Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 18, 1907, Image 3

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Items of Interest in and about
Cottage drove and vicinity.
Coll for Parker'a broad.
Mrs. Toctor of this city went to
Mrs. A. N. Davidson wns in tlio
city Saturday on a tihort visit.
Those wlio have doponded on
Porker for pantry always go again.
O. P. HofT, State labor commls
Hioncr, was in the city Wednesday.
W. J. Kirk.rclurnod to the (Jrovo
to remain at homo during the holi
days. C. M. Mohn of CoUno Grove
was icgistcrcd at an Albany hold
this week.
All now pictured, nevor bolore
kIiowu here, at Armory next Friday
(Irinin & Watch will givo away
a tnrkov Xmas. For particulars
sco their ad.
Miss Clara Van Uiper of Portland
in in the city the guost ol her Bister
Mrs. 1). J. Kcholl.
Fruit cake and any other cake
for the holidays should be ordered
nt Parker's now.
Jf you want to buy or w-ll nn.v klml
of propi-rty, cither ri-iil or pitm.iihI,
llsi it with K B. Phillips.
W. S. Hawkins and John F.
Woodward were in Fugenc Satur
day attending to bmincsH.
Don't forget to sin Richiuond'H
Turner's moving pictures ai lluv
Armory next Friday night.
The chicken uupper to bo given
by tho CotholicM at tho Armory
next Thursday will bo a great feast.
Phil Prady of Louisville, Ken
tucky, is visiting his brother (itne
Brady ol the Mo.b rn Pharmacy.
Parker, "the bake oven man" can
inaka wedding cuke everybody
knows. Try him on a Christ man
Superintendent Fischor of the
Drown Lumber Co. made a quick
trip to Portland aud return Mon
day. S. P. Shute, publisher of tho
Drain Noupareil visited the chicken
Un,..liw Iu. nlan lllllld 111,
Nugget oflice n pleasant call.
That beautiful cake in Poarce
Bros.' window will be rallied olT on
tho evening ol the lyth inst. Ask
for particulars.
If tho best service aud glasses
arc nono too good, consult Dr.
Lowe now at Hotel Oregon. He
loaves Thursday night.
Iting'H Little Ltver Fills waki up
lazy liver, clean tho system and clear
the Hkin. Try! hem for liillloiisuess
and side h"adaho. I'l lco 25 cents.
Sold by New F.ra- drug store.
Judge Chrisman took the oppor
tunity of shaking haDds with his
many frionds in this city on tho
occasion of the visit to the (Love
by tho lugoue Commercial Club,
Indications are that tho masque
rade ball nt tho armory Christmas
night will be tho most brilliant
gathering of the kind ever held in
Cottngo Grove.
"Wanted" a Wife; Black and
White; A Father's Honor; Dog
Smugglers. Richmond Moving
Ficture Co. at Opera House, Fr iday,
Dec. 20.
Dr. Lowe, the optician is now at
Hotel Oregon to remain till Thurs
day night. Consult him about
your eyes and glasses at once as he
won't bo back for !J months.
Mrs. M. Zenger of Portland, who
with her little son has been staying
hero at tho sanitarium, returned
homo Thursday, tho latter having
much improved in health.
F. J. Hard is in Roseburg pro
testing with the Forest Reserve
officials of the service, who cause
delays and much extra expense in
securing patents to mining claims,
Prof. Ford, the dancing teao'ier,
wont to Cottago Grove today to or
ganize a class. He will make reg
ular trips there from Roseburg this
winter. lleview.
J. W, Baker says he is not the
owner of the bird called a cross be
tween a China pheasant and a bun
tain, also that there are not even a
Bjmptom of a ci-obs about the bird,
it is a straight bantam.
County Clork Lee his completed
tho summary of tho Lane county
assessment roll for 1907, and it
shows a total gross valuation of
properly in the county of $18,871,
!80 which is nn increase of $3,304,-
WO over that of l0fl.
