Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, March 25, 1905, Image 1

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    Cottage Crove
C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 25, 1905.
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N O . 49
m atter up and press it to a Bucceas-
attorney could a ■ rice
M f an »Kiln :
ful issue.
by advwe*wf his fitto fn ev M edley X
The differouce in trade betw een
: Johnson, he "changed b is p’ e.i to
the present time and two years ago
g u ilty and was fined $10 aud L' >sts
apparent to every wholesaler and
w hich ag[gregated
Drunken Brawl Near Roseburg May was paid.
C°P1 * m » „ I M ,
# * Portland
. Jrl'bi-*». y..s >nnsiderable feel!
Resuit In Woman's Death.
ask your
jqhgctnli'fll fl t-Vyr this affiair. 1’ill!. ies
Freight Rates.
i ely in obtaining a reduction in the
; w ho were near the hom e o f k l : la ­
'• freights on the products m anufact­
.son atatsd th e children were c\ in
R oseburg, March 21 .— Mrs. L.
ured here as set forth in the resolu-
tiiiu ally abused
.The father ■ tated
The follow ing are the resolutions tions.
Dnm bletou was shot in the stomach lie w ou ld send the Lfcy to
adopted by the Commercial C lu b of
■» ■
near the navel nod perhaps fatally foi U 1 si bool,
It js difficult lo de-
C ottage G ro ve at a m eeting held
Party Germs.
injured by Isiou Vial at W in ch ester,: tet m i n t i n t ’ fhj-re in this ca se? but
a flag station on tho Southern Paci- frequently we find tin- paren'-i arc
March ISth, 1905 :
Partisanship began early. We
tic, five miles north of here, ut noon the Julies wjio need reform ing. .
W hereas it is apparent that the think of Jacksou as the beginner of
Vial, iu company with Will
TllerHc.v* »rifused i to g o home
H ariiinan system of railroads is not our violent party system, but, al-
1 N oltv and a man mimed W hitcw ood, with his fa lse r and Q auie W arden
doiDg all that m ight <■
douo to though ^ie did give it sudden devel-
all more or less intoxicated, entered 1 Baker took hint to his home in the
turther and build up industries iu ; opment, the germs of it began as
the Dubleton house on V ia l’s iuitiu- city,
the state of Oregon.
V e know soon as W ashiugtou dropped the
live and while there a quarrel sp ran g
, m ,
this to be a fact as regards tic ter- iieim. It lay, hardly understood, in
u p between Vial and his wife, w ho
ritury in and about C ottuge G rove, tkte very nature of the newly created
separated ubout a week ago. Mrs
Wm. l.andess Administrator.
1 he rate o f freight now made
I governm ent, which was a series of
lumber, p ilin g and poles bom this checks and balances built on funds-
\ ial tried to leave the room, but
F o llow in g closely upon the death
Inasm uch as the people o f C o ttage G rove demand and are en section is so high as to prohibit the m entally opposed conceptions. It
was caught and held by her bus- 0f K ca D avenport some w eeks ago,
Her scream s summoned Mrs. o - e >F,,lar | w as appointed
selling of or reaching the market.- was a com prom ise, aud each party
itnin- ' titled to know our position ou m unicipal affairs we declare:
D ubleton to her assistance, mid on \ trator ubb *r e s tif
materl“ 1- I his tact to the arrange,non t was sure to press
1 . For the enforcem ent of all laws and a sou,a re deal for everv | f o r ‘ ’j18
together w ith the exorbitant freight jt„ advantage to the utterm ost wheh
the escape of Mrs. Vial. Mrs. Duble- I R ,.„nn ’:j her p o th e r , C h arles j
ton ordered Vial to leave the house.- F la isk e y A nie- iVom his hom e in ! man.
charges made on all classes of goods 1 iu pOWer. No sooner hud W ashing-
H e draw a pistol and shot. The M innesota and petitioned the qcmrt j
i -F all n g that the question of saloon or no saloon has beeu sot- shipped into this territory not only ton. with his superiority to party
bullet, enti lin g the left side of the to recind its action and appoint led k>> ; h - Vi » o s o f the two precincts entering C ottage G rove we aequi- |is a great burden t u t prevent the laid dow n the Presidency, than his
stomach came out o ver the hip. W m . Landes« instead .•
is ,, in this division, but shall insist, on enforcem ent of the ordinan- j natural grow th and b u ild in g up of unoartialitv was looked upon as
boue. ¡She wil. probably recover
this section. Boffire the railroads stran ge by the extrem ist on either
Tile petition was gVHUled by c-efc» ujJion this su bject.
