Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 04, 1907, Image 4

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Dairymen's Associatton
The sixteenth annual meeting of
the Oregon Dairymen's Association
will lc held under the auspices of
the rottlnnJ Commercial Club at
Tortlanil, Oregon, on December 12
and 13, 1007:
Thursday, loc. Y2, 10 n. in.
Address of Welcome, Tom Ittchnrd
Hon, Portland Commercial Club.
I5osponse. Annual Address, PresU
dent P. T. Judd, Turner.
"Testing Milk on tlio Farm," lnn
riener, Prooks.
"Winter vs. Summer Pnlrylng,"
John Dinwiddle, Woodburn.
"Necessity for Clean Milk," L. B.
Ziotnor, Tillamook.
Thursday, Poo. 12, l:"u p. m.
'The Illation the Dairy Industry
Pears to the Commercial Kusiness of
the country." T. S. Townsend, Tort
la ml.
"Care of Cream (or Shipment."
Mrs. K. T. .Indd. Salem,
Discussion Piftoen Minutes.
"Succulent Feed Tor Winter." Win.
Schulinotieh. Hlllsboro.
Discussion Fifteen Minutes.
"Milkin- by Machine," Mrn. S A.
Yokuin. Mnrslilield.
"The Pairy Cow nt Home sind
Abroad," .los. R. Wing, Mechanleu
liurtf, Ohio.
Friday. Pec. 13. 10 n. m.
"Advanced Registration for Palry
Cattle," Prof. F. L. Kent, Corvnllls.
'Practical Pairy Suggestions," II.
Ii. Clunehard, Itadloek, Washington.
"What and How to Feed the Palry
Cow," Pr. James Withycomlie, Cor
valli.. "Future of Dairying in Eastern Ore
gon," A. Bennett, Irrigon.
Friday, Dee. 1", 1:50 p. m.
Pusiness Session.
Reports of OHicers and Committees.
Election of Officers.
Address, J. W. Bailey. St-ite Dairy
nnl Food Commissioner. Portland.
Address, B. D. White, Dairy Divis
ion. P. S. Department of Agriculture.
The Announcements of rremium
All railroads entering Portland
will sell round trip tickets for this
meeting, ou the certificate plan, at
one and one-third fare. Full fare
to be paid going, and a receipt
taken therefor, upon which return
ticket will l e issued at one-third
fare. I L,. Kent, Sec.
Sacramento Bar Ready to Contest
Legislation in Court.
Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 27. At a
large meeting of the Sacramento
Bar Association held today, with
one voice in the negative only, it
was clecided that the special holiday
legislation is vicious daugerous and
unconstitutional and a com mi tee
was appointed at once to institute
proceedings to bring the subject be
fore the Supreme Court. The
reasons advanced for the judgment
of the meeting are:
It is special legislation; it does
not operate unilormly and equally;
it gives remedies to one class and
denies I hem to another; the courts
derivo their jurisdictional power
from the constitution, not from the
statutes. Besides being special and
class legislation, the association de
cided the acts trespass upon the
14th amendment to the Federal
Constitution, which saH tuat no
citizen shall be denied the pro'tc
tion of the laws.
Mrs. Kdyth To.ier Wethernd
has been id in K.-attle for several
days from nervous exhaustion and
may have to defer the trip to Brit
ish Columbia with her Hawaiian
party. Tho party had a very un
pleasant experience in Alaska on
account of the bank panic, as they
could not get their drufta honored,
but the difficulty was overcome
through the kindness of friends
who advanced the money necesBary
to get to Seattle.
James E. Sawyer, treasurer of
D'-'Uglns county was married at
Iioseburg, Wednesday to Mihs Re
gina Rast of that city.
30 days' treatment for $1.00.
guaranteed or money
At the Churches
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev.
S. M. Nlckle, Pastor. Trenching
servlcos nt 11 a. m. and 7::W p.
m. Sunday School, 10 a. in.,
Epworth league, :.T0 p. 111., Prayer
meetlnx Thursday evening nt 7:110.
All nro cordially invited to bo present
Christian Science services held
over Allison's Barber shop every
Suuday morning at 1 1 o'clock and
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Christian Church, Rev. W. A.