It will lx untmccHMiiry for you to go
through it jmlnful, expensive opera
lion for piles If you use ManZan. Put
up In colhiiHllil tulio with noz.lo to iiiiy to tho Horenens and In
Humiliation. I 'or nn.v form of piles,
price IK) cents, nuariinti'od. Sold by
New lira (lru Htore.
John II. llartog is a quiot unas-
uming gcutlouion, lis groat Inter
est in what he undertakes is shown
by every move. Tho Eugene boost
ers havo found tho right man for
the place and all Lano county will
be benefited by this man's efforts
among us.
J. B. Fggin, Supcrintoudent of
the Sunrise mining property on
Adams Mountain, Bohemia, camo
out from camp Saturday and will
remain with his family in Ivugeue,
over the holidays. Mr. F'gin re
ports the indication of a new ledge
in a cross-cut they have been run
ning and says iho whole property is
looking fine.
I !er l.nxotivo Cnngh Syrup tor
coiihIih, eolild, croup nnd whooping
eutiirit i'I-owh in favor Uailv with
.voiinu an. I old. Mothers Hhoilld keep
it on Ikim.1 for children. It Is prompt
relief to eroup. It U gently laxative,
driving the poison and phlegm from
thoHyHtem. It in a Hlmple remedy
that glvcH immediate relief, guaran
teed. Sol. I by New Km drug Htore.
Mr. Richmond has gone to con
siderable expense purchasing a new
Moving Picture Machine, new pict
ures mid Illustrated Sous, which
will be shown at the Armory on
next Friday, December 20. Every
one knows what these entertain
ments are, and the admission Is so
small nobody can afford to miss it.
Only I5 and 25 cents.
(irifi'm & Voalch Co. beg to an
nounco to their frionds and patrons
tlwt a now and up to date stock of
Community silver ware, nickle
plated copper ware, Cattaraugus
colliery and many other valuable
articles have been added to our
up to date stock of Hardware for
tho Christmas season of 1007. Your
inspection is invited.
The rnenibe.s of tho Catholic
church are arraugiug for a supper
to be given at the armory tor tho
benefit of tho church, on Thursday
overling Dec. Ill, between the hours
of i:.'50 and 8 o'clock. Tickets are
being sold by the tnombers ! the
parish and can also be obtained at
the armory on tho evening of the
supper. In connection with the
supper tho ladies will have on sale
a good supply of kitchen aprons at
a reasonable price. A general in
vitation is extended to the citizens
of Cottage Orovo aud vicinity.
"I trust this may bo read by many
Hiiffeiers from kidney and bladder
trouble" writes Mrs. Joe King of
Woodland, Texan. "I suffered four
years and could find nothing to give
even temporary relief. Our druggist
at hiHt Induced ine to try your flu days
treatment or 1'ineulen for $1. This
ono liottlo has cured me and money
could not buy tho value it has heon to
1110. Ouaranteod. Sold by Benson's
Albert Geiser, one of the most
prominent ruiuiug men of Eastern
Oregon and former owner of the
big Columbian mine, now residing
in Eugene, was among the visitors
Friday. What attracted Lira most
in the city was the window display
ol Bohemia ore from the Vesuvius,
Oregon-Colorado and Riverside
mines. Mr. Geiaor said, "Where
that ore came from there is more,
and I tell you gentlemen those
mines are worth looking after, as
Boon as weather is more favorable I
shall seo that mining district my-self."
Banks and Bankers Happy A Solid
It y in Money Matters Proves the
Solidity of the State and Every
County in the State.
Cottage Grove's New Postmaster
Word comes through the Ore
gonian that D. M. C. Gault is to be
the new postmaster at Cottage
Grove. A short time ago it was
Geo. McQueen. Who the d tokens
will it be next?
The doors of the banks wore
thrown wide open Monday morning,
holiday signs woro taken down and
not a bank in the slato but that was
fixed with the coin in its vaults to
meet demands.
