Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 27, 1907, Image 2

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Mke nil check parable to Nogjet Pub. Co,
Enteral Hi the piloBlo t Collar Ore TO,
0-rnon a wwnj clans mall mailer.
6 months fl.00
1 year fl.M)
IS months $2.00
( paid iu advance.
Clubbing Pates.
Tho Holiemia Nugpet one year
vlth any one ot the following pub
lication one year (or amount Bet
Pacific Monthly 12.00
Wecklv Oregonlnn (Portland) j-'.M)
Weekly Journal ( Portland) $2.00
I'aily Mining Keeortl (Itenver) f ".50
Weekly Mining Record $i.25
Pacirio Homestead $J.2")
Northwest Poultry Journal fl.73
Thl paper is kept on Me by THK AMERI
merce HniMing, Denver, Colo., where our
reader will I welcome to the neof the lead
trig papers from tbe r!ou8 mining ertiou( ol
the cat, a wieutnie library and mtuera.' ex-
THIS PAPKR 1 kept on tile at K.C.Drake'
A Iverlining Aireney, 64 and 6 Merchant Ex
change, San Kraneisco, California, where con
tract for advertising can be made for 11.
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1907.
For one thing the interruption of
the lumber business in the North
west will have a tendency to check
the cut of timber, which has been
going on wastefully, and to carry
over much timber to a time when it
will be much more valuable. Waste
of resources is one of our besetting
American sius. We have extermi
nated the seals; have almost de
stroyed the salmon, and have
wasted immense quantities of the
timber already cut or culled over,
and allowed other and greater bod
ies of timber to be destroyed ut
terly through carelessness in losing
control of fire. Not until recently
had we begun to realize how val
uable our great stand of timber is.
Most owners want to "realize" too
quickly for their own good; or if
not for their own good, certainly
for that of the country. Now, if
we can't sell, at least we may pause
and reflect, add then, after a while,
when we can resume, belike we
may be prepared for the exercise of
more care and conservatism; so that
in cutting the timber we may be as
saving as possible of it, and careful
in the use of means for protection
of the younger growths. It will be
said, of course, that this will not be
practicable, that it will not pay;
that the logger must make all tke
money he can; that he can't stop
to protect the younger growths,
when cutting and felling trees, or
to keep fire from running over the
ground. He can't, of course, or
will not, if he has no thought of
the future, and is merely working
one of the many varieties of get-rich-quick
schemes, with which the
energy of the time teems and
abounds. Yet it takes so long for
timber to grow that it should cost
everyone a pang to see young trees
heedlessly peiish.
It is one thing to clear the land
for necessary crops. It always has
been necessary to nacri6ca timber,
in pnrtictilar localities to this end.
So it is still. Hut it is another
thing to destroy wholly the timber
on land that never can bear crops.
Such are the lands in most of our
mountains and in many of our hil
ly districts. To protect the timber
from the waste thnt is destruction
is one of the objects of the system
ot forest reserves recently put into
There wns an empire of white
pine timber about the Great Lakes
and Upper Mississippi. The tim
ber is gone, and most of the land
on which it stood is practically use
less for crops or cultivation. Mil
lions of acres of these lands are now
on delinquent tax lists. Proper
care in cutting the timber would
have preserved from destruction
the smaller trees, which, in the
hurry and slash of the lumbermen's
movement were merely destroyed
to get at the best. Reforestation,
under proper care, would go on
steadily, through processes of Na
ture, as the larger trees are remov
ed, if care were taken; but it is
perhaps too much to expect there
ever will be the needful care. I'tu
vate owners seldom will ttuJy any
thing but present gain.
Hut uow, if oar people cannot
get their lumber hauled wy, per
force they will iave their timber.
It will require some philosophy to
obtain contentment out of such en
forced economy, which our people
will pray may end ns soon as possi
ble. Yet it is not out of order to
observe the fact that we are saving
our timber when the railroads re
fuse to haul it. If we can't mar
ket our timber we can have it; and
every year after this it will be
worth more money than it is this
year. Oregouian.
A Few Words to the Fruit Growers of
Lane County.
The fruit crop of I907 has been
gathered and with the exception of
part of the apples, has been market
ed at good prices. Let us now turn
our attention to preparing for a
larger crop and better quality of
fruit for I908.
Insect pests and fungous diseases
have invaded our orchards and we
must keep up a relentless war if we
would eradicate them.
The time is again at hand for
pruning and spraying.
There is scarcely an orchard that
is not more or less infected with an
thracnose or dead spot, and now is
the time to spray to do the most ef
fective work in destroying it.
Use the Bordeaux mixture, if
there is no scale. Where there is
scale too, use the lime and sulphur
as that will be effective in both
When trees are badly infested
with the scale, they should be
sprayed twice during the dormant
For the benefit of those who do
not understand how to use the
prepared lime and sulphur spray,
I will give the following for trees
during the dormant season: To
each gallon of lime sulphur solu
tion add 9 gallons of water and to
every 50 gallons of this solution
add 5 or 6 pounds of good un-
slacked lime. Slack the lime and
strain before putting into the solu
tion. This will give tbe apray more
color, and the operator can more
easily detect any part that may
have been missed.
