COTTAGE GROVE LEADER COTTAGE GROVE • • OREGON i. McKEAN FISHER. Manager. «y TUI PU B L ISH IN G COM PANY Kutureil at the Cut tace Urove pnstufflce i Olid-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATKS On« Year • 11.60 Six Month« .TO ih r««« Months . . . -SO I oalil lu advance but It uot »o paid a lulf rm rate of *2.00 per year will be charged. Alvnrtlslua rates made known on application CLUBBING LIST The Cottage Grove L kaulk for oue year, and any of the following publi­ cation for oue year, for the price set opposite: New York Tribune Farmer *1 75 Toledo Weekly B lad e....................... 1-75 Portland Weekly Oregonian 2 50 Portland Weekly Journal................. 2.00 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal 2.35 San Francisco Call... 2 50 San Francisco F.xamtner..................... 2.50 Sunset Magazine, San Francisco ...2,00 Out W est, Los Angeles ...............2.50 Town stiu Country Journal .. 1.75 SATURDAY......DECK MUER 2, 1903 ,7 o r /o y . Only front day to day. Church notices Mosby Creek PUBLISH KO K VKUY SA T U K D A Y I.K A D h lt Our neighbors • The life of a wine man runs: What matter if seasons far aw ay Have gloom or have double sans'.’ To climb the unreal path We I. >se the loading here, Weawtm the rivers of wrath And tunnel thu hills of fear. Our feet tin the river's brink, Our eyes oil the clouds afar. We fear the things we think. Instead of the things that are. Like a tide our work should rise, Each later wave the best; Tomorrow forever dies, T oday is the special test. Like a sawyer's work is life. The present makes the lluw, And the only held for strife (• the Inch before the saw. Methodist Episcopal Church, Pastor Rev S. E. M-ruitiger. morn- | U r . Wintersl^was^aj visitor to tug services at 11, cveniug 7 :3o, Klondyke Tueaday. Epworth League 6 .3o p . tn. AH I’hil Spoug was a visitor to Cot- are cordially iuvped to be present. tag« Grove Tuesday. Christian Church Rev D. E. Mr. Hampton of Goshen visited Olson Pastor. Services at 11 in hi« daughter Miss Fay Hampton the morning and 7 150 in the even­ who tsacbe* th* Blue Mt. school ing. Y. P S. C. E- meeting at Tueaday and Wednesday. G:3o p. m. Everybody welcome. Beu Hubble and son went to Bo- Subjects for next Sunday’s ser­ hkmia Wednesday to work at the mons at the Christian Churcb- Mueick mine. i i a. m. “ Heaven, Who, Where, W hat;” 7:3o p. m. “ Is There Any Mrs. Tom Lee aud Mrs. Will Johnson visited Mrs. Beu Hubble Promise of Salvation for the Mor­ alist.” Wednesday. Presbyterian Church, P a s t o r Ellis Robinson has gone to Bo­ hemia to drive the Oregon Secu­ R. C. Grace. Morning service, 11, evening 7 ;30, Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 p, rities’ team. in. AH strung' rs and sojourners Mr. and Mrs. John Mosby of welcome. Dorena visited Mrs. P. I, Spong Morning subject, ‘ The Christiao Sunday. Life.” Evening subject, ‘‘How to The Chicago Portrait Co’s agent obtain the Christian Life.” delivered pictures on Mosby Creek Episcopal Church. Services held Wednesday. the second Wednesday evening of Henry and Chas. Forester oi each month at 7:30 in Masonic ball. Saginaw were on Mosby Creek F'ri- There will be services every fifth day. Sunday of a month. Phil Spong and Jim Miles went Catholic Church, F’ather Carrol. to Cottage Grove Saturday. Services the second Sunday iu each The weather remains clear and month. cold. The President Tells Republicans He Wants Honest. Independent County Chairman Elected. enough foundation there to sustain Professional Cards. J I \K. E. C. MAC Y * OIBce: J) J A " lire y Building Cottage Grove Flour Mills Flour and Feed a MANUFACTURERS Mum Street D KNT1ST J I \ K. U. T HOC KKTT ? £ PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON J t ornees In Ur. Oeo. Wall building, Main Street. Cottage Drove. Ofllce pbone M ain 303. R esid en ce p b o n e M am 96 ¿ m J ? B. K. JOB •> Remember that the Cottage Grove Flour i« sold ots merits, at lowest living prices We use 25 per cent hard wheat iu our Bride of Oregon brand. This Flour will produce more berad per sack than the cbeon varieties now offered. Try it once aud be convinced, and at the same time encourage a home enterprise : : : : : ¡C * HELP US KEEP THE WHEELS TURNING ^ P H Y S IC IA N a u d SU R G E O N Î JE ! of > A 11 call« promptly attended. Main St. Plioue 114. r u . ’ onice: J HARTUNG & HANSEN • f yoünu *1. Jj, ATTORNEY AT L A W » onice: Young Building. Mala Street, W est Side. • 9 V W Mining Orders! 4 Í m W . R IM E , M. D. 9, P H Y S I C I A N a n d SL’ R O E O N > Office in McFarland Building Over Wynne's Hardware Store Office Ftioue, 341 Ktsideuco Ftione, 126 9 A •A . 9 5; V WlV»: A* WiVA-W-V.»: T A* •'YAWlf B uckhokn . > AR IO N V E IT C H FUNERAL OIRECTOR and LICENSED EMBALMER i'a iio m at Veatob ¿ Law son’«. 9 Hz m M m I 8 m We are the people to fill your order for Winter Supplies. We have the best groceries, etc., to be had at the lowest prices. If you don’t believe us, come and investigate. Our Dry Goods stock is complete. Jksy/N Washington, Nov. 2 9 — Presi­ • ifvv, dent Roosevelt has declared himself j/ against “boseism,” in New York politics. This declaration he has made emphatically iii letters to pet­ s' rial and political friends regard­ Herbert Ealtln . - s as queen. Wken a true waveringly upon the court, replied: both Mr. Parsons an 1 Mr. Olcott weie included in the list of men, 'Oman fulfills her duties at the “ Nothing.” Judge Yandeuauter then pio- anyone of whom thu President bc- cradle and fireside she will have little time left for discussing her so- nounced the formal sentence. He iioves would bo acceptable.- Ore- called rights anil agitating her said that the penalty of imprison­ gouiar.. neighbors and friends with refer­ ment for six months ttnd the fine of ence to their rights. What greater I juoo was imposed on count six, Jackson. Secoml County in Oregon in right can she have than the mould­ which charged him with having Assessed Wealth. ing of lives and characters which agreed to accept compensation aud Salem, Or., \'ov. 29— Jackson Has the largest Stock of School are soon to aid iu the mighty work sentence of six mouths imprison­ County has iptung to second place of ruling our grcat country, what ment alone was imposed on count supplies in the city. Gur line of among the counties of Oregon in greater honor ce.u she desire than seven, charging tlint lie received taxable wealth. Marion County, Books. Artist's Material. Sundries that of knowing that by her tactful compensation. In regard to counts which has for many years occupied influence she can bring man to the one, two and eight, Jutig» Vande- second place, lias dropped to fifth are now complete. knowledge of what is greatest and j vanter said that as they involved place, and perhaps lower- Not nil We are giving special care to best and verify the old say+tig, the same transaction as count six, the assessment returns have have “ Th« hand that rocks the cradle no separate judgement was imposed and as eouut three was the same ns beeu reeeivi d yet, but it is already rules the world.” Our Presciption Counter count seven no separate judgiueut apparent that at least three countie (As the editor sees it.) have stepped above Marion in as­ was imposed on that couut. Counts sessed valuation. four aud five were quashed before which at all times get the best Los Angeles schools have declared Multnomah County, of course, is that either football rules must be the tnul begun A* provided iu «till first, her assessment for 1905 attention, using only the purest chtoged so as to prevent the ter­ statute i i 82, which Senator Burton uot yet being known definitely. of chemicals, having the largest rible rccidents which occur or the was convicted of