Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 04, 1907, Image 3

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Hems of Interest in and about
Collage drove and vicinity.
Albrrt Zorull went to
MIhs Hefty viHitcd in Ku-
gene for n ilny UhI week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. JosBio (Irlflln spent
Tlmn1fliviiig with relatives liorc.
A. A. Simmons and wifo nrc vis
itinjr frle-ndi hero for fi fow days.
Mrs. II. II. Vontch returned yes
terday fiom n visit ut Corvallis.
.Son (iriflni & Vcahh'H new nd
and Kct n turkey for CtiristmuH.
Dr. 1. L. Wood lias returned
from a montlm visit nt Portland.
Miss Orphft Abbott of thin city iH
violtin bcr Rrandparotits nt Eu
gene. Attornoy J. C. JohuRon was in
Kugono on biimiicHH Sntunbiy niter
uoon. Deputy DiHtiiet Attorney U. 1
Skipworth wn on our Directs I'ri
dny. Road about tho tree turkey in
(Irlflin k Voatch'u ml on '2nd page.
Attorney J. K. Young wns attend-,
ing legal busincHs nt t tie county
Kent Saturday.
Hjti Lurch, the CoUiifo (lrov
merchant, went to Kugenc on the
noon trniu Tnday.
Dr. (ieoigo Wall, of Eugene,
mado a professional visit to Cottage
Grovo this week.
Miss t'orn Green and tho Miosis
Post, of Druin, vinitd friends in
this city last week.
Mr. and Mm. S. K. Stevens, of
Eugene, visited with friends nt C"t
tage drove Friday.
Mr. Milton Clow, wifo and biby
spent Thnnksgiving with Mr. ('low's
parouta of this city .
Miss Orpha HarmB, telegraph op
erator at Kugeuc spent Thanksgiv
with her mother in tliia city.
Griflin & Yeatch gives you a
chance for a frco turkey for Xtnas.
See their ad.
Mrs. Phillip Hold was in Kugene
the last of the week visiting her
daughter Mrs. M. Wald.
l- 1). McGuire of Cottngo Grove
was jegistered nt the Hotel Mcl'Ul
len at lioneburg Thursday.
Senator and Mrs. I. II. Bingham
spent Thanksgiving with their
daughter Mrs. David Griggs.
J. V. Kirk, who is attending
school ut Kugene, spent Thanks
giving with bin parents in this city.
riui'siilvo CarboUi-d netn like a
poultice, draws out Inllummntioii ami
poiHoii. Antiseptic, lieulInK- l'"r
ehnppcd hands, lips, cuts, liurns. Sold
by Now I'.ru Ihug Store.
Jacob Hohl, son of Mr. nud Mis.
l'hillip llohl is dangerously ill with
kidney trouble ut his parents home
in this city.
J. B. Hopkins was In tbe Grove
Friday afternoon on business con
nected with tho ICugeno Lumber
Mrs. J, Hauson, who has been
visiting her daughter Mrs. J. S.
Medley in this city has returuod to
her home nt Kugene.
Miss Mary Mundy returned
Sunday evening from Portland
where she has been visiting during
Thauksgiving week.
Miss Stella Cochlin, who has been
visiting here for tho past two weeks
returued to her home nt Wendling,
Monday morning.
Be sure aud visit tho market nt
Pearce Bros', next Saturday after
noon, conducted by the ladies of
the Presbyterian church.
To stop (hat pain in tho back, that
etifrnoHH of tho joints and miiHcles,
take rineules. They are guaranteed.
Don't Buffer from rheumatism, heud
neho, kidney trouble, when you get
days' treatment fur 1. A single
dose nt bedtime proves their merit.
(let them today. Sold by New F.ra
drug store.
T. C. Wheeler, cashier of the
First National bank was in Port
land Sunday as a delegate from the
Commercial Club of this city to the
business men's meeting held in that
The Cottage Grove public schools
sent a Thanksgiving offering of
fruit and vegetables to the Boys
gnd Girls Aid Society at Portland.
lf. J, Hard returned from tbe
mines today and will go to Portland
V. II. Jenkins, traveling Fa
Hcngor Agent of the Southern Pa
cific was in tbe city a few hours
last week on business.