From rejwrts throughout tho state
it is iiliown that there was aud had
been no alarm, so few were the
withdrawals' that they could be
counted by the fingers on one hand.
aud in one cac.o we kuow of a man
who asked for his three thousand
dollars. Tho money was quickly
counted out and a check given Lim
to sign. On seeing his wealth piled
up in front of him he quickly de
cided bo didn't want it and shoved
it back to the steel vaults of the
banker Faying it was safer with the
banker than in his pocket.
Another asked lor his five hun
dred which mbs counted out, and
hesitatingly deposited in his pocket
with the remark I don't know as I
want it, and what shall I do with it,
the nst we kuew about it he was
still guessing which sock to put it
With Cottage Grove as well as
other Lane county banks Iho de
posits for the day exceeded tho
withdrawals and likewise until limo
time of going to press business has
gone on with the accustomed ease
and assurance of the Holidity of
both banks and merchants.
All the National banks through
out the state have published sworn
statements as to their conditions by
order of the Comptroller of Cur
rency and uiauy of the private
banks are doing the same, and all
make a creditable showing that
could bo envied by our eastern
states who are claiming to be the
financial center of the world.
Fine Window Display.
The Window Display from the
Bohemia mines, operated by F. J.
Hard, was a great surprise to tho
Eugene Commercial Club gentle
men who visited the Grove yester
day. Mr. Hard deserves credit for
tho artistic window ho arranged of
ores from the mines. In keeping
with bis continued effort in behalf
of Cottage Grove and the Bohemia
mining district, he improved this
opportunity of showing county seat
boomers that this end of Lane
couuty has the real stuff, the stuff
above all other stuff that attracts
the greatest immigration. Mr.
Hard says that chickens are all
right, particularly when well-stuffed
and served, but without tho min
ers and lumber men, the chicken
fanciers would contribute their
present remarkable effort as a work
of love for the fowl Instead of bring
ing their favorite industry into the
profitable financial success that
it is.
Advertise tho mines, encourage
the industry, joiu to blot out the
ton thousand discouragements the
State of Oregon has for the niiuiug
man. See Lane county fill up with
well-to-do people of all classes. The
mines will do it more rapidly than
any other condition you can talk
about. The mines are here; when
will the people go at it as they
ought to? Cottage Grove Leader.
To the Business Men of Cottage
On behalf of the members of the
Callopoom Association I desire to
extend to all our hearty apprecia
tion of the interest shown in the
late poultry show. That the affair
was an unqualified succcess is due
greatly to the generous assistance
extended by you.
We also desire to thank the
papers of the city for the space so
kindly given us. If at any time
we can reciprocate we shall be glad
to do so.
Black silk umbrella with gold,
silver aud pearl flat handle. Fiuder
please leave at the City Meat market.
Commercial Club Entertains,
Wodncsday evening the Commer
cial Club entertained for the first
time In their now quarters on Fifth
and Main streets.
Tho large folding doors were
drawn bock and tho three compart
ments were mado into one large
President F. B. Phillips wel
comed those present and as the
club had had no social affairs for
some time and as the real doings
of the club had been known only
through newspapers ho left it to
Mr. C P. Jones, the secretary of
the club to tell what the club had
been doing lately and since the or
ganization was formed. He briefly
outlined their work and showed
how the Commercial Club of Cot
tage Grove had influenced matters
of stato importance and how
through its earnest efforts certain
results have been and are being ac
The committee in charge of tho
program is to be congratnlatoJ
upon its success.
The musical numbers were very
much appreciated os also were the
Refreshments were served after
the program, partners being se
cured iu a most original manner by
means of a conversational card.
