Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 18, 1907, Image 2

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Mai til rtaerkt paj-bt to Nuf fl Fnb. Co.
RnltrA at the pnaloltlr at Cottage Oror,
OfTfon toond ruM nail natter.
6 months fl.00
I year f l.M)
IS months f 1(H)
If paid in adranee.
Clubbing Piles.
The Bohemia Nugget one year
with any one of the following: pub
lications one year for amount set
Pacific Monthly 2.00
Wecklv Otvgontan Portland) f2.S0
Weekly Journal ( Portland) $2.00
lailv Mining Kecord (IVnver) $5.60
Weekly Mining Record $2.25
Pacific Homestead 2.25
Northwest Poultry Journal $1.73
This paper it kepi on lie br THE AMERI
CAN MINIM) 'uS(iKKSS,'Ctiiimbpr of Coin
metre HmMina. leiivrr. Colo . bre our
rea.ler w ill I welcome to the ma of the lead
ing paper from the ariou mining teriintia ol
'.ne ', a vienoiie norary aim minerm ri
rillSPArKR it kept on Meat K.V. Drake'!
A Iverlising Akoik'T, Mainly .Merrhanta Kx-
enanire, fan rraneisro, auiornia. wiifrermi
trai'U for 1 verliaiim ran be ramie for II.
Wednesday, Dec. 19, 1907.
Tbe showing made by twenty
nine National banks in this state
outside of Portland is ample and
unmistakable evidence that the
financial interests of the various sec
tions of Oregon represented in tbe
table are in the bands of conserva
live men. With an average cash
reserve of 4 per cent of the deposits
of $12,150,000, nearly $1,000,000
of United States bonds to secure
circulation, and an additional $1,
500,000 ol United States and other
bonds, it is not to be wondered that
the "country banks." as they are
termed, have in most cases been in
creasing their deposits at a time
when there have been heavy with
drawals from the larger institutions
in the cities.
It seems clear that the National
banks outside of Porlland, includ
iog the sixteen not beard from by
The Oregoninn, hold, exclusive of
all other collateral, cash and United
States bonds to secure circulation
to the extent of fully $10,000,000
Id the face of such a showing it is
easy to understand the difficulty
that would be encountered in start
ing a run on any of these conserva
tively conducted institutions. Even
in far-away Burns, in one of the
most remote regions of the state,
tbe two banks have $250,000 cash
on hand and their deposits have in
creased $76,000 since August
These country banks have stood
the strain and actually increased
their deposits and strengthened
their reserves at a time when the
suspicious depositors of the big
cities were drawing out money and
hiding it in deposit vaults. It
does not necessarily reflect on the
less fortunate banker of the big
city that his depositors should lose
confidence at a time when the con
fidence of the country depositors
remains unimpaired.
Environment is undoubtedly a
contributing factor in the retention
of confidence in tbe smaller city.
There the banker is personally ac
quainted with practically all of his
patrons and opportunity to keep hi
reasonably close touch with all that
is going on is much greater than it
is in the big cities. The country
banker might directly steal the
funds of his depositors, but the
possibility of the I.afe Pences and
Gus Lowits securing them iu whole
sale quantities would be much more
remote than they would be in the
larger cities. When some country
Cooper Morris on a small salary be
gan too rapid an accumulation of
big automobiles, suspicion would
be aroused and a halt called before
it was too late.
The solidity of the banks outside
of Portland has been demonstrated
beyond question. The same is
true of the banks which have suc
cessfully weathered a storm in Port
land. Now that the actual condi
tion of all these institutions has
been disclosed and shown to be
perfectly healthy, it will be advis
able for the hoarders to withdraw
from the stockings, teapots and
safety deposit vaults the money
which should be in circulation,
earning something for its owners
and facilitating business for good,
responsible borrowers who have se
curity of unquestionable valu
School Libraries.
W. R Dillard, County Superin
tendent of Schools was in the Grove
Friday and Saturday giving person
al attention to the distribution of
library books allotted to the vari
ous district schools in the vicinity
of this place.
Poultry Exhibition a Success
(Continued from first pnge.l
The Bohemia Nuggett offered n
year's subscription for the highest
scoring Brown Leghorn; wou by
Retfa Smith, Springfield.
The Cottage Grove Leader offered
a year '6 subscription for the high
est scoring pen of Black Minoreas
won by J. O. Holt, ICugene.