1 V ial, W hitewood and N olly arc in Judge C h nsm an and M iuartl re-j
favor the passage of an ordinance p ro h ibitin g the play in g raised the freight latcs and when „idc. Listen to the words in which
custody of Sheriff M cClellan, of moved aiid L agd essap p o itited ,. g iv ­
the com m unity was prosperous ami Johu Adam « expresses the difference
of cards or nnv other gam es of chance by minors in cigar, confectionary pr
Douglus county. They immediately in g lew ts in "the s u ^ o f $0400, I
grow in g the Portland jobber sold between his mteuse prejudices and
gave themselves up.
us goods in large quantities : liiore- ;qs predecessor s universal fairness,
Wm, A t.R ru b o svt ,1# -fu rtiy, W . «. I
fore be it
"W ash ington ,” hosays, “ appointed a
Ohrisman, Iw H . V eittch and J. Iv. [ ganirtt are p lay e d .
R esolved , that this body request m ultitude of Dem ocrats and Jacob-
— We mo in favor of all needed im provem ents both to the
O slrauder appraised the property
Have Faith in Men.
ers, T h y probable value o f the streets and w ater systems, aud declare most em phatically for honesty in tlie Portland jobbers to us:> t l n i r j j :,» of the deepest dye. I have been
influence with the R ailro >1 i*o:u- more eaulious in this resp ect.”
The new management of the estate is about $1200.
construction and economy in expen ditures.
Plilies-to reduce the freight r a t e s \u i.o , that word “ cautious,” to say
Southern Pacific has brought about
— w re favor any and every proposition that will advance the
on products that can bo shipped the leaA
And Jefferson, speaking
several innovations that are pleasin g
moral, lu le il.c le a . aud com m ercial interests of C ottage Grove.
from MiiH territory and to socur. a 0f uep tism aud appointm ents for
M T ils Käthe;1 :.e TrevRte.
to the men employed in the several
lower freight rate on goods 'o lo for peisoual reasons, w rote: ‘ ‘ Mr.
Sign ed,
departm ents and to the travelin g
Thé Ladles ^irélé, W. f) tv.' have i
O . O. V E A T C H , for Mayor.
1 shipped into this territory.
V lam.- degraded himself infinitely by
public generally. One of the latest arranged lor a spKupiid entertain- \
R esolved , that a committue he Ins conduct nu this subject, as G e n ­
A . H. K IN G for Recorder.
changes, announced tint a few days m en to n n -\t Mem.',.', evening a t 1
appointed to take this matter up eral W ashington has done himself
H E R B E R T E A K IN , for Treasurer.
ago, is that of abolishing the bonds Opera ho
I with the Portlan d jobbers
! to the greatest h o n o r.”
ot conductors ru un iug ou the li es
I hoy h a y i secu^ied the pioh I
For Alderm en: — F irst W ard, W- A. H O G A T E p Second Wuwl F
report to this body thu result - of nevertheless, was almost as m uch of
of the company in O regon. The of Mi*} M yrfl
Trevitto upon that j p, W H E E L E R ; T hird Ward, M A R IO N V E A T C H .
I their efforts in secu rin g tin jobbers 1111 extrem ist us Johu Adam s. He
passougcr conductors hove been occasion.
