New Arriva N ew S p r in g S ty le s In Lewis and Clark souvenier spoons at Madsen's. Mrs. Condou aud daughter, Irene loft Friday for a visit at Oakland with her sou. Oat hay $12 per ton, rolled bar­ ley, $1.05 per sack at the Cottage Grove Flour Mill. W. E. Louusbury traveling freight agent of tho Southern Pa­ cific arrived in the city Thursday. George McGilvray is in Roseburg making inspection and general re­ pairs of the Postal telegraph lines. The Ladies Aid society of the Christian oburch was pleasantly en­ tertained at the home of Mrs. W. H. Smith Thursday aftounoou. A delightful time was had. all Leather. Ladies’ Oxfords, all Leather. Next Monday and to noon Tues day April 3rd aud 4th, Dr. Lowe, Eugene's well known oculo-opti cian will lie in Cottage Grove at Hotel Graham. Ladies’ Caps—“The Saucy Susan.” A lit g u a r a n te e d at M ad sen 's. Mona’ Cordon Hats. Mena’ Gordon Caps. Mens' Shoos, all Leather. Ladies’ Shoos, 11 iv ,• y o u r e y e s U m c m J fo r 4 : n* FO R GENUINE VALUES and your money’s w orth you can not find a better place than ours, you are only paying a talr profit when you buy your goods ot us. Our new C lo th ­ ing, D ry Goods, ladies’ and gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods are the latest patterns and styles in the market. The Crystal Consolidated Mining Company has done some good de­ velopment work this winter. After driviug the tunnel ahead and into good ore the width of which was undetermined, the manager instruct­ ed the miners to cross-cut to the walls. In doing so they have opeu- a ledge over twenty feet in width, a G A R D A N , H E M E N W A Y C O . , ¡ ¡ ¡ S handising S ; * great part ol it being good ore The company will soou have sufficient lumber and mine limbers E A K IN & BRISTOW BUILDING sawed, wheu the boiler will be placed in the mill and the reduction of ore will begin. •Something over four feet of mil­ T h e r e ’s NotKing Kiigruvlng done free 011 all goods ling ore is reported in tho breast of purchased at H, Madsen's. the Vesuvius mine and it is said to There will be services at the Pres T o o G o o d Rods, reels, creels, tlys and lines pan well in gold. The Oregon Securities mill has byterion church Sunday morning in quantity at Griffin Ye&tcb Hurd- ] April Fool. , V .»4 been started on ore, only a portion unil evening, preached by the pus- ware store. Î ¿C of tlie stamps will be used until tho tor. Sunday School at 1(1 a. m. Trout fishing commences today. J. I. Jones and F. D, Wheeler ore shoots nre more fully developed. Junior C. E. at 3 p ui Seuior C E. » W. KIME, M. D. 1 at 0:30 p. m. Public cordially in­ Very nearly five inches of rain went to Portland Thursday on a i A .' The people of Cottage Grove will vited. Strangers and sojourners FHYHlil A.N a n il S U R G E O N fell in tlie vnilev during the late business trip. * lia'e on opportunity to hear the always welcome. onte« Mr Furiami Building “ rain spell.” Thursday night a .lance at the University of Oregon Glee and ■_T0vt\ Wynne’» Hardware Store “Remember tbe Sabbath Day to onice Phoney 3 ’ 1 Residence Phone, 336 It is probable the next annual Opera honsu. Friday night “Ton Mandolin Clubs, for these two or­ keep it holy.’’ ■ National Guard eucampnient will be Nights in a Bar Room.” Saturday ganization, after a most successful R. C. G hack . night the University of Oregon Glee held in Portland tour through Eastern Oregon, will Pastor. Club. One continual iound of appear in the opera house tonigh. j J. I \K. B. R. JOB r The quality of goods we use Thos. R. and Harry H. Parker pleasuro. Christian Science Services They have shown three times in and the care exercised in com­ have located the ‘‘Sarah Ellen” ’ 4 W. K. Gillespie, landlord pf the Eugene, Portland, Baker City, La- Iu Woodmen Hall pounding make our prescrip mining claim in Bohemia. ’j >; Imperial hotel, is having the din­ Gruudti, Pumlletou and other priu Sunday, 11 a in. tions good enough. The piano recital given bv Mrs ing-room papered and otherwise cipal low us of the stats, securing Subject, “ Are Siu, Disease and W- H. Abrams on last Saturday was improved; intends to put the hotel tho highest praise in every [dace, Death Real? a very pleasant affair for the pupils in a first clas-. condition for