Elkins Pastor. Services at 11 in
the luoruinc aud 7.30 in the even
ing. V. P. S. C. IS. meeting at
C:3o p. m. Sunday school at lo
o'clock, Intermediate Eudeavor
Society at 2:0 and Choir practice
every Saturday evening at 7.30.
First Presbyterian Church, Pastor
Rev. II. Ii. Nave; Morning service,
11, evening S, Y. p. S. C. E. 7 p,
m. All strangers and sojourners
Catholic Church Mass every
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
Vespers and Benediction at 7 o'clock
p. m.
Rev. Father Fitzpatrick, pastor.
Plenty More Like This in Cottage
Scores of Cottage Orove ooplo can
tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills.
Many a happy citizen makes n public
statement of his experience. Here is
a case of it. What better proof of
merit can he had than such endorse
ment? Mrs. M. Ilartung, living 011 River
street, Cottage (irove, Or., Hays: "It
Is a pleasure for me to recommend
Doan's Kidney pills, This remedy
has been used in our family with the
most excellent remits and I cannot
praise It too strongly. I would advise
anybody suffering with kidney trou
ble to use Doan's Kidney pills."
For sale by nil dealers, price SO
cents. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for tha United
ltememler the" name Doan's and
take no other.
Miulo (LMcMliky mathod). Arti CompUu
Ae&d.mlo Court; special Mumuta, ro
iBTonnmlioa addraaa aiataf apilat.
Miners' Supplies
General Merchandise.
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
JL. OOlllUAl J lUUlbO O R.
The Hodge Jigs give a perfect epai'Uion.
of Zliic-L,eacl-Ores
1634 BUkolSt.
For Sale by New Era Drug Store.
(Prices quoted arc retail.)
Butter, country ,vv
Butter, cooking 25c
Butter, creamory, lb :i7'..c
Butter fat ,vjc
Egga 3".c
Chickens T'.-e
Onions, cwt. f.V0'1
Apples, bushel, according to
quality i"c
Chittem Bark, old 50
Mohair l!'.".c
Hides, green p-
Salt Hides, dry .V
Potatoes $!.:
Cabbage, cwt ?'.5a
Turnips, cwt $1.50
Carrots, cwt i .50
Parsnips, cwt f: oi)
II Y, o;Al N, nv
(Retail prices arc quoicd)
Wheat, bushel $0.00
Wheat and vetch, chopped
ton 00
Oats, bushel IS1'
Bran, ton $.?i.o
Clean wheat chop, ton $33 co
Oats and vetch chopped, ton ;,s 00
Mixed, ton poo
Shorts, ton -S."'
Flour, valley, cwt
Flour (hard wheat, cwt
Rolled barley, per 7511 sack f 1.10
Rolled barley, standard, sack i.oo
Hay, baled, ton $10.00
Cows -
Sheep to
Veal, dressed " to He
Hogs dressed 6c
!' MiiMim hi wnrwiTTm"irT,,-,re-'j
The Rist National Bank
Cottage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Surplus and Piidiv'ided Profit.-
Money to loan on approved security
Exchanges sold, available any
place in the United States
President, rimhltr
For Mining Blanks Nugget Otlicc.
For the Kidneys, Bladder
and Rheumatism.
LoiIrc Directory.
KF.ftF.HAIIS-(Vttnuc Orove, No.
'.M, Meetings Int.. .'trd.nnd.dll. Hl
dnv of every month.
Ptta Da kk.k, N. O.
Katii: It. 'i:at 11, See.
ROYAL NF.lGlinORS- Meet l!nd
nnd Itli WcdncHdny of eneh inontb.
Miih Mahv ItAKKit. Ontrt.t:,
Mum. ( Y. W VI. I. At K., IJ. c.
. O. . Poheiniin'ninp, No. I'llO,
MocIm every I'lldny veninff.
1 1, V. 1:.m:h, I'miHiil Coin.
I'll VS. ' AN Hl'Mil !!(!, Clel'k.
K O. T. M.-CnsendeCainp ti,
Meets everv Thuisdav lillit.
. II. Vi- v mi. Coin.