, influence.
represented one of two conflicting
notified by the company that here,
The Indy has if national reputation j
R lsolveo , that this body use its truths. Adauis another, and W ash­
after no bonds w ill be required for ns a rc id ci amt im personatori utid t
■ influence aud do what it can lo ington alone represented b o th .—
the faithful performauc. of d uty, the event ¡noifiises to lie one of the I
help this and other sections of the Colliers W eekly.
and as a result ills gentlemen ho ld ­ best evei pre.-ent -l in the c jty i
For m ayor, T . K . C am p bell; lor recorder, F . H . R osenberg; lo r
State to free them from the burden
in g those positions wtl! uot be re-
’Jlia'T ^-.'# . i ' a - i l * 1 n l iv u »ays; treasurer, H e tb ert E a k in . C ouncilm en: is t w ard, W A . H ogate; 2nd o f unjust railroad freights.
11 Hired to expend a portion of their Mi&vTri-iiHH icri tfre t ' a
Meetings at M. E. Church.
ward, l f D W h ee ler; 3rd ward. Marion Y e a tch .
C ottage G huve , O re., Mar. ib, ’05
sa.ati -a to pay the premiums on M m of superior
tgy.’elicn ce— an artist
T h e special services w ill continue
D e a r S i b :-— H erewith is enclosed a
bonds as 111 the past.
The conduct- whose work Wilt thnroilghfv enjoyed
copy of a resolution adopted by tin | all n ex t w eek at the M. E . church,
ors running on the com pany’s hues — e v e n uuiubci tmeoved. Adm iss­
Com m ercial C lu b and busit.c » nu n b egin n in g on S u n d a y n ext. On
in this state an a fine lot of g en tle­ ion 2d
of Cottage G rovo and we would ask M onday even in g the R ev. J. H .
men and of • uch standing as to pre 1
that you uho your good offices ale:
Skidm ore w ill preach. Som e o f the
elude auy suspj, m as to their hon­
one is, and should be the concern of a ll;— that e ve ry man, be he rich the lines set forth with the railroad best serm ons ever listened to in Ore-
.Gael j . âkoig date
esty. Tim conductors are grateful
or poor ¡.possessed of a m ansion or the hum ble ow ner of a house and compuuies.
! gou have been from Mr. S k id m o re ’s
for this mark of confidence reposed
F uiloivin v tTie I nng sjid l o f til -,
W e bare appealed to the rail."-::!: effort-,
A good.
w arm h earted ,
lot; Whether he has a dollar to invest, or is o u t in th e strength o f hon ­
in thorn by the m anagem ent of the weather whicu hn o prévalu d .tilt*
ourselves w ithout being able to ob | sch o la rly, gospel preacher. H e w ili
com pany.— Albany Herald.
grò iter part of i.Ue w inter. Ipis come
tain roliof and our only chance .
spend nine days assisting in the
tue rains, no* too mu :1, tliQi far as curs w ith the utterance o f the loadin g A m erican cifi/en, that every ask you alon g with the other job w ork. A ll w ill be w elcom e.
That he should exp ect no more — bers of Portland to render us what |
I the slteam s ai 11io low for the fluat- man i ; en titled to a ‘ ‘square d e a l.”
F r a n k L . M o o r s ,
Arrested for Whipping Son.
tug of. lo gs./b o ffn p itig I nds were that he should have no less. Iu thiM. we base our claim and ask for the assistance yo u can.
On T u e sd ay m orning J.
M and are ¡»til:
i«cd o f iViii;.'
Uoui -l sup port o f all who c.r.i ooncientiously co ue under a banner t ’«us
We cite you the follow ing figures:
H anson w ho lives about a m ile
l u t e e in oei MÌiit.u.ies h k-
Money Under False Pretenses.',
From Portland From Situ Francisco j
and a halt south o f town w as by hernia and b in Rive: minii.-;, «hs- inscribed.
Tickets and Platform for Consideration of
the Voters
com plain t o f M arshal U nderw ood
arrested lor m al-treating his U
yea r old son.
Justice V a u g h n issued the papers
aud the m arshal made the arrest
aud H anson pleail not g u ilty but
asked time to see a law yer, w hich
w as gran ted.
W itnesses were brought to town
b y Constable A tk in s and the trial
was jiostponed until the district
P la tfo rm .