the the musical critic of the Oregonian and the mothers of the young ladies. summer's business. not hesitntiug to say that it is the Fine Stationery BORN best organization of its kind th at! The Richmoud-Medley illustrated The best pies, cakes and fresh JOH NSON— To Mr. and Mrs. B ATTORNKY AT L A W Toilet Articles lias ever been iu Portland. The | bread the county affords, at Park­ concort company arrived home on program includes a number of the1 F. Jobnsou. of Cottage Grove, A OHlre: Y ou n g B uilding, Main Street, West Side. Perfumes March 27, a daughter. er’s bakery. We still have the Saturday last. The young rueu left best college songs, selections from doughnuts like your mother used here some ten weeks ago aud have light and comic, opera, stunts, solos H A R T L E Y — On Monday morning School Supplies bad a successful trip throughout to make to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hartley and duets with club accompani­ the Willamette valley. After a rest a seven pound boy.M itker and ment, and mandolin niUBic, and will Doctor C. C McCormack of they will go on the road again. baby doing nicely. be the same as the one given in Portland and Miss Nina, daughter Oregon is a pretty good state to Portland with the “ Italian Opera oi Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wilkins B e n s o n ’s P h a r m a c y were married at Eugene on Wed­ live in after all. California has Up to-duto” 11 side splitting barles-! P e r fe c t g rH U u a te e g o e s w i t h g la s s e s had floods, washouts and ea tli qun on Italian opera. It will be the | Madsen’s. nesday. C > aj3 Grove. Oregon Miss Rena Baker has resigned quakes this winter and now South­ musical event of the year for Cot- I ern California is covered with snow tage Grove and those who attend | her position as operator at the Just received a carload of flour as tar a San Barnadino and the will enjoy a treat. Telephone Exchange. Her many that must be closed out regardless citizens are throwing snow balls J J JH. K. C MAU Y friends will miss her cheery, of cost. I will sell for cash only at Herbert Kakln for the first rime in years. Bolling disc, spring and spike the following prices. Fi est aent “ number please.” ^ Offlr«': Aw Urey Bulldlug, Main Street reel v T. C. W heeler Quick work on the part ot Geo 1 tooth harrows, steel frame, at Junction City White Rose...... $1.05 C a s h 1er This w e e k a new building has Wvcne Hardware Co. » Bold man prevented what might ; Wilhelms best Harrisburg . . 1 05 been started on South 4th street have been a serious fire. On fin­ Golden Medal Junction Hard near Parker’s bakery, which will, Wheat F lou r........................... 1.15 CAPITAL Bankrupt Stock for Sale. as soon as •completed, be occupied ishing work Thursday evening | about ten o’clock he blew out a 3. R esid en ce phone Main 96 2 church. There will be no services 50 pounds Whole Wheat Walters & Son yesterday brought Call and lie convinced. No trouble ORGANIZED in the evening on account of the Flour......................................... 1.05 COT TAGE GROVE revival services at the Methodist their drive of logs through to El - 1 to show goods or answer questions 1900 O R E G O N 10 pound sacks Graham...... 25 mira. With logs 011 hand at the C. C. H AiLrroN. church. 10 pounds Whole Wheat mill it will give them a total of F lo u r................................... 25 Dr. Kime has changed his resi­ from 1,51x1,000 to 2,000,000 feet to Card of Thanks. 10 pounds Wheat Meal......... 25 ¡Die. J . J. -M 'c n e ie ^ v 'Z " dence. He now lives on the east be sawed this season. The mill, H orsesh o ein g a specialty. 10 pounds Wheat Germea... 30 Wagon and carriage re- side of the railroad track in the which is being thoroughly over­ Mr. G. H. Young and family I I.ICK.NSKDi ing. A ll w ork guaranteed Flour by the ton, per sack . 