Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 20, 1907, Image 4

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mills cast of lie mountains tcvlay
brought similar notion in the United
States circuit court at Portlaud to
enjoin the O. R. fc N. company
from increasing the eastboond rte.
They filed a petition of interTen
ion before Judge Wolverton, who
granted n temporary injunction,
pending the hearing before the in
terstate commerce commission De
cember 11.
The. petitioners are the George
Palmer Lumber company, Grand
Ronile Lumber company, Stoddard
Pros. Lumber company, Shockley
iV MeMurron Lumber company,
Goodnough Mercantile A Stock
company, Summerville Lumber com
pany. Wisconsin-Oregon Lumber
The petitioners are represented
by H. M. Stephens, of Spokane, an
attorney who was active in bebalf
of Spokane in the celebrated "Spo
kane rate case" heard in Portland
by the interstate commerce commis
sion some months ago.
Among other charges set forth in
the bill are that the defendants have
arbitrarily and by confederation
and conspiracy between them pur
ported tc fix and establish unreason
able and unjust rates upon inter
state commerce of Oregon. The
interveners also allege that the ex
isting rates on forest products have
been advanced from 3 to 12i cenn
and that the railroads have concert
ed with each other to advance the
rates on lumber.
The charge is also made that au
agreement exists between the Hill
interests and those of the Harriman
lines whereby neither road will in
vade the territory of the other and
that the rates which went into ef
feet November 1 were the result.
Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us
Strong and Healthy.
AH the blood In the body pusses
through the kidneys once every three
minutes. The kidneys niter the bioou.
They work nichta and day. When
healthy they remove about 500 grains
or impure matter dally, when un
healthy some part of this impute
matter is left 111 the blond. 1 bis
bring!" on many diseases and symp
toms pain in the bark, headache,
nervousness, hot, dry skin, rheuma
tism, gout, gravel, disorders of the
eyesight and hearing, dizziness, ir
regular heart, debility, drowsiness,
dropsy, depodta in the urine, etc. But
if you keep the filters right you will
have no trouble with your kidneys,
Philip Ilohl, blacksmith, living on
the west side. Cottage Grove. Ore.,
says: ''Iran recommend Dean's Kid
ney Pills as being a reliable kidney
remedy, and nil that it is represented
to be. i had heard so much about
this medicine that when my son con
tracted kidney disease I advised him
to ust) Doan's Kidney Pills. He did
so, procuring them at the Ueuson
Pharmacy, and since lie used this
remedy he la better in every way and
all signs of kidney disease has left
him. I know of many others who
have used Donn'a Kidney Pills with
the most satisfactory results and 1
have no hesitancy in recommending
a remedv of such great merit as Dotin's
Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price r0e.
Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, New
York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan.s and
take no other.
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Payette, N. V
who lotft a foot at (icttysburg, writes
"Flectrie Bitters have done ine more
good than any medicine J ever took.
Por several years I had stomach
trouble and paid out much money for
medicine to little purpose, until 1 be
gau taking Flectrie Bitters. I would
not lake f",0O for what they have done
for me. Grand tonic for the aged
and for female weaknesses. Great
alternative and bodv builder: best of
all for lame back and weak kidneys.
Guaranteed by Benson's Pharmacy.
Goto ilogute, the. city drayman,
for a careful transfer of your house
hold effects.
Three head of good work horses
weigh 11 "id to 11100 pounds. Price $125
each. Would tuke a good milk row
as part payment. O. F. Si.aui.k,
Wlldwood P. O. Phono Red Bridge Bo-
hernia mill line.
30 days' treatment for $1.00.
t , guaranteed or money
A Thanksgiving Appeal
have co-operated with the Society
so Jar as to say that they will dead- j
head all supplies ecnt to them from
any source during Thanksgiving.
Therefore, it is hoped that this city
and county will at least do their
shara for the good ot the littlo ones
who a.-e depetident on charity for
For Legal Blanks Nugget Office.
At the Churches
Methodist Fplseopnl Church, Rev.