Mrs. Goodman au1 Miss Mun
day spout Thanksgiving in Port
land. Mrs. Goodman will visit
fiionds in Independence before re
turning homo.
Tho ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold their lust market
this season in Pearce Bros, win
dow next Saturday. See the pretty
X'mas presents.
It will he uiinceetwiry for you to go
tliroiinlia pidnfiil, expensive opera
tion fur piles if you uho Put
1 1 1 ' In i'oI!mihII,Ic tuitu with nozzle,
ready to nly to the soreness and til
lliiinnmtlon. For nny form of piles,
price no cents, Kuarmiteed. Sold by
New Frn drug store.
Harry Hurt received a letterfrom
relatives in England telling him of
tho death of his father's youngest
brother at tho same hour his father
Jas. H.ut died. They'wero also
buried at the samo hour, the one in
Wales B. C, the other here.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold a market in
Pearce Bios.' window next Satur
day afternoon, Dee. 7. All kinds
of X'ui'is articles and edibles will
bo offered for sale.
I'n'c Laxative rmigh Syrup for
eoiiKiiH, cuIiIm, croup ami whooping
eouu'li l'I'iiwh In favor daily with
' yoiniK and ld. Mothers nlioiild keep
it on liiiml for children. It Is prompt
relief to croup. 1 1 Is gently lHxtmve,
dllvliiL' the poison and phlegm from
t he HyMcm. It in a nlmpl remedy
Hint H'ves immcdinte relief, guaran
teed. Sold ly New Kin drug store.
D.J. Scholl discovered some oue
working at the window back of his
jewelry Moro late at night the 22d.
He could not see who it was, but
the would bo burglar left in a hurry
on invitation by Mr. Scholl.
flrillin fi Veatch Co. beg to an
nounce to their friends and patrons
that a now nnd up to date stock of
Community silver ware, uickle
plated copper ware, Cattaraugus
cuttlery and many other valuable
articles have been added to our
up to date stock of Hardware for
tho Christmas season of P.107. Your
inspection is invited.
"I trust this inny lo read by many
sufferers from kidney Hlid bladder
trouble" writes .Mrs. Joe King of
Woodland, Texas. "I suffered four
years and could find nothing to give
even temporary relief. Our druggist
at last Induced me to try your III) days
treatment of Pineules for $1. This
0110 holtle has cured me and money
could not buy the value it has been to
mo. Ouaranteed. Sold ly Pennon's
Next Thurrday Evening at the Ar
moryThe Program.
On next Thursday evening De
cember Cth, there will be a grand
benefit entertainment given by
horn talent for Company K. Mrs.
E.zle Chase of San Francisco, has
been here for tho past two wcoks
preparing the entertainment. Mrs.
Chase has had much to do with
amateur theatricals aud promises
the people of Cottage Grove some
thing good iu the way of a nico,
clean, entertaining program. The
proceeds of the evening go towards
helping Company K pay for the
piano and chairs recently purchased
by them for use in tho armory.
The program speaks for itself:
Charlie Brown, A Bachelor
Albert Zerull
Hnrry Tillman, 11 ri I'liKllHhman,...
,1. ('. Johnson
CunniiiKham, 11
newspaper reporter
las. Pot ts
Poo, n friend of Charlie's
Mr. Orecn, 11 true husband,
11. Karl Himeral
Fritz, Charlie's colored servant,...
Koy HnKer
Mary, the belle of tho Bcasoh
Miss .Maim iiiair
Mrs. Oreen, en old man's darling.
I'.zzle Cause
Scene I The bachelor apartments
of Mr. Brown; Scene II The home of
Mr, (jreen, where Mary lias been
upending her vacation; Scene III
i'iiC- rllroad station.
During this nketch the following
songs will bo introduced :
"I Am Barely Making a Living nul
That is All."
"So Long, Mary."
"I am up In the Air About Mary."
