COTTAGE GROVE LEADER COTTA6E G*OV€ OREGON PUBLISH fci> KV Kiwi S A T I R I ) A Y LKAPKK BY TUB P U B L IS H IN G CO M PANY Entered al the O tta *? Prove post-.fllce a* uud-< U*s matter. S U B SU K IlTlO N RATES Une Year .* H i Months . J“Uretre Mouth« II i»ai«l . . - iu r iv a lic e . If ernor for a day. The Coloradiana ' in tlieae part« who have kept watch ¡o f the proceeding!» of the state leg­ islature- regard the action as an out- ra^< I f Peabody could not establish a | better rights to the governorship. i have remained, # 1 -J . - but *how that Governor Attain* haa beeu 2 ouated and Jiui Peabody made G ov­ . .. vj not so pakl a tniforrn rate of f-¿.uo per year «rill be charged. A dvertising r a le « made known on applicati«»!! CLUBBING LIST The columns of the Leader are o|e> to the platform or statements of the candidate s. Tell the people where you stand on the general issues. The Laue County L e a d e r f o r o n e The complaint that womau is en­ year, and any of the following publi* •' ition for one year, for the price set croaching upon man’s rightful field opposite : of work seems to be justified. Tbe Boston Globe finds there are in tbe New York Tribun.* Furnier *1 75 Tuledo W eekly Blade .... . . 1-15 United States 550 female carpenters, Portland Weekly Oregoniau 2.SÙ Portland Weekly Jouru tl ü ^ w 130 wood choppers, 200 black­ Portland Semi-Weekly Journal smiths, 170 brick and stone masons, San Francisco Call ............. ‘¿.\n San Francisco Kxanun> r 3,500 iron and steel workers, 40,- Sunset Mamuiue, Sau Francisco ¿ mo Out Wevt, Los Angeles . . 2.5 m 000 boot and shoe makers, 180 en­ gineers and 600 machinists. No S A T U R D A Y ........... MARCH Is, 1906 wonder the number of male cooks are iucreasing and that our big city streets are lined with the signs of C O TTAG E G HOVE L E A D E R men forced iuto the polite vocation With this number, the dshi « un­ of ladies tailoring. der Which this paper has so loug been known and published has been lust to Make You Think. dropped aud that of Cottage Grove The coustaut plodder wins out in Leader has beeu substituted. i t has been thought by the man­ time. agement that the name of Lane County Leader did not sufficiently localize tbe paper as the county is of great size; larger 10 area than some states. Cottage Grove has taken tbe po­ sition of being tbe second city in the couuty and as the paper is publish­ ed here it seemed advisable to give it the name. I t will be the aim of tbe Cottage Grove Leader to assist in the advan­ cement and upbuilding of tbe city and surrounding country. W hile ad are proud of Lane couuty, Cottage Grove is that portion of it which is of immediate interest to the major­ ity of the readers of the Leader and for its patrons the pa|>er will strive to he of benefit. Oue of the best growing crops is a hank account. Try it aud watch the growth. Some women do more harm by gossiping thau the preacher can off­ set by preacliiog. NORMAL NOTES. BUSINESS NOTICES Mr. and Mr». Brown vieited Lewis aud Clark gouvenier apoous Iloseburg over Saturday and Sun­ at Madsen's. day. A few choice Black Minorca Miss Susie Hedden, who has been very sick lor the past aix w«-ks, ia cockerels tor sale. Inquire of Mrs. J. S. Benson. St again able to be out. When you want plumbing or tin Rev. Wire of Eugene and presid­ ing elder of the M. E. church was work done remember that Griffin & Co. will do right. visiting bis son Tuesday. Bolling disc, spring aud spike The enrollment for tbe year will exceed two hundred sixty, and pros­ tooth barrows, steel frame, at pects for next year are showing up Wynne Hardware Co. well. Wagonmaking, blacksniithiug Mr Waiter Smith of Tin-pot last and general repair work at J. H. a Drain and Normal visitor was Baker’s shop. E very guarantee of tl Monday. Walter will soon re-entar good workmanship given. school. You can’ t afford to use a poor Mr. Starks has purchased the Mc­ plow. Oliver Chilled Plows are the Alister hotel and is now prepared right kind. Sold complete or in to attend to the wants of the hungry duplicate parts by Wynne Hardware and weary. Co. How about that early spring gar­ Tbe boys have organized a de­ bating club and are being regularly den? Make work a pleasure with a drilled in preparing and delivering Planet Jr. band planter and culti­ vator. W e have hoes, rakes and argument. spades. Wynue Hardware Co. The school is preparing an ex­ The Leader office is prepared to hibit of tweuty varieties o f wood, nicely polished, as a part of tbe turn ont the very highest class of commercial job printing. We Lewis and Clark exhibit. guarantee satisfaction. The good looking member of the »2 25 lap robes reduced to $1.5(1; faculty was called upon by Cottage Grove Hebbecas last Saturday, all $2.50 mackintosh robe reduced to enjoyed tbe visit— call