S. M. Nlckle. Pastor. Preaching
services nt 11 a. m. and 7::.0 p.
m. Sunday School. 10 a. 111.,
Kpworth Ix-ague, tiSH) p. in.. Braver
meeting Thursday evening at 7:.'!0.
All are cordially invited to bo present
Christian hcieuce services held
over Allison's Barber shop rvm
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
ri,ri.;o.. ni,,i, r?. w
pn-ino s0,; f n ,
the mornins and 7.30 in the even-!
ir.rr v i s r if n i ;
6:3o p. m. Sunday school at lo :
o'clock, Intermediate Kndeavor
Society at 2:30 and Choir practice :
every Saturday evening at 7.30. !
First Fresbyterian Church, Pastor ;
Rev. H. L. Nave; Morniug service, !
11, eveuing S, Y. P. S. C. K. 7 p, ;
m. All strangers and sojourners 1
Catholic Church Mass every
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
Vespers and Benediction at 7 o'clock
p. m.
Rev. Father Fitzpatriek, pastor.
9 :"' I
9 Room 1-1 New ChrlsminBk. Enecnc, Or. v !
5-r)'rVriV.:,rsV.-'V.V.l.f I
- W rmfmrnt
RosMI n m anil , , .
Must (LsMhtltky tnatbod). Art; Compleis
ea4mio Coom; spsclal Inducements. For
lfcnziliosi addraaa autar Supartor.
I Miners' Svipplies
General Merchandise.
Tullar & Powell, Proprs.
TT li U1
The Hodge Jigs ivc a pericct separation
of Zinc-I,ead-Ores
1634 Blake'St.
For Sale by New Era Drug Store.
(Ptices quoted arc retail.)
' . . '
P.utter, creamery, lb
Putter fat
Onions, cwt.
Apples, bushel, according to
Chittem bark, old
Hides, green
Salt hides, dry
Cabbage, cwt
Turnips, cwt
Carrots', cwt
Parsnips, cwt
n w, UNA IN, KTO
(Retail prices are quoted)
Wheat, bushel fo.90
Wheat and vetch, chopped
Oats, bushel
J "ran, ton
clean wheat chop, ton
,ylt nn,i V(.t,, chormed. ton js 00
Mixed, ton $24.00
I shorts, ton $28.00
Flour, valley, cwt $2.20
I Flour (hard wheat, cwt $2.60
Rolled bailey, per (idb sack
Rolled barley, standard, sack $1.00
1 In v, baled, ton fi.l.oo
i.ivk stock markf.T
ycft ti,rss,d:
6 to 7c
Hogs dressed
Cottage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
Surplus .-1 1 1 1 1 Fndivided I'rolits.
Money to loan on approved security
Exchanges sold, available any
place in the United States
fretlilcm, Cashier
For Mining IllunUs Nunet OHice.
The First Natiooal Bank J
1 1
tC K G O V.
the Kidneys, Bladder
Lodge Directory.
RKHKhAIIS CoUnwe drove, No.
SI, Meeting Int. :trd. and .Mil. 111
dny ot every iuontli,
lI l'TA IUkr:n, N. (1,
KAT1K P. VlCATiil, S(H
mid Ith Wrduemlay of encli niontli.
Man Mary l'UMilt. Ouai i.i:.
Mum. V. V., Ibe.
W. O. W. Holieinia rump. No. UtMi,
Meets every Prldiiy evening.
I,. V. IUku ('i)imnl Cum.
Chan. V.n)i:m(i no, t'lerk.
K O. T. M.-rnxcade Camp No. :V.O
Meets every ThurMdav nluht.
O. II. Y'i;.vmt, Coin.
It. K .IIkvmm, Cooler.
I. O. O. F. Pottntre lirove. No. W,
Meet every Saturday ulnlit.
. iKo. CoMi:ii, N. l.
M. W. of A. MeetiiiKM 1st anil :iid
Monday in eacb inontli,
A. S. I'OWKI.I., I'ollHIll.
C. V. W.M i.Acn, Clerk.
M. B. A. Modern Itrotberhood of
America. Meet tbe '.'d and -4 til 'rues
day or each month nt I.O.O.P. Hull.
T, V . .1 kski.nh Sec.
