COTTAGE GROV YO L. X V II C O T T A G E (¡ROV’ E, O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , True Peace. DI DER 3L -r S iili:: : NO. 33 i en can't It's bic.sted to sing of redemption, i t ’s blessed to share 111 good will; 6 i we ! Still better it is to find pardon % 4 ' And peace the world cannot kill. I men in this town doing i. ______ It’s peace th at will lighten our labor. And we all have something to do; Losses of Mutinous Russian Troops| Uu.? { |J 1{ tgoi^,d (o u , w ,,t Unfinished and in Danger of Our mission in helping each other is peaceful and happy and true at Least 5000 at. I Pantcloimon. ■ h'■ . . " ' i n think \m . Partial Destruction. Formerly Kniaz Potemkin in to keep on in business? W ell, Ob! it’s pence that purities nature, I t 's peace we always should own. l should rattier hope so. I've got a Sunk. It is reported that a portion of It’s pence that will save us forever; deal on now that means about 40 ,- It’s peace our Saviour Imili sown. the Jetty will without doubt he de- 000 actri s lip in W ashington.,’ ‘ ■ " kn a wher. Mefrossen ^royed by the winter storms unless Ite d sorrows and tiiais arc plenty. St. 1 ‘e h r s ln u g , Nov. 30.— Ac No one is exempt from a shnro; w asked further work on it is done, and that cording to 1.‘ports the casualties' ot And worloly amusements are faulty u. h ^ it is continued fuither out, botti sides during the S' va£ 1 t',|i' When pence can enter not .here. M |„. the channel will become blocked fight number thousands, md tl at All beauty surrounding onr nature. , . for commerce. The completion of Will cheer usami brighten each day the leaders of the mutiny will b , the Ccli’o canal will also be he'd And the peace and jo y of our ¡Savior executed Tl ]■ . . Will inspire Ills people some w a y . ; ne0,.8 U , S n alt hei to back miles* farther appropriations a. made Itianndarstood th a tth e True peni e is uplifting for glory, killed, while on boar.I til. ( r , ,, j President imd Theodore Burton are I ho’ Satan obstructs the good w a y donat i erti i t < • • Yet God In Ills inlliiitu m e m C, \ in favor of a special airangement for -c Sends pence renewing each day: , raphed to the f u r i li 'i improvements of the I’lie peace of our Lord is abiding, -l ,l l' i ' 1 1 in love It will carry you through. Th e .< 1 > » B i v Citv i jetty and tli. canal. In workingnnd sitiging and pniying \ (,,, ?m n. T heie is peace now in store lot you , graph- r • President and Family go to Vir­ the signai » 'I ' ginia Farm i nor Son Wedded. University of Oregon Musical Organ­ ns the " h i lei' izations Washington, 1 ). C., Nov. 3 o.— Natehez. Mi N<>v. 2*J-- D r . .. 1 , President and Mrs. Roosevelt and C !; .i 1 les Lhaiu kill. son of Gov- Entries Pout in For Pouliiy Shu Eugene, Or., Nov. 2 it.— It is 01 i■ tor Chamber! 3 ill o f Oregon, and c h i’il-cu left this morning to spend claimed there uever was a larger Corvallis, Or.. Nov. . M -.s 1 leborah B cal uer. daughter of Thanksgiving on the farm in Albe­ audience iu the Eugene Theater rapidly com.:.g in for the fio Ji: dge S. Boa tuer of Vidalia. La., marle county, Yirgiuia, recently pur­ tl au that vvhicli greeted the Uni | are " '" "'' season poultry dlow to h w ¡ -re married cA L the Bresbyteri m chased by Mrs. Roosevelt. T h ey versify of Oregon Glee uud Mundo- 0 ' j held here Thursd ' V to 'it unlay c Ci tuteli Iu re tot ight. return Friday afternoon. It had lin Clubs at their conceit last night. (tins vviek. i'’. vervtliing dicates been arranged to stsv at the White The event whs most unique not I Iniger number "i ! h :• Horn n i the cluing» was made at only from the character ot the per­ cCurdy ssi'tns Hit; Office ion liai-d liere tust 1 1 n: . Will'll the the lust minute. formance itsrlt, but also from the , 41) mark was 1 Fanciers •»■ .lent Richard A. V. McCurdy decorations o f the stage, which md Tacoma signed Ins place as President were a rr a n g 'd a l'er the style of a ! from P"i t' uni, Sc ' tl* Mrs. Wire, wife of the Presiding ! and Vancouver an 1 Vic orni, B. C.. Mutual I Me fn -u rince Com college c'ubro un. •-liter of th“ Rugene District of the have at read l sent l i l t , , ir lists, and u l F re d e k C-o.nwell, (p'as Methodist Church will fill the pu l­ Banners an i | ennant* repres» ut e n tries/roui u n by t »was ne pun of the cont lin y has been' pit !