Let me emphasize the necessity
of thorough work. It has been my
observation and my own experience
that poor work is but little better
than no work.
I am much pleased w'fh the work
that has been done during the
short time of my duties as inspector.
Many orchards have been cleaned
up, pruned, sprayed and cultivated,
and there is a marked improvement
in condition of the orchards and
quality ot fruit. There is yet room
for much improvement and I would
ask your co-operation in this work
that we may accomplish what the
law intended.
1 hereby present a conservative
estimate of the value of tbe fruit
raised in this country for the past
year. This does not include cider
apples and much other fruit raised:
Strawberries, 4,000 crates $ 4,000
Raspberries, 45 toriH "S,5K
Loganberries, 3,000 crates 2,."00
Cherries, 2.10 tons 25,000
Pears' 110 tons 2,000
Prunes, dried, 1,300,000 pounds 00,000
Apple! 10,000 boxes 1(3,000
Total $113,000
This speaks well for the fruit in
dustry, but it is scarcely a drop in
the bucket to what could be raised.
Lane Co. Fruit Inspector in the
Promotions in Company E, 0. N. G.
Major C; C. Hammond, who has
been appointed examining officer
by Adjutant General Finzer was in
the city Monday afternoon and even
ing conducting the examination of
2nd Lieutenant II. K. Metcalf for
promotion to 1st Lieutenant and 1st
Duty Sergeant II. H. Petrie lor pro
motion to 2nd Lieutenaut. Corpor
al Bennett was advanced to 4th Duty
Three head of good work hordes
weigh 1150 to 1300 pounds. Price $125
each. Would take a good milk cow
us part payment. U. K. Ki.aoi.k,
Wild wood P. O. Phone Red Bridge Bo
hemia mill line.
An American Club Organized to Make
People Smile.
The Optimist Club of America
has been organized at Salt Lake
City, one it is purposed to have
spread all over the country. livery
city is invited to form a club. Pres
ident Roosevelt has been made an
honorary member. Here is the
philosophy of it, something worth
considering and imbibing. Let
Cottage Grove people read it, emilo
and keep smiling:
God reigns, the Union still lives
and the sun still shines, even
though the clouds obscure it.
There are more people dying lor
the lack of a kind word, a pat ou
the back and a little encouragement
than there are from disease.
A smile is potential, magnetic
and dispels trouble.
The man who never makes any
mistakes never makes anything
Hard luck stories are like overdue
"Go bury thy eorrows, the world
hath its share". Just smile.
Before monej was invented some
people were happy.
Shake hands as though you
meant it, and smile.
Nobody can compute the value of
a smile; a frown has cost a king
Nobody can roally harm you but
You are a real obligation to every
man on earth.
You can't put influence in a glass
When in doubt take optimism.
In darkness, in light, in sorrow,
in blight, be an optimist ever, and
things will come right.
Optimism is the first-boru of
hope, the mother of confidence, the
executioner of adversity and the
undertaker of pessimism.
A frown is a renegade smile that
is afraid to look himself in tho face.
On the faces of the happy aged
it is a well known fact that wrinkles
are only the footprints of smiles.
On the vehicle of modern pro
gress the creak of the wheel is the
pessimistic protest; a little optimis
tic lubricant will silence both the
creak and the croak.
"The optimist wins." Depew.
The greatest smiler is the greatest
"They that are whole need not a
physician, but they tint are sick."
A smile is God's own medicine.
A grin is a counterfeited smile,
and does not pass current because
the heart stamp is not on it.
Optimism and pessimism have
fought many bloody battles; if op
timism had not been a victor to
date, hope would have died years
In the realm ot the birds the lark
is tbe optimist, the crow is the pes-'
simist. Why be a crow?
The optimism of the optimist
destroys the last hope of the pessi
Plenty More Like This in Cottage
Scores of Cottage Grove people, can
tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills.
Muny a happy citizen makes a public
statement of his experience. Hero is
a case of it. What better proof of
merit can bo Imd than such endorse
ment? Mrs. M. llartiing, living on River
street, Cottage (Jrove, Or., s:iys: "It
Is a pleasure for mo to recommend
Doan'H Kidney pills, Tills remedy
has been used in our family with the
most excellent remits and I cannot
praise It too strongly. 1 would advise
anybody suffering with kidney trou
ble to use Doan's Kidney plllH."
For buIo by all dealers, price 50
cents. rostor-Milbiini Co., P.uffaio,
New York, solo agents for tho United
States .
Remember the name Doan's and
take no oilier.
