COTTAGE GRÒ' VO L. X V II Or, •tu t» SADER NO. 81 COTTAGE Q U O T E , O R E G O N , SATURDAY, XO\ EMI M, : PORTLANDERS’ COMMENT What They Think of Us and How They Said It. H. M. Pittock, Business Manager of the Oregonian: ‘Tt looks good to me, I want to see those mines, and intend to ” Sam Connell, President N o rth ­ west Door Co: ‘‘Cottage Grove is all right, a clean, live city, that all looks good to me.” F. J G . Buffurn: ‘ ‘I ’ d like a few tons of that Vesuvius o re.” O. R. Pall, Mannger American T y p e Foundry: ‘ ‘A live progres sive town.” A. L. Craig, Gen’ l. Pass. Agt. S. P. & O. It. A X. 1 »v.. suits me, new buildings. lit:ie club, elegant ore display. ” W . E Mahoney, ol lv><11 ng Tele- gram: ‘ ‘Th ey keep no- p PO' tv bu-y , I like the looks of the v>»l e>■ towns The Bohemia Nugg, t , 1 * triante 1 on the train shows eat, p» i e. ” Tom Richardson, VI .-i !’■ rtlmid Commercial Club, s i ! V \ Ì i < i i « but had on a great 1 ' h 1 ha- c . - ried with it his se>'t :d to • i >i at was said and done. ’ ’ T. N. Sloppmi!) rli ol IN fìc IN- perCo.: W e liav It- a> ■\ 1 >f * ') surprised to find so iim.-l, of It lo A’ ' , and to find everything so p " pen I want to know nl>< nt \ K "s tbe lest welcome v *■ have ami : In any wn large <>r SII-. ' 1 Vi I 1 Ull’ t 1 things by i al' es *- 'a e aie il 1 «■ > Ai d, vom n. ¡.e , >-i>111* timi W e don 'i .ant to mi s a ella. i iV S 'nn ut toi a goo I m T 1.1 ie Repi'c’i 3 ;!ltalÌV 3 Capital, Leaves f o r i | , V lis t o ! i'ul ih-111!, Nov. Chart«'« 1 u t "ti left t 1 IS mm un g tor W'islai e piu, l> ( He will arrive 11 xt Su i tay nil I will lose no time ;u t < kt"g ni) ’ lio s ev el t the ma t t e r of Oregon p a t i o u i g e nail 1 special l y tbe np- poiutuieilt of a United Stntes (iis- ttict j u d ge . ivene on Mon­ day, December 5, and the session will bt protracted well into next summer. Senator Fulton will be the only member of Oregon s dele­ gation in attendance. Pending the derision id H air appeals, Senator OTHER REM ARKS Mitchell ami Congressman W illiam ­ “How about youi mines. I would son cannot kike their seats, and like to go there and take a look at Congressman Hermann will be them. I will come back a g a in .” obliged to remain iu Oregon, as his ‘‘Are there good farms around first trial is to begin in December. here? Well, I never knew anything was grown down here before. I will have to look it up.” J M. Doyle o f Vancouver, re­ The Commercial Club is nicely turned home from the Grove W ed­ fixed up. Hurrah for the Clu b.” nesday. great thing that inters is \\, want to get better acqu.iutpd with you, aud il would seem that we re allowed more time for this town than usual, as we usually bavi only ¡ 5 J. H CHAMBERS SELLS MILL Benefit to Woman Kind? (Continued from teat wank.) Minors are taxed without being able to vote, and there are more minors than voter*. Men between Cottage Grove Outdid Herself to Greet minutes. 1 sp< ik . i H. Chambers has Sold his Mill at eighteen and twenty-one could quite as justly as women consider "the Portland Business Men ¡of this party in Dorena to San Francisco Capi­ want you to become better ac- themselves wronged, for they are Thursday. talists. quainled with them, and if there is by a large majority capable of vot­ anything we can do for you we ing intelligently; so alao could those Thursday about noon, promptly want you to call upon us. Thursday afternoon after the bus- who are taxed upon property placed Mark Levy “This is tin first on time the excursion of Portland's r mens excursion had passed where they cannot vote, Women business men, arrived in the Grove. time I have ■ uy,i.. the town commenced to enjoy all the rights of citizens, pro­ They were met at the train by the speech. 1 can tell a story, or in a n dead earnest. J. H. Cham- tection of property, use of public Mayor and Pres. Campbell of the song, but I am no go "1 at spi 11 hit’.' ■ rt< I the ball rolling by institutions, road, gas, postal fa­ Commercial Club, together with a iug. f run glad to he with \ u and 1 San Francisco to com­ cilities, etc. A vote would not pro­ delegation of the business men of Kreet you. fit. tl transfer of his mill tect her property, since two women the town and the Club members, John 1 1 . iik itubi r lands near Dorena to with no property interests could and not last by any means, the Cot- ‘‘I plead no', ¡nil l Mi: Francisco capitalists who more than anuul her vote by theirs. tage Grove Band, who discoursed ! ested by th 1 1 remarks had a man on the ground There is not a single interest of sweet music. After the men had Veatcli a! on t ity