W. 0. W. St. Valentino Circle I JI.
MeetH iHt und .'Ird TneMdn v in each
month in W. O, W. Hall.
Pioua J. Mu. l. Kit, Clerk.
Forester of America Mvt every
Mondav ovenuur.
V. V. Col FM AN, C. P.
Hkn SaM'okh, .H.
A. F, & A. M. Cottage ilrovo, N".
.11. Meetings iHt ami :ir I Wednes
day of each niiinl h.
Oi.ivkk Vkatcii, W. M.
D. K., Htr.
G. A. R. Apponmtax Tost No 31,
Meets ntl p. in., on the I'd and 1th
Saturlay of each inonlh.
)u I). L. Wooiw, I', C.
O. V. Kkysoi.hs, A.IJ.
L, O. T. M. Lady Lanison Hive, No
41'. Meets 2d Jind 4ih Friday of
each mouth.
Mas M.Uiv Scmim r., L. C,
Miss Lkta Sankokk, It, K,
O E, S.CottaK'e (irove llhapl. r No
4. Meetings held on 2d and Ith Fri
day of each month.
Mhs. Ko.MKNiii m;, W. M.
T. C. Wiikki.kii. W. P.
Mun. Mai ik Wmeki.kk. See.
W. R. C Appomattox W, It, ( No.
12, Meets at 1 p. in. on the 2d and
4th Saturday of each month.
M.wtY Dii'KKY, Prep.
K, Jknnii: Wooiih, See.
K. of P. .Invent us Lodge No, 4
Meets every Wednesday nlht.
S. It. Pii ciJ C. C
Ciias. VanIiknP.kik;. K.of K. & S.
roTTAii-: cutovi:
ii i i in
d nril VuniTiinilim
J I 1 1 IV III I :i I .1
All die latesltreatmentH.
Electrical i
Kor further particulars adtlresn
I ir. ii. c. sciili:kf.
Repairing at reasonable rdarges.
All work Kuarauteed llrnt-('lai.
Watches, Clocks anil Jewelry at Lowest 1'rlco
J. S. Medley. .1. C. JohiiHon
Medley Johnson,
AttorneyH-ut-ln w
Office. Suite .'t Il'inc ISM.
Special attention given to Mining
and corporation i.nw.
Olllce on Main street, Went Bhle
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone lending a iketrh and dnortptton may
qulklT aatwrtHin our opinion free wheiliar au
liiveutiou In prnhably pAtuiitfthlo. Vniiuuiilc.
lioiti ttirictlyroiidtleiitful. HANDBOOK on Paiuul
fent fruH. tXJeit auunoy fur ucuriiitf patent.
I'utBiita takuii througb Muuu & Co. rvctilvc
tptriai notice, without charge, lu the
Scientific Jltitcrican.
A handsomelf llltutratetl weekly l.anrest olr
culutlun of any auiuuilUo luurnal. Turuiit, H
year; four iiioniDi, m Bold Ujr all nawadoaltira.
ilraucb Omim, m V tit. WasLlunluu, I).
1 1 1 1 . .1 1 1 1 I A I I 1 1 1 1 1
Restninlion lo EiiIi y of Lands in Na-
tinnnl Toicst.
Notice in lierchv clven that the
InndH desci'lhcd Im'Iow , enil'iaclnu,' h
nciea within tln t'nHcudc National
Forewt, tire., will l' Mihicet. to net I le
nient ami eiitrv iiiulcrthe piovlNioiiM
of the lii)iiieMli-nd lawn of I he I 'idled
State-) nnd the act of .lime II, I'.MKl
CM Slut.. j:l:i),iil the l ulled SImIcm
.illld olllce n( liiixclmi'i;, On u'oll, nil
Sept. Iii, Iii7. Any nctller who waa
actinilly nnd In i;hoi In It Ii i lalniinn
any of Hit land fr nuricnll mid pur
pnncH pi lor to .1 .iiiii.ii y I, I'Mii; nnd him
not nliitidoiiid ; iiiiii', Ii.ih a prefer
enco rlj;ht to nuiKc a liniueKtciul entry
for the l.iihli net n ally occupied.