Don't knock. Help yourself
along by becoming popular. It's
very easy. Be a good fellow and
soon you'll have a procession of fol
lowers. No man ever helped him
self knocking other people down in
character and business. Kx. j
Secret of Good Applet
The soerot of growing, the good
apples that are produced at Hood
River says Hood River man Is In
tho fact that Nature has endowct'
the Hood River valley with a vol
canic ash soil that contains all the
elements necessary for growing per
feet fruit. Added to this is a tem
perature exactly suited to their
propagation and last, but not least,
methods employed that have been
found to produce tho best results.
prom fur and wide fruit men. rome
from other districts to learn ef these
methods, simple though they be,
and easily learned by the novice. It
has been found that tho apple grows
best at Hood River under the clean
cultivation system, which conserves
tho moisture and allows nil the tiu
trimont ot the soil to go into the
making of both tree and fruit,
Spraying, to kill all insect life thai
is injurious to the growing of per
feet apples, is rigidly adhered to,
and so careful in this respect are
orchardists here that less than 2
per cent of the entire crop is found
to bo imperfect.
Free Lecture About the Telephone.
On Saturday evening Nov. 20
at eight o'clock there will be a free
illustrated lecture on the "Develop
mont of the Telephone" at the Ar
mory here under the auspices of
the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph Co.
The lecture will be illustrated by
one hundred and forty views per
taining to the telephone in the va
rious parts of the country showing
by means of the powerful lantern
the very many uses the telephone
has been put to.
The inside of the central office,
the board, toll lines through the
mountains and across rivers, the
cables and in fact everything that
is used to make up the vast plant
of the Bell system, will be shown
Mr. W. K. Merrill of the com
pany is to deliver the lecture here
and also at the places on the date
Comstock Nov. 2g; Walker, Deo.
2; Creswell, Dec. 3; Cloverdale Dec
4; Divide, Dec. 5; Dorena, Dec. 6
Singer, New Homo, Wheeler &
Wilson and Standard sewing inn
chines at Veatch & Lawsons.
Dr. ling's
Now Discovery
Fnn roycHs
OLDS Trial Bottl he
a i m
We have istablislied a
Class in your town and
3-011 can join this class at
any time. We ivo spec
ial drills and our super
ior drills are just what
you must have if 3'ou de
sire the best success.
We assist worthy stu-
dents to secure good po
sitions. Do not say that
you cannot learn to
write Shorthand for
You can in a Short Time
Be Prepared to do the
work the world wants
done. Address
Sodaville, Or.
For Further information
! 4i Professors
College of Liberal Arts.
'!' IIMI'IS :
Chisalenl A. II.
Literary II. I.,
Sclontille II. S,
Philosophical Ph. P..
$ The College of Lfhorid Arts iniiln
$ tains tho following schools ;
The Collet of Oratory. O. It.
Tho Teachers' College. It. I'd.
Tho Normal Sehool, Diploma.
11)0 Oregon 1 iih( it tito or the
Academy. Diploma.
Tho School of Commerce, Diploma.
I'Olt I'A I'AI (Mil R, AllhllllHS:
Salem, Oregon.
If it's Up-to-date,
clothes are (liiuand"d by all
men of good judgment and
Is the place to p-t your Outfit from
the crown of your head to the
soles of your feet. This warm
weather reminds us that
We will make it cool for
you if you buy your SUM
If it's,
Al l.
uKlrrlN &
General Hardware,
We uIho handle all KIiiiIh of
Foaming Machinery
Creocm Separators, Sporting Goods
Giini ftnd Ammunition, Ftc.
Remember We Buy for Quality. Call on
Griffin & Veatch Co.
Mothers with little children need no
longer fear croup, colds or whooping
coiikIi. I'-cch Laxative Conh Syrup
taste (rood. It workH oil' the cold
through the bowels, cu(n the phlegm,
clenrn the head. For yountr and old.
Uimrnnteed, Secure a hotlle at once.
Sold by New Era Drug Store.
A Significant Prayer.
"May tho Lord help you ninlco lluck-
Ioh'h Arnica Salvo known to all,"
writes J. (I. JenkliiH, or Chnpel J 1 111,
N. C. It quickly took tint pain out. of
a felou for me and (Mired It In a won
derfully nhort time." ItoHton earth
for Bore, burns ami wounds, ilfie at
Hanson's I'lmrmacy.
: 3 Instructors. V;
Affiliated Colleges,
t oilcan of Medicine M. D.
College of Law.... LI.. II.
College of Theology It, D.
College of Mimic 11, M.
The Allllialed Colleges are Ilium
cuilt.v Independent, of the l'o.&
lege of Liberal Arts. y
Tho School of Art, ('citillento.
The (iclmol of Art Is nlso llnnu-j
chilly Independent of the Col
lege of Liberal ArtH.
The TOGGERY has it.
.. ..
Stoves and Ranges.
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y
"n" 'nuumuL in Muiiymiui'K, writes:
"Klectrie Hitters have done me moro
liood than any medicine 1 ever took
J-'or several years I had aloniiieli
trouble and paid out much money for
medicine to little purpose, until I bo
gau taking Uleetrle Hitters. I would
not lake :,m for what they havo done
for me." (Irand tonle for the aod
and for female weaknesses, (ireut
a teinatlvo and body builder; bent of
all for lame back and weak kidneys.
Uuaianteed by Heiwon's Pharmacy.
(into II oato, the city drayman,
for a careful transferor your houM
hold effects.