again friends. $1.70; fine $1.50 rubber plush lap robe reduced to $3.25 at Comer’s A reception was tendered Miss harness shop. Call of the Training Department, in Its the firm now of Milne & B a­ honor of her (?) biithday— a very pleasant time marked the even­ ker, Mr. L. W. Baker having pur­ ing. chased an interest in the real «-state business of J. S; Milne, office at Mrs. White of Cottage Grove re­ turned home Tuesday after a weeks Opora House building. Did you ever count the number visit with her daughter, who is When you pay in udvunce your of persons iu your towu that have teaching in the Training Depart­ subscription to the Leader, ask for ' gone to jaii through drink and ment a free one-year subscription to the 1 gambling? | Pacific Tree ami Vine— the bent Bishop Moors of the M. E. church farm, poultry aud livestock journal lectured on the Jsp-Russisn war. W e call it innocence when ou: on the Pacific Coast. Free with boy does it. I f it is our neighbor’s Tbe Bishop was an eye witness to the Leader if paid in advance. the battle of Chemulpo and very child we call it downright cussed- graphically described the destruc­ ness. tion of the Russian battle ships. All Suppose the world should, for at enjoyed the lecture very much. • t o * . U >. s o s jh u d h .a l> lu a < ( I little time, cease exploiting material The enrollment continues to in results and look to motives o f act­ crease, a good healthful tone per­ ion aud effects upon character. vades the school, end many inquiries A T H R E E T IC K E T S IN F IE L D Some cities can afford only on | Some people put it o ff till tomor­ are coming from tbe east regarding Scholarship in Eugene Business municipal ticket; some two, bu j row. while a drop o f oil put on the the school and surrounding country. College for sale. Special price. A p ­ The attack on the schools of the Cottage Grove never behind in any door binge would stop that creaking ply at Leader office, or write. matter, has the distinction of having that you have been kicking about slate is already bearing unwhole­ ---------- — —---------- 4 some fruit as the Commercial Club three tickets from which to select its ; for a month. Good LaundryService is receiving inquires as to what the servants for the ensuing year. Ac­ state means by the attack. cording to the statements of those i The Fisher Laundry Co. of Somehow it is so easy to help a who placed them iu nomination “ a ll! lady to passthrough a heavy swing­ Eugene have established and agency good and true men,” so that in any I ing door, to alight from a street car at Ostrander's barber shop. These FOLEYS HONESTAR, Rare Chance LONDON ITFMS . «• n t l i e nilvr •«* enfr. 1905 Spring Ladies Shirt Waists _________ AND- Shirt Waist Saits. Latest Styles and Fabrics have arrived Thu Week -A T - L U R C H ’S rr HAY! HAY WE HAVE ONE HUNDRED TONS OF FANCY O AT H AY S 12.00 P e r Ton | 85c . 2c Cracked Corn, per bushel. Oil Meal, per pound.......... Ail. Other Feed at Our Usual L ot Pricesl W H E A T . B A R L E Y A N D O A T S for seed at the mill and at the warehouse by the depot. WARTUNG & HANSEN1 H A R D W A R E io urnw tue lire out of a burn, or | •uuui timers tor mineral water, he heal >- cut without leaving a rx-ar, C is away behind with orders. nsel) W itt's Witch Hazel Salve. ?i| The timber cruiser, Mr. Peter Or- pale c for plies. Get the genuini '. pus, was in London looking after J. L. Tucker, editor of the H'tmuvu- !*er, Centre, Ala., writes: 1 ha ve N O T SO V E R Y HAD. the timber interests of the railroad used DeWItt’s Witeli Hazel Salve It How to Get Rich in an Egg Shell. company. W e learn tbe railroadland ray family for Piles, cuts ujsl bur us. Cottage Grove seems to be get­ l>o you oft long to be a fine million­ is on the market again; this will give It is the best salve on txje mar'set. ting its full share o f uoterity re­ aire when Every family should keep W on hat id A SPEC IA LTY You’re noor. but too haughty to land aud homeseekers a chance to Sold by The Modern Pharmacy. cently and some people have the locate. beg? impression that it is a rather tough Well, go to a neighbor nod borrow a town. W . A. Stearns and A. E. Smith of lie u. W ith a little reflection however Oakland, Ore., came over to Loa- And ask for tile use of an egg. it w ill be seen that nothing has oc­ Now’ next place the hen and the egg don to buy up a lot of draft horses curred here for a long time, at least and looked at a pair belonging to on n nest, that is out ol the ordinary, or that Where tlie pullet will work out the John Small which just suited them, trick; does not happen in other cities o f but they just suited Mr. Small so he For it^lie’s the talent her manner* kept them himself. I f we hod a few its size. attest It is true the saloon question has She'll shortly hatch out