Said lands wi re lifted upon the nppll
cntloiH of the pei :oiim menl loned he-
low, who haen prelci enee ilnlit mill
Ji'ct to the pilnr ilclit of iinv Nilch
Hct tier. il'o idi'il Hlieh M't I lei or nppll
cant Is qn ililied to inal.c home-iteinl
entry nnd the preference rl:;ht H ' -erciced
pi lor lo Si-pt. M. I'.'O", on
which dale tin' l.nnN will he miliject
to Hcttli-int'iit mill entry hy any ipiul
llieil pei'Noni. I lie lands hit us fol
lows; Sl;i,,,f NW',, S.C. -.'ii, T '.'I S,
It. ;l 1'.. W. M , h i. '.I upon the nppll
cation of .liu Y. Mill. ,t 1 1 iP l.ll.
Oregon, l-'in n lKsi r, Act hn;- i 'oiu
llllssiiilier of the I telle I'll I I ,alnl Mill e
,'piue. .Ii I",, I'm;. .H n: I:
W II son , Act ini- Srcrclnry i'f the In
terior .
Mil'it'M of I'l'i.iCA'i loN l ol;
I . S. IWI I : NT.
M. A. No. iT i. Mineiiil Survey No.
I n,l I Stales I .umI Olllce,
Koselml e,, I he., fell. 7, I!HI7.
Notice Is heivli.v yivcn that In pur
Miianee of t'lui pier (!, Title :!J of the
Kevlfed Sliitiiles of the I lilted Stales,
Allieiton Wnod whose post olllce lid
dress is t'ot tn;je ( i roc. I .a ne ( niint y,
Oregon, has made Ion fur f .
S- Patent for ruu linear feel id the
Arllnu'ton lode. Miir. No. MIT hearni','
Jiold nnd siUe. , the anie li iii;; N 'l
ili'K. ol mill. W .i .U and S-JI dei;
:!1 lulu f , li.'ill feet 1 1- 1 1 tin- discovery
cut t hereon w it Ii stn l n e I'lound mm
feci In width. Situated lutheS'. or
Section I I su ipended T S I; I I .
of the Will iniel le M, 1 1 lian in the I'.o
heinia Mlniii': lii-trlel. I 'oiudas foiiu
t.V, ("recoil, .iliil iei"-il,,., ,y Mill of-
lieial plat heii " . ,Mi'.cd and hv I he
Held notes on tile in the otliee nf the
I : o i ler of i he I mteil Stales I, and
otliee a t fo-i lull :;,( liei ill, us follows,
to-Wil .
l'.cnliihiiie; at Cm .i I Whence:
the I' S M , No I. elal.llshed In Sin
No SI heai s N 77 de;.' :is mill ::u sec W
7 I'M .7. feet .
The S i: for Sec II suspended! T L'-'l
S It I f. of Wlll.iini t le Meinllali hears
s i.o dey lulu ::u see f :!:',.",ii.::u feet.
Tlienee S Ii i dei; L" mill W 1'iilU fi el
to ("or No .
Thence S L'l de.; .".I mill f. l.rilMlfei t (o
Cor No :i.
Thence N li'i dee; inin '. mki Teel
lo Cor No I.
Thence N '1 dee;"! mill W I'.iiU liet
to Cor No I . I he place of hi i lining'
Variation JU f n .'!u iiiiii f , eoiitain
llljf I'.l.r acres, eclusie of eolillict
wil h Sill' No .77-' I I et roil lode. The
adjoining t 1 : i i 1 1 1 are the nliove eelu.
ed others ifiiny unltnow n.
The notice of nine nded loent i. m of
said Arlington lode Is on record in
the ullii'c of I he Kei ..iili i of iini;;la-i
Coll lily, at le i-.e Ian . Oregon. Hunk 'i.
