by the federal decision would be. Ho reviewed
the tracts within two weeks. Thajgraud jury last summer
upon the case at length, cited all esien-
k in d s o f
In granting Senator Fulton the
government agreed to furnish 40 charges of conspiracy in restraint of tla¡ facts which had been brought
courtesy of delaying creation of the per cent of the seed required for trade wore today grauted immunity
. ,
— -N o n e
b e tte r
Rogue River forest reserve, in the experiments aud thia has been from criminal prosecution under in- ’>ui an^WWiutigna*
Under the law in this case tho
southwestern Oregon,
President rent for. It is expected to arrive dictment. While the individuáis
j Roosqvelt emphasized thet be did almost auy dav. The government arc to go free, the indictments immunity picas were filed by de­
M ade
¡ sot o enabl« the Senator to get *o- will also provide bacteria culture found against the corporation, of fendants will be sustained as to the
! gether the community sentiment, for the inoculation of the whole . which some indicted indi'¡duals are individuals an 1 denied as to the
I f that portion of the state is op-j amount of seed. During the sum- members and others are employes, corporations, and tho artificial per­
I posed to the reserve, the inference mer an expert will be sent here to are to stand, the decision as sons, and the jurp will find in favor
follows that the withdrawal will njt exumine the tracts and make a re- ¡above was handed down by Judge of the government as far as the
be made permanent. In doing this, port to tbe Department of Agricul-1 Humphrey today in tho United j corporations are concerned ami
the president has deferred to loeal ture. The seed will be planted States district court. The opinion j against the government ns far aq
w*» oral and the judge spoke nearly I individuals are concerned.”
sentiiueqi more than hi* subordi- about April 10.— Oregonian.
. .
The government is in a stew
about the selection of a site for the
Dry Dock Dewey iu the Phillipines,
as the harbors at Manilla and Su-
big Bay are both too shallow. Much
adverse criticism is also being
aroused over the great cost of tow-
ing the dock the 5 ooo miles extra
distance on account of its Laviug
been built on the Atlantic.
f f l
A ll
H ard w are
Ci«r h if C.
Griffin & VeatcbCo.