P. K ,Hi:M, Cooler.
1. O. O. F. Cottncc (irove, No. (IS,
Meet eve! y .sntiirdny nilil.
li:o.' Comkii. N. (!.
A. I tit i:vkk, Sec.
M. V. of A . Meel ini'x 1st and .'led
Mondny In e;ieh itiout Ii,
A. S. I'ovvki.i.. ('onmil. .
C. W. W vi 1 M 1:. Clerk.
M. B. A. Modern I '. 11 it licrli.i. 1. 1 of
Aniei -icn. Meet the Jd and lib Tues
day or eneh month nt I.O.o.P. Hull.
'I', W , Jknmnm See.
W. O. W. St. Valentino Circle T-'l,
Meets 1st nnd "rd Tnesdny in encb
inontb in W. O. W. Hull.
I'l.oit v J. Mil. 1. Kit, Clerk.
Foresters of America Meet every
Mondnv ovenmir.
C. C. ColFM AN, C. P.
I!kn Svsroiin, 1' .S.
A. F. & A. M. Cot tune (irovo. No
.'d. M.i tliiKS iMt mul ."r Weilnes
d.iy of c.-ieh nmntli.
()! IV Kit Vkaitii. W. M.
P. I'. Wool i:v, See.
G. A. R. Appomatax Post No 31,
Meets nt 1 p. in., on the -1 and Itli
Satnrdav of each inontb.
Hit I). L. Wooits, P. C.
(. V., Adj.
L, O, T. I.ady Lainson Hive. No
4.'. Meet I'd nml Itli l'ridny of
each month.
Miis Maijy S. in mtz, C,
Miss Lirrv Saniokk, K. K,
O. K. S.Cottutfe (irove Chapter Si
i. Meetings held on 2d and Ith Pri
dav of e c li mouth.
Mits. 'Kosknui no, V. M.
T. C. Whki 1. 1 -it. W. P.
Mlts. MvriiK WllEKI.Kli, See.
W. R. C Appomattox W, It. C. No.
IL Aleets at 1 p. III. oil me -n mm
llli rsul unlay ol caen nioiiin.
M vnv Pii kkv, Prep,
V.. ,Ti:nnii: Woons. Soc.
K. of P. Juventus Lode No. 4
Meeti every Wednesilay nlnht .
S. K. I'll KIt C. C.
(.'has. K.of K. & X.
ys All tho intent trontineiitA.
I Electrical
4 l''or furtlicr partleulurs address
ir. ii. a. sciiriicur.
UoimlrlnK nt reasonntile eriarKe.
All work K'uiruutced irt-cln.
Wnti-heH.clockK and Jewelry at Uiwont I'rlee
(X)TrA(iK (iKOVK. OUK.
.1. S. Medley.
.1. C. .lohtiHon
Medley J- Johnson,
Office Suite :t li'ink Hlily.
Special attention nlvcu to MIiiIiik
mid Corporation i.hw.
Atloren y-at-Law ,
Ollice on Main atreet, Went Flda
Cottacjk Orovk, Ore.
kMM 60 VEAR8"
aA Tradc Marks
iO Designs
Anyone iendlng a sketch and doicrlntlon my
(Illicitly Hscerialn nur oplumn froe w hut her au
In vunt ton Is prohahly tuteniull, 4'ommuiitra
UoiiBHirictly r.miniontlul. HANDBOOK ou I'tttwnu
Hunt froe. Oldttht uueuvj fur ttecurliig put en (a.
I'ateiiu lukeii tbruuub Aluim A tu. rctv
9perial notice without cimrie, lu the
scientific sittiericath
A Iinnddomelf llliiatrated weekly T.arireit elr
fMiliiHoii t,t nur Bcientltto lournul. 1'tirma. a
citr: fimr iniHithi, U tiulUy all newMdcMtluri.
MUNN & Co.3P,B'0 New York
('otta;k fjitovi:
V 3
llospiliilimil Sanitarium
Restoration to Entry of Lands in Na
tional Forest.