I'iijfe .V'i; of Minim.; l,'eeo,d '
Any nnd nil per ons i laimiti;; ml.
versely the mlmn jroiind an I prem
ises or any poilion theieof de
M'rilieil and applied l e are h-nliy
unfilled that uiiV-s lleii advi'ise
claims are duly hied iieeoid n. ' to I ns
and the ie;; .il 1 1 1 .ii . he, e'l i.di i . w 1 1 li
ill the lime pi si'i'dii .1 . law . with
the feuister ol t he I mled Slates
1iilld Olllce :il;'. Oii'mni,
tllCV Will he li.ll led 1 1 V Vil'Mle ol the
pl'iivisious i it said I it ill.'
l'l N I A Mis I,. 1 . 1 M i . Ccnf ter.
no'I i i : I'm: it i:i,ic.tio.v
I lepai I men I of I ,! I i n ,r,
l.UIld ( Mliee at Co el,inu., Ilp.,..,in,
Auuu t :;l-l . I'i7
Not ice is her' lo ei en hat
.I'A'on. l:.i:i.
of , Star, Orennu. 1 1 ; I liled notice
of his lllleli I ion lo male live
year proof in support ol his claim,
viz: lloiueslead fulr No. 1 1.77a made
May It), PlUJfor ihe K' . of Section
1"J, 'Township L'l South, Kaiic'..' West
mid that, said proof w in he made be
fore the Kejdsler and Receiver 111
Roi'chiiru. Oregon on I'riil.iy, Novem
ber L'l', pinr.
He liaines the folio w inii' v i I iiesses
lo prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of Ihe land
S. 11. Vaughn of Rosehui'n', ' M'ciron;
E. I. .lones of Slur, Oregon; Miles
Pitcher of Star, (ineon;.). Redlord
of Dolena, Oreooii.
I'.DN.UMIN Ii. fnliv, Register,
beautifully illustrated, good italics
and aaiclrs about California
and all the far West.
monthly publication drvoted
to the farming interests ol the
a bouk of 75 psges, containing
120 colored photographs of tQ
pictiiresrjue spots in California '
Totfl . . . $2.75
All for $1.50
Cut out this advcrti-rmrnl
and sead with $1.50 to
Horses for Sale.
Five httiid Knod woi l, horses for Hide.
S. K, HiiHlek nt Ihe liurnelt ilaeo
lien r liolicinia.
LMML nuilkl.,1,
N( ) TI(!'foFAT'i'l. lOATtt N FOR V.
f idled Hlntea Land Olllce, RoMehurK,
Oregon, Mltiernl Application
No. I7tl, Ailirmt II. 11107.
Notice Is hereby idven that Ktar
('otiKolldnled Mlninrt (Nmipnuv, it
corporal Inn of Portland, Oregon, Iuim
Hindi) appiicntion ror n patent mr inn
Star Consolldaled Hioup liodc Mln-
ItiU' cliilum, compi ImIiu the (.lover,
Idaek. traveller, Melcnu, Ooldeii
Star, Slur fxteii' lon; I ni'y l.nst
t'luinee, Nlchoilenni'i, tonan.ii, Hart
ley, Unfiles. Ruiitler nnd SmnKler
lode", Minuted in I '. 1 ii -it 1 1 ik MlullIK
I'lidrlct, I. line county, Slnte i f Ore
Koll, with i III (ace nioiind, IH de
Herllied l.v the o!!!rlnl plat, hen Willi
po l"d i,ij hy Iheliel.l notet on llhl
in the olllce' of the Register of tlm
Rosehul'i; .and I ifl rlet , Oregon , .
S. No. iilii , ns follows :
iilovcr liotlc- lieninninn' nt corner
No. I, w hence Ihe f, mcc. cor, see. '21,
T L' N R I w In- S ss ilerf 7 mln w,
7us,".S!l(t; I hence S 71 de;?. !, I mln f.
I inn It ; theme N :!L' dee. llu mln. C.
r.l'.i in It: thence N 71 ileK'. m niin. w
I'hhi ft: thence S .T' dei. ;ln nun. w,
Id'.) hilt, to the p lace of heclnuitic,.
