BOfiMJIffi Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and I'armiDg Interests of this Community. i . i 1 1 1 VOL. IX COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, igo7; NO. 43 C A FINISHED On Line Between Portland and Salem Cars Will Be Put On January 1st Road To Be Ballasted and Sur facedContractors Only Four Days Behind. Three scattering cheers rang out and soveral old hats wont sailing into the air Tuesday evening from a party of men nt work on track laying for the Oregon Klcetrio Roil, way company near Tigardville. They had just driven the last spike in the construction of the main lino connecting Portland and Salem, Oregon's copital city. This some what nervous but genuine outburst of tracklayers' joy whs the only ceremony attending the hammer ing of the last spike home. The builders, W. S. Harstow Co., were but four days behind their estimated date for completion of the track laying. For months they have been looking forward to November 15 ns the day of driving the last spike in the main line. Owing to the necessity lor mak ing a few changes in the grades and handling more earthwork than first estimated, they were unable to complete it until the evening of November 1!'. The track will be surfaced and ballasted and will then be ready for the operation of trains. The regu nr schedule will probably not begin before January 1. Completion of the best electric railroad in Oregon will bo hailed with pleasure by the people of the Willamette valley, who foresee the construction, before many years, of a system of electric roads that will connect all the principal towns in the valley from Portland to Cor vallis. Tho Oregon Klcetrio has ordered a full complement of the most mod em equipmont. Its electric loco motives are powerful ongines, and its passenger cais have all the con veniences of the latest railway coaches. It is expected that when the ainin line is completely ballasted and a regular schedule for passen ger trains adopted, the time between Portland and Salem will be very fust. Early next spring the company will begin construction of a branch line to Ilillsboro and this will be followed by construction of other branches in the valley. It is expected the next large undertaking of electric railroad builders on this coast will bo the construction of a faht passenger line between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. The Tacoma-Seattle end of this route already has one line running and aoother is about to be built. T. Coleman Dupont ot Wil mington, Delaware is president and A. C. DeQraw of New York is rep resentative of eastern capitalists who are backing the Tacoma-Seattle Short Line, an electric railway company just incorporated with a capital of $G,000,000, to build an electric railroad between Tacoma and Seattle, ou a route that will be six miles shorter than the preseut lino operated by the Stone & Web ster syndioate. Most of the right of way has been secured and it is expected to INDIAN HANGS HIMSELF Enoch Andrew Spores, an Indian Well Known in This City. Hangs Himself. Dollas, Or., Nov, 23,-Knoch Androw Spores, imprisoned in the county jail in this city, under ac cusation of having murdered his wife, Adaliuo Spores, committed suicide last night by hanging him self from a steol bar in the corridor in front of his cell. The body was found and cut down by Sheriff J. M. Grant, when he went to take the prisoner his breakfast, early this morning. Spores hnd improvised a rope from bis handkerchief and a pair of leather shoe strings, climbed up on a chair to fusten it to the bar, and then kicked away the chair. Two letters were found written by the suicide upon scraps of paper picked up in his cell, but in neither did ho definitely declare his guilt, although he indirectly admitted that he might have slain the woman while ho was intoxicated. The shorter letter, addressed to Jake Fearn, Anlanf, Oregon, runs ns follows: Dallas, Oregon. Nov. 22, 1907. , I n in going to hung myself here In this .Tail r.ecaiiHO I ant going to worry is my bent fi-l4id she linn left mo hrr deat h came flrt and my death ending IuhI Coil bo with you tell we meet iitfun we have made our promise never to part and we will never. 1 Imve loved her In my true heart. I have mo fat her nor mother nor broth er or ulHHer, ho I nm better of than spc another day will not think of her no more. Keinlieranen ot my last describing tli In will be In to think how I meeting my temptation, flood by. To Jake Fearn, anlanf Ore Pease neiul it. to him. Enoch Andrew Spores Horn Cottage Orovo Ore Sept 20, 1SS0 C n'elook 1'. M . Tho second letter contained a rambling aud disconnected story of his wife's death in which he says that he doos not remember fighting with her although she abused hint all night. He said he had land allotment near Cottage Grove, con sisting of 4S0 acres. This he de sired to have divided between Polk Scott, of Grand Ronde and Jake Fearn, of Anlauf. Spores was a man of fine physical development. lie wan usually of a quiet and peaceable disposition ex cept when intoxicated. lie was comparatively well educated, having been for some time a student at the Chemawa Indian school. He was writing the two letters when Deputy Sheriff John Hiohter carried his supper to him, but Mr. Richter paid no attention to the fact and had no suspicion of the prisoner's intention. Advertising Lane County. . W. J. Gibson, who recently ar rived from Greenwood county, Kansas, with his family to make his home, is so well pleased with pane's productiveness that he has sent back by express three ship ments of roses, flowers, fruit and vegetables to his old-time triends just to show them what we can pro duce here in Oregon. Mr. Gibson says he will send a shipment of roses in January as a remainder of the equity of our climatic condi tions. Register. have the line completed next year. It is not likely that electrio railroad men will much longer permit to lie fallow the rich opportunity for a profitable electric railroad connect ing the three big cities