Nolire h lierebv clvill that the
hinds (Icflcrlhed below, I'lnbrneliiK lit
acres within the V ascaile .Milional
PorCHt, Oiv., will bo Kiibject to net I le
nient mid eut i.v under the provisions
of the lioineNtcad hvvvs of tho l ulled
Xtntes iiixl the act of .lime II, l'lllli
(III Stat., J.Slll.nt the Pulled States
Land ollice til Ito'-'elinrir. Oregon, on
Sept. Ill, I'.inr. Any net tier who was
nctually and In kooi) faith claloiiiiK
nny of said binds fur iiuricnll pur
poses, pi lor to .lanuaiy I, itiuilniKl has
not nhaudoucd kiiiii', Idi ' a prrfei'
eneo rlnht to mnke u homiHleud entry
for the l.'lliiM iK tn illy on npuMl.
Said hinds wi IV listed upon the a.ll
cations of the pi iHoiis meat loni-d be
low, who have a preli i cinv ilMt sun
Ject to the pil.r urhl ol aiiv siirb
settler, pin iih'd Kiirh : i llli r or appli
cant. Is oiialitieil lo lilal.e Inline 'lend
entry n ml the pr. ! icni i' ricbtliex
ereiHed pt lor lo Sept, Ii!, I'mi". on
vvhleli date the lauds will be i abject
to Hettlemi'iit nnd entry by any iial
Hied persoti'i. The lands are as fol
lows; SI-'.', ol Ntt'V See. :'0 . T Vl X,
It. :t i:, V. M , b del open the nppll
cation of .laine- W . Hill, of lla dedell,
Oren-on. 1'ia n 1 'i s i i , Actin;: C
IlllsHloner of t he I leliei a I I .and I lllii e.
Apiil'oved Jane l'i, I'loi. Jm -ii: I,
tci ior .
Act In:? Secret a I V of t In
I'. S. PA 'I P.NT.
M. A. No. i V '.. Mineral Survey No
I nited Staler Land ( Ullce,
KoHeburuf. (lie., I'eli. 7, pioV.
Notice Is hereby fAiveu that In pur
Hinince of Chapter ii. Title :!'.f of the
ltevled Statutes of the I nited States,
Alberton Wood whose poKt olVnv ad
dress is Cot ta ;;e ( irov e. I .a ne Count y ,
Oregon, has made ;i ; 1 1 -: 1 1 i 1 1 fur I .
S-Patent for I.Mhi d el of the
Arllnnton lode. hiii No. i,ii bearink'
i;old mul silver . Ihe:aine heint' N 'l
ili'K. ."1 uiln. V a .a (eel and S '.'I de::
:tl mill i:, ll.1l I feel 1 1. 1 1 1 tin- illseiiveri
out thereon vvil h surface i;inund ; h i
feel ill Width. Situated la the S '.. id
Section 1 I ihii '.printed i T 'J ! S I: I !:
of the Willamette M.i i in the I'.o
lieiuia Minim?. Ii- Irli t. I1 nii'las Cuun-
t.v, Ore::nn. ai..! ' d I lln r-
li'chil plat berei . .. , ted a'ud bv I be
field notes mi tile in Hie ollice of the
lioyMcr of the lulled Males Laud
otlice a t l!ic el nil c, . Oreuoii, as fidh ws,
ti-vvit .
ltenlulilnn at Cor No I Whence:
the P S M M No I, .- i.ihlihed in Mir
No '.''.".i liea i. N T7 dv -ls "dn ::e m c V
7-401.7.1 feet.
The S K Cor Sec I I su peinlcl T 'J'l
S II 1 p, of Willamette Meridian bears
s fid den .:-2 uiia :;u see i: :i:!.ii..:;n feet.
Thence S r,1 ,ck .".I mlu W lion (eel
to Cor No 'J.
Thence S l'i de;? :. mlu K ir.nofeet to
Cor No :i
'I'hence N (11 del,' I'll mill p. i:iHI feet
lo Cor No I.
Thence N '1 deiv "d lain W I a fiet
to Cor No 1 , t he place of In n in nine;.
Vnrlhtloii L'o de ;!o mill L, enntain
ln? I'.l.oSS acres, exclusive nfooullict
with Sur No .r.7'! lietrolt lode. The
it 1 1 j i it 1 ii lainiM are the above exclud
ed others if any unknown.