I'.lm k 'I'liivcller l.ode lieulnnlnn at
Col'. No I. whence Ihe F t, iec col',
see. L'lTL':!, S R 1 W bl' i S '! dc. lit
mln. sec. W slu,",. til II; IhenceSlW
leiv. M mln. In nee. I", I ns.r.rf ; thence
N ':: dec. 1 1 lillll feci; I hence N till de.
il mill. Ill sec. I I! is. I i."i ft ; thence S.
L' lihr. W lint l fl o the place of he-
Li II 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
Mecnii Lode--lleulniiin at cor,
No, I , hence I he f, I , see. cor. sec.
L'l, T L':i. S R I W brs H v deit. r,:i mln.
:.'U rv. V, Ollli'i.s.'l fl; I hence S II,", ilcjr.
.".smin. f H'.i7fl.; t hence N LM de. V.
lillll feet ; thence N ti.i ih'K. :is mill. W
I I'.l7 fl ; thence S. '.'.'I dee;. tjuu fl, to
the place of hei;llinin.
tiohlell Kill' l.ode l!ci;iimlui at
cor. No. I, whence the F1, cc. cor.
see. '.',, T L'.I.S.R. I XV S. Miih u. UH
mln. : nee. X'!l7ii.!l-I (t ; t hence S . ti.'i
de.?. :is mln. F Il'.i7 fl: thence N L';l den
I '. L'.'iS III ft ; I hence N l'l de;. .1 mill. XV
-' . ."i . : I It ; thence N ."ii di'K. r,s mill. ".0
, XX' III I ."ill ft; theme S L'l dee-. W.
."i7n ft. lothe place of beclniilut'.
Star i:tensluii l.ode HeifinniiiH; tit
cor. No. I, whence the F sec. cor.
see. L'l, T L'.'IS. R. 1 XX In-. S S'J dcL,'.
'II niin. XV s:ill.t :t.'i It, I In tiec S till dey;.
a mill. In sec F I", ft ; thence N.
L':i, den-. I) r,7U II ; theliei- N lis dec;, t",
null. .'HI sec. XV. Ilil7.ll fl ; I hence S. L'.'l
ileo. W lillll ft; to the place of heirlll-
Oalsy l.odc - l!i ulnniiiK at cor. No,
I. whene the N i or. see. L'l, T LM, S.
II. 1 XX N s:l ,1,.!,. :i nun. all see. XV
'Isli.'il fl. thelice S .",' iIck;. r,7 mill. F,
I I'.l'l.nii ft; I hence N IL' dcir. F tHK) ft;
I hence N ."odeu. ,"i7 mm. XV, 1 Ivii.tM! ft ;
then, e S IL' di l'. XV. liUU It. to the placo
ot feoiniilli);. ('hence Fodc Renilllilnu nt
cor. No. I. whence f. S. I,. M. .No.
cnI dilf lied in survey No. li'JI, I'.ohtoti
( 'o!!:;,,iii,ilei (irmip Ills. N, s den.
II mill. 10 sec. F tisii.'l.l.. ft; thenco K
I'.' dcir. Wtillllft; thence H, 111 deff. i"
mln. F ll'.is ft; thence N IJ dee;, f
i.Uii ft; I hence N III x. ." mln. XV I pis..
II ft., to the ilace of heninnliie;.
NlehodemuH l.ode I'.cniniiinn lit
cor. No. 1, whence N cor. Sec. L'l, 'I'
L' . S. R. I XV la ... N SL' ilet. .'IL' mill. Ltl
sec. XV t.sii7.::i fi;tl N s tU'g. t'i
iuin. Us"c. ft; IhcnceNfi
ill':!, fi niin !; cull ft ; thence S, s (
IL' mill. In sec. XV IHil.SOrt; thence S.
.". dej;. I" min. w i.uu fl. to tin-place ol
lio. iuza Fode - l!ee;ini'inu' cur.
No. I, whence the N l-i cor. Sec. L'l, T
J :. S. R. I W. Ins. N s deu. I.', nun. 10
-ee. XX , s:i:tL' L'7 II: I hence S. sj dcir. L'7
mill. F, f ull It; Iheime N a ih'i. 4.1
min. I : liUU ft . t helice N S2 dee;. L'7 mln.