of Portland. Tacoma and Seattle, and serving a population of not loss than 600,000 people. THE LADIES Will OUT Committee Holds Success ful Meeting A Rising Vote of Thanks is Given the Ladies' Club for the Interest They Had Taken in Bringing the Matter Before the Citizens The public meeting and enter tainment planned by the Civic Im provement committee of the Ladies' Club and held in the armory Wednesday evening for the purpose of agitating and discussing the question of cleoning up the city, was one of the most successful meetings ever held here. The citi zens, showing their appreciation and approval of the ladies' efforts, crowded the armory until there was scarcely standing room. Mrs. Mae Thompson, chairman of the committee, called the meet ing to order. After a cornet solo by Chas. Coch ran, Attorney J. S. Medley second ed the popular move of the ladies in a stirring address. Miss Maud Blair made the armory ring by Biug ing a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Ezzie Chase of San Francisco at the piano. Frank Phillips, D. J. Du Bruille and D M. C. Gault ans wered to their turn on the pro gram with enthusiastic "sweeping" addresses- The Cottage Grove Quartette favored the audience with one of their best, after which Mayor Jones, Councilman Comer and City Health Officer Dr, W. W. Oglesby pledged their support to the movement. Mayor Jones said the city was not filthy, but; he would furnish a wagon to haul off all the dirt that could be scraped up, while Dr. Og. lesby Baid there was room for im provement, both for sanitary rea sons and the attractiveness of the city. Every Friday was chosen as "clean up" day, when the people are expected to clean up around their premises, the business men in front of their stores and in the back yards and alleys. On motion a committee of five from each ward was appointed by the chairman, consisting of: first ward, Hon. R. M. Veatch, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Her bert Eakin, Dr. B. R. Job, Mrs. DeSpain; second ward, Oliver Veatch, Mrs. C. P. Jones, Mrs. William Hart, Ben Lurch and P. D. Wheeler; third ward, H. Met- calf, M. C. H. Burkholder, H. O. Thompson, Fingal Hinds and Mrs. Marion Veatch, who wm nave sup ervision over their respective wards. For the best work the Ladies' Club will give a handsome prize. Officers Elected Last Tuesday evening St. Valen tine's Circle W. O. W. elected offi cers for the ensuing term as follows: Past Guardian, Mrs. J. 0. John 000; Guardian, Mrs. F. H. Rosen berg; Advisor, Mrs. Thos. Jenkins; Magician, Mrs. Marion Veatch; Clerk, Mrs. F. C. Coffin an, Banker, Mrs. Eva Hemenway; Attendant, Mrs. Etta Frey; Capt. of Guard, Mrs. 0. H. Van, Denberg; Inside Guard. F. II. Rosenberg; Outside Guard, Mrs, Ross King; Musician, Miss Eunice Van Denberg. ' After the business session was over a social session was held aud refreshments served. OUR NATIONAL FORESTS Wnat They Mean. What They Are Tor And How to Use Them In I89I Congress authorized the President to establish forest reserves (now called National Forests), and President Harrison created the first one the Yellowstone that same year. Congress took this action because the forests of the great mountain ranges in the West were being de stroyed vory rapidly by fire and reckless cutting. It was realized that uuleus something was done to protect them, the timber resources ot the country and the many ipdus tries dependent upon the forest would be badly crippled. So the law aimed to save the timber for the use of the people, and to hold the mountain forests as great sponges to give out steady flows of water for uhc in the fertile valleys below. At the start there was much op position to the forests. Often this opposition was just; for although Congress had set apart the lands and their resources it bad made no provision for their use or their pro tection. TLe timber was simply locked up and left to burn. This mistake was remedied in 1897, when a law was passed which made it possible to use all the resources and give them suitable protection. HOW THEY ARE MADE. At first a great many of the Na tional Forests were made without knowing exactly where the bound ary lines should run. This was un fortunate; because some agricultur al lands which should have - been excluded were taken in, and a good deal of timber land which should have been included was left out. This could have been avoided by making examinations on the ground but there was no money for the work, aud so the boundaries bad to be drawn very roughly. Since I900, however, men and money have been available for field examinations and rough and inac curate work has been done away with entirely. The old and care lessly made National Forests have beeu surveyed and mapped and the President has put back into the public domain those lauds which should not have been included. Now, before new forests or addi tions to old ones are made, all the lands are examined on the ground. The greatest care is used in this work. Every section of land is examined, mapped and described, and the boundaries are drawn to exclude, as far as possible, every thing which does not properly be long in a National forest. Two very detailed maps are made. One shows just what is growing on the laud, the other shows who owns or claims the laud. Every bit of cul tivated land is located aud mapped, as well as the land which is suited to cultivation but which i9 not cul tivated at present. Men trained under western conditions are em ployed in the work. They report very thoroughly about all matters, such as the importance of the forest to regulate the water flow, its pres ent and future valley in supplying the local demand for timber, and how the creation of a National Forest would affect all the local in dustries of the region; especially, how it would affect the home build er. Before any new National Forest is made it is known jtiBt why it should be made, just what effect it will have, aud just where it should be located. There are now about 14 5, 000,000 acres of National Forests in the United States aud about 5,000,000 acres more iu Alaska and Porto Oregon Society Sons of American Revolution. The Oregon Socity of the Sons of the American Revolution offers prizes to tire pupils of the public schools of the state of Oregon, for essays ob subjects connected with our War for Independence. Prizes of $20, $15, $10 and $5 will be awarded for the.'first, second, third and fourth best essays written on any bf the following subjects: 1. Washington the Great Lead er, i 2. The Flag of the United States. 