a email horses to sell mouey would be been freely discussed and possibly plenty. The man fartherest from chick. the reports concerning these and market is the one who has nothing take the lien back to her own­ A ll dlae&sor other matters have been, owing to Then ers to sell. Ë ia d d sr nn” K id n ey s, next duy the energy o f the correspondents As lost a « your trotters will peg; The citizens of London and vicin­ and news gatherers given more im­ And when your own chick ts tiegtn- D rowv*V** 0 U « a « ò ? a v J ì ity met at London house and organ­ Dropsy, F ¿nxjtie Troubles. N o nlng to lay portance than the circumstances You can houestly take back the ized a telephone company, to build would really call for. become dlecouraged There Is a egg- a telephone line from George Suth­ H F ,1' r you. I f neceeearj w rit* Dr le a s e r Since the perfect Stove-Pipe Fastener lias A short time since a woman o f ia spent a l i f e Unit, curium j " M id i erland's place to Cottage Grove, to Thus set up in business the rest 1 “ n as jours. A ll consultations Free. the town was either killed or else lieen in the market. Call and sec it at be known aa the farmer's line. It snap, A gravel lodged In my bladder A fte r she committed suicide, all ¿he tes­ M IL L E R ’S N E W .A ND S E C O N D H A N D For your chick w ill have chicks of is estimated it will oost about three * . nga few bottles o f Dr. Fenner*» Kidney timony so far adduced points to , id Backache Core I parsed a gravel half as her own; STORE. It is easily attached and insures .arge as a marble. The medicine prevented the latter. I f she took her life it is And the chicks of these chicks will hundred and fifty dollars without further form ation« 1 was cured. ’phones. S S Sbortridge is circulating hatch other chick's chicks, W. T. OAKES, urrlx, Va. 1 safety. only what is likely to happen at a subscription paper and is program If you let them severely alone. Druggist*. SOc., tl. Ask fo r Cook b o o k -F r — . . Look for the Football “ Hooters” —they any time among her class of people. sing nicely ; this is a move itx N ot long since John Fletcher either Vnd when all the chicks of these - : - L , j : ------J--- ------- J — make more noise than a boiler factory. *• 1 ° Fenner, Fredoms.N Y j right direction and will re *'^ ._ a chicks have hatched chicks. •«va attempted to taxe his life or an at Sold by theSlO D E R h P H 4 H MACY And these chicks have hatched long felt want in this COtr ion^ ty tempt by another party was chickens in turn. ! i ______ _ V ekita ? . made to murder him. So far the You can sell out your farm, like a thousand of bricks. evidence points very strongly at l*o rtla n d M a r k e t Q u o ta tio n s . And revel in money to burn. Silk Crp;ri|< items John Hranton as the would be as- M aim 11 17, 1005b sasin aud be is under arrest and I Then you'll blow into Newport, and D. A . Est^ s anr [.TRY, BTC . Harry M axwell, to have the laws more thoronghly I tenor soloist. Eggs, ranch....................... 25 McBain's Carbolic Compoo nd, enforced than they have been in " Eastern...................... 3 4 sold by the W ynne Hardware a >m- the past BCTTEK " Ü n \ K M I ,r,sN MINERS A N D LOGGERS S U P P L IE S pany is the stuff to spray your tl ees Extra creami ry................... I2y(-27V, Such things as people committing Don't drug the stomach to cure n suicide cannot be prev.uted. hut I cough. One Minute Cough Pure cuts and vines with. There is no b oil- Fancy creamery.................... » 900*33% HERCULES POWDER. FIRE CAPS there are already enacted, laws which j tbe mucus, draws the intlamatlon ing or cooking necessaty. Y ou Dairy.................................. . 17frr20% AGRICULTURAL IM P L E M E N T S POVI.TEY. i f enforced are sufficient to properly i out of tlie throat, lungs and bronloal simply take from 25 to 40 gallt ms SPORTING GOODS, CUTLERY A o f water, according to strenth 1 de­ Chickene ......... ............... llfri 11J» govern and conjrol the affairs of tnls's, heals, soothe* and curl's I quick cure for Croup and Whooping Springs...... ........................ . 12-121, FISHING TACKLE sired, mix with one gallon o f CO. -n the city. In the coming election Cough. One Minute Cough Cure re- Broilers........... ................. 12',-13 AMMUNITION for city officers it is for the voters 1 Sieves a cough cure In one minute tie- pound and apply with a spn 16X and uudone them. that will be news to All kinds ol engraving Madsens. ut H. PLUMBING DR. FENNER’S , KIDNEY and / Backache C IR E MINERS’ S U P P L IE S Sto\ r6 S , ARMS FARM r TOOLS J f in w a r e PIPER a V ANDENBURG M o r e W ir e s ST. V I T U S ’DA N C E C. Jv M IL L E R , M ain St., near Bridgfi D. C. Baughman MY, GRAIN, FlOn and MILL 0* j Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Griffin & Veatch /