XX lot II I fl. taellee S. .", dee,. If, mill. XV
liUU f I ; to I he place . f III'; I ii 111 iil'.
Ilaitlev l.ode- r.iv'illlilln.. lit cor.
No. I. lleliee the N K cor. see. L'l, T
L'-l. S. R. I W. In-. S s7 45 mln. 'J
M C. W s:: 1 1.77 I ; thelieeS. r,7 dep;. 27
mil: F lL'!lU,::u It ; thenee L'l) dcp;. 10
nun it ; Hici N .'.7 i let- L'7 min. W,
lL'tlU..lil ft ; t telice ,S. L".l den' - lilKlft.,
to I he place of liculiiliiiio.
1 1 in- Im-s l.ode-- I ii'Li ii n I nt; nt cor.
No, 1. u N I'! cur. see. L'l, T L'il,
S. R. I W Inn. N H7 .lee,-. Mi mln. V,
!H i:i.L'.: ft: thenee S f,ii dee,-, s min. K
I I'.iL'.l'J l'l , thence N ih-j. . F lilll) ft;
thence N .Mi de;; s mm. V IHC.'.lL' ft;
thenee S. L'll dee;. XV ISII0 ft., to tllO
place of lieinnhn.'.
Rustler Fodc lielnniiifr at. cor No.
I. whence N V. cor sec. L'l, T L'it, S. It.' 1
XX' Ins. S. s ,,.(., 7 niin. Id see. W.
Hii'.'I.L'ii II ; them e S. ."i7 if. 'Si mln. F
:;.iU.:;n ft; thence N L'll lie's. F ft :
thence N ;u deK. pi min. XV. RH7.79 ft;
thence S.L'II d.y. XV. a.'IL'.S ft., to tho
place of beniiiiiiii.
Sniimnler Fode licKinninn at. cor.
No. I, whence N F cor, sec. L'l, 'I' L'il,
S. R. 1, XV brs. S Mi dir. 4 niin. L'l) hcc,
W !)7IS.L'L' fl; thence S. .IT. de. S mill.
F, I IHLMl' ft; thenee N 2! ih'K. F T.M.S
II; thenee N .V. dee;. c, mjn, p) see. W. I
I IIi'l.MI l'l ; fhenen S. L'il dcir. W. lilll ) It.,
lo the place of IjchIihiIiik'-
Tot ii I net m en LTjI .77'. acres.
Any and nil persons claiming ml
verscly the iniiiitijj K't'uuml, lode,
prcuiihcH or any portion thereof so
described, surveyed and plaited and
applied for are hereby notified that
unless their nil verse claims tire duly
liled iiecordinK to hiw and the repii
liillous thereunder, xvit Iilii the tiino
prescribed by law, with the Renter
of the United Stnten Fanil Oflicu lit
RoHebiirp;, in Hie Stnte of Oregon,
they will be biirri-d by tho provisions
of the law lu such cases niiide nuil
ISi:x.UM!N F. Fimv, lten'ister.
notk;f for i'UitLl(Ivi;ioN '
Fepnrtiricnt of tlie Interior,
I.ind Olliceat RoHcburf,', Orison,
Hepteinber 5, l!lt)7.
Notice In hereby kIvoii that
llf.ltr DFNMAM
of l.oriuie, Ori'Kuii, has liled notico
of his intention to luaUe linul livo
year proof In Hiipport of his claim,
viz: Fntry No. 1I7l's mnde
June 111, liina for ihe WliNW'a'.S
F's NW',,'. Sy. HXX'K Keetloii L'O
Townshli) L'l) South, RaiiKe 4 XV., and
(hal suid jiroof will hi; madu before,
(hi) Register and Receiver lit Rose
bui'K', OfcKon, on Tuosilay, Dee. 17th
Ilo n times the following witnesses
to prove hia continuous rcHldcnc.cj
upon, nnd cultivation of the land,
MlloR Slono, of Lorane, Orejronj
(ieoi'KoO. Schneider of Forane, Ore.
Kon; Fdniund S. Addison of Lorano,
OrcKOn; Herbert M. Ioty or Forano,
Jii:..i amis' L. Fnnv, Reglstert