3. The Boston Tea Party. 4. The Treason of Benedict Ar nold. The essays are limited to three thousand words each, must be written in the student's own hand writing on one side only of the paper, and accompanied by a certi ficate of the writer's teacher, stat ing that the writer is a pupil in a designated class, and that the teacher believes the essay to be the pupil's own unaided work. The essays must be signed by the writ er, giving also his or her postoffice address. They should be forward ed to Mr. R. I. Eckerson, Chairman of committee, Room 5, Washingt on building. Portland, Oregon and should reach their destination not later than March 31, 1908. In awarding these prizes the com mittee will be governed by consid erations of: 1. Originality. 2. Accuracy of Statement. 3. Manner of Treatment- 4. Orthography, Syntax and Punctuation. These prizes are offered to en? courage love of our country and the study of its history. Any additional information which may be desired will be cheerfully furnished ou application to the Chairman of tho Committee. Charles. H Carey, B. B. Bekkman, R. I. Ei'KERSON, Committee. Rico. The list in the Appendix shows where they are located and what they are called. WHAT THftY MEAN. One of the unfortunate things in many of the discussions about Na tional Forests is that the facts con cerning tbem are sometimes mis taken or misrepresented. This is because their real working is not understood. For example, a com mon argument used by those who oppose them is that when a Na tional Forest is made all the re sources of the region are at once locked up, Industry checked, settle ment prohibited, and future growrh made impossible or very difficult. Since a National Forest really does noue ot these things, but works just the other way, it is well to have a thorough understanding of what the actual effect is. Before a National Forest is made we have a forest-covered area of public mountain land upon which the various land, laws apply. These open lands may be taken up and patented under the timber and stone act, under all the mineral laws, and possibly some of them under the homestead law, if they are suitable for cultivation.- Under whatever law it is taken up, the land and all its resources pass out of the bands of the people forever. Consider now what happens when this open public domaiu is declared a Na tional Forest. It comes put up In a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to the soreness and inflamatlon, for any form of Flies. It soothes end relieves pain, itching and burniug. Man Zan Pile Itemedy. Price 60 cents. Guar aiiteed. Sold by New Era Drug Store. TEMPERANCE JEM Held at the Methodist Church Last Sunday Churches Unite in Service Sermon Preached by Rev. Zimmerman, a Former Pastor of the Methodist Church of This City. The Anti-Saloon League held a routing service on last Sunday evening. The Presbyterian and Christian churches united with the Methodist people in a union service at the Methodist church. Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, a former pastor of the Methodist church of Cottage Grove, but now the field agent of the Anti-Saloon League, was invited to be present and pre sent the cause of the league. The large audience filled the church and seemed to be iu full sympathy with the work that the league is doing. Mr. Zimmerman made a strong address against the saloon. He gave the reasons that are usually given by the defenders of the sa- jloon. why we should have licensed saloons and then answered them so effectually that no honest man could bit fooled into the belief that prohibition does not -lessen tho. evil done by the saloon or that the rev enue derived from license is any thing but the "drop of blood, squeezed out of the leech that has just filled itself from our blood and we swallowing the blood expect to live and grow fat on it." He spoke of the tidal wave of prohibition that is sweeplug over the United States at the present time. One state after another adopting prohibition aud other states increasing in dry territory through local option until over one half of the territory of the United States is "dry" and over thirty mil lion of the inhabitants of the United States live where the saloon has no legal existence. He ex pressed the belief that an increas ing number of people join in, that the day is uot far distaut when the legalized saloon will not exist in Oregon or the Uuited States. The outlook has never been so bright as at the present. The tem perance forces have faith in the out come and they showed their faith in the Anti-Saloon League by sub scribing ninety dollars to forward the work of temperance in the state of Oregon. King Alcohol may well tremble. A revolution is on. He will be deposed from his throue in American politics. He will be outed from behind the bulworks of "legalized by law." He will be forced out of his hiding places in back rooms. He will be slain. Thanksgiving Ball Company E of this city will give a grand ball at the armory Thanks giving night, music will be fur nished by Nelson's orchestra and everything possible is beiug done to make this one of the best parties ever given in Cottage Grove. The Grand March will take place at nine o'clock and dancing will continue until one with an intermission at midnight for supper which will be served by the ladies committee ia the gun room. ' The armory will be beautifully decorated, the floor put in first-class condition and the company will ap . . pear in dress uniiorm,