jail, lit • timber and taking women which is not shared by men. What is good for men— what pro­ tects their interests, also protects woman’s. We may look to men to further what in their judgment seem the beBt interests of life and property, and in doiug this they protect both man’s and woman’s in­ terests because they are inseparable. Sitico women have not— for men ! have not— any natural right to yote, and cannot claim it on the ground of taxation without representation, it remains to be seeu whether they can demand it on the ground of ex ­ pediency. The pointing out of benefits always rests with those who demand a radical change in a eys- , tem of government; not pointing i out only, but proving. Wili the franchise extended to women— first benefit the whole community? sec- j oud, gain definite benefits for women, which caunot be obtained j in the existing order of things? The remonstrants to woman s ! suffrage cannot find stated in all the suffragists’ arguments one defi­ nite, certain benefit to result to either state or woman. On what grounds of expediency do the suff­ M ain S, C ragists demand the ballot? First, I that society would gain because climbed from the ram a general )r.d th a cue the whole concern. The woman would reform politics. Tho handshake party \ on, after -gives w . flu olfi < uicern will take charge cause of temperance would Be pro- : ltly and not only enlarge the I moted by their vote. which they marched up Main Street; have been hand all Woman’s but employ many more men. stopping in front of the Commercial watch over us, at K >1 1 voice would abolish war. Second, Club rooms, where a number of the sheriff, i am sun tin uiuy 'It Chambers has in view that women would gain, since the short addrssses were given. Mayor children has never ■> n - for the immediate ballot would be to them an educa­ Veutch in a shprt address of wel If I were to give a tonst it would luture, and we trust that a good tional factor. The problem of come said: ‘ Gentlemen, we greet be to the handsome ladies wo i . p u t of it will interest Cottage woman’s wages would be solved. you, the standard bearers of Port seen aud to tho choicest lot nf child­ Crove people Mr. Chambers be- Would women reform politics? in getting there feet foremost, Let us see! In our country it is not land business interests, we are ren I ever beheld.” rent-tally does. So you can pleased to meet you, we want to A . M. Smith, l'u. ■ have a nearer acquaintance with era Clay Co: "I tell you I am de­ v, t l" see something doing. Continued te 4 th page you, to know each other better, and lighted. Our trip has I < 1 u an ov.c for that reason I extend to you a tion everywhere, an 1 ■ ^'.viSâS&sSSSSSSîjSS most hearty welcome from our busi­ received the most yet. ness men, our ladies, and our happy we are greatly pleased and Winter Millinery children. In the interests of our lighted with y o u i | ----- A T ------ mills, our businees houses, our and we believe yon linn tl mines, our timber resources, and future immediately before y >11 our farming lands, we can interest any town in Southern Oi you, in our mines we have the gold A in w line o f the latest effects in the advanced sea- ready to be handled, awaiting only m i s ha ts. Remodeling and orders given special New Organ Installed the magic baud of capital. I ask attention Reduction on pattern hats. your heartiest co-operation. Gentle­ Salem, i Willamette University, Next door to Post Office men —You have heard lots of hot <>r , Nov. I r Coleman l ’r ■ idi'iit -^VS. E. Meiuingci Ovir Stock will Please holding of the resources of our great state. Our slogan on this to bo in 1. Y ou. - trip is “United Oregon’’ and no in­ dress the meeting of th ministers ol th 1 dividual nor town in the whole to "Our A d . state. / Ralph W. Hoyt: ‘ ‘The financial j scribsrs. 4 ? interests which I represent have an ducted by Pi interest in your mines, we have seen Addresses w< re \r. fine reports and we want to k n o w Coleman nf Will Port more of them. We have had a cor- and Rev Dr Radi : dial welcome all along, in the south­ editor of tbe Pacific 2 ern part of the state we have seen vocate. There was a large titten« Corner M ain (Q. 3rd Street great products of fruits, crops, aud dance of all the minister» f th trict. of mines. Here the mines are the The Vogue UP’to-date All kinds of Hardware— -None PORTLAND MEN MUCH PLEASED b e tte r M ade Griffin & Veaixt) Co. [ 1 IcKibbcn Tu r$ j and f idi $ J l I hats Our Business V HOTEL GRAHAM H e a d q u a rte r s Kor Minins; and Com m ercial Men A. Grauham, Prop. ? ilEMENWAY & BURKHOLDR K I