Another hour was spent in bowl
ing, billiards and social conversa
tion. The program was as follows:
Address of Welcome F, 11. Phillips
Piano duet,
Mth. Abrams nnd Mrs. Van Winkle
Vocal solo Miss Maud Blair
AddreHs Mr. (J. I. Jones
Cornet solo Mr Chits. Cochran
Reuben and Rachel
Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Wheeler
Recitation Mins Allle Phillips
Piano solo Mr. C. J. Moras
Vocal duet. ..Dr. and Mrs. Van Winkle
ReadiiiK Mrs. Ilemenway
Piano solo Miss Richmond
Male quartette .'
Messrs Iahain, Awbrey, Jor
dan. Von Winkle
An Enjoyable Evening
On Tuesday the 17th inst. Mr.
D. J. DuBruille, the editor of the
"Leader," passed the fortieth mile
stone on his way towards old age.
He doubtless was in hopes that his
good wife would overlook the fact;
but such was not to be, as she had
invited several friends in for a sur
prise. As he bonnced into the
house in the evening he found
Messrs. F. D. Wheeler, N. D.
Compton, Geo. Hall and F. H.
Rosenberg seated in the parlor as
though they owned the place.
After congratulations the party
adjourned to the dining room
where was spread an elegant re
past in commemoration of the oc
casion. After the supper was over
cigars were iu order, when Mr. Du
Bruille was presented on behalf of
the gentlemen present, with an ele
gant K. of P. locket.
Joe, hero's hoping we may all be
at tho forty-first repast.
No need to foar coughs and colds
this year as you can obtain Bees Lax
atlvc Cough Syrup now from Jyour
dealer. This is good news to moth
ers who fear cough and whooping
cough. It Is a gentle laxative that
expells tho poison from tho system in
tho natural way. Cuts the phlegm
and clears tho head, (iuarautped.
Sold by Now Era drujj store.
- Directors
II.Ut'i'l'NO, I -in 1. iii:cm.kv,
Bank of Cottage Grove
Paid Capital $25,000.00. '
W. H. Abrami Praildaat
B. Lurch Vlc-rrildDt
C. Kin - Caibltr
Harry Short AnWunt Cathlar
A representative bank of the
business public of this city and
surrounding; ! country.
Now is tho Timo to buy your
Useful Holiday Gifts Our
Holiday Lino is on Display
Household Necessities
Beautiful line of Table Linen and Napkins.
Sideboard and bureau scarfs.
Lunch cloths and centre pieces with elaborate drawn
work centres and hemstitched border.
Battenberg centre pieces, purses all colors and sizes.
All for Comfort During the Cold Weather
Silk scarfs end head shawls, lace trimmed.
One hundred and forty wool and silk fascinators and
shoulder shawls, no two alike.
Silk mufflers aud handkerchiefs.
Fancy neckwear.
Bearskin and silk cocheted baby hoods.
Ladies' felt and velvet, fur-trimmed slippers, all colors.
Gent's Morocco and plush house slippers.
Fancy Wool and Silk Mittens and Gloves, all sizes.
Teddy bears io please the children.
Phone Me Your Order if you are unable to come and Chose for
Yourself, and I Will Give You a "Square Deal."
Wynne Hardware Co.
Don't Wait Until Your Grain agents for
and ready to lie harvested before buy- CREAM
Ing the machinery you will need. We epPACaTnTi
are handling and have on hand, the oftrAKA i un,
old reliable
McCormick Line of
MOWERS supplies
R.AKES and
BINDER.S And the celebrated
which make has for many years prov-
edits superiority by its work." So if " BUGGIES,
you need any machinery in that line, it WAGONS and
will be a wise selection in buying this
make. Come in and talk it over. EHICLES.
Wynne Hardware Co. C0TE000NR0VE
I Headquarters For
B Mining and Commercial Men !
I C. T LONG, Prop,
We Solicit your' business.
Crossing both mountain ranges by daylight, Compartment
Observation Cars. Standard and tourist sleepers. New mod
ern dining cars and day coaches.
Also carries complete modern equipment
Write for rates, folders, berth reservations etc.
H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 Third St. Portland, Ore.
W A P0SS, A. G. P. A., Seattle, WaSh
Read the Nugget.