Geo. Comer offered a package of
poultry food for the highest scoring
B. P. Rock hen; won by B. V.
Keeney, Eugene.
Zan Bros., of Portland, offered a
fine wringer to the lady making
the largest exhibit as a amateur;
won by Mrs. Edgar King, city.
The Northwest Poultry Journal,
published at Salem, Oregon, of
fered a year's subsctiptiou as fol
lows: For the highest scoring S. S.
Hamburg; won by D. B. Chamber
leu, city. For highest scoring Wy
andotte; won by D. N. Lsh, Wood
lawn. For highest scoring Golden
Wyandotte ; won by W. C. Conner,
city. For highest scoring Anconas;
wou bv Mrs. ThorntoD, city. For
highest scoring; S. C. White Mi
noreas; won by D. 1. Awbrey, city.
The Reliable Poultry Journal, of
Quiucy, HI , offered a year's sub
scription, as follows; For the high
est scoring Rhode Island Red; won
by Jas. Rait. For the highest scor
ing Light Brahma; won by H. K.
Metcalf, city. For the highest
scoring R. C. Rhode Island; won
by Waldo Miller.
The German-American Coffee Co.
offered a pound package of their
famous "Triumfo" or "Iowa" coffee
as follows: For the highest scoring
Buff Plymouth Rock; won by Win
die Bros. For the highest scoring
Buff Leghorn; won by C. H.
Bauer. Portland. For the highest
scoring Blue Andelusian; won by
Mrs. Eakin, city. For the largest
exhibit in the city; won by C. I
Walker. For the highest scoring
S. S. Hamburg; won by D. B.
Chamberlen, city.
Krebs t Reynolds offered $2.50
cash for highest scoring Black
Langshan; won by Kugene Poul
try Farm.
Platter offered by the Associa
tion to the highest scoring White
Holland Turkey; won by G. W.
Tbe following is a list of the
babies winning prizes at the baby
show held in connection with the
poultry show Saturday afternoon
The judges were ?
Girl Thelma Gill, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gill. Prize,
Child's Set, nilver knife, fork, spoon
and napkin ring.
Boy James Marion Richmond,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rich
mond. Prize, Silver Mug.
Girl Constance Wheeler, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wheeler. Prize, White Silk Dress.
Boy Kenneth Cochran, son of
Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Cochran. Prize,
pair white Kid Shoes.
Naomi Constance Wvnno, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. F.
Wynne. Prize, Ivngravod Silver
Erma Miller, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Malcom Miller. Prize, In-
iaut's Comb and Brush.
Cecil Clough, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Clough. Prize, gold
Iinnvil T Rocks Plrnt Second Third
Took None None. None
Cockerel J O WiitU If V Keeney Utt Smith
Hen None- II E Kccncv Aiuon Wllktnn
Pullet l V Keeney V F Walker .1 0 Watt
Pen J O Watts II K Keener None
White P Rocks
Cook Krelm & Reynolds Eugene P Farm Krobs & Reynolds
Cockerel Eugene P Farm K re lis & Iteynolds Eugene P Farm
Hen Krvus& Reynolds K robs A Reynolds Krelw A Reynolds
Pullet Eugeno P Farm Eugene P Farm Eugene P Farm
Pen Eugene, P Farm Krolps A Iteynolds None
Itu IT P Rocks
Cockerel None Wlndlo Pros None
Pullet Wlndle Bros None None
S I. Winndottos
Cock None Mr HF Wynne None
Hen None None Mrs II F Wynne
O I. Wyandotte
Cockerel W C Conner Mrs VC London Mrs V C London
Pullet None c Conner W O Conner
Pen None WC Conner None
W Wyandot tes
Cockerel Kolvt Grltlln .1 A Grlflln 1) N Lash
Hen D N Lash None J O Olsen
Pullet HXUsIi 1) N Lush I) N Lnsli