144 miles to Cot-
miles to sau [
tricts snow is iilh u g and the hist
Minimum «if5* Ur#VK
Gam »<
S e c t io n i . — W e b elieve in the m aintenance o f the law s o f the
. reports a c , that over three f ct . f
Minimum m
*• e.-nt»
snow e m e u I toe 1 S
is state, and those enacted b y our m un icip ality. W e believe that law s •turdwarn
•• , i. -
much needed >n ile
p i c a as it that re w orth »prending upon the records ol th e ita t e or a m unicip ality, Mdry'li!",‘.i»"
...... .
remains on »a. ground la.' and f irn arc worth o b servin g until such a time as they shall be found un w h ole­
islics water luring tie- itrycr mottibs-
some or in adequate, 111 the m atter o f fu rth erin g th e best interest» of j The San F rancisco linns eqiraii/.-.-
the freigh t rates with us aud a good
good governm ent.
L ic e n s e
I deal of the trade which righ tfu lly
O at ' M y 'S is per t i n , rolled bar­
. . .
1 belongs to Portland is g o in g to San
ley, $r ,05 p*r saotr at the Cottage
S kc
2 l nder the present local option law , license should ,c • Francisco and wo consider it u-i much
G rove F lo u r ,A lili.
g r a n 2d to saloons, in accordance w ith the provisions therefor, and , p, yo u r
benefit as ours to take this
shouai be regu lated h.y the C ity C oun cil, iu the m anner already pre-1 —
— —
E n fo r c e m e n t of L a w
«EC 3 — T h a t inasm uch as good governm ent is founded upon
he w h >leoo:U2 respjet for tli2 la w s o f the p e o p le , enacted by the peo­
ple. for the people, therefore w e believe that the la w s o f the state and
the ordinances o f a m u n icip ality should be observed.
F ra n k S. Moore, principal o f the
E u gen e Business Collpge is again
in tr; lb e
N ot long ago ilis w ile
u e .lf o r divorce and now com es
his sister from Iow a and has him
arrested for obtain ing m oney uuder
false pretences, she claim in g she
loaned him #300 for a short tim e
upon his statem ent he had stock in
1 d ivid en d
p ayin g m ine in Blue
■— —
G o o d C itizen sh ip .
S t » c . 4 — G ood citizen sh ip is the base upon w hich all perm anent
and good governm en t for ali the people for all the time m ay be founded.
T herefore, we believe in good citiz.ensbip. W e b elieve that it is "the
dutv ot the officers o f r m un icipality to encourage it, not only by their
own acts, p ublic and private, but that they should lend a helping hand
in stim ulatin g the gen eral m oral gro w th th rou ghou t our city and our
O u r Y o tin s M a n h o o d .
« e c . 5.— it has been apparent for m any m ouths that, while we
do not ad m it the w orst, we h ave open o p portu n ity for im provem ent in
the status o f the yo u n g m anhood of our city . T h e re is m any a prom is­
ing boy, b rig h t in intellect, stro n g in physique, w ith every native in ­
gredient that go to m ake up the staunch A m erican citizen , seclu ding
him seil and his native ab ility in the backgro u n d o f besm irched and
tram pled environm ent: W e ,ap|>eal to every m other and lather, to
every individual w ho b elieves that th e destin y of o ur country
upon the moral and p h ysical r*reu»'b M A m erican m anhood
effort lie spared to
j l e .t the youth o f o ar c ity against the vie
oftimes throw n in the p ath w a y o f the yo u n g.
C ity Im p ro vem en ts.
Our Own Free Delivery Wagon.
Phene Main No. 43.
Corner Main * i<j River Sts., if t , W
---------- ~ »
of BrWja
T ii r
- A tV.i ; that is worth d o in g is worth doing Well.
matter of
the im provem ent o f our c ity in tb
e wi believe
c . ; b u t as a city, we are confronted with »grave .
vate system .
s trw t
respbrrsibilitiv' in thu-* p rovid in g w avs and means bv w hich these im ­
provem ents iriav ;
O ur c ity is already under the burden nf a.
hooded lr.debt-dne»-,
Thi-retore we adm onish that the lu ip ro v .iu e u t-
1 • otjtltiu- d oil second p a g e .»
Have ine Best Shoes: