Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 11, 1907, Image 2

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Mali U checks pnynWc- to NtiftfCt Tub. Co
Kntorod Kt th potomr at CotMire UroT,
O VKn us vponrt cliws niftil matter.
t months 11.00
1 year fl.iV)
IS month 12.00
If paid in advance.
Clubbing Rates.
The P.ohemla. Miptret one year
vlth any one f the following pun-
Unit ion one year tor amount Bet
Paollle Monthly
Weekly Oreironiun (Portland)
Weekly .louriml ( Portland)
Pailv Mi ulna: llecord (IHMiver)
Weekly Mining Kecord
Pacific Homestead
Northwest Poultry Journal
Thl mkt Is koi.t on Klc bv TI1K AMKRt
VAN MINING t OSCKKSS, Clmmber ol Com
mere HniMitig. IHMuer, Colo., where our
rentiers will le Mftoo'uo to the ripe of the lead
In pHira fri-m tho Mtrioug mining section of
'ho tst, a scH'iitine library ami Miner1 ex
bi bit
rHK I'Al'KR In kept on tile at K. V. Prake'f
Advertising Aitem'y, fit and (si Merehants t.x
tiftnije. San Krnnoisoo, California, where eon
t mots for advertising oan be made for il.
Wednesday, Pee. 11, 1907.
A divided city council is in the
way of intich that could be accom
plished in the best interests of our
Linn Comity Council patrons of
Husbandry and Governor Cham
berlain are very ehumiug, but the
vote of the people on the University
of Oregon appropriation will re
move the stain put on the slate, by
so great a majority that the oppo
nents to education will forget that
thev are on earth.
Citizens are waking up and not
only soon will they be heard from
but at luture elections candidates
will have to show their hand pretty
thoroughly before people interested
in the welfare of Cottage Grove
will stand for the "stand still"
movement now going on.
The city council evenly divided
with the mayor on the wrong side
A8 ""ZW&f? Of rJI ity
oaddies may say the mayor is on
the right side. We say get unani
mous and give Cottage Grove a
chance to grow.
F. B. Thilllps is a good presiding
officer, a man in whom the people
have confidence and the Commer
cial Club made a wise selection in
electing him president. It is cer
tainly the right thing to pass the
honors along, third terms are not
popular and one term is the best
policy. The retiring president, Fiu
gid Hinds held down the chair for
one year with honor to the club
and credit to himself. Mr. Hinds
was rigid in cading meetings at the
tick of the clo'-k and hit method of
dispatching business canuot be im
proved upon. He did not believe
in clique rule or the appointment of
committees that would not work.
He retires with the good will of all
and is sure to continue his effortB
through the club to secure for Cot
tage Grove all that is coming, as
has been his motto since the or
ganization of the club.
lu the nummary of cash on hand
in the Oregon banks outside of
Portbinil, the reports of December
.'trd to the Comptroller of Curreucy
makes a splendid showing for the
financial institutions of the state
and gives the First National Hank
of Cottage G rove fourth place in
the State for reserve fund on hand
and first place in Lane county.
The law requires a reserve fund
of 15 per cent. The First National
of Cottage Grove has 51 per cent,
or 3G per cent, more than is re
quired. Conservatism, accommodation and
straight forward business principles
count when close timps are immi
nent. We do not boast over less
fortunate communities, but we con
gratulato ourselves on having solid
banking institutions in our city,
and feel some pride in reading that
Cottage Grove has a . bank that
leads nil baukiug institutions in the
county for reserve money on hand
to pay its patrons.
I B. riiiIHp8 nnd other property
holders on Main street eucomaged
the paving project brought to the
attention of tho Commercial Club
Monday evening. Pen Lurch, prob
ably the largest holder of frontage
and on whom the greatest expense
of any one man wouM fall mado no
objection but did not commit him
self. We venture to say that when
the issue is up Mr. Lurch will not
bo fouud in tho back ground. Ho
has always been In favor of city iru
provements and to tho front with
his share of expense. He knows a
good thing when he sees it; every
dollar expended in street or city im
provements adds ten to tho value of
the property. Of course you can
count on Mr. Lutch.
The statements of the National
banks of Portland ou Dec. 3rd
proved that they had ample cash
more than the most enthusiastic
had anticipated. The same is true
ol banks throughout tho state.
"ICighty chances to wiu you
can't lose" is the slogan of the port
laud Commercial club in its final
work connected with the foOOO
prize contest closing Dec. olst.
People in general seem engrossed
with the fiuancial conditions, and
their neglect makes the chances of
those who do compete even more
The Oregon apple has captured
the Orient and Russia. Yadgjog
lou Rrotbers of Vladivestok, after
making a display in one of the
principal show windows of the city,
removed tho display and after it
was crowned and surrounded with
American and Russian flags it was
photographed aud is to be repro
duced in colors for international ad
vertising. Thus the glory of the
Oregon apple goes around the
world. The displiy was unusual
becaupe most of the boxes were
shown ready for ocean shipment,
each encased in burlap. Varieties
of apples included the, winter ba
nana, Ortley, Hyde's King, and Ar
kansas Black.
"Profitable Advertising," pub-
j:l,.i t--.
leading journals of its character in
tho United States, reproduces the
letterhead of the. Oregon Develop
ment League in its December num
ber, and prints an exhaustive letter
from the secretary telling of the
League's niethous and accomplish
ments. Oregon is nationally known
for her development work.
October and November statistics
for wheat and flour shipments from
Portland and Puget hound ports
are particularly interesting as show
iug the immense resources b.-ing
converted into actual cash in Ore
gon and Washington. 7,434,091
bushels of wheat aud C40.012 bar
rels of flour are the exact figures
yet it must be remembered that the
crop is only just getting under way
in earnest.
During the two months of Fall
colonist rates. Sept. 1st to Oct. 31st
the Denver & Rio Grande railroad
sold 8,081 homeseekers' tickets to
the northwest, which was an in
crease of 2,817 over last year's bus
iness, or more than 00 per cent.
President K. T. Judd, of the Ore
gon biate JJuiry Association, be
comes more enthusiastic as the con
vention approaches and says that
tho 12th of December will see a
splendid Jot of dairy products en
tered for award. Tho committee in
charge of arrangements is already
in receipt of several cheeses from
Tillamook and the next boat will
bring a very complete line for dis
play. Delegates are being named
by the various commercial bodies
in every mail.
The meeting of Oregon business
men at the Portland Commercial
Club on the 1st, followed by the
announcement of Governor Cham
berlain that the present holidays
would be discontinued after the 14th
have been the most discussed events
of the week. That the representa
tives from forty communities should
unanimously uuite in resolutions
forcefully expressing confidence in
the outlook and financial strength
of the entire state is in itself indic
ative ot constantly bettering conditions.
Mineral Locations on School Sections.
F-ditor Daily Mining Record-1
have a croup of four mining claims
located. Three of them are in
whole or in part 011 a school Mo
tion. In amended locations I have
tho claims grouped and have each
claim recorded nnd named ob bo
longiug to said group. lam run
niug a tunnel for tho purpose ol
crosscuttiug the ledge. Tho tunnel
is in tho hill to a depth of 125 feet,
crosscuttiug the formation. The
tunnel is not ou the school section
but near the section line. I have
information from the cleik of the
state land board that the school
section, "at a later date is to be ad
vertised and Bold to tho highest
bidder." What is my status with
my mining claims? Oregon Sub
scriber. Answer. The so-called school
sections upon the public domain
are granted to the Btates by tho na
tional government. While the grant
is a general one and reservation is
made thereunder, it is mauifest that
the title cannot pass to tho slate
until survey is mado aud approved.
Only a general answer is possible in
this case, because it is supremely
important to know whether the sur
vey of the school section has been
made and approved and the title
passed to the state. This is import
ant, for the reason that it is the in
tentiou of the government to re
servo mineral lands, the grant in
cluding only non-mineral lands. If,
however, the title passes to the
state under the assumption that it
is non-mineral land, the title is not
revoked by subsequent discoveries
of mineral. When the usual school
section, No. 10 or 30 of the town
ship, falls upou laud that in known
to bo mineral bearing, the mineral
ground is subject to location and
the state is indemnified by an allot
ment of uon-miueral land in some
other section. Iu the case of min
eral lands that have passed to tho
state the discoverer must deal with
tho state. The state ot Colorado
holds two sections in the Cripple
Creek district. On the other hand,
some of tho richest ground in the
Goldfield district has been staked
Huuiu jonMuiy nave
passed to the state of Nevada had
it been surveyed before the discov
ery of gold at this place.
University Notes.
The University of Oregon is ex-
psriejeing the largest demand in
its history for graduates, both men
and women, to take principalships
and positions as teachers in the
high schools of the state. Of the
fifty-three members of last year's
class, twenty are teaching in the
high schools and colleges of Oregon
and the northwest, and the demand
was much larger than the supply.
At the present time there are a num
ber of positions vacant, because
there is no one available who is ad
equately prepared to ttke them
The University would bo able next
year to place as tenchers some forty
or fifty men and women, if its grad
uating class furnished that number.
The class of 1!(08 now numbers
about sixty members.
University of Oregon football
men ourmg tuo season just past
have mado good records in the class
room as well aB on the football
field. The records of the Regis
trar's office show that of the twenty
men composing the regular squad,
only half a dozen have received
grades as low as 'D' in any of their
subjects. There hae been no fail
ures and their work as a whole
compares favorably with that of
last year, when in the final exami
nations in February, tho football
team . ranked slightly better than
the average for the whole student
body. The records show also that
for the two months just past, foot
ball men have cut fewer classes
than any other class of students.
Reports of absences of all students
are sent to the Registrar's oflice
daily aud a careful record is kept.
Tho University works on tho theory
that students are there first to
study, and this means regular at
tendance at classes.
Preaching at Saginaw next Sat
urday at 7 p. m. and Sunday 11a.
m. and 7 p. m. Everybody invited.
D. E. Bakeh, Missionary,
Fast Being Realized by Cottage Grove
A little backache at 11 rut.
Dully Increasing till the back In
lame and weak. .
Urinary- disorder quickly follow.
Diabetes and finally Itrlght's dis
ease. This is tho downward course ol
kidney Ills.
Don't take this course. Follow the
advice of a Cottage Grove citizen.
Mrs. Alice Coffmnn, llvlnR ou the
west side, Cot I sue Grove, Ore., says:
"I was in a miserable condition
caused by backache and I suffered for
along time, nuatilo to shnko oft the
disease. I was constantly weary ami
worn out. My general health became
uniloriuinod and I could not get re
lief. I liecame discouraged and none
of the remedies I used wave me any
relief. 1 happened to learn of Doan's
Kidney pills about tills time and de
cided to try them nlthoiiRh I did not
hoH for much relief. I procured a
lox at Henson's I'liarmney and tool
them carefully. Mefore I had finished
till of the first box I could see that
thev Wert1 helping 1110. I continued
with thlH remedy and by tho time I
had finished the third box tho dm
easo had completely left me. 1 am
today without a sign of kldnoy dis
ease and am very grateful to Doan's
Kidney pills."
For stile bv all dealers. Price CO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Ituffnlo,
New York, solo agents for the I'nitod
Ueiiit-iulier the name Doan's nnd
take no other.
Prepare This Yourself.
For those who have anv form of
blood disorders, who want new,
blood and plenty of it, try this:
Fluid Extract Daudelion, one-lmlf
ounee;Compound Kargon, 0110 ounce;
Compound Syrup Sursapurllla, three
Shake well In a bottle nnd t ike In
tcnspoonful doses after each meal and
at bedtime. Any good pharmacy can
supply the Ingredients at small cost
This Is the prescription which,
when made up is called ''The Vegeta
ble Treatment" by others, "The Cy
clone Blood ruriller. " It acts gontly
and certainly does wonders fcr some
people who are sickly, weak and out
of sorts, and Is known to relieve ser
lous, long-standing cnt;s of rheuma
tism and chroniu backache quickly
Singer, New Home, heeler Sc
Wilson and Standard sewing ma
chines at Veateh & Lnwsons.
w Dr. King's
Mow Discovery
FOR CSSEs"8 rtSSe.
We have tstablished a
Class in your town and
3'ou can join this class at
any time. We give spec
ial drills and our super
ior drills are just what
you must have if you de
sire the best success.
We assist worthy stu
dents to secure good po
sitions. Do not say that
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand for
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
Sodaville, Or.
For Further Information
orresponueDce Schoo
4i Professor
College of Liberal Arls.
Classical , ....A. H.
Literary II. L,
Scientific It. S.
Philosophical.. I'll. I'..
The College of Liberal Art main
labia the following schools;
TheCullego of Oratory, O, II.
The Teachers' College. .11. IM.
Tho Normal School, Diploma.
Tho Oregon Institute or the
Academy. Diploma.
Tho School of Commerce, Diploma.
roil 1 at u ntil k, aiii;i:hn:
Salem, Oregon.
If it's Up-to-date,
clothes arc tcnmud"d by all
men of good Jiiilgtuent ami
Is the place to net your Out lit from
the crown of your head to the
soles of your feet. This warm
weather remlinN us thai
We will make it cool for
yon if you buy your SUM
If it's Up-to.ilate,
A Free
With a UNIVERSAL RANGE from now until Christ
inas Day, each purchaser of a Universal Range will re
ceive a FINE TURKEY fItL. f h,.,,.., Tlis ofTcr is
made to prove the baking and wood saving finalities of
this already famous Range. Universal Ranges will make
your cooking easy, your meat jniey, your pie crust
flaky, your cookies crisp, and your bread light.
Prices from $Y5.00 lo $65.00
Three head of good work horses
weigh 11.10 to i:ii0 pounds. Price $rr
eneh. Would take u t;ood milk cow
as part nuynient. O. K, Si.aoi.k.
Wild wood P. O. Phone fted llthe Ilo-
heniiu mill lino.
Here's Good Advice.
O. S. Woolcver, one of tho bent
known merchant of 1..0 P.ayHVllle, N.
Y., says: "If you are ever troubled
with piles, apply Pucklen'H Arnica
sulve. It cured me of them for good
20 years ago. " Guaranteed for hoich,
wounds, bums or abrasions, 5 cents
at Benson'H Pharmacy.
3 Instructor.
Allllintcd College,
ollego of Medicine M. 1).
College of Law LL. II.
College of Theology It. D.
College of MiimIc It. M.
The Allllinted Collef.'1'H are llniui
ciall.V Independent of the Col
lege of Liberal Art.
The School of Art, Certificate.
The School of Art is uIho finan
cially Independent of the Col
lege of Liberal Arts.
The TOGGERY has it.
kinhs or
Veatch Co
Train No. 11 ;t;0S b.
Train No. 17 10:;mlL
Train No. 15 1 C KT
Train No. 10 1 HjQu. ui,
Plain No. in 6:10rt a.
Train No. 14 r,;38p. m.
Train No. 12 10:48a.m.
No. la closed, pouch to Port
land only.
Goto Jlogate, th city drayman,
for a careful transfer of your house,
hold effects.