>■ »tli morning an I evenig next ing tile < liief colleges of the natiou j 1, ling iu " i h i vet l a s bis temporary successor Sunday mi -1 will interest a large were mingled with the emblems and | , 1 , 1 1 1 U H i t s 'll C -111 0 1 ' I I- - the bu i id ■ trustees. He gave designs o f r the vat loiis college clubs . ,, as she is mi able speaker. ,, , , 1 Inst week that U'l, •> ' n -.i -it., the reason r his roti romeni lus and tratormti' S ad grouped around Rev. Memiuger is much better “be iiisuraiice in v o l­ >r health. the colors of Oregon itself. A bright enf - eiJH “ " v' “ i ” , and more [and soon hopes to be up and around fire iu the fireplace added a realistic I L;,r"' 1 effect to the scene. f t e g o n City wa 1 - !>- -tight <>u* b it it will bo some weeks before he oi\ ! iv. w i l l he able to fill his pulpit again. Applause was enthusiastic and j P sci;’ 1 , 1 frequent. TI10 double niimbor at p * . ., 1 , , . exhibit. 1 lie - i l> ili the o p e n in g ,'■ 1 he Toiwt to Ore- ,, , , „ ,, . ■ I the Opera lion gon and O ,, O ieg o u were twice 1 encoted. Professor G le n ’s contii hution, " T h e Humorous , was accompa­ New Y o r k , Nc nied by weird uud light effects. R. from Berlin st-.,c t at the li* liable Rountree was granted an ovation iu Life Assurance »cioty li i been : the ‘ ‘Italian S a la d ,” and the uu- informed it must ■ iUSUClld ii-,,-., .msiuess dif nee was very demonstrative iu in Germany, units certain ch n g t its approval throughout the entire are mad'-. alarm i.-> felt Much cveni g. among insurance companies u~ tin same r u b s will undoubtedly apply Father of Ashland Dead at Ninety- to other companies and tnay force them all ft m 11 <- foreign field- Three. A Great Half=Price Offer Read every word of this announcement, for it is the opportunity of year«. The three greatest magazines in tills country liuvc com­ bined to I k * offered together at a greatIy reduced late Never li fore wub such un offer given to the public, and it safe to say never will be made again. This year several magazines have increased their sub­ scription price, which shows how much greater this offer really is. Tin* only reason we are making it to the people of this vicinity is tiecause we find we have not as many subscriliers as we desire in this particular locality. Hut only a limited number will lie sold at this price, therefore we advise everyone to accept tilts offer without delay. When we have received a certain number, we shall withdraw the offer Cosmopolitan, one year - $1.00 Woman’s Home Companion, 1.00 The Review o f R eview s - 3.00 and Cottage Grove Leader T otal T h e C o s m o p o lita n which was recently pun ht>cd b tlr. W II lleaist, lias beets greatly improved by the new management urd is r.ow the most popular ten- cent illustrated monthly in the world. Air tidy Its sales have In en in­ creased 100,000 over w h a t they were f ur in n tn sago, when it became a part of the famous IIcaret publishing organization. An edition of 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 co p ies a m o n th is now in sight, and the publishers are sparing no effort to -eciire for it all that is most desirable in the w a y of pictures, stories and articles. As an example pictures and stories by Frederic Remington and stories by W. W. Jacobs are now running in the (iosniopwlitan, and a strong new series l»y H. U. Wells is announced for immediate publication. T h e R e v i e w of R e v i e w s Substantial American men and women are going to keep up with the times and they are going to take the shortest cut— which is “ The Review of Reviews” a monthly survey of the world’s progress. W o m a n ’s H o m e C o m p a n i o n is not excelled by an y other home and family publication in t lie world. Stories, fashions,articles, illustrations. Grab This Opportunity if you do not want but one of t lie magazines above with our pa­ per for a year, you cannot do better than b > m-cc pt tuts offei while it is hot right off the hat and lie To re it is withdra >. u. C o s m o p o lit a n , o n e y e a r “ C o tta g e G ro v e L ea n er” B o t h fo r o n ly Asbhuul, Or., Nov. ¿ 0 . Bennett Million, liorn in 1H12, a veteran of the Blacknawk war and the oldest men in \sbland, died last evening at his borne here. He took a dona­ tion claim ill 1854 . Part of it is the present site o f Ashland, l i e held 143 acres of it to the time of his death. He leaves 12 children. His own death is the first in the family'. Fill out fo il poll— mail it today with your remit lance— and lie sure of getting the greatest magazine combination that wnsever off red an opportunity of years undone it is safe to say will never tie made again. did was to get m fn ra MUTINEERS to locate. W e real csM always tell what kind ARE KILLED are dealing with. T h e r e « Griffin b Veatcb Co. ! Sale at The Vogue RIVER C R ISIS All kinds of ^ ; H ard w are—-None better Made Three Wagons of Food From the Eugene Schools. Eugene, O;. . N o r, 29 .— T h e p - pils of the Ivngt üe 1) *b!ie schools today sent a la rgn (|uauiit.y oí pro- . .. (but t m s out t..................................................... visions and cl oUtirg to the Bovs’ and G irls’ ’> : 1 Society at Portland ‘Cottage Grove Reader” Date ns ft Th'm k g i 'i n g day iena mb ranee. Tbi ered up yesterday mid tak‘ n to tin Enclosed please find -for which please enter my name City Hall, where they were pre­ pared for shipment I h< eatables for one year’s subscription to your paper and the following magazines: Salton Basin Has Become Permanent consisted of all kim i' ol v g f t a ’ib -, Inland Sea. ham*, lì" Yuma, Alia., Nov 30. —Th e ter­ and lilt'd till 1 *,V : ‘ i Nume rific storui of the Ins1, fiw days has undone the work of months, sweep­ Will Irrigate Siionr-Ceet La, ¡ Address ing away lestraining dams and it is V 2 u — Til» G ” Elgin, O r ., HE feared has converted Salton basin Romle E lic F i into a permanent inland sea. The Colorado river is on a w ild templatikg tin SiiSSSSäÄ.'v-s.Mvv .Sä-vs&vvviN' >Yss--, rampage, highei than it has been 000 pumping since 1891, and the gauge measures Rom le ; 32 feet. T h e only damage done the i will place nbou Too " i citv is the flooding of the electric j irrigation Beginning Dec. 2. I will put on a stile lasting li ht plant- plant will consist of for one week. A redaction will be m ade on all E veryth in g is lost at Imperial power 1 ■ ctr.• ^ (h ea d in g. A ll tho irrigation works h a ts in the store. ^ have been destroyed and machinery 1 Ladies don't forget to visit The Vogue during the week. £ i and camp supplies swept away. The gntion season * 1 water is cutting the channel deeper and wider very rapidly, and nil teD p u t t -C'VV'Cfe^^VN.-'v-C-VVS8<•VS'J.'N 1 . W ..VV.;-.«< V\VV.-,Vl.VVV,.o ria l es ate t-ien i *» n j t-f | terrible one, but tho doctor thinks g uilty as I am,” -ji" Mr G u , he can save the arm. ,sh oitiy after his arrest. All l e v e r COLUMBIA lUcKibben furs and fiats I iC j N o r. e t i e t t e r M ^ \ :! a uud k lit It-until want k* i p i" tii| ¡my, that is their !. 1 . if tl" . v .-ml to get mar- Lorena Martin. ■' ; .- Ie isbusineM, 1 g or \ I k i i 1 lady vviints to Imy 11 Fur iitlenuin wants to Imy ¡1 hats Our Business W (L, w E x a m in a tio n A n B of O u r S t o c k w i l l P le a s e Y ou. - Mining and Commercial Men k C orner ^ a i n BlIRKHOLDR 3rd S t r e e t