The notice of aiuended location of
Kilbl Arlington lode Is on record in
the Ollice ol t lie Peei .'d"- of loil;;lM
County, at Jloseburv. Oregon, P.ooU i;.
Page. .IL'H of Minim; lleeonb'
Any and all pcr-oiis claimin;?. ad
versely the minim; ground and pieia
i.--es or any poilion lle ieoi de
SOlilicd l'.lld applied for ale hereby
not i lied thai utile's I heir adverse
claims are duly tiled act liii'C Inlaw
unci the I en u la I ion I hei eiiiuler. wil h
in the time pre -el ilie.l h' law. Willi
the Kcn'i-dcr oi I be I nile.l .si;l.-s
Iitlinl Ollice al n ebui ;.'. Ore ;..n.
they will be bai re I by virtu" of tin
provisions of said .'Pilule.
1 1 r X i A v I x I ,. I '.hoV . Ifem-. li t'.
1 opnrt men I of I he I nlei ior.
Laud Ollice al l!o eliin, iivnn,
A uu t :;isi , l'iu7.
Notice is hereliv );i'e!i that
ZLNoo. KAI.'I.
of , Mar, Oregon, ha-; hied in. lice
of his in ton t i oi to make iin d live
year proof in Hiippnilol his claim,
vi.: Iloineslcad I'.nli.v No, 11171 made
May 10, l!HL' for the L1.. of W1.. Seelinii
L"', l'owilHliip L'I South, Paue West
mid that said proof ul:l be made be
fore the Pointer and loeeiver at
Kosebur'. Oregon on I'l hlay, Novem
ber '22, l'.ii)7.
llonamoH the fol low in;; w i I iicssch
to prove 1 1 i.-i continuous residence
upon, nnd cultivallon oi ihe laud
S. II. Vaughn of llo.-ebur;', iee,.in;
I. .lones of Star, Orei'on ; Miles
Pitcher of Star, Onjoiu;,). Bedford
of I lorena, irej;on.
, P.KX.IAVIIN Ii. i:illlV, lie'islei',
beiuliiully iliuUtcd, good iIoiki
nd articles about California
and all the far WeaL
a nontbly publication devoted rf-A rrv
to tho (arming iatereaU ol Uia
Weit a yeai
a book of, H pigea. conlainico
120 colored photogMpln or 0.75
piclureaque ipoU in California
andOiegon. 40 7C
All for $1.50
Cut out thia advi-rliiemcnl
ad acad willi $1.50 to
Horses for Sale.
rive head tfood work Iioihch for Hale.
S. K. ItiiHlck (it Ihe I'.urni It placu
near Ilohuinln.
Noril'L Ol' AI PLICA I IIJN Poll
H. I'A'I'liNT.
i'nlted Hlftten Lund ollice, ItosebuiK,
(ironti, Mineral Application
No. Iitl. Auitusl II, piii7.
Notice 1.4 hen by idven that Hlnr
(lotcolldalcd Mininit ('oinpanv, ii
corporntlou or l ortiami, oroitou, haw
made application for a juilent hT tho
Htitr CoiiHolldalcd liionp Lode Mlu
Inn elahn", eoinprlslu the lilover,
Placli traveller. Mexican, tloldon
Star, Star ll!'-loH : Palsy Last
Chance N liodetnii ', II. nana, Hart
ley. Iluuhes. Uii'iilor ami Hinu('lor
Lodei, Mituated lu llolicmla Mlnlnu
Pl-trlct, I .nne county, Slate of Ore
con, Willi Kiiilace mound, al dc
h. rllied bv Ihe ollh lal plat herewith
po- led and by I lie held Hote l nit tllil
in the ollice of the Itelsler of tho
Poaebut); Land PI dl lct, Oregon, M.
S. No. tiiii' , as follow a :
lilover Lode Heiviniiinn al collier
No. I. whence Ihe L', hoc. ror, sec. "Jl,
S It I w Iiin M ssdc7 mln vv,
Vux.Sllll; the S", de'. U I lulu I )
I . 0 I It.; I hence N di'v :il) mill. I''.,
(ll'.i -It! It: thence N V I .11 miu. vv
I .Hit t Hi thence S.'lJde);. .'Ill linn, w,
liP.I llill, to Ihe I'lireot lieelnlnliu.