Pen DNL-ihIi .1 A i Tiffin J O Olsen
It C It I Rcls
Cock None James P.alt. None
Cockerel .1 allies Rait .lames Halt None
Pullet .lames Halt James Knit .lames Rait
SCRI lied
Cock None Andrew llrund Windle Hros
Cockerel Wlndle Bros Wlndle I'.ros Wlndlo HroH
Hen None Whittle Pros None
Light Itrnmnh
Pullet None H K Metcnlf None
Buff Cochins
Cockerel None F H Rowenlierg None
Pullet F H Rosenlierg F 11 ltoaenlierg F 11 Rosonliertf
Pen None F II KoseoticrK None,
W Langshimgs
Cockerel None .None Mrs WO Conner
Hen Mrs W C Conner Mrs WC Conner None
Pullet Mrs WC Connor Mrs W O Conner Mrs N H Martin
It Lungshangs
Cock Eugene P Farm None None
Cockerel WC Conner, Eugene P Farm Mrs Edgar King
Hen W C Conner Mrs Edgar King Eugene P Farm
Pullet Eugene P Farm Eiieno P Farm W 0 Conner
Pen Eugene P Knrin WO Conner Eugene P Farm
W Leghorns
Cock Mrs W .1 Reynolds .1 0 Holt C F Walker
Cockerel F 11 Phillips Eugene P Farm KiiRene P Farm
Hen Eugene P Farm Kd Schoel F B Phillips
Pullet Mrs W J Reynolds F II Phillips Eugene P Farm
Pen Engeno P Farm F li Phillips Kd Schoel
B Leghorns
Cock E A Kruse Nono None
Cockerel E A Kruse Retta Smith None
Hen K A Kruse (i C Wldmer (1 O Wldmur
Pullet Retta Smith Iietta Smith H C Wldmer
Pen Retta Smith None None
Black leghorns
Cockerel Eugene P Farm C V Simons None
Pullet Eugene P Farm Huge no P Farm Eugene P Farm
Buff Leghorn
Cock None Ie Barker M McKiblien
Cockerel Lee Barker Leo Barker (I race Bennett
Hen l.eo Barker Leo Barker Iee Barker
Pullet K II Bauer I Ae Barker U'O Barker
Pen Ijee Barker Eee Barker barker
W Minoreas
Cockerel DTAwbrev None None
Pullet 1) T Awbrey 1) T Awbrey 1) T Awbrey
Pen 1) '1 Awbrey None None
B Minoreas
Cockerel Nono 1 J DuBriillle I) .1 DiiBruille
Hen None Grant Alktrf J O Holt
Pullet Mrs Cunningham Grant Alklre Mrs M J Thornton
Pen None None J O Holt
B Andaluaians
Pullet Mrs II Eakin Mrs II Enkln MrsHEnkln
S G Dorkings
Cock K E Bright None None
Cockerel None Mrs J C Johnson None
Hen H E Bright E E Bright Mrs. J H Warner
Pullet Mrs .1 0 Johnson E E Bright E E Bright
Pen E E Bright Mrs J 0 Johnson None
Buff Orpingtons
Cock Wlndle Bros T J Dannen Wlndlo Bros
loekerol Windle Bros O 1) Van Valln C D Van Vnlln
Hen Windle Bros Wlndle Bros Wlndle Bros
Pullet Wlndle Bros C 1) Van Valln Wlndle Bros
Pen Windle Bros None None
Cock E E Bright Nono None
Cockerel E K Brig'tt CN Frank O Rhoades
Hen E E Bright E E Bright E E Bright
Pullet E E Bright E E Bright K E Bright
Pen E E Bright E E Bright None
S S Hamburg
Cock Nono D B Chamberlen Mrs J H Warner
Cockerel 1) B Chamberlen None None
Hen D B Chamberlen I) B Chamberlen D B Chamberlen
Pullet I) B Chamberlen D B Chamberlen I) B Chamlierlun
Pen U B Chamberlen I) li Chamberlen None
G P HamburgM
Cockerel .1 R Forbes Nono None
Pullet None J n Forbes .1 R Forbes
G Duckwlng iame
Cock F Fen wick None None
Hen F Fen wick None None
B B Red Game
Cock Geo Fisher Noec None
Hen Geo Fisher None None
S Huckwing (iame
Stag Geo FlHher None None
lieu Geo Fisher Nono None
C Indian Game
Cockerel None W A Hemenway Nono
Pullet None w A Hemenway W A Horaenway
lrlnh Grey Game
Cock Geo Finder None None
lien Geo Fisher None None
Warhot'He (in me '
Cock Geo Fisher Nono None
Hen Geo Finder None None
Irish Muff Game
Stag Geo Fisher None None
Pullet Geo Fisher Nono Nono
W Georgia Game
Stag Geo Fisher None None
Pullet Geo Fisher None Nono
Horn Game
Cock Geo Fisher None None
Hen Geo Fisher None Nono
B Cochin Bantams
Cock W P Snook R Lyons J W Baker
Cockerel W P Snook R Lyons R Lyons
Hen W P Snoolc AV P Snook W P Snook
Pullet W P. Snoolc R Lyons W P Snook
Pen W P Snook None Nono
Cockerel II K Metcnlf None None
Pullet UK. Metcnlf H K Metcnlf None
M Bronze
Young Tom E A Kruso Ed Schoel None
Hen KAKrtiHo Ed Bchoel None
W Holland
Young Tom O W McFarland None None
Pullet (1 W McFarland G W McFarland None
Pekln Ducks
Drake E A Kruse Ed Schoel None
Duck E A K ruse Kd Schoel None
Embden Geese
Gander Ed Schoel None None
Goose Ed Schoel None None
Tolouse Geese
Gander E A Kruno None None
Goose KAKrtiBO None None
Many counties throughout the
states of Washington, Oregon and
California are preparing to have
separate buildings and displays
from their general state exhibit.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hobl wishes
to thank their friends for the many
acts of kindness extended them
during the illness aud death of their
son Jacob.
4i Profcxor
Collcie of liberal AGs.
cm uses :
Classical . B.
Literary B. L,
Sclentille B. N.
Philosophical I'd. B.
The College of Lfheral Art main
tains the following schools ;
The College- uf Orntory. . B.
The Touchers' College. It. IM.
Tho Normal Schoni, Diploma.
The Oregon Institute or the
Academy. Diploma.
The School of Commerce, Di
ploma. (Ill C T.I I
Salem, Oregon. ;
If it's Up-to-date, THE TOGGERY has it.
clothes are doiimnd"d by nil
men of good Judgment and
Is the plnce to net yotir utiit from
the crown of your head to the
soles of your feel. This warm
weather reminds us t hut
We will make it tool fur
you if you buy your SUM
MR lndi:kwi:ar of us.
If it's,
A Free
With a UNIVERSAL RANGE from now until Christ
mas Day, each purchaser of a Universal Range will re
ceive a FINE TURKEY f,tL. ,f charge. This offer is
made to prove the linking and wood saving qualities of
this already famous Range. Universal Ranges will make
your cooking easy, your meat juicy, your pie crust
flaky, your cookies crisp, and your bread light.
Prices from SV5.00 to $65.00
vyyg g
Three head of good work horses
weigh ll.Ki to i:i00 poundH. Price Y1"
each. Would take 11 good milk cow
uh part payment. . E, Ki.aiii.u,
Wildwood P.O. Phone lied l!ildt,'e liu
hernia mill lino.
Here's Good Advice.
O. 8. Woolever, one of the bent
known juorchnnlH of Lo Knysvllle, N.
Y., Hays: "If you are over troubled
with piluH, apply Hucklen'H Arnica
Biilve, It cured 1110 of them for good
20 years ago." Guaranteed for Mores,
wounds, burns or abrasions, 'S cents
at JJensoii's Pharmacy.
3 liiKtruclura.
Affiliated College,
( ollcge of Medicine M. D.
College of Law LL. B.
Cullee of Theology B. D.
College "f Mih lo. II. M.
The Allllintcd Colleges are Ilium-;
cinl'.v Independent, of the Col-W
lege of Liberal Ails. y,
The School of All, Cei I illciite. W
The School of Art Is also Ilium
chilly Independent of the Col
lege of Liberal Arts.
Mil' v., a 1 1 k 1 hh:
The TOGGERY has it.
Veatch Co
A Dangerous Deadlock
That, sometimes terminates fatally,
Is the stoppage, of liver and bowel
functions. To quickly end this con
dition without, dlsagreeablo bchhii.
Hons. Dr. Klng'h Now Life Pillg
hIioiiUI always bo your remedy. Guar
an teed absolutely satisfactory In
ovory case or money back at. Honson's
I'hai iuacy. LM coats.
A Ring's Dyspepsia tablet after each
meal overcomes indigestion, dyspep
sia and other stomach ills. Two
days' trial free. Ask our dealer. Bold
tit HeiiHou'M I'haruiacy,