1.00 house recently occupied by I. H. hauled, will start running in a desire to thank the friends and H a v e your horsesteeth ex- VETER. ARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Oat H ay..................................10.00 un m od an d repaired. Shop Bingham The doctor’s telephone short time. Orders now on hand neigh (x>rs who so kindly assisted KUfiKNK, OKKIION at rear o f lletnenwuy it Flour delivered any place in the B u rk h o ld er's Store :: number is 126. speak for a good business this year them in the sickness and burial of Bangs’ Livery Stahle. Phone Mam city free of charge. Leave your OIlice: Ur.. t luatHof their dear one. the American Veterinary A vigorous protest is lieing made — Guard. orders at B au gh m an ' s Feed store. B -A. I C E I S C has A lbkk t Y oung . Coll« ge of Nw York City againBt the removal of the laud of­ A voiiny fellow was seen to »hoot fice from Oregon City to Portland. aud kill a meadow lark recently. There may be good reason» for its What a pity that the load of shot ; removal, hut from this distance didn’t come out of the wrong end away, we can’ t hear them. of the gun. There is a state law the wild feathered Nightly services are being held protecting at the M. F. clinrch this week. creatures, and that y. f. ought to There is a goodly attendance each be punished to the fullest extent for evening and considerable interest is committing such a depredation.— being manifested. The Rev. Skid­ Oregon Statesman. more is assisting Rev. Moore in the Last Friday evening a social was conduct of the meeting. given by the Epwortb League of The report that a cyclone had the M. Hr church in the Woodmen Btruck The Wave confectionery hall. fA goodty number of members store was only partially true. Up­ and invited friends were present and on investigation Tom Jenkins was all enjoyed themselves in the vari­ found repapering the walls and ous entertaining games until a late painting the woodwork. Tom says hour when refreshments were ser­ it will be a good place to visit when ved, after which the jolly crowd de­ parted for their homes in the hope he gets through. It soothes and heals the inflam ed air p a ss a g e s , sto p s the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FOLEY’S Harry Supple arrived in the city that soon again their wishes might Wednesday from Salem, wher ■ he be iulfilled by another of these HONEY AND TAR contains no opiate* or other harmful drugs, and is sa fest for children and delicate people. has been, since the opening of the social gatherings. R em em ber the name FOLEY’S HONEY ANO TAR and insist Upon h avin g the genuine, a s no other rem edy legislature some months since, em Benanl Trygstadt who has been is so safe or a s certain in resu lts. ployed in the office of the state for a long time mining in Bohemia printer. He expects to return to has taken a vacation and will visit Editor Cured of Lung Trouble. Given Up to Die With Croup. Salem in a week or so meanwhile Minnesot», Illinois mid other states. W . L . Straub, Editor of St ■ . tir,; (Fla.) Times, writes: will rest and visit friends He exi- ct* to bo away about twoj Mrs. P. I. Cordier, ol Mannington, K y ., writes: “ My three-year “ When cooing aero o n P o rt I *in|,r ! g o t wet aad caogfeto old girl had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live The farmers in the Siuslaw months. He has this winter lieen col l ‘ hat affect..( n • . , . it, thinking I would and 1 gave her up to die. I went to the store and got a bottle of toon recover, but I kept i: :tmg . I hm. ,ht a bottle of F o l e y ’ a country (Lorane post office) are working at the Riverside property F w le v ’ e H o n e y anrl T a r . The first dose gave quick relief and which be states is looking very tine, H o n e y and T a r, and it cured m >. completely. saved her life.” seriously considering the proposi­ tion of reviving the fall fair which the ore body l>eing more than the Three siies— 25c, 50c, J1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half tim - ;e, much as the >• ,11 site and the until the past few years, they were width of the tunnel. He .says the j tunnel is now in over 1010 feet and $1 00 bott.e almost sis times as much. Refuse Substitutes. accustomed to hold. Its a good idea and with the in that about six or eight weeks more creased population of recent yaars the c o n tra c t will lx- finished which ____ SOLO AM RECOMCHDEO BY would probably be more successful will make the total length 1200 B e n s o n ’s P h arm acy, C o tta g e Grove, O regon feet. (ban before. Pacific Timber LEADERS SUNDAY AT THE CHLRCHFS t When ? You are î Sich.. i Zt A i General Blacksm¡thing