having violated, Jackson will como second with a stock in town it makes shopping boys will not be permitted to pley Judge Vandevanter imposed the ad­ valuation of over $1 2,000000. Wash­ easy iu our place. it. While we personally are very ditional penalty debarring Senator ington probably third with $1.0- We Have a full line of Legal Blanks and fond of football, just as it is, anil Burton forever from holding any 660,000, Umatilla probably fourth Mail orders receive the best of happen to have suffered some of office of honor, trust or profit, under with $10,165,000, and Marion prob­ attention. Trespass Notices. 'C ^ vc the damage of it. we feel tbut it is the United States Government. ably fifth with $11,824.000. There wise to make changes in the present are a number of wealthy counties rules, and shall be glad to see them Modern woodmen Pay Widow's C m. Vet to report, among them being adopted. loot ball is the nation's Lane, Liun and Clackamas, any of Nov. 29. - 1 ,ie He was sitting alone on the ver­ sport for strong and healthy boys, Spokane, Waeh The O & S E has a gang of men which may surpass Marion aiul put anda and close by him was a young out fixing up some poor places in and should be kept up, but modi-] judgment of $2,000 for insurance, that couuty still further down the Cottage Grove. Oregon which was obtained by Mrs. Alpha and pretty widow and a little six- the track. fled In form. list. _____ Myers some time ago against the year-old eon. Jackson County’s assessment this I Springfield is after a system of Modern Woodmen of America, has The little fellow ran up to the water works and is miking arrange­ Some of the town critics have been paid. It was claimed by the y e a r shows sn increase of about 200 gentleman w ho potted him on the ments for the establishment of them eaid that before .dvin street should Woodmen that «1 « wan not en- per cant for last yea»- the assessment I head. “ W hat’s your name?” the It is thought the syndicate that R®t a cont of finely crushed rock on titled to the amount bee iu«e her hus­ I was only $1.050000. 1 little boy asked. top it should get a firm bed of much band had been in arrears of dues owns the lighting plnnt may install The 3-masted schooner Ella, I He fold him. heavier rock tor a base, but if they tor several mouths and hud paid up them. The rep. Tt8 lie ta . e^tigation I owned by W o . Kyle and sons of could have seen the condition of the all ba k dues shortly before dying of the bln 1 “ Is you married” he lisped. t of he Pacific I Florence, Lane county, is being The Cottage Grove Electric Co. tocky bottom underneath the pres- Tlie order took the stand that Mr- »lope by D "No, I'm not,” was the reply. David T ■ ’ ' 1J the t ouuded to pieces op the rocks near is making the change from the old - nt surface of »bo street where R*r- er« bad no riirht to be reinstated I Unit, d Si Then the child paused a moment. series of system to the Edison have !>S llL ' . ,■ tl Survey ¿he mouth of the Siuslaw River. ’'Si- ve««el was driven on the rocks tDd turning to Lis mother, said: rebuilt over five miles of lines and “ Mamma, what else did you tell changed something like 100 street vkiUiDU rttlVl liv. izv-F-ut cut at mi i ug a terrine gale last Sunday Ibeir views for there is heavy his dues. me to ask him?” Washington. D, C. lights to the new system, 1 morning. almost any kind of travel. It would be a great improvement if the street did have a coating of fine rock, so rounded as to let the water from the middle of the road run into the gutter and off the street. As it is the center of the road is always cov­ ered with water and the crossing- are continually flooded. m m m ü C u rrin & Veatch. Milburn Wagons Farm implements Genera! Blacksm¡thing PIPER $ VANDENBURG PLAIN AND FAN CY JO B PRINTING Benson’s Pharmacy Leader Office k P a m p h l e t W ork a Specialty Benson’ s Pharmacy