On tin Automobile
lilab Sisters
It blew, blew, blew"
The Cottage Urove opera Co
John Ifallicy. a loving hiiidmnd,...
A. Z.erull
Ole Ole, a Sweed servant
J. C. Johnson
Sarah, Ole's sweet-heart
Kdyth Spauldlng
Aunt Betty, an old maid,
Miss Abide Johnson
Maud Halliey, a bride of one month,
Kzzie Chase
Scene I 'the home of tho Halliey
tumily going to the Colonel's recep
tion; Scene 11 Returning from the
reception; Scene 111 At breakfast
the followlnar morning.
(During this uct Mr. Zerull will
sing: "There's No One Just Like You,
Male Quartette, Life Boat Crew...
Potts, Johnson, LaCure, Kdwards
Ambnlia Snow and Alandy Johnson
Bed Wing
Abide Johnson nnd Chrous
How it Was Spent In Cottage Grove
- Services at Churches.
Ncer was a Thanksgiving day
more generally observed or appro
priately celebrated in Cottage Grove.
Tho weather was all that could be
asked, dean streets and crossings
had their part as well as the chrys
anthemums nnd fresh budding
roses that adoMi the yards of so
many lieautifully kept homes of our
city. The merchants all closed
their dtores nt 11 o'clock and until
after two o'clock the streets were
deserted for the home.
The usual quick lunch of our
busy merchants gave place to a
real dinner with the family and the
familiar phrase "like mother used
to make" was expressed more than
once while the mince pies, plum
pudding and other good things
were being enjoyed. In addition
to the family at home, from seeing
the many absent members of fami
lies alight from the train one would
almost guess that it wos a home
coming day.
The ladies of the M. E. church
served their annual Thanksgiving
dinner in the church at which 2.r0
plates were laid. The dinner was
a great success and especially so
was tbe social time held after din
ner when all visited together for a
fow hours. At the churches ser
vices were held. At 'J: IK) a. m.
Mass was celebrated at the Catho
lic church and Father Fitzpatrick
preached a splendid sermon. In
the eveniug at the Presbyterian
church union services were held,
Bev. Klkinsof the Christian church
delivering the serroou aud special
music was rendered by the city
Silk Creek Items.
Good Work by Cottage Grove Officers.
Marshal Suodgrass with Frank
and Warren McFarland and Fred
Bartels lost no time Thanksgiving
day before taking up the search for
the negroes that held up the lone
footman on the railroad track close
to town and relieved him of all his
money, two hundred dollars and
some chango. Two negroes were
pulled in soon after dark the same
day, on examination one was dis-
charged, the other held for removal
to the countv 1 ail at Fucrene. On
urrival at his now stopping place,
Shontl Fisk found the money care
fully sewed up in the prisonors
shirt sleove. It was feared that the
negro that was not caught had the
money. It is of general satisfaction
that it proved different and the
money was restored to the old man
who without doubt will adopt the
banking system from now on.
Mayor Jones offered a reward of
$25 for the capture.
A Dangerous Deadlock
That sometimes terminates fatally,
is the stoppage of liver and bowel
functions. To quickly end this con
dition without disagreeable sensa
tions. Dr. King's New Life Tills
should always be your remedy. Guar
anteed absolutely satisfactory In
every case or money back at Benson's
Pharmacy. 25 cents.
Baby Show Changed.
At the request of a number of
ladies, the poultry Association has
decided to hold the baby show iu
the afternoon at '2:H0 instead of in
the evening. This will be much
more convenient for the babies, as
they will be in better humor and
look prettier than in the evening
when they would be sleepy and
tired. A number of pretty prizes
will be given, amoug them one lor
tbe prettiest boy aud girl baby un
der 1 year, and from 1 to 2 years,
and the fattest baby under 18
Misses Winnie and Varian Dres
ser of Lynx Hollow spent Thanks
giving with Mr. aud Mrs. A. D.
W. Is". Wheeler and his . family
went to the Divide Friday for a two
or three days visit with friends.
Miss Huuter had the pleasure of
a few days visit from her sister who
lives in Eugene. Tue lady returned
to her home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Werth entertained
company last week.