Plaek Traveller Lode lloivluuln at'
cor. No. I, wile lice Ihe L 'j : co for,
sic. -J t i' s i; I W br S Ml dc. PI
mln. :itl sec. V ti; ilienceSllil
les;. U mill Itl.iee. L I IKS 1,'ii' ; Ihelioe
N '.: '. dec. P. tihil Icel; t In-nee N till dot;.
.1 mlu. Ill see. W I Ills, il.l ft , IhenceS.
: ib i-. W lliiu fl lolhe place of U
;;iuniiiir. M"ji :in Lode -l',e;vluiiih!; at tor,
No. I, whence Ihe P. ' Heo. cor. sec,
2 I, 'I' 2X S I! I W bra i VI ,ejr. .1:1 mill.
'JO -co. W. Ii 111 1,v I I'Clliiliee ." :(!.". iU-g.
:1n mill. '. I mill.; theme N J't tha;. V,
Hull (eel ; Iheiioc N til dec;. :is miu. W
I I'.n" fl ; thence S. allien. W IUKI It. to
Ihe place of heuinnini;.
tlohlcn Mar Lode - I'.cttinnlllK lit
cor. No. I, whence the I'.1, vee. cor,
ac. 2 i, T U' l.S. It. I VV brs S. Ml dee;. ,'JS
miu. I'M nee. V !i7lti.!i: it ; thence S. (i.l
ile'. :!Sjnln. L I I'.i7 fl; thence N 2'. don
P, '.'..v In fl; I hence N I I de?. .1 mlu. W
a' I (I ; t hence N .111 dev.. .Is mln. 110
-co. W '.ill .in fl; Uieii.eS:: de;;. W.
.170 f I lo the place of bccitililli?.
Star Lxlcli l.ill Lode Peililliim'
cm. No. I, whence I he I'. ', sec. cor.
sec. ras. i:. i w in, s vith-K.
"d linn. W .",:i:t :i.1 It, t hence S till detf.
.'I mill. h see i: I Ills, I! It ; thence N.
dcu. I! ,17il It ; thence N lis deT. -1.1
noli. .'Ill : ec. W. I I'.i7. II fl; thence S. 1'3
do.". W run ft; o Ihe place f lii'nlll
liiu;?. Palsy I.odi - Hi j'lani i n at cor. No.
I, whom. Ihe N P. cor. see. , 1' S.
It. I V bis N s:l de:.. :l mill. In vec. W
iiM.'l ft; thence s .17 detr. .17 mlu. II,
I I i:i liii (I; I hence N J ,hv;. K lit Ml ft;
I heia e N ..." .I' K mm. W, I I't'.Mlli I t ;
IhenceS 1 dt'. W. liuu It. lo the plaet)
01 l.einnin;;.
La- t Chmieo Loile Pcin nine; nt
cor. No. I, whence P. s. I,. M. No. ''
est ililbhed in survey No. llJI, Itoutoll
Con olldaled (iroup lit is. N, Is tlt'H-
II mill. Id see. I-: IMl:!..1 fl ; theneo H
1 do;;. Wf.iUMt; thence H, lit tloR. .1
mln. L J Ills 11 ft ; t hence N I'.' dee;, i;
COO ft; thence N 111 do,.. .1 mill. W I PIS,.
II fl . to t he place of beejiniilui;.
Mehodeii.UH Lode - Ite'innillL; at
cor. No. I, whence N Poor. Sec. L'I, T
2 , S. II. 1 W In i. N SJ ,lea. .!'.' mill. 0
sec. W tis!i7..:l ft: l hence NM de(;.
min. in sec. LIlnl.Mi ft; thence N U
de.. II min L' tint) II: thence S. s dev;.
I'.' min. In nr. W lh.l.stlft; thence S,
.1 ib K'. 1.1 lain, vv nun ft. lo thephtco of
Ilozanza Lode llei'in'iiiiM' at. cor.
No. I. whence the N L cor. Sec. l, T
:!, S. I!. 1 XV. bi s. N s I.-, ,in. 10
-ec W,s:i:iL'7 it: ihcnco s. s dty. 27
min. P, 1 r in l it; iheiico N .1 dc. 13
mln. P. miu fl . thence N sa (Uf. l'7 mln.