A number of our citizens attend
ed the Farmers' Institute held in
Cottage (irove Wednesday last-..
Alfred Wheeler and wife and
Miss Ruth Miller went to the Di
vide last Wednesday to be present
at the wedding diuuer of their
Mrs. Wilson entertained visitora
We understand VI r. Ed Ashby is
out again after a severe attack of
Several of our young men at
tended the lecture given in Cottage
Grove Saturday night.
No need to fear coughs and colds
this year as you can ubtalu Bees Lax
alive Cough Syrup now from jyour
dealer. This is good news to moth
ers who fear cough and whooping
cough. It Is 11 gentle laxative that
expells tho poison from the system in
the natural way. Cuts the phlegm
and clears the head. Ouaranteed.
Sold by New Era drug store.
J. H. Chambers Goes to Washington,
D. C.
J. II. Chambers left on Monday
morning for a trip to Washington,
D. C. to be present at the trial of
the $3.10 rate case of the Western
Lumbermen's Associations against
the S. P. and Oregon & California
Railroad companies before the In
terstate Commerce Commission,
which 19 set for Dec. 11th in the
capitol city.
Miss Ethel Taylor, an Oregon
girl visiting in Chicago writes to a
friend in Eugene saying that two
large Oregon apples are up for show
in a wiadow on Fifty-fifth street in
Chicago and are attracting consid
erable attention.
Chas. Bruneau ia improving his
property on Third street, in the
way of tearing down the fence,
grading the lawn, etc.
- Directors -
W. II. AllltAMM. II. l.t'lMil, W. At
ii.vii'i TMJ, I'm iu:rKi.i:v,
Bank of Cote Grove
Paid Capital $25:000.00.
W. If. Abrami
B. Lurch
C. Ron Kin
Harry Short
AitliUnt Ctihttr
A representative bank of the
business public of this city and
surrounding; country.
Now is the Time to buy your
Useful Holiday Gifts Our
Holiday Line is on Display
Household Necessities
Beautiful line of Table Linen and Napkins.
Sideboard and bureau scarfs.
Lunch cloths and centre pieces with elaborate drawn
work centres and hemstitched border.
Battenberg centre pieces, pursea all colors and sizes.
All for Comfort During the Cold Weather
Silk scarfs end head shawls, lace trimmed.
One hundred and forty wool and ailk fascinators and
shoulder shawls, no two alike.
.Silk mufflers aud handkerchiefs.
Fancy neckwear.
Bearskin and silk cocheted baby hoods.
Ladies' fait and velvet, fur-trimmed slippers, all colors.
dent's Morocco and plush house slippers.
Fancy Wool and Silk Mittens and Gloves, all sizes.
Teddy bears io please tbe children.
Phone Me Your Order if you are unable to come and Chose for
Yourself, and I Will Give You a "Square Deal."
Wynne Hardware Co.
Don't Wait Until Your Grain agf.nts fob
and ready to be harvested before buy- CREAM
liiR the machinery you wdll need. We ecpAB jtop
nre handling and have on hand, the oWAKAlUli,
old reliable
McCormick Line of
MOWERS supplies
BINDERS And the celebrated
which make haa for many years prov-
edits miperloritv bv its work. So If BUGGIES,
you need any machinery in that line. It WAGONS and
will be a wise selection in buying
make. Come In and talk It over. EHICLES.
m m m m m m m m m m m mm mm h mm h m nmniiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiMMiiiiiiM
Wynne Hardware Co. C00A,EQ00NR0VE-
I Headquarters For E
1 Mining and Commercial Men R
I I C. T. LONG, Prop. I
We Solicit 'your business.
000000 ooooooooooooooooo
Great Northern Railvay
Crossing both mountain ranges by daylight, Compartment
Observation Cars. Standard and tourist sleepers. New mod
ern dining cars and day coaches.
Also carries complete modern equipment
Write for rates, folders, berth reservations etc.
H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 Third St. Portland. Ore.
W A P0SS, A. G. P. A., Seattle, WaSh
Read the Nvigget.