W 1.100 fl: I notice S. .1 dev.. ,1 mlu. W
lion ; l.i ihe f I f lieeinninu'.
Ilaillev Lode i'eliihlm.' ill cor.
No. I. whence Ihe.N C cor. koo. 21, T
s. It. I W. bi-.s s7 ,eu. ir mln. '2o
see. V s:: ij.77 ii; ilunceS. .17 lef. 27
min. P. p.'!io.::'i :l ; Ihein e .'!) dej;. .;
tint i il ; thence ,7 ib j; 7 mill. W,
I.'!in.:io It ; I leiice S. !i iIck' vv niio ft.,
lo I he place i if In e iniiini;.
1 1 unites Lode-I'.i iiiunln at. cor;
No. I , win ii ie N l : col', .sec. l, T
S. It. I W hi-. N s7 .1.-'. .Ill mln. W,
'.i:i:!.: ri; iheiico S. f,il dc'. s mill. 11
lri'.lll; thence N '20 dee;. P. CM) ft;
I hence N .In do.; s mill . W I l!l:!.l'' ft;
thence S. '.t dojr. W IUMI ft., i tllO
place of I n i ? 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 : ' .
Lustier Lode - i'.eiunin at oor No.
I, whence N P. eor sec. l, T :l, S, It. I
VV bra. S. vi lie!?. 7 mill. Ill see. W.
H(l:;l.i; il ; them e S. .17dei;. 7 mln. L
Pl.lo.liti II; thence N L".l den', i: i:lM) rt ;
thence N mi In min. W.".7U ft;
thence S. 2'.) iloj;. W. .i::.r, ft., to the
place of liee.iniline,'.
SniUKlcr Lode-IScubinlnn nt oor.
No. I, whenoe N p, cor. sec. 2, 'V 2.,
S. L. 1, W brs. SMI div. I min. 2U see.
W!l7IS.fl; tl e S. .10 def. S mill.
K, I l'l. 2 ft ; I hence N ail dec;. L ,1s.S
It; thence N .1.1 de;'. 20 mill. 10 see. W.
I lllll.S!) ; hence S. u'll tlo. W. 1100 It.,
lo Ihe pl.ieo ol boKluiiinj;.
'I'otal net area ,1 1.77!) ncrcH.
Any and all persoim clulinluK ad
versely ihe mining m'ound, lode,
preinihi H or any portion tlmroof ho
described, sin v eyed and platted anil
tippllcd for are hereby notified that
unions their advei'HO claima are duly
liled nooordiim- to law and the regu
lations lliereiinder, within tliu tinto
proHciibod by law, with the PoIhIcp
of the Unlteil .States Land OMico at
ItoHtdiui'K, in the State of Oregon,
they will bo barred by tho provisions
of the law In Hindi cases, made and
I'.r.x.i.v.viiN L. Ki.iiv, PoiHter.
Department of the Interior,
Lund Ollice at ItoHobitrp;, Urefron,
Septenibcr 5, 11107.
Notion hi hereby friyoii that
I'.l'.ltl' DKNIfAM
of Loraue, Oregon, ban liled notieo
of Ids intention to make llnal Ii vo
yeur proof in Hiipport of hi olaiin,
vi: lloiuentoad Kntry No. 1 I7l's mado
June II), l'.ioy, bir the WpW'i.S
PS' NWi, iVA KWH Sootion 20
TowiiKlilp 20 South, ItniiKo l XV., nnd
that said proof will be mado before
tho Pollster nnd Peeolvor at. Koho
bu !, Oreu'iui, on TuoHday, Deo. 17th.
Ho nainofi the fullovvln;jr vvitnoKHoa
to prove bin oontinuoiiH reuidonco
upon, and cult i vat Ion of the land,
Mllo II Stono, of Lorane, Oregon;
(iooiKotJ. Schneider of Lorane, Ore
gon; Lduiund S. AddiHon of Lorulie,
Oregon; lloiboit M, Holy of Lorauo,
JiiiNjA.viiN L, Piidv, Itoglster